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Video Lecture Topics


Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic period
2. Indus Civilization Part 1: Origins,extent, society, economy and culture.
3. Indus Civilisation Part 2: Important sites and Archaeological
Discoveries, Contacts with other cultures, Problems of decline
4. Vedic Period Part 1: Political, social and economical life; Significance of
the Vedic Age; Evolution of Monarchy.
5. Vedic Period Part 2: Religious and philosophic literature;
Transformation from Rig Vedic period to the later Vedic period
6. Mahajanpadas,Rise of Magadha, Nanda, Iranian and Macedonian
Invasion and impact
7. Jainism Buddhism and spread of Buddhism
8. Maurya Empire Part 1: Foundation, Chandragupta, Kautilya and
Arthashastra and Ashoka
9. Maurya Empire Part 2: Administration, Economy and Trade, Social
10. Maurya Empire Part 3: Dhamma of Ashoka and Decline of Maurya
11. Satavahan Empire, Sung,Kanva, Kharvel
12. Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas
13. Gupta Period Part 1: Foundation, Samudragupta, Chandragupta
Vikramaditya, Kumargupta, Skandgupta
14. Gupta Period Part 2: Administration,Economy and Trade, Society
and Religious life, Science, Art and Culture
15. Disintegration of Gupta Empire, Post Gupta Period, Vakataka
16. Harshvardhan, Chalukya, Pulkeshin
17. Rashtrakuta, Chola, Chera, Pandyan
18. Invasion of Ghazni, Chauhan Dynasty, Ghorian Invasions,
Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate
19. Rajput Period: Gurjara Pratihara | Pala | Culture, Administration,
20. Delhi Sultanate: Slave Dynasty,Khilji Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty,
Sayyids Dynasty, Lodi Dynasty
21. Delhi Sultanate: Administration, Trade, Culture, and Society
22. Mughal Empire Part 1: Foundation, Expansion, Imperial Mughals |
Sher Shah Sur
23. Mughal Empire Part 2: Administration, Trade and Economy,
Religion and Society
24. Vijayanagar Empire Part 1: Foundation, Expansion, Ruling
Dynasty, Sri Krishnadevaraya
25. Vijaynagar Empire Part 2: Administration, Social and Economic
Condition, Architecture, Literature
26. Bhaktism, Sufism, and Sikhism
27. Deccan Sultanate
28. Maratha Empire: Shivaji, Peshwa, Governance
29. Advent of Europeans in India
30. British Consolidation in India
31. British Raj: Administration, Drain of Wealth, Economy, Famine
32. Sikh Empire, Maharaja Ranjit Singh
33. 1857 Revolt : cause and consequences
34. Reforms Movement in India
35. Indian National Movement Part 1:Rise of Nationalism, Indian
National Congress, Moderate Nationalism
36. Indian National Movement Part 2: Partition of Bengal, Home Rule,
Extremists, Muslim Leauge
37. Revolutionary Movement in Indian Freedom Struggle
38. Indian National Movement Part 3: Rise of Gandhi, Swarajists, Civil
Disobedience Movement, Dandi March
39. Indian National Movement Part 4: Quit India Movement, Netaji
Bose and Indian National Army, Cabinet Mission
40. Indian Independence, Partition of India, Integration of Princely
41. World History: Feudalism, Church Rule, Renaissance and
42. American Revolution
43. French Revolution
44. Industrial Revolution
45. Russian Revolution and Communism


1. Geological Time Scale, Origin of the earth, Earth’s crust |

2. Inclination of the Earth’s Axis – it’s effect on seasons, Latitude and
Longitude, Important Parallels and Meridians, Solar Eclipse, Lunar
Eclipse and Tides and their significance
3. Solar System, solar systems and planets
4. Geographical division of earth
5. Atmosphere, heat budget, temperature inversion
6. Pressure belts of the world, Wind patterns of the world
7. Air masses, fronts, Cyclones, Anticyclones
8. Albedo Evaporation, Humidity, Condensation, Precipitation, Weather
9. Relief of the Ocean, Fresh Water, Salinity and temperature of the Ocean
10. Movement of oceanic Current, Circulation of the Atlantic Ocean,
Pacific Ocean & Indian Ocean
11. Formation of Continents – Continental Drift Theory
12. Formation of Continents – Plate tectonics Theory
13. Structure of the earth, Earth’s Crust, Types of Rocks, Igneous
rocks, Sedimentary rocks &metamorphic rocks, Major Landform
14. Volcanism & Earthquake
15. Tsunamis, Tsunami Mechanism & process, Effects of Tsunami &
Tsunamigenic Regions
16. Geomorphic Process & Agents of Denudation
17. Weathering - Definition, Types of Weathering, Mass-Movements,
18. Landforms due to denudation agents, fluvial landforms
19. River landforms, groundwater landforms, glacial landforms
20. Landforms due to waves – Coastline of submergence , coastline of
emergence, Landforms due wind – erosional & depostional
21. Lakes - natural and manmade & Importance lakes on Earth
22. Plateaus, Formation, Types, and Major Plateaus
23. Mountains & Ranges of the world
24. Thunderstorm-its types, causes of lightning and thunder, Tornado
& Cloudburst
25. Indian Monsoon and its mechanism & its effect on Indian Weather
& Climate
26. Effects of monsoon on Indian weather and climate, different
seasons of india, and there features,
27. Phenomenon in southern pacific, El-nino, La-Nina, El-Nino
Southern Oscillation, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Walker
28. El-Nino Modoki, Julian Oscillation, La-Nina Modoki, el-nino
southern oscillation, Indian ocean Dipole Effects
29. Climatic Regions of the world, Hot Wet Equatorial Climate,
Tropical Monsoon & Maritime Climate, Savanna Climate
30. Hot Desert & Mid latitude Desert Climate, Mediterranean Climate
31. Steppe type Climate, its vegetation and distribution, China type
Climate its vegetation & distribution.
32. British & Siberian Type Climate its vegetation and distribution
33. Laurential Climate & Polar Climate its vegetation and distribution
34. Factors affecting Temperature Distribution of Ocean, vertical
distribution of temp,salinity & density, horizontal distribution of temp &
35. Tides – causes, type and characteristics
36. Oceanic Deposits & its usefulness
37. Coral Reefs, Types, coral formation, condition needed for growth
of coral reefs, coral reefs in India
38. Primary Sector-Agriculture, Types & features
39. Distribution of Energy Resources in the World including India
40. World Industries- Mineral Resources, Usefulness of Resources
41. Industries associated and Factors Affecting Location of Industries
42. Major Industrial Regions in the world
43. Introduction of Physical Geography – Indian standard time, size,
india and world
44. Physical formation of India – Peninsular Block, Himalayas, Indo-
Ganga-Brahmaputra plains
45. Indian Physiography – Himalayan Mountains, Northern plains.
46. Geographical Territories – Peninsular plateau, Indian desert,
coastal plains, Islands.
47. Drainage(Rivers), Drainage Pattern, Himalayan drainage system
and peninsular drainage system.
48. Comparison between Himalayan & peninsular rivers, Drainage
Basin, Catchment area
49. SOIL-Types, Profiles, Factors Influencing Soil Formation
50. Characteristics & Problems of Indian Soils
51. Soil degradation & Soil Conservation
52. Agriculture – Evolution of Indian Agriculture in different phases,
salient features of Agriculture
53. Cropping season in India, Agriculture in terms of cropping
54. Challenges of Agriculture & steps to overcome it, Government
inputs for promoting agriculture.
55. Industry – sequence of Industrialization in India, Factors leading
to Industrialization in India, Major Industrial regions in India.
56. Distribution of mineral & energy resources in India.
57. Infrastructure - Transportation – Land Transport :- Road
Transport its advantages and problems. Rail Transport its advantages,
limitation of rail transport, distribution.
58. Water transport – Inland waterways, advantages, limitation,
distribution. Oceanic routes in India and world.
59. ports – Major ports in India, Types of ports. Air Transport – Air
Transport in India
60. Human demographic transition, population distribution.
61. Tribes – Definition, Classification of Tribal situated In different
regions of India.

Art and Culture:

Culture: An Introduction, Indian Culture,Geographical Factor in Indian
Culture By Priyadarshana Jain
2. Indian Sculpture Part-1: Pre-historic, Indus Civilization, Buddhist
Sculpture, Gupta Sculpture
3. Indian Sculpture Part-2: Medieval School of Sculpture, Modern Indian
4. History and Culture through the Ages: Ancient Indian culture
5. History and Culture through the Ages: Medieval Indian culture
6. History and Culture through the Ages: Modern Indian culture
7. Indian Languages and mythology
8. Ancient Indian Literature, The Purana, Classical Sanskrit Literature,
Literature in Pali and Prakrit
9. Early Dravidian Literature, Sangam literature
10. Medieval Literature, Modern Indian Literature, the Literature of
Nationalism, Reformism, and Revivalism
11. Religion and Philosophy in ancient India part1
12. Religion and Philosophy in ancient India part2
13. Religion and Philosophy in Medieval India, Bhakti and Sufi
14. Religious Reform Movements in Modern India
15. Indian Paintings
16. Performing Arts Part 1: Overview and introduction
17. Performing Arts Part 2: Music of India, Dance of India and Drama
of India
18. Performing Arts Part 3: Music of India, Dance of India and Drama
of India
19. Indian Architecture Part 1, Sculpture and Pottery Classification of
Indian Architecture
20. Indian Architecture Part 2, Sculpture and Pottery Classification of
Indian Architecture
21. Indian Architecture Part 3, Sculpture and Pottery Classification of
Indian Architecture
22. Science and Technology in Indian architecture
23. Scientists of Ancient India
24. Science and Scientists of Medieval India
25. Education system in Ancient and Mediaeval India
26. Famous universities of ancient India, Ancient Cultural Institutions
in India
27. Fairs and Festivals of India
28. Government Institutions Related to Art and Culture
29. Indian Social Structure. Socio-Cultural Issues in Contemporary
30. Spread of Indian Culture Abroad, Greater Asia in context of Indian
culture and Indian civilisation
31. UNESCO’s List of Tangible & Intangible Cultural Heritage in India
32. Award and Honors by Government of India


1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND PART 1: The Company Rule (1773-1858),

The Crown Rule (1858-1947)
2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND PART 2: Constituent Assembly, Salient
Features of the Constitution
3. Preamble of the Constitution(Text of the Preamble, Ingredients of the
Preamble, Key Words in the Preamble, Significance of the Preamble,
Preamble as Part of the Constitution)
4. What is Republic of India, the Union of India, and Territory of India,
Union of States, Parliament's Power to Reorganise the States
5. Amendment of the Constitution: Procedure for Amendment, Types of
Amendments, Basic Structure of the Constitution, Elements of the Basic
Structure, types majority
6. Fundamental Rights, Part 1.1: Features of Fundamental Rights,
Evolution of Fundamental Rights: A.k. Gopalan to Keshvanand Bharti
Case [Emergency]
7. Fundamental Rights, Part 1.2: Features of Fundamental Rights,
Evolution of Fundamental Rights: A.k. Gopalan to Keshvanand Bharti
Case [Emergency]
8. Fundamental Rights, Part 2: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right
Against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion
9. Fundamental RIghts : Right to Freedom
10. Fundamental Rights, part 4: Right against exploitation, Right to
freedom of Religion
11. Fundamental Rights part 5: Cultural and Educational right, Right
to constitutional Remedies, Writs- types and scope
12. Fundamental Rights part 6: Armed forces & F.R, Martial law & F.R,
criticism of F.R.
13. DPSP: Features of the Directive Principles, Classification of the
Directive Principle
14. DPSP: Criticism of DPSP, Conflict b/w FR & DPSP
15. Fundamental Duties, Swaran Singh Committee Recommendations,
Verma Committee Observations
16. List of Fundamental Duties, Features of the Fundamental Duties
17. Citizenship: Definition, Constitutional Provisions, Citizenship Act,
1955, type of Citizenship in India
18. Government: Types of Government, Features of Parliamentary
Government, Features of Presidential Government
19. India Parliament 1: Functioning, Procedures, Rules of Lok Sabha
and Rajya Sabha
20. Parliament - 2: Rajya Sabha - NCRWC, Parliamentary Standing
Committees, Punchhi Commission
21. Central Executive:President: Election, Role, Powers and
Responsibilities in Coalition Government Era
22. Election, Powers and Functions, Indian and American Vice-
Presidents Compared
23. Prime Minister: Role, Powers and Responsibilities, PMO and
Collective Decision Making
24. Cabinet System: Interface Between Cabinet and Council of
25. Cabinet Committees, Features of Cabinet Committees, List of
Cabinet Committees, Functions of Cabinet Committees
26. Parliament: Composition of the Two Houses, Membership of
27. Parliament: Leaders in Parliament, Sessions of Parliament
28. Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings, Legislative Procedure in
Parliament, Joint Sitting of Two Houses Part 1
29. Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings, Legislative Procedure in
Parliament, Joint Sitting of Two Houses Part 2
30. Budget in Parliament
31. Center-State Relations: Legislative Relations, Administrative
32. Center-State Relations: Financial Relations, Trends in Centre-State
33. Inter-state Water Disputes, Inter-State Councils, Zonal Councils
34. Emergency Provisions: National Emergency, President's Rule,
Financial Emergency Part 1
35. Emergency Provisions: National Emergency, President's Rule,
Financial Emergency Part 2
36. Emergency Provisions: National Emergency, President's Rule,
Financial Emergency Part 3
37. Parliamentary Committess: Parliamentary Committees
38. Parliamentary Committess: Parliamentary Forums
39. Parliamentary Committess: Parliamentary Group
40. Supreme Court: Organisation of Supreme Court, Independence of
Supreme Court
41. Supreme Court: Jurisdiction and Powers of Supreme Court
42. Judicial Review: What is Judicial Review, significance of Judicial
Review, Constitutional Provisions for Judicial Review?
43. What is Judicial Activism, Justification of Judicial Activism, Public
Interest Litigation?
44. Non - Constitutional Bodies: NHRC, CVC , NCBC, NITI Aayog, Chief
Information Commission
45. State Council of Ministers, Constitutional Provisions,
Responsibility of Ministers, Composition of the Council of Ministers,
46. State Government: Governor, Appointment of Governor, Powers
and Functions of Governor, Constitutional Position of Governor
47. State Legislature Part-1: Organisation of State Legislature,
Composition of Two Houses, Sessions of State Legislature
48. Chief Minister, Appointment of Chief Minister, Powers and
Functions of Chief Minister, Relationship with the Governor
49. State Legislature Part-2: Legislative Procedure in State
Legislature, Position of Legislative Council, Privileges of State
50. High Court: Independence of High Court, Jurisdiction and Powers
of High Court
51. Subordinate Courts, Constitutional Provisions, Structure and
52. Article 370: Special Status of Jammu & Kashmir, Features of J&K
53. Local Government: Panchayati Raj, Balwant Rai Mehta Committee,
73rd Amendment Act of 1992, provisions and extensions act, Finances
of Panchayati Raj
54. Municipalities, Evolution of Urban Bodies, 74th Amendment Act of
1992, Types of Urban Governments
55. Union Territories, Creation and administration of Union
Territories, special provisions for Delhi NCR
56. Statutory, Regulatory and Various Quasi-judicial Bodies
57. Election Commission, Union Public Service Commission, Finance
58. Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Attorney General of
59. Important Amendments to Indian Constitution and Basic
Structure: 42nd and 44th Amendments, some important amendment
60. Types of Political Parties, Recognition of National and State
61. Elections, Electoral System,Voting Behaviour
62. Representation of the People Act, 1951, Delimitation Act, 2002,
Anti-Defection Law
63. Civil Service in Democracy: Background of Civil Service in India
and What is the role of Civil Services in Democracy


1. Basic Concepts of Indian Economy in Simple Language

2. Basic Concepts of Economics, Indian Economy Overview, Sector of
Indian Economy
3. Inflation: Definition, WPI, CPI, Measurement, and Causes.
4. What is Monetary Policy, Monetary Policy of India
5. Rupee Devaluation, Depreciation, Export and Import
6. Unified Payment Interface (UPI) | Cut Motions | Policy Cut | Token Cut
7. Differentiated Banks – Small Finance Banks vs Payment Banks, Currency
in Circulation vs Reserve Money vs Money Supply - part 2
8. Differentiated Banks – Small Finance Banks vs Payment Banks,Currency
in Circulation vs Reserve Money vs Money Supply - part 1
9. Government Budgeting | Budget Documents | The difference between
Full Budget and Vote on Account.
10. Tax Expenditure and Budgetary Policies
11. What is Economic Survey? | Fiscal Deficit and Current Account
12. Sectors of Economy: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary,
and Quinary
14. Agricultural Marketing Reforms | Food Processing in India | Pink
15. Land reforms in India
16. National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF)
17. Indian Companies Act 2013: Salient Features | Make In India
18. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
19. Balance of Payments: Accounting Concepts of Foreign Trade
20. Index of Industrial Production (IIP) | Share of Industrial Sector in
the total GDP of India | IIP series changed in May 2017
21. NITI Aayog: The new ‘think-tank’ to replace Planning Commission
22. From Planning Commission To NITI Aayog: Evolution of Indian
23. Investment Models
24. How do States get revenue from the Center?
25. The Shrinking Central Plan and Growing Central Assistance.
26. 7 New Schemes in Union Budget 2018-19 | Budget 2018: List of all
27. Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) | Ayushman Bharat
28. Financial Market: Money Market and Capital Market | Money
Market Overview | Money Market Overview
29. Speculation, Hedging, Arbitrage and Investment
30. SEBI | Share and Stock Market: Common Questions
31. Self Help Groups (SHG) in India | Public Distribution System
(PDS): Challenges and Reforms.
32. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Role of NGOs in
33. Indian Economy Statistics: Know India Better.
34. Committees and Commissions in India
35. WTO, Trade Facilitation Agreement and Indian Stand | Fiscal Cliff
and Fiscal Drag
36. US Debt Ceiling Crisis and US Federal Government Shut down |
Greek Crisis | Venezuela Crisis
37. Shadow economy and black money in India
38. 10 Benefits of Goods and Service Tax | Complete Explanation of
GST and all related Amendments
39. Indian Economy: Issues Related to Planning, Mobilization of
Resources, Growth, Development, and Employment.


Ecosystems: Fundamentals of Ecology and the Concept of an ecosystem
and Structure and function of an ecosystem.
2. Producers, consumers and decomposes, Energy flow in the ecosystem
3. Ecological succession, Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
4. Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
5. Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction – Definition : genetic,
species and ecosystem diversity, Bio geographical classification of India,
India as a mega-diversity nation
6. Biodiversity at global, National and local levels.
7. Wetlands, Mangroves, and the Coral Reefs
8. Biodiversity Hot-spots
9. Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife
conflicts, Endangered and endemic species of India, Extinction of
Species and, IUCN, and the Red List
10. Part 2 - Earth Summit and the Evolution of Various Environmental
Organizations, Conventions and Protocols Related to Environment and
11. Part 1 - Earth Summit and the Evolution of Various Environmental
Organizations, Conventions and Protocols Related to Environment and
12. Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of
13. Protected Area Network- National Initiative, Global Initiative
14. Conservation Effort- Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Vulture, One
horned rhinoceros, Sea Turtle Project, Dolphin, Government Measures
15. Environmental Pollution: Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil
pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear
16. Government Initiatives, Degradation, Environmental Pollution
and Health, Acid Rain, Environmental Hazards, EIA
17. Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of
urban and industrial wastes. Disaster management: floods, earthquake,
cyclone and landslides
18. Solar Energy, International Solar Alliance, Wind Energy
19. Hydro Power Energy, Ocean Thermal Energy, Cogeneration
20. Waste of Energy, Geothermal Energy, Fuel Cells, Environmental
21. Environment Protection Act1986, Wildlife Protection Act1972,
National Forest Policy1988, Biological Diversity Act2002
22. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention
and control of Pollution) Act
23. Global Warming, Green house effect, green house gases, Global
emissions, Ocean acidification
24. Ocean acidification and Ozone Depletion

Science and Technology:

Chemistry Basics, Atoms, Molecules, Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures, Nuclear chemistry: basics.
2. What is radioactivity, Nuclear fission, Nuclear fusion
3. The Big Bang Theory, Higgs Boson: The God Particle
4. Classical Mechanics vs Quantum Mechanics, Standard Particle Model of
Quantum Mechanics
5. The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature, Dark Matter vs Anti-Matter vs
Negative Matter, Gravitational Waves: Einstein Was Right!
6. Gene Editing, Genetically Modified Crops and Regulations in India
7. What are genes, What is biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Gene
mutation, Human genome project, Cloning, Stem cells
8. Bioinformatics, Biotechnology and society, Biotechnology and
9. Supercomputers, quantum computers, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
10. Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrentcy,
11. What is Malware and Common Malware Types
12. What is Cyber Crime, Hacking, Ethical Hacking, Cracking
13. ISRO, PSLV, GSLV, Cryogenic Technology, Scramjet Technology,
Propulsion systems
14. Indian Satellite System, RLV, Chandrayan and Mangalyan
15. International Space Station, satellite orbits: GTO, LEO,MEO, GEO,
GPS navigation
16. RADAR,SONAR,Stealth Technology
17. Weapons of Mass Destruction, Chemical and biological weapons of
India, What is IED
18. What is Nanotechnology, use of nanotechnology, Nano technology
in India
19. LED and OLED, Plasma, LCD, CFL, CRT, 3-D and Animation
20. What Is Superconductivity, Properties, Applications and uses of
Superconductors, Research In India
21. What is Lasers, Robotics, Robotic Science in India
22. Basics of Botany, importance concepts of Botany, Plants,
Physiology, Anatomy and Morphology
23. Non Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy, Bio-Fuel,Hydrogen as
24. Carbon footprint concept
25. What is analog and digital, Optical fibre system, What is spectrum,
GSM and CDMA, Wi-Fi; Wimax; Bluetooth; WiBro; WAP; GPRS
26. Science and Technology in India, Science, Technology, and
Innovation Policy

International Relation:

Historical background of Indian diplomacy, Basic of foreign policy of
2. Indian foreign policy evolution, MEA, IFS
3. Post independence Indian Foreign Policy
4. Indian Foreign Policy during Cold war
5. Non-Aligned Movement
6. Armed Conflict with Pakistan and China
7. Fall of the USSR
8. Major changes in the world in the last few decades and its effects on
9. India-Pakistan Relations
10. India-China Relations
11. India and neighbours: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar,
Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal
12. India and various organizations: UN, G20, IMF, EU, World Bank.
13. India and the different regions: The Americas, Africa, West Asia,
Central Asia.
14. India in MECR: NSG, Wassenar Arrangment, MTCR, Australia
15. Gujral doctrine, Look East Policy, Act East Policy
16. Indus Water Treaty
17. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization reform of India in
18. India and UNSC | UNSC Reforms
19. Korean Conflict: North Korea, South Korea, USA, USSR and China
20. South China Sea, China’s disputes with its neighbors
21. India’s Nuclear Weapon Programme
22. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs)
23. India-ASEAN and India-SAARC
24. European Refugee Crisis in a Nutshell


Ethics in the History of Indian Philosophy
2. Ethics in the History of Western Philosophy
3. Introduction of Ethics: What is Ethics and Morality; Dimensions and
determinants of Ethics
4. International Ethics, Metaethics, Bioethics
5. Human Value: Types of Values, Fundamental Human Values, relevance
of Human Values
6. Transmission of Human Values and causes of value degeneration in
present times
7. Attitude: Attitude formation, models of attitude
8. Functions performed by Attitude, significance of attitude
9. Aptitude and Foundational Values for Civil Service
10. Emotional Intelligence
11. Contributions of Moral Thinker & Philosophers from India &
12. Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public Administration
13. Citizens Charter, Code of Ethics, Transparency in Government, RTI
14. Challenges Corruptions and Anti-Corruption Law in India
15. Probity in Governance
16. Case Studies
17. Case Studies

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