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~By Dweep J
What is Graphene??

Graphene is a relatively
new material, a sheet of
carbon atoms bonded
together with double
electron bonds in a thin
film only one atom thick
 It is theProperties
only two dimensional crystal
 Its carbon atoms form a hexagonal
 It is the lightest material known on
 It is one of the strongest known
materials, stronger than diamond &
steel, competing with Carbyne.
 It is the thinnest material ( one atom
 It is transparent, flexible and
 It’s more conductive than copper
Chemical Traits

 It is the most stable allotrope of

Carbon, the reason why its stronger
than diamond.
 The four valence electrons in the
graphene carbon atoms covalently
bond, meaning that they share
electrons with other carbon atoms in a
hexagonal arrangement to produce
Graphene. When stuck together as
Graphene, Von der Waals bonds,
bonds occurring through temporary
shifts of dipole movement from a brief
change of orbital electron positions,
hold them together vertically.
Graphene Lab Synthesis (1 of 2)

Top Down
 Start the process
 with Graphite
because it’s structure of
repetitive carbon
literally consists of stacked
 Oxidize the graphite with strong
acids for 96 hours. This creates
GO- Graphite oxide where sheets
are much more distanced and
thus weakly bound than in
 Exfoliate the structure by
applying a thermal shock to the
GO. Heat to approx.. 1000
degree C. This will open it up and
free up micro stacks of graphene.
Note: Individual sheets are hard to
obtain. Usually scientist conclude with
3to4 layer graphene stacks
Graphene Lab Synthesis (2 of 2 )

Bottom Up
 In High temp. reactor, pump
hydrocarbon asses in
 Hydrocarbon will break apart
and carbon from it will
adhere to a compatible
 The carbon atoms then begin
to assemble together into
graphene sheet
Note : After assembly,
scientists may transfer
graphene firm/sheets
into any substance
Graphene’s Importance in real world
(1 of 2)

 Generates electricity : Graphene has high

conductivity, it absorbs energy quickly and can be
used to store more than regular capacitance. So can be
used in Car Batteries to ensure long charge

 Touch Screens : Graphene shows more potential than

currently used coating of touchscreens which uses
Iridium dioxide Graphene. Graphene has higher
availability in nature , has strength and future
potential of bendable screens due to flexibility
Graphene’s Importance in real world
(2 of 2)

 Water cleaning : Graphene can be made permeable by

drilling microscopic holes. This can be used to pass
dirty water so that harmful salt would be blocked
however water can pass thru It is more effective than
other types of membrane.

 Boon for Chemist : Graphene has allowed creating other

2D crystals e.g. MoS2, Boron nitride, Fluoro graphene
etc. These structure allows various shares that
chemist desires. The best example of such application
is Carbon nanotubes used in healthcare, energy and
environment fields.

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