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_____________ is the Best Book Ever

title of book

They say a good book is one with lots of __________, and boy does _____________
​plural noun ​ book title

have lots of those. __________ by _________ was a(n) __________ and thought provoking
​book title author adjective

book. It tells the story of _____________ and their quest for the _________ ______. In
​main character adjective noun

one particularly _________ scene, __________ goes to a(n) ________ and confronts ________.
​adjective main character location person who’s a jerk

This scene was very progressive and broke a lot of social norms. __________ didn’t care that
main character

anyone judged them for ___________ a ________. Also, the scene where ___________
verb ending in ing noun main character

overcomes their fear of ________, the author used a powerful ________ and was so __________
plural noun literary device adjective

that I _____________in my pants. So buckle up your seatbelts everyone as we dive head-first

verb, past-tense

into what is arguably the best piece of literature on this earth.

On page ______ we follow ____________ who is fighting crime in a ______________

number main character color of shirt you’re wearing

________________ and our protagonist says that they are feeling _______. This was such an
type of car feeling

emotional scene as I ​ ​am sure we can all relate to what our main character is facing. The color of

the car is significant because it symbolizes ____________’s struggle to suppress their desire to
main character

__________. You see, ____________ literally cannot stop doing the previous action I mentioned
verb main character

24/7, so they turned to a life of fighting crime. Truly inspiring. I will never be able to look at

___________ the same way again. _____________’s use of the color ___________ to symbolize
plural noun author’s last name color of shirt you’re wearing
Your last name

the plight of modern-day society and was revolutionary.

This book also has its fair share of ________ and controversial​ ​moments. Like in one scene,

____________ got shot in the __________ and then they screamed, “__________”
main character body part exclamation!

Now some readers might think that having the main character in a book made for children saying

such horrid things makes him a(n) __________ ________, but these readers aren't seeing the big
adjective noun

picture. The big picture is that this book will help everyone to be a better _________ ________
adjective noun

and not the bigot they started out as. Although to be fair, I wasn’t expecting such language to be

used, so parental supervision is much advised.

In conclusion, this book was truly life-changing. If I had the choice to save ___________
big number

baby ___________ from drowning or reading this book again, I would read this book again. To
plural animal

quote ______________’s final line in the novel, “You only ______ once.” Those are words I’m
author’s last name verb

going to live by for the rest of my life. I’m going to get them​ ​tattooed on my ________. I would
body part

definitely recommend __________ to a friend. Or an enemy. Everyone should read it. I sure did.
title of book

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