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EDU 512 Reading Notes Format:

Name Madison Schweizer

Book Title: Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom

Chapter Number and Title: Chapter 6: Independent Learning

Do the following:

Part 1: Describe each of the concepts clearly

Part 2: Describe the three specific applications in each chapter for your work in this current class or
what you might expect to be doing in a future classroom as a credentialed teacher. Be able to describe
the supporting reasoning as to why this research would be worth applying to your professional practice.
Each application should be sufficiently described and applied to cover the ideas you are presenting.

Be well prepared to discuss your ideas in class. The Chapter notes must be submitted each week in the
class assigned to receive full credit.

Application 1:

Description of Concept
One of the first concepts that was discussed in this chapter was knowing where your students are at in
terms of their knowledge of vocabulary. The chapter reminded teachers that “teaching vocabulary is
complicating by the varying word knowledge levels of individual students” (Fisher et al, 2017, p. 139). It
is important that teachers assess their students’ knowledge and abilities when it comes to vocabulary
because there are different approaches to teaching these concepts. “Rather than apply a one-size-fits-all
approach to vocabulary instruction, it is wise to assess students before the reading” (Fisher et al, 2017,
p. 139). Knowing where each student is at prior to the assignment gives teachers a better idea as to
what things they need to focus on as well as how they will go about instructing their students. The job of
a teacher is not only to teach the students, but to know where they are at individually as well. In order
to provide the class with the best instruction, these assessments prior to lessons is critical.

Application to your work/learning

After conducting studies, researchers have found that the effect size for vocabulary programs is 0.67.
This places it high in the Zone of Desired Effects on the Barometer of Influence. Research has shown that
these assessments aren’t just helpful for the teacher but are helpful for the students as well. These
assessments “highlight their understanding of what they know as well as what they still need to learn in
order to comprehend the reading” (Fisher et al, 2017, p. 139). As a student I know that there are a lot of
benefits in knowing where your strengths and weaknesses are. Knowing where you are at gives you a
better idea as to what things you need to focus on. I want to make sure that I provide my future
students with the opportunity to assess their own understanding prior to lessons. I also want them to
know that these assessments aren’t just for a grade. I want them to see that there are huge benefits to
being assessed and that they can use these things every day in order to see where they are at. I want my
students to feel that these things help them rather than give teachers a reason to judge them. Too often
teachers make assessments seem as though they are simply a way for students to be analyzed and
critiqued. It is our job as teachers to change the way that our students view these things.
Application 2:

Description of Concept
Another concept that was discussed in this chapter was allowing students to grade their own spelling
tests. This chapter drew attention to the fact that spelling tests are not things that should happen only
on Fridays. Instead, “students should participate in regular testing situations and receive immediate
feedback via self-correction” (Fisher et al, 2017, p. 147). Too often, we get caught up in the idea that
testing happens once a week on Fridays and this is due to the fact that we forget the purpose of these
tests. Tests don’t have to be things that are dreaded at the end of the week. When teachers provide
their students with consistent opportunities to be exposed to tests, the actual test at the end of the
week isn’t as intimidating. Test anxiety comes when students don’t feel as though they are prepared.
Giving practice tests and allowing students to receive immediate feedback, even if it is only through self-
corrections, gives each student the tools they need in order to succeed when it comes time to take the
actual test. As teachers it is our job to help students in every way that we can and a big part of this is
giving them the tools that they need in order to do well on the tests that we give them.

Application to your work/learning

The effect size for spaced versus mass practice is 0.71 and the effect size for feedback is 0.75 which
means that both of these ideas are ranked high on the Barometer of Influence. “When students are
invited to correct their own spelling tests, they begin to notice where they make errors” (Fisher et al,
2017, p. 147). During one study, a teacher stated that “’noticing where they make errors and which
words they have already learned, focused their studying for the next day’” (Fisher et al, 2017, p. 147). It
is important that students see first-hand where their common errors are so that they know where to
focus their time and attention. When the teacher is always the one giving you the grade you often feel
helpless because you feel as though that is final and there is nothing more you can do. As teachers, we
can allow our students to take a more active role in their learning simply by allowing them opportunities
to check their own work and determine where they need to focus their study time. I hope to do this in
my future classroom. These things have been proven to benefit student learning and incorporating short
tests/revisions throughout the week is an easy way to enhance students’ learning experiences.

Application 3:

Description of Concept
A third concept that was discussed in this reading was providing students with an opportunity to read
independently. “Wide, independent reading increases reading volume, the overall amount of reading,
the overall amount of reading a student engages. In turn, reading volume is correlated with reading
achievement” (Fisher et al, 2017, p. 153). This chapter discussed the importance of teachers allowing
students time in class to practice their independent reading as this directly impacts other aspects of
their learning. Providing them with this time allows students to build their background knowledge and
vocabulary while also given them the opportunity to practice their fluency. This chapter also addresses
the fact that practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does make permanent. This is an important thing for
teachers to keep in mind. Giving students time to practice doesn’t ensure that they are going to master
anything. It is important to provide the students time to practice while also making sure that regular
assessments are taking place. Independent reading time is an important part in the classroom, but it
shouldn’t be the primary focus of teachers either.
Application to your work/learning
Researchers have found that independent reading has a effect size of 0.71 which means that it is ranked
highly on the Barometer of Influence. As teachers, it is important that the strategies and concepts that
we incorporate into our classroom have been tested and proven to be successful. Those who have gone
before us in this field have a lot to offer which is why the effect size is so important. There are a lot of
benefits to reading aloud to students and providing them the opportunity to see reading modeled.
However, there is also a time and place for independent reading which is why it is important that
teachers find balance and incorporate both kinds of reading into their lessons. As an elementary school
student, I loved the various kinds of reading that were involved in our daily classes. I eagerly awaited the
times when my teacher would read to us at the reading carpet, but I also loved the short periods of time
when we would get to read silently for a while. Both of these things helped me in different ways and
contributed to my ability to read as well as my love for reading. As I move into becoming a teacher, I
want to make sure that I provide my students with different opportunities so that they get a variety of
experiences and get the best education possible. I also want to make sure that I do my best to give them
a love for reading because reading is such an amazing experience.

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