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Sentence relations and truth (II): exercises and study questions

I Which of the following does the proposition p entail?

a) p Jack gave Jill a wedding ring.
q Jack will marry Jill.
r Jack gave a wedding ring to Jill.
s Jack gave Jill a ring.
x Jack loves Jill.
y Jill was given a wedding ring by Jack.
z Jill is happy.
b) p Jill invited two hundred guests to her wedding party in Venice.
q Jill got married in Venice.
r Two hundred guests attended Jill’s wedding party.
s Jill planned a wedding party in Venice.
x Jill has many friends.
y Two hundred guests were invited to Jill’s wedding party.
z Two hundred people were invited to attend Jill’s party in Venice.
c) p Mary has legally bequeathed her jewels to her daughter-in-law.
q Mary’s daughter-in-law is entitled to inherit Mary’s jewels.
r Mary’s jewels have been bequeathed to her daughter-in-law.
s Mary loved her daughter-in-law.
x According to Mary’s will, her daughter-in-law is to inherit her jewels.
y Mary was rich.
z Mary’s daughter-in-law is the legal heir of her jewels.
II Which of the following pairs exemplify paraphrase? For those that do not, determine
whether they are truth-conditionally related or not, and if yes, specify how.
a) p Albert Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity.
q The Theory of Relativity was developed by Albert Einstein.
b) p Romeo loves Juliet.
q Juliet loves Romeo.
c) p Queen Elizabeth owns many race horses.
q Queen Elizabeth owns many horses.
d) p Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1994.
q Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement in 1994.
e) p The United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867.
q The Russian Empire sold Alaska to the United States in 1867.
III Is the relation between p and q in the following pairs entailment or presupposition? Use
the constancy under negation test to support your answers.
a) p The anarchist assassinated the emperor.
q The emperor died.
b) p Alex knows that John is bald.
q John is bald.
c) p Jane has got a golden retriever.
q Jane has a dog.
d) p John’s aunt lives in Timbuktu.
q John has an aunt.
e) p Jill forgot meeting Jack.
q Jill met Jack.
f) p The temple was built by Etruscans.
q The Etruscans built this house of worship.
g) p The Prime Minister of Arcadia is in Vienna today.
q Arcadia has a prime minister.
IV Identify the presupposition triggers in the following sentences and specify the
presupposition they trigger:
a) The Dean of Winston University is very liberal.
b) Jill has noticed that Jack has dandruff.
c) Chris pretends to be a police officer.
d) Only Fred can solve this problem.
e) When did the train leave?
f) Henry moved to Paris after he graduated.
g) It is obvious that John is in love with Mary.
h) Rebecca dances beautifully.
i) Is this proposition true or false?
j) If Bill had realized the danger, he would not have gone alone.
V Which of the following verbs are presupposition triggers? For the ones that are, provide
illustrative examples and specify the presuppositions they trigger; for the ones that are not,
explain why not.
a) recognize
b) think
c) claim
d) realize
e) discover
f) believe
g) dream
h) imagine
i) contend
j) rejoice
VI Which of the following verbs are factive verbs? Explain your answers by providing
examples to show that factive verbs presuppose the truth of complements:
a) see
b) learn
c) argue
d) assert
e) announce.
VII Which of the following are counterfactive verbs? Explain your answers by providing
examples to show that counterfactive verbs presuppose the falsity of their complements:
a) believe
b) wish
c) feel
d) pretend
e) imagine.

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