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C-86 Communications of the American Ceramic Society May 1983

ing to complete hydration. The value of n

Orthosilicate Analyses: A Measure was taken as 0.21 g/g for alite pastes6
and 0.23 g/g for pastes of cements and
of Hydration in Pastes of Alite and clinkers.'
The results for pastes made with alites
Portland Cement A-1 and A-2 are given in Fig. 1, where the
percent of monomer consumed (aTMS)is
plotted against the degree of hydration de-
Lkpartmcnts of Civil Engineering and Ceramic Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, termined by QXDA (aXRI)). Least-squares
Illinois 61801 regression analysis gives a good linear fit
indicating that the measurements are not
The proportion of monomeric silicate in a hydrated paste can be used to estimate affected by the most common hydration
the degree of hydration of alite or portland cement. The monomer was estimated variables: the w/s ratio, curing tempera-
bv gel permeation chromatography of the trimethylsilylated pastes. ture, or the presence of admixtures. The
best-fit line does not quite match the line
studies'.2 have shown that poly- by gel permeation chromatography'; of correspondence and indicates that 3%
monomer is consumed at zero hydration.
merization of the orthosilicate ions the amount of orthosilicate derivative
(monomeric silicate) occurs during the hy- (monomer) was determined quantitatively. The anhydrous alites yielded only -95%
dration of tricalcium silicate (alite). The Details of the method will b e given of monomer and 5% of dimer. This re-
degree of hydration ( a )appears to corrclate elsewhere .4 sult could be due to side reactions during
with the decrease in the proportion of or- Quantitative X-ray diffraction analy- derivatization and to surface hydration dur-
thosilicate derivative in the trimethylsily- ses (QXDA) were conducted using the in- ing storage.
lated (TMS) paste. This communication ternal standard method with the 2.19 nm Figure 2 shows data obtained from the
confirms this relation and applies it to port- peak of alite and the 2.38 nm peak of TiOz pastes made with alite (A-2), cements and
land cement systems and to a variety of (anatase) and 3 different packings. Ignition clinkers, in which aTMbis plotted against
cxpcrimental conditions. loss data were determined by oven drying the degree of hydration determined by ig-
Studies were conducted on pastes pre- the samples at 105°C for 24 h and then nition loss (aIGN). Again, least-squares
pared from several cementitious systems, heating them in a muffle furnace, first at analysis gives a good linear fit although
as shown in Table I . Unless otherwise indi- 580°C for 4 h to measure combined water, there is considerable variation in the
catcd, thc water:solid ( w / s ) ratio was 0.4 and then at 1000°C for 4 h to measure com- amount of calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates
and the curing temperature 25°C. The hy- bined carbon dioxide. The degree of hy- formed. Most of the pastes were well-
drated pastes were reacted according to the dation is calculated using the equation': hydrated, and complete reaction of the alu-
method used in Ref. 3 to form the TMS minate phases probably occurred. The three
derivatives, which were then separated (W,,,,- W s d + 0.4 1 (Wsxo- W,,I,,) data points near zero represent the un-
n.w ,000
hydrated solids. The regression line devi-
ates more from the line of correspondence
x 100% (1) than was the case with the QXDA compari-
where W,,,, etc. represent the sample son because TMS analysis only measures
Received December 2, 1982; revised copy re- weights at each temperature and n is the the silicate fraction of the systems; there are
ceivcd February I , 1983; approved February 2, 1983. also errors inherent in the assumptions used
Supporfed in pan by the Nalional Science Foun- nonevaporable water content correspond-
dation under Grant No. ENG 78-22068 and by the to calculate a I G N .
People's Republic (if China. Gel permeation chromatography is ad-
*Member, the American Ceramic Society. 'HPLC Series 6000A with a 50 nm p-styragel
*Permanent affiliation: Research Institute for column and an R-401 refractive index detector, Waters vantageous because it permits simultaneous
Dullding M;irerials, Beijing. China. Associates, Inc., Milford, MA. analysis of the polymerized silicates; other

Temp: A 65", o 25", o 4",

+SP, vW/S=O.3, oW/S=0.4

~ T M =S 3.00 + 0.91 aXRD

R = 0.981

"0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. I . Comparison of degree of hydration by QXDA and TMS methods Fig. 2. Comparison of degree of hydration by ignition loss and TMS
for alite pastes. Filled points represent series A-1 , open points series A-2. methods for cements and clinkers.
May 1983 Communications of the American Ceramic Society c-87

methods, however, can be used to deter- Table I. Systems Used For Hydration Studies
mine the residual monomer: gas chro- Conditions of hvdration
matography of the TMS derivativesx,’ and Series Compssition Variable Range of values
spectrophotometry of molybdate com-
plexcs,“’ for cxample. The accuracy of a.rMS A-l Monoclinic alite Admixtures CaCI2, CaS0,*2Hz0,
NaXO?. NaF (2 wt%
is considcred to be comparable to aXRD. cacl, or equivalent)
A-2 Monoclinic alite Tcmperature 6 5 T , 2 5 T , 5°C
REFERENCES w/s ratio 0.4, 0.7, 20
IL. S . Dent Gla\ser, E. E. Lachowski, K . Mohan, Admixtures Superplasticizer (SP),
and H. F. W. Taylor, “A Multi-Method Study of C,S
Hydration.” Cem. Concr. Re.,., 8 [6] 733-40 (1978). silica fume, CIA,
*L. J. Parrott. “Examination of the Silicate Struc- gYPsum
ture nf Tricalcium Silicate Hydrated at Elevated Tem- SYN Synthetic clinker Gypsum 0%, 7.5%, 11.3%
perature,” Cem. Concr. Res., 11 131 415-20 (1981).
IF. D. Tamas, A. K . Sarkar, and D. M. Roy, (C,S, 87%; C3A, 13%)
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Hvdrated Cements”: DO. 55-72 in Hvdraulic Cement (CS, 67%; CzS, 13%;
Pastes, Their Structirk and Properties: Proceedings. C?A, 14%)
Scholium Int., Flushing, NY, 1976.
4J. Hriliac. Z.-0. Wu, and 3. F. Young: submitted OPC Portland cement, type I w/s ratio 0.23, 0.35, 0.40, 0.47,
fnr publicatik in CEment and Concrete Research. 0.59, 0.71
’R. L . Berger, J . F. Young, and K . Leung,
“Acceleration of Hydration of Calcium Silicates by Car-
bon Dioxide Treatment,” Nuture (London), Phys. Sci.,
240 1971 16-18 (1972).
“F. W. Locher, “Stoichiometry of Tricalcium Sili- Null. Bur. Stund. ( U . S.)Monogr., No. 43. 1962. the Study of Cement Pastes: 11,” Cem. Concr. Res.,
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Res. Bourd, No. 90, 300-308 (1966). Masson, “Trimethylsilyl Derivatives for the Study of “’L. J. Parrott and M. G. Taylor. “Development of
’T. C. Powers, “Physical Properties of Cement Silicate Structures. Ill,” J. Chem. SOC. Dulton Truns., the Molybdate Complcxing Method for the Analysis of
PdSte”, pp. 577-608 in Proceedings of the Fourth Inter- 1973, No. 12, 3324-28. Silicate Mixtures,” Cem. Concr. Res.. 9 [4] 483-88
national Symposium on Chemistry of Cement, Vol. 11. ’E. E. Lachowski, “Trimethylsilylation as a Tool in (1979). 0

geometries, K,,, may be used for studying

Application of Electrical Analog in fracture behavior if KI is not known.
It has been demonstrated'.' that Kill
Composite Plates can be determined from electrical potential
measurements on cracked metallic foils.
For antiplane problems, stress and strain
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 fields are completely defined by a single
harmonic potential function, just as a single
A simple experimental method is proposed for determining stress intensity factors harmonic potential function fully describes
for composite plates in antiplane loading. The method relies on the fact that, in local flux densities in the corrcsponding
antiplane loading, a single harmonic potential function describes the state of stress electrical case. Displacement in antiplane
und strain in an isotropic body in much the same way as a single potential function deformation is analogous to electric poten-
describes local flux densities in an electric conductor. tial in the electrical problem; similarly,
shear modulus is analogous to electrical
conductivity. The objective of this commu-
ERAMICS often are comprised of more generally quite complicated, even for sim- nication is to extend the electrical analog to
Cthan one phase, e.g. transformation- ple crack and specimen geometries, and a composite plates.
toughened ceramics, dispersion-toughened solution in closed form cannot be obtained;
glasses and ceramics, TiC-A120, com- for complicated geometries numerical THEORY
posites, Si3N, ceramics containing glass methods are necessary. Erdogan and Cook4 Figure 1 shows a composite plate of
globules, directionally solidified eutectics, have extended the analysis to determine K materials 1 and 2 (with ends clamped) sub-
and glass-ceramics. Since in general the in antiplane strain loading (lIIrd mode). In jected to a force, F, in the Z direction. The
elastic properties of the phases that form a this case, the solution is not in closed form, shear moduli of materials 1 and 2 are p1
ceramic body will differ, the variation in and, again, mathematical procedures are and p,, respectively. The free body dia-
the stress intensity factor as the crack tip complicated even for simple geometries. gram shows that
enters one phase from another must be de- Erdogan and co-workers, however, have
termincd to accurately describe the fracture shown that the variation in K near inter- F = ( T ~ W+TZWz)f
~ (1)
behavior. Most analyses of the fracture be- faces (crack orthogonal to the interface) is where t is thickness and ( ~ , / p , ) = ( ~ ~ / p ~
havior of ceramic-ceramic composites have similar for plane and antiplane strain. For
since shear strains are identical in both
relied on the superposition principle to de- example, for a crack contained in a higher-
termine the stress intensity factor, K . In modulus body with the crack tip approach-
A similar electrical problem is shown
these analyses, stresses acting across a ing an interface separating a lower-modulus
in Fig. 2, where two plates (electrical con-
hypothetical crack plane in an uncracked body, the normalized K increases and be-
ductivities aI and a2,respectively) are
body are used to evaluate K . However, as comes singular when the crack tip arrives at
joined edgewise and a current, I , flows
Erdogan and co-w~rkers’--~ have shown, to the interface for both plane strain and anti-
through the composite plate. Then
evaluate K in composite plates, the appro- plane strain. Similarly, if the crack is con-
priate mixed-boundary value problem must tained in a lower-modulus material and is
be solved. Unfortunately, this procedure is approaching a higher-modulus material, I=(iiWi +i2W2)t’ (2)
the normalized K decreases for both plane where t’ is thickness and ii and i2 are cur-
strain and antiplane strain. Although K in rent densities. Furthermore, (il/al) =(iz/az)
CONTRIBUTING the plane strain problem cannot be easily or i,pl =izp2, where pi and pz are electrical
deduced, KIIr(antiplane) can be determined resistivities.
Received December 8, 1982; approved January 27, quite easily by an experimental technique The displacement w in plates 1 and 2
1983. which will be described in the present com- (Fig. 1) satisfies
Supported by the National Science Foundation
unde; Grant No. DMR 79-12668 munication. In view of the similarity be-
Member, the American Ceramic Society. tween K I (plane strain) and KrIIfor many v2w=0 (3)

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