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Introduction Reading section, they will be presented with a comic about Asky
struggling to answer a question in Geography class; though Asky
It’s important to let students know that English is much more than a admits he isn’t very good at Geography, as he has studied, he
class they must take at school. Beyond the classroom, a good eventually gets the right answer. Then, in the Culture section,
knowledge of the English language will help them look at the students will read a text about the Niagara Falls. This text
world from new perspectives and, in doing so, grow as individuals. explores both the scientific aspects of the waterfalls, as well as
For this reason, rather than teaching students the language itself, their influence on tourism. Finally, in the CLIL section, students
it’s important to teach them its practical application to different will work with a reading on jazz. Popularly known as ‘the only true
fields. In this unit students will be given the opportunity to study American art form’, jazz music mixes different influences to create
various school subjects in English, from Geography, to Science to a fresh sound.
Music. Understanding the varied contexts in which English can be
All of the missions in this unit promote personal improvement and,
used will encourage them to keep improving, and to broaden their
in the ‘I can’ section, students will be offered three final exercises
horizons, both with and through the language.
to see how far they have progressed with this unit’s main focus:
While Missions 1 and 2 deal with the different names for common school subjects and object pronouns. Take advantage of this
school subjects, Missions 3 and 4 focus on the structures English is section to let students know that regardless of what they study,
easy for me and I am between him and her. Working with these their own hard work will push them forward. After all, at the end of
constructions will get students to practise the object pronouns me, they day, it is the student who is both the principal subject and
you, him, her, us and them, while also encouraging them to reflect object of the learning process.
on their own place at school, both in terms of which subjects they The “I can” section is part of the Portfolio. Have students work on
are best at, and where they are positioned in relation to their peers. their portfolios so that they can evaluate their listening, speaking,
In Missions 5, 6 and 7, students will be given the chance to reading and writing skills in “My Language Biography” section of
improve their reading and listening comprehension. First, in the the Portfolio.


Art, English, French, Geography, German, History,

School Maths, Music, PE, Science, Spanish, bass, band,
subjects border, drums, musicians, noisy, powerful, rhythm,
saxophone, wet, to flow, to play an instrument

Is Maths easy/difficult for me/you/him/her/us/you/them?

When do you have History?
between, behind, in front of, next to + object pronoun


Expression: Enjoy your meal!


Appreciate nature.

CLIL Music: Jazz Music


Refresh •


School subjects! Review the adjectives that the class studied in the previous unit: big, small,
ugly and beautiful. Then ask the students if a city, country or place is one
c, PE, Science, Spanish
of these four adjectives. In every question, there will be two options from
M IS SI O N 1:
Art, English, Maths, Musi
which the student can choose.
Dictionary p.73
2.1 1 Listen and repeat. PB

1 Listen and repeat. CD2

1 PB

The students listen to the school subjects first. They then listen to them
again and repeat them. Finally, play the audio one last time and pause it
after each subject. The students spell out the names of each subject, with
correct pronunciation of vowels a, “ei”, e, “ii”, and i, “ai”.

2.2 2 Find out! 2.3 3 Master the question. Objective in Focus 1 • 71
Then listen and check.
d and
I can go to England, Irelan
1 My PE class is at 12 o’clock.
What? The imperative voice.
h your friends P What’s at 12 o’clock?
You can talk wit Why? The students need to know how to give orders in English.
d States!
from the Unite alia!
2 In Music we play instruments.
TV from Austr
He can watch 3 Ana doesn’t like Art.
She can list en to mu sic from How? Carry out a ’Tell me to’ drill, getting students to give you orders
4 On Monday we have Science and
South Africa! we go Spanish. related to school subjects. To make the exercise fun, act out the orders
this because
We can do all
to … class.
5 I love my English class. that the students give you.
2.4 2.5 4 Rap and clap!

Today is Monday and I’m going to school, PB

And I’m very happy because my school is cool.
2 Find out! CD2
2 PB
I can go to Art, and I can go to Maths,
Now I’m in fifth year because I’m ten and a half.
Select five students to read the clues in the Pupil’s Book. The other
I can write in English class,
In Art I can draw, and I can do numbers in Maths.
students must wait until all the clues have been read before anybody can
I also like my Music class. raise their hand to guess the subject that they refer to.
In Music we sing and rap and clap!

24 four
twenty-four Back to Basics • five 25

Read out the following times and have students write them down and then

say them back to you: 13:55 (five to two), 15:50 (ten to four), 10:35 (twenty-
five to eleven), 11:40 (twenty to twelve), 16:45 (a quarter to five).

Objectives 3 M
 aster the question. PB

Then listen and check.

• Learn the following subjects: Art, English, Maths, Music, PE, Science, 3 PB
Spanish. In this exercise, there are five answers. Really exaggerate the key piece of
• Review telling the time. information so that the student knows what question to ask.
• Review how to use can. DRILL
• Review the days of the week. Objective in Focus 2 • 72

What? Consolidation of the vocabulary and practise of the preposition

Materials we use with days of the week.
• Audio material • English, Maths and Science textbooks Why? It’s important that students are given the opportunity to master
• Mobile phone • “Unit 3: School subjects!” flashcards the basics when they start learning English; as it’s their agility with these
fundamental aspects of the language that could determine their
success with their English in the future.
Recommended Extra Activities
How? Prompt the students by giving them a class subject and a day of
• Activity Book p. 22
the week. Students then say an affirmative statement using the verb to
• Fast Finishers: The fast finishers write down what their five favourite have. TEACHER: Maths, Tuesdays. STUDENT: I have Maths on
subjects at school are. They should then write five sentences with can Tuesdays.
about things they can do in these subjects.

Teacher Tips
4 Rap and clap! CD2
4&5 learning PB

Before playing the audio, have students, in groups, create their own rhythm
• In English, can is never directly followed by an infinitive with to.
and melody for the lyrics in the Pupil’s Book. How should this rap sound?
Explain to the students that can is followed by a verb without to;
Then they listen to the rap and compare the style to their own interpretation.
we never say “I can to speak English”, but I can speak English.
• Remind students that the preposition we use with the time is at, Cooperative

for example; I have English class at nine o’clock, I have Art at ten
Game! – Where’s my Class? • learning FC

o’clock and I have Maths at a quarter past eleven. A volunteer leaves the room and the rest of the class hide a flashcard in
• When we use acronyms in English, we normally say each letter of the classroom. When the volunteer returns to find the flashcard, the
the acronym, rather than turning it into a word; so we don’t say students start repeating the hidden word Maths, maths, maths, etc. They
“PE”, we say each letter, “pii_ii”. should repeat the word loudly when the student is near the flashcard or
quietly when the student is far from the flashcard.

Drill Section

Refresh Objective in Focus 1

70 71


Is Madrid big or small? It’s big. Tell me to play an instrument. Play an instrument!
Is Teruel big or small? It’s small. (Pretend to play an instrument.)
Is the Nou Camp football stadium It’s big. Tell me to speak in Spanish. Speak in Spanish!
big or small?
(Say Hola.)
Is Luxembourg big or small? It’s small.
Tell me to open my Maths book. Open your Maths book!
Is Granada ugly or beautiful? It’s beautiful.
(Open Maths book.)
Is the Sagrada Familia beautiful or It’s beautiful.
Tell me to close my Science book. Close your Science book!
Is your home big or small? It’s big. / It’s small. (Close Science book.)

Is your home ugly or beautiful? It’s ugly. / It’s beautiful. Tell me to go to PE. Go to PE!

Is your room big or small? It’s big. / It’s small. (Pretend to leave.)

Is it ugly or beautiful? It’s ugly. / It’s beautiful. Tell me to call the Science teacher. Call the Science teacher!

Is our classroom big or small? It’s big. / It’s small. (Pretend to make a phone call.)

Is it ugly or beautiful? It’s ugly. / It’s beautiful.

(The teacher shows the class his or It’s big. / It’s small. Continue routine with:
her mobile phone.) Is my mobile • Tell me to call the Music teacher.
big or small? • Tell me to draw a picture for Art class.
Is my mobile ugly or beautiful? It’s ugly. / It’s beautiful. • Tell me to do my Maths homework.
Is our city/town big or small? It’s big. / It’s small. • Tell me to listen to the English teacher.
Is our city/town ugly or beautiful? It’s ugly. / It’s beautiful. • Tell me to talk to the Spanish teacher.
Is Disneyland ugly or beautiful? It’s ugly. / It’s beautiful. • Tell me to answer all the Maths questions.
• Tell me to study Science.
Is America big or small? It’s big.
• Tell me to find my English book.
• Tell me to look at my Maths book.
• Tell me to write in my Science notebook.
• Tell me to put my Spanish book in my bag.
• Tell me to take my English book out of my bag.


Objective in Focus 2

Art, Mondays. I have Art on Mondays.
English, Tuesdays. I have English on Tuesdays.
Maths, Wednesdays. I have Maths on Wednesdays.
Music, Thursdays. I have Music on Thursdays.
PE, Fridays. I have PE on Fridays.
Science, Mondays. I have Science on Mondays.
Spanish, Tuesdays. I have Spanish on Tuesdays.
Art, Wednesdays. I have Art on Wednesdays.
English, Thursdays. I have English on Thursdays.
Maths, Fridays. I have Maths on Fridays.
Music, Mondays. I have Music on Mondays.
PE, Tuesdays. I have PE on Tuesdays.
Science, Wednesdays. I have Science on Wednesdays.
Spanish, Thursdays I have Spanish on Thursdays.
Maths, Fridays. I have Maths on Fridays.

Refresh • FC
/z/ Hold up a flashcard and select a student. The student has to say what the
word is, then spell it and then say the word again. For example, if the
an, History, Social Scien

M IS SI O N 2: teacher holds up the English class flashcard, the student answers with
French, Geography, Germ

English, E, N, G, L, I, S, H, English.
2.6 1 Look, listen and answer.

1 Look, listen and answer. CD2

6 PB

The students listen to the audio in which Asky asks Noella and Yessy if they
like or dislike certain subjects. After the audio, take the role of Asky and
select two students to be Noella and Yessy to read the very short dialogue.
3 Geography 4 German 5 French
1 Social Science 2 History Finally, have the students pretend to be the superheroes and go through
2.7 2 Listen and say true or false. 3 Guess the words and write the subjects to see if they remember which they liked and didn’t like!
in your notebook.
1 In this class we study the language DRILL
they speak in Paris. P F r e n c h CD1
Jack Justin Objective in Focus 1 • 73
2 In this class we study events from
the past. P H …
What? Practise the school subjects vocabulary and the pronunciation
3 In this class we study mountains,
volcanoes and deserts. P G … of the letter ‘j’.
4 In this class we study the language
they speak in Berlin. P G … Why? Students of then have trouble pronouncing words that begin
5 In this class we study social
interaction. P S … S …
with ‘j’.
Social Science

2.8 4 Listen. Which words

How? Say a name, a class subject, a time and a day and students have
Jennifer have the /z/ sound? to form an affirmative sentence with the information. Here’s an example
Jessica The word easy has got the
/z/ sound. Do you know
of how this exercise works: TEACHER: James, Maths, 2 o’clock,
any other words that have
got this sound? Mondays. STUDENT: James has Maths at 2 o’clock on Mondays.

French Social Science desert

cheese 2 Listen and say true or false. CD2
7 PB
History eas
was scissors Music easy The students listen to the audio about five students all of whose names
begin with the letter ‘j’ They write down what they hear and then compare
five 25 their notes to the pictures in their Pupil’s Book. The students have to
decide if the information on the audio was true or false.

MISSI N 2: 3 G
 uess the words and write
in your notebook. PB

Objectives The students read the sentences and write the words that are missing. All
the missing words are school subjects and the first letters are provided.
• Learn how to pronounce /z/ and the letter ‘j’.
• L earn the following school subjects: French, Geography, German,
4 L
History and Social Science. PB

Which words have the /z/ sound?

8 PB
• Review the school subjects from Mission 1 and the verb to like.
For this activity carry out the following steps:
Materials • Have the students identify the /z/ sound by listening to the audio.
• Audio material • “Unit 3: School subjects!” flashcards • Now ask them to reproduce the /z/ sound and the /s/ sound. If they
have difficulty, explain that /z/ is like the sound bees make and have the
Recommended Extra Activities students imitate bees.
• Activity Book p. 23 • Finally, the students listen to the audio again and try once more to
• Pronunciation video 3 identify the words with the /z/ sound: was, desert, cheese, music,
scissors, peas, easy.
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Vocabulary Worksheets, pp. 58 + 59
• Vocabulary video 3 DRILL
CD1 Cooperative
Objective in Focus 2 • 74 learning
• Fast Finishers: Have the students write riddles. They write something
about one of their school subjects without mentioning the school subject. What? The pronunciation of the /z/ sound.
Why? This sound can be difficult as the /z/ sound doesn’t only
Teacher Tips correspond to the letter ‘z’. The letter ‘s’ is often pronounced as /z/.

• Correct every mistake! By correcting students’ mistakes you’re How? Split the class into two teams – Team A and Team B. Then do an
showing them you’re interested in their progress. Make sure you ’Ask me’ drill which practises this sound and see which team can make
give them lots of praise when they get things right! the best bee noises!

• In addition to correcting students on the spot, write pronunciation Cooperative

problem words on pieces of paper and keep them in a special Game – Verb Chase • learning
container (box, envelope) and take them out every so often and Now the students in each team are assigned a number with a number 1 in
get the students to repeat a selection of them correctly every day. both teams, a number 2, etc. Each student will have a competitor on the
• Ensure that students know that ‘j’ is not pronounced like the letter ‘y’ in other team. The teacher calls out an irregular verb and a number. The two
English. It is quite similar to the combination ‘ch’ in Spanish, but with a students with that number have to walk to the board and then write the
slight vibration from the tongue touching the roof of the mouth. past simple form of the verb on it. They turn to the teacher and say what
they have written. The first student to finish gets a point for their team.

Drill Section

Objective in Focus 1 Objective in Focus 2

73 74


Jack, German, 15:30, Tuesdays. Jack has German at half past three Ask me if I have any peas…, Do you have any peas?
on Tuesdays. Team A!
Jennifer, Geography, 12:15, Jennifer has Geography at a Now Team B please! Do you have any peas?
Fridays. quarter past twelve on Fridays.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Do you have any peas?
Jessica, History, 09:30, Mondays. Jessica has History at half past
Ask me if I have any cheese…, Do you have any cheese?
nine on Mondays.
Team B!
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Jessica has History at half past
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Do you have any cheese?
nine on Mondays!
Julia, Social Science, 14:15, Julia has Social Science at a Now Team A please! Do you have any cheese?
Wednesdays. quarter past two on Wednesdays. Ask me if I like to eat peas…, Do you like to eat peas?
Justin, French, 10:15, Thursdays. Justin has French at a quarter past Team B!
ten on Thursdays. Now, Team A! Do you like to eat peas?
Jack, Geography, 14:00, Fridays. Jack has Geography at two o’clock Ask me if I like to eat cheese…, Do you like to eat cheese?
on Fridays. Team A!
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Jack has Geography at two o’clock And Team B! Do you like to eat cheese?
on Fridays!
Ask me if I cut the peas with Do you cut the peas with scissors?
Jennifer, German, 11:00, Jennifer has German at eleven
scissors…, Team B!
Thursdays. o’clock on Thursdays.
Team A please! Do you cut the peas with scissors?
Jessica, French, 10:45, Tuesdays. Jessica has French at a quarter to
eleven on Tuesdays. Ask me if I cut the cheese with Do you cut the cheese with
scissors…, Team A! scissors?
Julia, History, 09.15, Mondays. Julia has History at a quarter past
nine on Mondays. Now…, Team B please! Do you cut the cheese with
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Julia has History at a quarter past
nine on Mondays ! Ask me if I put cheese in my Do you put cheese in your
sandwich…, Team A! sandwich?
Justin, Social Science, 16:00, Justin has Social Science at four
Wednesdays. o’clock on Wednesdays And Team B please! Do you put cheese in your
Justin and Jack, Geography, 15:45, Justin and Jack have Geography
Fridays. at a quarter to four on Fridays. Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Do you put cheese in your
Julia, Jessica, German, 12:00, Julia and Jessica have German at
Wednesdays. twelve o’clock (midday) on Ask me if I like music about Do you like music about peas?
Wednesdays. peas…, Team B!
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Julia and Jessica have German at Now…, Team A please! Do you like music about peas?
twelve o’clock (midday) on Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Do you like music about peas?
Ask me if I like music about Do you like music about cheese?
Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica, Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica have
cheese…, Team A!
Geography, 14:00, Tuesdays. Geography at two o’clock on
Tuesdays. Now…, Team B! Do you like music about cheese?

Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica, Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica have Ask me if I have any peas in my Do you have any peas in your
History, 11:45, Tuesdays. History at a quarter to twelve on pocket…, Team B! pocket?
Tuesdays. Now…, Team A! Do you have any peas in your
Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica, Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica have pocket?
17:00, Social Science, Mondays. Social Science at five o’clock on Ask me if I have any cheese in my Do you have any cheese in your
Mondays. pocket…, Team B! pocket?
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Julia, Jack, Justin and Jessica have Now…, Team A! Do you have any cheese in your
Social Science at five o’clock on pocket?
Mondays! Hmm…, Team B again please! Do you have any cheese in your
Ok…, Team A please! Do you have any cheese in your


Refresh •
75 FC

Hold up a flashcard and ask a student what their favourite subject is. They
MISSION 3: - Is Maths easy / difficult for me/you/him/her/us/you/them?
- When do you have History?
have to answer using the subject on the flashcard. Then get them to spell
2.9 1 Look, listen and answer.
out the name of the subject.


1 Look, listen and answer. CD2

9 PB

The students listen to the dialogue. Next, the students read the text aloud
from their Pupil’s Book. Ask one student to be Asky, another to be Fusy
and another one to be Asky’s friend.

Grammar Appendix p.64 Objective in Focus 1 • 76
2 Answer the question.
We say It’s easy for me, you, What? Consolidate the students’ knowledge of the object pronouns.
him, her, us and them, with
the object pronoun!
It’s easy for us!
Why? Students often confuse subject and object pronouns when
they’re speaking. It’s really useful for them to get into the habit of using
object pronouns correctly.
How? Give the students sentences to change. They will change the
names of the people and replace them with object pronouns.

3 Listen and fill in the blanks

in your notebook. 4 Let’s talk about... Classes! Back to the Past •
1 Science is easy for Mark. It’s easy for him. 1 When do you have Science?
2 Is Science easy or difficult for you?
Dictate five irregular past participles. The students write them down and
2 Maths is easy for me and Jane. It’s easy for … .
3 French is difficult for Laura. It’s difficult for … .
3 When do you have Art? then spell them back to you. Correct spelling and pronunciation and then
4 Music is difficult for Vincent. It’s difficult for … .
4 Is Art easy or difficult for you?
elicit the infinitive of each one of the verbs.
5 When do you have Maths?
5 Art is easy for you and Sam. It’s easy for … .
6 Is Maths easy or difficult for you? T-o-o-k (to take), A-t-e (to eat), S-l-e-p-t (to sleep), W-o-k-e (to wake), W-r-
6 Geography is easy for Joe and Jim. It’s easy for … . 7 When do you have English?
7 PE is easy for you and Jack. It’s easy for … .
o-t-e (to write).
8 Is English easy or difficult for you?
8 English is easy for … . It’s easy for …! 9 What’s your favourite subject?

26 twenty-six 2 Answer the question. PB

The students look at the students in the picture and decide if English class

is easy or difficult for them.

CD1 Cooperative
Objective in Focus 2 • 77 learning
Objectives What? Practise with the first person plural object pronoun us.
• Learn the object pronouns me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them. Why? To ensure that students never confuse the subject pronoun we
• Learn how to use to have when referring to the times of school subjects. with the object pronoun us.

• Review telling the time and the name of the subjects. How? The students tell you what subjects are easy and difficult for
them. The class will be divided into four groups. On a piece of paper
• Review the adjectives easy and difficult.
they write the names of the school subjects and beside each one they
• Review the prepositions on, in and under. have to write easy or difficult. Ask students in the group about the
subjects and they will say: X is easy for us or Y is difficult for us.
• Audio material • “Unit 3: School subjects!” flashcards 3 L
 isten and fill in the blanks PB

in your notebook.
10 PB

Recommended Extra Activities The students listen to the audio and fill in the blanks in their notebooks.
• Activity Book p. 24 DRILL

Rewind •
• Fast Finishers: Write out an interview for their classmates. Students
Review the prepositions on, in and under by placing objects in different places
should write one question per student, for example, María, is English
and asking students where they are. For example, put a pen under the table
easy or difficult for you? Pablo, is Spanish easy for you?
and say, Where’s the pen? The student should reply, It’s under the table.

Teacher Tips 4 Let’s talk about… Classes! PB

• Remind students of the difference between subject pronouns (I, Ask some final questions which are included in the Pupil’s Book. There are
you, he, she, etc.) and object pronouns. Subject pronouns nine of them and they can be repeated with different students.
complete actions (I buy, he reads). Object pronouns in addition to
being direct objects are also the objects of prepositions. Cooperative
Game - Crazy Memory Game! • learning
• It’s important for the students to gain agility with the auxiliary verb
do, so practise it with them with frequent drills. You can pick one In this school subjects version of the game, choose one student to start
verb (to read) and get them to ask you lots of questions (ask me the game. He or she will say:
when I read, ask me where I read, ask me what I read). My name is ______ and my favourite subject is ______. Now choose a
• Get your students to repeat the word Science. Remind them it’s second student and this student continues: My name is ___ and my
pronounced “sssáiensss” and not “siénce”. favourite subject is _____. His name is _____ and his favourite subject is
______. This continues until the time is up.

Drill Section

Refresh Objective in Focus 2

75 77


(Hold up the English flashcard.) My favourite subject is English. Group 1: Is English easy for you? English is easy/difficult for us.
What’s your favourite subject?
Group 2: Is Art difficult or easy for Art is easy/difficult for us.
Spell English! E-N-G-L-I-S-H you?
(Hold up the Science flashcard.) My favourite subject is Science. Group 3: Is Maths easy or difficult Maths is easy/difficult for us.
What’s your favourite subject? for you?
Spell Science! S-C-I-E-N-C-E Group 4: Is PE difficult for you? PE is easy/difficult for us.
(Hold up the Art flashcard.) What’s My favourite subject is Art. Group 1: Is Science easy or Science is easy/difficult for us.
your favourite subject? difficult for you?
Group 2: Is Maths easy or difficult Maths is easy/difficult for us.
for you?
Continue the routine:
• Hold up the Spanish flashcard. Group 3: Is Spanish easy or Spanish is easy/difficult for us.
difficult for you?
• Hold up the Maths flashcard.
• Hold up the History flashcard.
• Hold up the Geography flashcard. Continue the routine:
• Hold up the PE flashcard. • Group 4: Is History easy for you?
• Group 1: Is Geography easy or difficult for you?
• Group 2: Is Social Science easy or difficult for you?
DRILL • Group 3: Is Art easy for you?
Objective in Focus 1
• Group 4: Is English easy for you?
TEACHER STUDENTS • Group 1: Is Geography easy or difficult for you?
English is easy for Penelope and English is easy for them. • Group 2: Is History easy or difficult for you?
French is difficult for Harold and French is difficult for them.
Danny. DRILL

Spanish is easy for Carlos. Spanish is easy for him.
Spanish is difficult for Gareth. Spanish is difficult for him. TEACHER STUDENTS
Art is easy for you and I. Art is easy for us. (Put the pen on the table.) Where’s It’s on the table.
the pen?
Social Science is easy for Luis, Social Science is easy for them.
Andrés and Miguel. (Put the pen under the table.) It’s under the table.
Where’s the pen now?
History is difficult for Pedro. History is difficult for him.
(Put the pen on a chair.) … and It’s on the chair.
Maths is easy for Monica. Maths is easy for her.
(Put the pen in a drawer.) … and It’s in the drawer.
Continue the routine:
• Music is very easy for my cousin Ana. (Put the pen under the chair.) It’s under the chair.
• Art is easy for the Queen. Where’s the pen now?

• Geography is very difficult for Martin and Steven. (Put the pen in your hand.) Where It’s in your hand.
is it now?
• Maths is very difficult for my grandparents.
• German is easy for my friend Hans. (Put it on the table.) … and now? It’s on the table.

• German and English are difficult for Mariano.

• PE is easy for Paula, Rebeca, Vanesa and Jennifer. Continue putting the pen in different places, and asking the questions
• Is Maths easy for your dad? Is the pen…? / Where’s the pen?
• Is Music easy for your mum?


Refresh •

Review the object pronouns. Tell the students to ask you if different school
behind, between, in front of, next to + object pronoun 3
subjects are easy for you.
2.11 1 Look and listen.
1 Look and listen. CD2
11 learning PB

The students listen to the audio twice: the first time without the text and
the second time reading the text in their Pupil’s Book. Divide the students
into Askys, Beths, Bens and Bills. Four students present the sketch to the
Grammar Appendix p.64

2 Put the words in order.

Then listen and check. 2.13 4 Master the question. Objective in Focus 1 •
Then listen and check.
1 standing / he / him / is / behind?
1 Yes, she’s sitting next to me. What? Review next to and between while at the same time reinforcing
P Is he standing behind him?
2 she / sitting / isn’t / her / in / front / of
P Is she sitting next to you? the object pronouns the students have just been introduced to.
2 No, she isn’t standing between them.
3 are / between / sitting / them / they
3 Yes, they’re sitting in front of us. Why? Prepositions are frequently combined with object pronouns in
4 us / sitting / are / next / you / to
4 No, we aren’t standing behind her. everyday English.
5 Think and write in your notebook!
3 Game time!
How? Ask the students direct questions about where they sit and who
to us they are next to and between.

behind My next to
us house them

2 P
 ut the words in order. PB

Then listen and check.

in front 12 PB
of us

1 My house is on Ocean Avenue. The students try to put the words in order. When everybody has finished,
2 The Johnsons live next to us. play the audio to check for the correct answers.
3 The Simpsons live next to them.
4 The Jacksons live behind us, on Palm Street. DRILL

Rewind •
twenty-seven 27
Use the drill in the Drill Section to practise short answers with the verb to be.

MISSI N 4: 3 Game time!

learning PB

Students quickly draw a picture of their classroom. Then in pairs they ask
Objectives each other questions about where different people or objects are in their
picture. For example, asking questions like Is the teacher in front of us? Is
• Learn the prepositions behind, in front of, between and next to.
there a book between us?, etc.
• Learn how to use behind, in front of, between and next to with the
object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them).
• Review the verbs to sit and to stand. 4 M
 aster the question. PB

Then listen and check.

13 PB
Students shout out the questions that elicit the answers in the Pupil’s Book.
• Audio material
CD1 Cooperative
Recommended Extra Activities Objective in Focus 2 • 82 learning
• Activity Book p. 25 What? Continue giving students the answers to some questions and
get them to ask the correct question.
• Pupil’s Book video 3
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Listening Worksheet, p. 60 Why? When we communicate we constantly ask questions and it’s
essential that students get plenty of practice doing so.
• Fast Finishers: Have students draw a map of the class with all the desks and
the names of students who sit in each seat labelled on the map. They write How? Read a series of statements about school subjects and places
five observations on the map using behind, in front of, between and next to. and have students form the questions that would elicit those
statements. You could turn this exercise into a competition, working in
Teacher Tips groups and awarding teams points for correct answers.

• When checking lists of data (like days of the week, months or

numbers), follow the normal order but also go backwards and get the 5 Think and write in your notebook! PB
students to spell the words that you are checking. Pay great attention Students brainstorm in their notebooks about where they live in relation to
to the vowels a, e and i which are pronounced “ei”, “ii” and “ai”. their neighbours. They then convert this information into four or five
• Make it very clear to the students that behind is never followed by simple sentences. See the Pupil’s Book for an example of this.
the preposition of. Remind them that in English we say behind +
noun, behind + person, behind + object pronoun (for example: Cooperative
Game – What do you live next to? • learning
behind the school, behind Mary, behind us).
Put the students into pairs and each of the partners must choose a place to
• When practising a new word or grammar point, get the students to
live next to. They then have to guess each other’s place by asking questions.
practise using affirmative, negative and especially interrogative
For example, Do you live next to a cinema? Do you live next to an airport?
sentences. It’s very important that they ask as many questions as possible.
Do you live next to a restaurant? Do you live next to a hotel?, etc.

Drill Section

Refresh Rewind
79 81


Ask me if Maths is easy for me. Is Maths easy for you? Is Spanish easy for your parents? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Ask me if Art is easy for me. Is Art easy for you? Is Music easy for Justin Bieber? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Ask me if German is easy for me. Is German easy for you? Is History easy for your father? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Is Maths easy for your Mum? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Ask me if Science is easy for me. Is Science easy for you?
Is History easy for you? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Ask me if History is easy for me. Is History easy for you?
Is PE easy for your cousin? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Ask me if Spanish is easy for me. Is Spanish easy for you?

Continue routine with:

Continue routine with: • Is PE easy for Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi?
• Ask me if Geography is easy for me.
• Is English difficult for your aunt?
• Ask me if Maths is easy for me.
• Is Geography difficult for your grandad?
• Ask me if English is easy for me.
• Is History difficult for Maria, Pepe and Paco?
• Ask me if PE is easy for me.
• Is Maths difficult for your grandad?
• Ask me if French is easy for me.
• Ask me if Art is easy for me.
• Ask me if Social Science is easy for me. DRILL

Objective in Focus 2

80 Objective in Focus 1 TEACHER STUDENTS
I love Science. What do you love?
Yes, I love German. Do you love German?
Are you sitting next to (name of a Yes, I’m sitting next to him/her. /
student)? No, I’m not sitting next to him/her. Yes, I sit behind María in English. Do you sit behind María in
Are you sitting between (name of a Yes, I’m sitting between them. /
student) and (name of a student)? No, I’m not sitting between them. I sit in front of Pablo in History. Who you do sit in front of in
Is (name of a student) sitting next Yes, he/she is sitting next to (name
to (name of a student)? of student). / She sits between Penelope and Who does she sit between?
No, he/she isn’t sitting next to Rosa.
(name of student). I am standing next to Felipe. Where are you standing?
Is (name of a student) sitting Yes, he/she is sitting between them. / I am sitting next to Catalina. Who are you sitting next to?
between (name of a student) and No, he/she isn’t sitting between
I’m good at Music. What are you good at?
(name of a student)? them.
Yes, Maths is difficult for me. Is Maths difficult for you?
Are (name of a student) and (name Yes, (name of student) and (name
of a student) sitting next to you? of student) are sitting next to me. / I am sitting in front of Ana Rosa. Where are you sitting?
No, (name of student) and (name of
I am sitting behind Jonathan. Who are you sitting behind?
student) aren’t sitting next to me.
Yes, I love English. Do you love English?

Am I next to (name of a student)? Yes, you’re next to (name of student). / No, I don’t like History. Do you like History?
No, you aren’t next to (name of

Continue routine with:

• Am I between (name of a student) and (name of a student)?
• Am I between (name of a student) and (name of a student)?
Am I in front of (name of a student)?
• Am I between (name of a student) and (name of a student)?
• And now? Who am I between now?
• Who am I standing next to now, (name of a student) or (name of a
• Who am I sitting between now?
• Who am I standing in front of now, (name of a student) or (name of a


Refresh •

Drill next to, in front of and behind with common classroom objects.
MISSION 5: Reading

2.14 1 Read, listen and answer. PB

1 Read, listen and answer. CD2

14 PB

Explain any difficult vocabulary and then play the audio. Choose three
students to play the parts of Asky, Noella and the teacher. After they read
their parts, the class answers the four questions.

Objective in Focus 1 • 84

What? Practise can and can’t.

Why? Here we focus on can that appears at the end of the story. The
purpose of this exercise is to remind the students that in English, can and
can’t aren’t followed by an infinitive with to: we drop the to before the verb.
How? The students will change affirmative statements into negative
statements and vice versa.
1 What class do Asky and
Noella have?
2 What time do Asky and
Noella have class?
Back to Basics •
3 Is Asky happy or nervous?
4 Is Noella nervous? 2.15 3 Listen to the end of the story. It’s time to count. First the class will count from 30 to 50 in cardinal numbers
Then say true or false.
2 Verb time! 1 Asky says the correct answer. P True
as a group. Elicit the correct pronunciation of every number. Next, the
1 Is Asky good at Geography? 2 The question wasn’t very difficult for Asky. students count from 30 to 50 in ordinals. Pay attention to the pronunciation
2 Is Geography difficult for him? 3 There isn’t a Geography section in Asky’s of the following numbers: 30th – “zéetiez”, 40th - “fóotiez”, 50th – “fiftiez”
3 Is Noella good at Geography?
4 Sometimes Asky reads about lakes, rivers
(and not ‘fáiftiez’), 35th – “zeeti_fíz”, 45th – “footi_fífz”.
4 Is it difficult for her?
and oceans.
5 Is Geography easy or difficult for you?
5 Noella doesn’t want to look at the
6 Are you good or bad at Geography? Geography section of their book.

2 Verb time. PB
28 twenty-eight
The students have read the story and know that Asky and Noella were in
Geography class. Now they are going to answer some questions about

MISSI N 5: Asky and Noella and also some about themselves using the structures to
be good at, to be bad at, to be difficult and to be easy.

Objectives School Subjects! • TRB

• Review the vocabulary related to Geography (magma, lava, volcano, etc.). Photocopy Class Material Worksheet 1 from the Teacher’s Resource Book
• Learn to be good at and to be bad at. and distribute it to the students. Have them label the pictures with the
• Review the names of school subjects. names of the school subjects they relate to.

• Audio material 3 L
 isten to the end of the story. PB

Then say true or false.

• Teacher’s Resource Book, Class Material Worksheet 1, p. 56 15 PB

The students listen to the second part of the story about Asky and Noella.
Recommended Extra Activities Then they answer the questions by either saying true or false.
• Activity Book p. 26 Additional questions about the story:
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Speaking Worksheet, p. 61
1. The teacher tells Noella and Asky to be quiet. (True).
• Fast Finishers: The students invent a country. They give it a name and
2. Noella tells Asky they can read that section after the class. (True).
then they draw some geographical landmarks (a river, a lake, a mountain,
a volcano), etc. Then, they write some sentences about where the DRILL
geographical landmarks are located in relation to each other, using Objective in Focus 2 • 85
behind, in front of, between and next to. What? Volcano, Mountain, Lake, River or Ocean?

Teacher Tips Why? It’s very important for students to practise the new vocabulary
words again and again for them to stick.
• Remind students that in English we use a definite article with rivers
(the Amazon, the Ebro) but we don’t use one with mountains How? Ask the students a question which offers two possible answers.
(Mount Blanc, Mount Everest). The student has to choose the correct one. The student gives a
• Remind students that to pronounce the letter ‘v’ correctly they complete answer. They might not know all of these different places so
must have their top teeth on their bottom lip (and not their top lip get everyone to repeat the correct answer together as a group after
on their bottom lip). Practise this sound by getting students to each sentence.
make the revving noise a motorbike makes.
• Don’t underestimate the importance of the last exercise. If you’re Cooperative
Game - Guess the Subject • learning
running out of time to do everything in the class, don’t sacrifice
the game at the end. The idea is to finish the class with a fun and Choose a student. The student has to think of a school subject. The other
energetic activity so students leave the class smiling. students in the class try to discover what subject it is by asking closed
questions. The first student can only answer yes or no.

Drill Section

Refresh Objective in Focus 2

83 85


Is the book next to the bag or in The book is next to/in front of the Is the Ebro a river or a lake? The Ebro is a river.
front of the bag? bag.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Ebro is a river!
Is the chair in front of me or The chair is in front of/behind you.
Is Mount Teide a lake or a Mount Teide is a volcano.
behind me?
Is the clock behind my desk or in The clock is behind/in front of your
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Mount Teide is a volcano!
front of my desk? desk.
Is the bag next to the desk or The bag is next to/behind the Is the Pacific an ocean or a lake? The Pacific is an ocean.
behind the desk? desk. Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Pacific is an ocean!
Is the window in front of my desk The window is in front of/behind Is the Amazon a river or an ocean? The Amazon is a river.
or behind my desk? your desk.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Amazon is a river!
Are you in front of me or behind I’m in front of/behind you.
me? Is Mount Etna a volcano or a river? Mount Etna is a volcano.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Mount Etna is a volcano!
Is Mount Everest a mountain or a Mount Everest is a mountain.
Continue routine with:
• Board • Computer • Map
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Mount Everest is a mountain!
• Door • Picture • Plant
Is the Guadalquivir a mountain or The Guadalquivir is a river.
a river?

Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Guadalquivir is a river!
Objective in Focus 1
Is the Atlantic a river or an ocean? The Atlantic is an ocean.
TEACHER STUDENTS Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Atlantic is an ocean!
I can’t speak French. I can speak French.
Is Mulhacén a mountain or an Mulhacén is a mountain.
I can play the piano. I can’t play the piano. ocean?
I can’t play the guitar. I can play the guitar. Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Mulhacén is a mountain!

I can’t see it. I can see it. Is the Tajo a river or a volcano? The Tajo is a river.

You can do it. You can’t do it. Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Tajo is a river!

Our teacher can’t play football. Our teacher can play football. Is Montserrat a river or a Montserrat is a mountain.
My father can’t speak German. My father can speak German.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Montserrat is a mountain!
I can’t answer the question. I can answer the question.
Is the Duero a river or a lake? The Duero is a river.
She can’t open the window. She can open the window.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Duero is a river!
They can’t buy the car. They can buy the car.
Is Superior a lake or an ocean? Superior is a lake.
He can’t help me. He can help me.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Superior is a lake!
We can’t go to the party. We can go to the party.
Is Vesuvius a volcano or a river? Vesuvius is a volcano.
They can’t eat meat. They can eat meat.
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Vesuvius is a volcano!
She can’t read the book. She can read the book.
Is the Guadiana a river or a The Guadiana is a river.
He can watch TV. He can’t watch TV. volcano?
I can see the skyscraper. I can’t see the skyscraper. Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! The Guadiana is a river!
We can visit the museum. We can’t visit the museum. Is K2 a mountain or a river? K2 is a mountain.
I can eat it. I can’t eat it. Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! K2 is a mountain!
He can’t sleep. He can sleep.

Around the World Refresh •
Canada, The USA
In the story from the previous mission, students practised the “z” sound
MISSION 6: - I'm good at…
- border, to flow, noisy, powerful, wet
(for example, in easy) and the “j” sound (for example, in Geography). In
2.16 1 Read the text and answer
this exercise we’re going to work on this pronunciation by getting students
the questions in your notebook. to ask questions containing nouns with either the “z” or “j” sounds.

Nia gar a Fall s

Do you know
Are you good at Geography? 1 R
where the Niagara Falls are?
There are three  ead the text and answer PB
falls on the borde r of the United Cooperative
the questions in your notebook.
beautiful CD2
States and Canada. They are
between the 16 learning PB
York and the provin ce of Ontario.
state of New called: The
There are three waterfalls in total and the Divide the class into four groups. Each group chooses a spokesperson.
Falls, the Amer ican Falls
into the Niagara
Bridal Veil Falls and they flow if you’re This person reads one quarter of the text like a TV presenter. Decide which
50 meter s high and
River. They’re
next to them, they’re very noisy TV presenter has read their part of the text in the clearest way. The
every year. get wet! The
Millions of people go to see them the land, your umbrella because you can
it looks like
You can look at the water falls from
to be next to waterfalls are very powerful and students then listen to the text and they answer the questions.
or you can get a boat on the river it’s raining all the time!
them. If you get a boat, remem
1 What countries are the Niagara Falls in? 3 How can you see the waterfalls? Objective in Focus 1 • 87
2 Name the three waterfalls. 4 When you go by boat to the waterfalls,
what do you need? What? In this exercise, the students practise the vocabulary they’ve
been introduced to in the text in their Pupil’s Books: powerful, noisy,
2.17 2 Cultural Expression.
3 Web quest.
wet, border and to flow.
Hey, are you good at Yes, I am, but I’m
Geography, Victor? good at Maths too!
Why? If learning a language were just about showing students new
words, students would become bilingual in no time! For students to
1 How many people really acquire new vocabulary, they need to practise and use that
Niagara Falls each
2 What did Native
Americans vocabulary over and over again until they assimilate it.
call Niagara Falls?
est waterfall How? Write the following words on the board: border, noisy, powerful,
3 Which is the bigg
in the world?
ous waterfall wet and to flow. Check for understanding and then ask the students
4 Find another fam
is it?
in the world. Where questions with two possible answers. Tell them that they must answer
using the option with one of the words from the board.

twenty-nine 29 Back to Basics •

Dictate the following times and have students read them back to you

using a quarter past, a quarter to, and half past: 10:15 (a quarter past ten),
08:45 (a quarter to nine), 13:45 (a quarter to two), 17:30 (half past five),
19:45 (a quarter to eight), 11:45 (a quarter to twelve), 20:15 (a quarter past
eight), 19:30 (half past seven).
• Learn the adjectives noisy, powerful and wet. PB

2 Cultural Expression. CD2

17 PB
• Learn the new vocabulary border and to flow.
• Learn about the United States, Canada and the Niagara Falls. In this very short listening exercise, the students listen to two boys talking
about what they are good at. First, the students write down what the boys
• Review I’m good at and I’m bad at.
say. Then, pairs of students ask each other what they’re good at.

Materials Cooperative
Translation Challenge! • learning TRB
• Audio material
The students work in pairs. Read the sentences from the General
• Teacher’s Resource Book, General Translation List, p. 87
Translation List and have students raise their hands to translate. The pair
with the most correct answers wins today’s Translation Challenge!
Recommended Extra Activities
• Activity Book p. 27
3 Web quest. PB
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Reading Worksheets, pp. 62 + 63
• Fast Finishers: The students take a piece of paper and divide it in two The students use the internet to find the answers to the four questions. If
with a line. At the top of one half of paper, they draw a Canadian flag they don’t have internet access in the classroom, set it for homework.
and on the other side of the paper they draw an American flag. Below DRILL
the flags, they write three things they know about each country. Objective in Focus 2 • 88

What? The students will practise: border, noisy, powerful, wet, to flow.

Teacher Tips Why? It’s important for students to get comfortable with using the new
• For students to remember vocabulary and how its pronounced, it’s
essential that they say the words aloud. Have the students spell How? Introduce the students to some facts using the vocabulary seen
the words. Pick individual students to do this and then have the in this mission. Students respond by saying either true and repeating
whole class repeat the word as loud they can! the sentence or false and changing the sentence into the negative. If
• When reviewing an adjective, always elicit opposites (for example, they make a mistake they have to repeat the correct answer three times!
• When are you setting homework in class? Remember: never do Game – Banana! • learning
this at the end of the class. Let your students’ last impression of The students count in ordinals starting with the first, then the second, etc.
each English class be energetic, challenging and above all, fun! They cannot say numbers that are multiples of 3 or 5. Instead of saying
these numbers, they say BANANA! It should be fun and fast!

Drill Section

Refresh Objective in Focus 1

86 87


Ask me if there is a desert in Is there a desert in Spain? Is our class noisy or quiet? Our class is noisy/quiet.
Is your schoolbag wet or dry? My schoolbag is wet/dry.
Ask me if there any peas in my Are there any peas in your
Is the floor wet or dry today? The floor is wet/dry today.
kitchen. kitchen?
Is Madrid a noisy city or a quiet Madrid is a noisy city.
Ask me if there is a music class Is there a music class today?
Is your family noisy or quiet? My family is noisy/quiet.
Ask me if there was a music class Was there a music class yesterday?
yesterday. Is your family car noisy or quiet? Our family car is noisy.

Ask me if there is any cheese in my Is there any cheese in your Is Galicia wet or dry? Galicia is wet.
kitchen. kitchen? Is Ireland wet or dry? Ireland is wet.
Ask me if there are any scissors on Are there any scissors on your
Is the United States a powerful The United States is a powerful
my desk. desk?
country or not? country.
Ask me if Music is easy for me. Is Music easy for you? Is Andorra a powerful country or Andorra is not a powerful country.
Ask me if there is any cheese in Is there any cheese in the desert? not?
the desert. Does the Ebro flow through Spain The Ebro flows through Spain.
Ask me if there are any peas in the Are there any peas in the desert? or through China?
desert. Does the Mississippi flow through The Mississippi flows through the
Ask me if Jack and Julia like Do Jack and Julia like cheese? France or through the United United States.
cheese. States?
Does the Nile flow through Egypt The Nile flows through Egypt.
Ask me if Justin and Jessica like Do Justin and Jessica like peas?
or through Ireland?
Does Spain have a border with Spain has a border with Portugal.
Ask me if Jennifer and Jack like Do Jennifer and Jack like Music?
Italy or with Portugal?
Does America have a border with America has a border with
Ask me if Music is easy for Justin Is Music easy for Justin and Julia?
Canada or with England? Canada.
and Julia.
Does Mexico have a border with Mexico has a border with the
Ask me if PE is easy for Jack and Is PE easy for Jack and Jennifer? the United States or with China? United States.
Ask me if Art is easy for Jessica. Is Art easy for Jessica?
Ask me if German is easy for Julia. Is German easy for Julia? CD1
88 Objective in Focus 2
Ask me if Jack is good at Spanish. Is Jack good at Spanish?
Ask me if Jennifer is good at Is Jennifer good at Science? The border between America and True! The boarder between
Science. Canada is very long. America and Canada is very long.
Ask me if Justin is good at Is Justin good at Geography? Sao Paolo is a very noisy city. True! Sao Paolo is a very noisy city.
England has a border with 4 False! England doesn’t have a
countries. border with 4 countries.
Norway has a lot of waterfalls. True! Norway has a lot of
Planes aren’t noisy when they fly. False! Planes are noisy when they
China has a border with 14 True! China has a border with 14
countries. countries.
Ireland is a very wet country. True! Ireland is a very wet country.
Sheep are very powerful animals. False! Sheep aren’t very powerful
There are a lot of powerful True! There are a lot of powerful
waterfalls in Argentina. waterfalls in Argentina.
The Danube flows through 10 True! The Danube flows through
countries. 10 countries.
The Thames flows through False! The Thames doesn’t flow
England, Scotland and Wales. through England, Scotland and


CLIL Refresh •
In this activity, before your students take their books out of their school
MISSION 7: - band, bass drums, musician, rhythm, saxophone
- to play an instrument
bags, check how much your students remember about the waterfalls from
1 Listen, read and answer the questions in your notebook.
the previous mission. See the questions in the Drill Section.

Do you like music? Do you like jazz music? 1 How many musicians are going to be at
I do! We’re going to a jazz club with our music teacher the jazz club?
today. Our teacher says there are going to be four
musicians in the band. One musician plays the saxophone P There are going to be four
musicians at the jazz club.
1 L
 isten, read and answer the questions PB
using his mouth and fingers. Another musician plays the
in your notebook.
bass. The bass is a tall instrument and it looks like a big 2 Which are the instruments they play? 18 PB
violin. There’s a girl that plays the drums too. Our teacher
3 Does the narrator like the music class?
says: “The drums control the rhythm of the music”. The
fourth musician plays the piano. Everybody knows the piano 4 What does a bass look like?
Play the audio and the students listen and take notes. Introduce new or
player because he’s so good at playing it. It’s a black and 5 Who is the narrator going to the difficult vocabulary before the students read the text in their book. Get
white piano and it’s bigger than the bass. The music class is
concert with?
going to be very interesting today! the students to stand up with their books in their hands and choose
different students to read a line of the text. Highlight that the word
saxophone is pronounced “sáksofounnn”.

Objective in Focus 1 • 90

What? Changing sentences from the future tense with going to into
sentences with the past simple.
2 Tell to ask. 3 Game time!
Why? It’s important that your students develop the ability to be able to
change from one verb tense to another; as when we communicate this
is exactly what we do.
How? Using the drill in the Drill Section, say a sentence in the future
tense and students have to change that sentence into the past simple.

Teacher: Juan, ask Martina if she’s

in front of or behind Jaime. Cooperative
Juan: Martina, are you in front of
or behind Jaime?
Rap and clap! • learning PB
Martina: I’m in front of him.
Put the students into four groups and give them a couple of minutes to
rehearse the ‘Rap and clap!’ from the first mission. Then host a short talent
30 thirty
contest where they perform their raps. Which group has the potential to
succeed in the hip hop industry?


2 Tell to ask. CD1

91 PB

Objectives In this drill, the teacher tells students to ask each other where other
• Learn the following vocabulary: band, bass, drums, musician, rhythm, students are seated in relation to each other. Are they next to, between, in
saxophone, to play an instrument. front of or behind each other?
• Learn about jazz music.
• Review in front of, behind, next to, beside. Objective in Focus 2 •
• Review to look like.
What? To be good/bad at something and Something is easy/difficult
for someone.
Why? (1) So students learn to use the correct type of pronoun (object
• Audio material
vs. subject), (2) so they practise the names of the school subjects (3), so
they learn how to express ideas in alternative ways.
Recommended Extra Activities
• Activity Book p. 28 How? Say sentences using the structure to be good/bad at something
and students rephrase these sentences by using the structure
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Writing Worksheets, pp. 64 + 65 something is easy/difficult for someone. For example, TEACHER: He’s
• Fast Finishers: The students create a new group made up of between 4 good at Maths. STUDENT: Maths is easy for him.
and 5 of their friends. They have to decide on the musical style of the group
(rock, country, jazz, pop, etc) and a name for the group. They can also draw
a picture of the instrument that they are going to play in the band. Cooperative
3 Game time! learning PB
Teacher Tips
Get a student to start a rhythm clapping and tapping on their desk and the
• In English, we always use a definite article with musical instruments. rest of the class need to copy it. Once the rhythm is established, choose a
Remind the students that we say: I play the piano or She plays the category, for example, musical instruments, and the students need to say a
bass. musical instrument in English in time to the beat. Crown the student who
• Here’s an interesting point for students: the word rhythm is one of performs best in this game the King or Queen of rhythm!
the only regularly used words in English that doesn’t contain a
vowel. Although the first syllable has the sound of a very short ‘i’,
we pronounce rhythm like this: “rídzemm”.
• If you have difficulty getting through all of the exercises in the class
plan, make sure you prioritise activities. One of your priorities should
be to start and end the class in an energetic, memorable and fun way.

Drill Section

Refresh Tell to ask

89 91


What countries are the Niagara They’re in the United States and S1, ask S2 if he’s/she’s in front of or S1: Are you in front of or behind
Falls in? Canada. behind S3. S3?
How many beautiful waterfalls on There are three beautiful waterfalls S2: I’m in front of/behind S3.
the border of the United States on the border of the United States
S1, ask S2 if he’s/she’s next to or S1: Are you next to or behind S3?
and Canada are there? and Canada.
behind S3.
Which state and province are they They’re between the state of New
S2: I’m next to/behind S3.
between? York and the province of Ontario.
S1, ask S2 if he’s/she’s in front of S1: Are you in front of S3 and S4or
What are the names of these The Horseshoe Falls.
S3 and S4 or between them. between them.
waterfalls? The American Falls.
The Bridal Veil Falls. S2: I’m in front of/between them.
What do they flow into? They flow into the Niagara Falls. Repeat this routine a number of
times with different students in the
How high are they? They’re 50 metres high.
How many people go to see them Millions of people go to see them
every year? every year.
How can you see these waterfalls? You can see them from the land or DRILL

Objective in Focus 2
from a boat. 92

When you go by boat to the You need an umbrella.

waterfalls, what do you need?
She’s good at English. English is easy for her.
Negative English isn’t easy for her.

DRILL He’s bad at Maths. Maths is difficult for him.

Objective in Focus 1
Question Is Maths difficult for him?
TEACHER STUDENTS We’re very good at Art. Art is very easy for us.
Are you going to see your Granny Did you see your Granny on
Negative Art isn’t very easy for us.
on Friday? Friday?
They’re very bad at History. History is very difficult for them.
He’s going to go to the football He went to the football match on
match on Sunday. Sunday. Negative History isn’t very difficult for them.
Are you going to buy a book on Did you buy a book on You are good at German. German is easy for you.
Wednesday? Wednesday?
Question Is German easy for you?
He’s going to come here on Saturday. He came here on Saturday.
She is good at Geography. Geography is easy for her.
We’re going to do our homework We did our homework on Sunday.
Question Is Geography easy for her?
on Sunday.
I’m bad at Science. Science is difficult for me.
They’re going to sleep in a hotel They slept in a hotel on Thursday.
on Thursday. Negative Science isn’t difficult for me.
He isn’t going to drink any milk. He didn’t drink any milk. He’s very bad at Music. Music is very difficult for him.
Sarah’s going to have breakfast Sarah had breakfast with James on Question Is Music very difficult for him?
with James on Wednesday. Wednesday.
We’re good at French. French is easy for us.
Paul’s going to eat some Paul ate some pineapple.
Question Is French easy for us?
Maria and Adela are good at German is easy for them.
We’re going to have Maths class We had Maths class on Monday.
on Monday.
Question Is German easy for them?
They’re going to see a film at the They saw a film at the cinema on
cinema on Friday. Friday. Paco is bad at maths. Maths is difficult for him.
Is he going to go to London on Did he go to London on Friday? Negative Maths isn’t difficult for him.
I’m going to buy a new toy. I bought a new toy.
Are you going to come to the Did you come to the party?
I’m going to sleep a lot at the I slept a lot at the weekend!


Refresh •

Using the questions in the Drill Section, test students on what they learnt
- Tell the time.
- Talk about school subjects.
- Say what subjects are easy or difficult for me. My portfolio about jazz music in the previous mission.
1 Choose the correct answer in your notebook.
1 C
 hoose the correct answer
in your notebook. PB
1 Where are my friends sitting in Maths class?
a They’re sitting in front of you! b No, they weren’t. c Am I standing?
Students read the questions and write the correct answer in their
2 Is Tom standing next to Alice?
a Yes, she is. b No he isn’t. He’s c Tom’s not notebooks. Then check to see how the class did.
not standing standing next
next to her. to her.
3 Is History easy for you? CD1
a I have History at 10 o’clock. b Yes, it is. c No, I haven’t got Objective in Focus 1 • 94
History today.
4 Are you sitting in front of Mark? What? Questions with there + to be and the prepositions behind, next
a Yes, I am. b No, Mark isn’t sitting. c Mark’s not here.
to, in front of and between.
5 Is the teacher standing behind you?
a Yes, she is. b No, it’s a Maths class. c Yes, I am. Why? Students must master questions from the very beginning; if not,
they might have difficulty asking questions in English later on in life. In
2.19 2 Listen and answer. 2.20 3 Choose the correct option. addition, this activity reminds students that behind is not followed by
Then listen and check.
1 I’m sitting in front of Ana. I’m sitting in front of … .
the preposition of.
a him
b her How? Use an ’Ask me’ drill. Tell students to ask you about where
1 Is school easy or difficult for Lucy? c us
2 German is a … .
specific objects are.
2 What does Lucy have at nine
o’clock? a language
b type of music
3 Is German difficult for Lucy
and her friend Sarah?
c science
3 Social Science is … for me. Vocabulary Flashcard Review • FC
4 Are Lucy and Sarah good at a us
Spanish? b saxophone Go through the “Unit 3: School subjects!” flashcards testing the students
5 What do Lucy and Sarah have c easy
after PE? 4 When do you have PE? on the vocabulary from the unit. This is your chance to make sure that all
6 When do they go home?
a In front of Art.
b At 12 o’clock.
the students have managed to assimilate the vocabulary.
c It’s difficult.
5 I’m good at Art. It’s easy for … . PB
a me 2 Listen and answer. CD2
19 learning PB
b I
c us
Divide the students into six groups by assigning a number from 1- 6 to
thirty-one 31 each student. Have students look at the exercise in Activity 2 of their
Pupil’s Book. When you call out their number, all the students in that group
read out their question in unison. Finally, play the audio and get the

I CAN: students to answer the six questions.

Objective in Focus 2 • 95
• Review the time. What? The structure to be easy for someone and object pronouns.
• Review the school subjects. Why? This structure is a great way for students to gain practice with
• Review the structure to be easy/difficult for someone. object pronouns. Object pronouns are used constantly, therefore
students need to gain agility with them.
• Review the prepositions between, next to, in front of and behind.
How? The teacher says a sentence using a name or a subject pronoun like
me, you, etc. Then the students must repeat the sentence replacing the
• Audio material
noun, or subject pronoun with an object pronoun such as him, her, etc.
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Class Material Worksheet 2, p. 57
• Teacher’s Resource Book, Specific Translation List, p. 86 Cooperative
Let’s play! • learning TRB
• “Unit 3: School subjects!” flashcards
Put the students into pairs. Using Class Material Worksheet 2, and without
Recommended Extra Activities
looking at what the other student is doing, the students have to cut out
• Activity Book p. 29 • Teacher’s Resource Book, Test, pp. 66 + 67
the school subjects and stick them where they want on the timetable. Then
• Language assistant video 3 the students play the game, each taking turns to try and guess what time
• After doing the activities on the page and the Teacher’s Resource Book the other student has a certain class. If one student says, for example,
Test, the students will self assess their linguistic skills in “My Language Maths at 11 o’clock and the other student has that on their timetable, that
Biography” section of the Portfolio. student has to cross it out. The aim is to guess correctly and cross out all of
• Fast Finishers: Have fast finishers design their own school programme. the other players subjects before they guess all of yours!
They have to choose six subjects to teach at their school and write why
they are important. 3 Choose the correct option. PB

Then listen and check.

20 PB
Teacher Tips
Choose students at random and ask them to answer the questions 1-5.
• R emind the students that while in front is followed by the
Play the audio and then, and only then, correct the answers that the
preposition of, behind is not. We never say “behind of”.
students have given.
• In English, we usually capitalise the names of school subjects.
Remind the students to write Music and not “music“ when Translation Challenge • learning TRB
referring to a school subject.
In the same groups as before, now assign a number for each member of the
• As this is a review of the unit, now would be a good chance to go
group from one to four. Then choose a sentence to translate and shout out a
over any mistakes that students have been making during the
number from one to four. If you say threes for example, the students assigned
course. Remember: we don’t ignore weak points; we focus on
the number three must stand up and translate the sentence. Award the students’
them until they’re strong points!
teams points based on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and speed.

Drill Section

Refresh Objective in Focus 2

93 95


How many musicians are there in There are four musicians in the Spanish is easy for your parents. Spanish is easy for them.
the band at the jazz club? band at the jazz club.
Music is easy for Justin Bieber. Music is easy for him.
Do they play horrible music or They play beautiful music.
History is easy for Mark. History is easy for him.
beautiful music?
Which instruments are played? The saxophone, the bass, the Maths is easy for my mum. Maths is easy for her.
drums and the piano. History is easy for me. History is easy for me/you.
How do you play the saxophone? You play it using your mouth and PE is easy for Sophie. PE is easy for her.
your fingers.
Spanish is difficult for James. Spanish is difficult for him.
What does the man next to the The musician next to him plays the
musician with the saxophone play? bass. Geography is difficult for Jessica. Geography is difficult for her.
What does the bass look like? It looks like a big violin. History is difficult for Tom, Robert History is difficult for them.
and Paul.
Which instrument does the girl She plays the drums.
play? English isn’t difficult for me and English isn’t difficult for us.
What do the drums control? They control the rhythm of the
music. Science is difficult for my brother. Science is difficult for him.
What does the fourth musician play? The fourth musician plays the piano.
What does the piano look like? It’s a beautiful black and white


Objective in Focus 1

Ask me if there’s a clock behind me. Is there a clock behind you?
Ask me if there’s a chair behind me. Is there a chair behind you?
Everyone…, 3…, 2…, 1! Is there a chair behind you?
Ask me if there’s an elephant in Is there an elephant in front of
front of me. you?
Ask me if there’s a computer in Is there a computer in front of
front of me. you?
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Is there a computer in front of you?
Ask me if there’s a window next to Is there a window next to you?
Ask me if there’s a door next to me. Is there a door next to you?
Everyone…, 3…, 2…, 1! Is there a door next to you?
Ask me if there’s a picture behind Is there a picture behind you?
Ask me if there’s a plate in front of me. Is there a plate in front of you?
Ask me if there’s a waterfall Is there a waterfall behind you?
behind me?
Ask me if there’s a volcano next to Is there a volcano next to our
our school. school?
Ask me if there’s a waterfall Is there a waterfall behind our
behind our school. school?
Ask me if there’s a lake between Is there a lake between our school
our school and my house. and your house?
Everybody…, 3…, 2…, 1! Is there a lake between our school
and your house?
Ask me if there’s a book in front of me. Is there a book in front of you?
Ask me if there’s a bag behind me. Is there a bag behind you?


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