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Amarica choice

Mrs.Carroll, Mr. Kelly,

American Literature

April 7, 2019

Ways of being a good person

Ethics is the ​moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an

activity. Justice is the behavior of the things people do. Ethics and justice are similar because it's

the behavior of the things people do or are thinking of doing. My 10 rules fall under the virtue

framework,consequentialist framework, and natural duty.

This first rule fall under the virtue framework. The rule is be comfortable in your own

skin and never let what you wear describe you. This rule means that nobody what people say

about you it shouldn't matter as long as you're comfortable with you body. Also don't let what

you wear get you in trouble or to your head because the clothes dont make you. This rule

matches the virtue framework because it something that makes you be a good person. My 10

rules list developed by me thinking of things people could be a good person by thinking of things

I would do to be a good person. This rule was two different ones and a classmate recommended I

should combine the two and make one rule. It was be comfortable in your own skin and I added

to not let what you wear describe you.

The second two rules fall under natural duty. The first rule is help others be happy. The

second one is never put others happiness down. The first rule means to be the one to make others

happy. The second rule mean no matter your mood don't put someone who is happy put their

happiness to them not being happy. These rules matchews natural duty because it's the duty to
respect people and try to avoid any harm. My 10 rules list developed by me thinking of things

people could be a good person by thinking of things i would do to be a good person. I changed

the rules completely the first was never let what you wear describe you to help others be happy

because never let what you wear had went with one of my earlier rules. The second rules

changed from never put your happiness last to never put others happiness down. I made this

changed because that rule was more for me than other people being a good person.

My third set of rules fall under natural duty. The first rule is keep negative comments to

yourself. The other rule is keep an open mind. The first rule means whatever negative thoughts

you have about somebody or something keep them to yourself especially if they aren't nice

things. The other rule means to be down to try new or different things your not used to. These

two rules matches the natural duty because with having an open mind and keeping negative

comments to yourself is avoiding harm or any bad thing that could come about or happen. My 10

rules list developed by me thinking of things people could be a good person by thinking of things

i would do to be a good person. These two rules were fine, I didn't have to change or edit them.

They were different than my other rules.

My next four rules happen to fall under natural duty. The rule is do no harm. Then its

help others succeed. After that it's be respectful to yourself and other. Lastly it's always help

others during hard times. The first rule mean just to not do anything that cause damages to things

or people. The second rule means to help others get to where they want to be, help push them

toward success. The third rule means to just respect everybody and dont be mean to people. The

last rule means if somebody is going through a hard time help them get passed it. Help them

recover from it. These four rules matches the natural duty because they all have something to do
with respecting somebody and caring for people. My 10 rules list developed by me thinking of

things people could be a good person by thinking of things I would do to be a good person. The

first rule I didn't have to change because to me it was a good rule to follow to be a good person.

The second rule was changed from smile through the hard times to help because help others

succeed was a better rule to follow to be a good person. The third rule was changed from dont

always overthink things to be respectful to yourself and others because dont always over think

things can't really make you be a good person. The last rule was changed from be true to yourself

to always help others during hard times because be true to yourself is really a one person rule.

Lastly the last rule falls under the consequentialist framework. The last rule is never

chase material things. This rule means don't let the fancy or things that come and go make you

always go after it. This rules matches the consequentialist framework because its doing the good

for most people. My 10 rules list developed by me thinking of things people could be a good

person by thinking of things i would do to be a good person. I didn't have to edit this rule

because it followed how to be a good person because being a good person could mean don't go

after things that isnt always around for you and others.

As a result, with me living my these rules my life would be somewhat different because I

would have more of an open mind and i would keep more negative comments to myself. If the

world lived by these rules the things from back in the day with slavery and everything wouldn't

have happened because everything would be respectful to everybody. The world would be a lot

different because racist people would keep their negative racist comments to them self.

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