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Microbiol. Res.

(2003) 158, 353–357


In vitro antimicrobial activity of propolis and synergism

between propolis and antimicrobial drugs
Srdjan Stepanović, Nataša Antić, Ivana Dakić, Milena Švabić-Vlahović

Department of Bacteriology, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade,
Dr Subotića 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Accepted: November 5, 2003

The aim of this study was to investigate antimicrobial proper- also in organisms causing community acquired infec-
ties of ethanolic extract of 13 propolis (EEP) samples from tions (Levy 2002). Beside the well known pathogens,
different regions of Serbia against 39 microorganisms (14 re- resistance has appeared in opportunistic microorgan-
sistant or multiresistant to antibiotics), and to determine syn- isms (Levy 2002). Antimicrobial resistance results in
ergistic activity between antimicrobials and propolis. Anti-
increased illness, deaths, and health-care costs, high-
microbial activity of propolis samples was evaluated by agar
diffusion and agar dilution method. The synergistic action of lighting the need for novel antimicrobial agents.
propolis with antimicrobial drugs was assayed by the disc Propolis (bee glue) is a resinous product that honey-
diffusion method on agar containing subinhibitory concentra- bees collect from living plants and use in construction
tions of propolis. Obtained results indicate that EEP, irrespec- and adaptation of their hives (Bankova et al. 2000). Pro-
tively of microbial resistance to antibiotics, showed significant polis is extensively used in folk medicine, and a number
antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive bacteria (MIC of investigations have shown that propolis posses anti-
0.078%–1.25% of EEP) and yeasts (0.16%–1.25%), while bacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties (Mirzoeva
Gram-negative bacteria were less susceptible (1.25%–>5%). et al. 1997; Park et al. 1998; Kujumgiev et al. 1999;
Enterococcus faecalis was the most resistant Gram-positive Bosio et al. 2000; Drago et al. 2000; Hegazi et al. 2000;
bacterium, Salmonella spp. the most resistant Gram-negative
Sforcin et al. 2000; Hegazi and El Hady 2001; Ota et al.
bacteria, and Candida albicans the most resistant yeast. EEP
showed synergism with selected antibiotics, and displayed 2001). However, most studies were done only with a
ability to enhance the activities of antifungals. The shown limited number of strains and/or with strains of
antimicrobial potential of propolis alone or in combination unknown susceptibility to antibiotics. Moreover, it has
with certain antibiotics and antifungals is of potential medical been shown that there were variations in the antimicro-
interest. bial activity according to the propolis origin (Hegazi
et al. 2000; Hegazi and El Hady 2001).
Keywords: Antimicrobial activity – Propolis – Resistance – The objective of this work was to investigate anti-
Synergism microbial properties of 13 propolis samples obtained
from different regions of Serbia against 39 microorgan-
isms, and to explore synergistic activity between anti-
microbials and propolis.
There is a steady increase in the incidence of antimicro- Materials and methods
bial resistance worldwide. Resistance has particularly
spread in pathogens causing nosocomial infections, but Propolis. Thirteen propolis samples were obtained from
the beehives situated in different areas of Serbia. The
Corresponding author: Srdjan Stepanović propolis samples were ground into a fine powder, and
e-mail: stepan@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.yu thereafter 2 g of the each propolis powder was mixed

0944-5013/03/158/04-353 $15.00/0 Microbiol. Res. 158 (2003) 4 353

with 10 ml of 95% ethanol to obtain 20% (w/v) propolis Antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial activity of propo-
extract. Extraction was carried out at room temperature lis extracts was determined by two techniques.
in the dark for 7 days, with periodical strong hand For agar well diffusion method 13 microbial strains
shaking. After extraction, the mixture was centrifuged, were used. Suspensions of microorganisms containing
and supernatants were designated as an ethanolic extract 106 cells/ml were inoculated onto plate surfaces with a
of propolis (EEP). sterile cotton swab. Test plates (diameter 10 cm) were
prepared with 20 ml of Mueller-Hinton agar (Oxoid,
Microorganisms. A total of 39 microorganisms, refer- Unipath Ltd., Basingstoke, Hampshire, England), and
ence strains and clinical isolates, were used in this study, holes of 6 mm in diameter were punched in the agar
21 Gram-positive bacteria, 12 Gram-negative bacteria plates. Each hole was filled with 50 µl of EEP or as the
and six yeast strains. Among them, four Staphylococcus control 50 µl of 95% ethanol. The diameters of the
aureus, and one strain of S. sciuri, S. epidermidis, S. growth inhibition zones around the holes were measured
xylosus, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, after incubation for 48 h at 35°C.
Serratia marscescens, Providencia stuartii, P. rettgeri, Agar dilution method was performed with 39 micro-
Morganella morganii, Salmonella enteritidis were re- organisms. Test plates were prepared with 19 ml of
sistant or multiresistant to antibiotics commonly used Mueller-Hinton agar, and 1 ml of 2-fold dilutions of
for treatment of infections caused by these bacteria. each of the thirteen EEP made in 95% ethanol as
Stock cultures of bacteria were maintained on Tryptose the diluent. Control plate was made with 1 ml of 95%
agar (Difco laboratories, Detroit, Michigan, USA) at ethanol. After cooling and drying, the plates were spot
4 °C. Prior to inoculation, all strains were transferred inoculated with 10 µl of the 10 6 cells/ml suspension.
from the stock cultures to Tryptose agar and incubated Plates were incubated for 48 h at 35°C, and the minimal
overnight at 35 °C. All strains were subsequently sub- inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were defined as the
cultured one more time under the same conditions. The lowest concentration of propolis that inhibited visible
grown cultures were used for preparation of suspensions growth of microorganisms spots.
in sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.2) with Synergy assay. Synergy assay was based on previously
densities adjusted to 0.5 McFarland standard. As need- described procedure (Mirzoeva et al. 1997). Three
ed, the obtained suspensions were further diluted in PBS microorganisms were used for synergy assay: oxacillin
to achieve appropriate number of cells per ml. Yeasts resistant and multiresistant S. aureus, multiresistant
were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar (bioMérieux, K. pneumoniae and C. albicans. The synergistic action
Marcy-l’Etoile, France). of EEP with antibiotics/antifungals was assayed by the

Table 1. Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts of 13 propolis samples obtained from different regions of Serbia
Region where Zone of inhibition of microbial growth (mm)
propolis was without the size of the hole
Gram-positive bacteria Gram-negative bacteria Yeast
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Čačak 9 9 6 6 9 10 / / / 6 7 5 4
Zaklopača 10 13 8 7 11 12 / / 1 6 10 7 6
Raška 9 12 8 6 11 12 / 1 1 6 10 5 5
Vlasotince 9 12 7 6 10 13 / / / 4 10 6 5
Surčin 9 12 8 7 10 13 / / / 4 12 5 5
Pančevo 9 12 8 7 12 13 / / / 4 11 5 5
Kragujevac 10 12 7 6 13 12 / / / 5 11 6 5
East Serbia 1 9 12 8 6 11 12 / / / 2 10 5 5
East Serbia 2 10 11 7 6 13 12 / 1 / 5 10 5 5
East Serbia 3 10 12 8 7 10 12 / / / 4 11 6 5
East Serbia 4 10 12 8 7 10 12 1 1 1 2 10 6 6
Plandište 9 10 7 6 10 10 / / / 2 10 6 5
Aleksinac 11 12 7 6 10 11 1 2 1 6 11 6 5

1 = S. epidermidis ATCC 14990; 2 = S. aureus ATCC 25923; 3 = S. sciuri ATCC 29062; 4 = E. faecalis ATCC 29212; 5 =
B. subtilis; 6 = L. monocytogenes SLCC 2375; 7 = E. coli ATCC 25922; 8 = P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853; 9 = S. marscenscens;
10 = P. stuartii; 11 = C. guilliermondii; 12 = C. parapsilosis; 13 = C. albicans

354 Microbiol. Res. 158 (2003) 4

disc diffusion method on Mueller-Hinton agar for bac- Pasteur, Marnes la Coquette, France) for C. albicans.
teria, and glucose enriched Mueller-Hinton agar (Lee Plates were incubated 48 h at 35°C, before the effect of
et al. 2001) for C. albicans. One ml of appropriate EEP EEP was measured by the relation of diameters of the
dilution and 19 ml of the cooled medium were mixed growth inhibition zones around the discs in the presence
to obtain concentration of EEP which did not inhibit of EEP to the diameters of the growth inhibition zones
the growth of tested microorganism. Final concentra- around the discs without the presence of EEP (Mirzo-
tions of EEP in the media were 0.63% and 0.31% for eva et al. 1997).
K. pneumoniae, 0.16% and 0.078% for C. albicans and
0.078% and 0.039% for S. aureus. Plates containing
sub-inhibitory concentrations of EEP, as well as control Results
plates containing 95% ethanol instead of EPP, were
seeded with the tested bacterial strains as described for Results of the evaluation of antimicrobial activities of
agar well diffusion method, and as it was described by 13 propolis samples obtained by agar well diffusion
Lee et al. (2001) for C. albicans. The following discs method, showed significant antimicrobial activities
(Torlak, Belgade, Serbia) were placed on the seeded against Gram-positive bacteria and yeast, but far less
plates: ampicillin (10 µg), ceftriaxone (30 µg), doxycy- against Gram-negative bacteria (Table 1).
cline (30 µg), amikacin (30 µg), nalidixic acid (30 µg) More precise information on antimicrobial activities
and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (1.25 + 23.75 µg) of 13 propolis samples was obtained by agar dilution
for bacteria, and nystatin (100 UI) (Sanofi Diagnostics method (Table 2). MICs for Gram-positive bacteria

Table 2. Minimum inhibitory concentrations for ethanolic extracts of 13 different propolis

Microorganism Number of propolis samples displaying various MICs against different microbial strains*
(number of strains)
MIC: >5 5 2.5 1.25 0.63 0.31 0.16 0.078

Gram-positive bacteria
S. epidermidis (2) 2 17 6 1
S. xylosus (1) 1 11 1
S. lentus (1) 9 4
S. sciuri (2) 7 17 2
S. intermedius (1) 8 5
S. aureus (6) 12 59 7
M. luteus (2) 10 16
L. monocytogenes (1) 1 12
E. faecalis (2) 1 5 20
B. subtilis (2) 2 16 8
B. cereus (1) 10 3
Gram-negative bacteria
S. flexneri (1) 7 6
Y. enterocolitica (1) 4 9
S. typhimurium (1) 3 10
S. enteritidis (1) 4 9
E. coli (1) 3 5 5
K. pneumoniae (1) 10 2 1
S. marscescens (1) 2 2 9
P. stuartii (2) 11 7 8
M. morganii (1) 1 4 8
P. rettgeri (1) 3 6 4
P. aeruginosa (1) 6 4 3
C. guilliermondii (2) 1 17 8
C. parapsilosis (1) 7 6
C. albicans (3) 2 4 30 3

* The numbers presented were calculated as: number of propolis samles displaying indicated
MIC value × number of tested microbial strains

Microbiol. Res. 158 (2003) 4 355

Table 3. Synergy between antibiotics/antifungals and 13 different ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP)
Microorganism/antibitoic (susceptibility to antibiotics) Synergism with indicated concentration of EEP*

S. aureus 0.078% EEP 0.039% EEP

ampicillin – resistant 1–1.3** 1–1.23
ceftriaxone – resistant 1–1.33 1–1.25
doxycycline – resistant 1.08–1.19 1–1.08
amikacin – susceptible 1 1
nalidixic acid – resistant 1–1.1 1–1.1
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole – resistant 1 1
K. pneumoniae 0.63% EEP 0.31% EEP
ampicillin – resistant 1 1
ceftriaxone – susceptible 1.5–2.0 1.45–1.6
doxycycline – susceptible 1.04–1.15 1.11–1.41
amikacin – intermediate susceptible 1 1
nalidixic acid – resistant 1 1
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole – resistant 1 1
C. albicans 0.16% EEP 0.078% EEP
nystatin – 16 mm*** 1.56–1.88 1.38–1.63

* Data presents the minimal and maximal values of 13 tested ethanolic extracts of propolis
** 1, no synergism; >1, synergism present
*** Because of known problems with interpretation of yeast susceptibility to antifungals, the diameter of the growth inhibition
zone around the nystatin is given.

were in the range of 0.078%–1.25% EEP, Gram-nega- method confirmed only small variations in the antimi-
tive bacteria 1.25%–>5% EEP, and yeasts 0.16–1.25% crobial activity according to the propolis origin. Similar
EEP. E. faecalis was the most resistant Gram-positive antimicrobial activity does not necessarily mean that
bacterium, Salmonella spp. was the most resistant there is no difference in the composition of tested pro-
Gram-negative bacteria, and C. albicans was the most polis samples, since Kujumgiev et al. (1999) observed
resistant yeast. that in different samples, different substance combina-
The results of synergy between antibiotics/antfungals tions are essential for the biological activity of the pro-
and 13 different EEP on multiresistant S. aureus, multi- polis.
resistant K. pneumoniae and C. albicans are presented Although the antimicrobial properties of propolis
in Table 3. have been the subject of many investigations, it is diffi-
cult to compare the results of different studies, due to the
different compositions of propolis and/or different
Discussion methods used for the evaluation of propolis antibacteri-
al activities (Drago et al. 2000). However, it is gener-
The chemical composition of propolis is very complex ally recognized that Gram-positive bacteria are more
and depends on the flora in the areas where it was col- susceptible to antibacterial action of propolis than
lected (Bankova et al. 2000). Therefore variations Gram-negative bacteria (Mirzoeva et al. 1997; Drago
shown in the antimicrobial activity according to the pro- et al. 2000; Sforcin et al. 2000), which is confirmed in
polis origin (Hegazi et al. 2000; Hegazi and El Hady this study on various microorganisms. The result of
2001) are not surprising. However, results of the evalu- particular interest of this study is that resistance of tested
ation of antimicrobial activities of 13 propolis samples bacteria to antibiotics has no influence on the suscep-
from different parts of Serbia, obtained by agar well dif- tibility to EEP.
fusion method revealed only minor variations in the The results of synergistic action of EEP with antibio-
antimicrobial activity according to the propolis origin. tics demonstrated potential of propolis to enhance anti-
Bosio et al. (2000) found that diffusion method is not biotic action and, thus, support previous findings on
suitable for comparison of the specimens since the mini- synergistic action between antibiotics and propolis
mal concentration of propolis that permitted measure- (Krol et al. 1993; Mirzoeva et al. 1997). However, dif-
ment of the diameter of the inhibition zone is relatively ferent propolis samples showed different potential to
high, and propolis solutions display irregular diffusion. enhance antibiotics actions. The inhibition zones around
However, MIC of the EEP obtained by agar dilution the discs of antibiotics, on which EEP had the influence,

356 Microbiol. Res. 158 (2003) 4

were larger in the presence of higher concentrations of li, L., Gismondo, M. R. (2000): In vitro antimicrobial activ-
EEP. The only exception from this was doxycycline ity of propolis dry extract. J. Chemotherapy 12, 390–395.
when used against K. pneumoniae. This antibiotic has Hegazi, A. G., Abd El Hady, F. K., Abd Allah, F. A. (2000):
the larger inhibition zones in the presence of lower Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Euro-
pean propolis. Z. Naturforsch. C 55, 70–75.
quantities of EEP. There is no apparent explanation for
Hegazi, A. G., El Hady, F. K. (2001): Egyptian propolis: 1-
this finding. The important finding of this study is antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of Upper
displayed ability of propolis extracts to enhance anti- Egypt propolis. Z. Naturforsch. C 56, 82–88.
fungal activities. Interestingly little attention has been Krol, W., Scheller, S., Shani, J., Pietsz, G., Czuba, Z. (1993):
given previously to the synergistic effects of propolis Synergistic effect of ethanolic extract of propolis and anti-
and antifungals. To the best of our knowledge this is the biotics on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Arzneimit-
first time that this has been shown. Combination of pro- tel-forsch. 43, 607–609.
polis with antimicrobial agents could allow the reduc- Kujumgiev, A., Tsvetkova, I., Serkedjieva, Y., Bankova, V.,
tion in the dose of selected antimicrobials and potentia- Christov, R., Popov, S. (1999): Antibacterial, antifungal and
tion of the antimicrobial therapy (Mirzoeva et al. 1997). antiviral activity of propolis of different geographic origin.
J. Ethnopharmacol. 64, 235–240.
This study has shown that propolis has significant
Lee, S. C., Fung, C. P., Lee, N., See, L. C., Huang, J. S., Tsai,
antimicrobial potential against bacteria and yeasts, but C. J., Chen, K. S., Shieh, W. B. (2001): Fluconazole disk
the effect is species dependent. The resistance of tested diffusion test with methylene blue- and glucose-enriched
bacteria to antibiotics has no influence on the suscept- Mueller-Hinton agar for determining susceptibility of Can-
ibility to EEP. The shown potential of propolis to en- dida species. J. Clin. Microbiol. 39, 1615–1617.
hance antibiotics and especially antifungal action is of Levy, S. B. (2002): Factors impacting on the problem of anti-
potential medical interest especially for topical applica- biotic resistance. J. Antimicrob. Chemoth. 49, 25–30.
tion. Mirzoeva, O. K., Grishanin, R. N., Calder, P. C. (1997): Anti-
microbial action of propolis and some of its components:
the effects on growth, membrane potential and motility of
bacteria. Microbiol. Res. 152, 239–246.
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Microbiol. Res. 158 (2003) 4 357

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