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Ma ntenanc"


Adding Unit to Maintenance Agreement

ThyssenKrupp Elevator and EI County of EI Paso Juvenile Probation Department hereby amend and supplement their duly executed
and existing elevator maintenance agreement dated April 01, 2012, contract number US35286, as set forth in this addendum. This
addendum shall be made a part of the existing elevator maintenance agreement, and in the event of conflict with other terms,
conditions, purchase orders or contract documents, this addendum shall govern. All terms and conditions set forth in the existing
elevator maintenance agreement will remain in full force and effect and apply to this addendum where no conflict exists.

ThyssenKrupp Elevator will service the following units under this addendum to TCPN#R5042, Contract #US35286 in
reference to PO#I208904 for the EI Paso County Juvenile Probation Department:
• Otis Elevator #256170

The monthly charges for these services at Platinum Coverage is $239.14

This coverage will include all annual inspections (inspector fees not included). This will not include reinspections.
Preventative Maintenance Visits will be performed monthly.

Price. The price for the amended services as stated in this addendum shall be Two Hundred Thirty-Nine and 14/100 dollars
($ 239.14) per month, excluding taxes. This amount shall be added to the price of your existing elevator maintenance agreement
and shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the terms and conditions contained therein.

Term. This addendum shall become effective starting April 01, 2013 and its term shall be in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the existing elevator maintenance agreement referenced in the first paragraph herein.

Acceptance. Your acceptance of this addendum and its approval by an authorized manager of ThyssenKrupp Elevator will
constitute exclusively the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and it shall
thereafter become part of the parties' agreement. All other prior representations or agreements, whether written or verbal, will be
deemed to be merged herein and no other changes in or additions to this agreement will be recognized unless made in writing and
properly executed by both parties. Should your acceptance be in the form of a purchase order or other similar document, the
provisions of this agreement will govern, even in the event of a conflict.

This proposal is submitted for acceptance within thirty (30) days from the Date Submitted by the ThyssenKrupp Elevator
representative indicated below.

No agent or employee shall have the authority to waive or modify any of the terms of this agreement without the prior written
approval of an authorized ThyssenKrupp Elevator manager.

ThyssenKrupp Elevator
Americas Business Unit

Elevator Maintenance Agreement Addendum

TK GUA 03/09 Page 1 of 2
EI (Print
County or
By: Type
Type Title)
of Name)
of ofEI Paso
of Authorized Probation
ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation: or Type
ThyssenKrupp Name) Elevator Corporation
(Print or Type Title)
(Date Submitted)

Elevator Maintenance Agreement Assignment

TK GUA 03/09 Page 2 of 2



This agreement is between the County of EI Paso, on behalf of the EI Paso County
Juvenile Probation Department, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, ("Purchaser"), and
ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation, ("ThyssenKrupp") The following provisions are added by
agreement of the parties, To the extent that any provisions in the main body of the agreement
"Platinuni Maintenance Agreement" conflict with the provisions of this addendum, this addendum
shall control.

1) TERlIt!. The contract term is five years and will not automatically renew at the end of
five years The contract shall automatically convert to a month-to-month contract at the
then CUITentprice under the same tenDS of the original contract

2) CANCELLATION, The Purchaser may cancel this agreement with 90 days written
notice if: (1) the annual contract price increases more than 5~ioin any single year, or, (2)
there are six or more separate charges billed for Non-Covered services ("nuisance
charges") in excess of $300,00 per invoice within a 12 month billing cycle, or (3) if
Thyssen Krupp is no longer able to service any part or component of JPD's equipment
covered under this Agreement

3) NO INDEMNITY. Any rerel'ence to Purchaser ~.greeing to defend, indemnify, and hold

harmless, ThyssenKrupp Elevator is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
following: The County and JPD shall not indemnify, defend nor hold harmless
ThyssenKrupp, its employees nor its agents under this Agreement

4) ATTORNEY's FEES. Any and every reference to attorney's fees is deleted and
replaced with the following: The County and JPD shall not be assessed attorney's fees
as damages or expenses or as a penalty for breach of this contract by either party,

5) INSURANCE. The Parties acknowledge that EI Paso County is a self-insured political

subeJivision of the State of Texas and that EI Paso County's insurance obligations under
the main body of tile agreement are satisfied by EI Paso County's self..insurance EI
Paso County will not purchase additional insurance. Any and every reference to
insurance documentation or certification is wholly and fully satisfied by this addendum,

6) INTEREST, Any reference to late paYITlent interest rate or service charges is deleted
and replaced with the following: If Thyssenf\rupp does not receive a payment within 30
days after the due date; T'hyssenKrupp may charge the applicable interest rate under
the Texas Prompt Pay I-\ct, pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2251.

7) WAIVER. The Paliies acknowledge that EI Paso County retains its right to trial by jury,

8) NO UQUIDA TED DAMAGES. Any reference to Liquidated Damages is deleted in its

entirety and replaced with the toliowing:The County shall not be assessed liquidated
damages as a penalty TOt' breach of this contract by either paliy
J:\GC\WPROCESS\CONTRACT\20 12\K12185 .IPD ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance AgrEement f\ddemjuln.doc
acknowledges that the County of EI Paso is a political subdivision of the State of Texas,
and as sucl, adopts its budget according to the law of the State of Texas for a period of
one year beginning on October 1sl and terminating on September 30th of each year, In
the event that the County does not intend to include sufficient funds in its next annual
budget, in any fiscal year during the term of this agreement, for the payment of its
obligations hereunder, the County may terminate this Agreement without penalty or
further payment, upon 30 days written notice to ThyssenKrupp Elevator, to be effective
on September 30111 of the then current fiscal year,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this agreement on the __

",_. day of April,


, '\. ii'
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1 \ f) '; /\".' /

By: ~ ~i./ 1\ J },~ ff ".~,,)t.;;:''"'''''''''''''

.•. ",'"

Clerk County Judge Veronica Escobar

Approv8ej as to form:

County Attorney

ThyssenKrupp ElevatOr

(n8I1'le) -"-- _

(Signor must have legal authority to bind corporation)

J:\GC\Wf'ROCr:SS\CONTR/\CT\2012\KI2185 JPD ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance Agreement Addendurn,doc

Ph'1til1um rvtaintenance Agreement
~_··,",,_.,_," •• ·~·._._.__ ·__ .•••_.~·_~.~ •• *~~ __ ~~._ •••w •• ,~ •••••••••••••~ __ • • _


Purchaser: County of EI Paso Juvenile Probation Department

6400 Delli] Drive
EI Paso, TX 79905

Location: County of EI Paso Juvenile Probation Department

6400 Delta Drive TCPN PRICING
EI Paso, TX 79905
By: ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation R5042
1477 Lomaland, Suite 0-1
EI Paso, TX 79935
fc!ephone: (915)595-0171, (915)235-7570
Fax: (866)22:5-1223
t- iV1oil: james,jasi nski@thyssenkrupp.coll1
Internet: wv,w. lhyssenhuppelevator ,corn
11"rcinaftcr refcrrrJd to as "ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation", "TflyssenKrupp Elevator', "we", "us" and "our".


'1!:ysseoKrupp Elevator agrees to rnaintain Purchaser':; elevator equipment described below in iJCcordance with this agreement.
We wrll endeavor to proVide a compre:lensive maintenance program designed to protect your investment and maximize tile
perfmrniJncc, safety, and life span of the elevator equipment to be maintained.

Equipment To Be Maintained

Building Name Unit Quantity Manufacturer Type of Unit Application of Unit Unit ID or Seriai #
Juvenilr? Probation
ESCD Hydraulic Passenger 87-87'12/3107l

Thys I<ru p Elevator

Americas Business Unit
t.r1aintenance Agreement

Preventative r~aii1tenanceJ::r:Qgrqm
We will scrvice your equipment described in this agreement on a regularly scheduled bas;s, These service visits will be performed during normal
bu,siness workin[J days and hours, which are defined as Monday through FridiJY, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (except scheduled holidays). All work
performed before or after nOrrTwibusiness working days Gnd hours sha:l be considered "Oveliime".
Thyssenl\rupp Elevator wiil perform the following services:
Q Examine your ele'Jat0r equipment for optimum operation. Our examination, lubrication and adjustment wi!1cover the following
components of your elevator c,ystem:
o Control and laneJing positioning systems
o Sinnal fixtures
o Machines, dn'les, motors, governors, sheaves, and wire ropes
o Povicr unitsj pun!;)St Vai'l8Sj and jacks .
o Ci3rand hoist way OOGroperating devices and door protection equipment
() LOiJdweighers, car frames and platforms, and counterweights
o Salet}· mechanisms
lubricate equipment for smooth and efficient performance
Adjust elevator pi:H1Sand components to maximize performance and safe operation

ThYSSt,nr~ruDpElevator 'Nil! p;ovide full coveraGe part:; repair iJnd/or replacement for ail components worn due to normal wear, unless specifically
excluded in the "items Not Covered" or "Otner Conditions" provisions herein, We rnaintain a comprehensive parts inventory 10 support our field
operations All replacemem parts used in your equlprnent 'lid! be new or refurbished to rneet the quality standards of ThyssonKrupp Elevator.
,"10stspl;;cialized paris are avai'able VJit~lin24 hours, seven days a week. We will relamp all sign<Jlsas required (during refjularly scheduled visits).

fhysscnl<rupp Elcvator performs service in accordance WIUl our 'ATitten i'1ointen<H1ceControl PfOgr;jlTl. Tills progr'am meets or exceeds any and
c;;irequirements of /\SME A 17.>~'O()·/ Code, Section [J,6, The i'1a:ntenance Control Program includes Tliy~;senKrupp Elevator's fvlainrenance
IGsks & Records documentation which shell be used to record all work performed on the equipment and :s provided with each controller, We do
not perform uny tests unless such tests are specifically listed as Included elsewhere h Thisagreemenl.

Q\,Lglffi/ ...p.,.:;$ LJIfJ,nC;f;

To help increase elevator performance and rJr;crcase downtime, our techniciiHls utilize the lalest industry methods acd technOlogy iJ'Iail~ble to us
fo.- your speCific brand o( elevator. They will be equipped with our tools, documentation and knowledge to troubleshoot your unique system, as
well as access to a comprehensive piJI1s rep,acomont inventory system.

Behind our technicians is a tearn efevoted to elevator excellence. Technicians are supported around the clcck by a tearn of en(Jineer~3
and field
support experts, Our North Americalll.echniciJI SUPPOit(aeliities conTinuously research advancements in the induslry and in your equ:pment.
1\.150,Ollr internal quality control program ensures optimum und reliable operation of your elevator equipment.

To assure that quality standards ure being rnaintc,ned, we may conduct periodic field quaiity audit surVEYS, Yeu' dedlcate:J Th\'ssenKrLPP
E1e'lo:or 'epresenlative win be available to discu$$ your elevator needs witn you in ail aspects of service and modernization, In addition. you f!1iJY
,rocolV(! rer:ommendations for upgrades that will also provide you with budget options designed to enhance the appearance, performance and
i;a'ety of 0: meet Code rOQuirements for your equipment over time.

SerVice requests arc defined as any request for dispatch of our technician to trle location of the equi~)rnent covered in this agreement from one Dr
rr;'JrG of Ine foilowin~J: you or your representativG, the building or building's represomative, emergency personnel, passengers through the
elevator's communication device and/or from VISTA I<emote Monitonng through the {rlevator's communication line. SerJice requests include
rninor arJjustments and response TOernergnncy entl'iJpments that can be accomplished in two hours or I€'ss (excluding travel time) ond do not
include regu!arly sct'cduled rnaintenance visits.

We wdl respond to service mquosts during norrn21 business working days and hours, as defined abo'/e, at no addi,ional charge.

On all ov':rtirne sOivice requests, \'Ie will absorb straight time costs for labor, and you wiil be responslb:e for the difference bet'Neen the str<iight
;,irne cost~ and overtirne costs (or jabaL Labor costs jnclude travel tirTlej 1ra\lel Qxpenses, and tirrH3 spent on thf.~job, Overtime ~)HrviCf:
are perfonm:c before or after normal busim:ss working days and [lours,

VIEW is ThyssnnKrupp Elevator's custorne oriented, onlin;: se!','icn actrvity reportrng system. ViEW allows building owners and managers to
rnonrtor our maintenance ,nd service CiJllactivity. ViEW can be accessed via the Internet any time, day cr night. Yeu can "VIEW' seivice tickets
associated with a single alevater serviced under this agreermrnt, fur all the elevators at the location serviced under this iJgreernent, or across an
l:ntlre porlfo!io of elevator equipment that is serviced by ThyssenKrupp Elevator. Special considerations regarding ViEW are included herein.

H~'v()tor t·L·jin!~I\dl!et': :\Q((H':!'f!('!il T(;;S·29'rJ

n<' PA ()3JC~J rage 2 of '1
Platinum Maintenance
[J ~SIt\®(Cheel< box if included)

VISH\ Pemote ~1oni\oring is Thyssr!nf(rupp Elevator's exclusive service for rnonilcJfing the status t:lI1dpcrfarlTliJnce of your elevator(s). VIS]!\
rnoni:ors cornpatibie !,quipmcnt 2,1 hours per day, 7 days per week, mId 365 days per yeor. Constantly rnonitorinq pr,rfOlmance data on youl
equiprnent rJ'ovides ThyssenKrupp E!evaror the ability to respond to operational irl'egulanties quickly and more efficiently. Wili1 \lISTA, we can
often dispatch a selvice technician to your location before any interruption in elevator se'vice occurs. Service visits based on vIST/\ :lata wili be
maoe dunn[J (lonnal bu~ir1[!s~;t'ours on normal business days.

[8J SoundNe-L~ (Chech box if included)

SouncNet is ThyssenKrupp Elevator's 24·hour :e!ephane monitoring and emer[Jency call serv'ce. Our replosentatlvGs arc trairced to handie
elevator cds and Ihoy can ilSS('S5the Situation and quickly d,spatcn a trrchnlclan when necessary. If needed, they can stay on the line to reassure
a stranded Dassenger that help is on the WiJY.SoundNet maintains d'gital 6;cordiW<s and compU'!;rl;'f!d rrrcmcs of 111('Urn", ca:e, and location of
coils lece:ved ami .:;etion taken rDrlhe bencfiL 01 passengers and hJiioing owners. SpeCial conside'dtiolis regarding SoundNet are set fonh bolcw.

Thysscnf<rupp Elevawr wili test your (;quipmcilt in accordance 'kith tlluse annual (exc,ud" .3 year and 5 yea:·) periodic testin~] requin2rncnts as
outiinec: rn tiw Arrrorrcan National Safely Code for Elevators anci ESCiJlators,ANSI f\ 17.1, which are ill "ffoct at tho time this agreemom is
executed. In tno event that Ihe state, city or local governing authority in which n1e equipment rs loc"ted has adooted dillerent requirements,
Thy~;senKrupp Elevator wiil te$t YOLi (:q,l'pmem In accordance wltn those annual (exclJcc .3 year and 5 year) periodic testing reoul'en1ents ill
effect at the time Ihis agreenant is executed, You agree to pay for any cOStSof the Ins;>ector onci/or Inspeclion fees. Special CfnsrrJerations
reyordi:!\J PC:I:()(HSiJfely Testill9 iJre set forth below.

E[QglJ~UnfQrmgtjQn, You a~1rceto provide fhyssenKrupp Elevator with current •.winy ciagrarns that reflect 311chanqes, parts calalu9s, and
!1'l£lintenance :he equiprnent
instructlocs cGvr.red hy this aoreerl1erlt (exception:
for we wdl supolV all of the above tor r1€'N Ihyssen!(rupp elevators
at no addltlolwi cost). You aglee ',0 authorize us to produce> copies of iJny prograrnrr:abio device(s) used In the equipment for It'p purpose
of 8J"t.hiv(]iDack-u~) of the softv/ore embod;ed there;n. Tnese items vdl rerncin your property,

Safety, 'lOll agrC'Gto Instruct or '.varn pass,,,rge's in the plope: use or the equ'prnen' and 10 keep the equipment under contnuecJ sl:rveiilance
IIY compet'2i1t personnel to detect irregularities iJetween p.levatQ· examinations. You agreo to i'nrnediately report any condition Urat may indicet0
th(~ ncr,a fot correction Iwflile tho nex1 reguiar examination. You agrNt co Irnrnediately shut dOl'll! the eqtJip:m;i1( lIoon nlanifestCition c! any
ilregulanLe" 111 e,thcr the operation 0'· the arpearaillce of the equipmc!l(, to i:nmeoiately potify us, and!O keep the equipmt?!1t shut clown ur,.,! tile
completion of any re;J3irs. YOtJ agree to gl'J<:us Immediate verbal notice and 'Mitten notice within ten (10) dev:; <Jltf,1any OCCl;rrenCfJ or accident
In or ahcut tne e!(:va:ol. You aglee to provici"" our witil a sale place to work. You agree to provirJe iJ suitat)le miJc:,irceroom, inCuoinq
secured doors: waterproofin9, lioht'n9. ventd2tiont and appropriate air 1emp?'(oture contrc! to rJ1J!nt£1in that room at (j terf1per~,nure tJetw::en SOIT
"no ~JO''F. You ;ilso ,Jg'oe to maintain the elevator pit in a dry condition at all ti:'nes. Should water or ether liqui(js occame prcsent, yo:.1wi!!
c0ntract 'sith others for remeNal and tne proper handling of such liQuicis. We reserve the ri[Jht tn discontinue work in the huiit!'ng wheneve', i:1lIur
~I):e op,nion our per sonne! do not have d safe place to war". You also agree that ,f TI1yssenKriJPPEle'lJtor's inspcCion of a piece of r:1qu'p11cnt
~;e!vic0d under n'::~;i1fveenlcnt revea!s an operatIonal prot}!ern whiCh} in Thysseni<rupp EI:J'/::Horls sole judqrrH~nt, jeopdrdi7C~: the safFty of"tlJf;
ridir!~1Pl.!):!C, Ti:yssenKrupp Eievator may shut cJJwn tile eqJlpment untii such time as the ooerationa' 11mblern is resolved. in that event,
Thyssl'nl(rupp Elevator \'IT ImT2di;]I,(:.y odvise you in wr:tinC] of such actlDn, the reason for sllch act:or" 2:K1wi1etr'er any propo:,ed solulion i'i
covc·(ed by the lerniS of thIS agre8'TH.;nt.

QtJj~I, You agree not to permit ott1ers to Take alterations, additions, adjus:ml'nts, 01 ! lipairs cr replace any ~urnponent or part or tire
ocuipr1k'1'[ durin[J the tern: of this agreement. Yo>!3gme to accept our jUClJment as to tho means and rn"thocis employed by us for any COffectlve
WOI'( Jnd"r this agreernent. Since Thysscnl<rupp Eievator's top priority I;; the satisfaction of 'ts custCJrners,if you shOUldnave any concem(s) with
thf! fl\F!~.H!~;dnd ffJdrHJds uS2d to n1a·l~lt~in or rt:pnir the equinrnent C()VEf2d undcr rh!s agreernent) you agree :0 provide us with Wrlttf}n not!c.:e of
ihat conc;:rn nnd D!ve us thirty (30) days to respond either in \vrdnQ or cornmence aCtiDf~ lG <.lpproprialr;iy resolve II.

11 the C'/Ef'"itof the sa!l\ le(;~:;0Of othc" tr0nshy elf" the owner:~.t1jp or rr1Dnr!gernem of the prerniscs in whiC:1 the e!evbtor(s) oreGu~prrent de~~cribe(j
11ereiniJre ,ocated, yeu agree to Si:e thai such transferee IS made ,)WiJre of this ag,eernent and O\Jrces to aSSUf'le ol!e/or De bound oy tne
conrJ:iOI!Sheroof for the balanCE:of t!e unexpired telm of this agreelllei11. Should the transferee fail to assume this agrnelT'ent, you shall renl,ji!1
liab'e fJI ;111
unpin! amourns. inciucting those owed for the balance of the current unexpi'ed term of Ihis a(F!.'emenr.

In cunsidewtiofi
tiischarge, of and
release Thyssenl\rupp El.oviJtorpelforrning
forever acquit the se(~ices
ThyssenKrupp Elwator herein our
Corporation, specified, you expr:essly
employees, agree 10affiliates,
officers, aqents, indemnify,anddeflmd, saye harmless,
subsKlIanes from and
«gainst any and all claims, demands, suits, and proceedings brought against ThyssenKrupp Elevator, our employees, officers, 1Igent$, affiliates
am) subsidiaries for loss, properly di:Jt1wge(including damage trJthe equipment wh:ch is the subject matter of this agecemen:), porsonal injury or
dealt1 thai are alleged to have been carrsed by the Purchaser or iJny othees in connection wilh the presence, use, misuse, maintenance,
installation, removal, manufacture, design, operation or condition of the equiprm;nt covered \1Y this agecement, ur the iJ!isociatc:d meiJS
surrounding such equipment. Your duty to Indemnify does not apply to tile extent that the loss, property darnaIJe (including damage to Ihe
equipment Wllich is the subject m"tlH of thiS agreement), personal Injury cr death is determined to be caused by or resulting from the negligence
of ThyssenKeupp Elev8tor and/or our ernploy0es. You recognize that your obligation to Tt1yssenf(rupp Elevator under this clause includes
payment of all attorney's fees, court Lasts, judgments. settlements, interest and any o\ll!:e expenses of litigation arising Qut of such claims or

additional You expressly
insureds agreeand
in your liability to any
(umbrella) [lrN(Hor Corporationpoiicy(ies).
ii,rbility insurance alonl) withSuch
its officers,
insuranceagents, affiliates
must insure and subsidiaries
Thyssenl<rupp as
Corporation, along with its officers, agents, affiliates and subsidiaries for loss, property damage (Includin9 clumage to the equiprrwnt wrllch is tile
subj€(~ matter of this agreement), personal Injury or death that Dre i.1l1egedto have been caused by the Purclldser or any othors in connod.ion
with tht! presence, use, misLJse, malntenancf!, insia!lation, removal, manufacture, design, operation or (.ondition of the equlprnent covered by tl1is
<:giecment, or the associi:Jied areas surrounding suclr G(juipment including such lasses caused by or resulting from the negligence of
E ie'~')(Ji~.;..,!~,:!:.r·t,,: r::J nr:l' ;\~.~
11\'1\\;.11,'" .:n~0 '":( P!H~[' S of 'I

-.--- --.-----
•..•.. ....
..-----.--.------- -
Thyssenf<:rupp Elevator Corporation and/or ITS officers, agents, affiliates and suhsldiaries. Such insurance must specify that its covera!Jo is
primary and non-contributory. You hereby waive the right of subrogation.

Not Covered. We do not cover cosmetic, construction, or ancilicHY components of the e:eva:or system, including the finisr./fIg,
repaii'ing, or replacement of the catJ enclosure, cei!ing fromes, pemels, andior fixtures, hoistway door panels, door frames, swing door hinges and
closing devices, sills, car flooring, floor cove ling, lighting fixtures, ceiling light bulhs and tubes, main line power switches, breaker(s), feeders to
controIIE;r, bulow ground or unexpos(,d hydraulic elevator system, including but not limited to, jack cylinder, piston, PVC or other pratective
materia'; below ground or unexposed piping, alignment of elevator guire rails, smoke and fire sensors, fire service reports, all cormnunication
anrj entertainment devices, security system'; not installed by us, banenas for emergency li~lht;ng end emergency loweing, all' cenditiorers,
heaters, ventilation fens, pit pumps and ail other items as set forth ano excluded in this agreement.

YJE1.\I®., ThyssenJ(rvpp tfel'ator agrees to prEMel\':a user name and piJssword to PUlcnasEr via Thyssen}\rupp Elevator's Imemel website,
w\'NI.tke-view,corn, fOf your access to mainten;:mcp and service l;all '1Ctivity. Purchaser's Internl!t availability eCluipnwnt (including hardware and
software) <1m! II1\&rnet connection shail lJe prOVided by n\hels. You acknowledge that data reported prior 10 J8nuary 1, 200,t may not be all-
IIlciusive oi wod, actually pelfOirned. AC!ditionailv, you acknowledge Ihat any 'Nork performed i)y rilpalr, modernization, and/or coosuuc\ion
personnel may not oc included or iJcr:esslble in VtEW until ThyssenKrupp Elevator's FDA system fw' time repOl1ing I~,fully deployed to all (iold
employees. I~cque$ts for additional infow.ation ano rnahtenance and selVlc;; wil activity tickets wiJidl are flat lJi!nerated by electronic means
sha.! I)(~m'1de to your loca' Thyssenl\rupp Elevator branch offiCI! as shown on Pi19C 1 of this agreement. ThyssenKIIJPP Elev11torreselves tiie
right 10 restrict access to this information ,f Purchaser's account has ;111outstanding unpaid balance 9\'{>ater than 50 days and/or It you 11<1','8
provided writwn notification of yeui' intent to cartcel our agreement and/or in 1[le event (,f anticil)iJtcrJ, pandalg or illstigJted Ltiq,Hion by eitllQr

Otherj:;,mldl!LQJ~g;;.,. With the passage of till'e, equipment technology and design:, will charge. If any part or component of your equipment
covered under tll;S agreement cannot, in our sole opil'iort, be safeiy ri'paired ,md is no longer Slacked and readily ava:laiJle from either the
original equipment manufacturer 01 an aftermarket source, that palt or component shJII be considered obsolete. You will be respollsible for all
charges associated l'lith replacing triat obsolete part or corr-ponent as well as ail charge:; requii cd to ensure ttlat the rernainoer of the equipment
IS functionally compatible wit!l that replacement palt or component. In addition, we viiII not be required to mal<e any changes or
recoml11encations in the eXisting design Of function of the unit(s) r;or w:11we be obligated to install new attachments or parts upon the equipment
as recommended or directed by insurance companies, governmental aguncios or auth()I'ites, or any other tniref party. Mo'covel', we Shall not be
obligated to se:vice, renew, rcp,ace and/or repair the equipment duu to anyone 01 moru of the following: anyone's abuse, misuse and/or
vandalism of the equipment; anyone's negligence in connection with the use or operation of the ecu'pment; any loss of power, power'
flucuation:3, POVJei'faiiur'2. Of power surges tnet in any way affect the 01'o'8tion or the equipment; fire, smoke, exp!osions, water, storms, wind,
lighteillng, Jets of civil or rnilit81Y authollties, stnk[~s, lockouts, othef lalJor disputes, theft, not, civil commotion, war. maiicious mischief, acts of
God, or any other reason or cause beyond our control tflst sffoC!'; the use or operation of the equiprnent. You expmssly awee to lelei)sl~ and
(Lsch,HgC us and our employees lor any and al claims andlor lo£,ses(including personal injury, death and property damagi~, spi;'cifically including
damage to the property which is the subject matter of this agreement) associated therewith or caused thereby. Thys:;ont<rupp Elevator shail also
automatically rcu'ive an extension 01 timE, commensurate with any delay in pelTormance causod by or rel"ted to H\e oforomentOiled and yau
[;xpressly agree to release and discharge ThyssenKrupp Elevotor flOm any and 311 claims for consequential, special ar indirect damages arising
out of tile peliorll1lJnce of this a!jrccmenL In no event shall ThyssenKrupp Elevator's liability for damages arising out of this agreermmr exceed
{I':e 'ernaininG unpJid installments Df Ihe current, unexpired term of this agreement.

Should your system reqoire 8ny of tile safe:y tests 011the commencement date d this agreement, Thyssenl'JuPP Elevator assumes no
i'es~onsibilty fer the day-ta-day opera:'orr of the governor or safe:ies on lr<Jctionelevators, or the hydraulic sy~:tenl on Ilyoraulic elevators undel
the lQII11S of this agreement untii the test bels bi:el: cornpletr;d anrJ the eq'Jipment passed. Should the respective system fa:l any of tt10SQtests, ::
shall be your sole responsibility to make necessary repairs and plac(~the equiornent in a condition that we deQIll acceptable for further covel'age
und!!1 t·w t~"ns of this aQ,cement. 'Ne shall nol be liable for any damage w the buikl'ng structure or the elevator resulting from the perforrn<Jnce
of any safety tests we pelform m iJi'iY tiMe under t~is agreement. If durillg the icitial firefighter's service test, tnat feature is found to be
inoperalJ'e, you shaH he re~~pon:;iblefor: "Ii costs assar:iated with necessiJlY rr3pair(s) to brin9 the elevator(s) into compliance witt) the apP;lcatJle
el(:'/2tor ccops in your local juisdiction.

in the event a third pe\rty 1$relained to s'nforce, constrl,;e or defend any of the terms and cond'tions of this agreement or to collect any monies due
hereu:lder, either wit'l or wlthoutlitigatioll, the prevai!ing pal1y shall be ent,tled to recover a1lcosts and reasondbie attorne,/s fees,

You hen:by waive 1I'ialby jury. You ogree Ihat tillS ZiQi'eementstlJillJe construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state where the
equipment is located. You consent to juriseliction of the courts, hoth state and Federal, of fhl: stall) in which the oquipment is located as to ail
matter:; and dispute!; arising out 01 this agreernent.

In ti',e event ally portion of this agreement is ofi1rned invalid or unenforceable by 3 court of law, outJiic policy or s:;'Jtute, such finding shall not
affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion of this agreement.

Our rights uncer ths iJ9rcenient shail be cumulative and our failure to exelcise any rights given hereunder shall nol operate to fodeit or wai'if! emy
of said ri~;hts a'ld any e>:ten:;ion, Indulgence or Chanfj0 by us in tne method, Il'ode or manner of payment or any of its other rights shail 'lot be
conSH'ued as a Wd!'!f>( of any of Its rights Ur'lcer this Bgreen1ent,

The price for Ihe services as statu: In tili~; .l~)rccrnei1t ~,hallbe Two Hundred Thirty-Nine and 141100 doliars ($ 239.14) per month,
excluding taxes, payable quarterly in advance,

I!3J1I1. Th's agreenwnt is dfl1cive for five (:i) years starting April 01, 2012 and is non-cancelable, To ensure continuous service, thiS agrecrnent
will be automatically n.,newed for successive five (5) year periods, unless eitller party timely selVcs written notice upon the ott1t': pany of its
intention to cancel at least ninety (gO) days but not more than 120 d8yS before the end of the initial five nj) year period, or at least ninety (90)
days but not more than 120 days before the eild of any subseq:;ent iive (5) year renc;v<ialperiod. ~,otiCQshaH :1e sent by ccrt':ied rnail, return
receipt requested to the address set forth on paqe 1 of this aureernent. Time is of the essence.
Ei~~v(j~(;r~'t:w'.tel1dnCe I\Wi:;I'!p:en:
f'I\ P li C-3iC9 ;}aqu ,1 of 7
Platimun Maintenance Agreement
8..11!1l!aLP.li~.~Mi!)J1!meJJj;;;1 .. Since our costs to provide you witl1 the SOIVICe set fOith in tilis a~lreement may inuc,Jse, we reser'!() tll,~ r!ohtio
adjust the price of our service under this agreernent accordingly. In the OVN:t this occurs, we will acijust your monthly pnce t,ascil on thC'
percentage chanQc in the average rate paid to elevator examiners. This rate paid to elevator examiner:, consist,> of the 110cHl'!rata paid W
examiners plus fringe benefits and union welfare granted in placo oi or in i!(lditio!\ to the houriy rate. fringe benefits indude pensiDns, vacations,
paid holioays, group insurance, siclmess and accident insurance, and hospltul insurance. We also reSI,lve tl18 rigl1t to make aOd:tlOna:
adjustment to tne price of our ~;ervlce under this agreement and/or enact surcharges as needed to account for rncreased fuel prices wlwn such
increase~; f;xwed the Consumer Price Irrde/ (CPI) current rate. We also reserve tl1e exclusive right to make additional adjustml,nt to the price of
our service under this agreement in the event that the equipment covered by this agreement is modified twm its present slate.

E21r!y.J:~.Yment Di:'l!;ot!nt. You may elect to pay in advance for twelve (12) months of serviCe! describe(j in this agreement. Such ,) pre-
payment emities you to a 3"/0 discount from the anru<il price in effect at the time of payrnent.

QY5rdQ~~Lnvok.G.?_, A service chal'Q!; tJI 1\IW" pEn month, or the highest 'Iegal rme, whid:ever is iTlore, shall apply to all overdue accounts you
h,wc with I hyssenl\rupp Elevator that are in Imy way relmed to your equipment (jescrrbed in this agreement. If you do not pay any sum due to
ThyssenKrlJpp Elevator related to your eqLllpmen\ descnbed in this agreement, r09<1Id1"s$of whether it is billed pursuant to this aqreernC'nt or ailY
othC?rwith us, within sixt\, (60) da\,s flom thl1 biilinn date, we may also choo:,e to do one or more of the followinq: 1) suspend all servicf! lIntil all
amounts duo have boen paid in full, and/or 2) declare ad sums for the unoxpired term of this agreement due immediately as liquidated darnaoes
and terminate our obligations under this agreenwnt. If ThyssenKrupp Elevator elecls to suspend service, we shall not be responsible For personal
injury, death, damage to property (includi~1gdamage to the equipment that is the subject matter of this agreement) or losses of any other tYDe Oi
kind that i,~ In ~ny way related the ThyssenJ\.rupp Elevetor's suspen"i01 of service, Upon resumption of service, you wiil be responsibl(, for
payment to ThyssenKnJrp Elevator for an costs we incur that resuit from our suspension of selvice and to remedy dny darnage caused to your
equipment durin\] that tirne. Time is 0' the essence.

At;;:_G..~{i)tance. Your acceptance cf tl,is agreement and its aprraVd: by an ~ulhor'l/eLj rmmager of TI1Y:isenKrupp ~Ievator ,\Viii constitute
excuslvely and cnhcly the agn,ernenl for the selVlces herein descnbed. All omer pnor represenwt'ol1s or agr0ernents, whether wntten or verbal,
wil: be oeemed tJ be merged h"rein ar.d no other changes in or addilions to this agreement wili b.;? recogniwc! untess made in I'll iling and
properly exr;cuted by both partio'.;. Should your acceptance be in tM iOtm 01 a purcnase Qrdf:r or ut!!er slllillar dOCUITif:llt,the provrsions of this
agre(;mer1t wii! govern, even in the event ot a conflict. This proposai is Ilcreby accepted in i~senlirpty ann shal! constitute the enlinr agiel~rnr.rntas
contl'mp';m:d by you i.me!us This proposal is submitted I'or acceptanw Within one·humJred twenty (PO) days from the Date Submitted by t!1C
Thyr,senKrupp [:cvator representative indicated t)(rlo\'l.

No aqent or employee ;;l1all have the authority tu woive or modify any of the tem1;; of this agreement without tho prior writlen approval ot an
authorizedriwssenKrupp Ele'lator manager.

(Signatureof i\uthOliwd Individual)

'@J1l~-" J a ~lr.l.~B! (Print or Type Narne)

13_L!:!D'!; bl:1a nil 91'.1:
(9 15 \5l1_5-:.QJ}J
(["nnt or T Ipe Title)

(Date SUIJf')iticrj) (Dale of Approval) (Dill,' of Approval)


Ihough its SoundNet cornrnudcation C!,i1tel', T:1YssGnKrupp Elevator will prcvlcl~ 2/1-Mur tei(1phone monitcrinfJ on iJli eievator(s) rnaintoined
under tfW rncnitoring agreement, provided such elevators ere cquippi':d With opuiJticn,d telephone r;quiprnen! capable of placing a calf to
SoundrJct's call centp.!. SDundrJel wil! receive incoming emer[Jency 1r:'lcpI1OneC£JIIshorn t!1€ c!p.'iZitor(s) amj forWard same to F'urchasur's
designated emergency contacts. It Slklli be Purchaser's responSibility to subrnit al] executed Con\act Data Si'leet «,tlached as Exhibit 1 hereto) to
enable this service, and to advise ThyssenKrupp Elevator immediately in writing of any changes to the (!i1'wrgcilCYcontacts dL:ril1Qtho term cf
ser/ice, Purchaser underS1iJn(Js1hat no revision to emergency contacts will br, made without Thysseni(rupp Levator first receiving such request in
Elevator ~~ajnternr)c::
Agreement fK-75-29f1'!
TV.Pi\ 03/09 P';iUc 5 of 7
Platinum ~JJaintenance Agreement
SoundNet service does not include maintenance seriice for Customer's telephone equipment. Customer retains possession an(J control of its
leleahone equipment and Is responsible for ensuring uninterrupted opemtlon of the telephones so that they are capable of ptacing a call to
SoundNet's cali center', SoundNet service cannot be provided without a telephone located within the elevator(s) dGscribed in this agwernent that
I)~s Ihe callin\) capiibility described above,

Thyssenl\rupp Elevator shalf not be held responsible or liable for any claim, Injury, delay, (:eath or detention of loss of life, or loss of proP(~r1y
resultin(j from telephone equipment failure, false el3rrns or interruption of tr,fephone service or inaccurate data set fonn in any related executed
Contect Data Sheet. We do not assume any duty or responsib:iity to advise any caller to take or not take any specific action resulting from en
emergency, perC0ived emergency or iJny other situation including, but not limited to, entrapment of persons, evacuation, repair or return to service
of any equipment.

If Sound Net is unable to reach Customer's designated emergency contacts, a service technician may be dispatched to the site at Purchaser's
expense in accordance witt) Thyssen!\flJPP Elevator's appiicable billing rates. Purchaser awees that :t is within the reiJsonable discretion of
SouliuNet service cail representatives to dispatch a mechanic or contact emergency porsonne! II Customer's designated emergency contacts are
una"laiiab!e, Customer agrees to pay all charnc-~sfor services provided by any person, organilation or municipality contacted as a result of any
emergenc]' or perceived ernergr.ncy cail.

fJevafcr {Ia!nt!!nance k;;;eerneqj TK''1b-299'1

TK "A ml09 ran(~ 5 of 7


Approve and authorize the County Judge, on behalf of the El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department, to sign an 
amendment to elevator maintenance service agreement with Thyssen Krupp Elevator Corporation to add one elevator 
for $2,869.68 per year . The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved as to legal form 2013­0130.  
ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND: The Department is adding a second elevator to the current contract (KK­12­185). 
The current contract was approved by Commissioner's Court on April 30, 2012. 
FISCAL IMPACT: Total yearly cost to add the second elevator is $2,869.68. Funds are available in the Juvenile 
Probation Department's General Fund account (JUVPROB). 
PRIOR COURT ACTION: Approve amendment for the second elevator. 

CONTRACT NO.: 2013­0130 

CONTRACT TITLE: JPD/Elevator Maintenance Agreement Addendum 

SECOND PARTY: ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation 


TERM: 4 Years 

EXTENSION OPTIONS (If Applicable): Month­to­Month 

EFFECTIVE DATE: April 01, 2013 

EXPIRATION DATE (If Applicable): March 31, 2017 


AMOUNT: $11,478.72/4 yrs; $2,869.68/yr; $239.14 per month 

The attached document has been given legal review by the El Paso County Attorney's Office on behalf of the County of El Paso, its officers, and employees.  Said legal 
review should not be relied upon by any person or entity other than the County of El Paso, its officers, and employees. 

LEGAL REVIEW: Approved as to Form as Submitted 

LEGAL REVIEW NOTES (If Applicable):  

DATE: February 27, 2013 
The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she has read the contract, understands and approves the contract terms and conditions and further certifies that the contract 
conforms to the bid specifications, if any, and acknowledges that he/she is responsible for administering all terms and conditions. 


DEPARTMENT: Juvenile Probation 

DATE: March 04, 2013 page 1 of 2
The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she has read the contract, understands and approves the contract terms and conditions and further certifies that the contract 
conforms to the bid specifications, if any, and acknowledges that he/she is responsible for administering all terms and conditions. 


DEPARTMENT: Juvenile Probation 

DATE: March 04, 2013

page 2 of 2

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