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And here are my How To Lose Belly Fat...

1. Always have a high protein breakfast and NEVER EVER skip


2. Get a full 8 hours of sleep every night.

3. Drink a full glass of cool water first thing in the morning.

4. Dropped the long boring cardio and started doing metabolic

resistance training.

5. Stopped hanging out with my fat and lazy friends who would only
eat fast food and drink booze all the time. I'm over living the
Jersey Shore life!

6. Stopped eating so many carbs later in the day, especially in

the last two meals of the day.

7. Raided my refrigerator and threw out all the junk food and

8. Refused to eat sugar and white flour products.

9. Started meditating and reading motivational readings to keep

myself inspired to train hard.

10. Didn't eat out as much and saved a lot of $$ and also a TON of

11. Bought some healthy eating recipe books and began a mission to
teach myself how to cook.

12. Started taking fish oil and multivitamins everyday.

13. Kept a water bottle on me at ALL times and drank at least half
my bodyweight in fluid ounces daily.

14. Ate 6 meals a day and would never skip a meal so my metabolism
would keep on revving.

15. Gave up on watching so much TV and picked up outdoor

activities such as hiking and going on walks.
16. Made a vision board with all the things that I wanted (hot
body) and looked at it everyday for motivation.

17. Began drinking QUALITY protein shakes post-workout so I could

recover faster and burn belly fat.

18. Focused on eating a high protein diet and cycled my carbs

instead of eating them whenever I wanted.

19. Started eating more fruits and vegetables, especially more

greens with just about every meal.

20. Stopped getting DRUNK every weekend and stopping after 2 or 3

drinks. This was awesome because I could actually workout the next
day instead of being a hungover slob.

21. Blueberries and other antioxidants became a staple in my meals

and helped burn off the damaging free radicals.

22. Switched from sugary and artificially sweetened drinks to

naturally sweetened with honey or stevia.

23. Started foam roller exercises and doing more stretching before
and after my workouts. This helped improve my workouts by
lengthening my muscle fibers and therefore producing greater power.

24. Worked out my legs more and was pleasantly surprised to find
that it helped release more growth hormones into my body that would
bust my belly fat fast.

25. Completely laid off the machines in the weight room and
focused more on total body exercises. And in my TRX Suspension
Trainer review I found out how I didn't need an entire gym to have
an AWESOME fat burning workout.

26. More pull-ups, rows, push-ups, lunges, deadlifts and squats...no

more wasting my time with 1 hour devoted to various forms of bicep

27. HIIT aka High Intensity Interval Training took my fat loss
game to another level and allowed me to get a lot more done in a
shorter amount of time.

28. Only ate starchy carbohydrates such as oatmeal first thing in

the morning or right after my hardcore workouts.
29. Began taking my time to do a proper warm-up and was thankful
to see my gains improve and with fewer injuries.

30. No more going to the gym to just do abs, total body workouts
were responsible for the majority of my fast fat loss success.

31. Stopped killing my motivation by jumping on the weight scale

everyday. Instead focused on a pair of jeans that I've been
wanting to fit in for a long time and using them for my motivation.

32. Threw in more high fiber foods into my diet and started
reading the food labels to see what I was putting into my body.

33. Finally decided to stop following the latest and greatest fad
diet and instead focused on creating my own personal fat loss diet
that I could do for the rest of my life.

34. Ate the RIGHT fats and never skipped on eating them. A big
mistake people make when trying to lose belly fat is to completely
stop taking in fats but you really want to keep taking in the right
fats. Some examples of foods with the right fats are raw nuts,
seeds, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, coconut, natural peanut
butter, fish and fish oils.

35. Focused on eating whole foods and refused to eat anything that
was processed or was too far away from it's original state.

36. Stopped drinking pastuerized fat free milk and instead started
drinking raw cow's milk from grass fed cows.

37. Having a cheat day or 4 cheat meals a week. This helped keep
my leptin levels in balanced and to keep the fat burning off while
I'm on a lower calorie diet.

38. Watched the documentary Food Inc. and forever stopped eating
foods that had High Fructose Corn Syrup and trans fats in them.

39. Started drinking green tea and taking green tea extract, no
more coffees and fattening frappucinos!

40. Did everything I could to not eat foods that had been linked
to estrogen such as soy products, food additives, pesticides and
hormones in factory farm raised animals.

41. Planned my meals for the entire week on Sundays and only
bought the foods that I had planned for at the grocery store.
42. Focused on lower glycemic index carbohydrates for the majority
of my carb intake. Really avoided high glycemic carbs since they
would spike my insulin and blood sugar levels which would pack on
the belly fat.

43. Found out how many calories I should be taking in to lose fat
with this fat loss calorie calculator and NEVER cut calories.

44. Started using chili and cayenne pepper in my foods for the
metabolic boost and antioxidant benefits they provided.

45. Got on an INCREDIBLE ab blasting workout program that I would

do in addition to my current workouts.

46. STOPPED believing that my body was determined merely on

genetics, yeah losing belly fat is going to be harder for some
people than others but everybody can have a lean ripped body when
they put the work into it.

47. Realized that most fat loss supplements were absolute garbage
and that they weren't the miracle cure for getting rid of my belly

48. Reduced stress in my life by getting rid of the high stress

things in my life (duh) and doing more meditation/yoga stuff to
keep myself relaxed and keeping my hormones balanced.

49. Prepared healthy snacks and meals for when I traveled so I

wasn't eating airport junk food and brought my TRX Suspension
Trainer with me whenever I traveled so I could always workout.

50. Improved my self-esteem and KNEW that I could accomplish my

vision to have a lean ripped body and started taking MASSIVE ACTION.

And that's it!

Get going on this list and I would even go far as to suggest that
you print it out and start crossing things off as you go. Let's do

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