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Nursing Diagnosis :

Fear related to separation from support system.

Outcomes :

Within 24-48 hours

1. Patient uses effective coping behaviors to reduce fear response

2. Patient verbalize known fears
3. Patient identifies, verbalizes and demonstrates coping behaviors that reduce own
4. Patient states accurate information about the situation
5. Patient report and demonstates reduced fear


1. Determine the type of the patient’s fear by thorough, rational questioning and active
R: the external causeof fear can be known. Patients who find it unacceptable to expose fear
may find it convenient to know that someone is willing to listen if they choose to share their
feeling at some time in the future.

2. Assess the behavioral and verbal expression of fear

R: this information provides a foundation for planning interventions to support the patient
coping strategies.

3. Evaluated the measures the patient practices to cope with that fear
R: this information helps determine the effectiveness of coping strategies used by the

4. Learn to what extent the patient’s fears may be influencing his or her ability to function.
R: anti-anxiety medications or reffal to specially designed treatment programs is necessary
for persistent, immobilizing fears. Patient safety must always be a priority.

5. Open up about your awareness of the patient’s fear

R: this approach validates the feelings the patient is holding and demonstrates recognition
of those feelings.

6. Discuss the situation with the patient and help and help differentiate between real and
imagined threats to well-being.
R: This approach helps the patient deal with fear.

7. Tell patient that fear is a normal and appropriate response to circumstances in which pain,
danger, or loss of control is anticipated or felt.
R: this reassurance places fear within the field of normal experiences

8. Be with the patient to promote safety especially during frightening procedures or treatment
R: the physical connection with a trusted person help the patient feel secure and safe during
a period or fear.
9. Maintan a relax and accepting demeanor while communicating with the patient
R: the patient’s feeling of stability increases in a peaceful and non threatening environment

10. Provide accurate information if irrational fears based on incorrect informaation are present
R: replacing inaccurate beliefs into accurate information reduces anxiety

11. Familiarize the pastient with the surrounding as necessary

R: familiarty with the setting promotes comfort and a decrease in fear

12. Support the patient in recognizing strategies used in the past to deal with fearful situations.
R: this method allows the patient to think that fear is a natural part of life and can be dealt
with successfully.

13. Access community resources to meet the fearful needs of the patient and family (spiritual
counselor, social worker)
R: Appropriate resources render organized and regulated patient care that indicates
supportive healt care service

14. Initiate alternative treatments. Provide verbal and non verbal (touch and hug with
perrmission) reassurances of safety is within control.
R: Meditation, prayer,music, therapeutiic touch, and healing touch techniqueshelp lighten

15. Refer to cognitive behavioral group therapy

R: A reward comes from participating in a group is the opportunity to meet others with the
same problem. Event if not everyone will have same triggers or severity of symptoms it is
helpful to know thatthe patient realizes that her or she is not alone.

16. Allow the patient to have rest periods

R: relaxation improves ability to coppe. The nurse need to pace activities, especially to older
adults to conservethe patient’s energy.

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