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A. Background of the study

Vocabulary is the heart of a language. It is also said that words are the basic building

blocks of a language. The reason is by knowing a sufficient number of English words,

a person can construct meaning for communication in the language. Also, by knowing

sufficient number of words, a person can also comprehend simple texts in the language,

understand what people are saying, and puts his/her ideas in writing. Wei and Attan

(2014) state that knowing sufficient number of word in English reflects one’s

proficiency and competence in the language.

Words in a language can acquired implicitly or incidentally and explicitly or

intentionally through formal teaching (Dakun, 2000). Incidental learning is the same

as unplanned or indirect learning within an informal or formal reading situation. Of

these two strategies, Ahmed (2017) also claims that intentional learning is better than

incidental learning. In second or foreign language context, intentional vocabulary

learning is more favorable over incidental VLS (Mizraii 2012). Naton, (2001) also
claims that explicit learning activities which focus on the target words are important

for successful L2 vocabulary acquisition.

In English textbooks and LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa), we can find reading texts

which are followed by lists of difficult words together with their equivalent translations

in Bahasa Indonesia. These lists of words are called gloss. Nation (2001: 174) stated

“gloss is a brief definition or synonym, either in L1 or L2, which is provided with the

text” or “an explanation of the meaning of a word” (Pak, 1986 as cited in Al-Jabri,

2009). Glosses can be used for several purposes, the most important of which are to

assist reading comprehension (Nation, 1990) and to aid vocabulary learning (Ertürk,

2017). A gloss can be in L1 or L2.

L1 gloss is considered as an effective way to facilitate vocabulary learning. Ertürk

(2017) revealed that L1 gloss group significantly outperformed L2 gloss group and no-

gloss group. Lee and Joon (2017) found that vocabulary learning were stronger than

reading comprehension in both L1 glosses and L2 glosses. Based on his study, Arpaci

(2016) concluded that for each condition, L1 gloss group had the highest mean score

followed by L2 gloss group. Ertürk (2016) revealed that L1 glosses were especially

beneficial for learners with low English proficiency. Yoshii (2006) found that both L1

and L2 glosses are effective for incidental vocabulary learning. Arpaci (2016) also

found that there was a significant difference between glossed and o gloss groups on

each test.

In contrast to the above findings which show that Glosses in general, and L1 gloss

has positive effects on vocabulary learning. Some other studies revealed that glosses
including L1 gloss have no effect on vocabulary acquisition. Yanguas (2009), for

example, showed that there were no significant differences among different type of

glossing in vocabulary production. As with Yanguas, Cheng and Good (2009)

concluded that there were no significant differences among the effects of different

glosses on vocabulary production. In addition, Choi (2016) showed that the L1 and L2

groups did not differ in their short-term retention of the F2 and F4 words.

In students’ text book, we can also find printed words in various colors. Color

according to Wright (2004) is Nature’s own powerful signaling system. For example,

of that is our reaction to a fly in our house: if the fly is black, we will probably find it

a little bit annoying, but if it has yellow stripes our reaction will be different. In

education colors plays an important role. (Kumi, Conway, Limayem and Goyal (2013)

said that color affects behavior as well as cognitive abilities, performance, and

intentions. Color help learners increase their attention levels on certain information,

which help such information to be transferred to their memory and increasing their

chance of memorizing the information (Dzulfikli & Mustafar, 2013; Chang, Xu &

Watt, 2018).

B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the writer identifies some

problems as follows

1. Students get the difficulties to understand a sentence that consist of an

unfamiliar words.
2. The students cannot comprehend a full sentence in written text because of the

C. Limitation of the Problem

From the statement of the problem, the writer focused this research only on the

effectiveness of using gloss and color toward the students’ vocabulary learning.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem, the writer formulate the problems as


1. How is the effectiveness of using gloss and color in written text to the

students’ vocabulary learning?

2. What kind of color that most influence the students in learning vocabulary

through written text?

E. The Objective of The Use of The Research

The objective of The Research

1. To know the effectiveness of using gloss and color toward the students’

vocabulary learning at the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Manado.

2. To know the kind of color that most influence the students in learning

vocabulary through written text at the seventh grade students of SMP

Negeri 6 Manado.

The use of The Research

1. To give the information about the effectiveness of using gloss and color

toward students’ vocabulary learning at the seventh grade students of SMP

Negeri 6 Manado

2. To give the information about the students vocabulary mastery using gloss

and color

3. To motivate the students in learning English especially in learning


F. The Scope of the Research

1. The Subject of the Research

The subject of the research is the students of the seventh grade of the second

semester in SMP Negeri 6 Manado.

2. The Object of the Research

The object of the research is the effectiveness of the use of gloss and color

on students’ vocabulary learning

3. The time of the Research

The research will be conducted at the seventh grade of the second semester

in SMP Negeri 6 Manado 2019/2020.

4. The Place of the Research

The place of the research will be located at SMP Negeri 6 Manado. Jl.

Pummorouw. Kecamatan Tikala. Kabupaten/Kota. Manado.

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