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-- Alpha 1.0.3.

1 --
* Fix for missing sulphur spawning.
* Fix for chat messages not causing chat log to appear.

-- Alpha --
* Fixed a large portion of entity duplication issues in the aurora, island, and
* Fixed entities spawning with the wrong variation or scaling.
* Fixed bug with mushrooms and coral despawning when re-entering a chunk.
* Fixed some entities not able to be moved by the propulsion cannon.
* Added Discord Rich Presence: let others know you are playing Nitrox and request
invites directly into Nitrox games.
* Added better syncing to vehicle docking.
* Added a better player chat log with the ability to scroll with the mouse wheel.
* Added saving of vehicle names and colors.
* Added initial broken life pod state and properly sync repairs.
* Fixed a bug causing vehicle modules to not persist when rejoining a game.
* Added a version check when starting the game to ensure clients are using the same
* Added better syncing of Day/Night commands. These now require elevated server
permissions to run.
* Added syncing of beds when players use them to fast forward time.
* Added ability for server owners to login with a remote admin password. This
password is generated automatically if it is not set in the configuration.
* Added ability for server owners to set the save game name via config. (default:
* Added freedom to potential server game modes.
* Fixed a bug were new worlds were not respecting the game mode config.
* Added graceful shutdown functionality for linux.
* Removed WPF version of NitroxServer and a few deprecated binaries.
* Changed logger to use log4net.
* Updated to the latest version of Harmony.

-- Alpha --
* Fixed an additional instance of base pieces becoming out of sync

-- Alpha --
* Fixed two instances of base pieces becoming out of sync
* Fix for a PlayerVitals error message spamming the log file

-- Alpha --
* Fixes for constructing / deconstructing bases
* Fixes for escape pod inventory saving
* Players will now join the server with the starting items (Flare, nutrient block,
water) instead of needing to get these from the escape pod
* Fix for unlimited oxygen in tanks
* Stalkers will now correctly drop teeth when picking up scrap
* Fixed a bug causing mushrooms and coral disappearing from lockers and inventories
* Player vitals will now follow the camera
* Added permissions system for server commands
* Adding new server commands (op [operator], deop [remove operator], w [whisper
* Server commands can now be typed in Nitrox chat with a slash, example: (/w
Sunrunner Hi)
* Fixed signs not persisting after rejoining
* Improvements to debugging tools (such as selecting object in scene with F9 or
looking up via name)
* Fixes for paths on Linux
* Silence peeper serialization warning at startup
* Fixed crash when not able to resolve the local IP address in the server
* Added save interval to the server settings file
* Small changes to text when joining a server

-- Alpha --

* Fixed 10x spawning in players running servers in non-US locales.

* Large rewrite of entity system to better handle dropped / picked up items
* Dropped items should now be visible to all players.
* Dropped creatures will now be properly simulated.
* Dropped items are now reloaded and saved properly.
* Fixed a bug causing simulation ownership to not fully switch over when a player
* Overall save file size has been reduced.
* Escape pod inventories now properly sync.
* Floating container inventories now properly sync.
* Fixed placement issue with bulkheads & reactors when logging back into servers.
* Fixed some instances of items disappearing from inventories.
* Fixed some instances of duplicating items.
* Fixed "You are on your own" message always appearing.
* Allow hostnames to be preoperly resolved to ipv4
* Revamped player vitals to be above the players head
* Added new console commands to the server: say, list, kick
* Added file logging to the Nitrox server
* Client side logging is now done per instance and doesn't override. These can be
found in Subnautica/NitroxLogs

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