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Lesson Plan 8
Grade/Subject: 7 / Social Studies – Chapter 6: Becoming Canada
Teacher: Miss McGovern
Date: March 14th, 2019

Learning Objective(s):

-Get the students to create tableaus on perspectives of the rebellion

GLOs and SLOs:


7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.5, 7.1.6

-Observations during class

-Final Project: 4 tableaus about the perspectives of the Rebellion /20


Chapter 6: Becoming Canada from the textbook

PROCEDURE (45 min.)

Introduction (5 min.)

Get everyone to come in, shake their hands on the way in, and have them pull out the tables and chairs.

Good morning everyone. Guess what?? We are DONE LEARNING NEW INFORMATION for this chapter!

Now it’s time for a Final Project!

Body (35 min.)

You will have today’s class to work on your projects, and then we will have our presentations on Tuesday the 19th!

Project: Rebellion Tableaus

Back on Tuesday, I had you guys interpret the perspectives of different groups of people who were affected by the
Rebellion. For this project, you will be doing the same thing, but in a different way.

1) In your regular table groups, you must create 4 tableaus

-What the situation is
-What their perspective is
-What they could do about it
-What the solution would look like

2) Each tableau that you come up with, must have a line of narration to accompany it
-Any group member can read your line of narration for each pose
-You can switch readers for each pose if you wish

If anyone specifically remembers which perspectives they touched on, speak now, or forever hold your peace as I will
assign everyone random ones to work with. (not all perspectives have to be done)

You have the rest of the class today to work on your 3 tableaus with narration.

I am around for any questions that you may have. Otherwise, have fun with it.

Conclusion (5 min.)

Make an announcement that there is 5 minutes left of class time to work on this.

If you need more time to work on this, consider working on it at lunch time on Friday. I will also give you 5 minutes at
the start of class on Tuesday to practice before we present.

Also! Next week, we will be having a test on Thursday the 21st. So I suggest that you start studying this weekend.


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