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In this chapter, we will look into how Balanced and Unbalanced Forces vary from each other.

But first, to
understand Balanced and Unbalanced forces, we need to understand what Force is. Force can be defined as the
pull or push applied on an object. This object experiences the force when it interacts with another object. We
apply force, or force is applied to us in almost every aspect of our daily life. It is the driving factor behind every
phenomenon in the universe.
From the gravitational pull of the sun, which binds the solar system together to the lifting up of a pencil by a child,
everything is an example of force.
Force can be of two types:
Balanced force
Unbalanced force
According to Newton’s First Law – A body at rest or in motion will continue to remain in the unchanged position
unless an external force is applied to it.
What is a Balanced Force?
A force where two forces of equal size, act on a body, in opposing directions is known as a Balanced Force. In
Balanced Force, a body continues to be in its position i.e. it may be continuously moving with the same speed
and in the same direction or it may be still in its position.
Example of Balanced Forces-
Suppose you are pushing a wall and as expected, the wall does not move and neither do you. It means that you
and the wall are exerting a balanced force on each other.

Let us look at the following illustration for better understanding.

The image displayed above is a game of tug-of-war between two equally matched teams. Neither of the teams is
able to pull the opposing team towards itself. This is an example of two balanced forces.
What is an Unbalanced Force?
A force where two forces acting in opposing directions on a body, are not equal in magnitude and in size, is
known as an unbalanced force. In an unbalanced force, a body changes its position i.e. we can observe a moving
object changing its direction, either increasing the speed or decreasing the speed and a body at rest starts to
move and vice versa.
Example of Unbalanced Forces-
Practically anything that moves is a result of the exertion of unbalanced forces on it. If you kick a football and it
moves from one place to another, it means that unbalanced forces are acting upon it.
Let us look at the following illustration for better understanding.

The above image shows two people on a seesaw. The person on the right is significantly heavier than the person
on the left and the seesaw is effectively tilted towards him. This is an example of two unbalanced forces.
The difference between balanced and unbalanced force

Balanced forces Unbalanced forces

Equal in magnitude. Unequal in magnitud

Opposite in direction. Can be in any direct

Does not cause any change in the state of motion of the object. Causes change in th

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