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Solicitation No.




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Section 00700 - Contract Cla ses



This contract incorporates one or more cla ses y re erence, ith the same orce an e ect as i they ere given in
ll te t. Upon re est, the Contracting O icer ill ma e their ll te t availa le. Also, the ll te t o a cla se may
e accesse electronically at this these a ress(es)

http ac isition.gov ar
http .ac .os .mil pap sitemap.html

(En o cla se)


52.202-1 De initions NOV 2013

52.203-3 Grat ities APR 1984
52.203-5 Covenant Against Contingent Fees MAY 2014
52.203-6 Restrictions On S contractor Sales To The Government SEP 2006
52.203-7 Anti-Kic ac Proce res MAY 2014
52.203-8 Cancellation, Rescission, an Recovery o F n s or Illegal or MAY 2014
Improper Activity
52.203-10 Price Or Fee A stment For Illegal Or Improper Activity MAY 2014
52.203-11 Certi ication An Disclos re Regar ing Payments To SEP 2007
In l ence Certain Fe eral Transactions
52.203-12 Limitation On Payments To In l ence Certain Fe eral OCT 2010
52.203-17 Contractor Employee Whistle lo er Rights an Re irement APR 2014
To In orm Employees o Whistle lo er Rights
52.204-2 Sec rity Re irements AUG 1996
52.204-4 Printe or Copie Do le-Si e on Postcons mer Fi er MAY 2011
Content Paper
52.204-10 Reporting E ec tive Compensation an First-Tier OCT 2016
S contract A ar s
52.204-13 System or A ar Management Maintenance OCT 2016
52.209-6 Protecting the Government s Interest When S contracting OCT 2015
With Contractors De arre , S spen e , or Propose or
De arment
52.215-2 A it an Recor s--Negotiation OCT 2010
52.215-21 Re irements or Certi ie Cost or Pricing Data an Data OCT 2010
Other Than Certi ie Cost or Pricing Data -- Mo i ications
52.222-50 Alt I Com ating Tra ic ing in Persons (MAR 2015) Alternate I MAR 2015
52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign P rchases UN 2008
52.225-14 Inconsistency Bet een English Version An Translation O FEB 2000
52.225-19 Contractor Personnel in a Designate Operational Area or MAR 2008
S pporting a Diplomatic or Cons lar Mission O tsi e the
Unite States
52.227-4 Patent In emnity-Constr ction Contracts DEC 2007
52.228-3 Wor er s Compensation Ins rance (De ense Base Act) UL 2014

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52.228-4 Wor ers Compensation an War-Ha ar Ins rance Overseas APR 1984
52.229-6 Ta es--Foreign Fi e -Price Contracts FEB 2013
52.232-5 Payments n er Fi e -Price Constr ction Contracts MAY 2014
52.232-17 Interest MAY 2014
52.232-27 Prompt Payment or Constr ction Contracts AN 2017
52.232-33 Payment y Electronic F n s Trans er--System or A ar UL 2013
52.233-1 Disp tes MAY 2014
52.233-3 Protest A ter A ar AUG 1996
52.233-4 Applica le La or Breach o Contract Claim OCT 2004
52.236-2 Di ering Site Con itions APR 1984
52.236-3 Site Investigation an Con itions A ecting the Wor APR 1984
52.236-5 Material an Wor manship APR 1984
52.236-6 S perinten ence y the Contractor APR 1984
52.236-7 Permits an Responsi ilities NOV 1991
52.236-8 Other Contracts APR 1984
52.236-9 Protection o E isting Vegetation, Str ct res, E ipment, APR 1984
Utilities, an Improvements
52.236-10 Operations an Storage Areas APR 1984
52.236-11 Use an Possession Prior to Completion APR 1984
52.236-12 Cleaning Up APR 1984
52.236-13 Acci ent Prevention NOV 1991
52.236-15 Sche les or Constr ction Contracts APR 1984
52.236-17 Layo t o Wor APR 1984
52.236-21 Speci ications an Dra ings or Constr ction FEB 1997
52.236-26 Preconstr ction Con erence FEB 1995
52.242-13 Ban r ptcy UL 1995
52.242-14 S spension o Wor APR 1984
52.243-4 Changes UN 2007
52.244-6 S contracts or Commercial Items AN 2017
52.246-12 Inspection o Constr ction AUG 1996
52.246-21 Warranty o Constr ction MAR 1994
52.248-3 Val e Engineering-Constr ction OCT 2015
52.249-2 Alt I Termination or Convenience o the Government (Fi e - SEP 1996
Price) (Apr 2012) - Alternate I
52.249-10 De a lt (Fi e -Price Constr ction) APR 1984
52.253-1 Comp ter Generate Forms AN 1991
252.201-7000 Contracting O icer s Representative DEC 1991
252.203-7000 Re irements Relating to Compensation o Former DoD SEP 2011
O icials
252.203-7001 Prohi ition On Persons Convicte o Fra or Other De ense- DEC 2008
Contract-Relate Felonies
252.203-7002 Re irement to In orm Employees o Whistle lo er Rights SEP 2013
252.204-7005 Oral Attestation o Sec rity Responsi ilities NOV 2001
252.209-7004 S contracting With Firms That Are O ne or Controlle By OCT 2015
The Government o a Co ntry that is a State Sponsor o
252.222-7002 Compliance With Local La or La s (Overseas) UN 1997
252.227-7033 Rights in Shop Dra ings APR 1966
252.229-7000 Invoices E cl sive o Ta es or D ties UN 1997
252.231-7000 S pplemental Cost Principles DEC 1991
252.232-7008 Assignment o Claims (Overseas) UN 1997
252.233-7001 Choice o La (Overseas) UN 1997
252.236-7000 Mo i ication Proposals-Price Brea o n DEC 1991
252.236-7001 Contract Dra ings, an Speci ications AUG 2000

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252.243-7001 Pricing O Contract Mo i ications DEC 1991

252.243-7002 Re ests or E ita le A stment DEC 2012
252.247-7024 Noti ication O Transportation O S pplies By Sea MAR 2000



The Contractor shall e re ire to (a) commence or n er this contract t 10 e d d s a ter the ate
the Contractor receives the a ar , ( ) prosec te the or iligently, an (c) complete the entire or rea y or se
not later than SEE BELOW FOR EACH CLIN te o t t ded. The time state or completion shall
incl e inal clean p o the premises.

CLIN0001 Base Bi 1 300 calen ar ays a ter contract a ar e

CLIN0002 Option 1 285 calen ar ays a ter contract a ar e

Total perio o per ormance is 300 calen ar ays. I option item is a ar e e ercise , the contract perio o
per ormance ill not e e ten e .

(En o cla se)


(a) I the Contractor ails to complete the or ithin the time speci ie in the contract, the Contractor shall pay
li i ate amages to the Government in the amo nt elo s or each calen ar ay o elay ntil the or is
complete or accepte .

CLIN0001 Base Bi 1 300 per ay

CLIN0002 Option 1 140 per ay.

( ) I the Government terminates the Contractor s right to procee , li i ate amages ill contin e to accr e ntil
the or is complete . These li i ate amages are in a ition to e cess costs o rep rchase n er the Termination
cla se.

(En o cla se)

52.211-13 TIME EXTENSIONS (SEP 2000)

Time e tensions or contract changes ill epen pon the e tent, i any, y hich the changes ca se elay in the
completion o the vario s elements o constr ction. The change or er granting the time e tension may provi e that
the contract completion ate ill e e ten e only or those speci ic elements relate to the change or an that
the remaining contract completion ates or all other portions o the or ill not e altere . The change or er also
may provi e an e ita le rea stment o li i ate amages n er the ne completion sche le.

(En o cla se)


Page 28 o 37


(AUG 2011)

(a) De initions. As se in this cla se--


(1) Means operating a motor vehicle on an active roa ay ith the motor r nning, incl ing hile temporarily
stationary eca se o tra ic, a tra ic light, stop sign, or other ise.

(2) Does not incl e operating a motor vehicle ith or itho t the motor r nning hen one has p lle over to the
si e o , or o , an active roa ay an has halte in a location here one can sa ely remain stationary.

Te t messaging means rea ing rom or entering ata into any han hel or other electronic evice, incl ing or the
p rpose o short message service te ting, e-mailing, instant messaging, o taining navigational in ormation, or
engaging in any other orm o electronic ata retrieval or electronic ata comm nication. The term oes not incl e
glancing at or listening to a navigational evice that is sec re in a commercially esigne hol er a i e to the
vehicle, provi e that the estination an ro te are programme into the evice either e ore riving or hile
stoppe in a location o the roa ay here it is sa e an legal to par .

( ) This cla se implements E ec tive Or er 13513, Fe eral Lea ership on Re cing Te t Messaging hile Driving,
ate Octo er 1, 2009.

(c) The Contractor is enco rage to--

(1) A opt an en orce policies that an te t messaging hile riving--

(i) Company-o ne or -rente vehicles or Government-o ne vehicles or

(ii) Privately-o ne vehicles hen on o icial Government siness or hen per orming any or or or on ehal
o the Government.

(2) Con ct initiatives in a manner commens rate ith the si e o the siness, s ch as--

(i) Esta lishment o ne r les an programs or re-eval ation o e isting programs to prohi it te t messaging hile
riving an

(ii) E cation, a areness, an other o treach to employees a o t the sa ety ris s associate ith te ting hile

( ) S contracts. The Contractor shall insert the s stance o this cla se, incl ing this paragraph ( ), in all
s contracts that e cee the micro-p rchase threshol .

(En o cla se)


The Contractor shall per orm on the site, an ith its o n organi ation, or e ivalent to at least t e t e e t
20 o the total amo nt o or to e per orme n er the contract. This percentage may e re ce y a
s pplemental agreement to this contract i , ring per orming the or , the Contractor re ests a re ction an the
Contracting O icer etermines that the re ction o l e to the a vantage o the Government.

Page 29 o 37

(En o cla se)



(a) De initions. As se in this cla se--

A e ate sec rity means protective meas res that are commens rate ith the conse ences an pro a ility o loss,
mis se, or na thori e access to, or mo i ication o in ormation.

Compromise means isclos re o in ormation to na thori e persons, or a violation o the sec rity policy o a
system, in hich na thori e intentional or nintentional isclos re, mo i ication, estr ction, or loss o an o ect,
or the copying o in ormation to na thori e me ia may have occ rre .

Contractor attri tional proprietary in ormation means in ormation that i enti ies the contractor(s), hether irectly
or in irectly, y the gro ping o in ormation that can e trace ac to the contractor(s) (e.g., program escription,
acility locations), personally i enti ia le in ormation, as ell as tra e secrets, commercial or inancial in ormation,
or other commercially sensitive in ormation that is not c stomarily share o tsi e o the

Controlle technical in ormation means technical in ormation ith military or space application that is s ect to
controls on the access, se, repro ction, mo i ication, per ormance, isplay, release, isclos re, or issemination.
Controlle technical in ormation o l meet the criteria, i isseminate , or istri tion statements B thro gh F
sing the criteria set orth in DoD Instr ction 5230.24, Distri tion Statements on Technical
Doc ments. The term oes not incl e in ormation that is la lly p licly availa le itho t restrictions.

Covere contractor in ormation system means an nclassi ie in ormation system that is o ne , or operate y or
or, a contractor an that processes, stores, or transmits covere e ense in ormation.

Covere e ense in ormation means nclassi ie controlle technical in ormation or other in ormation, as escri e
in the Controlle Unclassi ie In ormation (CUI) Registry at http .archives.gov c i registry category-
list.html, that re ires sa eg ar ing or issemination controls p rs ant to an consistent ith la , reg lations, an
Government i e policies, an is--

(1) Mar e or other ise i enti ie in the contract, tas or er, or elivery or er an provi e to the contractor y or
on ehal o DoD in s pport o the per ormance o the contract or

(2) Collecte , evelope , receive , transmitte , se , or store y or on ehal o the contractor in s pport o the
per ormance o the contract.

Cy er inci ent means actions ta en thro gh the se o comp ter net or s that res lt in a compromise or an act al or
potentially a verse e ect on an in ormation system an or the in ormation resi ing therein.

Forensic analysis means the practice o gathering, retaining, an analy ing comp ter-relate ata or investigative
p rposes in a manner that maintains the integrity o the ata.

In ormation system means a iscrete set o in ormation reso rces organi e or the collection, processing,
maintenance, se, sharing, issemination, or isposition o in ormation.

Malicio s so t are means comp ter so t are or irm are inten e to per orm an na thori e process that ill
have a verse impact on the con i entiality, integrity, or availa ility o an in ormation system. This e inition
incl es a vir s, orm, Tro an horse, or other co e- ase entity that in ects a host, as ell as spy are an
some orms o a are.

Page 30 o 37

Me ia means physical evices or riting s r aces incl ing, t is not limite to, magnetic tapes, optical is s,
magnetic is s, large-scale integration memory chips, an printo ts onto hich covere e ense in ormation is
recor e , store , or printe ithin a covere contractor in ormation system.

Operationally critical s pport means s pplies or services esignate y the Government as critical or airli t, seali t,
intermo al transportation services, or logistical s pport that is essential to the mo ili ation, eployment, or
s stainment o the Arme Forces in a contingency operation.

Rapi ly report means ithin 72 ho rs o iscovery o any cy er inci ent.

Technical in ormation means technical ata or comp ter so t are, as those terms are e ine in the cla se at
DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data--Noncommercial Items, regar less o hether or not the cla se is
incorporate in this solicitation or contract. E amples o technical in ormation incl e research an engineering
ata, engineering ra ings, an associate lists, speci ications, stan ar s, process sheets, man als, technical reports,
technical or ers, catalog-item i enti ications, ata sets, st ies an analyses an relate in ormation, an comp ter
so t are e ec ta le co e an so rce co e.

( ) A e ate sec rity. The Contractor shall provi e a e ate sec rity on all covere contractor in ormation systems.
To provi e a e ate sec rity, the Contractor shall implement, at a minim m, the ollo ing in ormation sec rity

(1) For covere contractor in ormation systems that are part o an in ormation technology (IT) service or system
operate on ehal o the Government, the ollo ing sec rity re irements apply

(i) Clo comp ting services shall e s ect to the sec rity re irements speci ie in the cla se 252.239-7010,
Clo Comp ting Services, o this contract.

(ii) Any other s ch IT service or system (i.e., other than clo comp ting) shall e s ect to the sec rity
re irements speci ie else here in this contract.

(2) For covere contractor in ormation systems that are not part o an IT service or system operate on ehal o the
Government an there ore are not s ect to the sec rity re irement speci ie at paragraph ( )(1) o this cla se, the
ollo ing sec rity re irements apply

(i) E cept as provi e in paragraph ( )(2)(ii) o this cla se, the covere contractor in ormation system shall e
s ect to the sec rity re irements in National Instit te o Stan ar s an Technology (NIST)
Special P lication (SP) 800-171, Protecting Controlle Unclassi ie In ormation in Non e eral In ormation
Systems an Organi ations (availa le via the internet at http . oi.org 10.6028 NIST.SP.800-171) in e ect at the
time the solicitation is iss e or as a thori e y the Contracting O icer.

(ii)(A) The Contractor shall implement NIST SP 800-171, as soon aspractical, t not later than Decem er 31, 2017.
For all contracts a ar e prior to Octo er 1, 2017, the Contractor shall noti y the DoD Chie In ormation O icer
(CIO), via email at os . i csia mail.mil, ithin 30 ays o contract a ar , o any sec rity re irements
speci ie y NIST SP 800-171 not implemente at the time o contract a ar .

(B) The Contractor shall s mit re ests to vary rom NIST SP 800-171 in riting to the Contracting O icer, or
consi eration y the DoD CIO. The Contractor nee not implement any sec rity re irement a icate y an
a thori e representative o the DoD CIO to e nonapplica le or to have an alternative, t e ally e ective,
sec rity meas re that may e implemente in its place.

(C) I the DoD CIO has previo sly a icate the contractor s re ests in icating that a re irement is not
applica le or that an alternative sec rity meas re is e ally e ective, a copy o that approval shall e provi e to
the Contracting O icer hen re esting its recognition n er this contract.

Page 31 o 37

(D) I the Contractor inten s to se an e ternal clo service provi er to store, process, or transmit any covere
e ense in ormation in per ormance o this contract, the Contractor shall re ire an ens re that the clo service
provi er meets sec rity re irements e ivalent to those esta lishe y the Government or the Fe eral Ris
an A thori ation Management Program (Fe RAMP) Mo erate aseline
(https . e ramp.gov reso rces oc ments ) an that the clo service provi er complies ith re irements in
paragraphs (c) thro gh (g) o this cla se or cy er inci ent reporting, malicio s so t are, me ia preservation an
protection, access to a itional in ormation an e ipment necessary or orensic analysis, an cy er inci ent
amage assessment.

(3) Apply other in ormation systems sec rity meas res hen the Contractor reasona ly etermines that in ormation
systems sec rity meas res, in a ition to those i enti ie in paragraphs ( )(1) an (2)
o this cla se, may e re ire to provi e a e ate sec rity in a ynamic environment or to accommo ate special
circ mstances (e.g., me ical evices) an any in ivi al, isolate , or temporary e iciencies ase on an assesse
ris or v lnera ility. These meas res may e a resse in a system sec rity plan.

(c) Cy er inci ent reporting re irement.

(1) When the Contractor iscovers a cy er inci ent that a ects a covere contractor in ormation system or the
covere e ense in ormation resi ing therein, or that a ects the contractor s a ility to per orm the re irements o
the contract that are esignate as operationally critical s pport an i enti ie in the contract, the Contractor shall--

(i) Con ct a revie or evi ence o compromise o covere e ense in ormation, incl ing, t not limite to,
i enti ying compromise comp ters, servers, speci ic ata, an ser acco nts. This revie shall also incl e
analy ing covere contractor in ormation system(s) that ere part o the cy er inci ent, as ell as other in ormation
systems on the Contractor s net or (s), that may have een accesse as a res lt o the inci ent in or er to i enti y
compromise covere e ense in ormation, or that a ect the Contractor s a ility to provi e operationally critical
s pport an

(ii) Rapi ly report cy er inci ents to DoD at http i net. o .mil.

(2) Cy er inci ent report. The cy er inci ent report shall e treate as in ormation create y or or DoD an shall
incl e, at a minim m, the re ire elements at http i net. o .mil.

(3) Me i m ass rance certi icate re irement. In or er to report cy er inci ents in accor ance ith this cla se, the
Contractor or s contractor shall have or ac ire a DoD-approve me i m ass rance certi icate to report cy er
inci ents. For in ormation on o taining a DoD-approve me i m ass rance certi icate, see
http iase. isa.mil p i eca Pages in e .asp .

( ) Malicio s so t are. When the Contractor or s contractors iscover an isolate malicio s so t are in
connection ith a reporte cy er inci ent, s mit the malicio s so t are to DoD Cy er Crime Center
(DC3) in accor ance ith instr ctions provi e y DC3 or the Contracting O icer. Do not sen the malicio s
so t are to the Contracting O icer.

(e) Me ia preservation an protection. When a Contractor iscovers a cy er inci ent has occ rre , the Contractor
shall preserve an protect images o all no n a ecte in ormation systems i enti ie in paragraph (c)(1)(i) o this
cla se an all relevant monitoring pac et capt re ata or at least 90 ays rom the s mission o the cy er inci ent
report to allo DoD to re est the me ia or ecline interest.

( ) Access to a itional in ormation or e ipment necessary or orensic analysis. Upon re est y DoD, the
Contractor shall provi e DoD ith access to a itional in ormation or e ipment that is necessary to con ct a
orensic analysis.

(g) Cy er inci ent amage assessment activities. I DoD elects to con ct a amage assessment, the Contracting
O icer ill re est that the Contractor provi e all o the amage assessment in ormation gathere in accor ance
ith paragraph (e) o this cla se.

Page 32 o 37

(h) DoD sa eg ar ing an se o contractor attri tional proprietary in ormation. The Government shall protect
against the na thori e se or release o in ormation o taine rom the contractor (or erive rom in ormation
o taine rom the contractor) n er this cla se that incl es contractor attri tional proprietary in ormation,
incl ing s ch in ormation s mitte in accor ance ith paragraph (c). To the ma im m e tent
practica le, the Contractor shall i enti y an mar attri tional proprietary in ormation. In ma ing an a thori e
release o s ch in ormation, the Government ill implement appropriate proce res to minimi e the contractor
attri tional proprietary in ormation that is incl e in s ch a thori e release, see ing to incl e only that
in ormation that is necessary or the a thori e p rpose(s) or hich the in ormation is eing release .

(i) Use an release o contractor attri tional proprietary in ormation not create y or or DoD. In ormation that is
o taine rom the contractor (or erive rom in ormation o taine rom the contractor) n er this cla se that is not
create y or or DoD is a thori e to e release o tsi e o DoD--

(1) To entities ith missions that may e a ecte y s ch in ormation

(2) To entities that may e calle pon to assist in the iagnosis, etection, or mitigation o cy er inci ents

(3) To Government entities that con ct co nterintelligence or la en orcement investigations

(4) For national sec rity p rposes, incl ing cy er sit ational a areness an e ense p rposes (incl ing ith
De ense In strial Base (DIB) participants in the program at 32 CFR part 236) or

(5) To a s pport services contractor ( recipient ) that is irectly s pporting Government activities n er a contract
that incl es the cla se at 252.204-7009, Limitations on the Use or Disclos re o Thir -Party Contractor Reporte
Cy er Inci ent In ormation.

( ) Use an release o contractor attri tional proprietary in ormation create y or or DoD. In ormation that is
o taine rom the contractor (or erive rom in ormation o taine rom the contractor) n er this cla se that is
create y or or DoD (incl ing the in ormation s mitte p rs ant to paragraph (c) o this cla se) is a thori e to
e se an release o tsi e o DoD or p rposes an activities a thori e y paragraph (i) o this cla se, an or
any other la l Government p rpose or activity, s ect to all applica le stat tory, reg latory, an policy ase
restrictions on the Government s se an release o s ch in ormation.

( ) The Contractor shall con ct activities n er this cla se in accor ance ith applica le la s an reg lations on
the interception, monitoring, access, se, an isclos re o electronic comm nications an ata.

(l) Other sa eg ar ing or reporting re irements. The sa eg ar ing an cy er inci ent reporting re ire y this
cla se in no ay a rogates the Contractor s responsi ility or other sa eg ar ing or cy er inci ent reporting
pertaining to its nclassi ie in ormation systems as re ire y other applica le
cla ses o this contract, or as a res lt o other applica le U.S. Government stat tory or reg latory re irements.

(m) S contracts. The Contractor shall--

(1) Incl e this cla se, incl ing this paragraph (m), in s contracts, or similar contract al instr ments, or
operationally critical s pport, or or hich s contract per ormance ill involve covere e ense in ormation,
incl ing s contracts or commercial items, itho t alteration, e cept to i enti y the parties. The
Contractor shall etermine i the in ormation re ire or s contractor per ormance retains its i entity as covere
e ense in ormation an ill re ire protection n er this cla se, an , i necessary, cons lt ith the Contracting
O icer an

(2) Re ire s contractors to--


Page 33 o 37

(i) Noti y the prime Contractor (or ne t higher-tier s contractor) hen s mitting a re est to vary rom a NIST
SP 800-171 sec rity re irement to the Contracting O icer, in accor ance ith paragraph ( )(2)(ii)(B) o this
cla se an

(ii) Provi e the inci ent report n m er, a tomatically assigne y DoD, to the prime Contractor (or ne t higher-tier
s contractor) as soon as practica le, hen reporting a cy er inci ent to DoD as re ire in paragraph (c) o this
cla se.

(En o cla se)



The speci ications, stan ar s, plans, ra ings, ata item escriptions, an other pertinent oc ments cite in this
solicitation are not availa le or istri tion t may e e amine at the ollo ing location

(Insert complete a ress)

(En o provision)


The Contractor shall ens re that all contract correspon ence that is a resse to the Unite States Government is
s mitte in English or ith an English translation.

(En o cla se)


(a) In a ition to any other e isting e amination-o -recor s a thority, the Government is a thori e to e amine any recor s
o the Contractor an its s contractors to the e tent necessary to ens re that n s, incl ing s pplies an services,
availa le n er this contract are not provi e , irectly or in irectly, to a person or entity that is actively opposing Unite
States or coalition orces involve in a contingency operation in hich mem ers o the Arme Forces are actively engage
in hostilities.

( ) The s stance o this cla se, incl ing this paragraph ( ), is re ire to e incl e in s contracts, incl ing
s contracts or commercial items, n er this contract that have an estimate val e over 50,000 an ill e per orme
o tsi e the Unite States an its o tlying areas.

(En o cla se)


Page 34 o 37


(a) The Contractor shall

(1) E ercise e iligence to ens re that none o the n s, incl ing s pplies an services, receive n er this contract are
provi e irectly or in irectly (incl ing thro gh s contracts) to a person or entity ho is actively opposing Unite States
or Coalition orces involve in a contingency operation in hich mem ers o the Arme Forces are actively engage in

(2) Chec the list o prohi ite restricte so rces in the System or A ar Management at .sam.gov
(i) Prior to s contract a ar an
(ii) At least on a monthly asis an

(3) Terminate or voi in hole or in part any s contract ith a person or entity liste in SAM as a prohi ite or restricte
so rce p rs ant to s title E o Title VIII o the NDAA or FY 2015, nless the Contracting O icer provi es to the
Contractor ritten approval o the Hea o the Contracting Activity to contin e the s contract.

( ) The Hea o the Contracting Activity has the a thority to

(1) Terminate this contract or e a lt, in hole or in part, i the Hea o the Contracting Activity etermines in riting that
the contractor aile to e ercise e iligence as re ire y paragraph (a) o this cla se or

(2)(i) Voi this contract, in hole or in part, i the Hea o the Contracting Activity etermines in riting that any n s
receive n er this contract have een provi e irectly or in irectly to a person or entity ho is actively opposing Unite
States or Coalition orces involve in a contingency operation in hich mem ers o the Arme Forces are actively engage
in hostilities.

(ii) When voi e in hole or in part, a contract is nen orcea le as contrary to p lic policy, either in its entirety or ith
regar to a segrega le tas or e ort n er the contract, respectively.

(c) The Contractor shall incl e the s stance o this cla se, incl ing this paragraph (c), in s contracts, incl ing
s contracts or commercial items, n er this contract that have an estimate val e over 50,000 an ill e per orme
o tsi e the Unite States an its o tlying areas.

(En o cla se)

252.229-7001 TAX RELIEF (SEPT 2014)

(a) Prices set orth in this contract are e cl sive o all ta es an ties rom hich the Unite States Government is
e empt y virt e o ta agreements et een the Unite States Government an the Contractor s government. The
ollo ing ta es or ties have een e cl e rom the contract price

NAME OF TAX (O eror Insert) RATE (PERCENTAGE) (O eror Insert)

( ) The Contractor s invoice shall list separately the gross price, amo nt o ta e cte , an net price charge .

(c) When items man act re to Unite States Government speci ications are eing ac ire , the Contractor shall
i enti y the materials or components inten e to e importe in or er to ens re that relie rom import ties is
o taine . I the Contractor inten s to se importe pro cts rom inventories on han , the price o hich incl es a
actor or import ties, the Contractor shall ens re the Unite States Government s e emption rom these ta es. The
Contractor may o tain a re n o the import ties rom its government or re est the ty- ree import o an
amo nt o s pplies or components correspon ing to that se rom inventory or this contract.

Page 35 o 37

(En o cla se)


In no event shall any n erstan ing or agreement et een the Contractor an any Government employee
other than the Contracting O icer on any contract, mo i ication, change or er, letter or ver al irection to the
Contractor e e ective or in ing pon the Government. All s ch actions m st e ormali e y a proper
contract al oc ment e ec te y an appointe Contracting O icer. The Contractor is here y p t on notice that in
the event a Government employee other than the Contracting O icer irects a change in the or to e per orme or
increases the scope o the or to e per orme , it is the Contractor s responsi ility to ma e in iry o the
Contracting O icer e ore ma ing the eviation. Payments ill not e ma e itho t eing a thori e y an
appointe Contracting O icer ith the legal a thority to in the Government. (En o cla se)


The restrictions escri e herein shall apply to the Contractor an its a iliates, cons ltants an s contracts
n er this contract. I the Contractor n er this contract prepares or assists in preparing a statement o or ,
speci ications an plans, the Contractor an its a iliates shall e ineligi le to i or participate, in any capacity, in
any contract al e ort hich is ase on s ch statement o or or speci ications an plans as a prime contractor,
s contractor, cons ltant or in any similar capacity. The Contractor shall not incorporate its pro cts or services in
s ch statement o or or speci ication nless so irecte in riting y the Contracting O icer, in hich case the
restriction shall not apply. This contract shall incl e this cla se in its s contractor s or cons ltants agreements
concerning the per ormance o this contract.


The Contractor shall e responsi le or o taining, either rom availa le Government so rces or local tility
companies, all tilities re ire or constr ction an testing. The Contractor shall provi e these tilities at his
e pense, pai or at the c rrent tility rate elivere to the o site. The Contractor shall provi e an maintain all
temporary tility connections an istri tion lines, an all meters re ire to meas re the amo nt o each tility
se .

5252.236-9310 RECORD DRAWINGS (OCT 2004) - ALTERNATE II (OCT 2004)

The Contractor shall maintain at the o site t o sets o ll si e prints o the contract ra ings, acc rately mar e
in re ith a e ate imensions, to sho all variations et een the constr ction act ally provi e an that
in icate or speci ie in the contract oc ments, incl ing rie or conceale constr ction. Special attention shall
e given to recor ing the hori ontal an vertical location o all rie tilities that i er rom the inal government-
accepte ra ings. E isting tility lines an eat res reveale ring the co rse o constr ction, shall also e
acc rately locate an imensione . Variations in the interior tility systems shall e clearly e ine an
imensione an coor inate ith e terior tility connections at the il ing ive oot line, here applica le.
E isting topographic eat res hich i er rom those sho n on the contract ra ings shall also e acc rately
locate an recor e . Where a choice o materials or metho s is permitte herein, or here variations in scope or
character o metho s is permitte herein, or here variations in scope or character o or rom that o the original
contract are a thori e , the ra ings shall e mar e to e ine the constr ction act ally provi e . The
representations o s ch changes shall con orm to stan ar ra ting practice an shall incl e s ch s pplementary

Page 36 o 37

notes, legen s, an etails as necessary to clearly portray the as ilt constr ction. These ra ings shall e
availa le or revie y the Contracting O icer at all times. The Contractor shall eliver the mar e p ra ings to
the Designer o Recor ho shall incorporate all as- ilt mo i ications into the electronic esign ra ings. Final
payment shall not e ma e ntil the as- ilt electronic esign ra ings are elivere to the Contracting O icer.
(En o cla se)


(A) In the event o a con lict or inconsistency et een any o the elo escri e portions o the con orme
contract, prece ence shall e given in the ollo ing or er

(1) Any portions o the proposal or inal esign that e cee the re irements o the solicitation.
(a) Any portion o the proposal that e cee s the inal esign.
( ) Any portion o the inal esign that e cee s the proposal.
(c) Where portions ithin either the proposal or the inal esign con lict, the portion that most
e cee s the re irements o the solicitation has prece ence.

(2) The re irements o the solicitation, in escen ing or er o prece ence

(a) Stan ar Form 1442, Price Sche le, an Davis Bacon Wage Rates.
( ) Part 1 - Contract Cla ses.
(c) Part 2 - General Re irements.
( ) Part 3 - Pro ect Program Re irements.
(e) Part 6 - Attachments (e cl ing Concept Dra ings).
( ) Part 5 - Prescriptive Speci ications e cl sive o per ormance speci ications.
(g) Part 4 - Per ormance Speci ications e cl sive o prescriptive speci ications.
(h) Part 6 - Attachments (Concept Dra ings).

(B) Government revie or approval o any portion o the proposal or inal esign shall not relieve the contractor
rom responsi ility or errors or omissions ith respect thereto.



DESIGN ( UL 2008)

Upon Government receipt an acceptance o the Designer o Recor signe an stampe inal esign s mission or
all or , a no-cost nilateral mo i ication shall e iss e to incorporate the inal esign into the contract.

I the Contractor is a thori e to procee ith portions o the or prior to the completion o a inal esign or all
or , a no-cost nilateral mo i ication shall e iss e or each Government accepte Designer o Recor signe an
stampe esign s mission or each portion o the or in or er to incorporate that esign s mittal into the
contract. (En o cla se)

Page 37 o 37

Section 00800 - Special Contract Re irements

The U.S. Navy (herea ter re erre to as the Government) inten s to a minister any contract a ar e n er this
solicitation sing paper oc ment metho s.

The contractor is re ire to provi e the US Government paper oc ments or all contract elivera les re ire y
this contract incl ing t not limite to o icial correspon ence, sche les, s mittals, reports, photographs,
proposals, meeting min tes, plans, arranty, invoices, miscellaneo s oc ments, Re est or In ormation (RFI), an

All Paper oc ment elivera les ill e re ire or contract close o t an m st e receive y the US Government
prior to paying the inal invoice. Paper oc ment elivera le shall not e in in ers an shall not incl e metal
clips or plastic oc ment protectors.

D ring a ministration o this contract, igital copies are to e provi e or the convenience o oth the US
Government an the Contractor.

In or er to acilitate the se o igital copies, the Contractor shall possess the capa ility to comm nicate an
e change a thenticate oc ments ith the Government electronically ring the contract per ormance perio . S ch
capa ility shall incl e the a ility to receive, ac no le ge, reply to, an sen oc ments via electronic mail.
A itionally, s ch capa ility shall not re ire or e contingent pon any mo i ication or pgra e to e isting
Government so t are. The Contractor also agrees to maintain s ch capa ility not ithstan ing any changes or
mo i ications to e isting Government so t are ring the contract per ormance perio so long as the Government
provi es reasona le notice an any e ipment an or so t are re ire to maintain s ch capa ility is commercially
availa le.

The Contractor shall tili e the igital copies capa ility escri e a ove as irecte y the contracting o icer ring
the contract per ormance perio . Doc ments, hich may e re ire to e e change electronically, incl e, t are
not limite to, tas or ers, mo i ications, re ests or cost proposals, an other ro tine correspon ence. E ceptions
to the contracting o icer s irection may e grante in n s al circ mstances ith the prior approval o the
contracting o icer.

Both the Contractor an the Government agree to share all s ch technical in ormation as is necessary to acilitate
e icient an relia le electronic comm nications ring the perio o contract per ormance. S ch in ormation may
incl e s ch ata as e-mail a resses, availa le so t are, an m t ally agree proce res, t shall not incl e any
in ormation the isclos re o hich o l violate any applica le licenses or other agreements. In case o any
technical i ic lties precl ing the se o electronic comm nications, oth the Government an the Contractor
agree to or in goo aith to resolve any s ch i ic lties.

For in ormational p rposes, the Government anticipates that its contracting personnel ill tili e the ollo ing
comp ter so t are programs ring the a ministration o this contract Microso t O ice (E cel, Wor , an Pro ect),
A o e Acro at, an A toCAD.
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

T e o Co te ts

1. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 
2. GOVERNMENT APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................. 2 
3. POST AWARD KICKOFF MEETING (PAK) ......................................................................................................... 2 
4. DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 
5. SUPERVISION ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 
6. QUALITY CONTROL .............................................................................................................................................. 4 
7. QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 4 
7.1  QC ORGANI ATION....................................................................................................................................... 4 
7.2  QC PLAN .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 
7.3  QC PROGRAM PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................... 6 
7.3.1  REQUIRED MEETINGS ...................................................................................................................... 6 
7.3.2  THREE PHASES OF CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 6 
7.3.3  TESTING .............................................................................................................................................. 7 
7.3.4  QC CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 7 
7.3.5  COMPLETION INSPECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 8 
7.4 DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................................................ 8
7.5 NON-COMPLIANCE........................................................................................................................................ 9
8. SUBMITTAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL ............................................................................................................ 9 
8.1 DESIGN SUBMITTALS REQUIRED ............................................................................................................ 10
8.2 PRECONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS ......................................................................................................... 11
8.3 MATERIAL SUBMITTALS REQUIRED ...................................................................................................... 12
8.4 POST-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS ...................................................................................................... 13
8.5 OTHER SUBMITTALS .................................................................................................................................. 13
9. COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 14
10. PRO ECT SCHEDULE AND TIME CONSTRAINT ............................................................................................ 14
11. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK ............................................................................................................................ 15
12. PRO ECT COMPLETION ...................................................................................................................................... 15
13. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ................................................................................................................ 16
14. CONTRACTOR’S PRODUCTION REPORTS ...................................................................................................... 16
15. SCHEDULE OF PRICES ........................................................................................................................................ 16
16. CONTRACTOR INVOICES ................................................................................................................................... 16
17. PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY ................................................................................................ 17
18. EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ........................................................................................................... 17
19. LICENSES PERMITS ............................................................................................................................................. 17
20. CONTRACTOR WORK SITE ................................................................................................................................ 17
21. TEMPORARY UTILITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 18
22. RECORD DRAWINGS AND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE (O&M) DATA .............................................. 18
23. WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
24. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 18
25. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 18
26. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS ....................................................................................................................................... 19
27. ORAL MODIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................ 19
28. NO WAIVER BY THE GOVERNMENT .............................................................................................................. 19
29. EQUITABLE AD USTMENTS – WAIVER AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS ........................................................ 19
30. SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 19

PART 2 – Page 1 o 36
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
As se thro gho t the contract, the ollo ing terms shall have the meaning set orth elo

a. Contracting O icer (KO) The in ivi al esignate to a minister the contract. Thro gho t this contract this
in ivi al ill e responsi le an possess the a thority to act on ehal o the Government ith respect to the
speci ic contract. The only person that may ma e any change to the contract.
. Contracting O icer Representative (COR) The in ivi al esignate y the Contracting O icer as the
a thori e representative o the Contracting O icer. The COR ill provi e perio ic site inspections an
resolve estions or pro lems o a technical nat re.
c. Contractor The term Contractor re ers to oth the prime Contractor an s contractors, incl ing the
Designer o Recor . Responsi le or the esign an constr ction o the acility in accor ance ith contract
re irements. Responsi le or o taining the necessary permits, certi icates, material or component approvals
at its o n e pense.
. Designer o Recor (DOR) License architect engineer or ing as s contractor to or partner ith the
prime Contractor ho provi es esign or this contract. Shall remain irectly involve ring the
constr ction process an e responsi le or provi ing on-site inspections to ens re the acility is constr cte
in accor ance ith the approve inal esign oc ments.
e. Government The Government o Unite states o America or its a thori e representative.
. Host-nation The co ntry in hich the pro ect is locate . Representative rom the Host-nation may act as en -
ser i no other en - ser is i enti ie .
g. Q ality Control (QC) Contractor’s system to control the ality o esign, material, e ipment an
constr ction.
h. Q ality Ass rance (QA) Program Government’s program to eval ate the e ectiveness o the Contractor’s
ality control. The Government’s QA Program is not a s stit te or the Contractor’s QC Program.

Government revie or approval o any portion o the proposal or inal esign shall not relieve the Contractor rom
responsi ility or errors or omissions ith respect thereto.


Prior to commencement o esign, an ithin i teen (15) calen ar ays o a ar , meet ith representatives o the
Contracting O icer, installation, an client to present the concept esign or isc ssion an acceptance. The speci ic
time shall e etermine y the Contracting O icer. The p rpose o this meeting is to isc ss the concept esign
evelop a m t al n erstan ing relative to the approve proposal, sa ety program, ality control proce res, esign
an constr ction sche le, s mittal revie s, an resol tion o comments, esta lish clear lines o comm nication an
points o contact or Government an Contractor team mem ers. The Contractor’s ey personnel shall atten at the
e pense o the Contractor. Key personnel are e ine as the Pro ect Manager, S perinten ent, Q ality Control Manager,
Site Sa ety Health O icer, DOR, an ma or s contractors. The Contractor ill not e given a itional time i the
Contractor is na le to coor inate an atten the PAK meeting ithin the re ire time at no a lt o the Government.

Designate a lea license engineer or architect to e responsi le an in charge to coor inate the esign e ort o the
entire pro ect. This lea engineer or architect shall coor inate all esign segments o the pro ect to ens re consistency o
esign across all esign isciplines. Per orm topographical s rvey, soil investigations, iel investigations an
veri ication o e isting site con itions as may e re ire to s pport the evelopment o the esign an constr ction o
the pro ect.

a. Prior to commencing constr ction, contractor shall s mit a complete esign pac age or revie an
conc rrence y the COR. The Government ill revie the esign an ill ret rn revie comments (i any)
ithin 14 calen ar ays. Constr ction ra ings shall e inali e only a ter a complete asis o esign an
calc lations have een evelope or all re ire aspects o the pro ect. Constr ction shall not commence ntil
or constr ction ra ings are approve .
. All esign or ill e complete n er the s pervision o license pro essional architects an engineers.
These esign pro essionals shall properly en orse approve each portion o the esign applica le to their
iscipline prior to the COR revie .

  PART 2 – Page 2 o 36
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
c. A visory Provisions The a visory provisions o all co es, re irements, an stan ar s shall e man atory
s stit te or s s ch as shall , m st , or re ire or or s s ch as sho l , may , or
recommen e , herever they appear. The res lts o these or ing s stit tions incorporate these co e an
stan ar statements as re irements. Re erence to the a thority having ris iction shall e interprete to
mean Contracting O icer or Contracting O icer Representative. Comply ith the re ire an a visory
portions o the c rrent e ition o the stan ar at the time o contract solicitation.
. RFP Part 3 contains the pro ect escription, nctional an per ormance re irements, scope items, an
e pecte ality levels that e cee Part 4. Part 4 i enti ies esign criteria, veri ication re irements, an
per ormance an ality re irements o pro cts.
e. Seals an Signat res on Doc ments All inal Contractor-originate esign ra ings shall e signe , ate ,
an ear the seal o the registere architect or the registere engineer o the respective iscipline an comply
ith e ivalent host nation re irement or certi ication o esign ra ings. In icate the Contractor s
company name an a ress on the ra ing coversheets o each esign s mittal.
. Dra ings an Speci ications The Contractor is enco rage to ma e pro ct, material, an system selections
ring the esign phase an in icate these choices on the esign oc ments. Accomplish this y s mitting
esign ra ings an speci ications that incl e proprietary in ormation s ch as man act rers name, pro ct
names, mo el n m ers, pro ct ata, man act res in ormation, optional eat res, appropriate connections,
a rication, layo t, an pro ct speci ic ra ings. A herence to RFP s mittal re irements an provision
o DOR approve constr ction s mittal in ormation on the esign s mittals - eliminates the nee or
ollo -on tra itional constr ction s mittals a ter the inal esign is approve .
g. At a minim m the ollo ing shall e s mitte or revie
1. Basis o Design an complete esign calc lations or or n er each iscipline or system or installation
as re ire .
2. Complete constr ction ra ings ith plans, elevations, sections, an etails in s icient etail to ens re
the pro ect ill e constr cte per this statement o or an all applica le co es an reg lations.
3. Material an installation speci ications
h. Basis o Design Format The asis o esign shall incl e the in ormation escri e in UFC 1-201-01,
Paragraph 1-7 Facility Design or each esign iscipline an shall incl e a cover page in icating the pro ect
title an locations, contract n m er, ta le o contents, an ta e separations or ic re erence.
i. Design Calc lations Design calc lations shall incl e the in ormation escri e in UFC 1-201-01, Paragraph
1-7 Facility Design or each iscipline. Place the signat re an seal o the esigner responsi le or the or on
the cover page o the calc lations or the respective esign iscipline.
. Design S mittals See PART 3. Government revie is 14 calen ar ays or each Design s mittal re ire
incl ing res missions.
. S mittal Copies See PART 3. A resses or mailing ill e rnishe at the PAK meeting.

Provi e one (1) on-site Pro ect S perinten ent per pro ect. The Pro ect S perinten ent m st have a minim m 5 years o
e perience as a Pro ect Manager, S perinten ent, or QC Manager on pro ects li e this contract or similar in si e an
comple ity. The Pro ect S perinten ent shall mean the in ivi al ith the responsi ility or ality an pro ction. The
Pro ect S perinten ent is s ect to removal y the Contracting O icer or non-compliance ith re irements speci ie
in the contract an or ail re to manage the pro ect to ins re timely completion. F rthermore, the Contracting O icer
may iss e an or er stopping all or part o the or ntil satis actory corrective action has een ta en. No part o the
time lost e to s ch stop or ers shall e ma e the s ect o claim or e tension o time or e cess costs or amages y
the Contractor. Approval o on-site Pro ect S perinten ent is re ire prior to start o constr ction. Provi e res mes or
the propose on-site Pro ect S perinten ent escri ing their e perience ith re erences an ali ications to the
Contracting O icer or approval e ore the pre-constr ction meeting. The Contracting O icer reserves the right to
intervie the propose on-site Pro ect S perinten ent at any time in or er to veri y the s mitte ali ications. The on-
site Pro ect S perinten ent m st e on site ring all pro ction.

a. Q ali ications An in ivi al ith a minim m o 5 years com ine e perience as a s perinten ent, inspector,
QC Manager, pro ect manager or constr ction manager on similar si e an type constr ction contracts hich
incl e the ma or tra es that are part o this contract, an at least t o years’ e perience as a S perinten ent.
A gra ate o a o r year accre ite college or niversity program in one o the ollo ing isciplines

  PART 2 – Page 3 o 36
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Engineering, Architect re Constr ction Management, Engineering Technology, B il ing Constr ction, or
B il ing Science. The in ivi al m st e amiliar ith the re irements o the mo i ie EM 385-1-1 an
have e perience in the areas o ha ar i enti ication an sa ety compliance. This on-site Pro ect
S perinten ent m st e a le to comm nicate ell in oth ritten an spo en English lang age.
. Alternate on-site Pro ect S perinten ent D ties an Q ali ications Designate an alternate on-site Pro ect
S perinten ent to serve in the event o the esignate on-site Pro ect S perinten ent’s a sence. The perio o
a sence may not e cee t o ee s at one time, an not more than 30 or ays ring a calen ar year. The
ali ication re irements or the alternate on-site Pro ect S perinten ent shall e the same as or the on-site
Pro ect S perinten ent.
c. Noti ication o Changes Noti y the COR, in riting, o any propose change to the Pro ect S perinten ent a
minim m o seven calen ar ays prior to the propose change. The contractor m st s mit the res me an
ali ications o an in ivi al ho meets or e cee s the ali ications o the contract. Propose changes shall
e s ect to the acceptance y the COR.

Q ality is e ine as, con ormance to re irements. In this constr ction contract, the contract speci ications an
ra ings esta lish the re irements. Constr ction Q ality Management (CQM) is e ine as ality control an
ass rance activities instit te to achieve the ality levels esta lishe y the contract re irements. Q ality Control
(QC) is e ine as the Constr ction Contractor s system in place ring e ec tion to manage an control an oc ment
the Contractor’s o n, the Contractor’s s pplier s, an the Contractor’s s contractor s activities in or er to comply ith
contract re irements. Q ality Ass rance (QA) is e ine as the Government’s system in place to monitor the Q ality
Control e orts o the Constr ction Contractor.
The Contractor has the responsi ility to control the ality o the or . The primary emphasis o the QC System is on
controlling the or to prevent ality pro lems, rather than inspection to iscover pro lems a ter they occ r. The QC
System, incl ing the Three Phases o Control, is the aseline program that the contractor is re ire to se to control
the ality o the or . Control an inspection o the or to ens re that the or meets the re irements o the
contract is re ire o the Contractor n er the QC System.
The contractor shall e re ire , n er this contract to have a ll Q ality Control program in place that meets the
re irements o the attache Q ality Control Program Re irements. The contractor shall employ a ll time e icate
Q ality Control Manager or this pro ect ho has no other ties assigne an shall meet the minim m re irements o
the Q ality Control Program Re irements, as speci ie elo .


Contractor shall esta lish an maintain a QC program as escri e in this section. The QC program consists o a QC
Manager, a QC plan, a Coor ination an M t al Un erstan ing Meeting, QC meetings, three phases o control,
s mittal revie an approval, testing, an QC certi ications an oc mentation necessary to provi e materials,
e ipment, or manship, a rication, constr ction an operations hich comply ith the re irements o this
contract. The QC program shall cover on-site an o -site or an shall e eye to the or se ence. No or or
testing may e per orme nless the QC Manager is on the or site.
a. ACCEPTANCE Acceptance o the QC plan is re ire prior to the start o constr ction. The Contracting
O icer reserves the right to re ire changes in the QC plan an operations as necessary, incl ing removal o
personnel, to ens re the speci ie ality o or . The Contracting O icer reserves the right to intervie any
mem er o the QC organi ation at any time in or er to veri y the s mitte ali ications.
. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES Noti y the COR, in riting, o any propose change, incl ing changes in
the QC organi ation personnel, a minim m o seven calen ar ays prior to a propose change. Propose
changes shall e s ect to the acceptance y the COR.

Contractor shall lly sta the QC organi ation to ens re the re irements o the QC program are carrie o t as
re ire . Design an constr ction ality control shall e in accor ance ith re irements o UFGS 01 450. The QC
Manager shall meet the ollo ing re irements
a. D ties Provi e a e icate QC Manager at the or site ring all pro ction to implement an manage the
QC program nless other ise a thori e in Part 3. In a ition to implementing an managing the QC
program, the QC Manager is re ire to atten the Post A ar Kic -o , Preconstr ction, Design
Development, an Coor ination an M t al Un erstan ing Meeting, con ct the QC meetings, per orm the
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three phases o control, per orm s mittal revie an approval, ens re testing is per orme an provi e QC
certi ications an oc mentation re ire in this contract. The QC Manager is responsi le or managing an
coor inating the three phases o control an oc mentation per orme y others.
The QCM shall ens re that no constr ction egins e ore the DOR has inali e the esign or that segment
o or , an constr ction s mittals are approve as re ire . Inspect all or an re or , to ens re its
compliance ith contract re irements. Maintain a re or log. Imme iately stop any segment o or , hich
oes not comply ith the contract re irements an irect the removal an replacement o any e ective
or .
. Q ali ications An in ivi al ith a minim m o 5 years com ine e perience as a s perinten ent, inspector,
QC Manager, pro ect manager or constr ction manager on similar si e an type constr ction contracts hich
incl e the ma or tra es that are part o this contract, an at least t o years’ e perience as a QC Manager. A
gra ate o a o r year accre ite college or niversity program in one o the ollo ing isciplines
Engineering, Architect re Constr ction Management, Engineering Technology, B il ing Constr ction, or
B il ing Science. The in ivi al m st e amiliar ith the re irements o the mo i ie EM 385-1-1 an
have e perience in the areas o ha ar i enti ication an sa ety compliance. This QC Manager m st e a le to
comm nicate ell in oth ritten an spo en English lang age.
c. Alternate QC Manager D ties an Q ali ications Designate an alternate QC Manager to serve in the event o
the esignate QC Manager s a sence. The perio o a sence may not e cee t o ee s at one time, an not
more than 30 or ays ring a calen ar year. The ali ication re irements or the Alternate QC Manager
shall e the same as or the QC Manager.

Provi e, or acceptance y the COR, a QC plan s mitte electronically that covers oth on-site an o -site or an
incl es the ollo ing ith a ta le o contents listing the ma or sections i enti ie
a. QC ORGANI ATION A chart sho ing the QC organi ational str ct re an its relationship to the pro ction
si e o the organi ation. The QC Manager ill report irectly to the company irector (not to the pro ect
engineer or pro ect manager – this is to prevent con lict o interest et een iss es o cost an ality).
. NAMES AND QUALIFICATIONS In res me ormat, or each person in the QC organi ation.
organi ation.
. OUTSIDE ORGANI ATIONS A listing o o tsi e organi ations s ch as architect ral an cons lting
engineering irms that ill e employe y the Contractor an a escription o the services these irms ill
provi e. Provi e names an ali ications o the esigner o recor an any other engineers ho ill e
a thori e to sign approve constr ction ra ings.
e. APPOINTMENT LETTERS Letters signe y an o icer o the irm appointing the QC Manager an stating
that he she is responsi le or managing an implementing the QC program as escri e in this contract.
Incl e in this letter the QC Manager s a thority to irect the removal an replacement o non- con orming
or .
approving an managing s mittals provi e lo chart. Provi e the name(s) o the person(s) in the QC
organi ation a thori e to revie an certi y s mittals prior to approval.
g. TESTING LABORATORY INFORMATION Testing la oratory in ormation re ire y the paragraphs
Accre ite La oratories or Testing La oratory Re irements , as applica le.
h. TESTING PLAN AND LOG A Testing Plan an Log that incl es the tests re ire the re ency, an the
person responsi le or each test.
i. PROCEDURES TO COMPLETE REWORK ITEMS Proce res to i enti y, recor , trac an complete
re or items.
. LIST OF DEFINABLE FEATURES A De ina le Feat re o Wor (DFOW) is a tas , hich is separate an
istinct rom other tas s, has the same control re irements an or cre s. The list shall e cross-
re erence to the Contractor s Constr ction Sche le an the speci ication sections. For pro ects re iring a
Progress Chart, the list o e ina le eat res o or shall incl e t not e limite to all items o or on
the sche le. For pro ects re iring a Net or Analysis Sche le, the list o e ina le eat res o or shall
incl e t not e limite to all critical path activities.
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Preparatory an Initial Phase Chec lists. Each list shall incl e a rea o n o ality chec s that ill e
se hen per orming the ality control nctions, inspections, an tests re ire y the contract oc ments.
The preparatory an initial phases shall e con cte ith a vie to ar s o taining ality constr ction y
planning ahea an i enti ying potential pro lems.
l. PROCEDURES FOR COMPLETION INSPECTION See the paragraph entitle Pro ect Completion .



con erence an prior to the start o constr ction, isc ss the QC program re ire y this contract. The
p rpose o this meeting is to evelop a m t al n erstan ing o the QC etails, incl ing oc mentation,
a ministration or on-site an o -site or , an the coor ination o the Contractor s management,
pro ction an the QC personnel. At the meeting, the Contractor ill e re ire to e plain ho three
phases o control ill e implemente or each DFOW. Contractor s personnel re ire to atten shall
incl e the QC Manager, pro ect manager, an s perinten ent. Min tes o the meeting ill e prepare y
the QC Manager an signe y oth the Contractor an the COR. The Contractor shall provi e a copy o
the signe min tes to all atten ees. Repeat the coor ination an m t al n erstan ing meeting hen a
ne QC Manager is appointe .
. QC MEETINGS A ter the start o constr ction, the QC Manager shall con ct QC meetings once every
t o ee s at the or site ith the s perinten ent an the oreman responsi le or the ongoing an
pcoming or . The QC Manager shall prepare the min tes o the meeting an provi e a copy to the
COR ith the ee ly reports. As a minim m, the ollo ing shall e accomplishe at each meeting
1. Revie the min tes o the previo s meeting
2. Revie the sche le an the stat s o or an re or
3. Revie the stat s o s mittals
4. Revie the re or list
5. Revie the or to e accomplishe in the ne t t o ee s an oc mentation re ire
6. Resolve QC an pro ction pro lems (RFIs, etc.)
7. A ress items that may re ire revising the QC plan an
8. Revie Acci ent Prevention Plan (APP).


The three phases o control shall a e ately cover oth on-site an o -site or an shall incl e the ollo ing
or each DFOW.

a. PREPARATORY PHASE Noti y the COR at least t o or ays in a vance o each preparatory phase.
Con ct the preparatory phase ith the s perinten ent an the oreman responsi le or the DFOW.
Doc ment the res lts o the preparatory phase actions in the aily CQC Report an in the QC chec list.
Per orm the ollo ing prior to eginning or on each DFOW
1. Revie each paragraph o the applica le speci ication sections
2. Revie the contract ra ings
3. Veri y that appropriate shop ra ings an s mittals or materials an e ipment have een
s mitte an approve . Veri y receipt o approve actory test res lts, hen re ire
4. Revie the testing plan an ens re that provisions have een ma e to provi e the re ire QC
5. E amine the or area to ens re that the re ire preliminary or has een complete
6. E amine the re ire materials, e ipment an sample or to ens re that they are on han an
con orm to the approve shop ra ings an s mitte ata
7. Revie the APP an appropriate Activity Ha ar Analysis (AHA) to ens re that applica le sa ety
re irements are met an
8. Disc ss speci ic controls se an the constr ction metho s an the approach that ill e se to
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provi e ality constr ction y planning ahea an i enti ying potential pro lems or each DFOW.
. INITIAL PHASE Noti y the COR at least t o or ays in a vance o each initial phase. When
constr ction cre s are rea y to start or on a DFOW, con ct the Initial Phase ith the oreman
responsi le or that DFOW. O serve the initial segment o the or to ens re that it complies ith
contract re irements. Doc ment the res lts o the Initial Phase in the aily CQC Report an in the QC
chec list. Per orm the ollo ing or each DFOW
1. Esta lish the ality o or manship re ire
2. Resolve con licts
3. Ens re that testing is per orme y the approve la oratory an
4. Chec or proce res or compliance ith the APP an the appropriate AHA to ens re that
applica le sa ety re irements are met.
c. FOLLOW-UP PHASE Per orm the ollo ing or on-going or aily, or more re ently as necessary,
ntil the completion o each DFOW an oc ment in the aily CQC Report an in the QC chec list
1. Ens re the or is in compliance ith contract re irements
2. Maintain the ality o or manship re ire
3. Ens re that testing is per orme y the approve la oratory
4. Ens re that re or items are eing correcte an
5. Ass re man act rers’ representatives have per orme necessary inspections, i re ire .
. ADDITIONAL PREPARATORY AND INITIAL PHASES A itional preparatory an initial phases
shall e con cte on the same DFOW i the ality o on-going or is naccepta le, i there are
changes in the applica le QC organi ation, i there are changes in the on-site pro ction s pervision or
or cre , i or on a DFOW is res me a ter s stantial perio o inactivity, or i other pro lems
t o ee s prior to the start o the preparatory an initial phases.

E cept as state other ise in the speci ication sections, per orm sampling an testing re ire n er this
a. ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS Constr ction materials testing la oratories m st e accre ite y
a la oratory accre itation a thority an ill e re ire to s mit a copy o the Certi icate o
Accre itation an Scope o Accre itation. The la oratory s scope o accre itation m st incl e the testing
or hich the la is accre ite to o.
. LABORATORY ACCREDITATION AUTHORITIES La oratory Accre itation A thorities m st e
accepta le to the Contracting O icer.
c. CAPABILITY CHECK The Contracting O icer retains the right to chec la oratory e ipment in the
propose la oratory an the la oratory technician s testing proce res, techni es, an other items
pertinent to testing, or compliance ith the stan ar s set orth in this contract.
. TEST RESULTS Cite applica le Contract re irements, tests or analytical proce res se . Provi e
act al res lts an incl e a statement that the item teste or analy e con orms or ails to con orm to
speci ie re irements. I the item ails to con orm, noti y the COR imme iately. Conspic o sly stamp
the cover sheet or each report in large re letters CONFORMS or DOES NOT CONFORM to the
speci ication re irements, hichever is applica le. Test res lts shall e signe y a testing la oratory
representative a thori e to sign certi ie test reports. F rnish the signe reports, certi ications, an other
oc mentation to the COR.


the ollo ing statement On ehal o the Contractor, I certi y that this report is complete an correct an
e ipment an material se an or per orme ring this reporting perio is in compliance ith the
contract ra ings an speci ications to the est o my no le ge e cept as note in this report.
. COMPLETION CERTIFICATION Upon completion o or n er this contract, the QC Manager shall
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rnish a certi icate to the Contracting attesting that the or has een complete , inspecte , teste an is
in compliance ith the contract.


a. PUNCH OUT INSPECTION Near the completion o all or or any increment thereo , the QC Manager
shall con ct an inspection o the or an evelop a p nch list o items hich o not con orm to the
approve ra ings an speci ications. Incl e in the p nch list any remaining items o the Re or Items
List , hich ere not correcte prior to the P nch-O t inspection. The p nch list shall incl e the
estimate ate y hich the e iciencies ill e correcte . A copy o the p nch list shall e provi e to
the COR. The QC Manager or sta shall ma e ollo -on inspections to ascertain that all e iciencies have
een correcte . Once this is accomplishe , the Contractor shall noti y the Government in riting seven (7)
ays in a vance that the acility is rea y or the Government Pre-Final Inspection . KTR shall ta e into
consi eration Government 30 ay lea time or travel arrangements an isc ss t re inspection plans
ith the COR to ens re proper sche ling.
. PRE-FINAL INSPECTION The Government an QC manager ill per orm this inspection to veri y that
the acility is complete an rea y to e occ pie . A Government pre- inal p nch list may e evelope as
a res lt o this inspection. The QC Manager shall ens re that all items on this list are correcte prior to
noti ying the Government in riting seven (7) ays in a vance that a Final inspection ith the c stomer
can e sche le . KTR shall ta e into consi eration Government 30 ay lea time or travel arrangements
an isc ss t re inspection plans ith the COR to ens re proper sche ling. Any items note on the
Pre-Final inspection shall e correcte in a timely manner an shall e accomplishe e ore the
contract completion ate or the or or any partic lar increment thereo i the pro ect is ivi e into
increments y separate completion ates.
c. FINAL ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION The QC Manager, the s perinten ent, or other Contractor
management personnel an the COR ill e in atten ance at this inspection. A itional Government
personnel may e in atten ance. The inal acceptance inspection ill e ormally sche le y the COR
ase pon res lts o the Pre-Final Inspection an ritten re est rom the QC Manager. KTR shall ta e
into consi eration Government 30 ay lea time or travel arrangements an isc ss t re inspection
plans ith the COR to ens re proper sche ling.


a. RECORDS Maintain c rrent an complete recor s o on-site an o -site QC program operations an

activities. Reports are re ire or each ay or is per orme . Acco nt or each calen ar ay thro gho t the
li e o the contract. Every space on the orms m st e ille in. Use N A i nothing can e reporte in one o
the spaces. The s perinten ent an the QC Manager m st prepare an sign the Contractor Pro ction an
CQC Reports, respectively. The reporting o or shall e i enti ie y terminology consistent ith the
constr ction sche le. In the remar s section in this report hich ill contain pertinent in ormation
incl ing irections receive , pro lems enco ntere ring constr ction, or progress an elays, con licts
or errors in the ra ings or speci ications, iel changes, sa ety ha ar s enco ntere , instr ctions given an
corrective actions ta en, elays enco ntere an a recor o visitors to the or site. For each remar given,
i enti y the Sche le Activity No. that is associate ith the remar .
. FORMS Prior to commencing or on constr ction, the Contractor may o tain electronic copies o the
c rrent report orms rom the COR. The report orms ill consist o the
1. Contractor Pro ction Report,
2. Contractor Pro ction Report (Contin ation Sheet),
3. Contractor Q ality Control (CQC) Report,
4. CQC Report (Contin ation Sheet),
5. Preparatory Phase Chec list,
6. Initial Phase Chec list,
7. Re or Items List, an
8. Testing Plan an Log
c. REPORTS Deliver the ollo ing to the COR ring the co rse o the pro ect
1. CQC Report S mit electronically ith Wee ly Reports, one CQC report or each ee o or
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per orme The COR ill provi e the ay o the ee an time e.
2. Contractor Pro ction Report S mit electronically ith Wee ly Reports, one CQC report or each
ee o or per orme The COR ill provi e the ay o the ee an time e.
3. Preparatory Phase Chec list S mit electronically attache to the CQC Report
4. Initial Phase Chec list S mit electronically attache to the CQC Report
5. Test Reports S mit electronically, ithin the ee a ter the test is per orme , attache to the CQC
6. QC Meeting Min tes S mit electronically along ith the Wee ly reports
7. QC Certi ications As re ire y the paragraph entitle QC Certi ications.
. QUALITY CONTROL VALIDATION Esta lish an maintain the ollo ing in a series o three ring in ers.
Bin ers shall e ivi e an ta e as sho n elo . These in ers shall e rea ily availa le to the
Government s Q ality Ass rance Team at the pro ect site.
1. All complete Preparatory an Initial Phase Chec lists, arrange y speci ication section.
2. All milestone inspections, arrange y Activity Event N m er.
3. A c rrent p-to- ate copy o the Testing an Plan Log ith s pporting iel test reports, arrange y
speci ication section.
4. Copies o all contract mo i ications, arrange in n merical or er. Also incl e oc mentation that
mo i ie or as accomplishe .
5. A c rrent p-to- ate copy o the Re or Items List.
6. Maintain p-to- ate copies o all p nch lists iss e y the QC Sta on the Contractor an S -
Contractors an all p nch lists iss e y the Government.
e. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS The QC Manager is re ire to revie the as- ilt ra ings to ens re that they are
ept c rrent on a aily asis an mar e to sho eviations, hich have een ma e rom the Contract
ra ings. Ens re each eviation has een i enti ie ith the appropriate mo i ying oc mentation, e.g.
mo i ication n m er. The QC Manager shall initial each eviation or revision. Upon completion o or , the
QC Manager shall s mit a certi icate attesting to the acc racy o the as- ilt ra ings prior to s mission to
the COR.

The COR ill noti y the Contractor o any etecte non-compliance ith the oregoing re irements. The Contractor
shall ta e imme iate corrective action. I the contractor ails or re ses to correct the non-compliant or , the COR
ill iss e a non-compliance notice. S ch notice, hen elivere to the Contractor at the or site, shall e eeme
s icient or the p rpose o noti ication. I the Contractor ails or re ses to comply promptly, the Contracting O icer
may iss e an or er stopping all or part o the or ntil satis actory corrective action has een ta en. The Contractor
shall ma e no part o the time lost e to s ch stop or ers the s ect o claim or e tension o time, or e cess costs,
or amages.


All s mittals as liste in 7.1-7.3 shall e s mitte an approve prior to starting the constr ction phase. Provi e
esign an constr ction s mittals, prior to constr ction, approve in accor ance ith (IAW) QC Plans, the DOR or
QCM Specialist are the approving a thority or s mittals as liste in 7.1 an 7.3. A copy o all DOR or QCM approve
s mittals ill e sent to the Government or recor .
DOR QCM-approve esign an constr ction s mittals i enti ie in 7.1, 7.3 an 7.5 or Government s rveillance
shall e stampe FOR SURVEILLANCE ONLY. S mit S rveillance s mittals to the Government prior to starting
or or that item. S mittals re ire or s rveillance ill e ret rne only i corrective actions are re ire .
Government ill revie an approve or the s mittals as liste in 7.2. The Contractor nee s to s mit s mittals at
least 14 or ing ays in a vance o eginning or on a s mitte item (earlier i speci ically re ire y the COR)
the 14 ays are to ens re the Government representative has a e ate time to revie the s mittals to avoi ca sing any
elays to the Contractor. A copy o all approve s mittals shall e ept on the constr ction site at all times ring the
constr ction phase o the pro ect. All s mittals shall e in the English lang age, ho ever, sho l the contractor nee
to translate the oc ments so the employees can properly n erstan them, he shall o this at no a itional cost to the
government an ens re that they are translate per the approve oc ment acc rately.
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Contractor DOR shall revie an approve esign calc lation an ra ing as liste in a. an . an s mits to
government or s rveillance.
Design ra ings may e prepare more li e shop ra ings to minimi e constr ction s mittals a ter inal esigns are
approve . There ore, the Contractor is enco rage to prepare an s mit ith the esign ra ings, appropriate
connection, a rication, layo t, an pro ct speci ic ra ings.
General g i ance or preparation o esign s mittals are provi e in Chapter 1, Paragraph 1-7 Facility Design o UFC
1-201-01. At a minim m, the ollo ing esign s mittals shall e provi e or Government revie an approval.
a. Basis or all esign an complete calc lations shall e s mitte or all re ire aspects o the pro ect.
Incl ing t not limite to
1. Geotechnical report
2. Rein orce concrete str ct ral calc lations
3. Electrical systems calc lations
4. Calc lations or Mechanical HVAC, pl m ing an se erage systems incl ing p mp re irements
5. DOR engineering license
. Complete constr ction plans incl ing site plan, architect ral, str ct ral, pl m ing, mechanical, an
electrical ra ings. Electronic Design Delivera les shall e provi e in accor ance ith Chapter 7 o
UFC 1-300-09N. These ra ings shall incl e all plans, elevations, sections, an etails necessary to
completely escri e the or ( t not limite to)

No. Minim m Dra ing Re irements

1 Civil Dra ings

a. Notes, Legen an A reviations
. Site Map (Pro ect Location)
c. Site layo t (temporary roa , temporary tilities, an temporary
acilities are re ire )
. B il ing ootprint
e. Utilities plan ( ater so rce s pply, sanitary se er acilities,
soli aste isposal areas)
. C t ill or (i re ire )
g. Roa par ing area
h. Drainage system plan
2 Architect ral Plans
a. Notes, legen s an a reviations
. Fire Protection S mmary ase on UFC 1-201-01
c. Floor plans in icating names an complete imension incl ing
type o all, loor an ceiling (re lecte ceiling plans may e
re ire to ill strate complicate installation o the ceiling)
. Roo plan o all roo areas, in icating irection o slope an
metho o rainage
e. B il ing elevations – All il ing elevations in icating all
e terior materials area re ire
. B il ing sections – Minim m t o il ing sections in icating
g. Doors an in o sche les in icating etaile imension
incl ing type an materials
h. Typical all section in icating all materials
i. Finish sche le in icating all propose inishes
. F rnit re plan incl ing Ca le tray layo t
. E ipment plan

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3 Str ct ral Plans
a. Notes, legen s an a reviations
. Inspection Re irements
c. Fo n ation plans
. Framing plans
e. Roo Framing plans
. Str ct ral etails (incl e ater tan to er)
4 Electrical System Plans (Per UFC 3-501-01, Electrical Engineering,
Section 3-3)
a. Notes, legen s an a reviations
. Site plan
c. Lighting plans
. Po er plans & Details
e. Lightning protection system plan
. Single line iagrams or electrical system
g. Po er single line iagrams
a. Loa sche les
5 Mechanical & Air-con itioning System Plans
a. Notes, legen s an a reviations
. Air-con itioning system incl ing air ct s pply (i applica le)
c. Fans an e ha st ans plans
. Ventilation system

6 Pl m ing & Sanitary Plans

a. Notes, legen s an a reviations
. Site plan in icating metho o rainage
c. Pl m ing plans
. Riser iagrams or ater s pply system
e. Detaile ra ings or aste ater treatment system

c. Co e Compliance Certi ication.

Design o all isciplines shall comply ith the applica le U.S. & Host-nation norms, reg lations an all
applica le UFC criteria. Plans an Speci ications shall e certi ie y a Host Nation architect or engineer,
registere on the co ntry’s pro essional rolls, or compliance ith all applica le co es an la s.
The certi ication shall e provi e on the cover sheet o pro ect ra ings an speci ications. The co e
compliance certi ication shall e provi e as in icate elo , an ate , signe an stampe in accor ance
ith the re irements set orth in Chapter 1 UFC 1-201-01.


n m er, pro ect title, location), AND HAVING THOROUGHLY REVIEWED THE COMPLETED

Date Signat re (Pro essional Seal)

Government ill revie an approve the ollo ing s mittals

a. Pro ect speci ic Acci ent Prevention Plan (re er to Mo i ie EM-385-1 (2008) Sa ety an Health
Re irements Man al). This plan shall incl e at a minim m
1. Company policy statement regar ing sa ety program.
2. Contractor team ey personnel listing y name an escription o ties an a thorities.
3. Listing o re ire AHAs or the pro ect
4. Proce res or vario s aspects o the sa ety program s ch as
a) Sa ety program en orcement
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) Employee training re irements
c) Reporting re irements
) Inspection re irements
e) Emergency in ormation to incl e
- Contact in ormation an map to nearest me ical provi er.
- Contact in ormation or ey personnel on the pro ect
- Contact in ormation or nearest la en orcement
- Contact in ormation or UXO removal an other re ire specialists
. Activity Ha ar Analysis (AHAs) or re ire activities.
c. Constr ction progress sche le Provi e etaile esign sche le an preliminary constr ction sche le, e
prior to Post A ar Kic o Meeting (PAK) or PRECON meeting.
. Pro ect Speci ic Q ality Control Plan (re er to Q ality Control Program Re irements)
e. Sche le o Prices.
. S mittal Register.
g. Finish material an sample oar .
h. Environmental Protection Plan.
i. Waste Management Plan.


Contractor DOR QCM shall revie an approve material s mittals liste elo an s mit to government or
s rveillance. Provi e or all e ina le eat res o or re ire y the statement o or , (others may e re ire ) as
speci ie elo , catalog e c t, ill stration, sche le, iagram, per ormance chart, instr ction an roch re,
ill strating si e, physical appearance an other appearance an other characteristic o material along ith samples or
acceptance or variance selection as ollo s
1. Concrete mi esign
2. Aggregate an san samples
3. Rein orcing steel certi ications
4. Str ct ral Steel certi ications
5. Cement catalog ata
6. Concrete sealant catalog ata
7. Paint an primer catalog ata
8. Paint color samples
9. Roo cover an accessories catalog ata
10. Roo cover an accessories samples
11. Ceramic tile catalog ata
12. Ceramic tile Samples
13. Ceramic tile gro t catalog ata
14. Ceramic tile gro ts sealant catalog ata
15. Door samples an catalog ata
16. Door har are samples an catalog ata
17. Win o samples an catalog ata
18. Win o har are samples an catalog ata
19. Toilet catalog ata
20. Lavatory an a cet catalog ata
21. Pl m ing i t res catalog ata
22. Water pipe an accessories catalog ata
23. Water storage tan (i it is not rein orcing steel tan ) catalog ata

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
24. Water istri tion p mp catalog ata
25. Main istri tion oar an loa center catalog ata
26. Lighting i t res, emergency light an e it sign sample an catalog ata
27. Electrical con it, con it accessories sample an catalog ata
28. Electrical ca le & accessories sample an catalog ata
29. S itch, receptacle, comm nication o tlet sample an catalog ata
30. Oscillating an catalog ata
31. E ha st an catalog ata
32. Lightning air terminal, o n con ctor an earth electro es sample an catalog ata
33. F rnit re (applica le) shop ra ings, catalog ata, an samples

Contractor QCM shall revie an approve POST-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS as liste in elo an s mit
to government or s rveillance.
Post-constr ction s mittals shall e s mitte to the COR prior to Bene icial Occ pancy o the pro ect. There ore
it is critical that the contractor prepare these ell in a vance o the sche le completion.
Provi e (2) complete set copies incl e electronic iles on CD o all A toCAD iles (i.e. XREF, raster image
re erence, an plot style manager) to allo repro ction o the ra ings, an PDF ra ings an all relate
s mittals
a. Complete set o As-B ilt ra ings. These shall e en orse y the Designer o Recor (DOR). - incl sive o
mar e prints (As-B ilt Mar e Prints) in icating constr ction eviations rom the Final Design Contract
Doc ments.
. Operations an Maintenance Man als (O&M), i applica le.
c. Man act rer Warranties
. F nctioning controls or all e ipment installe . This incl es remote controls as ell ( atteries incl e ).
e. En ser training or all systems, sche le thro gh the COR.
. CD ith complete photo oc mentation o pro ect. The total n m er o photos shall e at least 50 times the
n m er o ee s o the constr ction perio . Photos shall cover every aspect o the pro ect. Photos shall e the
original si e as ta en y the igital camera. Photos shall e goo ality, clear, an not istorte or l rre .
Photos shall incl e
1. Details o materials eing installe to sho imensions, materials eing se , an ality.
2. Complete portions o the pro ect to oc ment complete speci ic installations as ell as the
acility pro ect as a hole.
3. The entire site ta en rom the same location (one every ee ). At the eginning o the pro ect, esta lish
this location ith the COR.

Contractor QCM shall revie an approve s mittals liste elo hen re ire y the Statement o Wor an s mit
to government or s rveillance

a. Pile an loa testing.

. Concrete compressive strength testing.
c. Mechanical an electrical testing.
. Material Sa ety Data Sheets (MSDS) as applica le.
e. Contractor Sa ety Sel -Eval ation Chec list hich shall e attache in progress report.
. Licenses an Permits relate to local a thori ations in accor ance ith c rrent la s prior to pro ect start.
g. Installation a thori ations or any tilities interr ption an igging permits.
h. Demolition Plan Pro ect an Site Speci ic hen applie .

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All Contractor esign an s mittal in ormation shall e provi e to the Government in the English Lang age. This is
to acilitate ease o revie an common n erstan ing et een the contractor an the government. Ho ever the
contractor has the r en to properly comm nicate ith other entities to incl e employees, s contractors, host nation
government an resi ents. Where re ire , the contractor shall e re ire to comm nicate in the local lang age, either
ritten or oral. The e ort an cost o oing this shall e the responsi ility o the contractor.


Provi e Design an Constr ction Sche le a e ate or Contractor to e iciently manage pro ect an or Government to
e iciently manage QA an sche ling inter aces. Incl e constr ction phasing an any or restrictions (s ch as
occ pie spaces, special ho rs, potential or isr ptions, anticipate eather impacts).
Sche le shall contain DFOWs an ates or completion o each tas incl ing material proc rement, an constr ction
activities. Up ate the sche le at least monthly. The contractor shall complete all re ire esign an pre-constr ction
s mittals (see sections 7.1 an 7.2 o these general re irements) ithin thirty (30) calen ar ays a ter contract has
een a ar e .
The Contractor shall e re ire to commence or n er this contract imme iately ollo ing receipt o the A ar .
The Contractor shall prosec te the or iligently an complete all the or re irements, rea y or occ pational se
y the o ner ithin the perio o per ormance state in the contract a ar an FAR 52.211-10 COMMENCEMENT,
PROSECUTION, AND COMPLETION OF WORK (APR 1984). The per ormance perio incl es preparation o all
esign an preconstr ction s mittals an government revie .
A etaile constr ction sche le, in an approve ormat, shall e prepare y the Contractor an s mitte to the
Government or approval at least t o ee s e ore the Contractor egins any constr ction or on-site. The Contractor
is re ire to provi e monthly pro ect sche les p ates ring constr ction to eep the Government apprise o the
c rrent constr ction plan an progress. The Contractor m st sche le all or to ca se the least amo nt o inter erence
ith normal operations to the occ pants o the areas s rro n ing the pro ect site. The COR m st e noti ie i teen (15)
calen ar ays in a vance or any service interr ptions or events re iring isr ption to occ pants an shall receive prior
approval y the COR.
The sche le shall clearly sho the activities o the critical path. Once an activity e ists on the sche le it may not e
elete an m st remain in the logic. No more than 20 percent o the activities may e critical or near critical. Critical
ill e e ine as having ero ays o Total Float. Near critical ill e e ine as having Total Float in the range o 1
to 14 ays. Sho the ollo ing in ormation on the iagrams or each activity
a. Activity ID
. Activity Description
c. Original D ration in Wor Days
. Remaining ration
e. Act al D ration in Wor Days
. Early Start Date
g. Early Finish Date
h. Total Float
Constr ction activities shall incl e, t are not limite to Tas s relate to mo ili ation or emo ili ation the
installation o temporary or permanent or y tra esman testing an inspections o installe or y technicians,
inspectors or engineers start- p an testing o e ipment commissioning o il ing an relate systems sche ling
o speci ie man act re s representatives P nch O t Inspection Pre-Final Inspection, Final Acceptance Inspection
inal clean- p training to e provi e an a ministrative tas s necessary to start, procee ith, accomplish or inali e
the contract. No onsite constr ction activity shall have a ration in e cess o 20 or ing ays. Contractor activities
ill e riven y calen ars that re lect Sat r ays, S n ays an all Fe eral Holi ays as non- or ays.
Monthly Up ates - The Contractor ill p ate the sche le monthly an provi e to the COR.
Anticipate Weather Delays - Any activity ration, hich co l e impacte y normally anticipate a verse eather
(precipitation, high or lo temperat re, in , etc.), e to the time perio that the Contractor has sche le the or ,
shall incl e an a stment to incl e the anticipate eather elay. A lost or ay, e to eather con itions, is
e ine as a ay in hich the Contractor s or orce cannot or 50 percent or more o the ay. The Contractor shall
imme iately noti y the Contracting O icer hen a lost ay has occ rre e to eather an ill recor on the Daily
Reports, the occ rrence o a verse eather an res ltant impact to the normally sche le or . I the n m er o act al
a verse eather elay ays e cee s the n m er o ays anticipate , the Contracting O icer ill convert any ali ying
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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
elays to calen ar ays, giving ll consi eration or e ivalent air eather or ays an iss e a mo i ication in
accor ance ith the contract cla ses.
The Time Impact Analysis (TIA) metho shall e se y the Contracting O icer an Contractor in etermining i a
time e tension is sti ie . The Contractor shall provi e a Time Impact Analysis to the Contracting O icer or any
propose contract change or as s pport or a Variance Re est, Claim or Re est or E ita le A stment y the
Contractor ill strating the in l ence o each change or elay on the Contract Completion Date or milestones. Each TIA
shall emonstrate ho the Contractor proposes to incorporate the impact into the pro ect sche le. The TIA shall
i enti y the pre ecessors to the ne activities an emonstrate the impacts to s ccessor activities. The Contractor shall
provi e a narrative report escri ing the e ects o ne activities an relationships to interim an contract completion
ates, ith each TIA.
Sche le Float - De initions o Float is the length o time the start o an activity can e elaye itho t elaying the
start o a s ccessor activity. Total Float is the length o time along a given path that the act al start an inish o
activity(s) can e elaye itho t elaying the pro ect completion ate. Pro ect Float is the length o time et een the
Contractor s Early Completion (or S stantial Completion or similar activity) an the Contract Completion Date.
O nership o Float availa le in the sche le, at any time shall not e consi ere or the e cl sive se o either the
Government or the Contractor. D ring the co rse o contract e ec tion, any loat generate e to the e iciencies o
either party is not or the sole se o the party generating the loat rather it is a share commo ity to e reasona ly se
y either party. E iciencies gaine as a res lt o avora le eather ithin a calen ar month, here the n m er o ays
o normally anticipate eather is less than e pecte , ill also contri te to the reserve o loat. A sche le sho ing
or completing in less time than the Contract time, an accepte y the Government, ill e consi ere to have
Pro ect Float. Pro ect Float ill e a reso rce availa le to oth the Government an the Contractor. No time e tensions
ill e grante nor elay amages pai nless a elay occ rs hich impacts the Pro ect s critical path, cons mes all
availa le loat or contingency time, an e ten s the or eyon the Contract Completion Date. Negative Float
Negative loat ill not e a asis or re esting time e tensions. Sche le completion ate(s) that e ten eyon the
contract or phase completion ate(s) (evi ence y negative loat) may e se in comp tations or assessment o
payment ithhol ings. The se o this comp tation is not to e constr e as a means o acceleration.
Three-Wee Loo Ahea Sche le - To provi e a more etaile ay-to- ay planning o pcoming constr ction or ,
the Contractor shall prepare an iss e etaile or plans that coor inate ith an s pplement the e ine sche le.
The or plans shall e eye to the CPM activity n m ers an shall e s mitte each ee an shall sho the
pro ect activities that ill occ r ring the c rrent an ollo ing t o- ee interval. A itionally, the critical path
activities are to e i enti ie on the 3-Wee Loo Ahea Sche le. The sche le ill e a ar chart type sche le
prepare y the Contractor in s icient etail to e ine the or to e accomplishe , the cre s, constr ction tools an
e ipment to e se ring the c rrent an ne t t o- ee interval. The ar charts shall e ormatte to allo
repro ction on 8 1 2 y 11 sheets. The ar chart sche les shall e elivere to the Contracting O icer not less than 3
or ho rs prior to the start o the ee ly coor ination meeting .

Contractor shall commence constr ction only pon the approval o all s mittals liste in sections 7.1, 7.2, an 7.3 y
the government an prior to that contractor shall o tain all local permitting re ire y la . Contractor shall coor inate
ith local tility provi ers to ens re permission to remove or to provi e temporary tilities are approve . Contractor
shall coor inate ith acility en ser an any a ecte resi ents in the area o the constr ction site or constr ction
coor ination an interr ption o services an access. Contractor shall participate in a Pre-Constr ction Con erence at a
location i enti ie y the Government. The contractor is responsi le or protecting any p lic or private property an
tilities o tsi e the scope o this pro ect rom amage an interr ption. The contractor shall promptly repair any
amage to s ch property or tilities sho l it occ r. Contractor is responsi le or constr cting arrica es, encing, or
other means to ens re protection an sa ety o the resi ents an or ers rom harm e to the constr ction operations.
Contractor may install temporary acilities only as approve y the government.

Upon constr ction completion, the Contractor an the Government ill hol a oint inal inspection. Prior to
acceptance o the pro ect y the government, contractor shall correct any e iciencies i enti ie ring the pre- inal or
any prece ing inspections. All post constr ction s mittals per section POST-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS
m st e provi e to the Government at or e ore the time o inal inspection. All e isting vegetation, or s an
services ist r e y the Contractor ring the co rse o the constr ction or s either to acilitate the constr ction or
other ise, shall e reinstate or replace at the Contractor’s o n costs an to the satis action o the Government. All
contractor e ipment an e cess materials shall e remove rom the site.

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Prior to constr ction or emolition start, meet ith representatives o the Contracting O icer to isc ss an evelop
m t al n erstan ing relative to a ministration o the sa ety programs, environmental iss es, sa ety o il ing
occ pants an s rro n ing area, ha ar o s materials, aste isposal, constr ction QC proce res, constr ction
sche le, la or provisions an other constr ction phase contract proce res. The Preconstr ction Con erence shall
rein orce partnering philosophy initially esta lishe ring the PAK. The Contractor shall participate in the con erence
at a location i enti ie y the government e ore commencement o the or .


S mit Contractor Pro ction Reports on orms rnishe or this p rpose. Contractor’s Pro ction reports shall e
provi e ee ly nless other ise re este y the Contracting O icer or Contracting O icer Representative. Reports
shall incl e
a. Date
. Pro ect N m er an Title
c. Up ate S mittal Register
. Up ate Pro ect Sche le
e. Wor er ho rs y classi ication, move-on an move-o o constr ction e ipment rnishe y the prime,
s contractor or the Government, an materials an e ipment elivere to the site.
. Sa ety training, meetings, chec s an inspections.
g. Q ality Control Program Reports S mit all oc mentation re ire y the attache Q ality Control
Program Re irements.
h. Design an Constr ction Services Incl ing, t not necessarily limite to
1. Chec all Contract Doc ments or correctness an correlation. I the Contractor notes any iscrepancy or
am ig ity, imme iately noti y the COR.
2. E amine the or site as to con itions a ecting the or . Fiel veri y the site an scope o or ,
incl ing t not limite to the meas rement an location o all signi icant items re ire to per orm the
or . Fail re y the Contractor to amiliari e onesel ith availa le in ormation regar ing these
con itions shall not relieve the Contractor rom the responsi ility o s ccess lly completing the or .
i. Photo Doc mentation o the previo s ee ’s progress. Photos shall e high ality an not istorte .
Minim m o 16 photos per report ee incl ing panoramic photos.

S mit on orms rnishe y the Government. Incl e a etaile rea o n o the contract price, ith antities or
each in o or . Incl e General Con itions, pro it, an overhea in the nit prices. No invoices shall e pai ntil
this has een s mitte an approve . Once approve , the Sche le o Prices shall e se as asis or contractor

Re ests or payment ill e processe in accor ance ith the contract cla se FAR52.232-27, Prompt Payment
Constr ction Contracts (MAY 2014) an shall incl e items re ire y FAR 52.232-5, Payments Un er Fi e -Price
Constr ction Contracts (MAY 2014), an the ollo ing
a. The Contractor Per ormance Statement
. Contractor Certi ication
c. Q ality Control Certi ication
. Up ate Sche le i not alrea y s mitte per section 10 Pro ect Sche le an Time Constraint
e. Final invoice shall e accompanie y Final Release Form
All invoices m st e s mitte sing the NAVFAC Forms 7300-30 an 7300-31. The inal etermination o
percentage o completion is the Contracting O icer’s responsi ility an ill e commens rate ith or
accomplishe , hich meets the ality stan ar s esta lishe n er the contract. The contractor may also re est the
Contracting O icer to a thori e payment or material elivere on the site. Invoices or these materials m st e
accompanie y proo that the materials have een pai or an are eing properly store in the contractor’s possession

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
to sa eg ar against the t an protection rom the eather. The val e o materials shall then e s tracte rom the
total contract val e an t re progress payments shall e calc late ase on the remaining contract val e.
The o ligation o the Government to ma e payments re ire n er the provisions o this contract ill, at the iscretion
o the Contracting O icer, e s ect to re ctions an or s spensions permitte n er the FAR an agency reg lations
incl ing the ollo ing in accor ance ith FAR 32.503-6
a. Reasona le e ctions e to e ects in material or or manship
. Claims hich the Government may have against the Contractor n er or in connection ith this contract
c. Unless other ise a ste , repayment to the Government pon eman or overpayments ma e to the
Contractor an
. Fail re to provi e p to ate recor ra ings not c rrent as state in Contract Cla se 5252.236-9310, Recor
Dra ings.
Failing to comply ith contract re irements is at the iscretion o the Contracting O icer, gro n s or invoice
re ection.


The Contractor shall ta e special care to protect Government property. Ret rn areas amage as a res lt o constr ction
n er this contract to their original con ition.


The Contractor shall veri y on-site tilities an have them mar e o t y a tility locator service prior to the start o
constr ction. Where e isting piping, tilities, oil an gas lines, an n ergro n o str ctions o any type that are to
remain are in icate in locations to e traverse y ne piping, cts, an other or provi e herein, an s ch are
not in icate or speci ie to e remove , the elevations o the e isting tilities an o str ctions shall e etermine
e ore the ne or is lai closer than the nearest manhole or other str ct re at hich an a stment in gra e co l e
ma e. O tain re ire ig permits an noti y the Contracting O icer 21 calen ar ays prior to any e cavation.

The Contractor shall o tain all appointments, licenses, an permits re ire to per orm or n er this contract at no
a itional e pense to the Government. Comply ith all applica le local la s, an other speci ic reg lations an
proce res. Provi e evi ence o s ch permits an licenses to the Contracting O icer e ore or commences an at
other times as re este y the Contracting O icer (see FAR 52.236-7, Permits and Responsibilities). Contractor shall
etermine correct permit ees an pay sai ees. Contractor is e cl sively responsi le or his ll compliance ith
patent la s an shall a irm that the company is license to se e ipment an processes the company shall employ in
this pro ect.


The Contractor shall limit se o the premises or or an or storage o material an e ipment associate ith the
contract. Unless other ise speci ie or separately agree to, Government o ne material han ling e ipment,
transportation e ipment or general tools ill not e availa le or Contractor’s se. Clean or area aily an a ter
completion o the or , removing all loose e ris an isposing o all non-permanent materials IAW the contractor’s
Waste Management Plan.

a. Temporary Facilities The Contractor may provi e its o n o ice acilities coor inate an o tain a vance
approval rom the Contracting O icer. Provi e an maintain s ita le sanitary acilities ithin the
constr ction limits o the contract. Dispose o sanitary aste in accor ance ith the applica le la s, an local
reg lation.
. Contractor-F rnishe E ipment E ipment is s ect to the inspection an approval o the Contracting
O icer, prior to an ring the li e o the contract. All e ipment an vehicles shall isplay rea ily visi le
Contractor i enti ication mar ings. Relocate store Contractor e ipment hich may inter ere ith
operations o the Government or ith others on-site.
c. Contractor- rnishe Material Protect an sec re pro cts store at this site.
1. All replacement nits, parts, components, an materials to e se in the maintenance, repair an
alteration o acilities an e ipment shall e ne an compati le ith the e isting e ipment on hich it
is to e se , an shall comply ith applica le Government, commercial, or in strial stan ar s s ch as
Un er riter’s La oratories, Inc., an National Electrical Man act rers Association.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
2. In a ition, s mit a c rrent certi icate recogni e y the State or local a thority that states the
Contractor has complete at least 10 ho rs o training in ac lo preventer installations.


a. All la or, material, an e ipment necessary to a ect temporary tility tie-ins, incl ing trans ormers i
necessary, shall e at the e pense o the Contractor an n er the s rveillance o the Contracting O icer.
. The Contractor shall e responsi le or any amages to Government, private or p lic acilities an property
that may res lt rom the installation an removal o these temporary tility tie-ins. Corrections an repairs shall
e ma e at the Contractor’s e pense.
c. The act al location an installation o the temporary tie-in, together ith any interr ptions o tilities systems,
shall e i enti ie an approve y the Contracting O icer prior to e ec tion. Noti y the COR 15 calen ar
ays prior to any tie-ins.
. Permanent tility systems, hen in icate , ill e availa le or tie-in.
e. Maintain tility services to e isting acilities s rro n ing the site at all times ring constr ction.
. Contractor shall install an certi y ac lo preventers on all connections to the pota le ater s pply system.


The Contractor shall rnish har copy an electronic ormat or all As-B ilt an O&M in ormation. Recor ra ings
shall incorporate all changes to the approve inal esign. Provi e O&M ata or as- ilt pro cts, materials, an
e ipment, incl ing ata sheets, test reports, arranties, certi icates, list o spare parts s ppliers or all pieces o
e ipment, an approve constr ction s mittals.

Per FAR 52.246-21 Warranty o Constr ction (APR 1984), the Contractor shall arranty all material an or manship
or a perio o 12 months rom the o icial acceptance ate y the Government. In the event o a ail re or e ect
iscovere in the constr ction ollo ing acceptance an ring the arranty perio , the Contractor shall imme iately
repair or replace the e ective item at the Contractor’s cost. Any item correcte ill e s ect to an a itional one year
arranty perio commencing pon the ate o the Government’s acceptance o the repair or replacement. Original
arranty oc ments shall e s mitte to the Government pon acceptance o the or y the Government. In the
event that a e ect is o n ollo ing the one year arranty perio that co l not have reasona ly een iscovere
previo sly, this shall e treate as a latent e ect an shall also e promptly repaire or replace as re ire y the
contractor at no a itional cost to the Government.

The Government ill provi e the Contractor a inal per ormance eval ation as re ire y Contractor Per ormance
Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) https .cpars.gov t reserves the right to oc ment Contractor
per ormance or any contract val e. The eval ation ill ta e into acco nt all aspects o the Contractor’s per ormance.
Per ormance eval ations may e complete any time ring the contract to oc ment signi icant events or Government
concerns. The Government ill provi e a copy o the per ormance eval ation an an opport nity to isc ss the
eval ation. The per ormance eval ations ill have an impact on the a ar o t re contracts.

All sec rity re irements apply to all s contractors an s ppliers associate ith this contract. The contractor shall
also comply ith the ollo ing

a. Do not p licly isclose any in ormation concerning any aspect o the materials or services relating to this
contract, itho t prior ritten approval o the Contracting O icer.
. Do not isclose or ca se to e isseminate any in ormation concerning the operations o the activity’s
sec rity or interr pt the contin ity o its operations.
c. Do not isclose any in ormation to any person not entitle to receive it.
. Direct to the Contracting O icer or resol tion, all in iries, comments, or complaints arising rom any matter
o serve , e perience , or learne as a res lt o or in connection ith the per ormance o this contract, the
resol tion o hich may re ire the issemination o o icial in ormation.
e. Coor inate photography re irements ith the Contracting O ice. Some areas restrict or prohi it
photographing Government property.
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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Deviations rom or violations o any o the provisions o this paragraph, ill, in a ition to all other criminal an
civil reme ies provi e y la , s ect the Contractor to imme iate termination or e a lt an ith ra al o the
Government’s acceptance an approval o employment o the in ivi als involve .

All iel notes, esign ra ings, speci ications, an other oc ments collecte an pro ce as part o this contract
shall e consi ere property o the Government. These ata shall not e se , in hole or part, p lishe or
np lishe , as a part o any technical or non-technical presentation itho t ritten pre-approval o the Contracting
O icer.

No oral statement y any person other than the Contracting O icer, as provi e in the contract cla se entitle ,
CHANGES AND CHANGED CONDITIONS, ill in any manner or egree mo i y or other ise a ect the terms o
this contract.


The ail re o the Government in any one or more instances to insist pon strict per ormance to any o the terms o this
contract or to e ercise any option herein con erre shall not e constr e as a avier or relin ishment to any e tent
o the right to assert or rely pon s ch terms or options on any t re occasion.


a. Whenever the Contractor s mits a claim or e ita le a stment n er a cla se hich provi es or e ita le
a stment o the contract, s ch claim shall incl e all types o a stments in the total amo nts to hich the
cla se entitles the Contractor, incl ing, t not limite to, a stment arising o t o elays or isr ptions.
. E cept as the parties may other ise e pressly agree, the Contractor shall e eeme to have aive (1) any
a stments to hich he other ise might e entitle n er the cla se here s ch claim ails to re est s ch
a stments an (2) any increase in the amo nt o e ita le a stments a itional to those re este in its
c. The Contractor agrees that, i re ire y the Contracting O icer, it shall e ec te a release, in orm an
s stance satis actory to the Contracting O icer, as part o the s pplemental agreement setting orth the
a oresai e ita le a stment. The Contractor rther agrees that s ch release shall ischarge the Government,
incl ing its o icers, agents, an employees, rom any rther claims, incl ing, t not limite to, rther
claims arising o t o elays or isr ptions ca se y the a oresai change.


1 S te S et He t O e SSHO
The Contractor shall provi e a Site Sa ety Health O icer (SSHO) at the pro ect site at all times ring
pro ction to implement an a minister the Contractor’s sa ety program an government-accepte Acci ent
Prevention Plan.
i. The SSHO shall e e icate to constr ction sa ety an shall not have any other o nless
other ise a thori e in Part 3.
ii. The SSHO shall have a minim m o three (3) years sa ety e perience in implementing an
a ministering a sa ety program or pro ects o similar si e an comple ity.
iii. The SSHO m st have complete a constr ction sa ety co rse applica le to the or to e
per orme an given y ali ie instr ctors.
iv. The SSHO shall report to a corporate o icial.

2 P o M e e t

a. Provi e a Competent Person or all ha ar s i enti ie in the Contactor’s accepte Acci ent
Prevention Plan, on-site at all times hen the or that presents the ha ar s associate ith their
pro essional e pertise is eing per orme .
. Wor sites ith non-English spea ing or ers shall have a person(s), l ent in the lang age(s)
spo en as ell as English, onsite hen or is eing per orme , to interpret an translate as nee e .
c. Acci ent Prevention Plans (APPs) shall e evelope an s mitte y the Contractor. The
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Contractor shall a ress each o the elements s -elements in the o tline containe in Appen i A in
the or er that they are provi e in the man al. I an item is not applica le eca se o the nat re o
the or to e per orme , the Contractor shall state this e ception an provi e a sti ication.
. A copy o the most p-to- ate Acci ent Prevention Plan (APP) shall e mo nte on or a acent to
the lletin oar or a notice on the lletin oar shall state the location o the APP. I a site o ice
is maintaine y the contractor, a sa ety lletin oar shall e erecte an maintaine in an area
commonly accesse y or ers ith the ollo ing oc ments poste as a minim m
i. Map enoting ro te to the nearest emergency clinic or hospital.
ii. Emergency phone n m ers.
iii. Copy o approve Activity Ha ar Analyses (AHAs).
e. All employees shall e provi e ith sa ety an health in octrination prior to start o or as ell as
contin o s sa ety an health training to ena le them to per orm their or in a sa e manner. All
training, meetings an in octrinations shall e oc mente in riting y ate, name, content an
. A visitor sign-in log shall e maintaine on site. The site manager shall maintain a roster o all
a thori e entrants that enter the site.

3 I de t Re o t
a. The Contractor shall report all acci ents to Contracting O icer’s Representative (COR) sing the
NAVFAC Contractor Signi icant Inci ent Report (CSIR) orm. The contractor shall s mit an initial
CSIR, mar e Initial , to the COR ithin 24 ho rs. A complete CSIR is e ithin 5 ays.

4 S t to
a. Provi e pota le rin ing ater or or ers ith in ivi al rin ing c ps. Any container se to
istri te rin ing ater shall e clearly mar e DRINKING WATER an may not e se or
other p rposes.
. When permanent toilets are not availa le, contractor shall provi e temporary sanitary toilets or se
y or ers. Han soap or similar cleansing agents an a e ate ater shall e provi e at toilet
c. Soli an li i astes shall e remove rom site aily.

5 Med d F st A d Re e e ts
a. When a me ical acility or physician is not accessi le ithin ive (5) min tes o an in ry to a gro p
o t o (2) or more employees or the treatment o in ries, at least t o (2) employees on each shi t
shall e ali ie to a minister irst ai an CPR.
. A 16- nit irst ai it shall e availa le at o sites ring per ormance o or . Contents o irst ai
its shall e chec e y the employer every month.

6 Te o F t es
a. Temporary pro ect encing shall e provi e on all pro ects locate in areas o active se y
mem ers o the p lic or i speci ically re ire y the contract oc ments.
. Temporary or camps
i. Shall e a e ately raine an not locate near s amps, pools, sin holes or other s r aces
that may collect ater nless a e ate mos ito control metho s have een implemente .
ii. Shall e si e to prevent overcro ing.
iii. Gro n s an open areas s rro n ing the shelters shall e maintaine ree o r ish, e ris,
aste paper, gar age or other re se.
iv. Triple ec n e s are prohi ite .
v. Floors shall e constr cte o oo , asphalt or concrete. Woo en loors shall e smooth
an tight constr ction.

7 Pe so P ote t e E e t
a. As a minim m, the ollo ing is the allo e ress co e in all pro ects
i. Sleeve shirts.
ii. Long pants.
iii. Har hats.
iv. Enclose shoes.
. Eye an Face Protection
i. Depen ing on or eing per orme , se any o the ollo ing
1. Sa ety glasses.
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2. Sa ety goggles.
c. Hearing Protection an Noise Control
i. When or ing ith tools that may pro ce e cessive noise (a ove 85 B), se the
ollo ing
1. Ear insert evices to incl e isposa le, pre orme or c stom mol e earpl gs.
2. Ear m s, i availa le.
. Hea Protection
i. All persons or ing in or visiting har -hat areas shall e provi e ith an re ire to
ear har hats.
ii. No ase all caps, nit hoo s, an anas, shirts, or other hea resses shall e orn n er the
har hat that o l o str ct the it o the har hat.
e. High Visi ility Apparel Vests
i. High visi ility apparel meeting, at minim m, ANSI ISEA 107-2004 Per ormance Class 2
re irements or an approve e ivalent shall e orn y or ers e pose to vehic lar
tra ic or e ipment tra ic.
ii. The apparel ac gro n material color shall e either l orescent yello -green, l orescent
orange-re , or l orescent re .
. Respiratory Protection
i. When or ing in sty environment, a st mas is re ire .

g. Personal Floatation Devices

i. Inherently oyant Type III, Type V, or etter UCSG-approve personal lotation evices
(PFDs) or an approve e ivalent shall e provi e an orn properly hen or ing on
loating pipelines, pontoons, ra ts or stages, s i s, small oats, or la nches.
ii. PFDs shall e orn hen or ing on str ct res or e ipment e ten ing over or ne t to
ater e cept hen g ar rails, personal all protection systems, or sa ety nets are provi e .

8 H do s S st es, A e ts d E o e ts
a. S mit Material Sa ety Data Sheets (MSDS) or all ha ar o s materials ro ght an se on site.
. Hot s stances
i. Heating evices or melting ettles shall e place on irm gro n to avoi acci ental tipping.
Whenever possi le, ettles shall e place o n in rom or ers or occ pie il ings.
ii. A ire e ting isher m st e availa le here heating evices or melting ettles are in se.
c. Con ine Space
i. When or ing in con ine spaces, the ollo ing m st e ollo e
1. Chec or air content e ore entry.
2. Ventilate con ine space contin o sly ring per ormance o or .
3. As m ch as possi le, o not se gas po ere e ipment in con ine spaces.
4. An atten ant ith no other ties shall e maintaine at all time or is per orme
in con ine spaces.
. Inclement Weather
i. When there are arnings or in ications o impen ing severe eather (heavy rains,
amaging in s, h rricanes, typhoons, loo s, etc.), eather con itions shall e monitore
an appropriate preca tions ta en to protect or ers an property rom the e ects o the
severe eather.

L t
a. While or is in progress, o ices, acilities, access ays, or ing areas, constr ction roa s, etc. shall
e lighte s iciently to allo or to e per orme sa ely.
. Lamps an i t res shall e g ar e an sec re to prevent in ry. Open l orescent i t res shall e
provi e ith ire g ar s.
c. Lamps or general ill mination shall e protecte rom acci ental contact or rea age. Protection
shall e provi e y elevation o at least 7 eet (2.1m) rom normal or ing s r ace.

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10 S s, T s, T Co t o
a. Sa ety signs may e se to in icate general instr ctions on sa e or practices, proper sa ety
proce res, an location o sa ety e ipment.
. Har hat signs shall e poste at all entrance to pro ect sites.
c. The contractor shall e responsi le or provi ing, erecting, maintaining, an removal o all tra ic
signs, arrica es, an other tra ic control evices necessary to maintain tra ic.
. The contractor shall coor inate ith the Contracting O icer’s Representative (COR) an o tain
approval rom local a thorities prior to closing or restricting any roa s.
e. Barrica es, anger, arning an eto r signs, as re ire , shall e erecte e ore any roa s are
close .

11 F e P e e t o d P ote t o
a. All so rces o ignition shall e prohi ite ithin 50 t (15.2m) o operations ith potential ire
ha ar . The area shall e conspic o sly an legi ly poste NO SMOKING, MATCHES, OR
. Remove tall grass, r sh, an ee s ne t to str ct res or acilities. A clearance o 3 eet (0.9 m.)
i e shall e maintaine aro n all str ct res.
c. Flamma le li i s shall e ept in close containers or tan s hen not in se.
. Porta le ire e ting ishers shall e provi e here nee e . Fire e ting ishers shall e inspecte
monthly. Recor s shall e on a tag or la el attache to the ire e ting isher in icating the ate o
inspection an initials o the person per orming inspections.
e. When or ing in areas here com sti le materials are e pose to ire ha ar s (s ch as el ing
operations, hot metals, or open lames), a atcher shall e assigne to remain at the location or at
least one ho r a ter the e pos re has en e .

12 We d d C tt
a. All el ing e ipment shall e inspecte aily e ore each se.
. Provi e non- lamma le shiel ing hen per orming el ing operations.
c. Provi e general mechanical or local e ha st ventilation henever el ing, c tting, or heating is
per orme in a con ine space.
. Fire e ting ishing e ipment shall e provi e in the imme iate vicinity o el ing or c tting
e. Remove gages an cap o y-acetylene tan s hen not in se. Tan s shall e store pright an
separate at least 25 eet apart.
. No splices or repaire ins lation is allo e on arc el ing ca les 10 eet rom the ro hol er.

13 E e t
a. Whenever possi le, all e ipment an circ its to e or e on shall e e-energi e e ore or is
starte .
. For constr ction sites, all le i le cor s shall e inspecte aily y the contractor’s Site Sa ety Health
O icer.
c. Electric ire an le i le cor s passing thro gh or areas shall e protecte rom amage y oot
tra ic, vehicles, sharp corners, an pinching.
. The rame o porta le generators shall e gro n e .
e. All receptacle o tlets that provi e temporary electrical po er ring constr ction, remo eling,
maintenance, repair, or emolition shall e connecte to the Earth Lea age Circ it Brea er (ELCB).
ELCB shall e provi e on all circ its serving porta le electric han tools or semi- porta le electric
po er tools. .
. Do not se ELCB hen sing electric concrete vi rators.
g. When or ing near energi e lines or e ipment, aerial li t tr c s shall e gro n e .

14 Lo o t/T o t
a. Loc o t tago t shall e per orme only y a thori e employees.
. Loc s m st al ays e se hen the e ipment is accessi le y the p lic.

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15 H d d Po e Too s
a. Han an po er tools shall e se , inspecte y the contractor, an maintaine in accor ance ith
the man act rer’s instr ctions.
. Han an po er tools shall e in goo or ing con ition an ith all re ire sa ety evices
installe an properly a ste .
c. All tool g ar s m st e nctional.
. Po er tools shall not e lo ere or carrie y its cor .
e. Hoses shall not e se or hoisting or lo ering pne matic tools.
. Only ali ie operators shall operate e plosive- act ate tools.
g. Chain sa s shall have an a tomatic ra e or ic ac evice.
h. Pne matic- riven nailers or staplers shall have a sa ety evice on the m le to prevent the tool rom
e ecting asteners nless the m le is in contact ith the or s r ace.

16 M te H d , Sto e d D s os
a. Employees shall e traine in proper li ting techni es. Avoi li ting loa s a ove sho l er level.
. Materials shall not e move over or s spen e a ove or ers.
c. All material in ags, containers, n les, or store in tiers shall e stac e , loc e , an interloc e
so that it is sta le an sec re against collapse.
. Material store insi e il ings n er constr ction shall not e place ithin 6 eet (1.8 m.) o any
loor opening.
e. Rein orcing steel shall e store in or erly piles a ay rom al ays an roa ays an a e ately
protecte rom rain an moist re.
. All stair ays, passage ays, gang ays, an access ays shall e ept ree o materials, s pplies, an
o str ctions at all times.
g. Protr ing nails in scrap oar s, plan s, an tim ers shall e remove , hammere in, or ent over
l sh ith the oo .
h. Waste material an r ish shall e place in containers or i appropriate, in piles.

17 R
a. Rigging e ipment shall e inspecte e ore each se to ens re that it is sa e to se.
. Rigging e ipment shall not e loa e in e cess o its recommen e sa e capacity.

18 M e d Me ed E e t
18 A Ge e
a. Be ore any machinery or mechani e e ipment is se , it shall e inspecte an teste in accor ance
ith the man act rer’s recommen ations an certi ie in riting y a competent person ( e .
Certi ie Mechanic).
. The contractor shall eep recor s o tests an inspections an shall e ma e availa le hen re este
y the Contracting O icer’s representative.
c. All machinery an e ipment shall e inspecte aily hen in se to ens re sa e operating con itions.
. The se o hea phones or entertainment p rposes (ra io or cassette) hile operating e ipment is
prohi ite .
e. All e ipment an machinery shall have opera le seat elts.
. All e ipment shall e e ippe ith an a i le reverse signal alarm.
g. All mechani e e ipment shall have at least one ire e ting isher ith a rating per the
man act rer’s recommen ations.

18 B Mo e C es
a. Be ore any crane or hoisting e ipment is place in se, it shall e inspecte an teste an certi ie
in riting y a competent person to e in accor ance ith the EM 385-1-1 n er section
. 16.D an the man act rer’s recommen ation. Written reports o tests, sho ing test proce res an
con irming the a e acy o repairs or alterations, shall e maintaine ith the crane an hoisting
e ipment or at the on-site pro ect o ice. Contractor shall s mit orm P-1.
c. Inspection or eterminations o roa an sho l er con itions an str ct re con itions shall e ma e in
a vance to ass re that clearances an loa capacities are sa e or the placing o any crane.
. Crane an hoisting e ipment shall e operate only y esignate ali ie personnel. Proo o
ali ication shall e provi e y the employer an shall e in riting
e. All signal persons m st e ali ie y either a thir party ali ie eval ator or the employer’s
ali ie eval ator.
. Using mo ile cranes m st e complie ith the sa ety reg lation EM385-1-1 n er section 16. .
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1 Moto Ve es
a. Every person operating a motor vehicle shall possess, at all times, a license permit vali or the
e ipment eing operate .
. Vehicles shall e chec e aily y the operator to ens re sa e operating con ition.

20 S e A ess d F P ote t o
a. Sa e access shall e provi e to all or areas.
. Access ays shall e ept ree o grease, m , e ris or other material or e ipment that co l
o str ct passage an ca se a tripping ha ar .
c. Employees e pose to all ha ar s shall e protecte y stan ar g ar rails or personal all protection
evices on heights 6 eet (1.8m) or greater.
. Stan ar g ar rails shall consist o top rails, mi rails, toe oar s an posts.
e. Personal all arrest system shall incl e the ollo ing
i. F ll o y harness
ii. Si oot long lanyar
iii. Li elines.
. Personal all arrest system shall not e attache to g ar rail systems.
g. All porta le la ers shall e long eno gh to prevent or ers rom stretching.
h. Porta le la ers se as temporary access shall e e ten e at least 3 eet (0.9 m.) a ove the pper
lan ing s r ace.
i. Porta le la ers shall e sec re at the top an ottom to hol them rigi ly in place.
. The top t o steps o a step la er shall not e se as a step.

21 Wo P t o s dS od
21 A Ge e
a. Sca ol , plat orms, or temporary loors shall e provi e or all or e cept that can e per orme
sa ely rom the gro n or similar ooting.
. Factory- a ricate sca ol s an components shall e esigne an a ricate in accor ance ith the
applica le national stan ar .
c. La ers may e se as or plat orms only hen se o small han tools or han ling o light
material is involve .
. La er ac s, lean-to, an prop-sca ol s are prohi ite .
e. Emergency escent evices shall not e se as or ing plat orms.
. Erection, moving, ismantling, or altering o or plat orms shall e n er the s pervision o a
Competent Person.
g. Anyone involve in erecting, isassem ling, moving, operating, sing, repairing, maintaining, or
inspecting a sca ol m st e traine y a Competent Person to recogni e any ha ar s associate ith
the or in estion.
h. Sca ol s an their components shall e capa le o s pporting itho t ail re at least o r times
ma im m anticipate loa .
i. Loa -carrying tim er mem ers shall e a minim m o 1,500 l - orce in2 (10,341 Pa) (stress gra e)
constr ction l m er.
. L m er shall e reasona ly straight-graine an ree o sha es, chec s, splits, cross grains, nso n
nots or nots in gro ps, ecay an gro th characteristics, any con ition that o l ecrease the
strength o the material.
. All l m er se or the sca ol may not have protr ing nails (nail hea s or nail points) or any
other protr ing oreign o ects.
l. S pporting mem ers an o n ations shall e o s icient si e an strength to sa ely istri te
loa ing.
i. S pporting mem er shall e place on a irm, smooth o n ation that ill prevent lateral
ii. Unsta le o ects s ch as arrels, o es, loose ric s, or concrete loc s shall not e se as
s pports.
iii. Vertical mem ers (i.e. poles, legs, or prights) shall e sec rely race to prevent s aying
or isplacement.
m. Sca ol s shall incl e the ollo ing elements
i. Toe Boar s
ii. G ar Rails
iii. Cross & Diagonal Bracing
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iv. F ll Plan ing on or levels
v. Posts earing on ase plates that ear on m sills
vi. Sa e access
n. The esign an constr ction or selection o plan ing shall e in accor ance ith Ta le 21-1.

T e 21-1

o. Sca ol s shall e pl m an level.

p. Sca ol s shall ear on aseplates that ear on m sills (or other a e ate o n ation).
. Wor ing levels o or plat orms shall e plan e or ec e .

21 B P
a. Plat orms an al ays shall e at least 18 (45.7cm) i e.
. Plan ing shall e s pporte or race to prevent e cessive spring or e lection an sec re to prevent
c. An access la er or e ivalent sa e access shall e provi e . Clim ing o races is prohi ite .
. The ma im m permissi le spans or 2-in 10-in (5-cm 25.4-cm) (nominal) or 2-in 9-in (5-cm
22.8-cm) (ro gh) soli sa n oo plan s shall e as sho n in Ta le 21-2

T e 21-2

21 C G d s
a. G ar rail systems shall e installe along all open si es an en s o plat orms. G ar rail systems
shall incl e, at a minim m, a top rail, a mi rail, an toe oar s.
. The top e ge height o toprails or e ivalent mem er on s pporte sca ol s shall e installe
et een 38 inches (0.97 m) an 45 inches (1.20 m) a ove the plat orm s r ace. Toprails shall e
e ivalent in strength to 2 inch y 4 inch l m er.
c. Mi rails shall e installe at a height appro imately mi ay et een the top e ge o the g ar rail
system an the plat orm s r ace.
. Each toprail or e ivalent mem er o a g ar rail system shall e capa le o ithstan ing, itho t
ail re, a orce applie in any o n ar or hori ontal irection at any point along its top e ge o at
least 200 po n s (890 N).
e. Mi rails, screens, mesh, interme iate vertical mem ers, soli panels, an e ivalent str ct ral
mem ers o a g ar rail system shall e capa le o ithstan ing, itho t ail re, a orce applie in
any o n ar or hori ontal irection at any point along the mi rail or other mem er o at least 150
po n s (666 N). Mi rails shall e e ivalent in strength to 1 inch y 6 inch l m er.
. Synthetic or nat ral i er ropes shall not e se as toprails or mi rails
g. Steel ca le ( ire rope) may e se as toprails or mi rails i tension in 6.25mm iameter steel ca le is
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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
maintaine to provi e not more than 7.6cm e lection in any irection rom the center line, n er a
90.7 g loa , i s pport posts are locate not more than 2.4m apart an i the ire rope is lagge at
not more than 1.8m intervals ith high visi ility material.
h. Toe oar s shall e at least three an one-hal inches (9 cm) high rom the top e ge o the toe oar to
the level o the al ing or ing s r ace. Toe oar s shall e sec rely astene in place at the
o termost e ge o the plat orm an have not more than 1 4 inch (0.7 cm) clearance (gap) a ove the
al ing or ing s r ace. Toe oar s shall e e ivalent in strength to 1 inch y 4 inch l m er.
i. Screen installe et een toe oar s an mi rails or toprails shall consist o No. 18 ga ge U.S.
Stan ar ire one inch mesh.
. Overhea protection shall consist o 2 inch nominal plan ing lai tight or 3 4-inch ply oo .

21 D S e Po e S od
a. Single Pole Sca ol ing shall e constr cte in accor ance ith Ta le 21-3.
. Fig re 21-1 is provi e as a re erence or Single Pole Sca ol constr ction.

F e 21-3
S e Po e L t D t Woode S od

1. Pole 5. Plan ing 9. M Sill

2. Bearers 6. Toe Boar 10. Wall Sca s
3. Le ger 7. Top G ar Rail 11. Bearer Bloc s
s 8. Interme iate G ar Base Plates not sho n
4. Braces Rail

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

T e 21-3

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

T e 21-3 Co t ed

21 E I de e de t Po e S od
a. In epen ent Pole Sca ol ing shall e constr cte in accor ance ith Ta le 21-4.
. Fig res 21-2 an 21-3 are provi e as a re erence or In epen ent Pole Sca ol constr ction.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

F e 21-2
I de e de t Wood Po e S od

F e 21-3
Co o e ts dD e so so I de e de t Po e Woode S od

1. M 5. Le ger 9. G ar Rail
Sill 6. En Brace 10. Cleat
2. Pole 7. Diagonal 11. . Toe Boar
3. Tie Brace Mi rails an ase plates are not
4. Bearer 8. Plat orm Plan sho n

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

T e 21-4

22 De o t o
a. Prior to initiating emolition, contractors shall s mit a emolition plan to the Contracting O icer or
COR or the sa e ismantling an removal o il ing components an e ris.
. I as estos or lea is present in str ct re to e emolishe , s ch ha ar s shall e controlle or
eliminate e ore emolition is starte .
c. All electric, gas, ater, se er, an other service lines shall e sh t o , cappe or other ise controlle
o tsi e the il ing line e ore emolition is starte .
. All e ris rom emolition or shall e place in a container or remove rom site imme iately.

23 F oo d W Ho es d O e s
a. All loor an roo openings hich a person can acci entally all thro gh shall e covere .
. All loor an roo holes that an e ipment, material or e ris can all shall e covere .

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
24 E to s
24 A Ge e
a. An Activity Ha ar Analysis (AHA) shall e prepare y a Competent Person an s mitte to the
ROICC prior to the eginning o or . The AHA shall incl e
i. The name an cre entials o the Competent Person
ii. Diagram s etch o the area here the or is to e one, ith a acent an near y
str ct res sho n.
iii. Pro ecte epth o the e cavation.
iv. Pro ecte soil type an metho o testing to etermine the soil type.
v. Planne type o shoring, sloping, or enching.
vi. Plan or management o e cavate soil asphalt concrete.
vii. Plan or tra ic control (i applica le).
. Prior to opening an e cavation, n ergro n tilities (se er, comm nication lines, ater, el,
electric lines) shall e locate an protecte rom amage or isplacement.
c. When re ire , the contractor shall o tain a igging permit prior to any e cavation or .
. When persons ill e or ing in an e cavation, a competent person shall inspect the e cavation,
a acent areas, an protective systems aily an ring the or ay i or is eing one to change
the con itions o the e cavation.
e. E cavations less than 5 eet (1.5 m.) in epth an etermine to have no potential or cave-in o not
re ire shoring, sloping, or enching.
. Employees shall not or in e cavations ith acc m late ater. Diversion itches or other means
shall e se to prevent s r ace ater rom entering an e cavation.
g. E cavate material (spoil pile) shall e place a minim m o 2 eet (0.6 m.) rom the e ge o an
e cavation. The material shall e place more than 2 eet rom the e ge i re ire to prevent
e cessive loa ing on the ace o the e cavation. The material shall e place to prevent it rom alling
ac o n into the e cavation.
h. Protection shall e provi e to prevent personnel, vehicles, an e ipment rom alling into
e cavations.
i. Where personnel are re ire to enter e cavations trenches over 4 t (1.2m) in epth, s icient stairs,
ramps, or la ers shall e provi e to re ire no more than 25 t (7.6 m) o lateral travel. At least t o
means o e it shall e provi e or personnel or ing in e cavations. La ers se as access ays
shall e ten rom the ottom o the e cavation to not less than 3 t (0.9m) a ove the s r ace.
. All e cavations shall e ac ille as soon as possi le a ter or is complete.

24 B So C ss to
a. T e A means cohesive soils ith an ncon ine , compressive strength o 1.5 ton per s are oot
(ts ) (144 Pa) or greater. E amples o cohesive soils are clay, silty clay, san y clay, clay loam an ,
in some cases, silty clay loam an san y clay loam. Cemente soils s ch as caliche an har pan are
also consi ere Type A. Ho ever, no soil is Type A i
i. The soil is iss re or
ii. The soil is s ect to vi ration rom heavy tra ic, pile riving, or similar e ects or
iii. The soil has een previo sly ist r e or
iv. The soil is part o a slope , layere system here the layers ip into the e cavation on a
slope o o r hori ontal to one vertical (4H 1V) or greater or
v. The material is s ect to other actors that o l re ire it to e classi ie as a less sta le
. T e B means
i. Cohesive soil ith an ncon ine compressive strength greater than 0.5 ts (48 Pa) t less
than 1.5 ts (144 Pa) or
ii. Gran lar cohesionless soils incl ing ang lar gravel (similar to cr she roc ), silt, silt loam,
san y loam an , in some cases, silty clay loam an san y clay loam.
iii. Previo sly ist r e soils e cept those hich o l other ise e classe as Type C soil.
iv. Soil that meets the ncon ine compressive strength or cementation re irements or Type
A, t is iss re or s ect to vi ration or
v. Dry roc that is not sta le or
vi. Material that is part o a slope , layere system here the layers ip into the e cavation on a
slope less steep than o r hori ontal to one vertical (4H 1V), t only i the material o l
other ise e classi ie as Type B.
c. T e C means
i. Cohesive soil ith an ncon ine compressive strength o 0.5 ts (48 Pa) or less or
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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
ii. Gran lar soils incl ing gravel, san , an loamy san or
iii.S merge soil or soil rom hich ater is reely seeping or
iv. S merge roc that is not sta le, or
v. Material in a slope , layere system here the layers ip into the e cavation at a slope o
o r hori ontal to one vertical (4H 1V) or steeper.
. Uncon ine compressive strength means the loa per nit area at hich a soil ill ail in
compression. It can e estimate in the iel y th m penetration tests, an other metho s.
e. Wet soil means soil that contains signi icantly more moist re than moist soil, t in s ch a range
o val es that cohesive material ill sl mp or egin to lo hen vi rate . Gran lar material that
o l e hi it cohesive properties hen moist ill lose those cohesive properties hen et.

24 C S o e Co to s
See T e 24-1 e o o s o d e e e e ts so ss to

T e 24-1
M A o e S o es

Ma im m Allo a le Slopes (H V) For

Soil or Roc Type E cavations Less Than 20 Feet Deep
Sta le Roc Vertical (90 o)
Type A 1 (53 o)
Type B 1 1 (45 o)
Type C 1 1 (34 o)

Footnote(1) N m ers sho n in parentheses ne t to ma im m allo a le slopes are angles e presse in egrees
rom the hori ontal. Angles have een ro n e o .

Footnote(2) A short-term ma im m allo a le slope o 1 2H 1V (63 ) is allo e in e cavations in Type A soil

that are 12 eet (3.67 m) or less in epth. Short-term ma im m allo a le slopes or e cavations greater than 12
eet (3.67 m) in epth shall e 3 4H 1V (53 ).

E to s de T e A So
i. All simple slope e cavations 20 eet or less in epth shall have a ma im m allo a le slope
o to 1 as sho n in Fig re 24-1.

F e 24-1
S e S o e - Ge e

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

ii. Simple slope e cavations hich are open 24 ho rs or less (short term) an hich are 12 eet
or less in epth shall have a ma im m allo a le slope o to 1 as sho n in Fig re 24-2.

F e 24-2
S e S o e S o t Te

iii. All enche e cavations 20 eet or less in epth shall have a ma im m allo a le slope o
to 1 an ma im m ench imensions as sho n in Fig re 24-3.
F e 24-3
S e Be

iv. All e cavations 8 eet or less in epth hich have ns pporte vertically si e lo er
portions shall have a ma im m vertical si e o 3 eet as sho n in Fig re 24-4.

F e 24-4
U s o ted Ve t S ded Lo e Po t o M 8 Feet De t

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

E t o s M de T e B So

i. All simple slope e cavations 20 eet or less in epth shall have a ma im m allo a le
slope o 1 1 as sho n in Fig re 24-5.

F e 24-5
S eSo e

ii. All enche e cavations 20 eet or less in epth shall have a ma im m allo a le slope o
1 1 an ma im m ench imensions as sho n in Fig re 24-6

F e 24-6
S e Be

d E t o s M de T e C So
i. All simple slope e cavations 20 eet or less in epth shall have a ma im m allo a le
slope o 1 1 as sho n in Fig re 24-7. Type C Soil sho l not e enche .

F e 24-7
S eSo e

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
e E t o s M de L e ed So s

i. All e cavations 20 eet or less in epth ma e in layere soils shall have a ma im m

allo a le slope or each layer as set orth in Fig res 24-8 to 24-13 elo .

F e 24-8
BO e A

F e 24-
CO e A

F e 24-10
CO e B

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

F e 24-11
AO e B

F e 24-12
AO e C

F e 24-13
BO e C

25 Co ete d M so Co st t o d Stee E e t o
a. Employees shall not e permitte to or a ove or in positions e pose to protr ing rein orcing
steel or other impalement ha ar s nless provisions have een ma e to control the ha ar .
. Forms an shores (e cept those on sla on gra e) shall not e remove ntil the concrete has gaine
s icient strength to s pport its eight an all s perimpose loa s.
c. Pre-cast concrete mem ers shall e a e ately s pporte to prevent overt rning or collapse ntil
permanent connections are complete.
. Prior to eginning erection o any str ct ral steel, a steel erection plan shall e s mitte to the
Contracting O icer or COR or revie an acceptance.
e. Each employee engage in a steel erection activity 6 eet (1.8 m) or more a ove a lo er level shall
e protecte rom all ha ar s y g ar rail systems or personal all arrest systems.
. All masonry alls over 8 eet (2.4 m) in height shall e a e ately race to prevent overt rning
an collapse ntil permanent s pporting elements are in place.
g. Fall protection shall e provi e to masonry or ers e pose to alls o 6 eet (1.8 m) or more.

26 Roo
a. Prior to start o roo ing or , an assessment o the roo shall e per orme y the contractor to
ens re that the roo ec capacity ill not e e cee e .
. Wor on roo shall stop ring severe eather s ch as strong in s an heavy rain.
c. Roo openings shall e provi e ith covers or g ar rail systems on all e pose si es.
. S ylights shall e protecte y g ar rail systems.

-- En o Section --
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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


Table of Contents

Chapters Page

1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .....................................................................................................................................3

2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: .......................................................................................................................................3
3. SITE ANALYSIS: ...................................................................................................................................................4
3.1 LOCATION .......................................................................................................................................................4
3.2 SITE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................................4
3.3 SOIL CONDITION ............................................................................................................................................4
3.4 ROAD ................................................................................................................................................................4
3.5 PARKING AREA ..............................................................................................................................................5
3.6 STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM ........................................................................................................5
3.7 WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .......................................................................................5
3.8 SEWER SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................................5
4. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: ................................................................................................................................6
4.1 KEY PERSONNEL............................................................................................................................................7
4.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................7
4.3 PROJECT RENDERING ...................................................................................................................................7
5. BUILDING REQUIREMENTS: ..............................................................................................................................8
5.1 SPACE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................8
5.2 SPACE RELATIONSHIPS ................................................................................................................................8
5.3 EXTERIOR CHARACTER ...............................................................................................................................9
6. ENGINEERING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (ESR): ..........................................................................................9
A10 FOUNDATIONS..............................................................................................................................................9
B10 SUPERSTRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................... 10
B20 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE ............................................................................................................................ 10
B30 ROOFING ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
C10 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 11
C20 STAIRS .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
C30 INTERIOR FINISHES ................................................................................................................................... 12
D10 CONVEYING ................................................................................................................................................ 13
D20 PLUMBING ................................................................................................................................................... 13
D30 HVAC ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
D40 FIRE PROTECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 15
D50 ELECTRICAL ............................................................................................................................................... 15
E10 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 16
E20 FURNISHINGS .............................................................................................................................................. 16
F10 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 17
G10 SITE PREPARATION ................................................................................................................................... 17

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

G20 SITE IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 18

G30 SITE CIVIL/MECHANICAL UTILITIES..................................................................................................... 18
X10 FIELD REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 18

E10 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 19
E20 FURNISHINGS .............................................................................................................................................. 19

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


This is a design-build project to provide complete design and construction of a new 400-Personnel Dining Facility at
the Armed Force Philippines Peacekeeping Operations Center (AFP PKOC), Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac,
Philippines. There will be two new buildings constructed; one single story dining facility and one single story pump
house. Both buildings are located next to the existing classroom building on the north east quadrant of the
compound. Structure of the dining facility will be reinforced concrete frame with structural steel roof framing
system, or Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) and metal roof sheet cover. Floor is reinforced concrete slab with
ceramic floor finish throughout. Exterior walls will be plastered concrete masonry unit, and interior walls will be
plastered brick walls with paint finish.
Each building must be equipped with electrical system, water supply system, and a functioning and maintainable
wastewater treatment system. The electrical system shall be connected to the existing distribution lines provided by
the AFP PKOC. The water supply system shall be connected to the existing water tower of the AFP PKOC. The
wastewater treatment system shall tie into existing open canal of the AFP PKOC.
The construction of the building and systems shall be simple, with easy and safe access on the interior and exterior
of the building. Materials used shall be new, high quality, and shall be commercial grade. Upon completion, the
area affected by construction activities shall be restored back to its original condition. The buildings and the
construction site shall have the appearance of cleanliness and professionalism.
Period of Performance:
CLIN 00001: Base Bid Item – Construction of a 400-Personnel Dining Facility – 300 calendar days
CLIN 00002: Option Item 00001 – Furnish and Install Equipment and Furniture – 285 calendar days
Total period of performance is 300 calendar days. If option item is awarded/exercised, the contract period of
performance will not be extended.


The objective of this project is to provide all required labor, materials, earthwork, civil, structural, electrical,
mechanical, building services, and all other associated works for the complete design and construction of new dining
facility and pump house as identified herein.


In addition to the codes and standards listed in Part 4, the design and construction shall be in accordance with the
latest revision/edition of the following referenced codes and standards. The term "Latest Revision/Edition" is
defined as the version as of the project award date. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to carry out the works such
that the final completed facilities are structurally sound, safe, able to perform their intended function, and built
according to local and/or International Building Codes (IBC) and subject to final acceptance by the Contracting
Officer’s Representative (COR). In the absence of Specific Local Design Codes and Standards, the contractor (at a
minimum) shall refer to the following Design Codes and Standards:
a. National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
b. National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP)
c. Philippines Electrical Code
d. Fire Code of the Philippines
e. Architectural Graphic Standards by the American Institute of Architects
f. National Electrical Code (NEC)
g. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
h. International Mechanical Code (IMC)
i. International Plumbing Code (IPC)
j. American Concrete Institute (ACI)

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

k. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)

l. American Welding Society (AWS)
m. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
n. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
o. Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, Inc. (BHMA), 101/301/601
These listed standards and codes provide the minimum requirements that the contractor and his or her design agent
must comply with in the absence of Specific Local Design Codes and Standards. Other standards or codes shall be
applied as required. Standards and codes of the locality must be met at a minimum in all cases. All other design,
material, industrial, and testing standards and codes mentioned in this document are also providing the minimum
requirements that the contractor and his or her design agent must comply with in the absence of specific local
design, material, industrial, and testing standards and codes. In the case of a conflict in guidance between the various
standards (local and U.S.), the more stringent of the requirements will apply.
The contractor shall provide the integrated sustainable design strategies and features to minimize the energy
consumption of the facilities; conserve resources; minimize adverse effects to the environment; and improve
occupant productivity, health and comfort. The materials and systems used in the project shall be sustainable
characteristics and minimum of the energy consumption.


Below sub-items describe current information of the project site.

This project is located in the Armed Force Philippines Peacekeeping Operations Center (AFP PKOC), Camp
O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines. The AFP PKOC is located approximately 118 km Northwest of Central
Manila. See PART 6, Figure 1 for geographic location of the proposed project site. It is approximately 2.5-hour
drive from the U.S. Embassy in Manila to the project site. Driving time may vary depending on the traffic
condition. GPS coordinate of the AFP PKOC is 15˚21’54.1”N, 120˚30’13.3”E
Proposed location of the Dining Facility (DFAC) is at northeast direction of the headquarters building. See PART
6, Figure 2 for satellite image of the proposed location of the DFAC.


The exact location of the DFAC pending confirmation from the AFP PKOC. The exact location will be confirmed
during pre-proposal site visit (PPSV). However, the area that has a high potential to be the building location
requires earthwork to elevate ground floor of the DFAC up to minimum 0.60 m high above center of the existing
ring road.


With reference to a geotechnical report of a construction site located approximately 375 m southwest of the
proposed building location of the 400-Personnel Dining Facility, the allowable bearing capacity at the construction
site is at 67 kPa (1,400 PSF) at founding depth of 1.50 m below existing ground level. The full geotechnical report
is provided with PART 6 of the solicitation.

3.4 ROAD
a. The main public road in front of the compound is 2-lane asphalt road with no shoulders. The road is wide
enough for all sized vehicles, and is wide enough for large construction equipment. The road is in very
good condition.
b. The main incoming road from the main gate to internal ring road is a 4-lane reinforced concrete road. The
road is in good condition.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

c. The internal road system consists of a ring road as the main internal road. Minor roads and parking areas
are located right next to the ring road. The internal road is a 2-lane reinforced concrete road with a footpath
outside the ring road. The road is in good condition.


Parking areas are available throughout the compound.


Overall site slope of the compound is generally from the Northwest corner to the Southeast corner of the compound.
There is no report of flooding issue. The existing main storm drainage system has sufficient capacity to
accommodate increased post-development runoff from the proposed Dining facility site. It is a well-constructed
reinforced concrete open trench with concrete pipe culverts. The storm water collection system inside the camp runs
outside the main ring road.


a. There are two water wells in the compound. Specifications of an existing water well that is located at
North of the compound are as follows:
Depth 152 m
Casing size B.I. ø150 mm
b. Water pumping system.
Power rating 5.0 HP
Frequency 60 Hz
Rated voltage 3-ø, 230 V
Water pump 15 stages SHAKTI
Pump flow rate 40 gpm
c. Water storage tank. There are two existing water towers (Water Tower 1-WT1 and Water Tower 2-WT2)
in the compound. The WT 1 is located at the East of the HQ Building, and next to the Motor Pool parking
area. The WT2 is located at the North of the HQ Building, and the East of the PKOC School Building.
Both Water Towers obtain raw water from deep wells. Storage capacity of each water tower tank is 18,000
gallon (approx. 68,000 liters).
d. Water supply distribution system. Water supply distribution system in the compound is gravity fed by the
water towers.


Central sewer system is not available. Sewer of the new buildings has to be treated before discharging to the
existing storm water drainage system (or open trench). Therefore, wastewater treatment system is required for the
new building.

High voltage electrical transmission lines and transformer are located at the opposite side of the road from the main
gate, shown in PART 6, Figure 2. The transformer is located at the other side of the road, not right in front of the
main gate. The existing voltage and frequency is 3-ø 230V/60Hz. Main incoming electrical cables run overhead
into the compound. The internal electrical cables are overhead distribution lines that run counterclockwise outside
the ring road, on concrete poles ending at the CO’s Quarters.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


Works under this project have been separated into two contract line items (CLIN) as follow:



The detail of the engineering requirements is stated in section 6. ENGINEERING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
The Contractor should recognize and acknowledge that this is a Design-Build (DB) contract. The RFP sets forth the
projects minimum requirements which shall be used by the DB Contractor to design, document, and construct
complete and useable facilities. The conceptual design drawings in PART 6 of this RFP package are preliminary in
nature and are not intended to be final, complete and coordinated designs. As the Designer of Record (DOR), the
DB Contractor shall be responsible to provide a fully coordinated and complete design in accordance with all
applicable codes, regulations, and contract requirements. The DOR shall be responsible for professional quality,
technical accuracy, and the coordination of all final designs, drawings, and specifications.
Note: Applicable codes and regulations in PART 3 and PART 4 of the RFP will govern when there are conflicts
with the concept design per PART 1, Order of Precedence Paragraph.
In addition, the plans, systems, and the associated details shown in the concept drawings attached only show the
approximate dimension, installation and system concepts. Dimensions and conceptual layouts shown are not
warranted by the government to completely meet the requirements of the end-user. The selected Contractor shall be
expected to carry out detailed surveys of the site and prepare full basis of designs for each aspect of the project; and
final drawings for review and concurrence by the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) before
commencement of construction. Some adjustments to the final arrangement, size and layout of the installations may
be allowed or required if site constraints and good engineering and construction practice deem it necessary. It is
absolutely CRITICAL that each bidder provide enough detail in their proposal as is required to show the
Government exactly what the bidder is proposing to provide. Any significant deviations from the detailed
information provided in the concept drawings and the following pages must be clearly identified and explained to
ensure there is a firm understanding of what you are proposing compared to what is asked for. The materials
specified herein are strict requirements for the construction, however specific deviations may be approved after
award of the project if the proposed substitution meets or exceeds to performance of the specified material still
meeting the objectives of the project.
It is expected that the contractor and their design consultants are competent and knowledgeable in the type of
construction and installations required by this project and are fully licensed to practice design and construction in the
locality of the project. Furthermore, the contractor shall have an understanding of the end use of the facilities being
constructed, and will take a reasonable approach to anticipating the total requirement. Should the final installation
that is designed and constructed by the contractor not meet the intent or the needs of the end user as specified herein,
then the contractor must correct at no cost to the government. Contractor should consider space and functional
requirements of facilities, natural heat load reduction through facility placement and orientation; maximizing natural
ventilation, elimination of water intrusion into the facilities, transportation of rainwater runoff around and off the
site and facility, capacity and numbers of potential users of the facility, utility capacities and requirements, and other
pertinent design concepts.
The entire project is the contractor’s responsibility to design correctly using all requirements and references
specified here-in and there are several components in this project where the contractor and their consultant’s skill
and experience as a competent design professional is critical to the successful outcome of this project.
Prior to commence the work, contractor shall submit a complete design package for review and concurrence by the
COR. Construction drawings shall be prepared only after a complete basis of design or calculations have been
developed for all required aspects of the project. All design work shall be completed under the supervision of
professional architects and engineers licensed for practice in the location of the project. These design professionals
shall properly endorse/approve each portion of the design applicable to their disciplines prior to the COR review.

PART 3 – Page 6 of 20
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


This project will require the following management personnel (check one):
Dedicated Superintendent, Dedicated Quality Control Manager, Dedicated Site Safety Health Officer (3 different
people on site during production at all times)
Dedicated Superintendent, Dedicated Quality Control Manager, Superintendent may serve as Site Safety Health
Officer if qualified but not Quality Control Manager (2 different people on site during production at all times)
Triple-Hat Superintendent, Quality Control Manager, and Site Safety Health Officer (1 person on site during
production at all times)


Design drawings or sketches, calculations and manufacturer’s data shall be submitted in order to demonstrate
compliance with contract requirements. The Contractor is encouraged to prepare design drawings more like shop
drawings to minimize construction submittals. The final design submittal must be professionally signed and sealed
by the DOR and forwarded to the Contracting Officer prior to the start of construction.
Provide hard and electronic copies of design submittal package, to include half-size (A1 paper size, or as specified
other by the COR) sketches, drawings and manufacturer cut sheets, to the following reviewers one week prior to the
in-progress review meeting:
R N/A Deliverable ROICC User
X Concept Design (10% - 15%) X X
X Design Development (35% - 50%) X
X Pre-Final Design (100%) X
X Final Design X X

Refer to Facility Criteria 1-300-09N Navy and Marine Corps Design Procedures, 1 May 2014 Change 3, 1 Apr.
2018, Chapters 14-17, for description of each package.
* N/A – Not Applicable
** R – Required Deliverable
*** X under reviewers is equals 1 copy, any other number is that many copies
**** General guidance for preparation of design submittals are provided in Chapter 1, Paragraph 1-7 Facility
Design of UFC 1-201-01


Provide a full color rendering of the proposed facility produced by a company that regularly does this work as a
major component of their normal business. Use the final rendering to produce the image for the signboard and
the framed photographic copies provided to the Contracting Officer.
Provide the final rendering within thirty (30) calendar days of concept design approval. Provide the final original
color rendering, two (2) full size (24 in. x 30 in. minimum inside mat dimension of 16 in. x 20 in.) photographic
reproduction(s) of the original rendering. Mount original and reproductions on acid free board, matted with metal
frames, and utilizing non-glare glass. Print the project name, location, and Architect and Engineer, and Contractor
firm’s name on the matting as well as NAVFAC Logo.
Ship the rendering, the photographic copies, and the negative in resilient packaging to ensure damage-free delivery.
Deliver to the NAVFAC Program Manager:
Ryan Go
NAVFAC Pacific
258 Makalapa Drive, Suite 100
JBPHH, Hawaii 96860 U.S.A.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


The functional areas below represent preliminary information describing general space requirements of the Dining
facility (DFAC). During the design process, the Design-Build Contractor shall work with the COR to confirm the
space requirements and effectively utilize the maximum allowable space.
At a minimum, the DFAC shall consist of the following areas and rooms:

a. One (1) dining area for four-hundred users

b. One (1) male common restroom
c. One (1) female common restroom
d. One (1) storage room
e. One (1) electrical room
f. One (1) janitor room
g. One (1) kitchen area. The kitchen area shall consist of the followings:
1. Food preparation area
2. Meat & vegetables preparation area
3. Dish & pot washing area
4. Cooking area
5. Receiving area
h. One (1) propane gas cylinders storage area
i. Exterior stairs with landings
j. Ramp
k. 1.00 m wide reinforced concrete walkway around the building


Minimum space required for each area/room is shown below:

a. Dining area 540.0 sq.m

b. Male common restroom 22.0 sq.m
c. Female common restroom 22.0 sq.m
d. Storage room 16.0 sq.m
e. Electrical room 8.0 sq.m
f. Janitor room 8.0 sq.m
g. Kitchen area 140.0 sq.m
h. Receiving area 18.0 sq.m
i. Propane gas cylinders storage area 2.5 sq.m


See PART 6, Figures 3 – 5 for a proposed space relationship of the Dining Facility (DFAC). Coordinate with the
COR to ensure spatial adjacencies are provided. Providing the appropriate direct relationships between each
functional group will enhance functionality and efficiency of work.
The walkway around the building shall be attached to the peripheral walls and exterior stairs and ramp of the

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


In addition to functionality, the appearance of the Dining Facility (DFAC) is important. Exterior character of the
buildings shall blend in with the existing Central Training Complex (CTC) and other buildings in the compound.
The DFAC should employ variable building setbacks, height, roof treatments, door and window openings, facade
protrusions and recesses. Primary entryways should be clearly defined by the use of overhangs, projections, etc.
The project shall provide the maximum windows feasible for all areas, unless otherwise noted. Architecturally
blend security features into the building, site, and landscape improvements. Principles of sustainable design and
energy conservation shall be taken into an account.
Exterior materials and finishes shall be durable and require little maintenance. The installation and application of
materials and finishes shall project a professional appearance, clean and uncluttered, while meeting to the intended
All materials, hardware, and equipment provided for this project shall be of commercial or heavy-duty quality and
grade. All project components must be capable of withstanding heavy use and must require only minimal
maintenance. Materials and equipment designated or regarded as less than institutional, commercial, or heavy-duty
quality and grade, such as residential grade items, are prohibited. All materials, hardware, fixtures, furnishings,
equipment, and other building components shall be new. Obsolete fixtures, furnishings, and equipment are
prohibited. All fixtures, furnishings, and equipment that are provided for this project shall be current manufacturer’s



This work mainly includes construction of a new dining facility. Detailed scope of works is listed below:

Foundations include the following Standard Foundations: wall and column foundations; foundation walls up to level
of top of slab on grade; pile caps; foundation excavation, backfill, and compaction; footings and bases; perimeter
insulation; perimeter drainage; anchor plates; and dewatering. Special foundations include pile foundations,
caissons, underpinning, dewatering, raft foundations, and pressure injected grouting. Slab on grade includes standard
slab on grade, structural slab on grade, inclined slab on grade, trenches, pits and bases, and foundation drainage.

This work includes foundations of the Dining facility.


This subsystem includes construction of continuous footings, spread footings, grade beams, foundation walls,
pile caps, and column piers.

a. Perform excavation and backfilling for building foundations. This work shall include dewatering (if
required) of the excavation pits during excavation.
b. Perform soil compaction for building foundation work. Field density test reports are required after
c. Perform subterranean termite treatment
d. Construct building foundations.
e. Construct grade beams.


Not included.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


This subsystem includes a slab poured on earth, whether on undisturbed or fill soil.

a. Construct reinforced concrete slab-on-grade.

This system includes all structural slabs, and decks and supports within basements and above grade. Note that the
structural work will include both horizontal items (slabs, decks, etc.) and vertical structural components (columns
and interior structural walls). Exterior load bearing walls are not included in this system but in System B2010,
Exterior Walls.

a. Construct structural frame. The structural frame could consist of columns, beams, joists, and all associated
b. Construct roof structure. Roof of the dining area and the kitchen area shall be single span roof structure.
Columns are not allowed in the dining area and kitchen area.


This system consists of the exterior facing of the facility, which includes all vertical and horizontal exterior closure
such as exterior walls, exterior windows, and exterior doors. This system excludes roofing (See System B30,
Roofing). Load bearing exterior walls will be included here, and not in System B10, Superstructure. Structural frame
elements at exterior such as columns, beams, spandrels, etc., would be included in Superstructure with only the
applied exterior finishes (i.e., paint, stucco, etc.) being included here. Finishes to the inside face of walls which are
not an integral part of the wall construction will be included in System C30, Interior Finishes.

a. Construct exterior stairs and landings. A stair landing is required next to every exterior door.
b. Construct one (1) ramp next to receiving area of the kitchen.
c. Construct 1.00 m wide walkway around the dining facility.


a. Construct exterior plastered reinforced concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls. The contractor shall design
and construct exterior wall to have exterior appearance of the building to blend in with other buildings in
the compound.
b. Apply exterior paint and coating. Provide field applied exterior coatings for all items that are not
prefinished, and to prefinished items when required to provide a color other than a standard prefinished


a. Furnish and install exterior windows. This work includes furnishing and installing all required window
hardware and accessories. At a minimum, the contractor shall provide the followings:
1. Maximum number of sliding windows for peripheral walls of the Dining area.
2. Awning windows for common restrooms
3. Maximum number of sliding windows for kitchen area
b. Furnish and install mosquito screens for all the exterior windows.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


a. Furnish and install exterior doors. This work includes furnishing and installing all required door hardware
and accessories. At a minimum, the contractor shall furnish and install the followings:
i. One (1) main entrance/exit door
ii. Six (6) exit doors
iii. Two (2) pedestrian doors
iv. One (1) rear entrance/exit door
b. Furnish and install door closers for exterior doors.
c. Furnish and install door stoppers for exterior doors.

This system includes all waterproof roof coverings and insulation, expansion joints, together with skylights, hatches,
ventilators, and all required trim. In addition to roof coverings, the system includes all waterproof membranes and
traffic toppings over below grade enclosed areas, balconies, and the like.

The works under this system shall include roofing for the Dining facility.

a. Furnish and install roofing. This work includes all waterproof roof covering, soffits, fascia, expansion
joints, ridges, valleys, flashing, trim, gutters, downspouts, and supports. All downspouts shall connect to
storm sewer collection system.
b. Furnish and install roof ventilators to maximize natural ventilation of the dining area and the kitchen area.
Minimum ten (10) ventilators are required over the dining area, and minimum four (4) ventilators are
required over the kitchen area.
c. Furnish and install thermal insulation for roof. The insulation shall be installed along the roof purlins or
rafters. This work shall include furnishing and installing metal wire mesh diameter 4 mm (# 200 mm x
200 mm), or equal, to support the thermal insulation.


This system includes construction which takes place inside the exterior wall or exterior closure. The work does not
include interior structural walls. This assembly includes partitions, interior doors, and specialties.

Include all interior partitions of the dining facility.

a. Construct interior full height brick infill interior walls.


Include all interior doors of the dining facility.

a. Furnish and install two (2) interior doors for the kitchen area. This work includes furnishing and installing
all required door hardware and accessories.
b. Furnish and install two (2) interior doors for the common restrooms. This work includes furnishing and
installing all required door hardware and accessories.
c. Furnish and install one (1) interior door for the storage room. This work includes furnishing and installing
all required door hardware and accessories.
d. Furnish and install one (1) interior door for the electrical room. This work includes furnishing and installing
all required door hardware and accessories.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

e. Furnish and install one (1) interior door for the janitor room. This work includes furnishing and installing
all required door hardware and accessories.
f. Furnish and install door closers for interior doors.
g. Furnish and install door stoppers for interior doors.


a. Furnish and install eight (8) sets of toilet partitions in male common restroom and Female common
b. Furnish and install four (4) sets of urinal dividers in male common restroom.
c. Furnish and install room designation signs. At a minimum, the following signs are required:
1. Two signs to read “STAFF ONLY”. These signs shall be installed on the doors of the kitchen area.
2. One sign to read “STORAGE ROOM”. This sign shall be install on the door of the storage room.
3. One sign to read “JANITOR ROOM”. This sign shall be install on the door of the janitor room.
4. One sign to read “ELECTRICAL ROOM”. This sign shall be install on the door of the electrical room
5. One sign to read “FOOD PREPARATION AREA”. This sign shall be install at the food preparation
6. One sign to read “MEAT & VEGETABLES PREPARATION AREA”. This sign shall be installed at
the meat & vegetables preparation area.
7. One sign to read “COOKING AREA”. This sign shall be install at the cooking area.
8. One sign to read “DISH & POT WASHING AREA”. This sign shall be install at the dish & pot
washing area.
9. One sign to read “RECEIVING AREA”. This sign shall be install at the receiving area.
10. One sign to read “GAS CYLINDERS STORAGE AREA”. This sign shall be install on the door of the
gas cylinders storage area.
d. Furnish and install interior signs. At a minimum, the following signs are required:
1. “MAIN ENTRANCE/EXIT” sign over the main entrance/exit door
2. “REAR ENTRANCE/EXIT” sign over the rear entrance/exit door
3. Exit signs to read “EXIT A1”, “EXIT A2”, “EXIT A3”, “EXIT B1”, “EXIT B2”, and “EXIT B3” over
the exit doors
4. Common restroom signs over the restroom doors
e. Furnish and install one (1) dedication plaque. The plaque shall be mounted on a wall, where specified by
the COR.

Not included.


This system includes wall finishes, floor finishes, and ceiling finishes. It also includes construction which takes
place inside the exterior wall or exterior closure. The system does not include interior structural walls.
Provide aesthetically pleasing, functional, durable finishes appropriate to the buildings function. Acoustic properties
of materials, as well as durability and ease of maintenance, shall be considered during material selection. Maximize
the use of sustainable materials. Color selections require the use of wall and floor finish material accents to enhance
the color and appearance of the interior design.


a. Apply plaster wall finishes.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

b. Apply interior paint. Provide field applied interior paint for all items that are not prefinished, and to
prefinished items when required to provide a color other than a standard prefinished color.
c. Apply wall tiles from floor-to-ceiling level for the followings:
1. Male common restroom
2. Female common restroom
3. Cooking area
4. Dish & pot washing area


a. Apply ceramic floor tiles to the dining area.

b. Apply non-slip ceramic floor tiles to the common restrooms, storage room, electrical room, janitor room,
and kitchen area.
c. Furnish and install wall base finishes. The wall base finishes shall be installed for the entire length of all
interior walls except for the restrooms.


a. Furnish and install T-bar ceiling with painted moisture resistant gypsum board. This type of ceiling shall
be applied to the common restrooms.
b. Furnish and install T-bar ceiling with painted gypsum board. This type of ceiling shall be applied to
storage room, electrical room, janitor room, and receiving area.
c. Furnish and install metal grille over the ceiling of the storage room. The installed metal grille shall protect
forced entry to the storage room from the ceiling.

Not included.

The plumbing system’s primary function is the transfer of liquids and gases. This system includes all water supply
and waste items within the building.


a. Furnish and install eight (8) water closets. At a minimum, the Contractor shall provide the followings:
1. Three (3) water closets in Male common restroom.
2. Five (5) water closets in Female common restroom.
b. Furnish and install eight (8) rinsing sprays. One rinsing spray is required with every water closet.
c. Furnish and install eight (8) toilet paper holders. One toilet paper holder is required with every water
d. Furnish and install four (4) urinals. Each urinal shall be equipped with all required accessories and a
complete set of flush valve.
e. Furnish and install eight (8) washbasins. Each washbasin shall be equipped with all required accessories
and a complete set of faucet.
f. Furnish and install eight (8) toilet shelves. One toilet shelf is required for every washbasin.
g. Furnish and install eight (8) mirrors. One mirror is required for every washbasin.
h. Furnish and install eight (8) cloth hooks. One cloth hook is required for every toilet. Each cloth hook shall
be installed on the door of toilet partition.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


a. Furnish and install all required pipe, fittings, and associated works with regard to domestic water supply for
the followings:
1. Toilet fixtures
2. All sinks
3. All hose bibs
b. Furnish and install piping supports in accordance with the IPC.
c. Provide inspections, disinfection, and testing in accordance with the IPC.
d. Furnish and install fourteen (14) hose bibs. At a minimum, the contractor shall provide the followings:
1. One (1) hose bib in male common restroom. This hose bib shall be installed where cleaning staff can
conveniently fill water in mop bucket.
2. One (1) hose bib in female common restroom. This hose bib shall be installed where cleaning staff can
conveniently fill water in mop bucket.
3. One (1) hose bib in janitor room.
4. One (1) hose bib on the wall of meet & vegetables preparation area
5. One (1) hose bib on the wall of cooking area
6. One (1) hose bib on the wall of food preparation area
7. One (1) hose bib on the wall of dish & pot washing area
8. Six (6) hose bibs along the exterior perimeter walls of the DFAC
9. One (1) hose bib at the pump house


a. Furnish and install all required pipe, fittings, and associated works with regard to sanitary waste pipe (soil
and waste) and fittings for the followings:
1. Male common restroom
2. Female common restroom
3. Janitor room
4. Dish & pot washing area
5. Meat & vegetables preparation area
b. Furnish and install all required pipe, fittings, and associated works with regard to vent pipe and fittings
c. Furnish and install floor drains for common restrooms and kitchen area.


a. Furnish and install pipe and fittings from the roof drains to the discharge points, including supports and
other associated work.
b. Furnish and install all required roof drains.

This system includes all equipment, distribution systems, controls, and energy supply systems required by the
heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system.

a. Furnish and install oscillating fans for the entire interior area of the DFAC, except in the Common
restrooms and Receiving area.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

b. Furnish and install ceiling mounted exhaust fans. Every room with no windows shall be equipped with an
exhaust fan.


This system includes standard and special fire protection systems. Fire alarm systems are included in D503001.

a. Furnish and install four (4) fire extinguishers in the kitchen area.
b. Furnish and install one (1) fire extinguisher in the electrical room.
c. Furnish and install two (2) fire extinguishers next to the gas cylinder storage area.



This subsystem provides for all electrical devices that are required to deliver the main source of power to the
facility and to distribute this power to subpanels.

a. Furnish and install main incoming electrical supply. This work includes cables, underground line,
connections and all associated works needed to provide appropriate electrical load capacity for the facility
plus 20 percent additional capacity as a spare load.
b. Furnish and install Main Electrical Distribution Board (MDB). This work shall include all cables,
equipment, appurtenances and accessories required to complete installation of the MDB. Spare sockets for
future circuit breakers shall be provide up to 10 percent amount of all required circuit breakers.
c. Furnish and install branch circuit panelboards. This work shall include all required panelboards, breakers,
conduit, and wire.


Lighting systems including light fixtures and devices, that is, switches, receptacles, and equipment connections.

a. Furnish and install branch wiring. This work includes switches, receptacles, equipment, connections,
conduit, and wire. At a minimum, the contractor shall furnish and install the followings:
1. Eight (8) duplex receptacles in the dining area
2. Two (2) duplex receptacles in the storage room
3. Two (2) duplex receptacles in the electrical room
4. Two (2) duplex receptacles in the janitor room
5. One (1) GFCI duplex receptacles in male common restroom
6. One (1) GFCI duplex receptacles in female common restroom
7. Four (4) GFCI duplex receptacles over a kitchen counter
8. Four (4) GFCI duplex receptacles at the meat & vegetables preparation area
9. Four (4) GFCI duplex receptacles at the food preparation area
10. One (1) dedicated receptacle for refrigerator
11. One (1) dedicated receptacle for chest freezer
12. Eight (8) GFCI duplex receptacles throughout the kitchen area. These receptacles are considered as
convenient plugs.
13. Receptacles for illuminated exit lights
14. Receptacles for emergency lights

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

b. Furnish and install lighting equipment. This work includes all required lighting fixtures and switching
devices. Type of lighting fixtures of each area shall be as follow:
1. Interior Light
2. Exterior Light
c. Furnish and install power supply system for the followings:
1. Ceiling fans or wall mounted fans, and exhaust fans
2. Water pumping system
d. Furnish and install emergency lights. The Contractor shall provide sufficient numbers of the emergency
lights to cover the entire interior area of the followings:
1. Dining area
2. Male common restroom
3. Female common restroom
4. Storage room
5. Electrical room
6. Janitor room
7. Kitchen area
8. Receiving area
e. Furnish and install illuminated exit signs. The illuminated exit signs shall be provided over every exit
doors including the main entry door (inside the building).


Not included.


a. Furnish and install addressable fire alarm system. At a minimum, the system shall include smoke detectors,
heat detectors, and manual pull (call) stations with visual and audible alarm system.


Not included.


a. Furnish and install grounding systems.

b. Furnish and install lightning protection system. This work includes lightning protection devices (air
terminals, mounting devices), clamps, ground rods, cadwells, conductors, trenching, backfill, and any other
items used to ground metal structural frames with conduit and wire. Lightning protection and electrical
grounding systems shall be separated.

Not included.


a. Provide key tags for every single key. One key tag is required for one key.
b. Furnish and install one (1) key box. The key box shall be installed in the janitor room.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


a. Furnish and install one (1) termite control system for the DFAC. This work shall include all required piping
system and necessary equipment and accessories to allow future termite treatment under slabs.
b. Construct one (1) propane gas cylinders storage area. See PART 6, Figure 48 for a sample of the propane
gas cylinders storage area with propane gas bank manifold system. This work includes furnishing and
installing a signage identifying flammable gas precautions (i.e., no smoking, no open flames).
c. Furnish and install one (1) set of propane gas bank manifold system. At a minimum, this work shall
include furnishing and installing the followings:
1. One (1) set of wall mounted gas cylinder rack with individual retaining chains for six 47 kg gas
2. One (1) complete set of multi-cylinder manifold system equipped with flexible hoses for six 47 kg gas
3. Gas piping system from the manifold system to gas stoves and rice cookers. This work shall include
furnishing all required pipes, supports, equipment and accessories.
d. Construct one (1) pump house. See a sample of the pump house in PART 6, Figure 38. The pump house
shall be located where water truck can fill the water storage tank(s). This work shall include all required
structural and architectural work of the pump house. This work shall also include construction of a
reinforced concrete pad for water storage tanks.



a. Remove ground vegetation including stumps, and trees as required to allow construction of the new
buildings. The contractor is responsible to acquire the permit, if required.
b. Remove sod and other topsoil that contains unsuitable organic material. Haul-off grubbed material is also
included under this item.
c. Dispose of the materials that have been cleared and grubbed. The disposal shall be in accordance with local
laws. Loading, hauling, and dump charges are included in this item.


a. Perform demolition and relocation required structures, pavement, and utilities to allow construction of the
new building.
b. Relocate existing utilities to allow construction of the new building.
c. Dispose debris or demolished materials. Loading, hauling, and dump charges are included in this item.


a. Perform leveling, flattening, and grading of the site in preparation for landscaping or other site
b. Perform excavation for roads, sidewalks, curbs, and trenching for underground utilities.
c. Perform filling or replacing of the material that was removed during excavation. Either the excavated
material may be used or soil and sand may be hauled in from off-site. Unsuitable soil is not allowed to be
filling material. Filling to basements and foundations is not included in this sub-item.
d. Perform soil compaction. This work is to compact the fill material once it is in place. Field density test
report is required after compaction.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


a. Furnish and install building name sign to read “DINING FACILITY”. The building name sign shall be
attached to front façade, or ideally over the main entry door of the building. Lighting is required to
illuminate the building name sign.



a. Furnish and install main incoming water supply for project. The main incoming water supply pipe shall be
connected to the existing Water Tower 2.
b. Furnish and install non-potable water storage tanks. The water storage tank shall be sited on a reinforced
concrete pad.
c. Furnish and install one (1) pumping station. The pumping station shall be installed in the pump house.
This work includes construction and installation of pumps, valves, piping, and pumping control system. At
a minimum, the pumping station shall include two water pumps, valves, piping, and pumps control panel.
See PART 6, Figures 39 and 40 for a sample of pumping station.
d. Furnish and install piping system that bypasses water storage tank and water pumping and allows direct
water distribution from the Water Tower 2 to the DFAC.


a. Furnish and install sanitary sewer piping. This work includes installation of piping (soil pipe, waste pipe,
and vent pipe) for collection of sewage.
b. Construct sanitary sewer manholes and cleanouts. This work includes construction and installation of
manholes and cleanouts in sewage collection system.
c. Furnish and install commercial grease traps between kitchen sinks and wastewater treatment system.
d. Construct one (1) wastewater treatment system. This work shall include performing system startup, and
test and commissioning of the system. The Contractor shall provide all required chemical, equipment and
accessories, and shall deliver a test and commissioning report.
e. Furnish and install flexible joints between influent pipe(s) and the wastewater treatment system, and
effluent pipe(s) and effluent discharge system.
f. Construct effluent discharge system to connect the wastewater treatment system and the nearest open


a. Construct storm sewer collection systems. The system will collect storm water runoff from the area
disturbed by construction of this project, and will collect storm sewer from downspouts. This work may
include construction of storm gutters, underground pipes, manholes, culverts, and headwalls to collect
storm water from the roof and the area affected by construction of this project.


a. Obtain all appropriate permits and clearance from local governing authority.
b. Perform soil investigation. The Contractor shall provide a complete soil investigation report that contains
necessary information for design of foundations.
c. Perform topographic survey of the project area that will be impacted by this project.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

d. Perform all required tests and commissioning. Tests and commissioning reports shall be provided.
e. Repair damages which occur from all works done and affected by this project.
f. Conduct one (1) session of technical training for the end user. The contractor shall provide training
materials for minimum ten attendees. Video recording of the training is required.


This work includes furnishing and installing equipment and furniture for the dining facility. Detailed scope of
works is listed below:



a. Furnish and install one (1) refrigerator. The refrigerator shall be installed at the meat & vegetables
preparation area.
b. Furnish and install one (1) chest freezer. The freezer shall be installed at the meat & vegetables preparation
c. Furnish and install three (3) complete sets of rice cookers. The rice cookers shall be installed on a kitchen
counter at the Cooking area.
d. Furnish and install three (3) complete sets of gas stoves. The stoves shall be installed on a kitchen counter
at the Cooking area.
e. Furnish and install a complete set(s) of exhaust hood over the gas stoves. Commercial grade stainless steel
exhaust hood(s) to be installed over gas stoves. See PART 6, Figure 47 for a sample of the exhaust hood.
Furnishing and installing stainless steel ducting, and wall or roof vent the building to deliver smoke off are
also included under this work.



a. Construct kitchen counters. The kitchen counters shall be constructed in the cooking area for rice cookers
and gas stoves.
b. Furnish and install three (3) complete sets of 36” 3-compartment stainless steel commercial sinks. See
PART 6, Figure 50 for a sample of the sink. Three 3 ½ inch basket strainers shall be included with each
set of the sink. One set of the sink shall be installed at the Meat & vegetables preparation area, two sets of
the sink shall be installed at the Dish & pot washing area.
c. Furnish and install two (2) complete sets of 48” 2-compartment stainless steel commercial sinks. See
PART 6, Figure 51 for a sample of the sink. Three 3 ½ inch basket strainers shall be included with each
set of the sink. The sinks shall be installed at the dish & pot washing area.
d. Furnish and install five (5) kitchen faucets. See PART 6, Figure 49 for a sample of the kitchen faucet.
The faucets shall be installed with the kitchen sinks.


a. Furnish and install forty (40) 10-seat dining sets. Each set shall consist of one dining table for 10-user and
ten dining chairs.
b. Furnish and install nine (9) 48” x 24” storage shelves. See PART 6, Figure 53 for a sample of the storage
shelves. Seven shelves shall be installed in the Storage room, and two shelves shall be installed in the
Janitor room.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

c. Furnish and install twelve (12) 60” x 30” stainless steel meat, vegetables, and food preparation tables. See
PART 6, Figure 54 for a sample of the preparation table. Six tables shall be installed at the Meat &
vegetables preparation area, and the other six tables shall be installed at the Food preparation area.
d. Furnish and install six (6) 60” x 30” stainless steel work tables. Each work table shall be equipped with one
double overshelf kit. See PART 6, Figure 55 for a sample of the work table. Three work tables shall be
installed at the Meat & vegetables preparation area, and the other three tables shall be installed at the Food
preparation area.
e. Furnish and install seven (7) 60” x 24” stainless steel wire shelving units. See PART 6, Figure 56 for a
sample of the shelving unit. One unit shall be installed in the Meat & vegetables preparation area, and the
other six units shall be installed in the Dish & pot washing area.
f. Furnish and install two (2) 240-Liter plastic wheeled bins. See PART 6, Figure 57 for a sample of the bin.
The bins shall be provided at in the Receiving area.

-- End of PART 3 --

PART 3 – Page 20 of 20
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


Table of Contents

Chapters Page

D30 HVAC 12

PART 4 – Page 1 of 19
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines



PART 4 – Page 2 of 19
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines



a. The Contractor shall verify the foundation design for compliance with applicable standards, and codes.
b. Foundations shall be designed to suit subsurface conditions, and shall be capable of transmitting all
building loads to the ground.
c. Foundations shall be reinforced concrete structure.
d. Geotechnical report of a nearby construction site is provided in PART 6. For the purpose of proposal
preparation, the Contractor shall use the information in the report to estimate requirement of foundation and
related structures for the 400-Personnel Dining Facility. However, after a contract is awarded, the
Contractor shall verify actual soil condition of the project site as required by PART 3, X10, item b, and
redesign the foundation towards the actual soil condition.
e. Subterranean Termite Treatment – Prior to commencement of superstructure work, subterranean termite
treatment is required. Contractor shall provide a water-based, permanent pressure-sprayed on subterranean
termite insecticide treatment under the concrete floor slab. The used chemical shall be non-leaching, non-
containing oil and emulsifiers or solvents.


Not applicable.


a. Contractor shall verify the slab design for compliance with applicable standards, and codes.
b. The new floors area must be protected against infiltration of moisture from the sub-grade. The Contractor
shall prepare the sub-grade surface and install a suitable DPM (Damp Proof Membrane) material. The
material shall be permanent moisture barrier that shall not disintegrate over time and shall act as an
underlay preventing loss of moisture and infiltration of moisture from the existing sub-grade. The DMP
shall be polyethylene with minimum thickness of 0.25 mm, or equal. The DPM shall be applied to
prepared sub-base with 150 mm laps between sheets. Tape seal laps and penetration with 50 mm wide
pressure sensitive plastic tape.
c. Slab-on-grade (where required) shall have the minimum thickness of 100 mm.
d. Reinforcing steel of exterior walkway (apron) around the building shall tie into main structure of the
building. Slab-on-grade walkway (apron) is not allowed, unless approved other by the COR.


a. The Contractor shall verify the structural design for compliance with applicable standards, codes, and wind
and seismic design requirements.
b. Building superstructure shall be reinforced concrete frame system with columns, beams, joists, and slab
structural members, or shall be Pre-Engineered Building (PEB).
c. Roof structure shall be structural steel.
d. Calculations and drawings shall clearly show a clear load path to the foundation and how each structural
member will transfer loads from member to member.
e. Loading combination shall incorporate dead, super-dead, live, wind, and earthquake loads. Please refer to
the codes for the minimum design loads. The minimum design load wind speed shall conform to ASCE 7-
10, or Philippines codes.
f. Design of structural steel shall comply with the Specification for Structural Steel Building of the American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

g. Wooden structure is not allowed in construction of this facility.

h. Specific requirements for structural materials are as follows:
1. Cement – Portland Cement Type 1
2. Concrete – All concrete materials used in this project shall comply with standards of the current
volume of ACI 301. Designed compressive strength of job-mixed concrete (manually mixing concrete
at the job site) shall not exceed 210 kg/cm2. Concrete shall be kept damp for not less than seven days.
Ensure curing of slabs commences as soon as possible after final finishing, by the use of continuous
water spray, or ponding. Alternately, apply and approved curing membrane.
3. Reinforcing steel – The product shall comply with either JIS, or, BS, or ASTM A615M Grade 40, or
equal. Reinforcing steel shall be placed in concrete structure, new CMU walls or any concrete
according to structural design and calculations. The random sampling specimens may be selected at
site by COR for testing by the Contractor. Valid certificates of manufacturer (including manufacturing
dates and chemical composition) shall be submitted for every batch of delivery to site.
i. Use of concrete spacers is allowed. Specifications of the concrete spacers shall be the same as structural
j. Falsework and formwork:
1. Use falsework and formwork of sufficient strength to retain and support the fresh concrete to the
required profiles and tolerances. Select formwork finish to produce the specified finished quality.
Ensure steel, timber, or plywood used for formwork is non-staining to the set concrete.
2. Securely fix and brace formwork sufficiently to support loads and with joints and linings tight enough
to prevent water loss.
3. Water blast to clean formwork. Keep formwork wet before concrete is placed.
4. Striking formwork without damaging or overloading structure.


a. Minimum thickness of concrete slab shall be 120 mm (bare concrete, before finishes), except for slab-on-
b. Use of pre-stressed concrete slab is allowed for second floor or higher.


a. The roof system shall be designed and attached to resist wind loads, and uplift pressures calculated in
accordance with ASCE 7-10, or equal. Uplift resistance shall be validated by applicable Factory Mutual
(FM) uplift testing, or calculations based on standard engineering practice and applicable recommendations
of FM.
b. Roof structure shall be steel structural roofing system attached to the building’s reinforced concrete roof
beam structure.
c. Structural roof beam shall be constructed in integral part with building’s structural member. No roof
structure is allowed to sit or ties directly to concrete masonry unit bricks.


a. Construction of stairs shall be reinforced concrete structure.

b. Treads and riser dimensions – Tread and riser dimensions must be uniform for the length of the stair.
Minimum tread dimension shall not less than 11 inches nosing-to-nosing and riser height shall be 7 inches

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

c. Using nosing of slip-resistant finish is required. Treads without nosing are acceptable provided that the
tread is serrated or is of a definite slip-resistant design. Uniform color and texture are recommended for
clear delineation of edges.
d. Materials and finishes:
1. Treads – Black granite, or as approved other by the COR
2. Risers – Black granite, or as approved other by the COR
3. Landings – Black granite, or as approved other by the COR
e. Ramp – Accessible reinforced concrete ramp with stainless steel handrails on both sides.


a. Exterior appearance of the dining Facility shall be designed to blend in with the Central Training Complex
(CTC) and other buildings in the compound. Exterior appearance of the CTC can be seen in PART 6,
Figures 6 and 7.
b. The exterior walls shall be constructed of a minimum of 150 mm (6-inch) thick reinforced concrete
masonry units (CMU, fully grouted or reinforced concrete wall). Provide skim coat or cement plaster with
paint finish on top.
c. The CMU wall and reinforcing steel shall comply with the following:
1. CMU Wall: Load-bearing units shall comply with ASTM C90, or non-load bearing units shall comply
with ASTM C129, Type I or II. All CMU shall be constructed in accordance with ACI 530.1. CMU
shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 6.9 MPa (1,000 psi) for non-load-bearing CMU,
and 10.0 MPa (1,450 psi) for load-bearing CMU. Broken blocks are not allowed. Provide only
standard size and shape blocks. Block may be cut when necessary using disk grinder for clean and
straight cuts. Mortar must conform to ASTM C 270, Type S. Test mortar in accordance with ASTM
C 780.
2. Reinforcing Steel: Deformed Bars Grade 40 or Grade 60. ASTM A 615/A 615M, ASTM A 616/A
616M, ASTM A 617/ A617M, or ASTM A706/A 706M.


a. Roof fascia of the building shall be enclosed with glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) or waterproofed
gypsum board (minimum 9 mm thick), or as approved other by the COR. The roof fascia shall be designed
and constructed to withstand maximum wind load and seismic load in the area.
b. Eaves and soffit of the building shall be enclosed with GRC board (minimum 6 mm thick) or waterproofed
gypsum board (minimum 9 mm thick), or as approved other by the COR.
c. Provide numbers of ventilations underside of the roof soffit of all building’s roof. Design the roof system
and ventilations to allow adequate ventilation of all attic space of the building’s roof to prevent
condensation and provide heat dissipation. The ventilation may be incorporated with design and
construction of the fascia.
d. Venting shall be equipped with insects screen, and be designed to provide easy replacement, cleaning and
maintenance. Venting cover shall be a type suitable for outdoor application and properly sealed against
water seepage.


a. Provide field applied exterior coatings for all items that are not prefinished, and to prefinished items when
required to provide a color other than a standard prefinished color.
b. Unless specified other, the exterior coating shall be paint finish. The paint shall be anti-bacteria 100%
acrylic semi-gloss emulsion paint. The contractor shall submit the color scheme for final COR’s approval.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

c. The application procedures, and surface preparation techniques and also material specification shall be in
accordance with manufacturer’s standards, procedures, and instructions. All paint products and any kind of
primers used in the project are needed to be submitted for approval before works proceeding. The
Contractor shall remove all existing dirt and other contamination from surfaces to be painted and apply
approved chemical treatment to all surfaces to be painted so that the final product shall completely adhere
to the substrate and shall not be affected by dampness or other deleterious effects such as mould or fungi
attack. All paint shall be of type and quality suitable for its intended application. A minimum of one prime
coat of paint and two finish coats of paint are required to ensure complete coverage.


a. Provide exterior application of joint sealants to seal joints and prepare for finish material installation.
b. Joint sealant between concrete, or drywall with aluminum frame (if applicable) shall be urethane, and joint
sealant between aluminum frames and glass panel shall be clear silicone.


a. All the windows to be installed at peripheral walls of the building are considered exterior windows. All the
exterior windows shall be watertight, and shall not allow water intrusion into the interior of the building.
b. The Contractor shall design the DFAC to have maximum number of windows to allow natural light and
ventilation. Windows are required between columns of peripheral walls. At a minimum, width of each
window shall be 75% length of clear span between columns.
c. Design of the window shall blend in with the CTC. See design of the window of the CTC in PART 6,
Figures 6 and 7. Unless specified other, exterior windows shall be lockable aluminum horizontal sliding
and lockable window. The window frames shall be 2 mm thick natural anodized aluminum frames, or as
approved other by the COR. The sliding window shall be equipped with stainless steel track with adjustable
wheels, or as recommended other by the manufacturer. Every hole that may be required for adjusting
window alignment (or for adjusting rollers of the window) shall be sealed with rubber or plastic plug.
d. Exterior windows for common restrooms shall be lockable aluminum awning windows. Numbers of the
awning windows shall be sufficient to allow natural ventilation and natural light into the room during day
e. The contractor shall submit aluminum profile sections for approval. When approved the contractor shall
install one mock-up window for COR review and approval. The quality of the fabrication and installation
shall be inspected. If approved the same quality and workmanship shall be applied to all other aluminum
window joinery installations.
f. All hinges, screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers and other window hardware and fastenings shall be stainless
steel. Window hardware shall be appropriate for the type of window and its use. The Contractor shall
utilize high-quality hardware to minimize maintenance requirements.
g. Install reinforced concrete lintel beam above and below all window frame. No infill walls can be placed
directly on top of the window frame. Reinforcing steel shall be tied in to the lintel beam rebar or other
reinforced concrete structure.
h. All exterior window glass shall be 6.38 mm thick laminated with green polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer.
i. Joint sealant between concrete, or drywall with aluminum frame shall be urethane, and joint sealant
between aluminum frames and glass panel shall be clear silicone.
j. All interior and exterior edges of the window frame shall be completely sealed with approved weather
proof and paintable sealant, UV resistant, non-hardening silicon sealant of an appropriate color.
k. Contractor shall utilize high-quality hardware to minimize maintenance requirements.
l. All exterior windows shall be equipped with mosquito-screened.

PART 4 – Page 6 of 19
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


a. Design of the door shall blend in with the CTC. An exterior door of the CTC can be seen in PART 6,
Figures 6.
b. Install reinforced concrete lintel beam above and around door frame. No infill walls can be placed directly
on top of the door frame.
c. All interior and exterior edges of the door frame shall be completely sealed with approved weather proof,
UV resistant, non-hardening silicone sealant of an appropriate color.
d. All exterior doors shall be lockable and unlockable from both inside and outside.
e. The exact type and style of lock shall be approved by the COR.
f. Provide weather stripping to all doors directly exposed to the elements.
g. Specific requirements for each door is listed below:
1. Main entrance/exit door – This door shall be located at center of front façade of the building, or
approved other by the COR. The door is basically used as a main entry/exit door of the building. The
door shall be storefront style, heavy-duty aluminum (or as approved other by the COR) framed double-
swinging doors with fixed glass panels at both sides, and over the doors (if there is available space).
Clear width of the doors shall allow heavy pedestrian traffic during maximum use of the building.
Door glazing shall be green tinted tempered glass, or approved other by the COR.
2. Exit door – This type of door is mainly used as an exit door of the building. The door shall be heavy-
duty double-swinging steel full narrowlite door (or as approved other by the COR). Clear width of the
doors shall allow heavy pedestrian traffic during maximum use of the building. Door glazing shall be
green tinted tempered glass, or approved other by the COR.
3. Pedestrian door – This door shall be located at both sides of the kitchen area, or approved other by the
COR. The door is mainly used by kitchen staff. The door shall be heavy-duty swinging steel narrow
lite door (or as approved other by the COR). Door glazing shall be green tinted tempered glass, or
approved other by the COR.
4. Rear entrance/exit door – This door shall be located at the back of the kitchen area, or approved other
by the COR. The door is mainly used by kitchen staff. The door shall be heavy-duty double-swinging
steel narrowlite door (or as approved other by the COR). Clear width of the doors shall allow heavy
pedestrian traffic during maximum use of the building. Door glazing shall be green tinted tempered
glass, or approved other by the COR.
5. Gas cylinders storage area – Lockable chain link door
h. Hardware and accessories – All hardware and accessories shall be made of stainless steel, or as specified
other by the door’s manufacturer. All hinges, screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers and other door hardware
and fastenings shall be stainless steel. Door hardware shall be appropriate for the type of door and its use.
The Contractor shall utilize high-quality hardware to minimize maintenance requirements.
i. Each door leaf shall be equipped with a minimum of four hinges unless specified other by the door’s
j. All exterior doors shall be watertight, and shall not allow water intrusion into the building.

Roof systems shall be watertight and compatible with facility function, construction, and service conditions. Provide
complete roof system design and construction services for the entire new facility roof system, including all ancillary
and incidental work necessary for a complete, new, watertight roof system installation.


a. The roof shall be designed to allow natural ventilation off the attic.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

b. Roofing sheets shall be factory applied pre-painted steel for exterior roofing. The roof sheet shall allow
installation without puncturing the sheet. Color of the roof sheets shall match existing CTC. Acceptable
product is COLORBOND KLIP-LOK, or equal.
c. All ridges, valleys, and fascia shall be properly closed with watertight seal.
d. Roof ventilator – Aluminum roof ventilator
e. Thermal insulation for roof – 50 mm thick polyethylene foam thermal insulation, or equal, with metal wire
mesh support. See PART 6, Figures 18 and 19, for sample of the thermal insulation and options for
installation of the thermal insulation.



a. Interior walls shall be full height brick infill walls. Provide bond beams and lintels where required. The
un-braced, unreinforced brick infill wall area shall be limited to 12 m2.


a. Install reinforced concrete lintel beam above and around door frame. No infill walls can be placed directly
on top of the door frame.
b. All interior and exterior edges of the door frame shall be completely sealed with approved non-hardening
silicone sealant of an appropriate color.
c. Specific requirements for each type of interior door are as follow:
1. Kitchen area – Heavy-duty double-swinging steel narrowlite with half louvered door (or as approved
other by the COR). The door leaf shall allow swinging both ways (in and out). The door shall be
lockable. Clear width of the doors shall allow heavy pedestrian traffic during maximum use of the
building. Door glazing shall be green tinted tempered glass, or approved other by the COR. See a
conceptual design of the narrowlite with half louvered door in PART 6, Figure 20 (left). Please note
that the figure shows single leaf door while, the required door is double-swinging door.
2. Common restroom – Single leaf swinging, steel narrowlite with half louvered door, or as approved
other by the COR. See design of the door in PART 6, Figure 20 (left). Please note that the figure
shows single leaf door while, the required door is double-swinging door. This type of door shall be
equipped with stainless steel push-pull plates. See sample of the push-pull plates in PART 6, Figure
3. Storage room – Single leaf swinging, steel full louvered door, or as approved other by the COR. See
design of the door in PART 6, Figure 20 (right). This type of door shall be equipped with stainless
steel lockable lever handle set. See samples of the lever handle sets in PART 6, Figure 22. Locking
system of this door shall be double profile cylinder with stainless steel thumbturn. See sample of the
locking system in PART 6, Figure 23.
4. Electrical room – Single leaf swinging, steel full louvered door, or as approved other by the COR. See
design of the door in PART 6, Figure 20 (right). This type of door shall be equipped with stainless
steel lockable lever handle set. See samples of the lever handle sets in PART 6, Figure 22. Locking
system of this door shall be double profile cylinder with stainless steel thumbturn. See sample of the
locking system in PART 6, Figure 23.
5. Janitor room – Single leaf swinging, steel flush door, or as approved other by the COR. See design of
the door in PART 6, Figure 20 (right). This type of door shall be equipped with stainless steel
lockable lever handle set. See samples of the lever handle sets in PART 6, Figure 22. Locking
system of this door shall be double profile cylinder with stainless steel thumbturn. See sample of the
locking system in PART 6, Figure 23.

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

d. All hinges, screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers and other door hardware and fastenings shall be stainless
steel. Door hardware shall be appropriate for the type of door and its use. The Contractor shall utilize
high-quality hardware to minimize maintenance requirements.
e. Each door leaf shall be equipped with a minimum of four hinges unless specified other by the door’s
f. Every door shall be equipped with a door stopper.


a. Toilet partition. See samples of the toilet partitions in PART 6, Figure 24. At a minimum, toilet partition
shall comply with the following:
1. Factory made toilet partition. Door panel, side panel shall be made of High Pressure Laminate (HPL).
The panel shall have water resistant property, or equivalent.
2. All hardware, locks, accessories including all screws, nuts, and fasteners shall be made of stainless
steel, aluminum, galvanized steel, or equivalent.
b. Urinal divider – White ceramic urinal divider, or the same material as toilet partition, or as approved other
by the COR. See a sample of urinal dividers in PART 6, Figure 25.
c. Room designation signs and interior signs
1. Room name, room number or signage is required for every room and every area. All necessary interior
room number and signage shall be incorporated as part of the architectural drawings. The contractor
shall propose room numbering system for COR’s approval. Design and material to be used shall also
be approved by COR prior to commencing this work.
2. For maximum ease of reading interior signs, any given line in a sign should not exceed 30 characters in
width, including upper and lower case letters and spaces between words.
3. Choose the height and “weight” of letter styles and symbols for readability. Consider background
materials and contrast when choosing a color scheme.

Not applicable.



a. CMU wall finishes:

1. Outside restrooms – Cement plaster
2. Inside restrooms – 300 mm x 600 mm x 8 mm wall tile. The wall tiles shall be glazed ceramic,
porcelain wall tiling, or as approved other by the COR. Joint sealant color shall match with the tiles or
darker color. The wall tiles shall be laid all the way from floor-to-ceiling level. All tiles shall be fully
bonded to backing screed with no hollow sound indicating incomplete bonding. The final color and
pattern of the floor tiles shall be approved by the COR.
b. Wall painting:
1. Unless specified other, the wall shall be paint finish.
2. All paint shall be of type and quality suitable for its intended application. The paint shall be anti-
bacteria 100% acrylic semi-gloss emulsion paint. The final product shall completely adhere to the
substrate and shall not be affected by dampness or other deleterious effects such as mould or fungi
3. The contractor shall submit the color scheme for final COR’s approval.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

4. The application procedures, and surface preparation techniques and also material specification shall be
in accordance with manufacturer’s standards, procedures, and instructions.
5. All paint products and any kind of primers used in the project are needed to be submitted to the QC
Manager for approval before works proceeding. A minimum of one prime coat of paint and two finish
coats of paint are required to ensure complete coverage.


a. ±0.00 m elevation is located at center of the ring road located next to the project site. Exact location of the
±0.00 m elevation will be identified by COR during pre-proposal site visit (PPSV).
b. Walkway (around the building) shall be at elevation +0.10 m.
c. Minimum floor elevations:
1. +0.60 m for every area except the restrooms
2. +0.50 m for the restrooms
d. Unless specified other, floor finish shall be 600 mm x 600 mm x 8 mm homogeneous polished ceramic
floor tiles with joint sealant color to match with the tiles or darker color. The floor tile surface shall be non-
staining, capable of easy cleaning by standard type floor detergents without deleterious effects on the
surface finish or material composition of the tile. All tile gaps shall be 1.0 mm wide or smaller. All tiles
shall be fully bonded to backing screed with no hollow sound indicating incomplete bonding. The final
color and pattern of the floor tiles shall be approved by the COR.
e. Specific floor finishes:
1. Restrooms – 300 mm x 300 mm x 8 mm homogeneous unpolished ceramic floor tiles with joint sealant
color to match with the tiles or darker color. The floor tile surface shall be non-staining, capable of
easy cleaning by standard type floor detergents without deleterious effects on the surface finish or
material composition of the tile. All tile gaps shall be 3 mm wide or smaller. All tiles shall be fully
bonded to backing screed with no hollow sound indicating incomplete bonding. The final color and
pattern of the floor tiles shall be selected and approved by the COR.
2. Wall base finishes – 100 mm high ceramic wall base, or approved other by the COR.
3. Walkway – Exposed concrete with broom finish.


a. Minimum floor-to-ceiling height:

1. Dining area – Varied, and minimum height is 2.80 m
2. Common restrooms – 2.70 m
3. Storage room – 2.80 m
4. Electrical room – 2.80 m
5. Janitor room – 2.80 m
6. Receiving area – 2.80 m
7. Kitchen area – varied
b. Gypsum wallboard ceiling – Concealed grid plastered gypsum wallboard with paint finish. The gypsum
wallboard shall be at least 9 mm thick. Gypsum board shall be mounted with screws on galvanized steel
frames at established ceiling height.
c. T-bar ceiling – 600 mm x 600 mm with 9 mm thick moisture resistant gypsum board suspended on
aluminum T-bar. The gypsum board shall be paint finish.
d. Metal grille – The metal grille shall be designed to protect forced entry from the ceiling. The metal grille
shall be fabricated of metal rods or square bars. Sufficient supporting and bracing shall be provided to
protect sagging of the grille.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

e. The service access panels shall be properly designed and constructed. Finish the openings around the
access panel with neatly cut and rounded edges. Professionally finish all seams between gypsum board
sheets and paint ceiling with one prime coat and two finish coats.


a. Unless specified other, the ceiling shall be paint finish.

b. All paint shall be of type and quality suitable for its intended application. The paint shall be anti-bacteria
100% acrylic semi-gloss emulsion paint. The final product shall completely adhere to the substrate and
shall not be affected by dampness or other deleterious effects such as mould or fungi attack.
c. The contractor shall submit the color scheme for final COR’s approval.
d. The application procedures, and surface preparation techniques and also material specification shall be in
accordance with manufacturer’s standards, procedures, and instructions.
e. All paint products and any kind of primers used in the project are needed to be submitted to the QC
Manager for approval before works proceeding. A minimum of one prime coat of paint and two finish
coats of paint are required to ensure complete coverage.

Not applicable



a. Water closet – White elongated close coupled flush tank water closet. See PART 6, Figure 26 for a
sample of the water closet. Acceptable manufacturers for the water closet are AMERICAN STANDARD,
COTTO, TOTO, KOHLER, or equal.
b. Rinsing spray – White rinsing spray. Acceptable manufacturers for plumbing fixtures are AMERICAN
c. Toilet paper holder – White ceramic toilet paper holder. Acceptable manufacturers for plumbing fixtures
d. Urinal – White ceramic wall hung urinal. See PART 6, Figure 27 for a sample of the urinal. Acceptable
manufacturers for the water closet are AMERICAN STANDARD, COTTO, TOTO, KOHLER, or equal.
e. Urinal flush valve – White ceramic wall hung urinal. See PART 6, Figure 27 for a sample of the urinal
flush valve. Acceptable manufacturers for plumbing fixtures are AMERICAN STANDARD, COTTO,
TOTO, SLONE or equal.
f. Washbasin – White ceramic wall hung washbasin. See PART 6, Figure 28 for a sample of the washbasin.
Acceptable manufacturers for plumbing fixtures are AMERICAN STANDARD, COTTO, TOTO,
KOHLER, or equal.
g. Faucet – Self-closing basin faucet. Acceptable manufacturers for the water closet are AMERICAN
h. Toilet shelf – White ceramic toilet shelf, or approved other by the COR. Acceptable manufacturers for the
water closet are AMERICAN STANDARD, COTTO, TOTO, KOHLER, or equal.
i. Mirror – 500 mm x 700 mm aluminum framed wall mounted mirror, or approved other by the COR.
j. Cloth hook – Stainless steel cloth hook.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


a. Unless specified other, refer to the latest International Plumbing Code (IPC) for material requirements and
installation requirements of water supply and distribution.
b. Water supply pipe – PVC Class 13.5, or approved other by the COR. The pipe shall withstand 13.5
kgf/cm2 working pressure at temperature of 27°C. Unless specified other, all riser pipes shall be concealed
in the wall. Horizontal pipes shall be installed over the ceiling, under concrete slab. Water pipes are not
allowed to install underneath floor tiles.


a. Soil pipe – PVC Class 8.5, or approved other by the COR. The pipe shall withstand 8.5 kgf/cm2 working
pressure at temperature of 27°C.
b. Waste pipe – PVC Class 8.5, or approved other by the COR. The pipe shall withstand 8.5 kgf/cm2 working
pressure at temperature of 27°C.
c. Vent pipe – PVC Class 5.5, or approved other by the COR. The pipe shall withstand 5.5 kgf/cm2 working
pressure at temperature of 27°C.
d. Floor drain – Stainless steel floor drain. Acceptable manufacturers for the water closet are AMERICAN
STANDARD, COTTO, TOTO, or equal. See PART 6, Figure 29 for a sample of the floor drain.


a. Rain leader – PVC Class 8.5, or approved other by the COR. The pipe shall withstand 8.5 kgf/cm2 working
pressure at temperature of 27°C.
b. Roof drain – Cast iron roof drain. See PART 6, Figure 30 for a sample of the roof drain.


a. Oscillating Fan
1. The Contractor shall design and provide a suitable sized oscillating fan that covers the whole area of
the intended space.
2. The fan may be wall mounted type or ceiling mounted type. See samples of PART 6, Figures 35 and
36 for ceiling mounted oscillating fan and wall mounted oscillating fan.
3. Remote control fan switch is not allowed. The Contractor shall provide wired fan switch, or equivalent.
The switch shall be located next to light switch of each room. The switch shall be equipped with
“STOP” button that allows user to stop oscillating of the fan.
4. Acceptable manufacturers are HITACHI, IMARFLEX, MITSUBISHI, PANASONIC, HATARI or
b. Exhaust Fan
1. The Contractor shall design, furnish, and install a suitable sized exhaust fan for all enclosed space.
The exhaust fans shall be able to operate in a wet environment. The exhaust fan shall be installed with
suitable ducting to convey the exhaust air to the outside of the building. Discharging exhaust air into
the ceiling attic space is not allowed. At the end of exhaust pipe shall be equipped with a factory made
exhaust air grille.
2. The exhaust fans shall be ceiling mounted type, unless approved other by the COR.
3. Acceptable manufacturers are PANASONIC, MITSUBISHI, or equal.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines


Fire extinguisher – Complete set of portable, wall hung, UL listed fire extinguisher type ABC that contains 15
lbs fire extinguishing agent. The fire extinguisher shall be selected, installed, inspected, maintained and tested
in accordance with the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 10, standard for Portable Fire



a. The system shall be 380/220VAC (or as currently available at the site), 3Phase/4Wires with incoming kWh-
Meter and free of short circuits and grounded with a maximum resistance-to-ground of 10 ohms. The main
incoming wiring shall be PVC/PVC insulated, copper cable or outdoor type installed overhead or
underground within conduit fed to main distribution board (MDB) depended on site applicable. The
electrical load shall be separated circuits for lights, receptacles, air-conditioning system, water pumping
system, A/V system, telephone system, computer system, and internet system. Panel boards and circuit
breakers shall be enough capacity and rated to safely handle service requirements. Internal wiring shall be
PVC insulated copper cable 600V, 70°C sized for local voltage and frequency as required to serve the
connected load. A common neutral conductor (used for two or more phase circuits) is not allowed. Color
code for the conductors shall be in accordance with local electrical code requirements. All switches shall
be clearly labeled with embossed or other approved labeling system.
b. Panel board/Load Center: The panel board or load center shall be made of galvanized steel sheet thickness
not lesser than 1.2 mm, indoor type NEMA-1, Voltage rating up to 600V, or as approved other by the COR.
It is constructed with multiple knockouts and wiring gutters. Provide fronts with adjustable indicating trim
clamps, and doors with flush locks and keys. The door hinges shall be concealed and swings as per
manufacturer standard equipped with interior circuit-directory frame, card with clear plastic covering. The
front panel shall be dead-front safety type, provide anti-turn solder-less pressure lug connectors approved
for copper conductors. Inside panel shall include copper bus bars, full sized neutral bar and un-insulated
ground bar suitable for bolting to enclosure. The pilot lamp or phase indicator and necessary measuring
devices shall be provided. The acceptable manufacturers are SCHNEIDER, PANASONIC, ABB,
SEIMENS or equal.
c. Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB): The MCCB shall be equipped with a trip unit offering the
appropriate level of performance to fit to the application, and push button trip function test shall be
provided. It shall be 3 Poles, operating voltage 400VAC with breaking capacity at 25 kA minimum. The
acceptable manufacturers are SCHNEIDER, PANASONIC, ABB, CLIPSAL, MITSUBISHI, HAGER, or
d. Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB): The MCB’s voltage rating shall be 480Y/277V AC, 1P, 2P or 3P as
indicated in design drawings. The interrupting capacity shall be more than 6 kA at 240/400 VAC and shall
withstand to the fault current in each circuit, in the event of faults. The acceptable manufacturers are


a. Raceways & Conduits – Unless approved others by COR, installation of conduits shall be concealed. The
electrical raceway and conduits shall be made of high-quality PVC, or metallic. The sizing of conduit or
raceway shall be according to the Engineering Standard. The uses of rigid steel zinc coated (RSC),
intermediate metal conduit zinc coated (IMC), flexible metal conduit (only for short connection runs less
than 1.00 meter), liquid-tight flexible metal conduit, PVC/HDPE conduit, or similar approved conduit are
allowed, based on location and application used. All joints, bends, and any other intersections shall be
constructed at sealed junction boxes and shall be installed neatly and comply with NEC standard.
Connections shall be minimized as much as possible. Samples of all raceway, conduit, and their
accessories must be submitted for approval by the COR before installation. The acceptable manufacturers
are CLIPSAL, MATSUSHITA, or equal.

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b. Light switch: The mechanism inside light switch shall be made of high quality metal brass and the contact
shall be made of silver plate. The rating current shall be more than 10A at 230VAC. The light switch
installed outdoor or exposed to weather shall be weatherproof type. The acceptable manufacturers are
c. Receptacle (power outlet): Unless specified otherwise, receptacle shall be universal duplex with ground
type, and are required at various locations within the buildings. Receptacles shall be connected to circuit
breakers (fuses are not allowed). Provide no more than six duplex receptacles on each 20A circuit unless
otherwise noted. The acceptable manufacturers are PANASONIC, CLIPSAL, BTICINO, or equal.
d. Interior Lighting Fixtures:
1. Batten luminaires – This type of lighting fixture shall be installed in the dining area and kitchen area.
This fixture shall be surface mounting or suspended fixture. Housing of this batten luminaires shall be
die-formed cold roll steel with powder coated finish in white, and shall be equipped with mirror
anodized aluminum reflector or white reflector. Lamp holder shall be G13 for T8 LED. Lamp shall be
LED (Light Emitting Diode) type T8. Sample of acceptable batten fluorescent is shown in PART 6,
Figure 31. The acceptable manufacturers are PHILIPS, L&E, or equal.
2. Downlight – This type of lighting fixture shall be installed over the common restrooms, storage room,
electrical room, janitor room, and receiving area. The downlight fixture shall be recessed downlight
with aluminum diffuser, and diameter not less than 120 mm. Light bulb shall be LED (Light Emitting
Diode) type. Light bulb holder shall be type E27, and shall be made of a high-quality porcelain
insulator, and shall have good ventilation inside the fixture. Sample of acceptable downlight is shown
in PART 6, Figure 32. The acceptable manufacturers are PHILIPS, L&E, or equal.


Not applicable


a. Fire alarm system – Addressable fire alarm system.

1. Design, materials, equipment, installation, inspection, and testing shall be in accordance with NFPA
(National Fire Protection Association) 72, or equal.
2. This system shall include a number of devices working together to detect and warn people through
visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present.
These alarms shall be activated automatically by smoke detectors, heat detectors or shall also be
activated by manual fire alarm activation devices such as manual call points or pull stations. Alarms
can be either motorized bells or wall mountable sounders or horns. They can also be speaker strobes
which sound an alarm, followed by a voice evacuation message which warns people inside the building.


Not applicable


a. Emergency Light & Illuminated Exit Sign – A self-contained single-point emergency light and exit sign
system shall be used, and the system shall be energized at all times by permanent non-removable
connection to main power supply system. The system shall be designed and constructed such that the
emergency lights shall turn on immediately upon the occurrence of a power failure. The lamp shall be LED
type, automatic solid state system with under/over voltage, overload and short circuit protection, or as
approved other by the COR.
b. Lightning protection system and grounding

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1. The entire building structure shall be adequately and correctly earthed and protected against lightning
discharges. A sufficient number of air terminals, conductors, bi-metallic connectors, cable and wire
fittings, earth rod and earth pits, and other equipment and accessories shall be planned, detailed and
constructed according to standards, codes of practice and regulations pertaining to the use and
installation of such lightning protection and earthing systems.
2. The air terminal shall be a multi-point copper clad steel terminal, diameter not less than 18 mm, and
150 cm long.
3. Earth electrode resistance attainable should be 10 Ohms or less when using a common earth.
4. At least one vertical conductor air termination points shall be installed on the ridge over the building.
Down conductors shall be bare copper sized as per designed by Engineer, and must, where practicable,
be directly routed from the air termination to the earth termination network and be systematically
placed around the outside walls of the structure starting from the corners.
5. Earth electrode shall be copper clad steel with diameter not less than 15 mm, and 300.0 cm long, and
be designed to provide earth resistance in accordance with code of practice requirements. It must be
capable of carrying, without sustaining permanent damage, any earth currents that may reasonably be
expected. The earth electrode should be located as close as practicable to the down conductor, and
shall be a buried or driven electrode type.
6. A concrete earth electrode inspection chamber with a removable concrete cover and permanent caution
sign shall be provided at each earth electrode location. The section of the down conductor from the
last test clamp at about 1.50 m above the ground slab to the vertical section of the down conductor
underground shall be protected by encasement in approved conduits bracket supported against the
building wall.
7. Integration of common earthing for lightning protection and electrical services are not allowed. Carry
out separate earthing work for electrical services and permanently and clearly mark all earthing
8. A licensed electrical worker or professional engineer shall test and report on the adequacy and success
of the earthing and lightning protection works. The test results and reports shall be submitted to the
COR as part of the acceptance of the works.


a. Refrigerator – Minimum 38 ft3 commercial refrigerator. The refrigerator shall be for use in commercial
kitchen. It shall be stainless steel construction and shall be equipped with two swinging doors. This
refrigerator shall include internal adjustable shelves that are made from heavy-duty polyethylene-coated
wires, or equivalent. See PART 6, Figure 43 for a sample of the refrigerator.
b. Chest freezer – Minimum 21 ft3 chest freezer. The freezer shall be equipped with temperature alarm. The
alarm shall be activated once the interior becomes too warm. See PART 6, Figure 44 for a sample of the
chest freezer.
c. Rice cooker – 55 cup (raw rice) automatic propane gas rice cooker. The rice cooker shall keep the rice hot
after cooking via the internal pilot burner. A regulator shall be supplied with the unit. See PART 6,
Figure 45 for a sample of the rice cooker.
d. Gas stove – Each stove shall consist of four gas burners. This work shall include furnishing and installing
gas pipes, fittings and accessories. Propane gas cylinders of the gas burners will be installed outside the
building. The gas pipe shall safely deliver propane gas to the gas burners to be located in the Cooking Area.
See PART 6, Figure 46 for a sample of the gas stove.
e. Kitchen hood –The hood shall collect all smoke generated by cooking activities, and deliver it off the
building. The hood shall be built on a heavy duty stainless steel frame. At a minimum, an exhaust hood
shall include stainless steel canopy hood, aluminum baffle filters, collars, hanging brackets, stainless steel
grease trough and cup, or as approved other by the COR. The hood shall be built on a heavy duty stainless
steel frame. All joints and seams shall be welded and shall be water tight. All exposed welds shall be

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

ground and polished to original finish of the metals. The hood shall also be equipped with heavy duty
ventilator. See PART 6, Figure 47 for a sample of the kitchen hood.



a. Kitchen counter – Reinforced concrete counter with tile finish, or approved other by the COR. The counter
will be for to three rice cookers and three gas stoves to be installed under this contract. So, the counter(s)
shall be design and constructed to facilitate cooks’ operations with the kitchen appliances.
b. 3-compartment stainless steel commercial sink – The sink shall have an overall dimension of 36”x18.5”x41”
(LxWxH). Each bowl shall have a minimum depth of 13 inch. The sink shall be made of 18-gauge type
304 stainless steel. See PART 6, Figure 50 for a sample of the sink.
c. 2-compartment stainless steel commercial sink – The sink shall have an overall dimension of 48”x27.5”x41”
(LxWxH). Each bowl shall have a minimum depth of 13 inch. The sink shall be made of 18-gauge type
304 stainless steel. See PART 6, Figure 51 for a sample of the sink.
d. Kitchen faucet – Commercial kitchen faucet equipped with pre-rinse unit, spring action flexible hose, and
add-on faucet. Length of the add-on faucet shall be sufficient for filling water in all components of each
sink. See PART 6, Figure 49 for a sample of the faucet.


a. Key tag – Plastic key tag with engraved, or acid-etched and colored room/door number.
b. Keys box – Wooden, or steel lockable key box, or approved other by the COR. Actual size of the keys box
shall be determined from the amount of all keys. One key hanger is required for one door’s keys (three
keys per door). Size and spacing of key hangers shall consider size of the keys plus key tags. Labels are
required to identify key numbers.
c. 10-seat dining set – Dining set that consists of one (or two) dining table(s) for ten users, and ten dining
chairs. Specifications of the table and chair are shown below:
1. Dining table – Foldable table, or as approved other by the COR. The table may be made of high
density poly-ethylene (HDPE) manufactured by blow-mold technique. See sample of the table in
PART 6, Figure 41.
2. Dining chair – 47 cm x 55 cm x 85 cm foldable chair, or equivalent. The chair shall be made of high
density poly-ethylene (HDPE) manufactured by blow-mold technique. See sample of the chair in
PART 6, Figure 42.
d. Storage shelves – The storage shelves shall be 48”x24”x72” (LxWxH) 5-tier steel commercial shelving unit.
Its structure shall be industrial grade steel construction with enamel finish. Shelves shall be made of
particle board or equivalent. See PART 6, Figure 53 for a sample of the storage shelves.
e. Preparation table – 60”x30”x35” (LxWxH) commercial grade flat top and stainless steel base with
undershelf. The tabletop and undershelf shall be made of type 304 stainless steel. Legs of the table shall
be made of heavy gauge stainless steel. See PART 6, Figure 54 for a sample of the preparation table.
f. Work table – 60”x30”x35” (LxWxH) commercial grade flat top and stainless steel base with undershelf and
double overshelf kit. The tabletop and undershelf shall be made of type 304 stainless steel. The double
overshelf kit shall have a minimum width of 10”. The double overshelf kit shall also be made of type 304
stainless steel. Legs of the table shall be made of heavy gauge stainless steel. See PART 6, Figure 55 for
a sample of the work table.
g. Wire shelving unit – 60”x24”x72” (LxWxH) 4-tier stainless steel commercial wire shelving unit. The
shelving unit shall be made of type 304 stainless steel. See PART 6, Figure 56 for a sample of the
shelving unit.

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h. Plastic wheeled bin – The bin shall be made of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) with a minimum
containing capacity of 240 liters. See PART 6, Figure 57 for samples of the plastic wheeled bins.


a. Propane Gas Cylinders Storage Area shall be constructed according to below requirements:
1. This area shall be located next to exterior peripheral wall of the Cooking Area.
2. This area shall have adequate space for six 47 kg propane gas cylinders and gas bank manifold system
plus working area for maintenance staff.
3. Peripheral walls of this area shall be chain link walls.
4. One lockable chain link wall with a complete set of locking system is required.
5. Floor slab shall be elevated to avoid water runoff.
6. This area shall be covered by the same type of roof as the Dining Facility. The cover shall protect gas
cylinders from external heat sources and passing and falling objects
b. Propane gas bank – The gas bank shall be for minimum six 47 kg propane gas cylinders. The gas bank
shall include the followings
1. Steel wall mounted gas cylinder rack. The rack shall be sized and shall be installed to safely secure six
standing 47 kg propane gas cylinders. The rack shall be coated by rust inhibiting primer and minimum
two layers of top coat paint. The rack shall also be equipped with individual galvanized steel retaining
2. Multi-cylinder manifold system shall be equipped with all required piping, fittings, valves, gauges and
accessories. The gas bank shall also be equipped with
c. Pump house – The pump house shall be located where minimizes obstruction to pedestrian path and vehicle
traffic. The pump house shall have adequate interior space for installation of a pumping station including
all required piping, valves, accessories and control panel. Safe working space around pumping station is
required in addition to footprint of the pumping station. Sufficient headroom in the pump house is also
required to facilitate work of maintenance staff. See PART 6, Figure 38 for a sample of pump house. The
pump house shall be equipped with a lockable door. Reinforced concrete pad for water storage tank may
be combined with this Pump house. Natural ventilation for the Pump house is required. Lighting system
and weatherproof duplex power receptacles are required inside the pump house.



a. The Contractor shall be responsible to seek all required permits prior to perform site clearings.
b. The Contractor shall minimize potential disturbance to normal operations of nearby facilities.
c. The disposal of debris and materials shall be in accordance with local laws.


a. The Contractor shall be responsible to seek all required permits prior to start demolishing work and
relocating utilities.
b. The Contractor shall minimize potential disturbance to normal operations of nearby facilities.
c. The disposal of debris and materials shall be in accordance with local laws.


a. Grading and leveling site are to provide positive drainage offsite.

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

b. Soil compaction shall be performed to improve load bearing capacity of the soil as required for by
foundation design.


a. Building name sign – The building name sign shall consist of lettering showing name of the building. The
building name sign shall be produced of aluminum, laminated plastic face, back lighted, cast aluminum,
applied letter, die raised, engraved, or hot stamped.



Incoming water supply from the AFPPKOC’s Water Tower 2 will be collected in the water storage tank(s)
installed under this project. Water distribution to all the buildings shall mainly be done through a water
pumping system (pumping station) to ensure a constant water pressure. A piping system shall be installed to
bypass the water storage tanks and water pumping system to allow direct water distribution from the Water
Tower 2 to the DFAC. Conceptual schematic diagram of the water supply system is shown in PART 6, Figure
37. Specific requirements of water supply system are as follows:

a. Water storage tank – The water storage tank shall be made of fiberglass, or HDPE, or stainless steel, or
equal. The tank shall allow to be manually filled by water truck. The tank shall be equipped with all
required valves, pipes, equipment and accessories. Storage capacity of water storage tank(s) shall be
sufficient for at least one-day use for all activities of the facility. The contractor shall submit calculation
sheets as well as referenced standards/codes for COR’s review and concurrence prior to commencement of
this work.
b. Pumping station – Minimum requirements of the pumping station are as follows:
1. The pumping station shall be installed in a pump house.
2. Two end suction water pumps are required to transmit water from ground water storage tank to all
required distribution points of the buildings. The pumps shall be electrical type which sizing, header,
capacity and all characteristics be selected by contractor. Unless approved other by the COR, pressure
tank shall also be included in this system.
3. An electric water pump shall be activated to operate by pressure switch and equipped with no-load,
overload, overheat, voltage drop and short circuit protection system.
4. The two pumps shall be set to function as one duty/one standby manner (single alternate). If a pump
fails to run, the other pump shall start automatically. Both pumps shall allow manual start.
5. A complete set of control panel is required to control the pumping system.


a. Sewer pipe – PVC, or, HDPE, or concrete pipe.

b. Sewer manhole – Reinforced concrete manhole.
c. Cleanout – Bronze cleanout, or equal.
d. Grease trap – Commercial grease trap shall be installed between kitchen sinks and wastewater treatment
system to intercept most greases and solid to enter the system. The grease traps shall be installed where
facilitates maintenance staff.
e. Wastewater treatment system – The wastewater treatment system shall comply with local standards and law.
The contractor shall calculate the overall capacity of the system based on stated building functions.
Minimum diameter of main drain lines (from inspection chamber to collection/ treatment facility) shall be
150 mm. The waste management system shall be designed for the intended use of the facility in compliance
with the requirements of the local governing authorities. Maximum allowable BOD (Biochemical Oxygen

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Demand) for effluent of the system shall not exceed 30 mg/L (or as specified other by local standards and
law). Design and calculation of the system shall be submitted to COR for review and concurrence prior to
commencement of the work. Design the system such that regular pumping of sludge from the treatment
tank shall not be more than once in three months frequency or as per local industry practice and per local


a. Storm sewer collection system

1. Storm sewer collection system shall collect water runoff and storm sewer from all down spouts.
2. Using reinforced concrete gutter or open trenches is an acceptable means to collect storm sewer.
b. Culvert – The culvert shall be concrete or reinforced concrete pipe or box culvert.
c. Headwall – The headwall shall be reinforced concrete structure.
d. Erosion and sediment control – Install or construct necessary structure to address erosion and sediment


a. The contractor shall apply and obtain all appropriate permits and clearances from local governing authority
and pay fees including but are not limited to environmental preservation and social fees due to secure
permits and approvals and other services from the local governing authority and comply with all other
related laws and regulations applicable in country before commencing any part of the work.
b. Mobilization shall include all activities and associated costs for transportation of Contractor's personnel,
equipment, and operating supplies to the site; establishment of offices, buildings, and other necessary
general facilities for the Contractor's operations at the site.
c. Demobilization shall include all activities and associated costs for transportation of personnel, equipment,
and supplies not required or included in the contract from the site; including the disassembly, removal, and
site cleanup of offices, buildings, and other facilities assembled on the site specifically for this contract.
d. Soil investigation is to determine if remedial soil importation and/or compaction of existing earth condition
are required, and to determine viability of the structural and foundation design.
e. The topographic survey shall be included in the contractor’s design plans. Topographic and utility surveys
to include surveys of the existing size and a capability assessment of existing utilities (power, water,
sanitary, etc.) around the immediate vicinity of the project site for connection and support of utilities
requirements for the new building and services. Prior to starting work, physically verify the location of all
existing utilities and obtain all additional survey data required to provide a quality final design. The
Contractor shall verify the location of all utilities prior to construction. Minimize the impact of construction
activity on operations and neighboring facilities.
f. The contractor is responsible to have control over their workforces and subcontractors’ behavior to
maintain proper professional ethics and attitudes within project site. This is to include awareness to not
disturb or commit violence and vandalism to the local community area adjacent to the project site.

-- End of PART 4 --

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Table of Figures

Figure 1 Geographic location of the proposed construction site....................................................................................3

Figure 2 Proposed building location ..............................................................................................................................4
Figure 3 Conceptual floor plan of the First Floor ..........................................................................................................5
Figure 4 Partial conceptual floor plan of the DFAC showing the Common Restrooms, Supporting Rooms and the
Kitchen Area ..................................................................................................................................................................6
Figure 5 Partial conceptual floor plan of the DFAC showing the Dining Area .............................................................7
Figure 6 Exterior appearance of the CTC ......................................................................................................................8
Figure 7 Exterior appearance of the CTC (continued) ...................................................................................................8
Figure 8 Logo of the AFP Peacekeeping Operations Center (PKOC) at the main entrance gate ..................................9
Figure 9 Main entrance gate of the PKOC ....................................................................................................................9
Figure 10 Public road in front of the PKOC (camera pointed east) ............................................................................. 10
Figure 11 Public road in front of the PKOC (camera pointed west) ............................................................................ 10
Figure 12 Main incoming road of the compound ........................................................................................................ 11
Figure 13 Internal road of the compound .................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 14 Specs of the existing deep well and water pump located adjacent to the Water Tower 2 ........................... 12
Figure 15 Control panel of the water pump located adjacent to the Water Tower 2 ................................................... 12
Figure 16 Main storm drainage of the compound ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 17 Discharge point of the main storm drainage is located at Southeast corner of the compound .................... 13
Figure 18 Sample of thermal insulation for roof ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 19 Installation of thermal insulation for roof.................................................................................................... 14
Figure 20 Door types ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 21 Sample of push-pull plates .......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 22 Samples of acceptable stainless steel door lever handle sets ....................................................................... 16
Figure 23 Samples of locking system for the general door (top) and individual restroom door (bottom) ................... 16
Figure 24 Sample of toilet partitions ........................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 25 Sample of urinal dividers ............................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 26 Sample of required elongated close coupled toilet ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 27 Sample of required urinal and flush valve ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 28 Sample of wall hung wash basin ................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 29 Sample of stainless steel floor drain ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure 30 Sample of roof drain .................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 31 Sample of batten luminaires ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 32 Sample of downlight ................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 33 Sample of emergency light .......................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 34 Sample of exit light ..................................................................................................................................... 21

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Figure 35 Sample of ceiling mounted oscillating fans................................................................................................. 22

Figure 36 Sample of wall mounted oscillating fan ...................................................................................................... 22
Figure 37 Conceptual schematic diagram of water pumping system .......................................................................... 23
Figure 38 Sample of Pump House and water storage tank .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 39 Sample of pumping station .......................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 40 Sample of pumps control panel ................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 41 Sample of dining table................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 42 Sample of chest freezer ............................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 43 Sample of commercial grade refrigerator .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 44 Sample of chest freezer ............................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 45 Sample of a commercial grade rice cooker ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 46 Sample of gas stove ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 47 Sample of stainless steel kitchen hood (ventilator are not shown) .............................................................. 27
Figure 48 Sample of Propane Gas Cylinders Storage Area with kitchen gas bank manifold system .......................... 28
Figure 49 Sample of kitchen faucet with pre-rinse unit ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 50 Sample of 3-compoartment stainless steel sink ........................................................................................... 29
Figure 51 Sample of 2-compartment stainless steel sink ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 52 Sample of grease trap .................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 53 Sample of storage shelves ........................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 54 Sample of stainless steel food preparation table.......................................................................................... 31
Figure 55 Sample of stainless steel work table with double overshelf kit ................................................................... 31
Figure 56 Sample of stainless steel wire shelving units............................................................................................... 32
Figure 57 Sample of 240-L wheeled bin ..................................................................................................................... 32

Table of Attachments

Attachment 1 – Geotechnical Report

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

AFP Peacekeeping Operations Center

Capas, Tarlac City
15˚21’54.1”N, 120˚30’13.3”E

Figure 1 Geographic location of the proposed construction site

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Water Tower 2

Tentative location of the DFAC

15˚22’06.8”N, 120˚30’18.7”E

Existing HQ Building
CO Quarters

Main Gate

AFP Peacekeeping Operations Center

15˚21’54.1”N, 120˚30’13.3”E

Figure 2 Proposed building location

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Figure 3 Conceptual floor plan of the First Floor

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Figure 4 Partial conceptual floor plan of the DFAC showing the Common Restrooms, Supporting Rooms and
the Kitchen Area

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Figure 5 Partial conceptual floor plan of the DFAC showing the Dining Area

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Figure 6 Exterior appearance of the CTC

Figure 7 Exterior appearance of the CTC (continued)

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Figure 8 Logo of the AFP Peacekeeping Operations Center (PKOC) at the main entrance gate

Figure 9 Main entrance gate of the PKOC

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 10 Public road in front of the PKOC (camera pointed east)

Figure 11 Public road in front of the PKOC (camera pointed west)

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 12 Main incoming road of the compound

Figure 13 Internal road of the compound

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 14 Specs of the existing deep well and water pump located adjacent to the Water Tower 2

Figure 15 Control panel of the water pump located adjacent to the Water Tower 2

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 16 Main storm drainage of the compound

Figure 17 Discharge point of the main storm drainage is located at Southeast corner of the compound

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 18 Sample of thermal insulation for roof

Figure 19 Installation of thermal insulation for roof

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 20 Door types

Figure 21 Sample of push-pull plates

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 22 Samples of acceptable stainless steel door lever handle sets

Figure 23 Samples of locking system for the general door (top) and individual restroom door (bottom)

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 24 Sample of toilet partitions

Figure 25 Sample of urinal dividers

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 26 Sample of required elongated close coupled toilet

Figure 27 Sample of required urinal and flush valve

Figure 28 Sample of wall hung wash basin

PART 6 – Page 18 of 32
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 29 Sample of stainless steel floor drain

Figure 30 Sample of roof drain

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 31 Sample of batten luminaires

Figure 32 Sample of downlight

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 33 Sample of emergency light

Figure 34 Sample of exit light

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 35 Sample of ceiling mounted oscillating fans

Figure 36 Sample of wall mounted oscillating fan

PART 6 – Page 22 of 32
400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 37 Conceptual schematic diagram of water pumping system

Figure 38 Sample of Pump House and water storage tank

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 39 Sample of pumping station

Figure 40 Sample of pumps control panel

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Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 41 Sample of dining table

Figure 42 Sample of chest freezer

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 43 Sample of commercial grade refrigerator

Figure 44 Sample of chest freezer

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 45 Sample of a commercial grade rice cooker

Figure 46 Sample of gas stove

Figure 47 Sample of stainless steel kitchen hood (ventilator are not shown)

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 48 Sample of Propane Gas Cylinders Storage Area with kitchen gas bank manifold system

Figure 49 Sample of kitchen faucet with pre-rinse unit

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 50 Sample of 3-compoartment stainless steel sink

Figure 51 Sample of 2-compartment stainless steel sink

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 52 Sample of grease trap

Figure 53 Sample of storage shelves

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 54 Sample of stainless steel food preparation table

Figure 55 Sample of stainless steel work table with double overshelf kit

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400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC, Camp O’Donnell N62742-18-R-6558
Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Figure 56 Sample of stainless steel wire shelving units

Figure 57 Sample of 240-L wheeled bin

-- End of PART 6 --

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E hibit 1
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Provide the following information on projects to demonstrate past experience on recent, relevant construction
projects. Use continuation sheets, if needed.


O eror Name

Contract No.
Pro ect Title Location
Short Pro ect Description

Contract Amo nt

Original Contract Completion Date

Final Contract Completion Date
Date Complete

Percentage o Wor Per orme

Prime or S contract Wor

C stomer Client

C stomer Client Contact In ormation (incl e or each POC NAME, PHONE NUMBER,
A 400-Personnel Dining Facility, at AFP PKOC N62742-18-R-6558
Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines E hi it 3
Page 1 o 5


1. The NAVFAC Form PPQ shall e tili e or all eval ations that re ire a Past Per ormance Q estionnaire

2. O erors sho l s mit the PPQ ith their o er. I the o eror is na le to o tain a complete PPQ rom a client
or a pro ect(s) e ore proposal closing ate, the o eror sho l complete an s mit ith the proposal the irst page
o the PPQ, hich ill provi e contract an client in ormation or the respective pro ect(s). O erors sho l ollo -
p ith clients re erences to ens re timely s mittal o estionnaires. I the client re ests, estionnaires may e
s mitte irectly to the Government’s point o contact, Niti ate Dissanont via email at niti ate state.gov prior to
proposal closing ate.

3. O erors sho l provi e PPQs ith their proposal as re ire y RFP. O erors shall not incorporate y
re erence into their proposal PPQs previo sly s mitte or other RFPs. Ho ever, this oes not precl e the
Government rom tili ing previo sly s mitte PPQ in ormation in the past per ormance eval ation.
A 400-Personnel Dining Facility, at AFP PKOC N62742-18-R-6558
Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines E hi it 3
Page 2 o 5

CONTRACT INFORMATION Co t to to o ete B o s 1-4
1 Co t to I o to
Firm Name CAGE Co e
A ress DUNs N m er
Phone N m er
Email A ress
Point o Contact Contact Phone N m er
2 Wo Pe o ed s Prime Contractor S Contractor oint Vent re Other (E plain)
Percent o pro ect or per orme
I s contractor, ho as the prime (Name Phone )
3 Co t t I o to
Contract N m er
Delivery Tas Or er N m er (i applica le)
Contract Type Firm Fi e Price Cost Reim rsement Other (Please speci y)
Contract Title
Contract Location

A ar Date (mm yy)

Contract Completion Date (mm yy)
Act al Completion Date (mm yy)
E plain Di erences
Original Contract Price (A ar Amo nt)
Final Contract Price (to include all modifications, if applicable)
E plain Di erences

4 P o e t Des to
Comple ity o Wor High Me Ro tine
Ho is this pro ect relevant to pro ect o s mission (Please provide details such as similar equipment, requirements,
conditions, etc.)

CLIENT INFORMATION C e t to o ete B o s 5-8

5 C e tI o to
Phone N m er
Email A ress
6 Des e t e e t’s o e t e o e t

7 D te Q est o e s o eted (mm yy)

8 C e t’s S t e

A 400-Personnel Dining Facility, at AFP PKOC N62742-18-R-6558
Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines E hi it 3
Page 3 o 5




E E e to Per ormance meets contract al re irements An E ceptional rating is appropriate

an e cee s many to the Government O ner’s hen the Contractor s ccess lly
ene it. The contract al per ormance o the per orme m ltiple signi icant events
element or s -element eing assesse as that ere o ene it to the
accomplishe ith e minor pro lems or Government O ner. A sing lar ene it,
hich corrective actions ta en y the ho ever, co l e o s ch magnit e
contractor as highly e ective. that it alone constit tes an E ceptional
rating. Also, there sho l have een NO
signi icant ea nesses i enti ie .
VG Ve Good Per ormance meets contract al re irements A Very Goo rating is appropriate hen
an e cee s some to the the Contractor s ccess lly per orme a
Government’s O ner’s ene it. The signi icant event that as a ene it to the
contract al per ormance o the element or s - Government O ner. There sho l have
element eing assesse as accomplishe ith een no signi icant ea nesses
some minor pro lems or hich corrective i enti ie .
actions ta en y the contractor ere e ective.
S S ts to Per ormance meets minim m contract al A Satis actory rating is appropriate
re irements. The contract al per ormance o hen there ere only minor pro lems,
the element or s -element contains some or ma or pro lems that the contractor
minor pro lems or hich corrective actions recovere rom itho t impact to the
ta en y the contractor appear or ere contract. There sho l have een NO
satis actory. signi icant ea nesses i enti ie . Per
DOD policy, a n amental principle o
assigning ratings is that contractors ill
not e assesse a rating lo er than
Satis actory solely or not per orming
eyon the re irements o the contract.
M M Per ormance oes not meet some contract al A Marginal is appropriate hen a
re irements. The contract al per ormance o signi icant event occ rre that the
the element or s -element eing assesse contractor ha tro le overcoming
re lects a serio s pro lem or hich the hich impacte the Government O ner.
contractor has not yet i enti ie corrective
actions. The contractor s propose actions
appear only marginally e ective or ere not
lly implemente .
U U s ts to Per ormance oes not meet most contract al An Unsatis actory rating is appropriate
re irements an recovery is not li ely in a hen m ltiple signi icant events
timely manner. The contract al per ormance o occ rre that the contractor ha tro le
the element or s -element contains serio s overcoming an hich impacte the
pro lem(s) or hich the contractor s Government O ner. A sing lar
corrective actions appear or ere ine ective. pro lem, ho ever, co l e o s ch
serio s magnit e that it alone
constit tes an nsatis actory rating.
N Not No in ormation or i not apply to yo r Rating ill e neither positive nor
A e contract negative.
A 400-Personnel Dining Facility, at AFP PKOC N62742-18-R-6558
Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines E hi it 3
Page 4 o 5

Contractor In ormation (Firm Name)

Client In ormation (Name)
a) Q ality o technical ata report preparation e orts E VG S M U N
) A ility to meet ality stan ar s speci ie or technical per ormance E VG S M U N
c) Timeliness e ectiveness o contract pro lem resol tion itho t e tensive
c stomer g i ance
) A e acy e ectiveness o ality control program an a herence to
contract ality ass rance re irements ( itho t a verse e ect on E VG S M U N
per ormance)
a) Compliance ith contract elivery completion sche les incl ing any
signi icant interme iate milestones. (If liquidated damages were assessed or E VG S M U N
the schedule was not met, please address below)
) Rate the contractor’s se o availa le reso rces to accomplish tas s
i enti ie in the contract
a) To hat e tent ere the en sers satis ie ith the pro ect E VG S M U N
) Contractor as reasona le an cooperative in ealing ith yo r sta
(incl ing the a ility to s ccess lly resolve isagreements isp tes E VG S M U N
responsiveness to a ministrative reports, sinessli e an comm nication)
c) To hat e tent as the contractor cooperative, sinessli e, an concerne
ith the interests o the c stomer
) Overall c stomer satis action E VG S M U N
a) E ectiveness o on-site management, incl ing management o
s contractors, s ppliers, materials, an or la or orce
) A ility to hire, apply, an retain a ali ie or orce to this e ort E VG S M U N
c) Government Property Control E VG S M U N
) Kno le ge e pertise emonstrate y contractor personnel E VG S M U N
e) Utili ation o Small B siness concerns E VG S M U N
) A ility to sim ltaneo sly manage m ltiple pro ects ith m ltiple isciplines E VG S M U N
g) A ility to assimilate an incorporate changes in re irements an or
priority, incl ing planning, e ec tion an response to Government changes
h) E ectiveness o overall management (incl ing a ility to e ectively lea ,
manage an control the program)
a) A ility to meet the terms an con itions ithin the contract ally agree
A 400-Personnel Dining Facility, at AFP PKOC N62742-18-R-6558
Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines E hi it 3
Page 5 o 5

Contractor In ormation (Firm Name)

Client In ormation (Name)

) Contractor propose innovative alternative metho s processes that re ce

cost, improve maintaina ility or other actors that ene ite the client
c) I this is as a Government cost type contract, please rate the Contractor’s
timeliness an acc racy in s mitting monthly invoices ith appropriate ac -
p oc mentation, monthly stat s reports get variance reports, compliance E VG S M U N
ith esta lishe gets an avoi ance o signi icant an or ne plaine
variances ( n er r ns or overr ns)
) Is the Contractor’s acco nting system a e ate or management an
Yes No
trac ing o costs If no, please explain in Remarks section.
e) I this is as a Government contract, has as this contract een partially or
completely terminate or e a lt or convenience or are there any pen ing
Yes No
terminations Indicate if show cause or cure notices were issued, or any
default action in comment section below.
) Have there een any in ications that the contractor has ha any inancial
Yes No
pro lems If yes, please explain below.
a) To hat e tent as the contractor a le to maintain an environment o
sa ety, a here to its approve sa ety plan, an respon to sa ety iss es
(Incl es ollo ing the sers r les, reg lations, an re irements regar ing
ho se eeping, sa ety, correction o note e iciencies, etc.)
) Contractor complie ith all sec rity re irements or the pro ect an
personnel sec rity re irements.
a) A ility to s ccess lly respon to emergency an or s rge sit ations
(incl ing noti ying COR, PM or Contracting O icer in a timely manner E VG S M U N
regar ing rgent contract al iss es).
) Compliance ith contract al terms provisions (explain if specific issues) E VG S M U N
c) Wo l yo hire or or ith this irm again (If no, please explain below) Yes No
) In s mmary, provi e an overall rating or the or per orme y this

P e se o de es o ses to t e est o s o e if applicable d/o dd t o e s

F t e o e, e se o de e t e dd ess s e st e t s, e esses,
de e es, o ot e o e ts ss st o o e e t e o e s (please
attach additional pages if necessary)
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 1 of 8

Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines N62742-18-R-6558


400-Personnel Dining Facility at AFP PKOC



A1010 Standard Foundations
a. Excavation and backfilling cu.m
b. Soil compaction sq.m
c. Subterranean termite treatment 1 L/S
d. Foundations
1. Concrete cu.m
2. Reinforcing steel kg
3. Formwork 1 L/S
4. Others (i.e. dewatering and shoring) 1 L/S
e. Grade beams
1. Concrete cu.m
2. Reinforcing steel kg
3. Formwork 1 L/S

Sub-Total A1010
A1020 Special Foundations
Not applicable
Sub-Total A1020
A1030 Slab-on-Grade
a. Soil compaction sq.m
b. Compacted gravel cu.m
c. Reinforced concrete slab-on-grade
1. Concrete cu.m
2. Reinforcing steel kg
3. Formwork 1 L/S
4. DPM sq.m

Sub-Total A1030
a. Structural frame
1. Concrete cu.m
2. Reinforcing steel kg
3. Formwork 1 L/S
b. Roof structure sq.m
c. Work platform and scaffolding 1 L/S
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 2 of 8
Sub-Total B10
a. Exterior stairs and landings 1 L/S
b. Ramp and side rails 1 L/S
c. Walkway around the buildings
1. Concrete cu.m
2. Reinforcing steel kg
3. Formwork 1 L/S

Sub-Total B20
B2010 Partitions
a. Plastered reinforced CMU walls sq.m
b. Exterior paint and coating sq.m
c. Work platform and scaffolding 1 L/S
d. Reinforced concrete lintel 1 L/S

Sub-Total B2010
B2020 Exterior Windows
a. Exterior windows
1. Dining area set
2. Restrooms set
3. Kitchen area set
b. Mosquito screen set

Sub-Total B2020
B2030 Exterior Doors
a. Exterior doors
1. Main entrance/exit door set
2. Exit door set
3. Pedestrian door set
4. Rear entrance/exit door set
b. Door closer set
c. Door stopper set

Sub-Total B2030
a. Roofing
1. Roof covering sq.m
2. Soffits, fascia, expansion joints, ridges, valleys, flashing, trim 1 L/S
3. Hardware and accessories 1 L/S
4. Roof gutter and downspouts m
b. Roof ventilators
1. Dining area set
2. Kitchen area set
c. Thermal insulation with metal mesh sq.m

Sub-Total B30
C1010 Partitions
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 3 of 8
a. Interior brick infill wall sq.m
b. Reinforced concrete intel 1 L/S

Sub-Total C1010
C1020 Interior Doors
a. Kitchen area door set
b. Common restroom door set
c. Storage room door set
d. Electrical room door set
e. Janitor room door set
f. Door closer set
g. Door stopper set

Sub-Total C1020
C1030 Fittings
a. Toilet partition set
b. Urinal divider ea.
c. Room designation signs 1 L/S
d. Interior signs 1 L/S
e. Dedication plaque ea.

Sub-Total C1030
Not included

Sub-Total C20
C3010 Wall Finishes
a. Plaster wall finishes sq.m
b. Interior paint sq.m
c. Wall tiles
1. Male common restroom sq.m
2. Female common restroom sq.m
3. Cooking area sq.m
4. Dish & pot washing area sq.m

Sub-Total C3010
C3020 Floor Finishes
a. Ceramic floor tiles for dining area sq.m
b. Non-slippery floor tiles for kitchen area and other rooms sq.m
c. Wall base finish m

Sub-Total C3020
C3030 Ceiling Finishes
a. T-bar ceiling for restrooms sq.m
b. T-bar ceiling for storage room, electrical room, janitor room, and sq.m
receiving area
c. Metal grille over the storage room 1 L/S
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 4 of 8
Sub-Total C3030
Not included
Sub-Total D10
D2010 Plumbing Fixtures
a. Water closet set
b. Rinsing spray set
c. Toilet paper holder ea.
d. Urinal set
e. Washbasin set
f. Toilet shelf ea.
g. Mirror ea.
h. Cloth hook ea.

Sub-Total D2010
D2020 Domestic Water Distribution
a. Pipe, fittings, and associated works 1 L/S
b. Hose bib ea.

Sub-Total D2020
D2030 Sanitary Waste
a. Soil and waste pipe, fittings, and associated works 1 L/S
b. Vent pipe, fittings, and associated works 1 L/S
c. Floor drain 1 L/S

Sub-Total D2030
D2040 Rain Water Drainage
a. Rain pipe, fittings, and associated works 1 L/S
b. Roof drain 1 L/S

Sub-Total D2040
a. Oscillating fan set
b. Exhaust fan set

Sub-Total D30
a. Fire extinguisher set

Sub-Total D40
D5010 Electrical Service and Distribution
a. Incoming electrical supply 1 L/S
b. MDB 1 L/S
c. Branch circuit panelboards 1 L/S

Sub-Total D5010
D5020 Lighting and Branching Wiring
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 5 of 8
a. Branch wiring
1. Duplex receptacle set
2. GFCI duplex receptacle set
3. Dedicated receptacle set
b. Lighting equipment
1. Interior light set
2. Exterior light set
c. Power supply system for the followings:
1. Fans and exhaust fans 1 L/S
2. Water pumping system 1 L/S
d. Emergency lights set
e. Illuminated exit lights set

Sub-Total D5020
D5030 Communications and Security
D503001 Fire Alarm Systems
a. Addressable fire alarm system 1 L/S

D503002 Telecommunications Systems

Not included

Sub-Total D5030
D5090 Other Electrical Services
a. Grounding system 1 L/S
b. Lightning protection system. 1 L/S

Sub-Total D5090
Not included

Sub-Total E10
a. Key tags 54 ea.
b. Keys box 1 ea.
Sub-Total E20
a. Termite control system 1 L/S
b. Propane gas cylinders storage area 1 L/S
c. Propane gas bank manifold system 1 L/S
d. Pump house and concrete pad for water tanks 1 L/S

Sub-Total F10
G1010 Site Clearing
a. Remove ground vegetation including stumps, and trees 1 L/S
b. Grubbing 1 L/S
c. Disposal of materials 1 L/S

Sub-Total G1010
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 6 of 8
G1020 Site Demolition and Relocations
a. Demolition / relocation 1 L/S
b. Relocate existing utilities 1 L/S
c. Dispose debris 1 L/S

Sub-Total G1020
G1030 Site Earthwork
a. Leveling, flattening, and grading 1 L/S
b. Excavation 1 L/S
c. Filling / replacing material removed during excavation 1 L/S
d. Soil compaction 1 L/S

Sub-Total G1030
a. Building name sign 1 L/S

Sub-Total G20
G3010 Water Supply
a. Main incoming water supply system 1 L/S
b. Non-potable water storage tanks 1 L/S
c. Pumping station
1. Water pump set
2. Control panel 1 L/S
3. Piping and accessories 1 L/S
d. Bypass piping system 1 L/S

Sub-Total G3010
G3020 Sanitary Sewer
a. Sanitary sewer piping 1 L/S
b. Sanitary sewer manholes and cleanouts 1 L/S
c. Grease traps ea.
d. Wastewater treatment system 1 L/S
e. Flexible joint 1 L/S
f. Effluent discharge system 1 L/S

Sub-Total G3020
G3030 Storm Sewer
a. Storm sewer collection system 1 L/S

Sub-Total G3030
a. Obtain all appropriate permits and clearance (if any) 1 L/S
b. Mobilization/Demobilization 1 L/S
c. Temporary facilities
1. Fencing 1 L/S
2. Site office month
3. Storage 1 L/S
4. Workers camp month
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 7 of 8
5. Toilets month
d. Soil investigation 1 L/S
e. Topographic survey 1 L/S
f. Professional fees
1. Superintendent & Safety Officer (double-hat) month
2. QC Manager month
g. Temporary utilities
1. Electrical supply month
2. Water supply month
3. Telephone month
h. Safety implementation 1 L/S
i. Heavy equipment and machine 1 L/S
j. Tests and commissioning 1 L/S
k. Transportation 1 L/S
l. Repair damages 1 L/S
m. Technical training for the end user 1 L/S

Sub-Total X10
a. Home office operations
1. Administrative fees month
2. Documentation and drawings month
3. Telecommunications month
b. Transportation month
c. Design fees
1. Engineering design fees 1 L/S
2. Architectural design fees 1 L/S
d. Post-award professional services
1. Engineering fees month
2. Architectural fees month

Sub-Total X20
a. Profit

Sub-Total X30


E1090 Other Equipment
a. Refrigerator ea.
b. Chest freezer ea.
c. Rice cooker set
d. Gas stove set
e. Kitchen hood set

Sub-Total E2010
N62742-18-R-6558 Page 8 of 8
E2010 Fixed Furnishings
a. Kitchen counters 1 L/S
b. 36" 3-compartment SS commercial sinks set
c. 48" 2-compartment SS commercial sinks set
d. Kitchen faucet ea.

Sub-Total E2010
E2020 Moveable Furnishings
a. Dining set
1. Dining table ea.
2. Ding chair ea.
b. 48"x24" storage shelf ea.
c. 60"x30" SS table ea.
d. 60"x30" SS table with double over shelf ea.
e. 60"x24" SS wire shelving unit ea.
f. 240-L plastic wheeled bin ea.

Sub-Total E2020


GRAND TOTAL (CLIN 00001 + CLIN 00002)




--- End of the Cost Estimate ---

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