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Hey all-y'all Trumpers,

I am a liberal progressive (gay) Southern expat living in NYC - could I be any more
stereotypical? Anyways, I come from a large Trump supporting family (both in the
South and North), and have been educated on the many valid reasons that people
support him - from the economy, to abortion, to the administration's America First
policy, to illegal immigration, etc. While I vehemently disagree with most of my family's
points, I find solace in the fact that these reasons are grounded in reality.

What I don't understand, and would honestly like some well-intentioned help
understanding, is the lack of accountability for so much immoral behavior and the
indifference to the incessant lying. I accept that my father supports Trump due to the
economy (he worked in an industry that Obama defunded and almost dismantled). I
accept that abortion is so important to one of my younger brothers that he will always
vote for a pro-life candidate even if he doesn't think they are a good person (he argues
that the means justify the ends). And I accept that many Americans feel that putting
our national interests before international interests is not only right but the president's
job. But I have yet to hear a logical response to why it doesn't matter that:

 Trump has never fully divested himself from his businesses from which he
continues to make money. This causes an observable conflict of interest (whether YOU
as a supporter think it is important or not, it gives others, like myself, and the left very
very VALID reasons to complain), and may even leave him open to pay-for-play
politics. Doesn't this also break the emoluments clause? I don't see how it doesn't.
Meaning that the president has been and is in violation of the constitution. Right? - How
is that not a large issue for any American, let alone the party of constitutional

 Trump lies incessantly. THIS is my biggest concern and I don't understand how
his supporters don't care. I get that all politicians lie (which is usually the defense I
hear), but Trump lies at a never-before-seen rate from little things like inauguration
size to huge things like tax breaks, to international policy, to campaign funds, to events
in meetings, etc. How can any logical human being say it does not matter that the
leader of your nation lies? Why should I take that as a valid opinion? How? HOW?? The
truth is like the foundation of society, is it not? If the populace cannot trust the words
the president is saying... just how??? How can anyone logically support that?

 Trump's racism. Whether you believe he is an individual racist or not, it is public

knowledge that Trump has a legal history of housing discrimination against black
people, personally campaigning to convict a group of black and latino boys in the
Central Park jogger case which he maintained well through 2016 (well after they were
proven innocent), led the birther movement (ironic now that Trump claims his father is
from Germany), and constantlyyyy berates and insults immigrants and latinos as
criminals and rapists. Additionally, he creates quasi-safe-spaces for white nationalists
and needs pressure to condemn any kind of racially motivated attack committed by
white men. I mean, it's ridiculous. Racism should never be an accepted or justifiable
stance. And if you believe so, then again I ask why I should consider it a valid opinion?
(Members of my own family have admitted that they are racist and that they support
Trump for his racism - a standpoint that I just refuse to engage with ((it has caused
much drama in the fam)), but I believe that has to be some reasonable explanation out

 Republicans and conservatives accept his immoral behavior and beliefs yet claim
to be the Christian "moral" party (or used to). From cheating on his wives, to lying
about everything and anything, to denying salvation to refugees and asylum seekers,
the list of morally reprehensible and very antithetical Christian / Catholic actions,
beliefs, and policies goes on and on; but what I find it scary is that the Christians and
Catholics in my life (I grew up devoutly Catholic) either ignore these moral
transgressions or openly acknowledge and attempt to qualify their moral hypocrisy.
These are the same people who told me (repeatedly) I'll go to hell for being gay but are
now supporting a man who does not reflect their morals and ideal way of living.

Look - I understand that there will always be people who see X and interpret it
differently from each other. I understand that due to education, experience, and
culture, people will diversely support whom they choose for their own reasoning. But
what I don't understand is the (imo) obvious IRRATIONAL acceptance and support for
the issues above which should disqualify anyone from becoming president regardless of

I am looking for real responses, please. We are all adults and can hold conversations
without attacking each other, right? I am honestly trying to understand "the other side"
from a very different mentality as those who support Trump, and would like a rationally
based explanation - if it exists.

Thank you, A hopeful liberal

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