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SMARTCUTPublished: December 13, 2017

It Is Magically Possible To Work Less And Still Do More

By Leon Ho


Working long hours is pretty common these days. If your Monday to Friday feels like a
constant slog of work and projects with no real time for a breather, is this because you have
too much work or is it because you’re not using your time efficiently?

It’s easy to spend too much time perfecting something or equally not focusing enough so you
end up dragging the task out more than you should. So does working longer hours mean
you’re being productive and getting lots done? The answer is most likely no. When you work
consistently long hours or spend too much time on a task, it’s usually a sign that you actually
just have too much to do. More importantly, it’s a sign you’re not spending your time, energy
and attention wisely.
The Myth About Working More to Get More Done
Our lives are governed by the jobs, tasks and projects we set ourselves or set by our work
environment. When you feel like the amount of stuff you need to get done gets bigger, our
natural reaction is to work longer on them in order to get them completed.

How many times have you heard someone tell you in an exasperated fashion that they spent
9am-9pm at the office working on something? Our reply is usually one of awe in terms of
how hardworking they must be. But are they really? Productivity is heard to measure but if
one person spent 2 hours on a task that someone else could have completed in half an hour,
it’s more a case of having stretched out the task unnecessarily.
Working more to get more done only drains you of your energy both physically and mentally
in the long run and potentially turns you into a ‘workaholic’. This leads to you not optimally
producing the results you need and could end up with feelings of failure, demotivation and

What it Really Means to Work Long Hours

While working long hours may seem the best way to get things done, in practice it means
you actually have less time to recharge and refocus – two things that are vital for lessening
stress and gaining more energy. When we have a lot to do, we often focus on the amount of
time we invest in completing necessary tasks but instead we should be paying attention to
how much energy and focus we’re investing.

Time is quite the illusion when it comes to getting things done. The more time you spend on
work, the more that the minute-by-minute urgency lessens. Yet when we have a limited
amount of time, the more we’re forced to focus and use our energy optimally in order to get it
done. Therefore, the more you control how much time you spend on a task, the more you
can control the energy in an efficient way to get it done. An example of this could be those
moments when you’d leave those college assignments to the last minute – that time limited
pressure probably caused you to channel a larger amount of energy over a shorter period
and so you got it done relatively much quicker than usual.
The problem that long hours brings, is that feeling of productivity. Obviously productivity is a
good thing but as Chris Bailey explains in his book The Productivity Project, experiments he
conducted lead him to find that he felt much more productive working long hours than in
shorter bursts even though he was getting the same amount of work done.
This only proves that busyness doesn’t always equal optimal productivity. In fact, productivity
is an elusive idea. It’s hard to truly know how much we accomplish each day yet we tend to
measure this according to how busy we were. However, it’s seldom accurate and can cause
us to believe we’ve achieved more than we potentially could have given a more short and
focused approach.

The ‘Less is More’ Approach to Optimal Productivity

First and foremost, when it comes to important tasks less is more! And by this I mean the
amount of time you spend on getting the tasks done. When you do this, a few significant
things will happen.
Setting a deadline for yourself motivates you to expend more energy and focus in a shorter
amount of time.
You create a needed urgency around the task.
You eliminate many of the procrastination triggers that can form over long periods. This is
because you’re creating structure which helps stop the mind getting bored, frustrated and
Ideally, you should try to become more mindful of your working patterns and level of
productivity. As a start, take note of your habits and list what tasks you’ve fully completed in
a day. Write done how much time it took you to complete each task and use it to reflect on
why some tasks took longer than others. Is there a way you could have spent less time
completing a task? How could you improve this?
One helpful method for keeping note of the amount of time you spend on things, is a
productivity tracking app. These automatically keep track of your time spent working on
various tasks all on your desktop, laptop or mobile device.
Setting deadline reminders for yourself is another way to keep yourself on track and motivate
you to spend your energy wisely in shorter, more focused bursts.
So remember to work smart not work hard. Using our minds optimally means shortening the
periods of time we need to concentrate. Don’t get sucked in to believing all those long hours
mean you’ve been extra productive. Instead start becoming more mindful of how to get
things done quicker with equal efficiency. This will transform your life and free up more time
for living.
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Featured photo credit: Lisa Fotiosvia pexels.com

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How to Take Calculated Risk to Achieve More and Become Successful


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How to Take Calculated Risk to Achieve More and Become Successful

SUCCESSPublished: May 28, 2018

How to Take Calculated Risk to Achieve More and Become Successful
By Mandie Holgate


Risk is something we all have to face in our lives but appreciating its value and impact on
our lives is not always easy.
I asked my social media friends on a survey whether they felt risk was a good thing and
100’s said yes and yet I know from my clients that this doesn’t equate to 100% of people
taken every risky action they could to achieve more and live a life that fulfils them.
Take the client that needed a coaching session to get them to take the jump into self
employment. They knew in their heads that with over 20 years at the pinnacle of their career,
they could do it. But they needed their coach to be the one that took the training wheels off
and said “let’s do this!”
We don’t all take the risks we should in life. What makes a risk feel too big? What external
impactors change our perception of risk and what’s the difference between good risk and
bad? When should we be risk adverse? And how can we work out the difference and step up
to take the risks that could change our lives (for the better)?

What is calculated risk?
Is all risk calculated?
How to grow your risk tolerance to achieve more?
The RRIS method
The know-it kit
Face your fear and take risks
What is calculated risk?
Let me ask you:
“Would you cross a 3 lane road of fast moving traffic?” The answer is likely to be “no” right?
What about if I asked “Would you cross 3 lanes of traffic at night?” Still a “No?”
What about if I said “Would you cross 3 lanes of traffic that had a pedestrian crossing?”
Look how the risk changes. It is the same road with the same cars, but we’ve gone from a
risk that we are unprepared to take to one that has an element of control and expected
outcomes. That is what a calculated risk is.
Would you quit your job right now and set up in business on the street corner in an hour’s
time? No of course not. However, would you quit with a plan of action in a set period of time?
The thing about calculated risk is that humans have to deal with their perceptions or reality,
their emotions, feelings and even beliefs to be able to take on risk. And that is why you may
see 100% of people saying “Take the risk”. However if questioned further, I could probably
find at least one occasion where every single person should have taken the risk and they
I’ve seen people turn down contracts, delay travelling, delay saying “yes” to marriage, delay
quitting their job and even delay having their hair chopped off because they’ve not been able
to calculate the risk with an outcome that they deem will be satisfactory.

Is all risk calculated?

In a speaking engagement, I once re-enacted the moment when the hero of the film is
hanging on for dear life to the side of a mountain. There’s no hand places left going up. They
can’t go down and there’s no way out, the baddies are shooting at them from every angle
and you think “there is no way out of this!” and then miraculously they let go tumbling
through the air, landing in a helicopter that flies into view being flown by the gorgeous
incredibly clever side kick.
Risk is a bit like that.
The first time James Bond, Jack Reacher or Lara Croft let go and went in a new direction,
they were probably experiencing massive levels of fear. However, by overriding that fear,
they were able to create a new definition of what is possible. It’s not called mission
impossible for nothing.
But how can we know it’s a good idea to jump and when it’s going to lead to impending
Interestingly, children seem to be risk blind for a while. It is adults that stand behind them
shouting “don’t do that, you will fall and break your neck!” Do children stop doing stupid
things? A and E departments would argue no.
But if we didn’t take on risk we’d never learn to walk. The first time you pulled yourself up on
to your legs and stood there jumping up and down with a grin that says “Look what I can do”
was sheer joy, not so much fun the next time you tried it and nearly removed your nose.
Most parents will have a story of how their child made their hearts leap with absolute terror
as they did something stupid, but risk needs us to test its limits or we will all be still sat in
baby gyms unable to reach the cool toys.

The reason some people achieve great things is because they are prepared to test their risk
How to grow your risk tolerance to achieve more?
Here I’ve aimed to break down what you need to keep your eyes peeled for, how to fix what
you find and what you need to do so that you can calculate risk and achieve more with the
following methods:
The RRIS method
R – Research everything you aim to achieve.
But also know when to stop researching and get on with it. The amount of clients I’ve worked
with who are so ready they could be the most intellectual person on the planet on their area
of expertise.
It’s easy to get in the trap of “doing just a bit more research” to get you out of taking action.
So do your research and use the other tips to help you to take action on your knowledge.
R – Rationalize your reality.
I often hear clients say things that once said back to them they can quickly (and often
embarrassingly) see that it’s just not true. They’ve twisted reality to enable them to stay safe.
Question what you believe to be true and the results you perceive to be impossible to avoid.
Do you have evidence to prove your reality or are your thoughts just enabling your comfort
zone to stay the same size?
Comfort zones are like big thick duvets. Glorious in the middle of winter with the rain
battering the windows and you are curled up safe and warm, but hideous in summer, when
the same duvet can wrap itself around you becoming a sweaty trap for your legs to get
caught in.
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If you know that a comfort zone is twisting your reality, you can be like two versions of my
They like to get so far out of their comfort zone that they can’t see it any more. They do big
actions putting into action the right support to achieve them. Learn and move on.
They would literally feel stuck in fear if you offered them option 1, therefore they like to do
things in small tiny morsel sized bites. If this is you, arrange to challenge your beliefs around
anything in your life (not just related to the calculated risk to achieve more).
If you like structure, start the day in a way you wouldn’t. Get dressed before you brush your
teeth, listen to a different radio station, choose a different route to work.
Silly things that make you think about what you are doing can help you see that different is
not bad. Different can be exciting, new, rewarding and so much else. And tiny steps can be
right for some.
I – Ideas can reduce or inflame our capability for calculated risk.
Before you do anything, somewhere in your head it was a thought. When you really
appreciate this, you are able to see that before you take on any risk, you have to have the
ideas behind it to achieve.
Ideas like this will be exciting, life changing, and will work and make my career. What
phrases would you create to describe the result of your idea?

If you notice they are negative, where’s your evidence? Clients often tell me that I make
them take risks. As a coach, that’s impossible. My job is to enable them to see what they
really want and overcome the beliefs and obstacles towards going for it.
Once we are faced with our facts on our skills, past successes and capabilities, we can’t
help but ask “what is stopping you?” By doing this, you are creating solid foundation to get
great results because your ideas are positive and not made up of illogical untruths like “it
won’t work”, “what if I fail”, “it’s not done like that”, “I will end up looking stupid”.
S – Success over scares
It is a calculated risk and therefore something that is worth investing in and going for when
our level of fear is reduced and our belief about success is raised. Where do you stand on
this scale?
Scared! vs Success!

Now add in the following words to the above scale. Where would they sit?
Staying safe
Self esteem
Stopping myself
Can you start to see how there is a big gap between scared and success? And between the
two there will always be elements of feeling safe or stuck and worrying about whether you
can do it. The important thing to remember is that you will never completely bridge the gap
between scared and successful. A little fear is really good for you.

I’ve never had a speaking engagement where I don’t feel a little nervous. 9 years ago that
wasn’t nervousness that was absolute terror. And I once read “it’s not stage fright, it’s
performance energy.”
What description would you like to use do describe your calculated risk? If you were to say it
out loud, would it be a positive sentence or one that reduce you to fear? Your words and
finding your place on the scared to success scale could define your likelihood of success.
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Mandie Holgate
Author, Speaker, Blogger, Broadcaster and Coach

How to Take Calculated Risk to Achieve More and Become Successful

How to Overcome Your Irrational Fears (That Stop You from Succeeding)
How to Make Positive Changes Now (And Start Living a Fulfilling Life)
Arrogance Is a Hidden Fear That Steals Your Confidence
I Attempted Suicide Twice but Today I'm a Professional Coach Who Leads People to
The know-it kit
Taking the risk is scary, from the client that wanted to confront their boss of 10 years and
make a suggestion that they knew flew in the opposite opinion of their boss, to the singer
who is too scared to stand in front of an audience. The important thing is to remember that
you are in control of the risks you take and a know it kit can help.
Know the times you’ve been successful.
Lot’s of clients will tell me that their fear is overriding their beliefs about what can be
achieved. At times like that it’s no good to think something different and expect it to
magically make it seem easy.
Get the facts on your side. As much as you heart will fill your head with negativity, hanging
on to the facts of what you’ve already done in life is something you can’t argue with.
Know the skills you have.
As above, when we take on a risk, we need to know we’ve got what we need to get the
results we want.
Know that mistakes are good.
No exceptional rise to success didn’t have set backs, no great inventions didn’t have failures
(with many of those becoming inventions in their own right) knowing that mistakes are an
opportunity to learn and good for the end results can ensure you take action even when the
fear is raising its ugly head.
International Vocal Coach Gemma Milburne shared,
“I think many of the greatest singers are the most willing to take risks. You have to risk going
out of tune, making mistakes, sounding awful, in order to get REALLY good at singing. As a
vocal coach a lot of what I’m doing is helping singers to face that ‘mental’ risk that’s in a
person’s head.”
Know the people you can trust.
When everything is in place, you’ve got the evidence, you’ve done your research, you are
accountable, focused and ready for action, sometimes just a chat with the right person can
be all you need.
Who is in your Know it Kit? You can trust them to say what you need them to say. And not
just “you will be great dear, go for it.” Having the right people there that will challenge,
empower and ensure you’ve ready in every capacity to make it happen.
Before a petrified public speaker has taken to the stage or a client has walked into a room to
go for their big dream, I’m often the one they text as they walk in for that last minute
reminder that they’ve got this.
Know the way you have to feel.
And lastly, don’t forget that even with the right words from the right people, it is still down to
Sometimes cultural beliefs and feelings can slip into our mindset, other people in the same
industry can tell us “it’s never been done like that” and it can knock our focus and derail our
How do you need to feel to get the results you want? If I told a person from 200 years ago
that they could fly anywhere on this planet in the same day, I’d likely have been locked up.
Our beliefs change with time and experience. Do you want to be the person that creates the
thoughts and beliefs of the future? Or wait for someone else to have taken the risk (and the
glory!) and to leave you wishing “I wish I’d taken that risk”?
Face your fear and take risks
Looking back to myself years ago, Mrs. Nervous Wreck lacking in confidence…
She looked up at the chandelier that was taller than her house and tried to focus her
thoughts. No amount of “thinking positive” was working and she just wanted her spleen to
burst so she could end up in hospital safely away from this extravagant room and all these
people. How could she ever have thought it would be a clever idea to speak to a room full of
her peers?
Less than 5 months prior to this moment, she’d stood in front of just 25 business owners and
faffed, and fumbled through her words, feeling like a complete fake wishing to never see any
of these people ever again. Heck even a career in a local fast food place would be better!
She’d made a memorable impression but for all the wrong reasons and one of the audience
had taken great delight in reminding her of her epic fail, so what had driven her to do it
That was me but for some reason, I’d decided to take the risk and speak on another stage in
front of more people.
In many ways, I was hardly recognizable from 9 years ago to today when I’m described as
“one of the best speakers I’ve ever heard” and “changed my life in one hour.” Clearly my
ability and attitude to speaking to an audience changed but what else?
It was how I faced my fear and how I grew my risk tolerance to achieve more.
By taking my advice on how to take calculated risks, you will gradually find yourself
becoming braver and embracing more opportunities. You’ve got this!
Featured photo credit: Pixabayvia pixabay.com


How to Take Calculated Risk to Achieve More and Become Successful


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