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English Exam

( the Greek mythology one) ( I think it is the last DOL paragraph we did)

Unit 1
Churlish: lacking politeness of good manners
Collaborate: to work with, work together 
Evolve: to develop gradually, to rise to a higher level 
Decree: an order having the force of law
Grope: to feel about hesitantly with the hands
Hover: to float or hang suspended over; to move back and forth uncertainly
Plaudits: applause 
Preclude: to make impossible, prevent, shut out
Servile: relating to a slave
Unit 2
Bountiful: giving freely, generous, plentiful
Banter: tease
Durable: sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed 
Enterprising: energetic
Frugal: economical, poor 
Gingerly: with extreme care or caution
Invalidate: to make valueless, take away all force or effect
Oblique: slanting or sloping
Venerate: to regard with reverence
Wanton: reckless, heartless
Unit 3
Amass: to bring together, collect, gather
Audacious: bold, adventurous
Comply: to yield to a request or command 
Devoid: not having or using, lacking
Incapacitate: to deprive of strength or ability
Instigate: to urge on, stir up 
Perturb: to trouble, make uneasy
Skittish: extremely nervous, and easily frightened, shy or timid
Willful: stubborn self willed, deliberate
Unit 4
Annul: to reduce to nothing, to make ineffective or inoperative
Bolster: to support , give a boost to/ long pillow or cushion
Deplore: to feel or express regret or disapproval
Frivolous: of little importance, not worthy of serious attention
Obsess: to trouble, haunt, or fill the mind
Ornate: elaborately decorated
Oust: to remove, drive out of position or place
Promontory: high point of land extending into water
Qualm: pang of conscience, uneasiness, misgiving
Recourse: person of thing turned to for help or advice
Residue: remainder
Solicitous: showing concern or care
Staid: serious and dignified
….. The one with  this by it means that you have to know the verb form and noun
form of that word….. there should be ten, if not, then I forgot the rest….. this is based
on my memory, so I’m not sure of the vocab….. some definitions of the vocab 我打比
較短, so just in case u can go bak and check the meanings from the units

Odyssey Vocab:
Memorize the meaning of these words and also know how to identify them:
Epic, epic simile, epic hero, epithet

Know all the characters of the Odyssey (including all the monster, islands, king, gods
and goddesses, main characters, Odysseus’s servant, owner of the underworld, wife of
the owner of the underworld, allies of the Trojans) (the character list mrs berg told us
copy when we just started reading the Odyssey ALL!)

Essay: (choose one out of the 3)

1) something about revenge during Odysseus time and our time (?)
2) Romeo and Juliet are known to be star crossed lovers. Explain the concept of
3) Of all the novels we read in class, like Romeo and Juliet, the Odyssey, stargirl , of
mice and men, the house on mango street…, choose one that impact you the most
and how it relates to ur life experience

這些事我考卷上得東西所以辱果我們得考卷不一樣 那我就ㄅ知道了

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