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Name : Sayos David Putra Wijaya Sihombing

Student ID Number : 1705022032

Grade : Civil-3D
Subject : English

Revolution and the way of students face it

Industry revolution 4.0 is a name given to the current trend of automation and data
exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of
things, cloud computing and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 is commonly referred to as
the fourth industrial revolution.
The concept of industrial revolution 4.0 is a concept that was first introduced by
Professor Klaus Schwab. He is a well-known economist from Germany and the initiator of the
World Economic Forum (WEF) which through his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution,
stated that the industrial revolution 4.0 can fundamentally change the way we live, work, and
relate to one another Industry 4.0 fosters what has been called a "smart factory". Within
modular structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create
a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions.
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 began in early 2018 until now. Industry 4.0 is
an industry that combines automation technology with cyber technology. This is a trend of
data automation and exchange in manufacturing technology. In this era, the industry began to
touch the virtual world, in the form of human, machine and data connectivity, everything was
everywhere. This term is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). In my opinion (As a Student)
The industrial revolution in general occurs due to human desire to facilitate work and intends
to improve the welfare and quality of life of people in the world. However, advancements in
automation and artificial intelligence have raised concerns that machines will one day take
over human work. In addition, previous revolutions can still generate new jobs to replace
work taken over by machines, while this time the advancement of artificial intelligence and
automation can replace human labor as a whole that is replaced by technology and robotics.
The fourth generation industrial revolution is a big challenge for students today. This
big challenge can be a great potential to build a student movement. However, it can also be a
threat to the student movement. It all depends on how we see, process and deal with it. As a
student things need to be done to face and be able to survive in the fourth industrial revolution
we must be able to follow and adapt to developments and industrial changes in the world. We
must also be optimistic and positive and responsive so that students are not trapped in the
current flow of industrial development. Like the statement from the Minister of Manpower
(Menaker), Hanif Dhakiri, which stated that the industrial revolution would change the
industry and work character a lot. This also becomes a challenge for young people because
the demands of the capabilities needed also change. However, this challenge must be faced
with an optimistic attitude and responsive to the times.
"So people can say that the ones who will survive are not the strongest nor the smartest. The
ones who will survive are those who are most responsive to change," he said in the KLY
Building, Jakarta, as written on Monday (10/08/2018) . (Liputan6.com)
Change (revolution) is something that will definitely happen, so we as students must
also be able to evolve to follow and process change so that it brings a lot of good influence to
society and provides tangible benefits to human life.
Students are also expected to have an innovative and competent spirit so that they can take
advantage of existing opportunities and be able to compete in a highly competitive labor

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