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Q1: How many virtual consoles can be run by a typical linux system?

a) 7
b) 6
c) 5
d) 8

Q2: What is the procedure to change password in a virtual console

a) Root>passwd user_name> new unix password> retype new unix password
b) Root>passwd user_name> retype new UNIX password> retype new unix password
c) Root>passwd user_name> New UNIX password: > Retype new UNIX password:
d) None of the above

Q3: Which help command displays short description of commands & which command gives more in-
depth documentation of commands (Select any two)
a) whatis
b) - -help
c) man
d) info

Q4: Which remove command when used will recursively removes the directory tree and query
whether or not each file should be removed?
a) rm –i
b) rm –f
c) rm –r
d) rm –ri

Q5: Observe the commands carefully

[student@stationX ~] $ mkdir Projects

[student@stationX ~] $ mkdir Projects/graphs
[student@stationX ~] $ cd Projects
[student@stationX Projects] $ mkdir reports
[student@stationX Projects] $ cd reports
[student@stationX reports] $ mkdir ../Backups

How many subdirectories are created under the projects folder using the ls projects command?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) None of the above.

Q6: Observe the command carefully

[student@stationX Backups] $ cp ../reports/report_jan .

What does the (..) specify in the above command ?

a) Root directory
b) Parent directory
c) Current directory
d) None of the above

Q7: What is the symbolic representation of numeric permissions 777?

a) rwx - - x - -x
b) rwx - wx - - x
c) rwx - - - - - -
d) rwxrwxrwx

Q8: what does command specify ?

chmod u-w,go+x filename

a) grant write access to user & grant execute access to group and others.
b) deny write access to user & deny execute access to group and others.
c) grant write access to user & deny execute access to group and others.
d) deny write access to user & grant execute access to group and others.

Q9: How many separate files are created using the touch command below?

[student@stationX ~] touch {report, sales}_{jan,feb,mar,april}

a) 6
b) 8
c) 7
d) 9

Q10: What does chmod command specify..

a) Change group
b) Change mode
c) Change model
d) Change ownership

Q11: Which command is used to change the welcome message at the beginning of the virtual console?
a) cat /etc/issue
b) cat etc/issue
c) vim /etc/issue
d) vi /etc/issue

Q12: What does running the command "chmod 2770 /home/share" mean?
a). All files created in this directory will have read/write access granted to the group which owns
the directory.
b) The umask is changed to 007.
c) All files created in this directory will be owned by the group which owns the dir.
d) This would change the ownership to root.
Q13: Which of the following commands can give you access to a bash shell prompt during the Red
Hat Linux installation process?
a) .ALT-F1
b) .ALT-F2
c) .ALT-F3
d) .ALT-F4

Q14: Which command is used to change “small to capital” characters?

a) tr “a-z” 'A-Z' < lowercase.txt
b) tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < lowercase.txt
c) tr “a-z” “A-Z” < lowercase.txt
d) tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < lowercase.txt

Q15: In the below shown command what does the three digit number specify
chmod 640 filename

a) other> owner> group

b) group> other> owner
c) both a & b
d) owner> group> other

Q16: If you are logged on as a non root user which command is used to change identity to access root
a) sudo
b) su
c) su -
d) su - username

Q17: Which command is used to forcefully remove the subdirectories and all the files associated with
the directory?
a) rm – r
b) rm -rf
c) rm -f
d) none of the above

Q18: Which command creates empty files and also updates timestamps?
a) cat
b) vim
c) touch
d) vi

Q19: which command would bring you back to the root directory?
a) cd
b) cd /
c) cd..
d) .. cd
Q20: what are the two graphical environments provided by RHEL 5 ? (Select any two)

a) Virtual console
c) KDE
d) none of the above

Q21: Which directory holds the configuration file?

a) /usr/local/bin
b) /boot
c) /etc/issue
d) /etc

Q22: Which command displays detailed documentation with Name, Synopsis, Description, Options?
a) info
b) man
c) whatis
d) - - help\

Q23: Create the username eric and deny to interactive login

a) useradd eric
b) passwd eric
c) vi /etc/passwd
d) eric:x:505:505::/home/eric:/sbin/nologin

Q24: Where would you add files that you want distributed to all new users?
a) /etc/skel
b) /home
c) /etc/users
d) /etc/passwd

Q25: By Default Scheduling on Cron allowed to all users. Deny to all users except root to
run cron schedule.

a). vi etc/cron.allow
b). vi /etc/cron.allow
c). vi /etc/cron.allow
d). vi /etc/allow

Q26: which symbol represents root login of a user?

a) $
b) #
c) ~
d) !
Q27: Which command enables the user to get to the graphical mode from the virtual console mode ?

a) Ctrl+Shift+1
b) Ctrl+Shift+1
c) Ctrl+alt+F1
d) Ctrl+Shift+alt+1

Q28: which command is used to view both the user and group added

a) vim /etc/issue
b) cat /etc/issue
c) cat /etc/group
d) cat /etc/user

Q29: which command is used to change the group password?

a) gpasswd groupname
b) passwprd groupname
c) passwd groupname
d) none of the above

Q30: what does chmod 755 dir specify?

a) Grants read only permission to the owner, write and execute to group and others.
b) Grants write permission to the owner, read and execute to group and others.
c) Grants read & write permission to the owner, execute to group and others.
d) Grants full permission to the owner, read and execute to group and others.

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