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Diana Miculescu
Biotechnology Unit Plan
EDSC 6550
9 December 2018

Day 1-5: Lesson and Assessment Plan Context

This lesson will be taught to a biology class of 33 Gifted ninth graders. This lesson is taught to facilitate
student learning of biotechnology uses, impacts on society and economics, and ethical concerns in forensics
and agriculture. The biotechnology unit covers two weeks, and this five-day unit will focus on gathering and
communicating information about the use and ethical considerations of biotechnology in forensics and
agriculture and justifying with evidence using the biotechnology advancement of DNA fingerprinting.
Students will be engaged in three-dimensional learning to facilitate student learning and achievement of
learning objectives. Real-world phenomena of GM foods and crime evidence analysis will be used
throughout the unit aligned to the core concepts of the unit. Learning objectives will be assessed through
student verbal and written responses, participation in scientific practices, activity products, and a summative
assessment. Medicine (gene therapy, stem cell therapy, antibiotic resistance) will be covered over another
five days, not included in these series of lessons.
Student Background, Culture, and Context
This class is a group of students in the Gifted Program. They are a group of students who most have
attended school with the same peers in middle school, so they are comfortable with each other. Some of the
students have a close relationship with one another which allows for productive discussion, as they are not
timid to communicate with each other. Many of these students are involved in extracurricular activities and
value the importance of postsecondary education. These students display common characteristics of gifted
students such as an extraordinary speed in processing information, rapid comprehension of the whole idea
and concept, and a long concentration span (Colarusso, O’Rourke & Leontovich, 2017). The students are
accepting of diversities of other students. The class demographics are somewhat reflective the school
demographics, however there are more students of Asian ethnicity in this class. The school administration
maintains an inclusive culture of the diverse student body, and the student demographics are as follows:
0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native, 12.8% Asian, 27.2% Black or African American, 24.2% Hispanic
or Latino of any race, 4.8% two or more races, and 30.9% White (Civil Rights Data Collection, 2015). The
class is made up of twenty-six females and seven males. While we see generally female-heavy classes to be
more reserved and soft-spoken, this class is different as all students are engaged asking questions and
discussing within their groups and with their peers. All the students speak English well and can
communicate well with other students in the classroom. About thirty-nine percent of the student population
are registered in the free and reduced lunch program, but many students in this class bring their lunch to
school showing these students are provided with alimental resources at home. Parents are supportive of their
children’s academic achievement and expect them to succeed in biology by earning high scores.
Students have previously learned about the structure of DNA and RNA and how it leads to the
expression of information within the cell and that heritable information is passed from one generation to
another, so current knowledge regarding cells and genetics background is reasonable to achieve learning
objective of these lessons. From previous lessons, the students show characteristics of self-reliance,
resistance to interruption, and a need for freedom and independence in their learning and found it difficult to
interrupt the class as a whole once they have started an activity within their groups. The planned activities in
this lesson segment allows students to work with minimal interruption to construct knowledge, while still
providing an opportunity for social interaction.

The concepts and activities in this unit plan satisfies learning standard district standard SB8 which states
“obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how genetic engineering techniques can manipulate
DNA and lead to advancements in society” (Gwinnett County Public Schools, 2018). Learning standard SB8
aligns with Georgia Standards of Excellence learning standard SB2c which states “obtain, evaluate, and
communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in cells and ask questions to
gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of biotechnology in forensics,
medicine, and agriculture” (Georgia Standards of Excellence, 2016). This lesson provides opportunity for
students to obtain, evaluate, and communicate information by asking questions to gather and communicate
information about the use and ethical considerations of biotechnology in forensics and agriculture.
I choose to provide a three-dimensional learning environment for students throughout this lesson to
support student achievement of learning objectives and standards, while also allowing students to participate
in the culture of science. By providing a three-dimensional learning environment for students, students of
diverse ethnicities, socioeconomic status, ability, and physical disability that have not been previously open
to learning science have access to science (Settlage, Southerland, Smetana, and Lottero-Purdue, 2018). The
major scientific practices the students will be involved in are analyzing and interpreting data, engaging in
argument from evidence, developing and using models, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating
information (Schwarz, Passmore & Reiser, 2016). Through these scientific practices students will identify
crossing cutting concepts of patterns, scale, proportion, and quantity, structure and function, and stability
and change that underlie disciplinary core ideas of DNA manipulation and biotechnology (Schwarz et al.,
I chose to provide a social learning environment for most of the lessons activities to facilitate student
learning through communication, supporting students in social construction of knowledge by exploring,
explaining, and discussing with peers and teacher (Ormrod, 2016). Peer-interactive instructional strategies
such as group or partner tasks, class discussions, cooperative learning groups are based in sociocultural
theory allowing students to construct meaning with other learners by drawing on multiple knowledge bases
and ideas from different students (Ormrod, 2016). Students will also be provided with activities that support
scientific writing to support meaningful learning through summarization, comprehension monitoring, and
products that can be used to review material for assessments (Ormrod, 2016). The use of both verbal and
written activities will allow students to demonstrate learning through two different methods and allows the
teacher to assess student learning through different methods.
This lesson relates to the students’ broader lived and lived experiences because DNA if found in all
organisms, including humans. Through scientific advancements, scientists have figured out ways to
manipulate DNA to create new organisms. In agriculture, scientists have manipulated DNA through genetic
engineering to solve global challenges, such as the need for food. Students eat foods that have been
genetically modified or foods with ingredients that have been modified. Today, many groups are speaking
out against the use of genetically modified organisms claiming that testing for the safety of such foods is
insufficient. Many groups want required national labeling for such foods. Some students may even be a part
of families who chose non-genetically modified foods for certain reasons. In forensics, scientists have
developed methods that manipulate DNA through DNA fingerprinting to identify unknown samples of DNA
collected at crime scenes with known samples of suspects and/or national databases of DNA of incarcerated
individuals. Since the development of DNA fingerprinting, innocent individuals have been released from
prison due to this technology and DNA fingerprinting continues to provide courts with evidence that can be
reliable if “good science” is used.
This lesson segment is important because it builds on disciplinary core idea and cross-cutting concepts
through science practices. Science practices of analyzing and interpreting data, engaging in argument from
evidence, developing and using models, and obtain, evaluating and communicating information is crucial to

building explanations of natural phenomena, but even more important as students proficient in science have
greater control over the choices they make about their lives” (Settlage et al., 2018, p. 11) By providing
students with alternative tasks to memorization to learn science, student will develop “abilities to
scientifically approach problems” in the science classroom as well as their own experiences outside the
classroom (Settlage et al., 2018, p. 10).

Day 1: Lesson and Assessment Plan

Purpose of the Lesson: Central Focus
- What are genetically modified organisms and how do they get in our food?
- What are the ethical considerations of biotechnology, specifically genetically modified organisms, and how
do they benefit or harm society and economics?
- How are stability and change related to natural and genetically modified foods?
Learning Objective(s)
- Students will identify illustrative examples of how biotechnology can be used in agriculture.
- Students will examine arguments from evidence that biotechnology benefits economics and society.
- Students will describe how restriction enzymes are used to produce recombinant DNA and transgenic
- Students will use ethics as a lens to view advancements in biotechnology.
- Students will identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to
genetically modified foods and social justice around the world.
GSE - Georgia Standards of Excellence
SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in
c. Ask questions to gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of
biotechnology in agriculture.
ISTE Technology Standard
3. Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
SPLC Anti-bias Framework Standard
J15. Students will identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to the
history of social justice around the world.
Formal & Informal Assessment
The informal biotechnology probe is a formative assessment to assess current student knowledge regarding
advancements in biotechnology. Informal teacher observation of students is formative to check for student
engagement and learning. Formal research packet with student response if formative to check for student
understanding and learning. Informal research packet progress is a formative assessment to check for level
of student engagement in instructional strategy.
Evidence of student learning in biotechnology probe is written in the student response and communicated to
other students during discussion with the group. Evidence of student learning during research activity is
written on the research packet and communicated during student-teacher conference and communicated in
discussion with peers. Evidence of student engagement during research activity is the progress of packet at
the end of class.
Evidence of student learning in introductory discussion aligns with previous learning objectives as they
relate to this unit: analyze how genetic information is expressed in cells, processes that result in heritable

genetic information, and analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generation. Written and
communicated student response and conversation during biotechnology probe aligns with learning standard
to identify illustrative examples of advancements in biotechnology. Evidence of student learning in
WebQuest: Harvest of Fear packer aligns with learning objectives that students will identify illustrative
examples of how biotechnology can be used in agriculture, examine arguments from evidence that
biotechnology benefits economics and society, describe how restriction enzymes are used to produce
recombinant DNA and transgenic organisms, use ethics as a lens to view advancements in biotechnology,
identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to genetically modified
foods and social justice around the world.
These assessments will not be scored on accuracy but will be expected to be fully completed. “Viewpoints”
section must be completed for homework if not during class.
Feedback will be verbal and directed to students during individual conference, group discussion, and class
Students will use this verbal feedback to inform themselves of their achievement of learning objectives and
understanding regarding genetically modified foods.
Facilitation & Safety
Students will walk into class and sit at their seats. Tables are set up in an “L” formation to support group
communication and student learning with the support of their peers. After the tardy bell, the teacher will
continue with lesson as set out in the Introduction, Body, and Closure of Instructional Strategies &
Learnings Tasks. Teacher will ensure student understanding of instruction by explaining directions directly,
explaining where, how, and how long the task should take, to the class and asking students if they have any
questions regarding instructions. Students will retrieve materials for the activity upon teacher instruction and
return to their desks. No chemicals are used during this lesson so, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration safety guidelines do not apply to this lesson. During research activity, students will stay on
task, and the teacher will be walking around to observe participation of and discussion between students. If
the teacher observes students to be off task, the teacher will ask the group to redirect their attention to the
learning task. Teacher will continue with lesson as set out in the Closing of Instructional Strategies &
Learnings Tasks. Five minutes before the bell rings, students will put away their materials at the front of the
classroom and pack up their belongings. Students will be dismissed when the bell rings. Any major
interruptions during the lesson will be resolved at the time of interruption and according to Collins Hill High
School Policies.
Academic Language
Language Function
Students will analyze obtained information to describe what genetically modified organisms are and how do
they get in our food. Students will also analyze ethical considerations of biotechnology, specifically
genetically modified organisms, and how do they benefit or harm society and economics.
Vocabulary for this lesson are GM/GMO, engineer, selective breeding, transgenic manipulation, vector, and
resistant. Students will demonstrate their understanding of these words in the written responses of the
research packet and verbal responses to questions posed by the teacher and student communication during

learning task. Instructional supports for teaching vocabulary include Biotechnology Probe videos from
Answer Key, WebQuest: Harvest of Fear, and teacher conferences with students (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 1.1, 1.2).
Syntax or Discourse
Discourse: For students to be able to access the language function, students must be knowledgeable of
science disciplinary talk, writing, and thinking. Knowledge of and engagement in discourse will allow
students to construct knowledge.
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs
Introduction (15 minutes)
Teacher will draw students’ attention to the topic of genetics, covered in the previous unit before winter
break by asking students to define the following terms DNA, heritable traits, genes, and genetic variability
and describe how they relate to each other. The teacher will ask each table to discuss these topics with other
students seated at their table. During this time, the teacher will pass out the Biotechnology Probe worksheet
(Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.1). After 2-3 minutes of group discussion, the teacher will ask
student volunteers to define the terms and explain how these words are related. The teacher will introduce
the next unit of biotechnology and explain that science has made advancements in genetic engineering that
allow humans to manipulate DNA. The teacher will instruct students to complete the Biotechnology Probe
within their table groups for 5-7 minutes. Students will read the Biotechnology Probe worksheet, determine
which statements are true or false, and explain why they think their claim is most realistic. After 5-7
minutes, the teacher will lead the class in discussion and the teacher will call on students to share their
responses. The teacher will then cover each claim and provide evidence through videos and articles from the
answer key for which claims are true or false (Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.1).
Body (35 minutes)
Teacher will instruct students to clear off their desks and pick up a laptop from the cart in the front of the
classroom along with the Web Quest: Harvest of Fear packet (Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.2).
Teacher will tell students they will be researching the topic of genetically modified crops, one advancement
in society due to the engineering techniques that allows scientists to modify an organism’s DNA. Teacher
will instruct students to login into their laptops and visit the web address listed at the top of the Web Quest:
Harvest of Fear packet and complete “Web Quest: Harvest of Fear” packet. This assignment will cover GM
crops, evidence for or against GM crops, engineering a crop, selective breeding, and transgenic
manipulation. Finally, students will explore viewpoints throughout articles and interviews and choose a
viewpoint that best explains their own ideas about the use of GM crops. During the research activity, teacher
will observe students and hold conferences with individual students and/or groups to check for
understanding and learning.
Closure (5 minutes)
Students will work until 5 minutes to the bell. Students are instructed to log off their laptops and return them
to the laptop cart. The teacher will instruct students to complete this research packet for homework as the
next day students will participate in an activity regarding the “Viewpoints” section of the packet. Teacher
will tell students to pay particular attention to all the following Viewpoints under each of the following
questions: Is genetically modified food safe to eat? Just how radical is this new technology? What are the

benefits, what are the risks? Are GM food sufficiently regulated in the U.S.? Students will pack up their
belongings and wait until the bell dismisses them (this is the last period of the day).
Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)
Visual, auditory, and social learnings styles will be supported through the research activity as students will
use laptops to access a website that uses words, short video simulations, images, and diagrams and be
encouraged to communicate with other students during the research activity. The teacher will offer
differentiated instruction to individuals who may not understand vocabulary, research packet questions or
instructions, and how to access certain parts of the website. The teacher will focus on specific struggles of
individual students to support their learning by providing direct instruction when needed.
One student in the class has an IEP in which accommodations include extra time for written assignments
per student request. There are no modifications for this student that refers to changes that alter the standards
of the general education curriculum. The student has an annual goal for written expression evaluated by the
special education teacher. The research activity is substantial in writing, and can be completed for
homework if not completed during class.
- pencils
- Biotechnology Probe (Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.1)
- Biotechnology Probe Answer Key (for teacher) (Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.1)
- projector
- WebQuest: Harvest of Fear packet (Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.2)
- laptops
Day 2: Lesson and Assessment Plan
Purpose of the Lesson: Central Focus
- How is a transgenic organism created through genetic engineering?
- What are the ethical considerations of biotechnology, specifically genetically modified organisms, and how
do they benefit or harm society and economics?
- How are stability and change related to genetically modified organisms?
Learning Objective(s)
- Students will identify illustrative examples of how biotechnology can be used in agriculture.
- Students will argue from evidence that biotechnology benefits economics and society and use ethics as a
lens to view advancements in biotechnology.
- Students will describe how restriction enzymes are used to produce recombinant DNA and transgenic
- Students will identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to
genetically modified foods and social justice around the world.
GSE - Georgia Standards of Excellence
SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in
c. Ask questions to gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of
biotechnology in agriculture.

ISTE Technology Standard

3. Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
SPLC Anti-bias Framework Standard
J15. Students will identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to the
history of social justice around the world.
Formal & Informal Assessment
Formal assessment of Two Corners/Four corners is formative to assess student learning during WebQuest:
Harvest of Fear research. Informal teacher observation of students during group sharing of viewpoints is
formative to assess student learning and engagement. Informal debriefing after video is a formative
assessment to assess student learning during information presented in video. Informal misconception checks
by asking students questions or presenting common misconceptions during PowerPoint is a formative
assessment. Formal quiz in the form of a Kahoot is formative to assess student learning of vocabulary terms.
Evidence of student learning in Two Corners/Four Corners is in student participation and movement around
the classroom depending on their viewpoint. Evidence of student learning during group sharing of viewpoint
is in student communication of their viewpoints and evidence they use to justify their viewpoint. Evidence of
student learning during video is in student responses during debriefing after the video. Evidence of student
learning during misconception checks is in their accurate responses to the misconception questions teacher
poses. Evidence of student learning during Kahoot is in the class data available to teacher after the
Evidence of student participation and movement around the classroom depending on their viewpoint aligns
with learning objective that students will identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and
philosophies relevant to genetically modified foods and social justice around the world. Evidence of student
communication of their viewpoints and evidence they use to justify their viewpoint aligns with learning
objective that students will argue from evidence that biotechnology benefits economics and society and use
ethics as a lens to view advancements in biotechnology. Evidence of student responses during debriefing
after the video align with learning objectives that students will use using digital tools to construct knowledge
and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves. Evidence of student accurate responses to the
misconception questions teacher poses aligns with learning objectives that students will describe how
restriction enzymes are used to produce recombinant DNA and transgenic organisms. Evidence of class data
available to teacher after the assessment aligns with learnings objectives that students will identify examples
of how biotechnology can be used to create transgenic organisms.
These assessments will not be scored for accuracy of response but will be expected to be fully completed.
Students must participate physically in the Two Corners/Four Corners assessment, communicate their
viewpoints during group discussion, and participate in the Kahoot. Student responses during Kahoot will be
evaluated after each question is completed.
Feedback will be verbal and directed to students during individual conference, group discussion, and class
discussion. Feedback will be immediate and projected during the Kahoot.

Students will use this verbal feedback and immediate Kahoot feedback to inform themselves of their
achievement of learning objectives and understanding regarding genetically modified foods and transgenic
organisms. Students will use this feedback to prepare for the summative assessment on Day 5.
Facilitation & Safety
Students will walk into class, pick up Genetic Technology Student Notes placed at the front of the
classroom, sit at their seats, and retrieve their completed homework (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 1.2, 2.3). Tables are set up in an “L” formation to support group communication and student
learning with the support of their peers. After the tardy bell, the teacher will continue with lesson as set out
in the Introduction, Body, and Closure of Instructional Strategies & Learnings Tasks. Teacher will ensure
student understanding of instruction by explaining directions directly, explaining where, how, and how long
the task should take, to the class and asking students if they have any questions regarding instructions.
During the introductory activity for the lesson, teacher will ask students to get out of their seats and move
around the classroom. The teacher will then divide students into discussion groups. Students will sit with
their assigned group and follow teacher instruction. Students will retrieve materials for the activity upon
teacher instruction and return to their desks. No chemicals are used during this lesson so, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration safety guidelines do not apply to this lesson. At the end of class, students
will put away their materials and pack up their belongings. Students will take out their phones for the
Kahoot. Students will be dismissed when the bell rings During both activities, students will stay on task, and
the teacher will be walking around to observe participation of and discussion between students. If the teacher
observes students to be off task, the teacher will ask the group to redirect their attention to the learning task.
Any major interruptions during the lesson will be resolved at the time of interruption and according to
Collins Hill High School Policies.
Academic Language
Language Function
Students will justify with evidence to communicate ethical considerations of biotechnology, specifically
genetically modified organisms, and how do they benefit or harm society and economics.
Vocabulary for this lesson are GM/GMO, engineer, transgenic manipulation, recombinant DNA technology,
polymerase chain reaction, restriction enzymes, EcoRI, plasmid, and splicing. Students will demonstrate
their understanding of these words in participation of introductory activity and verbal responses to questions
posed by the teacher and student communication during learning tasks. Instructional supports for teaching
vocabulary include YouTube video “18 Genetically Modified Organisms You Don’t Know About, Genetic
Technology PowerPoint and Student Notes, and explicit explanation (verbal and written) and examples
(Instructional Materials and Assessments 2.1, 2.2, 2.3).
Syntax or Discourse
Discourse: For students to be able to access the language function, students must be knowledgeable of
science disciplinary talk, writing, and thinking. Knowledge of and engagement in discourse will allow
students to construct knowledge.
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs
Introduction (15-20 minutes)

Teacher will instruct students to retrieve their Web Quest: Harvest of Fear packet completed for homework.
Teacher will draw students’ attention to the “Viewpoints” section of the packet. Teacher will instruct the
students to stand up and move to front(agree) or the back(disagree) of the classroom depending on whether
they agree or disagree with the use of genetically modified foods. Then the teacher will ask one member of
each group why they agree or disagree with the use genetically modified foods. Students will remain at the
front or back of the classroom and then the teacher will ask students to further divide into corners depending
on their level of agreement regarding the use of genetically modified foods according to the following
locations/viewpoints. Front/Corner 1: I think genetically modified foods are beneficial to society, but stricter
regulations by the U.S. must be put in place. Front/Corner 2: I think genetically modified foods are
beneficial to society, and less regulations should be put in place. Corner 3: I think genetically modified food
are not beneficial to society because of the known risks. Corner 4: I think genetically modified food are not
beneficial to society because of the unknown risks. Middle of the classroom: I do not have enough
information of genetically modified foods to make a decision. Depending on how the students divide during
this activity, the teacher will form groups of students of heterogeneous viewpoints. Groups formed will be of
three to four students, each with at least one “agree” or “disagree” viewpoint on the use of genetically
modified foods. As the teacher forms each group, the students will be instructed to sit together at a table and
discuss why they agree or disagree with genetically modified foods, sharing the viewpoints from the
research packet, and the quote they wrote that best explains their viewpoint.
Body (35 minutes)
Teacher will instruct students to return to their assigned seats and project a YouTube video “18 Genetically
Modified Organisms You Don't Know About” (Instructional Materials and Assessments 2.1). Teacher will
preface this video by telling students that they have research genetically modified foods, but there are also
genetically modified animals as well. After the video, teacher will ask a few student volunteers to share the
GMO that was surprising to them or one they did not know about. Teacher will project Genetic Technology
PowerPoint and instruct students to retrieve Genetic Technology Student Notes (Instructional Materials 2.2
and 2.3). Teacher will present the PowerPoint and describe each slide as students take notes (About 3
minutes should be spent on each slide for a total of about 24 minutes.) Teacher will answer any student
questions during the PowerPoint and ask probing questions to students to check for understanding and
Closure (5 minutes)
Teacher will instruct students to pack up their belongings and remain at their seats. Teacher will instruct
students to take out their phones. Teacher will access the Kahoot link, choose the “classic” game option, and
wait for students to join the game with the game pin projected (Instructional Materials and Assessment 2.4).
The teacher will direct the game while students choose their answers on their phones. The Kahoot allows 20
seconds for each question, and the game should take no longer than four minutes. Teacher will recommend
to students to review class notes and class activities to prepare for the assessment on Day 5. Students will be
dismissed at the bell.
Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)
Visual and auditory learnings styles will be supported through the video. This will help students review the
vocabulary words. Verbal and physical learning styles will be supported during the introductory activity, so
students of different skills and knowledge are able support one another during the activity while moving and
discussing and using vocabulary words for the content related to the lesson. The teacher will focus on
specific struggles of individual students to support their learning by providing direct instruction when

needed during group discussion. Genetic Technology PowerPoint will be uploaded to eClass for student
One student in the class has an IEP in which accommodations include extra time for written assignments
per student request. The activities in this lesson are not substantial in writing. There are no modifications for
this student that refers to changes that alter the standards of the general education curriculum. The student
has an annual goal for written expression evaluated by the special education teacher. No major writing is
required in the activities, except during the PowerPoint and Student Notes, so student is allowed to record
audio during the PowerPoint presentation.
-WebQuest: Harvest of Fear packet (Instructional Materials and Assessments 1.2)
-YouTube video: “18 Genetically Modified Organisms You Don't Know About” (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 2.1)
-Genetic Technology PowerPoint (Instructional Materials and Assessments 2.2)
-Genetic Technology Student Notes (Instructional Materials and Assessments 2.3)
-Kahoot online game (Instructional Materials and Assessments 2.4)
-student phones
Day 3: Lesson and Assessment Plan
Purpose of the Lesson: Central Focus
- How can biotechnology be used in our society to help individuals whom are facing incarceration or are
incarcerated due to injustices of bad science used in evidence interpretation of investigations or judicial
- How can science use the difference in an organism’s genetic material to identify of a DNA sample in cases
of unknown paternity of crime scene investigations?
- How are patterns, scale, proportion, and quantity, and structure and function related to DNA fingerprinting
and gel electrophoresis?
Learning Objective(s)
- Students will identify illustrative examples of how biotechnology can be used in forensics.
- Students will read the results of a DNA fingerprint (paternity and crime scene).
- Students will simulate gel electrophoresis to identify the individual who committed the crime in a given
- Students will analyze and draw conclusions from the results of DNA fingerprinting as it relates to issues of
paternity and crime scene analysis.
- Students will argue from evidence that biotechnology benefits economics and society.
- Students will analyze and harmful impact of bad science in forensics and the injustice it carries out in
crime investigations and judicial proceedings and the beneficial impact of good science in forensics and the
justice it carries out in crime investigations and judicial proceedings.
GSE - Georgia Standards of Excellence
SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in

c. Ask questions to gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of
biotechnology in forensics.
ISTE Technology Standard
5b. Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in
various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
SPLC Anti-bias Framework Standard
D10. Students will examine diversity in social, cultural, political and historical contexts rather than in ways
that are superficial or oversimplified.
Formal & Informal Assessment
Informal debriefing assessment after video is formative to assess student learning during video. Informal
misconception checks during PowerPoint is formative to assess student understanding of concepts and
student learning during research activity. Informal teacher observation of students and conferences with
individual students and/or groups during lab during lab is formative to assess student understanding,
misconceptions, and learning of concepts and lab procedures. Informal lab activity progress is formative to
assess how much time to spend on the lab activity the following school day. Formal homework formative to
assess student learning and misconceptions of gel electrophoresis.
Evidence of student learning during debriefing assessment after video is student discourse and examples
from the video. Evidence of student learning during misconception checks during PowerPoint is student
verbal responses to questions posed by teacher and other questions from the students. Evidence of student
learning during teacher observation of students and conferences with individual students and/or groups
during lab during is student discourse with their peers and with the teacher. Evidence of student progress
during lab activity is student gel electrophoresis chart. Evidence of student learning of homework formative
is student written responses and completion.
Evidence of student discourse and examples from the video aligns with learning objective that students will
analyze and harmful impact of bad science in forensics and the injustice it carries out in crime investigations
and judicial proceedings and the beneficial impact of good science in forensics and the justice it carries out
in crime investigations and judicial proceedings. Evidence of student verbal responses to questions posed by
teacher and other questions from the students aligns with learning objectives that students will identify
illustrative examples of how biotechnology can be used in forensics. Evidence of student discourse with
their peers and with the teacher aligns with learning objective that students will gather and communicate
information about DNA fingerprinting. Evidence of student gel electrophoresis chart aligns with learning
objective that students will simulate gel electrophoresis to identify the individual who committed the crime
in a given scenario. Evidence of student written responses and completion aligns with learning objective that
students will read the results of a DNA fingerprint and analyze and draw conclusions from the results of
DNA fingerprinting as it relates to crime scene analysis.
Evaluation criteria for student discourse is students accurately identify examples from the video. Evaluation
criteria for student verbal responses to questions posed by teacher and other questions from the students is
student accurately answers or poses questions related to learning task to deepen their understanding or
support their learning. Evaluation criteria for student discourse with their peers and with the teacher is
student communicates constructively about the learning task to deepen their understanding and support their
learning. Evaluation criteria for student gel electrophoresis chamber chart is student accurately constructs a

gel electrophoresis chamber, cuts DNA at correct restriction sites to create DNA fragments, and tapes DNA
fragments at correct locations depending on size/number of base pairs. Evaluation criteria for homework and
post-lab analysis questions student written responses are explained in Day 4: Formal & Informal Assessment
Evaluation Criteria.
Feedback will be verbal and immediate, directed to students during individual conference, group discussion,
and class discussion.
Students will use this verbal and immediate feedback to inform themselves of their achievement of learning
objectives and understanding regarding biotechnology in forensics. Students will use this feedback to
prepare for the summative assessment on Day 5.
Facilitation & Safety
Students will walk into class, pick up DNA Fingerprint and Gel Electrophoresis Student Notes placed at the
front of the classroom, sit at their seats, and retrieve their completed homework (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 3.3). Tables are set up in an “L” formation to support group communication and student
learning with the support of their peers. After the tardy bell, the teacher will continue with lesson as set out
in the Introduction, Body, and Closure of Instructional Strategies & Learnings Tasks. Teacher will ensure
student understanding of instruction by explaining directions directly, explaining where, how, and how long
the task should take, to the class and asking students if they have any questions regarding instructions.
During the introductory activity for the lesson, teacher will play a video on the projector. Students will
retrieve materials for the activity upon teacher instruction and return to their desks. Basket of markers,
scissors, and tape will be placed at student desks before students arrive to class. Scissors are used during this
lesson and teacher will reinforce the safe use of scissors. No chemicals are used during this lesson, so
Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety guidelines do not apply to this lesson. During both
activities, students will stay on task, and the teacher will be walking around to observe participation of and
discussion between students. If the teacher observes students to be off task, the teacher will ask the group to
redirect their attention to the learning task. Any major interruptions during the lesson will be resolved at the
time of interruption and according to Collins Hill High School Policies. Before class ends, students will put
away their materials, place them on assigned lab bench areas, and pack up their belongings. Students will be
dismissed when the bell rings.
Academic Language
Language Function
Students will gather evidence from biotechnology applications to analyze and draw conclusions from the
results of DNA fingerprinting as it relates to issues of paternity and crime scene analysis.
Vocabulary for this lesson are DNA Fingerprinting, fingerprint analysis, DNA extraction, DNA splicing, gel
electrophoresis, detergent, emulsify, and gel electrophoresis chamber. Students will demonstrate their
understanding of these words in written responses and verbal responses to questions posed by the teacher
and student communication during learning tasks. Instructional supports for teaching vocabulary include
YouTube video “How DNA Changed the World of Forensics | Retro Report | The New York Times”, DNA
Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis PowerPoint and Student Notes, explicit explanation (verbal and
written) and examples, and Gel Electrophoresis homework (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.5).

Syntax or Discourse
Syntax: For students to be able to access the language function, students must be knowledgeable of rules for
organizing letters or symbols into visual representations of DNA. Knowledge of syntax will allow students
to construct knowledge by organizing letters or symbols to convey meaning. For the first part of the lab
students must be able to follow procedures listed to get accurate results. Planned language supports include
teacher explanation and example during PowerPoint presentation and student notes and explanation of
syntax in DNA samples of lab (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4B). Other planned
supports include written instruction and example within the procedures if the lab to support students in
appropriate organization of letters of symbols into visual representation (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 3.4C).
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs
Introduction (12 Number of minutes)
Teacher will quickly remind students about the general topic of biotechnology and tell them genetically
modified organisms is only one advancement, but there are others. Teacher will introduce the topic of
forensics by asking students to describe forensics. Students may talk about TV crime shows that they know
about or watch. Teacher will use the forensics and/or crime shows to introduce the technology advancement
of DNA fingerprinting. Teacher will project a YouTube video “How DNA Changed the World of Forensics |
Retro Report | The New York Times” (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.1). After the video, the
teacher will tell the students that advancements in DNA technology have allowed more proper interpretation
of crime scene evidence and therefore support investigative and judicial systems (e.g. hair analysis).
Body (40 minutes)
Teacher will project DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis PowerPoint and instruct students to
retrieve DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis Student Notes (Instructional Materials 3.1 and 3.3).
Teacher will present the PowerPoint and describe each slide as students take notes (About 3 minutes should
be spent on each slide for a total of about 21 minutes.) Teacher will answer any student questions during the
Teacher will introduce the No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab and tell
students they will be working with another student in completing the activity (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 3.4A, 3.4B, 3.4C, 3.4D). Teacher will assign pairs based on skills of students. Teacher will ask
one student from each pair to retrieve materials (scenario, DNA samples, procedures, and post-lab analysis
questions) for this lab laid out on the table at the front of the classroom (Instructional Materials and
Assessments 3.4A, 3.4B, 3.4C, 3.4D). Teacher will ask one student volunteer to read the scenario aloud to
the rest of the class (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4A). Then, the teacher will allow students to
work in groups, recommending students to follow procedure as written. Students will use chart paper to
simulate a gel electrophoresis chamber, sample chamber will be given to students in their materials
(Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4C). After students have successfully completed procedures 1
through 4 for all samples of DNA, students will analyze and interpret data resulting from gel electrophoresis
to figure out the identity of the DNA found on the cell phone. The students will use their data from the chart
created displaying the DNA electrophoresis results to support their claim. During lab, teacher will observe
students and hold conferences with individual students and/or groups to check for understanding and
Closure (5 minutes)

Teacher will instruct students to clean up their working area and that they will complete this lab the
following school day. The teacher will handout paper clips/binder clips to students to keep any pieces of
DNA together. Students will store their unfinished materials on the lab benches. Teacher will instruct
students to pick up homework at the front table and complete it for homework (Instructional Materials and
Assessment 3.5). Students will pack up their belongings and wait until the bell dismisses them (this is the
last period of the day). Teacher will recommend to students to review class notes and class activities to
prepare for the assessment on Day 5.
Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)
Visual and auditory learnings styles will be supported through the video. This will help students review the
vocabulary words. The teacher will assign pairs for the students based on student needs and level of skills,
focusing to pair struggling students with a student with stronger skills. Student communication during the
lab is necessary, so students of different skills and knowledge are able support one another during the
activity while discussing and using vocabulary words for the content related to the lesson. The teacher will
offer differentiated instruction to groups or individuals who may not understand vocabulary, construction of
graph, or analysis questions. The teacher will focus on specific struggles of individual students to support
their learning by providing direct instruction when needed. DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis
PowerPoint will be uploaded to eClass for student review.
One student in the class has an IEP in which accommodations include extra time for written assignments
per student request. The activities in this lesson are not substantial in writing. There are no modifications for
this student that refers to changes that alter the standards of the general education curriculum. The student
has an annual goal for written expression evaluated by the special education teacher. The majority of the
class time will be spent carrying out the procedures for this lab, and not the post-lab analysis questions, so
no major writing will be completed in class, except during the PowerPoint and Student Notes. Student is
allowed to record audio during the PowerPoint presentation.
- projector
- YouTube video “How DNA Changed the World of Forensics | Retro Report | The New York Times”
(Instructional Materials and Assessment 3.1)
- pencils
- DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis PowerPoint (Instructional Materials and Assessment 3.2)
- DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis Student Notes (Instructional Materials and Assessment 3.3)
- No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab (Instructional Materials and
Assessment 3.4)
- chart/poster paper
- scissors
- markers
- rulers/metersticks
- tape
- Gel Electrophoresis Homes (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.5)
Day 4: Lesson and Assessment Plan
Purpose of the Lesson: Central Focus

- How can we analyze and interpret results from DNA Fingerprinting to help individuals whom are facing
incarceration or are incarcerated due to injustices of bad science used in evidence interpretation of
investigations or judicial proceedings?
- How can science use the difference in an organism’s genetic material to identify of a DNA sample in cases
of unknown paternity of crime scene investigations?
- How are patterns, scale, proportion, and quantity, and structure and function related to DNA fingerprinting
and gel electrophoresis?
Learning Objective(s)
- Students will identify illustrative examples of how biotechnology can be used in forensics.
- Students will simulate gel electrophoresis to identify the individual who committed the crime in a given
- Students will read the results of a DNA fingerprint (paternity and crime scene).
- Students will analyze and draw conclusions from the results of DNA fingerprinting as it relates to crime
scene analysis.
- Students will argue from evidence that biotechnology benefits economics and society.
- Students will analyze and harmful impact of bad science in forensics and the injustice it carries out in
crime investigations and judicial proceedings and the beneficial impact of good science in forensics and the
justice it carries out in crime investigations and judicial proceedings.
GSE - Georgia Standards of Excellence
SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in
c. Ask questions to gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of
biotechnology in forensics.
ISTE Technology Standard
5b. Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in
various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
SPLC Anti-bias Framework Standard
15. Students will analyze the harmful impact of bias and injustice in the world, historically and today.
Formal & Informal Assessment
Informal teacher observation of students and conferences with individual students and/or groups during lab
during lab is formative to assess student understanding, misconceptions, and learning of concepts and lab
procedures. Informal lab activity progress is formative to assess how much class time to allot to the students
to complete the lab. Formal lab activity product of gel electrophoresis chamber chart is formative to assess
student learning and understanding of lab procedures. Formal post-lab analysis questions is a formative
assessment to assess student understanding and learning of DNA fingerprint lab.
Evidence of student learning is teacher observation of students, conferences with students during lab activity
is student, and post-lab analysis questions is verbal responses to questions posed by teacher and written
responses to analysis questions. Evidence of student learning during teacher observation of students and
conferences with individual students and/or groups during lab is student discourse with their peers and with
the teacher. Evidence of student progress during lab activity is student gel electrophoresis chart.

Evidence of student verbal responses to questions posed by teacher and other questions from the students
aligns with learning objectives that students will simulate gel electrophoresis to identify the individual who
committed the crime in a given scenario, read the results of a DNA fingerprint, analyze and draw
conclusions from the results of DNA fingerprinting as it relates to crime scene analysis, and argue from
evidence that biotechnology benefits economics and society. Evidence of student discourse with their peers
and with the teacher aligns with learning objective that students will gather and communicate information
about DNA fingerprinting. Evidence of student gel electrophoresis chart aligns with learning objective that
students will simulate gel electrophoresis to identify the identity of the individual who committed the crime
in a given scenario. Evidence of student written responses and completion aligns with learning objective that
students will read the results of a DNA fingerprint and analyze and draw conclusions from the results of
DNA fingerprinting as it relates to crime scene analysis.
Evaluation criteria for student verbal responses to questions posed by teacher and other questions from the
students, student discourse with their peers and with the teacher is student communicates constructively
about the learning task to deepen their understanding and support their learning, student gel electrophoresis
chamber chart is explained in Day 3: Formal & Informal Assessment Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation criteria
for student written responses for gel electrophoresis homework questions is as follows: [1. Restriction
enzymes cut DNA into fragments.] [2. EcoRI] [3. Agarose gel is used as a molecular strainer. The porous
nature of agarose gel allows DNA fragments to move faster or slower depending on their size.] [4. DNA is
loaded into wells where the negatively charged end will be.] [5. In the chamber, an electrical current allows
DNA fragments to move from the negatively charged end toward the positively charged end of the chamber.
Smaller DNA fragments will move faster, and larger DNA fragments will move slower through the agarose
gel.] [6. Any reasonable examples of gel electrophoresis that are not forensics or paternity testing are
accepted.] Evaluation criteria for student written responses for post-lab analysis questions is as follows: [1.
The scissors simulated the restriction enzymes] [2. Purpose of restriction enzymes in living organisms is to
cut up DNA of invading viruses. Scientists use them in DNA fingerprint to cut DNA at specific locations to
run them through agarose gel to create distinctive bands unique to an individual.] [3. The process of gel
electrophoresis is able to lead to the identification of a criminal by using three major steps, DNA extraction,
DNA splicing, and gel electrophoresis to create distinctive bands unique to an individual. If distinctive bands
of an individual’s gel electrophoresis results match the bands of the DNA extracted from the piece of
evidence, then we can say the DNA of an individual matches the DNA from the evidence.] [4. The
electronic device should be returned to student 3. We know the device belongs to this student because on the
gel electrophoresis chamber location of the bands in student 3 match the bands in DNA earphone sample.
Through the biotechnology of DNA fingerprinting, we could analyze the similarities or differences of DNA
from a piece of evidence and an individual because difference in DNA in different people are such that using
restriction enzymes to cut DNA will create DNA fragments unique to one individual, therefore leading to the
identification of one individual.]
Feedback will be verbal and immediate, directed to students during individual conference, group discussion,
and class discussion.
Students will use this verbal and immediate feedback to inform themselves of their achievement of learning
objectives and understanding regarding biotechnology in forensics. Students will use this feedback to
prepare for the summative assessment on Day 5.
Facilitation & Safety

Students will walk into class and sit at their seats. After the tardy bell, the teacher will continue with lesson
as set out in the Introduction, Body, and Closure of Instructional Strategies & Learnings Tasks. Students will
retrieve their lab materials from the lab bench (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4). Tables are set
up in an “L” formation to support group communication and student learning with the support of their peers.
Teacher will ensure student understanding of instruction by explaining directions directly, explaining where,
how, and how long the task should take, to the class and asking students if they have any questions regarding
instructions. Basket of markers, scissors, and tape will be placed at student desks before students arrive to
class. Scissors are used during this lesson and teacher will reinforce the safe use of scissors. No chemicals
are used during this lesson so, Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety guidelines do not apply
to this lesson. During the activity, students will stay on task, and the teacher will be walking around to
observe participation of and discussion between students. If the teacher observes students to be off task, the
teacher will ask the group to redirect their attention to the learning task. Any major interruptions during the
lesson will be resolved at the time of interruption and according to Collins Hill High School Policies.
Teacher will lead class in a discussion while students sit at their seats. Before class ends, students will put
away their materials and pack up their belongings. Students will be dismissed when the bell rings.
Academic Language
Language Function
Students will use gathered evidence from biotechnology applications to justify with evidence how they
know the identity of an unknown sample of DNA is one of the four suspects with known DNA identity.
Vocabulary for this lesson are DNA Fingerprinting, DNA extraction, DNA splicing, gel electrophoresis, gel
electrophoresis chamber, and restriction enzymes. Students will demonstrate their understanding of these
words in written and verbal responses to questions posed by the teacher and student communication during
learning tasks and written and verbal responses to post-lab analysis questions and class discussion.
Instructional supports for teaching vocabulary include No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel
Electrophoresis Lab: Scenario and Procedures (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4A, 3.4C).
Syntax or Discourse
Discourse: For students to be able to access the language function, students must be knowledgeable of
science disciplinary talk, writing, and thinking. Knowledge of and engagement in discourse will allow
students to construct knowledge. The students must also be able to understand and interpret results of the gel
electrophoresis simulation. Planned instructional supports are conferences held with each group as they
begin to respond to the post-lab analysis questions. Other planned instructional support is embedded in post-
lab question 1, as it asks students to compare lab procedures to the real techniques used in DNA
fingerprinting and in question 4, as it reminds students to use the format of claim-evidence-reasoning to
support the language function of justify with evidence (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4D).
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs
Introduction (2 minutes)
Teacher will instruct students to turn in their Gel Electrophoresis homework in the tray at the front of the
classroom (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.5). Teacher will instruct students to retrieve their

materials from the lab bench and sit at their seats (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4A, 3.4B, 3.4C,
3.4D). Teacher will instruct students to complete the activity during this class period.
Body (45 minutes)
Students will complete the activity No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis
Lab, as described in the Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs:
Body of Day 3: Lesson and Assessment Plan (Instructional Materials and Assessments 3.4A, 3.4B, 3.4C,
3.4D). During lab, teacher will observe students and hold conferences with individual students and/or groups
to check for understanding and learning. Teacher will look over Gel Electrophoresis homework and check
for misconceptions or challenges in student responses to keep in mind and address during discussion of the
post-lab analysis questions.
Closure (8 minutes)
Once students have completed the Post-Lab Analysis Questions, teacher will lead a class discussion of the
questions including who the electronic device should be returned to and how do they know, what did the
scissors cutting the DNA simulate in the real process of gel electrophoresis, what is the purpose of
restriction enzymes in living organisms and how do scientists use them for DNA fingerprinting, and how is
the process of gel electrophoresis able to lead to the identification of an individual. Teacher will address and
misconceptions of Gel Electrophoresis homework during this time. After the discussion, teacher will instruct
students to take three minutes to clean up their area and put all materials used in this activity away. Students
will pack up their belongings and wait until the bell dismisses them (this is the last period of the day).
Teacher will tell student that there will be an assessment the following school day regarding genetically
modified organisms, DNA fingerprinting, and gel electrophoresis. Teacher will recommend to students to
review class notes and class activities to prepare for the assessment.
Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)
Students with visual learnings styles will be supported through the lab, as students are handling pieces of
DNA and organizing them on a gel electrophoresis chart. Students with verbal learning styles will be
supported through the lab as student communication during the lab and post-lab discussion is encouraged as
they work in pairs. Students of different skills and knowledge are able support one another during the
activity while discussing and using vocabulary words for the content related to the lesson. The teacher will
offer differentiated instruction to groups or individuals who may not understand vocabulary, construction of
graph, or analysis questions. The teacher will focus on specific struggles of individual students to support
their learning by providing direct instruction when needed. Post-lab analysis questions and gel
electrophoresis homework answers will also be posted on eClass for student review.
One student in the class has an IEP in which accommodations include extra time for written assignments
per student request. The activities in this lesson are not substantial in writing. There are no modifications for
this student that refers to changes that alter the standards of the general education curriculum. The student
has an annual goal for written expression evaluated by the special education teacher. Analysis questions will
not be turned in at the end of class because they will be used by students to prepare for the summative
assessment, but this student is allowed to record the class discussion of post-lab analysis questions with his
- pencils

- DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis PowerPoint (Instructional Materials and Assessment 3.2)
- DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis Student Notes (Instructional Materials and Assessment 3.3)
- No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab (Instructional Materials and
Assessment 3.4)
- chart/poster paper
- scissors, markers, rulers/metersticks, tape
Day 5: Lesson and Assessment Plan
Purpose of the Lesson: Central Focus
- How have genetic engineering techniques lead to manipulation of DNA and advancements in society?
Learning Objective(s)
- Students will identify and describe applications of biotechnology such as DNA fingerprinting, recombinant
DNA, and GMOs.
- Student will address ethical concerns regarding applications of biotechnology.
- Students will work on the assessment and behave respectfully with pride, confidence, and healthy self-
esteem without denying the value and dignity of other students.
GSE - Georgia Standards of Excellence
SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is expressed in
c. Ask questions to gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of
biotechnology in agriculture and forensics.
ISTE Technology Standard
Technology will not be used during the lesson as it is a written assessment.
SPLC Anti-bias Framework Standard
I. 4. Students will express pride, confidence and healthy self-esteem without denying the value and dignity
of other people.
Formal & Informal Assessment
Formal assessment of Biotechnology Assessment will assess student learning over the unit (summative).
Part 1 of the assessment will ask students to create a transgenic organism, describe the steps of a genetic
technology to engineer the organism, and address ethical considerations of the organism. Part 2 will ask
students to describe the genetic technology and steps necessary to determine who ate the slice of cake in the
Part 3 will ask students to analyze gel electrophoresis results to determine the paternity of a child. Part 4 will
ask students to choose the best answer for biotechnology aligned multiple-choice questions. Informal
assessment of teacher observation of students’ behavior during assessment will be formative.
Evidence of student learning for the Biotechnology Assessment will be in their written responses to short
answer questions and choice of multiple-choice questions. Evidence of student learning for teacher
observation of students will be their appropriate behavior for the assessment environment.

Evidence in the Biotechnology Assessment aligns with learning objective for students to identify and
describe applications of biotechnology such as DNA fingerprinting, recombinant DNA, and GMOs and
address ethical concerns regarding applications of biotechnology. Evidence in the behavior of students
aligns with learning objective for students to express pride, confidence, and healthy self-esteem without
denying the value and dignity of other students.
Evaluation criteria for the Biotechnology Assessment student response are as follows: Part 1[8 points]:
Students create a creative transgenic organism, states how it will benefit or harm society, and give a reason
for creating the organisms (such as solving a problem in society). Students describe the accurate steps and
definitions for recombinant DNA, polymerase chain reaction, and restriction enzymes. Students describe if
DNA is placed into a bacterial plasmid OR if gene of interest is injected into a fertilized egg. Students
explain at least two problems society would have as a result of this organisms. Part 2[6 points]: Students
state that DNA fingerprinting could be used to determine which suspect committed the crime. Students state
that DNA from the fork and father, mother, brother, and sister must be collected to use the technology.
Students state and explain the steps of DNA fingerprinting including DNA extraction, DNA splicing, and gel
electrophoresis. Part 3[4 points]: Students will analyze and interpret data to determine who is the father of a
child is. Students must include the evidence that Child contains bands that are not from the mother and must
come from ‘Dad’ 3. Part 4 [14 points]: Correct multiple-choice are as follows: [1. D] [2. A] [3. B] [4. C] [5.
D] [6. C] [7. D]. The Biotechnology Assessment will be scored out of a total of 32 possible points.
Evaluation of behavior evidence will meet criteria for by maintaining an assessment environment that is
quiet, only individual work, no cheating, etc.
Feedback provided to students will be handwritten on the Biotechnology Assessment with marks for each
question missed and a total score out of 32 points.
Students will use this feedback to study for the district assessment.
Facilitation & Safety
Students will walk into class and sit at their seats. After the tardy bell, the teacher will continue with lesson
as set out in the Introduction of Instructional Strategies & Learnings Tasks. Teacher will pass out
assessments to students (Instructional Materials and Assessments 5.1). Tables are pulled away from each
other in a formation to support individual work and a quiet environment. Teacher will continue with lesson
as set out in the Body of Instructional Strategies & Learnings Tasks. No chemicals are used during this
lesson so, Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety guidelines do not apply to this lesson.
Students will stay on task, and the teacher will be walking around to observe student behavior and progress.
Students will turn their assessment into the tray at the front of the classroom, remain silent until all other
students have turned in the assessment. Students will pack up their belongings and be dismissed when the
bell rings. Any major interruptions or cheating during the assessment will be resolved at the time of
interruption and according to Collins Hill High School Policies.
Academic Language
Language Function
Students will explain through evaluating and communicating through writing how genetic engineering
techniques lead to manipulation of DNA and advancements in society and addressing the ethical use of the
engineering techniques.

Students will be assessed on the following vocabulary terms: ethics, GM/GMO, engineer, selective breeding,
transgenic manipulation, vector, resistant, DNA Fingerprinting, DNA extraction, DNA splicing, gel
electrophoresis, gel electrophoresis chamber, and restriction enzymes.
Syntax or Discourse
Syntax: Students will demonstrate their understanding of syntax through their written responses based on
their comprehension of the syntax used in the assessment and appropriate responses aligned to content
knowledge, on both open-ended assessment items and multiple-choice assessment items.
Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks to Support Diverse Learners’ Needs
Introduction (2 minutes)
Teacher will pass out folders for students to place around their work areas for the assessment. Teacher will
pass out Biotechnology Assessment (Instructional Materials and Assessment 5.1).
Body (52 minutes)
Teacher will instruct students to complete the assessment, parts 1 through 4 in the class period. Students will
be assessed on current advancements of GMOs and DNA fingerprinting and the use and ethical
considerations of biotechnology in agriculture and forensics. Part 1 of the assessment will ask students to
create a transgenic organism, describe how it will benefit or harm society, describe the details of genetically
engineering the organism, and explain the issues that may occur as a result of the organism. Part 2 of the
assessment will include a scenario of a crime in which students must describe how they could use DNA
fingerprinting to determine who committed the crime. Students will describe the major steps of DNA
fingerprinting. Part 3 of the assessment will ask students to analyze and interpret data in a separate scenario
to determine the paternity of the child in question. Part 4 of the assessment will include seven multiple
choice questions regarding genetic engineering. Students will turn in the completed assessment when
completed at the tray in the front of the classroom.
Closure (1 minutes)
Students not finished with the assessment will turn in their work. Students will pack up their belongings and
wait until the bell dismisses them (this is the last period of the day).
Differentiation, Modification(s), & Accommodation(s)
The assessment while taken individually to assess student knowledge of content and scientific practices will
be composed of multiple parts. Part 1 asks students to synthesize and explain. Part 2 asks students to
identify, state, and explain. Part 3 asks students to determine and reason. Part 4 asks students to identify the
best answer. This assessment provides opportunities for students to display their learning beyond recall and
reproduction, by applying skills and concepts learned in class and applying them to new scenarios. Part 4
includes a diagram to support visual learners. Direct instruction will be given to individual students is a
question is unclear.
One student in the class has an IEP in which accommodations include extra time for written assignments
per student request. The activities in this lesson are not substantial in writing. There are no modifications for
this student that refers to changes that alter the standards of the general education curriculum. The student
has an annual goal for written expression evaluated by the special education teacher. Student will be aware
of the writing before the assessment, so he and the teacher could make necessary accommodations (parent

pick-up since this is the last period of the school day) possible. If the student requests extra time on the
assignment, he may stay after class to complete the assessment.
- pencils
- folders
- Biotechnology Assessment (Instructional Materials and Assessments 5.1)
Civil Rights Data Collection. (2015). Collins Hill High School. Retrieved from
Colarusso, R. P., & O’Rourke, C. M. (Eds.). (2017). Special education for all teachers (7th ed.).
Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (n.d.). Biotech, sci-fi to life?. Collins Hill High School.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (2017). DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis
Collins Hill High School. Suwanee, GA.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (2017). DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis Student
[General format]. Collins Hill High School. Suwanee, GA.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (2017). Genetic Technology [PowerPoint]. Collins Hill High
Suwanee, GA.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (2017). Genetic Technology and DNA Fingerprinting Quiz
format]. Collins Hill High School. Suwanee, GA.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (2017). Genetic Technology Student Notes [General format].
Collins Hill High School. Suwanee, GA.
Collins Hill High School Biology Department. (n.d.). WebQuest: Harvest of Fear [General format]. Collins
High School. Suwanee, GA.
Georgia Department of Education. (2016). Biology Georgia Standards of Excellence. Retrieved from
Georgia Department of Education. (2008). No Electronics At School! Who Broke The Rule? Gel
[pdf file]. Retrieved from https://www.georgiastandards.org/Frameworks/GSO%20Frameworks/9-
Gwinnett County Public Schools. (2018). Academic Knowledge and Skills. Suwanee, GA.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2018). ISTE Standards for Students. Retrieved from
Morgan Park High School. (2012). Gel Electrophoresis Worksheet. [General format]. Retrieved from

Ormrod, J. E. (2016). Human Learning (7th ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson-Merrill Prentice Hall.
Schwarz, C., Passmore, C., & Reiser, B. J. (2016). Helping students make sense of the world
using next generation science and engineering practices. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers
Settlage, J., Southerland, S. A., Smetan, L., & Lottero-Perdue, P. (2018). Teaching science to
every child: Using culture as a starting point. 3rd Ed. New York, Routledge.
Southern Poverty Law Center. (2018). Teaching Tolerance Anti-Bias Framework. Retrieved from
Talltanic. (2017, March 29). 18 Genetically Modified Organisms You Don't Know About
[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmi45JLJOgU
The New York Times. (2014, May 19). How DNA Changed the World of Forensics | Retro Report | The
New York
Times [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPVkooi8m9I

Instructional Materials and Assessments Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Lesson 1 (1.1, 1.2) p. 26-32

Lesson 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) p. 32-36

Lesson 3 (3.4A, 3.4B, 3.4C, 3.4D, 3.5) p. 36-47

Lesson 4 p. 47

Lesson 5 (5.1) p. 47-50


Lesson 1
1.1 Biotechnology Probe

Biotech, sci-fi to life?

After watching an action packed thriller at the theater, a group of

students discussed how realistic some of the scientific claims were in the
film. This led them to tie in other ideas introduced through movies.

Joe: It is possible to go back in time, but only in short segments.

Rain: It is possible to make glow in the dark cats.

Keith: It is possible to choose the exact traits you want for a child.

Paige: It is possible to release medicine into your body as you need it through a contact lens.

Miguel: It is possible to clone yourself.

Anastasia: It is possible to make real life cyborgs (human/robot hybrid).

Athena: It is possible to reverse the aging process.

Which student/ students do you think are right? Why did you pick them? Explain why you think that
their claim is most realistic.


Biotechnology Probe ANSWER KEY:

Students will complete the probe below to assess what they know about current practice in research and
development in biotechnology. Most often students get confused between what is reality and what is fiction fed
through social media. This activity will stimulate curiosity in students regarding what is real science and what is
science fiction.

Joe: This is wrong, we do not have information or the technology to travel back in time

Rain: This is actually true there is a YouTube video that can be shown to gain more interest from the students.

Keith: This is true and false. The technology used is called Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and is an
expensive procedure. This process mainly occurs in in-vitro procedures. Multiple eggs are taken from a donor and
fertilized. The eggs are then grown and analyzed for birth defects and the “best” ones are injected into the uterus
like a genetic pre-screening. There are a lot of ethical issues that arise from this possible technical advancement
and are not yet an option for families.

Paige: This is not true, although there is possible prospect of this happening over the years. Scientists call in The
Smart Lens. More can be read in the following link

Miguel: Often times, students have heard of many animals that have been cloned and think that humans can be
too. Scientists have found ways to clone other animals, but those same procedures cannot be carried over to clone
a human. Many students think that it is only the ethical issue that is keeping this from happening, but that is not
true. More information can be found on http://www.livescience.com/32083-cloning-people-biology.html

Anastasia: Cyborg is short for “cybernetic organism” when a being is fused with organic and synthetic parts.
Although we do not yet have cyborgs, we do have inventions and gadgets that get us closer to this idea. The follow
link details some ways they we are closer to our cybernetic age than we may think:
http://listverse.com/2013/08/03/10-new-technologies-that-will-usher-in-an-era-of-cyborgs/ and

Athena: A lot of science fiction play the miracle of reversing or even stopping the aging process. Although,
scientists do not have a complete understanding or procedure to carry out the idea of preventing aging; they have
isolated certain genes they do believe contribute to the aging process. Scientists rely on the process of gene
therapy to possibly help slow the process of aging. More information can be found here:

1.2 WebQuest: Harvest of Fear

WebQuest: Harvest of Fear

Go to this web address: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/harvest/

Click on : Should We Grow GM Crops?

1. What does GM mean?

List the arguments that are for or against GM crops.

Points FOR GM crops Points AGAINST GM crops


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

2. What do you think we should do with GM crops after reading the different perspectives given?

Explain your answer.

Engineer a Crop
1. Name four gene altered food products humans consume.

a. _______________

b. _______________

c. _______________

d. _______________

2. How was the first corn on the cob produced?

3. Do organisms have to be similar in order to successfully insert genes into each other? Yes /

4. What are the two methods of engineering a crop?


e. _______________

f. _______________

Selective Breeding
1. Why would farmers not eat their “best” corn?

2. Name 3 traits could a famer find most desirable?

a. ____________________

b. ____________________

c. ____________________

Complete the selective breeding simulation choosing the largest ear of corn each time. When you
reach generation number 5, use the arrow to scroll up and fill in the data table below.

Small (thin) corn Medium corn Large corn

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Looking at your data above, explain what happened to the number of small and narrow corn by the
5th generation?

Click start over and this time selectively breed for the small and narrow corn. Is there a difference in
this 5th generation then the one you recorded on the table above?

Transgenic Manipulation
1. How is a transgenic plant created?

2. Explain how you will be able to make a tomato plant more resistant to certain insects?

Food/Item What’s being done? How does it help?










4. What is Bt short for and what does this gene do?


5. What is a vector?

6. Why was the vector placed into the Agrobacterium cell?

7. Explain what happens once tomato plant cells have been added to Agro bacteria?

8. How do you know when the plant cell has successfully been transformed with the insect resistant
gene, Bt before testing it with insects?

What’s for dinner? (Guess what’s coming to dinner?)

Explore the different GM foods that are being created and tested now and list what you find in the
chart on the next page.


Explore the viewpoints areas with articles and interviews that spark your curiosity and choose a quote
that best explains your ideas or viewpoint on GM crops.


Do you think GM foods or crops should be preceded or do you think this is an area that should not be
tampered with at all? Explain your viewpoint on GM foods and crops.




Lesson 2
2.1 YouTube video “18 Genetically Modified Organisms You Don't Know About” link:

2.2 Genetic Technology PowerPoint


2.3 Genetic Technology Student Notes


What is a GMO?
There are 3 different phenomena that are often treated as the same thing:

◦ _______________________: Offspring of a cross from two related but different species

▪ Example:

◦ _______________________: Purposely choosing which organisms get to reproduce

based on desired traits

▪ Example:

◦ _______________________: An organism whose DNA has been altered by humans to

include genes from multiple species

▪ Example:

How many of these are GMOs?

Recombinant DNA Technology

If people have a problem with GMOs, it’s probably Recombinant DNA Technology that they are
talking about

Scientists can __________ a gene using _______________________, then recombine that gene
with another organism’s DNA.

◦ This produces a ______________________________.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Before we can start engineering new organisms, we need to

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) makes millions of copies of DNA in a very short time using
______________________________________________ to break and build chemical bonds

Restriction enzymes
Also called ________________________________________________

Originally (and naturally) made in _______________________ to cut up the DNA from invading

Each restriction enzyme


Recombinant DNA option 1

Spliced genes are often copied by placing them in a bacterial plasmid. Those bacteria then
rapidly reproduce.

Recombinant DNA option 2

Another way to recombine DNA (for sexually reproducing organisms) is to inject it into a
fertilized egg

THINK! Why do we inject DNA into an embryo and not a fully developed organism?


You now have a __________________________________!

In summary:

◦ DNA is copied using _____________

◦ Genes are splices by ________________________________


◦ Option 1: __________________________ is produced and reproduced in


Option 2: Gene of interest is injected into ______________________________

2.4 Kahoot game link: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/0cf123ef-42ef-4013-91d8-aa02f6f46e52

Lesson 3
3.1 YouTube video “How DNA Changed the World of Forensics | Retro Report | The New York
Times” link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPVkooi8m9I

3.2 DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis PowerPoint


3.3 DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis Student Notes

DNA Fingerprinting is NOT the same thing as Fingerprint Analysis!

Fingerprint Analysis DNA Fingerprinting looks like this:


Fingerprint Analysis looks like this:

DNA Fingerprinting looks like this:

DNA Fingerprinting involves 3 major steps

1. DNA Extraction

2. DNA Splicing

3. Gel Electrophoresis

DNA Extraction

Mix cells with detergent to emulsify (separate) lipids

Add enzymes to break down histone proteins

Pour a layer of cold alcohol over the solution to separate the DNA by density

DNA Splicing

Use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific locations:

Example: if a restriction enzyme were to cut at A A | T C

Suspect 1 DNA:



Suspect 2 DNA:



Gel Electrophoresis

Run the DNA Pieces through a special porous gel with an electrical current

Smaller pieces will travel faster / farther

DNA segments leave a banded pattern in the gel when the current is turned off

Each person’s banded pattern will look unique!

3.4 No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab
Instructional materials retrieved from:

3.4A No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab: Scenario
Student Page Lab: No Electronics At School! Who Broke The Rule? Gel
From Georgiastandards.org


Ms. Middleton, a science teacher at a midsize school in Midville, Georgia returned to work after an
absence of two days during which she had attended a professional conference. While straightening
up her classroom at the end of her first day back, she found that an electronic device with
earphones had been left behind a stack of books on one of the work benches. Her forehead
puckered in displeasure, since it was obvious that during her absence the school rule prohibiting the
use of unauthorized electronic devices in the classroom had been violated. When Ms. Middleton
questioned her students the next day about the equipment, no one admitted ownership. However,
by lunchtime she had received e-mail messages from two students, and was visited by another at
the end of the day, each stating that the electronic device was their property. A fourth student
stopped by her class before homeroom the next day and claimed to be the owner. Presented with
this dilemma of ownership, as well as the infraction of school rules, Ms. Middleton came up with a
novel way to resolve the issue. Her classes were just beginning their study of genetics, and Ms.
Middleton proposed that they conduct a DNA test to identify which of the four students might be
the owner of the electronic device. With the permission of their parents, and the school’s principal,
Ms. Middleton collected DNA samples from the cheek lining of each of the four students. These
samples were to be compared to cell samples collected from the earphones attached to the
electronic device. The DNA was extracted from the collected samples. Because the samples were so
small, the DNA was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. The DNA from the four students
was isolated and compared to the DNA from the headphone using DNA restriction enzymes and gel
electrophoresis. The DNA Results, showing the sequence of base pairs for each of the samples, are
on the next pages.

3.4B No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab: Samples
DNA Results Earphone Sample
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA
Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA Earphone DNA

DNA Results Student 1 Sample

Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA
Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA
Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA

Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA
Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA
Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA
Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA Student 1 DNA

DNA Results Student 2 Sample

Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA
Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA
Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA
Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA
Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA
Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA
Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA Student 2 DNA

DNA Results Student 3 Sample

Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA
Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA
Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA
Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA
Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA
Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA
Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA Student 3 DNA

DNA Results Student 4 Sample

Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA

Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA
Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA Student 4 DNA

3.4C No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab: Procedures
1. Use the chart paper provided by your teacher to make a larger version of the chart shown above.
The enlarged chart will simulate a gel electrophoresis chamber. Use a ruler or meter stick to make
sure all of the lengths are the same.

2. Cut out one of the DNA fragment sample strips from each of the 5 DNA Results sheets, making
sure to leave the source of the DNA (Earphone DNA, Student 1 DNA, Student 2 DNA, etc.) attached.
3. Examine each DNA fragment strip closely, looking for the sequence CCGG. This is a restriction
site, where enzymes will cut the DNA into even smaller fragments. Use a pencil to mark these sites,
with a line between the inner C and the inner G (CC│GG). Then use the scissors to cut across the
fragments at those sites. Count and label the number of base pairs contained in each of the DNA
4. Tape the DNA fragments to the chart that you made, using the number of base pairs in each DNA
fragment as a guide in placing the fragments. Example: IF a DNA fragment from Student 4 contained 16
base pairs, it would be taped at the place indicated on the above chart.
5. Compare the DNA from the earphone used with the electronic device to the student samples. Circle
the student’s DNA that matches the DNA from the earphone.

3.4D No Electronics At School! Who Broke the Rule? Gel Electrophoresis Lab: Post-Lab
Analysis Questions
Post-Lab Analysis Questions:
1. What did using the scissors to cut the DNA simulate from the real process of gel electrophoresis?

2. What is the purpose of restriction enzymes in living organisms? What do scientists use them for in

3. How is process of gel electrophoresis able to lead to the identification of a criminal?


4. Who should the electronic device be returned to AND get the three days of detention? How do you
know that the device belongs to this student? (claim-evidence-reasoning)


3.5 Gel Electrophoresis Homework

Gel Electrophoresis
DNA. It's what makes you unique. Unless you have an identical twin, your DNA is different
from that of every other person in the world. And that’s what makes DNA fingerprinting possible.
Experts can use DNA fingerprints for everything from determining a biological mother or father to
identifying the suspect of a crime. What, then, is a DNA fingerprint and how is it made?
Before DNA can be analyzed with gel electrophoresis, restriction enzymes must be applied.
Restriction enzymes work like “molecular scissors” cutting the long DNA molecules at different
locations. Where they cut depends on the code within the DNA molecule and the code within the
enzymes. For example, one type of enzyme severs DNA wherever it encounters a sequence of
A/AGCTT; it only severs between the two A (adenine) bases. The length of these fragments will vary
from person to person because the code for every person’s DNA is different. Some fragments will be
long, others short.
After DNA is cut using restriction enzymes, it is micropipetted into a well within an agarose
gel. Agarose gel is a thick, porous, Jell-O like substance. It will act as a molecular strainer, allowing
smaller pieces of DNA to move through it more easily than larger pieces.
DNA to be analyzed, now within wells in the agarose gel, is placed in an electrophoresis
chamber. The DNA fragments have a slight negative charge so they move toward the tray’s positive
end. (As with subatomic particles opposites attract.) Recall the gel acts like a strainer, thus, smaller

DNA fragments travel further toward the tray’s opposite end than do larger DNA fragments. When
electrophoresis is complete, the fragments are distributed in the gel according to their lengths.
After electrophoresis is complete, further analysis is still necessary. DNA probes are pieces
of DNA that have been radioactively labeled. The probes attach themselves to the DNA only where
their code encounter a certain sequence of code among the various fragments. One example of a
probe would be a sequence of GTA. GTA would only attach to DNA where it encounters the
complimentary code CAT. Excess probe – all material that does not attach itself – is washed away.

Answer all questions below in complete sentences.

1. What do restriction enzymes do to the DNA?

2. Give an example of a restriction enzymes we talked about in class.

3. What is agarose gel and how does it work? What is the purpose of agarose gel being “porous”?

4. Where is the DNA placed in the gel electrophoresis apparatus?

5. How does electrophoresis work (explain what happens in the chamber)?

6. Use Google search to find 3 examples for gel electrophoresis that we have not talked about in
class (DNA fingerprinting in forensics and paternity testing).

Lesson 4
Instructional materials from Lesson 3 (3.4A, 3.4B, 3.4C, 3.4D)

Lesson 5 – Summative Assessment

5.1 Biotechnology Assessment
Biotechnology Assessment
Part 1

1. Create a transgenic organism. How will it benefit you or society? Or will it harm your enemy? Give a
good reason for creating this organism.


2. Describe the details you would need to take to genetically engineer your organism.


3. Explain the ethics of creating your organism. What problems will society have with it? What other
issues may occur as a result?


Part 2

Scenario: You baked a cake for a school fundraiser and told you father, mother, brother, and sister that
the cake was not to be touched or eaten. You left the cake in the kitchen to pick up on your way to
school the next day. In the morning, you find that a slice of your cake has been eaten. The plate and
forked used to eat the slice of cake was found near the cake.

4. What technology could you, the investigator, use to determine which suspect committed the crime?


5. What do you need to collect to use this technology?


6. State and explain the major steps of this technology.


Part 3

8. Use the follow gel electrophoresis to determine the paternity of the child. Explain your reasoning
using evidence from the results.


Part 4

Use the image below to answer questions 1-2.


1. Which of the following scientific questions would best be modeled by the image above?
a. Can restriction enzymes help bacteria against invading viruses?
b. Is it possible for a human cell to be cloned?
c. Can bacterial genes be used to repair damaged DNA in humans?
d. How can bacteria be engineered to produce human insulin?
2. The ring-shaped structure inside the bacterial cell is known as a
a. Plasmid
b. Ribosome
c. Restriction Enzyme
d. Virus
3. All of the following are potential benefits of genetic engineering EXCEPT:
a. Increased pest resistance in crops
b. Increased antibiotic resistance in bacteria
c. Increased nutrient content in foods
d. Increased overall food production
4. Which of the following best describes the role of restriction enzymes in genetic engineering?
a. Restriction enzymes prevent bacteria from reproducing too quickly.
b. Restriction enzymes destroy viral DNA in bacteria.
c. Restriction enzymes cut out segments of DNA to be transferred to another organism.
d. Restriction enzymes protect DNA while it is being transferred from one species to
5. Broccoli is a natural descendant of the wild mustard plant and has been cultivated for its specific
traits over the course of many generations. The process that allowed broccoli to develop from
wild mustard is called
a. Transgenic manipulation
b. DNA profiling / fingerprinting
c. Cloning
d. Selective Breeding

6. Which of the following questions would best be answered by the process of DNA profiling /
a. Can a jellyfish gene be inserted into a cat to make it glow?
b. How can we produce the best-tasting corn?
c. Who is the baby’s biological father?
d. How long does it take to produce a clone?
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of modern genetic engineering?
a. Goats contain spider-silk proteins in their milk
b. Bt corn is resistant to many insects and pests
c. Glo-Fish™ contain a gene from a jellyfish that allows it to glow
d. Corn developed over many years of cultivation from the teosinte plant

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