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Assessing SDI readiness in Pakistan

Article · November 2008

1 71

1 author:

Asmat Ali
PMAS - Arid Agriculture University


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Mapping National SDIs View project

Pakistan's National Spatial Data Infrastructure (Pak-NSDI) View project

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Building Bridges

F or more than a cen-

tury, humanity has
started showing con-
cern for the future of our planet. Natural
resources like water reservoirs, forests, oil
and gas fields have drawn attention of
governments all over the world due to
their limited capacity on the one hand
and their rapid consumption on the other
hand. This situation is a matter of great
concern for countries like Pakistan which
depend more on natural resources than
on industry for its economy.
To access, manage and monitor these
resources, one requires spatial data. A
special characteristic of spatial data is
that it can be shared and used for many
purposes other than the one for which
it was originally produced (Asmat,
2008). But dilemma is, usually such
data is not shared with other organisa-
tions or potential users in countries like
Pakistan due to institutional, legal and
organisational constraints. The impor-
tance of spatial data was not realised
for decades by the governments until

last few years in countries like Pak-
istan. This is because of the relatively
underestimated socio-economic value
of geographic information (GI). Conse-

SDI readiness in quently, the establishing of appropri-

ate policy, institutional and legal
arrangements to deal with sharing of
GI was not given priority at higher lev-

Pakistan els.
But now Pakistan has started listen-
ing to spatial data needs. Some of the
driving forces include economic, social
and technological benefits from invest-
ments already made in spatial-
resources (such as data collection, pro-
cessing, hardware, software and capac-
ity building etc). It includes driving


forces such as changes in societal prior- carried out in three major cities i.e.
ities (such as reliable, quick, round the Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. The
clock availability, updated, diverse and information was collected through
user demanded data), natural resource questionnaires, interviews, policy doc-
management and community protec- uments and site visits. In total, seven
tion (emergency management and organisations were visited as displayed
homeland security). The launch of e- in Table 1.
government programme in 2003,
which included GIS for Agriculture, MAJOR FI N DI NGS OF TH E
Natural Resources & Urban Property of FI E LD STU DY
Pakistan, Mapping & Database of
National Cartographic data is the first Data Types Produced Fig. 1: Data types produced
example. Second example is the estab- The first step in the development of a
lishment of National Disaster Manage- Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is the
ment Authority (NDMA) in 2006 that documentation of existing data. The To overcome heterogeneity problems
requires various kinds of spatial data study reveals that both sectors, public of data, 56% private sector and 60%
for rescue operations. Another example and private, are producing spatial data public sector organisations are produc-
includes establishment of Land Records such as topographic, cadastre, soil, geol- ing data on various standards.
Management Information System as ogy, hydrology, ortho imagery and In private sector, 44% organisations
an e-government initiative. These crops as shown in Figure 1. are creating metadata. 60% GI private
important yet isolated activities of the Most of this data is being produced by sector organisations have managed
Government of Pakistan (GOP) need public sector organisations as a man- half of their data in a database whereas
integration to harmonise data sharing dated responsibility. But mandates dif- 40% organisations have quarter of their
so that duplication of efforts in collec- fer from organisation to organisation data in a database.
tion, maintenance and processing of and as a result, the type of data pro-
spatial data can be minimised with the duced varies, too. The different type of PR IVATE SECTOR'S
implementation of spatial data infra- data collected and maintained by some CAPACITY FOR
structure (SDI) as seen by Crompvoets of the public sector organisations, its DEVE LOPM E NT
(2006). This paper takes a closer look at form (e.g. analogue or digital) and its SDIs are usually victims of public sec-
SDI readiness in Pakistan in the context dissemination mode is summarised in tor. Therefore, private sector is given
of e-government, socio-technical and Table 2.Digital data produced is large significant consideration especially its
geopolitical situation of the country. but only 40% public sector organisa- capacity to develop innovative and
In September 2007, a field study was tions included in the study permit citi- new services. A GIS portal offers meta-
conducted to collect information about zens to access entire data sets. Outdat- data to extract data from databases
"SDI-supporting initiatives" Masser ed policies hamper the full exploitation which need not only database develop-
(2005, p.258) in Pakistan. The study was and utilisation of available spatial data. ment capability but also expertise to
develop data extraction tools. 44%
organisations responded to metadata
Table 1: Organisations visited creation capability, 56% responded to
develop databases while 44% organisa-
Public sector Public sector Public sector tions responded to the development of
data extraction tools. A GIS portal by
v yfoPakitsan (SOP) Geo
matics&Engineering National Disaster Management
te o
f Authority Pakistan (NDMA,
l ical Su
vy Geo grapical
h http://ndma.gov.pk/) has been devel-
foPakitsan Info
rmatio n
Systems(IGIS) oped. The portal was developed and is
il Su
v yfoPakitsan NESPAK maintained by a consortium of experts


of five structured domain in the country.
and semi struc-
tured interviews PU B LIC SECTOR
were recorded. ORGAN ISATIONS
Some of the Three public sector organisations oper-
points raised dur- ating in geospatial domain were visit-
ing the inter- ed i.e. Survey of Pakistan (SOP) at
views are as Rawalpindi, Soil Survey of Pakistan
below: (SSP) and Geological Survey of Pakistan
• Not all data is (GSP) both at Lahore. All these organisa-
open to public yet
tions are on the supply side producing
due to map policy
(SOP) and providing spatial data within their
Fig. 2: Organisations in private and public sector mandated role. Being funded by the
• Survey of Pak-
implementing standards
istan can serve as government, no user oriented products
an umbrella are being considered. SOP is rich in
organisation for such initiative (SDI) by
drawn from the World Bank, American providing guide lines and coordinating human and technical resources and is
and Pakistani universities and the pri- with other organisations (SOP) presently a member of the most
vate sector, with support from the gov- • Survey of Pakistan can help to define renowned international mapping proj-
ernment of Pakistan according to the standards for geographic data (SOP) ect 'Global Mapping' a UN project fund-
website of GSDI (http://lists.gsdi.org/ • Now good awareness can be seen ed and supervised by International
pipermail/sdi-asiapacific/2005- among people and relevant profession- Steering Committee for Global map-
als (IGIS)
November/000075.html). ping (ISCGM). Global Map published
• Same data is being prepared by many
data of Pakistan on its website
organisations (NESPAK)
STAKE HOLDE RS SU PP ORT (http://www.iscgm.org).
• There is no data sharing and the cost
Contrary to GIS, SDI has many stake- of mapping a city is huge (NESPAK)
holders such as academia and research PR IVATE SECTOR
• In Pakistan, surveying and mapping
institutes, NGOs, public and private were neglected fields but today the ORGAN ISATIONS
sectors. All these stakeholders were conditions are better due to the pres- Two GI private sector organisations
ence of foreign consultants (MYCO)
considered and contacted during the were visited. National Engineering Ser-
study. Replying to the question, "what • SOP has old policy not to issue data vices Pakistan Pvt. Limited (NESPAK)
but every body can get satellite imagery
is the potential of SDI development in (MYCO) located in Islamabad and MYCO Sur-
Pakistan?" NGOs graded potential of veys Pvt. Limited in Lahore. NESPAK is a
• Ever since the arrival of satellite
SDI development in Pakistan 100% as imagery, the world is like an open book consultancy organisation and provides
"Good" followed by 80% from public (Geomatics & Engineering Services) services in the fields of GIS and IT in
sector and 71% from private sector. This
reflects the positive attitude of key ORGAN ISATIONS
stakeholder groups of SDI in Pakistan. VISITE D
One-to-one contact plays a significant In order to have a direct
role in information exchange. There- observation, some pri-
fore, GI stakeholders from private and vate companies and
public sector organisations were inter- government offices
viewed to know their opinion towards were visited during
SDI development. As capacity building field study. This provid-
is an important part of SDI develop- ed an opportunity to
ment therefore, in this context employ- have a direct observa-
ees of academia engaged in GI related tion of organisations
teaching were also interviewed. A total operating in spatial
Fig. 4: Stakeholders support for SDI development in Pakistan


Fig. 3: Private sector's capacity to develop SDI technical components

addition to other infrastructure devel- Fund-Pakistan (WWF-P) is a non gov- Moderate, Low and Nil are based on the
opment project services. One of the GIS ernmental organisation. WWF-P is one following criteria:
expert of the organisation during inter- component of the WWF international Measured value if
view criticised Survey of Pakistan for family and is playing its role for conser- >=70% then High
not giving access to data which is no vation of nature in Pakistan. The NGO is >=60% then Moderate

doubt a common complaint by most of establishing a Spatial Data Infrastruc- <=40% then Low
=0% then Nil
the users. MYCO provides services for ture (SDI), previously known as data
topographic and engineering surveys clearinghouse, for sharing conservation CONCLUSION
and also takes part in capacity building information, data and expertise, (GSDI National policies as well as socio-tech-
programmes. Small Grant Summaries 2006-2007 nical environment in Pakistan aim to
Funding Cycle, p.9). During the discus- promote SDI culture gradually as pres-
ACADE M IA, R ESEARCH sion, it was revealed that a survey was sure on natural resources and land is
I NSTITUTES AN D NGOS conducted titled "SWOT analysis of immense due to rapidly increasing
To explore the role being played by aca- partners and stakeholders to assess population and changing geopolitical
demia, research institutes and non- their GIS/RS capabilities/resources". situation in the region. But issues such
governmental organisations (NGOs), The analysis shows that there is need of as institutional arrangements and poli-
one organisation from each domain capacity building in GIS & RS in Pak- cy framework for the establishment of
was directly observed through personal istan. spatial data infrastructure remains to
visits. Among academia and research be addressed though organisations in
institutes, Institute of Geographical ASSESSI NG TH E CU R R E NT public and private sectors are ambi-
Information Systems (IGIS) located in STATUS tious to take off for SDI in the country.
Islamabad was visited. The institute After going through the study results, In this context, the national mapping
offers a number of programmes from summary of which has been presented organisation (SOP) can play a pivotal
basic short courses to degree level such in above paragraphs, Table 3 critically role by bringing key stakeholder groups
as MS and PhD in GIS and remote sens- analyses SDI related activities in the of spatial data on a unified platform for
ing. The institute organises seminars, country in an integrated fashion. The the implementation of an effective spa-
workshops and symposia regularly to parameters used are of Eelderink, L., J. tial data infrastructure (SDI) which is
create awareness about spatial sci- W. H. C. Crompvoets, et al. (2007) as the need of the day.
ences and technologies among people well as some additional parameters
of the country. One of the winners of were also considered that are men- Asmat Ali
GSDI 2007 Small Grants (http://www. tioned in the table such as social com- Assistant Director, Survey of Pakistan
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
gsdi.org/proj+progr.asp),World Wildlife ponent. The decision level i.e. High, asmatali@yahoo.com


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