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NAME: ___________________________________________________________ TEST 1

Instruction: Fill in the blank. Each blank is worth 1 mark. Duration: 45 mins

1. Groups from the populations that are heterogeneous within and homogeneous between are called ________________.

2. If a histogram is constructed from a frequency distribution where the classes have different widths, we should
put _________________________________ on the y-axis.

3. A value is considered to be an outlier if lies above the upper bound of the boxplot. The formula for the upper
bound is _____________________________________.

4. A data set contains 27 data points. According to the 2𝑘 rule of thumb, the number of classes should be __________.

Items 5-6 refer to the following information. The first two classes of a frequency distribution are 0–9 and 10–19.

5. The class width of the second class is _____________________.

6. 0–9 and 10–19 are called class _______________________.

7. In ____________________________ sampling, every member has a non-zero probability of being included in the sample.

8. A single number which summarizes information for an entire population is called a _____________________________.

9. When the researcher fails to identify the population with enough precision, a _________________________________________
error is the result.

Items 10-11 refer to the following information. In a pie chart, the size of the sectors are 5𝑥, 6𝑥 and 9𝑥.

10. The angle of the sector of size 6𝑥 is ____________________________________________.

11. If the total number of items in the pie chart is a number between 135 and 145, the most likely value of this
number is ________________________________.

12. The most important property of a sample is that it must be _______________________________________ of the population.

13. To calculate relative frequency of a class, we divide the total frequency of that class by

14. A cumulative frequency curve is also called a ____________________________________.

15. According to the stem and leaf diagram shown below, the 6th value is _____________________________.

A. Baksh
NAME: ___________________________________________________________ TEST 1
Instruction: Indicate whether the statements are true or false by circling. Each Question is worth 1 mark

1. The number of classes in a frequency distribution is typically between 10 and 20.

True / False
2. A line graph would be an effective way to present the performance of a retirement fund over the past 10 years.
True / False
3. The professor of a business communication course wishes to provide feedback to students regarding their
performance on the last exam. A histogram would provide more information than a stem-and-leaf display.
True / False
4. In a dataset of the following 7 values: 6, 3, 3, 2, 8, 4, 5, the median is 2.
True / False
5. You are constructing a histogram that is required to use 6 classes for a data set that ranges from 15 to 70. A class
width of 9 units would be an appropriate choice.
True / False
6. It is possible to convert a grouped frequency distribution to a frequency distribution without referring back to
the original data.
True / False
7. In a positively skewed distribution 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 > 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛.
True / False
8. A bar chart is drawn for quantitative data and the histogram is drawn for qualitative data.
True / False
9. If a histogram has frequency on the y-axis, then the highest bar is not necessarily the class with the highest
True / False
Consider the relative frequency distribution to answer question 10.
10. If there were 50 numbers in the data set shown below, then 30 of the values must be less than 80.
True / False

A. Baksh

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