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Quiz 1 Class: BBA-VI

Choose the most appropriate answer

1. Which of these is a core underlying discipline that informs organizational behaviour?

a) Motivation c) Teamwork
b) Sociology d) Leadership

2. What is an academic discipline?

a) A topic that we study c) A set of questions
b) The ability to study well d) A field of study

3. Which academic discipline is sometimes described as the 'science of the mind'?

a) Sociology c) Political Science
b) Anthropology d) Psychology

4. Which academic discipline is described as 'the study of humanity'?

a) Sociology c) Political Science
b) Anthropology d) Psychology

5. Most social scientists believe individual personality is influenced by two main factors:
a. Local environment and family d. Inherited characteristics and
traits social environment
b. Social class and family e. All of the above
environment f. None of the above
c. Education and genetic make-up
6. In a Diversity Management approach, organizations seek to achieve a situation where:
a. Individual differences are valued by the business
b. All categories of disadvantaged groups are represented at management level
c. Individual differences are created through training
d. The organization has a homogeneous workforce
7. To what does diversity in the workplace refer to?

a) The number of people employed from different ethnic groups.

b) Increasing the number of women employed in the organization.
c) The number of different religious affiliation held by employees in the organization.
d) The range of personal characteristics of employees in an organization.

8. Individual differences are important because they ____________.

(a) mean we have to be different
(b) reduce the importance of individuality
(c) show that some cultural groups are superior to others
(d) help us more accurately predict how and why people act as they do
9. Proactive personality is ____________ in today’s work environments.
(a) punished (c) becoming more important
(b) missing (d) losing importance

10. Over the years, Tim has hired employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. He notices that some
of the employees are having trouble getting along due to cultural differences. What type of
program could he use to help his employees appreciate and understand one another?

(a) Corporate Retreats (c) Corporate Training

(b) Sensitivity Training (d) Empowerment Training
(e) On-the-Job Training

11. Which of the following is NOT one of the current trends in gender diversity in the workforce?

(a) Women receiving the same pay as their male counterparts

(b) Women being passed over for promotions as compared to their male counterparts
(c) Women desiring for their employers become good corporate citizens
(d) Women wanting greater flexibility, onsite daycare, and maternity leave

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