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Title: Increase the variability of foods

avaialble along the tropical belt of the

planet as a mitigatory measue to the
climate change


Author: Chandima Gunasena

Table of Contents

1. Problem identification ..................................................................................................... 3

2. General objective ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 3
3. Working principle ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Changing food habits ..................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Changing pattern of spreading human settlement schemes ...................................... 4
4. Activity plans .................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Activity proposed for changing food habits ................................................................ 4
4.1.1 Expected benefits and impact ................................................................................... 4
4.2 Activity proposed for changing settlement schemes ................................................... 4
4.2.1 Change pattern of spreading human settlements working example for Vienna ....... 4
4.2.2 Novel settlement scheme for Vienna ........................................................................ 5
4.2.3 Settlement scheme proposed for Sri Lanka could be used as an example ............. 7
4.2.4 Proposed vertically expanding human settlements ................................................... 7
4.2.5 Proposed Land management system ......................................................................... 7
4.2.6 Proposed industrial and drinking water management system ................................... 8
4.2.7 Proposed waste water and municipal solid waste management systems .................. 8
4.2.8 Proposed power, telecommunication and drainage management system ................. 8
4.2.9 Proposed plan for utilizing alternative energies........................................................ 8
4.2.10 Proposed transport facilities .................................................................................... 8
4.2.12 Social integrity and livelihood improvements ........................................................ 9
4.2.13 Commercial and industrial zone management ........................................................ 9
4.3 Expected outcome .......................................................................................................... 9
5. References:...................................................................................................................... 10
1. Problem identification
Humans were first started to find livelihood in savanna lands in Africa and started new way of
living standards forgetting the life standards in the earlier forest life. With this radical change
food consumption patterns were also changed. Variability of food intake was narrowed down
compared to the life in forest where hundreds of food items were available could be identified
as the natural nutrient profile. This natural nutrient profile includes all nutrients (carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and anti-oxidants) and medicines needed for a health life.
With the population growth and the advancement of the science and technology, humans used
various scientific breeding and genetic engineering technologies to increase the harvest for
selected crops grown as mono crops. Cereals became the staple food and eaten as the largest
portion of the daily food intake reducing the amount of fruits, vegetables and medicinal plant
With time gut microbial population was also changed accordingly and digestibility of the
human body was also changed to access less number of food items and mostly on processed
foods. Food items those could be consumed as raw materials were rejected narrowing the
variability in consumed food items and habit was created by the commercial world and market
was built to find food from the food stores than the forest or from the natural environment.
Research and development was carried out to increase the palatability using flour products
from cereals, neglecting the natural variability. This market dynamism created a huge market
for processed foods manufactured using cereals and economical boost was experienced with
the expense of the resilience of ecosystems and their services. Bio diversity was reduced
drastically due to mono cropping.
Humans built their homes by clearing the natural forest cover and landscaping was developed
as a new technological approach to decorate the living environment. With this technological
approach humans used plant varieties having foliage beauty and beautiful colors of flowers to
decorate the cleared natural environment to build their home gardens and fences around. They
forgot to use plants having small barriers and fruits. Due to this approach world wide drastic
change in biodiversity was experienced population density of pollinators were also reduced
affecting the reproduction of the biodiversity. Food production was handed over to few people
doing it as an income generating activity. Access to the natural nutrient profile even at home
garden level was lost and nutrient requirement was fulfilled by the market oriented food supply
system. Climate was changed and starts to give the natural feed back and that was identified as
a natural disasters. Mitigatory measures were identified using the best available scientific
technological methods and procedures without changing the consumption pattern and that
approach was became the unidentified scientific vicious cycle which fuels the climate change
where monocropping is practiced to feed the scientific community.

2. General objective
To increase the biodiversity in all human habitats to minimize the impact of climate change

2.1 Specific objectives

To increase the variability of items taken as foods by humans
To increase the biodiversity of all home gardens and fences around using inherit edible plant
To increase the edible plant varieties in urban environment
To introduce a novel human colonization
3. Working principle
There are two working principles proposed namely, changing food habits and changing
pattern of spreading human settlement schemes.
3.1 Changing food habits
Consume small potion from one food item and have large number of food items including
cereals, fruits, vegetables etc.

3.2 Changing pattern of spreading human settlement schemes

Instead of spreading human settlements horizontally across ecosystems it is proposed vertical
expansion of human settlements along the interface between lowlands and highlands.

4. Activity plans
4.1 Activity proposed for changing food habits
Hotels or restaurants who are willing to adopt proposed change must be identified and facilities
must include to choose very large number of food items to be purchased at a reasonable cost.
Supply chains must be arranged with an out grower system.

4.1.1 Expected benefits and impact

If there is a possibility of consuming small potions form large number of food items may create
demand for larger number of food verities and then farmers will grow large number of food
verities at their farm lands and they will develop their farms with higher biodiversity. This will
provides an opportunity to touch the natural nutrient profile again and let human beings to
consume large number of food items which provide carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and
anti-oxidants per one meal. This approach will again facilitate human body to become more
robust and healthy to tolerate the environment. Supply could be arranged using local and global
supply chains to supply large number of varieties of food items. Due to this approach entire
tropical belt will undergo a boost in biodiversity helping to mitigate the climate change by
consuming the natural flora and fauna diversity.

4.2 Activity proposed for changing settlement schemes

4.2.1 Change pattern of spreading human settlements working example for Vienna
According to Charles in the year 2011, human lineage was originated about 2.5 million years
ago. This coincides with the expansion of savannas, across East Africa. Replacement of
woodlands with savannas provided a chance to the ancestors of humans to stray from trees and
let them to walk upright across the grass. This new flat land gave an opportunity to free up their
hands for tool use.

With the advancement of the science and technology humans have passed several land marks
in modern development such as Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age (Essential humanities
2013) followed by green revolution, industrial revolution and heading for the fourth industrial
revolution Klaus (2016).

All human settlement schemes established in history as well as present days shows a common
feature. That could be identified as horizontal spreading of settlements. This approach lead to
encroach all most all ecosystems form north to south west to east for individual and public
needs creating pressure over the ecosystem services and resilience.
Increase of bare lands, loss of natural vegetation cover, surface and ground water pollution are
some of the impacts which may have trigger the collapse of ancient civilizations. Vienna shows
the same pattern of encroaching natural lands for human needs.

4.2.2 Novel settlement scheme for Vienna

Vienna was selected to illustrate the existing horizontal spreading pattern of human civilization
across almost all ecosystems across the globe creating devastating environmental changes.
What is proposed could be practiced any ware in the world first projects could be started along
the tropical belt.

Following figure shows the spreading of human settlement near Vienna international Center.
It clearly shows the horizontal spreading of human settlements encroaching all ecosystems.

Figure 1: Human settlements near Vienna Center

Figure 2: Settlements and farmland spreading in Vienna
Figure 2, clearly shows the farmland and settlement spreading near pfaffstatten and this
horizontal spreading of farm lands creates bio vacuum in the area allowing pest resurgences
and bio diversity will be decreased drastically hampering the all ecosystem services leading to
mass extension in the long run.

Figure 3: Land area nearby Gumpoldskirchen

Figure 3, shows the horizontal spreading of human settlements and farmlands towards the
natural forest area. This encroachment is not sustainable and we need to have new way of
establishing human settlements to safeguard the natural terrain features which support the
ecosystem services like, surface and groundwater resources, flora and fauna diversity, soil
fertility management using nutrient cycles.
4.2.3 Settlement scheme proposed for Sri Lanka could be used as an example
Housing schemes or industrial zones could be arranged as shown in the Figure 3. Land areas
for settlements, commercial and industrial purposes have to be selected along the interface
where highlands meet the low lying areas. This approach will eliminate encroach of highlands
with natural forest cover which provides the sponge effect to reduce the impact of the rain on
the ground and increase the infiltration to replenish the ground water aquafers. These aquifers
will then provide enough water during the dry season.





Figure 3: Proposed vertically expanded human settlements and industrial zones

for Sri Lanka
Similar procedure could be adopted in Vienna for future settlement schemes.

4.2.4 Proposed vertically expanding human settlements

Instead of expanding horizontally, it is proposed to expand human settlements vertically along
the interface where highland meets the low lying areas. All residential schemes, industrial
zones, commercial areas, including schools, hospitals and other public services must be
established in these proposed settlement schemes. Housing schemes will be constructed to have
more privacy with more space. Community centers will be provided to develop the social and
ethnical harmony.

4.2.5 Proposed Land management system

Existing individual land ownership could be maintained as it is. But stakeholders must agree
to have their settlements, commercial and industrial entities in the proposed schemes.
Government or the responsible local authority must develop a suitable cultivation plan for the
highland and low lying areas considering the local and global needs facilitating to establish
supply chains. Facilities have to be provided to utilize land resources individually and
collectively for agricultural and conservation purposes while linking with the local and global
supply chains. It is a community as well as government responsibility to safeguard the
highlands and low lying areas to support the ecosystem services to manage the ecosystem

4.2.6 Proposed industrial and drinking water management system

Vertical and Lanier arrangement of buildings along the highland, lowland interface provide
opportunities to handle industrial and household drinking water problems effectively. With the
new approach water could be saved and utilized efficiently than in horizontally spread
settlement schemes and more lands will be able for surface and groundwater management.

4.2.7 Proposed waste water and municipal solid waste management systems
Since buildings are arranged vertically and linearly community based disposal, collection and
transport could be arranged easier than in traditional horizontally spread settlement schemes.
This facilitates and encourages the recycling industry and production of organic fertilizers.

4.2.8 Proposed power, telecommunication and drainage management system

Power, telecommunication and drainage line management will be easier and cost effective than
existing housing schemes. Central and decentralized treatment plants could be established for
waste recycling and management. Production of organic fertilizer could also be easier and cost

4.2.9 Proposed plan for utilizing alternative energies

Solar and wind are the main potential alternative energies that could be utilized efficiently.
This will cut down the need of hydroelectricity and will lower the cost of production.
Bio mass energy is the other alternative energy which would be easily utilized at the household
level as well as the industrial level. Proper waste disposal facilities will provide lots of
opportunities to generate electricity for industrial usage and will generate more employment

4.2.10 Proposed transport facilities

Transport facilities could be provided very easily and everybody can have quality transport
service minimizing the need of individual transport systems. This will help to improve the
utilization of time and fuel efficiently.
4.2.12 Social integrity and livelihood improvements
People will have opportunity to live together in a safer environment without any disturbances
form droughts, floods, or from animals. Community centers and other social facilities will
improve the livelihoods of the community.
Since the hospitals, schools and other public services are easily accessed due to efficient
transportation system, people will have more chance to obtain educational, health and other
public facilities than traditional settlement schemes.

4.2.13 Commercial and industrial zone management

Proposed settlement scheme provides an opportunity to streamline the commercial and
industrial production. Financial, natural and human capital could be mobilized very efficiently
for a cost effective production process. Linear and vertical arrangement of the settlement
schemes will provide an opportunity to have better secure transportation system leading to have
time saving and production optimization opportunities in a better commercial and industrial
4.3 Expected outcome
Establishing the proposed settlement scheme along the interface between the highland and the
lowland will provide several benefits to the humans as well as the other flora and fauna
Instead of demarcating individual land parcels in those natural systems based on the ethnicity
or other cultural differences, people could enjoy in the aesthetically pleasing environment or
the beauty of the Vienna nearby fields or reservoirs as a community with the proposed
settlement scheme. Supplying power, telecommunication, facilities could be much easier and
drainage and sewerage facilities could also be provided efficiently and effectively.
Since it is very easy to establish road network and the transportation system, people will have
more chance to get education, health and other public facilities more efficiently. This will
improve the livelihoods of the rural people. People will have more socially coherent
environment to live while safeguarding the sensitive eco systems.
Highlands and lowlands could be managed to arrange supply chains for the hotels, restaurants
and markets to supply large number of food items through out the year. All these benefits could
be arranged in all countries along the tropical belt, since sunlight and rain water are available
through out the year this tropical belt could be used as the main supply area of the planet new
production orient human colonization could begin form this region. Likewise other global
climatic regions could be reorient in production by introducing the new colonization method
5. References:
Charles Q. Choi, (2011), Savanna, Not Forest, Was Human Ancestors' Proving Ground, Live
science, https://www.livescience.com/15377-savannas-human-ancestors-evolution.html
Visited on August 29, 2018
Essential humanities, (2013), an introductory guide to history and art history,
http://www.essential-humanities.net/history-overview/stone-bronze-iron-ages/ Visited on
August 29, 2018
Klaus Schwab, (2016), The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond,
and-how-to-respond/ Visited on August 29, 2018
Wikipedia, (2018), Rajarata, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajarata Visited on August 29, 2018
Athula Senaratne, Nethmini Perera, Kanchana Wickramasinghe, (2009), Mainstreaming
Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka: Towards A National Agenda for
Action, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri LankaVersion: Series No.14,
Sustainable_Development_in_Sri_Lanka_Towards_A_National_Agenda_for_Action Visited
on August 29, 2018
Dharmasena P.B,
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Udalamatta S.S (2011), LANDSCAPE: DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION-Thesis ;
http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1329?show=full Visited on July 6, 2018
Chandima Gunasena, (2018), Structural and non-structural water management concepts and
community participation in managing land and water resources in ancient Sri Lanka,
Researchgate, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326224963_Structural_and_non-
Visited on August 29, 2018

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