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ME 6004 Unconventional Machining Processes
Year & Semester: III & VI Date:
Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
PART-A (10X 2 =20)
Answer All Questions.
1. What is the necessity for unconventional machining process?
2. What is the effect of slurry concentration on metal removal rate in ultrasonic machining process?
3. In what way abrasive grain size influence the material removal rate in AJM.
4. List the abrasive used in USM? What are the criteria for selection of an abrasive?
5. Assess the influence of current in MRR in EDM process.
6. What is the different between ECG and conventional grinding?
7. List the EDM flushing techniques.
8. What are the advantage and disadvantage of ECM?
9. Compare LBM and EBM.
10. Write the advantage of PAM.
PART-B (5x13=65)
Answer All Questions.
11.a) What are the basic factors upon which the unconventional manufacturing processes are classified? Explain.
b) What are the basic limitationsof conventional manufacturing processes? Justify the need of unconventional
manufacturing process in today’s industries.

12.a) Explain the variables that are affecting the material removal rate and accuracy of the Abrasive jet
machining process.
b) Explain the construction and working of USM. Also compare traditional abrasive machine and USM.

13. a)Explain the principle of EDM with neat sketch.Also explain EDM servo system for automatic electrode reefed
b) Explain in detail about the positioning system, wire drivesystem, power supply, dielectric system of wire
cut EDM. Also discuss its process parameters.

14. a) Explain the construction and working of ECM with neatsketches. Also discuss about method of masking and metal
removal rate.
b) Explain the principle of wire cut EDM with neat sketch. List out the advantage and limitation of wire cut EDM

15.a) i) Explain in detail about process principle, equipment and working of EBM.
ii) List the application plasma in manufacturing industry.

b) Discuss in detail about the thermal features of LBM and explain the construction and working of LBM.

PART-C (1x15=15)
16.a) Explain the construction and working of AWJM. Also compare the WJM with AWJM.
b) Explain the process of PAM with a neat sketch. With respect to principle, equipment process parameter, advantages,
disadvantages and applications.

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