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Title: An agreement is not a contract but a contract is not likely an agreement

1. Introduction (where contract usually happen – business give example, importance of

knowledge on contract/agreement) : ½ page
2. Definition of contract and agreement : 1 page
- Definition of contract
a) In contract act, Section 2(h) – elements of contract: explain 1) agreement 2)
enforceable by law
b) Definition in other sources
- Definition of agreement
a) In contract act section 2(e)
b) Definition in other sources
3. Explain why all contracts are agreements: ½ page
4. Essential elements of a valid contracts – 8 points: 1 page
5. Explain why all agreements are not contract
- Give example of cases such as Balfour v. Balfour and explain why it is not a
contract (at least 2 cases to differentiate agreement which is a contract and not,
includes social agreement/legal agreement) : 2 pages
- What agreement are contracts : 1 page
a) Section 10(1) – free consent (s14), competent to contract (s11), lawful
consideration (s2d), lawful object (legal)(s10,s24)
b) Give example of cases wherever appropriate
5) Conclusion (summarize everything, main point which emphasises the difference
between contract and agreement i.e. enforceable by law when there is a breach of
contract) : ½ page

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