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4 Staying Motivated
5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
How to Lose Weight
Co-authored by Claudia Carberry, RD

There are many reasons why you might want to lose weight. If you have been significantly
overweight or obese for a long time, then you might have concerns about what the extra weight
could be doing to your health. Obesity increases your risk of many health problems, including
diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, and some types of cancer.[1] If you
have recently gained a bit of weight, then you might just want to lose some weight to fit back into
your old jeans. Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, there are some important
strategies that you should know about.

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Part One of Four:

Eating Right
1 Choose fibrous proteins instead of fatty ones. Protein is important for organ function
and building muscle. Select lean cuts of beef or extra-lean ground beef when you're

Staying Motivated
4 consuming 5 Sample
red meat. Remove skinDiet Community
from chicken beforeQ&A Tips
cooking. [2] Warnings Things You'll Ne

Skip the fatty deli meats like bologna and salami. Choose lean turkey or roast beef as a
Vegetarians can get plenty of protein from soy, nuts, beans and seeds. Lentils, legumes,
and beans are excellent sources of fiber and protein.
Eat low-fat dairy for a source of protein, including low-fat cheeses and nonfat yogurt. [3]

2 Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruit helps to satisfy your sweet tooth thanks to its
natural sugars, while fresh vegetables help your stomach fill up more quickly. Fruits and
vegetables contain fiber to help you feel full quickly.[4] Try some of these tips to introduce
more fruit and vegetables into your diet:

Eat what is in season and eat fruit and vegetables for snacks or, for dessert. When you
eat apples in the fall, for instance, or cherries in late summer, it might as well be an
indulgent dessert. Cut up celery, carrots, peppers, broccoli or cauliflower and dip them in a
light salad dressing or hummus.
Use vegetables as a main dish. For example, make a stir-fry or a hearty salad and add just
a few ounces of cooked chicken, salmon or almonds.
4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

3 Eat more whole grains and cut simple carbs. Whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat
pasta, sweet potato, and brown rice are all excellent sources of energy and sources of
nutrition. Combined with the right combination of proteins and vegetables, whole grains are
perfect all-around nutrition.[5]

Simple carbs are things like white bread, processed flour, and white sugar. This gives you
energy quickly but then comes with a crash. It turns into fat very quickly.
Substitute whole wheat flour or oat flour into pancakes or baked goods. You might need
to add additional leavening ingredients, like baking powder or yeast. Put barley in your
soup instead of rice or try a pilaf with barley, wild rice or brown rice.
Eat only naturally-occurring carbohydrates instead of processed carbohydrates. Avoid
processed foods, like white bread, semolina pasta or crackers, or processed sweets like
candy bars or sugary vegetables.[6]

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

4 Try a formal diet plan. If you like the idea of following a more specific diet and putting the
planning into someone else's hands, try following a new diet and exercise:

Follow a paleo diet and eat grass-produced meat, fish, and seafood, fresh fruits, and
vegetables, eggs, seeds and nuts, just like paleo-humans did. Eat nothing prepackaged or
Try sticking to raw foods. The Raw Food Diet requires 75 percent of your dietary intake to
be uncooked. Most people eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and
Join a commercial diet plan. If you prefer to eat whatever you want and to meet weekly
with other people who are losing weight, then try Weight Watchers. If you prefer prepared
meals so that you don't have to cook, try Jenny Craig or NutriSystem.

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

5 Cut the salt from your diet. Eating more sodium causes your body to retain water, which
can cause you to feel bloated and gain more weight. The good news is that you'll sweat
that weight out very quickly, so an easy way of cutting some pounds is to eat less sodium in
your diet.

Instead of salt, try spicing your meals with chili flakes, fresh salsa, or cajun spices and
Unsalted foods will taste much saltier eventually if you cut salt out for a while and let your
taste buds re-acclimate.
6 Don't skip meals. Lots of people think skipping a meal will help to lose weight, but people
who Motivated
have lost weight tend to maintain their weightQ&A
loss better
4 Staying 5 Sample Diet Community Tips when they eatThings
Warnings three meals
You'll Ne
and two snacks every day.[9] This indicates that eating three meals and two snacks may be a
healthy eating pattern for weight loss.

Make sure that you don't get hungry by eating small portions throughout the day at regular
intervals. Between your meals, eat a 150-calorie snack to keep your metabolism burning
and to stave off hunger. Be sure that you don't eat a fattening snack such as sweets or
crisps. When you're hungry, your body conserves calories and slows down your metabolic

7 Avoid sweetened drinks. Drinks that are sweetened, whether artificially or naturally, will
have little nutritional value and add lots of empty calories to your diet. Do not drink fruit
juice or other sweetened drinks. Even natural sugars will increase your daily calorie intake and
prevent weight loss. If you chose to drink juice, do not exceed 4 oz per day (1/2 cup). Instead
of drinking sweetened beverages throughout your day, drink unsweetened, calorie-free
beverages. Some beverages to avoid include:

Sweet tea
Kool Aid
4 Staying
Fruit Motivated
punch 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
Sports drinks
Sweet coffee drinks
Alcoholic drinks

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Part Two of Four:

Losing Weight Basics

1 Control
4 Staying your portions.
Motivated One reason
5 Sample Diet why you might Q&A
Community have gained
Tips weight is due Things
Warnings to eatingYou'll Ne
portions that are too large. To start losing weight, you will need to eat smaller portions.
Eating smaller portions can also help you to keep eating some of your favorite foods while
still losing weight.

For example, before loading up your plate with half a frozen pizza, check the label to see
what a portion size is and only put this amount on your plate.
Or, if you want to have a bowl of cereal, check the box to see how much you can have for
one serving and use a measuring cup to get the exact amount.
Controlling portions doesn't have to mean you're hungry all the time if you try strategies to
make yourself feel more full.

2 Write down everything you eat this week. People who keep food diaries, according to a
study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average
of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat.[10]
So force yourself to write down the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep these tips in mind:

Be complete. Write it all down, including beverages, condiments, and a description of how
the food was prepared. Don't pretend you didn't have that extra glass of wine after dinner.
If it goes into your stomach, it goes into the journal.
Be accurate. Record your portion sizes in your food diary. Don't eat too little or too much -
4 Staying
keep Motivated 5 Sample
track. Also, read Diet Community
the ingredients Q&A
list so that you Tips
can be Warnings
accurate Thingssizes.
about serving You'll Ne
Be consistent. Carry your food journal everywhere that you go. As an alternative, you can
use a diet-tracking app on your smartphone or tablet.

3 Figure out how many calories you should eat each day to lose weight. Losing weight isn't
all about weight. The more aware you are of the calories in the food you eat, the more
easily you'll be able to eat the right amount of food and do the right amount of exercise to
drop a couple of pounds. Take your food journal and look up each item individually. Keep a
running tally and add up your calorie total for the day.

Next, look up how much a person of your age, height, weight, and energy level needs per
day in calories.
Add about 170 calories to your total. Recent studies estimate that we tend to eat slightly
more than we're able to keep track of in a day.[11]

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

4 Make a meal plan, and stick to it. Decide what you're going to eat this week before you're
standing at the fridge and trying to figure it out on the fly. Buy the right healthy ingredients
to eat the way you want to eat, and plan it out by the calorie.

Be realistic. If you like to eat out a lot, don't try to totally eliminate eating out. Instead, plan
on eating home-cooked meals six days a week.
Cut down on the snacking, or try to make them healthy snacks. Fresh vegetables with
guacamole, unsalted almonds, or fruit make for great weight-loss snacks.
Let yourself have non-food treats. Promise yourself that if you can follow this for six
weeks and exercise (if that is one of your goals), you will treat yourself to a pedicure or a
Work indulgence foods into your calorie plan. If you do want to have something that is a
little higher in calories, then make sure that you work it into your overall calorie goal for
the day. For example, if you are following an 1,800 calorie plan, and you want to have a
brownie that is 300 calories, then you would only have 1,500 calories left for the day.

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

5 Eat fewer calories than you burn. The only surefire way to lose weight is to eat less than
you burn over the course of a day. Sounds simple, but it takes work and consistency. That
means exercise. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, you need to start exercising. Aim
for 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week to get started.

Try to tally your energy-output each day. It's helpful to keep track of these with
pedometers, or other weight-loss tracking apps that you can use to make this easier. Read
the section about exercise for more specific tips.
Set mini-goals. Instead of thinking that you need to lose 20 pounds, think that you want to
lose 1 to 2 pounds this week. Or you can focus on non-pound goals like skipping after-
dinner snacks this week or only drinking alcohol on weekends.
It is important to understand that weight is entirely a function of input and output. The
input is the food you eat and the calories contained therein. The output is your energy
output. To lose weight the output needs to be greater than the input. It is that simple. Do
not believe any of the diet fads. If you are currently not gaining or losing weight then just
burning 300 extra calories per week or eating/drinking 300 calories less per week (2
sodas for example or a small burger) WILL make you lose weight - in this case around 5
pounds of fat per year.

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

6 Drink at least 2 liters (0.53 US gal) of water each day. Water has the double effect of
both hydrating your body and filling your stomach with a certain volume of a liquid that
has zero calories. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men
is roughly 3 liters (0.8 US gal) (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is
2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.[12]

Drinking water about 30 minutes before meals can reduce a number of calories people
end up consuming, especially in older individuals.
Research showed that dieters who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more
weight over a period of 12 weeks, compared to those who didn’t.[13]

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Part Three of Four:


4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

1 Start doing basic aerobic and cardio exercise. Start with a small goal of 30 minutes, 3
times per week if you aren't exercising at all currently. Try these steps to get yourself

Buy a pedometer. Attach the pedometer to your belt and try to take 5,000 steps daily.
Move up to a goal of 10,000 to 15,000 steps as you get in better shape.
Start by walking to lose weight. Walking around your neighborhood costs nothing and is a
great way to start moving. You can also try other low-impact exercises like swimming,
riding a bike or jogging.

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

2 Try machines at the gym. You can use a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, a stationary bike, a
rowing machine or a stair climber. Start with short sessions and gradually add minutes as
you get more fit. Also, use the settings on the machines to increase the intensity as you lose

Do a variety of different machines until you find something you like. Consult a personal
trainer to make sure you're using proper form to avoid injury. They're there to help, not to
intimidate you.

3 Take an aerobics class. You can take a traditional aerobics class or try any number of
movement-based exercise routines. These are great ways of keeping yourself motivated
in a group, having fun moving around, and losing weight.[15] Try any of the following: Search
4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
Martial arts
Crossfit or Bootcamp

4 Get into strength training. Start small, aiming for one or two 15-minute sessions per
week until you feel motivated to do more. Exercise large muscle groups to burn more
calories and lose weight, instead of focusing on specific muscles. Try some of these

Start with squats paired with an overhead dumbbell press to work your lower body and
upper body at the same time.
Perform resistance exercises while sitting or reclining on an exercise ball. You'll
strengthen your core while simultaneously working on other areas.
Use machines and free weights. These tools tend to focus on particular muscle groups
like the arms, shoulders, thighs, glutes and upper back. Do these more focused exercises
after you work on exercises for multiple muscle groups.
Rest at least one full day between strength training workouts so that your muscles can
4 Staying Motivated
recover. 5 Sample
Recovery will help youDiet Community
to avoid Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
pain and injury.

5 Play a sport. If you're not into the idea of exercise for the sake of exercise, try finding a
fun activity that you enjoy, which has the added benefit of getting you moving. Find an
intramural league in your town, or just get together with some friends to play a pick-up game
every now and then.

If you don't like competitive sports, try doing something that you can do by yourself.
Swim, or play golf, or go hiking instead of playing a game with a ball and a net.
Get a bicycle if you want to find a great way to get around and exercise at the same time.
Don't spend all that time sitting down in your car when you could be burning calories.

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4 Staying 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne


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Part Four of Four:

Staying Motivated

1 Find creative ways to eat less. While doing these things alone won't necessarily make
you lose weight, they can be helpful little tricks to keep you moving on the right path. Try
out the following to help your hunger cravings during the day:

Eat three fewer bites of each meal.

Put your knife and fork down between bites.
Use smaller plates, and fill your plate only once.
4 Staying
Wait Motivated Sample
to eat until you5 feel Diet
hungry, don'tCommunity Q&Ayou're
just snack when Tipsbored.
Warnings Things You'll Ne

2 Find creative ways to manage your cravings. If you're used to big snacks and indulgent
meals, it's no secret that dieting and switching to exercise is challenging. But learning to
manage your cravings for a big slice of cake or a greasy hamburger is possible, with a little

Smell fresh fruit when you want a snack, instead of eating something.
"Close" your kitchen between meals.
Don't keep sugary or fattening snacks in the house.
Some studies show that the color blue is an appetite suppressant. Try getting a blue
tablecloth, or blue dishes to eat on.

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

3 Eat at home. Going out to eat makes it too easy to cheat. Food sold at restaurants is
commonly much higher in fat, sodium, and other weight-loss killers. The portions are also
often much larger than what you might usually eat at home, as well. Instead of heading out,
try to make your own meals.

Eat in a small group, instead of a large one. Some research shows that people eating at
big tables tend to eat more than people eating alone.[16]
Don't eat while you do other things, in general. Watching television, or reading, or working
while you eat often causes people to eat much more food than they normally would.

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

4 Eat cereal for breakfast. One recent study revealed that people who eat cereal for
breakfast each day have a much easier time losing weight than people who eat other
types of breakfast. Start your day right with a high-fiber, nutrient rich natural cereal, or

Switch to skim milk with breakfast and for use in other dishes. Each lower-fat step you
take down, you're losing 20% of the calories. Switching to a low-fat version of milk is an
excellent way to cut down on the calories you're taking in, without having to sacrifice any
of the nutritional benefits.

5 Decide to lose weight in a group.[18] Commit to losing a certain amount of weight by a

certain date with the caveat that you'll pay up if you don't lose. You may enjoy starting up
a Biggest Loser Club at work or with your friends, or you can investigate a weight loss betting

4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne

6 Give yourself a treat now and then. If you're attending a party or going out for a special
occasion, allow yourself an indulgence. Just make sure that these indulgences don't
become daily habits.[19] Don't let a single slip-up derail your diet and exercise plan. Get back to
it, even if you forget for a day or two.

Try using non-food rewards as well. When you do something right with your diet and
exercise, treat yourself to something. Go to a game with a friend, or get a manicure, a
massage or a trip to the movies when you meet your mini-goals. Get yourself that new
shirt that you've been wanting if you meet your goal of losing a pound this week.
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4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne


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Sample Diet

Sample List of Sample List of

Food and Drinks Food and Drinks
to Lose Weight to Avoid to Lose

Community Q&A


How much weight can you lose over the course of 2 weeks?

Claudia Carberry, RD
Registered Dietitian
Expert Answer

If you follow the steps described in this article, you can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. To do
this, make sure you are cutting 250-500 calories from your diet and burning 250-500 calories through
exercise every day.

66 7


What can you do if the people around you cook food you need to avoid to lose weight?

Claudia Carberry, RD
Registered Dietitian
Expert Answer
Having support is very important with weight loss. If everyone can get on board, it will be easier to
achieve your goals. Talk to your family (or friends, roommates, etc) before starting your diet and let
4 them knowMotivated 5 Sample
your plan. Explain why youDiet Community
are making Q&A and
this decision Tips
waysWarnings Things
they can help You'll Ne
you succeed.
Even if they do not change with you, that's okay! Go forward with your plan! They may decide to join
you once they see you succeed with weight loss.

45 21


Can I eat pizza and have a little Pepsi now and then?

Community Answer

You can treat yourself once in a while. Just don't let it become a habit.

142 12


What are the best exercises for weight loss?

Community Answer

Aerobic exercises, cycling, and swimming are the best exercises to lose weight.

196 19


How much weight can a 13-year-old lose safely?

Community Answer

It is best to concentrate on a healthy diet with lots fruits and vegetables and exercise. 13 is young so
it is best to concentrate on your health as you are still growing.

133 21


How can you avoid the temptation of eating unhealthy snacks?

Community Answer

4 Get a snack
Staying container which
Motivated has a mechanism
5 Sample that you can
Diet Community set how
Q&A longWarnings
Tips it is locked for. Only when
Things You'll Ne
it opens can you get the snack! Also, have plenty of healthy snacks easily accessible, such as pre-cut
veggies, a low-calorie dip and some fat-free crackers. Drink some water, as this can help to stave off
a craving for the unhealthy snacks.

142 27


How much weight can a 14-year-old lose safely?

Community Answer

It depends on how much you currently weigh, and how much of that is extra fat. Losing weight too
quickly can be unhealthy, but if you lose 1-2 pounds per week you should be okay. Consult a doctor
for more information.

96 19


Can I have a whole cheat day on my sister's birthday(breakfast, lunch, dinner, cake and some

Community Answer

Yes, no single day will have an effect on your diet/weight loss plan. Just try to limit these days to
once every two weeks or so, more frequently and you're sabotaging yourself.

74 14


If I eat only 100 calories a day and run 35 miles a day, how many pounds can I lose a week?

Community Answer

If a woman ate 1500 calories a day, along with some exercise, she would be able to lose about 1
pound a week. For a male, eat 2000 calories a day with some exercise, and you should also lose
about 1 pound of weight a week. If you actually meant to say 100 calories per day, I would say you're
crazy. A 10 month BABY needs around 820 calories each day. Now I can safely assume that you are
NOT a 10 month old baby, therefore if you are eating 100 calories per day, then you are depriving
your body in an extremely dangerous way.
4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
44 7


How many calories should I consume in a day?

Community Answer

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Drink water before and after a snack or meal.

1 Helpful? 0

Don't eat at least an hour before you go to bed and make sure you drink lots of water.
1 Helpful? 0

Weigh yourself daily and then average your weight over seven days. Focus on creating a
downward trend as opposed to losing a certain amount of weight per week. You may gain
weight some weeks, especially if you're female (because of water retention related to your
menstrual cycle), for reasons that have nothing to do with your healthier habits.[20]
1 Helpful? 0

Don't start a weight loss journey alone. Find support from friends and family members who
may also want to lose weight, or join a weight loss support group in your community. You
can also find support in many online weight loss forums.
1 Helpful? 0

Consume healthy oils.[21] If you cook with oil, use a teaspoon of a healthy oil such as olive
oil. Or instead of adding oil for flavor, add spices or apple cider vinegar which has additional
benefits as well as a very strong flavor.
1 Helpful? 0 Search
4 Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings
Instead of drinking 120 to 140 calorie milk, try 60 to 90 calorie almond milk.
Things You'll Ne

1 Helpful? 0

Take at least 10,000 steps a day.

1 Helpful? 0

Whenever you take a bite of food, try to chew for a longer period of time. There are 15
minutes between the time when you're full and the time where you know you're full. If you
eat slowly, the chances of overeating are less likely.
1 Helpful? 0

Get a Fitbit, they are really useful for keeping up with your steps! You can also check time
and meet goals for your steps.
1 Helpful? 0

Losing weight with osteoarthritis is still possible if you take necessary precautions.

Know a good tip? Add it. Add



Do not deprive yourself of food. Make sure to eat at least three meals per day.
12 Helpful? 4

If you're breastfeeding, pregnant, or chronically ill, talk to your doctor before starting a
weight loss program.[22]

Avoid losing more than one to two pounds (0.5 to 1 kg) per week whenever possible. Faster
weight loss may cause you to lose muscle mass instead of fat. Also, people have more
difficulty maintaining rapid weight loss over the long term.[23]

Things You'll Need

4 Staying foods
Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
Pedometer or FitBit
MP3 player or iPod
YouTube videos and/or DVDs
Athletic shoes
Workout clothes
Food diary
Food scale
Measuring cups and spoons

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4 Staying
How to Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
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About This Article

Claudia Carberry, RD
Registered Dietitian

This article was co-authored by Claudia Carberry, RD. Claudia Carberry is an Outpatient Dietitian at the
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She received her MS in Nutrition from the University of
Tennessee Knoxville in 2010.

Co-authors: 591
Updated: April 6, 2019
230 votes - 88%
Views: 4,227,011

Categories: Featured Articles | Losing Weight

Article Summary


1. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/signs
2. ↑http://www.choosemyplate.gov/protein-foods-tips

3. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/dairy-tips
4. ↑http://www.choosemyplate.gov/fruits-tips
4 5.Staying Motivated 5 Sample Diet Community Q&A Tips Warnings Things You'll Ne
6. ↑https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/low-carb-diet/art-20045831
7. ↑http://thepaleodiet.com/what-to-eat-on-the-paleo-diet-paul-vandyken/
8. ↑http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/guide/raw-food-diet
9. ↑https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22027056

More References

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