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# Begin Open GApps Install Log

ROM Android version | 8.1.0
ROM Build ID | lineage_wt88047-userdebug 8.1.0 OPM7.181005.003
ROM Version increment | 078d5ec2c6
ROM SDK version | 27
ROM/Recovery modversion | 15.1-20181107-NIGHTLY-wt88047
Device Recovery | TWRP 3.2.3-0-840f04f7
Device Name | wt88047
Device Model | Redmi 2
Device Type | phone
Device CPU | armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Device A/B-partitions | false
Installer Platform | arm
ROM Platform | arm
Display Density Used | 320
Install Type | Dirty[Data NOT Wiped]
Smart ART Pre-ODEX | false
Google Camera already installed | false
FaceUnlock Compatible | true
VRMode Compatible | false
Google Camera Compatible | true
New Camera API Compatible | false
Google Pixel Features | false
Current GApps Version | No GApps Installed
Runtime Permissions | Reset
Google Camera version | Legacy
Installing GApps Zipfile | /sdcard/open_gapps-arm-8.1-nano-20181108.zip
Installing GApps Version | 20181108
Installing GApps Type | nano
Config Type |
Using gapps-config | Not Used
Remove Stock/AOSP Browser | false[NO_Chrome]
Remove Stock/AOSP Camera | false[NO_CameraGoogle]
Remove Stock/AOSP Dialer | false[NO_DialerGoogle]
Remove Stock/AOSP Email | false[NO_Gmail]
Remove Stock/AOSP Gallery | false[NO_Photos]
Remove Stock/AOSP Launcher | false[NO_GoogleNow/PixelLauncher]
Remove Stock/AOSP MMS App | false[NO_Messenger]
Remove Stock/AOSP Pico TTS | false[default]
Ignore Google Contacts | false
Ignore Google Dialer | false
Ignore Google Keyboard | false
Ignore Google Package Installer | false
Ignore Google NFC Tag | true[NoRemove]
Ignore Google WebView | false
Total System Size (KB) | 999320
Used System Space (KB) | 773708
Current Free Space (KB) | 198744
Additional Space Required (KB) | 58440 << See Calculations Below
# End Open GApps Install Log

INSTALLATION FAILURE: Your device does not have sufficient space available in
the system partition to install this GApps package as currently configured.
You will need to switch to a smaller GApps package or use gapps-config to
reduce the installed size.
# Begin GApps Size Calculations
| Current Free Space | 198744 | 198744
Remove | Existing GApps | + 0 | 198744
Remove | Obsolete Files | + 0 | 198744
Remove | cmsetupwizard | + 0 | 198744
Remove | extservicesstock | + 20 | 198764
Remove | extsharedstock | + 12 | 198776
Remove | packageinstallerstock | + 5952 | 204728
Remove | provision | + 0 | 204728
Install | Core | - 94008 | 110720
Install | batteryusage | - 1324 | 109396
Install | calsync | - 1796 | 107600
Install | dialerframework | - 12 | 107588
Install | facedetect | - 612 | 106976
Install | faceunlock | - 9284 | 97692
Install | googletts | - 22708 | 74984
Install | packageinstallergoogle | - 5692 | 69292
Install | search | - 79388 | -10096
Install | speech | - 39128 | -49224
| Buffer Space | - 9216 | -58440
Additional Space Required | 58440

# End GApps Size Calculations

# Begin User's gapps-config

# End User's gapps-config

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