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Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085 – 1104


Estimation of wave run-up on smooth, impermeable slopes using

the wave momentum flux parameter
Steven A. Hughes*
Research Hydraulic Engineer, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory,
3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MI 39180-6199, USA
Received 23 April 2003; received in revised form 29 June 2004; accepted 16 July 2004
Available online 3 October 2004


This paper re-examines existing wave run-up data for regular, irregular and solitary waves on smooth, impermeable plane
slopes. A simple physical argument is used to derive a new wave run-up equation in terms of a dimensionless wave parameter
representing the maximum, depth-integrated momentum flux in a wave as it reaches the toe of the structure slope. This
parameter is a physically relevant descriptor of wave forcing having units of force. The goal of the study was to provide an
estimation technique that was as good as existing formulas for breaking wave run-up and better at estimating nonbreaking wave
run-up. For irregular waves breaking on the slope, a single formula for the 2% run-up elevation proved sufficient for all slopes
in the range 2/3VtanaV1/30. A slightly different formula is given for nonbreaking wave run-up. In addition, two new equations
for breaking and nonbreaking solitary maximum wave run-up on smooth, impermeable plane slopes are presented in terms of
the wave momentum flux parameter for solitary waves. This illustrates the utility of the wave momentum flux parameter for
nonperiodic waves.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Coastal structures; Impermeable slopes; Iribarren number; Irregular wave run-up; Solitary waves; Solitary wave run-up; Wave
momentum flux; Wave run-up

1. Introduction flooding are related, in part, to wave run-up. Being

able to estimate maximum wave run-up accurately can
Maximum wave run-up is an important design lead to more economical design. For example, the
criterion for several types of coastal structures such as upper limit of expected wave run-up determines the
revetments, breakwaters and dikes. Also, beach crest elevation of a coastal structure designed to
processes such as beach/dune erosion and storm prevent wave overtopping. Overestimating maximum
wave run-up could add significant cost to a rubble-
mound breakwater. Below is a sampling of published
* Tel.: +1 601 634 2026; fax: +1 601 634 3433. papers related to wave run-up on coastal structures to
E-mail address: Steven.A.Hughes@erdc.usace.army.mil. give an idea of how predictive capability has
0378-3839/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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29 JUN 2004 00-00-2004 to 00-00-2004
Estimation of wave run-up on smooth, impermeable slopes using the wave 5b. GRANT NUMBER
momentum flux parameter





U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,Coastal and
Hydraulics Laboratory,3909 Halls Ferry Road,Vicksburg,MS,39180-6199




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1086 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

progressed since 1950. This is by no means a dimensionally nonhomogeneous equation for maxi-
comprehensive overview of the run-up literature, mum run-up R given as
and papers describing the more recent advances aimed
at modeling wave run-up numerically have been R tana
¼ 2:3 rffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
excluded. H H
1.1. Regular wave run-up
where T is wave period and a is structure slope angle.
Among the earlier investigations of wave run-up Recognizing that the coefficient 2.3 has units of ft1/2/s,
are the contributions of Granthem (1953), Saville Eq. (2) can be expressed as a dimensionally homoge-
(1955, 1956, 1958) and Savage (1958). These neous equation with the introduction of the gravity
researchers measured wave run-up caused by regular constant in imperial units, i.e.,
wave trains impinging on various types of smooth and
rough sloping structures, composite slope structures R tana R
¼ 1:0 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi or ¼ 1:0no ð3Þ
and other variations (stepped, recurved, etc.). Run-up H H=Lo H
results were plotted as functions of various wave
parameters and structure slope, but no design formulas where the deepwater wavelength is given by L o=
were given. Wave run-up estimation guidance was ( g/2p)T 2, and
given in the earliest version of the Corps of Engineers’
Shore Protection Manual (Beach Erosion Board, tana
no ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
1961) as a series of design nomograms, and this H=Lo
technique for regular wave run-up was propagated for
over 20 years in essentially the same form (Shore is defined as the deepwater Iribarren number
Protection Manual, 1984), although extensions were (Iribarren and Nogales, 1949), also known as the
made based on a reanalysis of regular wave run-up by bsurf similarity parameterQ (Battjes, 1974a). Often
Stoa (1978). the parameter n o is calculated using a finite-depth
Early practical formulas for regular wave run-up local wave height in the vicinity of the slope toe
on smooth and rough plane slopes and composite rather than a true deepwater H o. For example, in
slopes were presented by Hunt (1959). Curiously, laboratory experiments, it is common to specify H
Hunt was a Major in the Corps of Engineers as the wave height measured over the flat-bottom
stationed in Detroit, MI, but his run-up formulas portion of the wave facility before significant wave
were never included in any version of the Corps’ transformation occurs due to shoaling. In some
Shore Protection Manual. Hunt recognized that cases, HcH o, but this is not always assured. For
different formulas would be needed to differentiate the discussion in this paper, we will assume that n o
run-up caused by nonbreaking waves that surge up is based on the local wave height at or near the toe
steeper slopes from run-up caused by waves that of the slope rather than H o.
break on milder slopes as plunging or spilling
breakers. 1.2. Irregular wave run-up
For surging waves on plane, impermeable slopes,
Hunt (1959) recommended simply The capability to predict maximum wave run-up on
a variety of structure slopes and surface types
R advanced structure design, but the above regular wave
c3 ð1Þ
H methods were not altogether realistic given the
irregular character of natural sea states. The impor-
where R is the maximum vertical run-up from SWL tance of irregular wave run-up on structures was
and H is wave height (assumed to be the deepwater acknowledged in the 1977 and 1984 editions of the
wave height, i.e., HcH o). Hunt’s analysis for the case SPM (Shore Protection Manual, 1977, 1984). Based
where waves break on the slope resulted in a on earlier publications suggesting irregular wave run-
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1087

up for wind generated waves is Rayleigh distributed, the formula should be restricted to values of n op
V b2,
the SPM proposed a Rayleigh cumulative distribution and they demonstrated good correspondence to Eq.
for estimating run-up given by (8) for large-scale laboratory run-up experiments with
 1=2 plunging breakers on slopes between tana=1/3–1/8.
RP ln P Battjes (1974b) also included reduction factors to
¼  ð5Þ
Rs 2 account for various rough slopes (rock, concrete
armor, etc.) and his table was included in the SPM.
where P is the exceedence probability, R P is the run-
Ahrens (1981) conducted laboratory measurements
up elevation associated with P and R s is the
of irregular wave run-up on smooth, impermeable
significant wave run-up. In other words, the run-up
plane slopes with slope angles ranging between
level exceeded by 2% of the run-ups would be
tana=1/1 and tana=1/4. For the mildest 1-on-4 slope
estimated with P=0.02 and denoted as R 0.02. The
where most of the waves broke on the slope as
SPM recommended R s be estimated as the regular
plunging breakers, Ahrens proposed the run-up
wave run-up value determined from the existing
elevation exceeded by 2% of the run-ups be estimated
nomogram procedures.
using the Hunt formula (Eq. (3)), i.e.,
For many years, the Netherlands used a simple
formula for estimating irregular wave run-up given by Ru2%
¼ 1:6nop ð9Þ
Wassing (1957) as Hmo
Ru2% ¼ 8H1=3 tan a ð6Þ where
where R u2% is the vertical elevation from SWL tana
nop ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð10Þ
exceeded by 2% of the run-ups and H 1/3 is the Hmo =Lop
significant wave height (average of the highest 1/3
waves) at the toe of the structure slope. This formula and H mo is the energy-based zeroth-moment wave
was valid for milder slopes with tanaV1/3. height. The coefficient 1.6 is near the high limit given
Battjes (1974b) demonstrated the applicability of by Battjes (1974b). Similar formulas were given for
the Hunt formula (Eq. (3)) for irregular waves significant run-up and mean run-up. For steeper
breaking as plungers on the slope for the 2% run-up slopes, Ahrens gave an expanded equation in the form
level with the formulation ! !2
RX Hmo Hmo
Ru2% tana ¼ C1 þ C2 þ C3 ð11Þ
¼ Cm nom where nom ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð7Þ Hmo gTp2 gTp2
H1=3 H1=3 =Lom
where R X is a place-holder for run-up exceedence
and L om is the deepwater wavelength associated with levels (2%, significant and mean), and regression
the mean irregular wave period, T m. Battjes reported coefficients C 1, C 2 and C 3 are tabulated for different
the coefficient C m varied from 1.49 for fully slopes and exceedence levels.
developed seas to 1.87 for seas in the initial stages In Ahrens (1981), significant wave height was
of development. Prototype measurements by Grüne denoted as H s, but this value was calculated from the
(1982) expanded the range of C m to between 1.33 and measured wave spectra according to the definition for
2.86. Van der Meer and Stam (1992) converted Eq. (7) H mo (Ahrens, personal communication). This raises an
to a slightly different form interesting point with respect to design formula that
Ru2% tana use the notation H s to represent irregular waves.
¼ Cp nop V ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
V where nop ð8Þ Unless explicitly stated, the user cannot be certain
H1=3 H1=3 =Lop
whether H s means the time-series wave parameter H 1/3
and L op is the deepwater wavelength associated with or the frequency-domain parameter H mo. For narrow-
the peak spectral wave period, T p. The range given by band spectra where the wave heights can be assumed
Battjes for the coefficient C m was converted to Rayleigh distributed, H 1/3cH mo, and it matters not
1.3VC pV1.7 by assuming the ratio T p/T m is approx- which parameter is used for H s in the design formula.
imately 1.1–1.2. Van der Meer and Stam also noted However, as waves approach incipient breaking, H 1/3
1088 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

becomes larger than H mo and the design formulas will shallow water structures. Thus, there could be
give different answers. Thus, it is important to uncertainty regarding wave run-up formula accuracy
determine which parameter is meant by the notation under these conditions.
H s. In the recently available Coastal Engineering
Ahrens et al. (1993) examined a large set of run-up Manual (CEM) (Burcharth and Hughes, 2002), two
data for smooth, impermeable slopes ranging between sets of design guidance are presented for irregular
tana=1/1–1/4, and they proposed design formulas for wave run-up on smooth, impermeable slopes. For
significant and 2% run-up elevations. These formulas steeper slopes in the range tana=1/1–1/4, the data of
were then compared to other published data sets, and Ahrens (1981) was represented by
modifications to the formulas were made where 
necessary. The final recommended equation for ¼ 1:6nop for nop V2:5 ð16Þ
breaking waves (plunging or spilling on the slope) Hmo
was given as
Ru2% 2:26nop  
¼ for nop V2:5 ð12Þ Ru2%
Hmo 1 þ 0:324nop ¼ 4:5  0:2nop for 2:5bnop b9 ð17Þ
Once again, the irregular wave deepwater Iribarren
with n op based on H mo and T p. The appearance of n op number is based on T p and H mo at, or near, the toe of
in both the numerator and denominator has no the slope. For milder structure slopes in the range
physical meaning, it is simply an empirical fit to the tana=1/3–1/8, the CEM recommends the guidance of
data. For nonbreaking waves (surging/collapsing), De Waal and Van der Meer (1992), given by
Ahrens et al. recommended
Ru2%  ¼ 1:5nop
V for 0:5bnop
V V2:0 ð18Þ
¼ 1:6F0:24 for nop z4:0 ð13Þ H1=3
with the significant run-up estimated by
h i ¼ 3:0nop
V for 2:0bnop
V b4 ð19Þ
Rs H1=3
¼ exp 2:48Xp þ 0:446ðcosaÞ3:5 þ 0:19P
 with n op
V calculated using T p and H 1/3. De Waal and
for nop z4:0Þ ð14Þ Van der Meer stated water depth at the toe of the
structure was at least three times H 1/3 for all data used
where to establish Eqs. (18) and (19) so they assumed waves
    were Rayleigh distributed. Therefore, it should be
h cota h cota 2 Hmo =Lp reasonable to apply Eqs. (18) and (19) using H mo
Xp ¼  and P ¼   3
Lp Lp 2ph instead of H 1/3. De Waal and Van der Meer (1992)
tanh also developed guidance for run-up on composite
slopes (berm), and they gave reduction factors for
ð15Þ slope roughness, shallow water and incident wave
and h is the water depth at the toe of the structure, and All of the wave run-up studies discussed above
L p is the local wavelength associated with the spectral pertain to run-up on coastal structures with slopes as
peak period T p. In the transitional range 2.5bn opb4.0, mild as tana=1/8. Not as many laboratory experiments
a weighted average technique was proposed. A key have been conducted for more gentle slopes similar to
point made by Ahrens et al. (1993) was the lack of those found on natural beaches.
wave run-up data representing severe wave conditions Mase (1989) presented results from irregular wave
(0.33VH mo/hV0.60) relative to water depth at the run-up experiments on mild impermeable plane
structure toe which may be the design condition for slopes of tana=1/5, 1/10, 1/20 and 1/30. He
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1089

expressed the 2%-run-up elevation as the following equation for breaking wave run-up, we see run-up is
function of n op directly proportional to wave period, slope and the
 0:71  square root of wave height, i.e.,
¼ 1:86 nop for nop V3:0 ð20Þ
Hmo R~H 1=2 T tan a ð22Þ
Mase also presented empirical estimation formulas
of the same form for R max, R 1/10, R 1/3 and R̄ with Thus, variation in incident wave height is less
different coefficients and slightly different exponents. important and water depth at the toe of the structure
It was noted in the Coastal Engineering Manual slope is not included. A possible explanation for the
(Smith, 2002) that Eq. (20) overpredicts the best-fit success of the Hunt formulation for breaking waves
line to Holman’s (1986) field measurements of beach may lie in the assumption that broken waves become
run-up by a factor of two, but the equation did provide selfsimilar during shoaling. Consider two waves
an approximate upper envelope to the measurements. having significantly different wave heights but the
Effects of beach permeability, nonuniform beach same value of wave steepness, H/L o. Depth-limited
slope, wave breaking over sand bars and other factors breaking will occur at different water depths on the
related to Holman’s data were not quantified, and slope, and the magnitude of the dimensional flow
these could explain the differences between laboratory kinematic parameters at breaking will be different
and field data. between the two waves. However, the good correla-
Douglass (1992) analyzed Holman’s (1986) field tion between run-up and deepwater Iribarren number
measurements of beach run-up and argued that beach suggests that depth of initial wave breaking and
slope was not an important parameter for predicting breaking wave kinematics are not critical for breaking
wave run-up on natural beaches. Plots of relative wave run-up because ultimately the two different
maximum run-up versus Iribarren number showed no waves having the same value of H/L o become similar
better correlation than plots of maximum relative run- in the surf zone as observed by Battjes (1974a).
up versus wave steepness. Furthermore, maximum rel- For nonbreaking wave run-up, we should expect
ative run-up plotted as a function of beach slope exhi- wave kinematics to be more important, particularly for
bited little correlation. Given the problem of defining shallow water nonlinear waves approaching limiting
beach slope and the slope variability, Douglass sug- steepness. Wave steepness contained in the deepwater
gested that beach slope be eliminated from the run-up Iribarren number (H/L o) does not adequately charac-
equation when applied to beaches, and he proposed the terize wave nonlinearity in shallow water, so we might
following equation based on Holman’s data expect poorer results when using n o to estimate
nonbreaking wave run-up. It is anticipated that water
Rmax 0:12 depth at the structure toe will become an important
¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð21Þ
Hmo Hmo parameter for nonbreaking wave run-up such as
shown by Ahrens et al. (1993) in Eqs. (14) and (15).
1.4. Present study
1.3. Importance of Iribarren number
This paper re-examines existing wave run-up data
Practically, all present day wave run-up guidance is for regular, irregular and solitary waves on smooth,
given in terms of the deepwater Iribarren number impermeable plane slopes. A crude model is used to
using local wave height, and there can be no question derive a new wave run-up equation in terms of a
about its significance when waves break as plunging dimensionless wave parameter (Hughes, 2004) repre-
or spilling waves on the slope. However, run-up data senting the maximum, depth-integrated momentum
for nonbreaking breaking waves that surge up steeper flux in a wave as it reaches the toe of the structure
slopes does not correlate as well to the Iribarren slope. The goal of the study was to provide an
number, and instead run-up appears in this case to be estimation technique that was as good as existing
directly related to wave height. Rearranging Hunt’s formulas for breaking wave run-up and better at
1090 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

estimating nonbreaking wave run-up. For irregular (2004) derived formulas for estimating the maximum
waves breaking on the slope, a single formula proved depth-integrated wave momentum flux for periodic
sufficient for all slopes in the range 2/3VtanaV1/30. A (regular) waves and solitary waves.
slightly different formula is given for nonbreaking
wave run-up. In addition, two new equations for 2.1. Estimates for periodic waves
breaking and nonbreaking solitary wave run-up are
presented. An estimate of wave momentum flux in periodic
waves was given by Hughes for first-order wave
theory in nondimensional form as
2. Wave momentum flux parameter    
MF 1 H tanhkh
Hughes (2004) introduced a wave parameter qgh2 max 2 h kh
representing the maximum depth-integrated wave 1 H 2kh
momentum flux occurring in a wave of permanent þ 1þ ð24Þ
8 h sinh2kh
form, i.e., the maximum over the wave of the integral
Z gð xÞ The dimensionless parameter to the left of the equal
 sign represents the nondimensional maximum depth-
MF ð x; t Þ ¼ pd þ pu2 dz ð23Þ
h integrated wave momentum flux, and it is referred to
as the bwave momentum flux parameterQ.
where M F(x,t)—depth-integrated wave momentum Eq. (24) expresses nondimensional maximum
flux at x and t; p d—instantaneous wave dynamic wave momentum flux as a function of relative wave
pressure at a specified position; u—instantaneous height (H/h) and relative depth (kh). However,
horizontal water velocity at the same specified integration over the water depth stopped at the still
position; q—water density; h—water depth; x— water level, and Eq. (24) does not include that part of
horizontal direction perpendicular to wave crests; the wave above the still water level where a
z—vertical direction, positive upward with z=0 at significant portion of the wave momentum flux is
still water level; g(x)—sea surface elevation at found.
location x; t—time. An improved estimate of (M F)max was obtained
Maximum depth-integrated wave momentum flux using extended-linear theory in which expressions for
has units of force per unit wave crest, and Hughes linear wave kinematics are assumed to be valid in the
speculated this wave parameter may prove useful in crest region so the integration could be continued up
empirical correlations relating waves to nearshore to the free surface at the crest. This resulted in a
coastal processes occurring on beaches and coastal slightly different expression given by
structures. He also noted that integration of Eq. (23)  
over a uniform periodic wave results in radiation MF
stress, S xx, as introduced by Longuet-Higgins and qgh2 max
Stewart (1964). However, values of M F vary over a 

1 H sinh½k ðh þ H=2Þ
wave from large positive values at the wave crest to ¼
large negative values in the trough, whereas the value 2 h kh coshðkhÞ
of S xx is relatively small in comparison to the  2
1 H sinh½2k ðh þ H=2Þ þ 2k ðh þ H=2Þ
maximum. When considering force loading on coastal þ
8 h sinh2kh
structures, perhaps better correlations can be made
using a parameter representative of the maximum ð25Þ
force in the wave instead of one corresponding to the
integration over the entire wavelength. However, the wave form is still sinusoidal rather
Estimates of (M F)max can be made for any wave for than having peaked crests and shallow troughs typical
which sea surface elevation and wave kinematics are of nonlinear shoaled waves and, consequently, the
known either through theory or measurement. Hughes extended-linear theory under-predicts momentum flux
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1091

Fig. 1. Wave momentum flux parameter versus h/gT 2 (Fourier wave theory).

under the crest when waves become nonlinear. For the above expression has a maximum error of 0.0014
both linear and extended-linear theory, the relative over the range of Williams’ table. Williams’ (1985)
contribution of the horizontal velocity term (qu 2) to tabulation of limit waves is more accurate than the
the total wave momentum flux varies between about traditional limit wave steepness given by
5% for low amplitude, long period waves to nearly
30% for waves approaching limiting steepness. Hlimit
To better represent the maximum depth-integrated ¼ 0:412 tanhðkhÞ ð27Þ
wave momentum flux in nonlinear waves, Hughes
(2004) used Fourier approximation wave theory for
regular steady waves over a horizontal bottom. He which overestimates limiting steepness for long
determined wave kinematics and calculated values of waves and underestimates limiting steepness for short
the dimensionless wave momentum flux parameter for waves.
selected combinations of relative wave height (H/h) An empirical equation for estimating the wave
and relative water depth (h/gT 2). Results were plotted momentum flux parameter for finite amplitude
as a family of curves representing constant values of steady waves was established using the calculated
H/h as shown on Fig. 1. curves of constant H/h shown in Fig. 1. A nonlinear
The dashed line on Fig. 1 gives the steepness- best-fit of a two parameter power curve was per-
limited wave breaking criterion tabulated by Williams formed for each calculated H/h curve, and the re-
(1985) and expressed by Sobey (1998) as the rational sulting coefficients and exponents for each fitted
approximation power curve were also approximated as power
curves. The resulting, purely empirical, equation
  representing the curves of constant H/h shown on
x2 Hlimit a1 r þ a2 r 2 þ a3 r 3 Fig. 1 is given as
¼ co tanh ð26Þ
g 1 þ b1 r þ b2 r 2
where r=x 2h/g, a 1=0.7879, a 2=2.0064, a 3=0.0962, MF h
¼ A0 ð28Þ
b 1=3.2924, b 2=0.2645 and c o=1.0575. Sobey noted qgh2 max gT 2
1092 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

where with the coefficients M and N approximated by the

H empirically determined functions
A0 ¼ 0:6392 ð29Þ
h    0:44
 0:391 H
H M ¼ 0:98 tanh 2:24 ð32Þ
A1 ¼ 0:1804 ð30Þ h
Even though the empirical coefficients and exponents  
in Eqs. (29) and (30) are expressed to four decimal H
N ¼ 0:69tanh 2:38 ð33Þ
places, corresponding accuracy is not implied. h
Rounding to two decimal places should be reasonably
adequate for practical application of these empirical Note that maximum depth-integrated wave momen-
equations. tum flux for solitary waves is a function of only
The empirical equation represented by Eq. (28), relative wave height, H/h. The first bracketed term in
along with Eqs. (29) and (30), provides an easy Eq. (31) arises from the dynamic pressure, and the
method for estimating maximum wave momentum second term represents the contribution of horizontal
flux for finite amplitude, steady, regular waves. This velocity to the maximum wave momentum flux.
formulation gives more accurate estimates of the true The solitary wave estimates of the wave momen-
maximum depth-integrated wave momentum flux tum flux parameter represent the upper limit of the
than linear and extended linear theory because it nonlinear (Fourier) wave case when h/(gT 2) ap-
better represents the momentum flux in the wave proaches zero (see Fig. 1). At a value of H/h=0.1,
crest, which is expected to be critical for most the velocity term contributes only about 7% of the
applications to coastal structures. calculated momentum flux, whereas as at H/h=0.8 the
For irregular wave trains, Hughes recommended percentage increases to around 38% of the total.
that the wave momentum flux parameter be repre-
sented by substituting frequency-domain irregular
wave parameters H mo (zeroth-moment wave height) 3. Wave run-up as a function of wave momentum
and T p (peak spectral period) directly into the flux parameter
empirical Eqs. (28)–(30). While this might not be
the best set of irregular wave parameters to use, these In the following sections the maximum, depth-
frequency-domain parameters are commonly reported integrated wave momentum flux parameter is corre-
for laboratory and field measurements, and numerical lated to existing available data of normally incident,
irregular wave hindcast and forecast models output breaking and nonbreaking wave run-up on smooth,
frequency-domain parameters. impermeable plane slopes. Included are data for
regular waves, irregular waves and solitary waves.
2.2. Estimates for solitary waves
3.1. Wave run-up deviation
Hughes (2004) also derived an expression for the
nondimensional wave momentum flux parameter Archetti and Brocchini (2002) showed a strong
using first-order solitary wave theory given as correlation between the time series of wave run-up on
   2   a beach and the time series of depth-integrated mass
MF 1 H H flux within the swash zone. They also noted that the
¼ þ2
qgh max 2 h h local depth-integrated momentum flux was balanced
    mainly by the weight of water in the swash zone,
N2 H M H which was approximated as a triangular wedge. Their
þ þ1 tan þ1
2M h 2 h observation suggests that maximum wave run-up on
   an impermeable slope might be directly proportional
1 3 M H to the maximum depth-integrated wave momentum
þ tan þ1 ð31Þ
3 2 h flux contained in the wave before it reaches the toe of
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1093

the slope. In this section, a simple derivation is equation based on the dimensionless maximum wave
performed based on this assumption. momentum flux parameter, i.e.,
Fig. 2 depicts a simplification of wave run-up
1=2 1=2

ð Þ
geometry at the point of maximum wave run-up. The R 2K tana MF
force of the wave has bpushedQ the water up the ¼ P ð36Þ
h tana qgh2
impermeable slope. At the instant of maximum run- KM 1
up, the fluid within the hatched area on Fig. 2 has
almost no motion. (Li and Raichlen, 2002 noted this
was nearly the case for solitary wave run-up.) or more simply
Following the lead of Archetti and Brocchini (2002), 1=2
a simple physical argument is that the weight of the ¼ CF ðaÞ ð37Þ
h qgh2
fluid contained in the hatched wedge area ABC
(W (ABC)) is proportional to the maximum depth- where C is an unknown constant and F(a) is a
integrated wave momentum flux of the wave before function of slope angle to be determined empirically.
it reached the toe of the structure slope, i.e., For convenience, the bmaxQ subscript has been
dropped from the wave momentum flux parameter.
KP ðMF Þmax ¼ KM WðABCÞ ð34Þ
In the new run-up equation relative run-up (R/h) is
where K M is an unknown constant of proportionality directly proportional to the square root of the wave
and K P is a reduction factor to account for slope momentum flux parameter. Representing the run-up
porosity (K P=1 for impermeable slopes). sea surface slope as a straight line is an approximation,
The weight of water per unit width contained in but, for waves on gentle slopes were wave breaking has
triangle ABC shown on Fig. 2 is given by occurred, this might be a reasonable assumption as
shown by Li (2000). On steeper slopes where waves
qg R2 tana behave more like surging breakers, the sea surface
WðABCÞ ¼ 1 ð35Þ
2 tana tanh elevation will have more of a concave shape, also
where R is maximum vertical run-up elevation from illustrated by Li. Another simplification in this deriva-
SWL, a is structure slope angle, and h is an unknown tion is the absence of slope friction, and this was shown
angle between still water level and run-up water by Archetti and Brocchini (2002) to be important for
surface (which is assumed to be a straight line). swash zone run-up processes on mild slopes where the
Substituting Eq. (35) into Eq. (34), rearranging and wave travels over a much longer distance.
dividing both sides by h 2 yields a new run-up
3.2. Regular wave run-up

The proposed run-up relationship given by Eq. (37)

was empirically fit to existing regular wave run-up
laboratory test results published many years ago by
Granthem (1953) and Saville (1955). In Granthem’s
impermeable-slope tests, waves propagated over a flat
bottom before reaching a linear slope that was varied
between 158 and vertical. Wave heights were some-
what mild with maximum relative wave height of
H/hc0.35. A total of 52 run-up values for slopes
ranging over cota=1.00, 1.43, 1.73, 2.14, 2.75 and
3.73 are used in this reanalysis.
Most of the waves in the experiments reported by
Saville (1955) propagated over a mild sloping bottom
Fig. 2. Maximum wave run-up on a smooth impermeable plane before reaching the impermeable structure slope. Run-
slope. up values were reported for slopes with cota=2.0, 3.0,
1094 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

4.0, 6.0 and 10.0 for a total of 100 observations. For assumed in the derivation of Eq. (37). The root-mean-
purposes of this paper, wave height at the structure toe squared error between measured and predicted R/h
was estimated by linear shoaling of the measured was 0.19, excluding Granthem’s 1:1 slope data.
wave height recorded at the offshore measurement For comparison, the same data have been plotted
location. Generally, waves were significantly larger on Fig. 4 using Hunt’s Eqs. (1) and (3). (Note that the
than in Granthem’s tests and only those waves with H/ ordinate axis is run-up nondimensionalized by wave
hb1.0 at the toe after shoaling were used for the height rather than water depth.) The Iribarren number
present analysis. characterizes run-up very well for mild slopes that
The wave momentum flux parameter was estimated produce low n o values implying plunging or spilling
for all 152 observations using the formula given by Eq. wave breaking on the slope. As slopes get steeper and
(28), even though application to waves with H/hz0.8 n o exceeds 2.0, scatter becomes greater. Granthem’s
is not strictly appropriate. A best-fit of Eq. (37) to the 1:1 slope data are problematic in this plot as well.
run-up data set yielded a reasonably simple equation,
 1=2 3.3. Irregular wave run-up
¼ 3:84 tana ð38Þ
h qgh2 Two published irregular wave laboratory data sets
were used to test the simple run-up relationship given
where (3.84 tana) represents the empirical function by Eq. (37) for irregular wave run-up. Both data sets
CF(a) in Eq. (37). The results are shown in Fig. 3 with represent normally incident wave run-up on smooth,
the straight line representing Eq. (38). Granthem’s impermeable plane slopes. Fig. 5 shows irregular
data are solid markers and Saville’s data are hollow breaking and nonbreaking wave run-up data for 275
markers. Most of the data follow the trend given by values of 2% run-up elevation measured by Ahrens
the straight line with the exception of Granthem’s (1981) versus Iribarren number for steeper slopes
results for a 1:1 slope, which have much lower run-up ranging between 1/4VtanaV1/1. The solid lines on
values than estimated. Waves on this steep slope were Fig. 5 are the recommended prediction equations
probably surging breakers or nonbreaking waves, (Eqs. (16) and (17)) given in the Coastal Engineering
which do not conform to the straight-line sea surface Manual. Data corresponding to milder slopes are

Fig. 3. Regular wave relative run-up versus Eq. (38).

S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1095

Fig. 4. Nondimensional run-up versus Iribarren number for regular waves.

clustered reasonably well for values of Iribarren Mase (1989) listed 120 values of 2%-run-up
number below about 3.0. At values of n opN3.0 elevation for milder slopes ranging between 1/30
(representing steeper slopes and/or longer nonbreak- VtanaV1/5. Fig. 6 plots nondimensional 2% run-up
ing waves) scatter increases significantly. Ahrens et al. R u2%/H mo versus Iribarren number n op. The solid line
(1993) discussed reasons for the scatter and proposed is Mase’s best fit to the data previously given by Eq.
modified equations (Eqs. (12)–(15)) to reduce the (20). A very good fit is seen for all but a few points for
scatter for nonbreaking wave conditions. the steepest slope at n opN2.5.

Fig. 5. Ahrens’ (1981) original 2% run-up data plotted versus n op.

1096 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

Fig. 6. Mase’s (1989) data plotted versus Iribarren number.

Application of maximum depth-integrated wave so it was necessary to extract T p from given values of
momentum flux parameter to irregular waves requires n op using H mo and tana. (Mase’s listed values of H mo/
substitution of representative irregular wave parame- L op appeared to have been rounded off and would
ters H mo and T p for the regular wave height H and have produced a less reliable estimate of T p).
period T, respectively, in Eqs. (28)–(30). Original data Ahrens’ (1981) and Mase’s (1989) measurements
provided by Ahrens included his measurements of for R u2% were normalized by water depth h at the
H mo and T p. Mase (1989) did not directly tabulate T p toe of the plane slope and plotted versus the

Fig. 7. Ahrens’ (1981) and Mase’s (1989) data plotted versus wave momentum flux parameter.
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1097

calculated wave momentum flux parameter as shown for all nonbreaking and breaking waves, are shown on
on Fig. 7. Ahrens’ data exhibited two distinct trends Fig. 8. The corresponding empirical run-up equations
that seemed to be delineated by a value of local are given as.
spectral steepness corresponding to H mo/L p=0.0225 Nonbreaking/surging/collapsing waves (H mo /
regardless of structure slope over the range of tested L pb0.0225):
slopes. This steepness value appears to represent
transition of breaker type from nonbreaking/surging/ Ru2%   M 1=2
½1:3cota F
collapsing waves for H mo/L pb0.0225 to plunging/ ¼ 1:75 1  e
h qgh2
spilling waves when H mo/L pN0.0225. Physically, the
for 1=4VtanaV1=1 ð39Þ
data indicate that nonbreaking/surging/collapsing
waves need more wave momentum flux than
plunging/spilling waves to achieve the same 2% Plunging/spilling waves (H mo/L pN0.0225):
run-up level on the same slope and water depth. At 1=2
slopes of tana=1/4 and milder, which includes all of Ru2% MF
¼ 4:4ðtanaÞ0:7
Mase’s data, there was no differentiation based on h qgh2
wave steepness. This implies that most of the for 1=5VtanaV2=3 ð40Þ
irregular waves were breaking as plunging or spilling
waves on the milder slopes.
The irregular wave run-up data from Ahrens were Plunging/spilling waves (any value of H mo/L p):
separated into two groups according to the steepness 1=2
Ru2% MF
criterion H mo/L p=0.0225. Mase’s data were all ¼ 4:4ðtanaÞ0:7
assumed to represent breaking waves. The data were h qgh2
then further divided into groups according to slope for 1=30VtanaV1=5 ð41Þ
so that a best-fit expression for the slope function
CF(a) in Eq. (37) could be determined. The best-fit Data for slope cota=1.01 and H mo/L pN0.0225
points for each slope, and the resulting slope functions did not follow the trend found for the other slopes,

Fig. 8. Empirical slope functions for breaking and nonbreaking irregular wave run-up.
1098 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

and thus, were excluded from the empirical

formulation as indicated by the range of applic-
ability on Eq. (40). This data set is evident on Fig. 8.
One possible explanation is that these shorter waves
on the steep 1:1 slope produced a run-up wedge with a
concave sea surface profile that was not well
approximated by the straight-line water surface
hypothesized in Fig. 2. Thus, the derived run-up Eq.
(37) is not appropriate.
Fig. 9 compares predictions based on Eqs. (39)–
(41) to Ahrens’ and Mase’s observed 2% run-up
values. Mase’s data are the hollow circles clustered
toward the lower left corner of the plot. With the
exception of data for slope cota=1.01 and H mo/
L pN0.0225 (shown by the X-symbol), the prediction
is reasonable. For comparison, Fig. 10 plots Ahrens’
(1981) measurements of R u2%/H mo versus estimates
using the prediction equations for steeper slopes given
in the CEM (Eqs. (16) and (17)). The new irregular Fig. 10. Comparison of Ahrens’ (1981) data to predictions using
wave run-up equations exhibit less scatter for the Eqs. (16) and (17).
Ahrens’ data set then the prediction equations
recommended in the CEM.
A single equation, given by either Eq. (40) or quite mild (tana=1/30) to fairly steep (tana=2/3).
(41), was found to work reasonably well for Previously, separate equations based on the Iribarren
breaking waves over the entire range of slopes from number were needed to cover this range of slopes for
breaking waves. Also note that the slope function,
F(a), in Eq. (40) or (41), i.e., (tana)0.7, has the tangent
of the slope angle raised to essentially the same power
as given by Mase (1989) in Eq. (20). As seen on Fig.
8, the 0.7 exponent of tana lessens the influence of tan
a on run-up as slope decreases. This agrees with the
observation of Douglass (1992) that slope angle
plays a less important role for wave run-up on mild

3.4. Solitary wave run-up

Run-up of solitary waves on impermeable plane

slopes has been well studied, producing both
theoretical/empirical formulas for maximum run-
up and numerical models of the entire run-up
sequence (e.g., Synolakis, 1986; Li and Raichlen,
2001; Li and Raichlen, 2003). Carrier et al.
(2003) crafted an analytical formulation for tsu-
mani run-up, and they noted the location and
direction of maximum wave momentum flux for
Fig. 9. Comparison of Ahrens’ (1981) and Mase’s (1989) data to the cases of initial positive and negative wave
predictions using Eqs. (39)–(41). forms.
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1099

For a given value of the solitary wave parameter H/

h, maximum wave run-up increases for breaking
waves as the run-up slope increases. However, when
the slope becomes so steep that the waves no longer
break, further slope steepening results in decreasing
values of run-up. The transition relative wave height
between breaking and nonbreaking waves was given
by Synolakis (1986) as
¼ 0:8183ðcotaÞ10=9 ð42Þ
h break

Because of the difference in run-up behavior between

breaking and nonbreaking solitary waves, each case is
considered separately.

3.4.1. Breaking solitary wave run-up

Measured values of maximum solitary wave run-
up for slopes with cota=11.43, 15.0 and 30.0 were Fig. 12. Measured versus predicted nonbreaking solitary wave run-
obtained from Hall and Watts (1953), Li (2000) and up—Eq. (44).
Briggs et al. (1995), respectively. Corresponding
values of the wave momentum flux parameter for
solitary waves were calculated for all the data. For
coefficients were then expressed as a function of slope
each structure slope an empirical coefficient was
resulting in the following simple equation for break-
determined that provided a best fit of Eq. (37). The
ing solitary wave run-up.

R MF 1=2
¼ ð1:39  0:027 cotaÞ ð43Þ
h qgh2

Fig. 11 plots the 112 measured run-up values

versus run-up predicted by Eq. (43). The solid line is
the line of equivalence and the overall root-mean-
squared error was 0.051. There is reasonable corre-
spondence between estimates and observations, but
that was expected because the same data were used to
establish the predictive equation. More importantly,
there is a bias to the comparison because the simple
derivation resulted in the wave momentum flux
parameter being raised to the 1/2-power. The data
actually showed that a better fit could be obtained if
the exponent varied from 1/2 for very mild slopes up
to a value of unity near the transition between
breaking and nonbreaking waves. This implies that
the sea surface of the run-up wedge changes from a
nearly straight line to a concave shape as the structure
Fig. 11. Measured versus predicted breaking solitary wave run-up— slope increases which agrees with run-up profiles
Eq. (43). measured by Li and Raichlen (2001). Thus, the simple
1100 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

triangular wedge derivation presented earlier is not and predicted R/h was 0.12 for all data, and the RMS
appropriate for steeper slopes and a more accurate error dropped to 0.034 when the three out-lying points
description of the wedge volume is needed. Never- were discarded. Also note that structure slope has a
theless, Eq. (43) yielded reasonable estimates for relatively minor influence for nonbreaking solitary
slopes between 1/30 and 1/10. waves.
A theoretical run-up equation for nonbreaking
3.4.2. Nonbreaking Solitary Wave Run-up solitary waves was presented by Li and Raichlen
Nonbreaking wave run-up data from Synolakis (2001) as
(1986, 1987) for a plane impermeable slope with
cota=2.08, and data from Hall and Watts (1953) for R 1=2 H
slopes with cot a=1.0, 2.14 and 3.73 were used to ¼ 2:831ðcotaÞ
h Li h
examine the utility of the wave momentum flux  9=4
parameter for estimating nonbreaking solitary wave H
þ 0:293ðcotaÞ3=2 ð45Þ
run-up. In this case, relative wave run-up R/h was h
shown to be directly proportional to the maximum
depth-integrated wave momentum flux parameter with Predictions using Eq. (45) are compared to the
a very good fit to the 122 data points provided by the nonbreaking run-up data in Fig. 13. Good corre-
expression spondence is seen except for the milder slope
  with cota=3.73. It is interesting to note that
R 1=5 MF substitution of Eq. (31) for M F/(qgh 2) in Eq. (44)
¼ 1:82ðcotaÞ ð44Þ
h qgh2 results in an expression containing terms with H/h
raised to powers that are approximately the same as in
Goodness-of-fit is shown in Fig. 12 for the nonbreaking Eq. (45).
wave run-up data. With the exception of a few outlying
points, the empirical Eq. (44) does remarkably well.
Overall root-mean-squared error between measured 4. Summary and conclusions

The goal of this study was to develop new

formulas for wave run-up on smooth, impermeable
plane slopes based on a new parameter representing
the maximum depth-integrated wave momentum flux
occurring in a wave. These formulas should be as
good as existing formulas for estimating run-up due to
waves that break on the slope and better at estimating
nonbreaking wave run-up.
A crude run-up formula was derived based on the
simple argument that the weight of water contained in
the run-up wedge above still water level at maximum
run-up is proportional to the maximum depth-inte-
grated wave momentum flux in the wave at or near the
toe of the slope. The derived general formula included
an unknown function of slope that needed to be
determined empirically.
Existing published wave run-up data for regular,
irregular and solitary waves were used to establish
the empirical slope functions for the new wave run-
Fig. 13. Measured versus predicted nonbreaking solitary wave run- up formulas. Reasonable predictive capability for
up—Li formula. regular waves was demonstrated for all but the
S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104 1101

steepest 1:1 slope. Existing regular wave run-up increasing wave nonlinearity, and thus, it is
formulas based on Iribarren number did better than anticipated that the new run-up formulas for
the new formula for mild slopes but poorer on irregular waves might give better estimates for very
steeper slopes. nonlinear waves arriving at the toe of the slope.
Irregular wave data from Ahrens (1981) and Likewise, there is hope that the wave momentum
Mase (1989) were used to establish the empirical flux parameter will prove equally useful for
slope functions for breaking and nonbreaking wave estimating wave run-up on rough and permeable
run-up corresponding to the 2% run-up elevation. structure slopes. However, both of these hypotheses
The wave momentum flux parameter was defined in remain unproven at this time.
terms of the frequency-domain wave parameters
H mo and T p. For waves that break as plunging or Notation
spilling breakers on the slope, a single equation a 1, a 2, a 3 empirical coefficients
was found covering the slopes in the range 1/30 A0 empirical coefficient
VtanaV2/3. In this formula, the influence of A1 empirical exponent
structure or beach slope on wave run-up decreases b 1, b 2 empirical coefficients
with slope in agreement with observations made by co empirical coefficient
Douglass (1992). The formula for nonbreaking C empirical coefficient
surging waves on steep slopes was limited to the C m empirical run-up coefficient
range 1/4VtanaV1/1. Comparison of predictions to Cp empirical run-up coefficient
measurements for both breaking and nonbreaking C 1, C 2, C 3 empirical coefficients
irregular wave run-up were good with the exception F(a) empirical function of structure or beach slope
of short-period waves breaking on the 1:1 slope. It e base of natural logarithm
was hypothesized that the sea surface profile of the g gravitational acceleration
run-up wedge was no longer a straight line in this h water depth from bottom to the still water
instance, so the crude run-up formula was no level
longer valid. Estimation of irregular run-up on H uniform steady wave height
structure slopes using the formulas given in the H limit steepness limit wave height
Coastal Engineering Manual produced generally H mo zeroth-moment wave height related to the area
poorer comparisons to the measurements of Ahrens beneath the spectrum
(1981). Ho deepwater uniform wave height
Maximum run-up of breaking and nonbreaking Hs significant wave height for irregular wave
solitary waves on smooth, impermeable plane slopes train
was adequately predicted using the wave momentum H 1/3 average of the highest 1/3 waves in an irregular
flux parameter for solitary waves. This illustrates the wave train
utility of the wave momentum flux parameter for k wave number [=2p/L]
nonperiodic waves. K M unknown constant of proportionality
The premise that wave run-up can be estimated KP reduction factor to account for slope porosity
as a function of the wave momentum flux parameter (K P=1 for impermeable slopes)
appears valid based on the data used to develop the L local wavelength
empirical formulas in this paper. As noted by Lo deepwater wavelength
Ahrens et al. (1993), there are few irregular wave L om deepwater wavelength associated with mean
run-up laboratory data for severe shallow water irregular wave period T m
conditions of near depth-limited breaking (0.33V L op deepwater wavelength associated with peak
H mo/hV0.60) relative to water depth at the structure spectral period T p
toe. So we are not really certain how the Lp wavelength associated with peak spectral
laboratory-based wave run-up formulas perform for period T p
what may be the design run-up condition. The wave M coefficient for solitary wave theory (function of
momentum flux parameter includes the effect of H/h)
1102 S.A. Hughes / Coastal Engineering 51 (2004) 1085–1104

MF depth-integrated wave momentum flux across a n om deepwater Iribarren number based on T m and
unit width local H 1/3
(M F)max maximum depth-integrated wave momen- n op deepwater Iribarren number based on T p and
tum flux across a unit width local Hmo
N coefficient for solitary wave theory (function of nVop deepwater Iribarren number based on T p and
H/h) local H 1/3
P exceedence probability p mathematical P I
Pd instantaneous wave dynamic pressure at a j wave function in run-up formula
specified position q mass density of water
r dimensionless water depth [=x 2h/g] x circular wave frequency [=2p/T]
R maximum vertical run-up from SWL
R̄ mean wave run-up elevation
R max maximum wave run-up elevation
RP wave run-up elevation associated with exceed-
ence probability, P
The research described and the results presented
Rs significant wave run-up elevation
RX wave run-up elevation associated with different herein, unless otherwise noted, were obtained from
research funded through the Scour Holes at Inlet
Structures work unit of the Coastal Inlets Research
R u2% wave run-up elevation exceeded by highest 2%
Program at the US Army Engineer Research and
of run-ups
Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Labo-
R 1/3 average of the highest 1/3 wave run-up
ratory (CHL). Permission was granted by Head-
quarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to publish
R 1/10 average of the highest 1/10 wave run-up
this information.
S xx wave-averaged momentum flux (also known as Special thanks to John P. Ahrens for so kindly
providing his original irregular wave run-up data.
radiation stress)
Beneficial reviews of the earliest draft were provided
t time
by Dr. Rodney J. Sobey, Imperial College London,
T wave period
and Professor Robert L. Wiegel, University of
Tp wave period associated with the spectrum peak
California at Berkeley. The author is especially
indebted to the journal reviewers for their useful
Tm mean wave period in irregular wave train
suggestions and encouragement.
u instantaneous horizontal water velocity at a
specified position
W (ABC) weight of water per unit crest width in area
ABC References
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