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Lesson 11

The Daily Dive

People of the Promised Land I

Songs and Prayers of David

The Psalms

Read Psalm 1.
• What does the blessed person reject, and what do they enjoy?
• How would you describe a blessed person?
Principle: God sent Jesus to be our righteousness.

Read Psalm 51.

• What are the effects of God’s forgiveness for the psalmist?
• How does Psalm 51 help you talk to God about your sin?
Principle: God sent Jesus to forgive our sin.

Read Psalm 22.

• What is the cry of the psalmist, and what does he know about God?
• How does Psalm 22 help you love God’s Son, Jesus?
Principle: God sent Jesus to be our Savior.

Review Psalms 1, 22, 51.

• What have the Psalms taught you this week? Write a prayer of praise to God.
Main truth: God’s people use the Psalms for prayer and praise to God.

Scripture Memory
“I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” – Psalm 16:8

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Lesson 11
A Deeper Dive
People of the Promised Land I

Exploring the Christian Faith

An Attribute of God
from this week’s passage
God has always been love. Before He created the world, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit loved one another. God’s love
never fails. God loves the world. He showed His love by sending His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as Savior. When we receive
His Son as our Savior, we can love God.
To learn more Attributes of God, visit www.mybsf.org.

A Basic Truth of the Christian Faith

Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die?
Death is the punishment for sin.1 Jesus willingly died on the cross in our place.2 He bore the full wrath of God against sin. He
died to deliver us from the grip of sin, death and hell and to bring us back to God.3 Jesus’ death frees us from slavery to sin
now and sin’s punishment for eternity.4
Romans 6:231; Isaiah 53:5-62; Romans 5:9-103; Romans 6:184
Think About It
Don’t all people go to heaven, or at least a good place?
All people do not go to heaven. There are only two places to go after death, heaven or hell. Jesus died to make people righteous.
But only those who are righteous by faith in Christ can go to heaven, or heaven would not remain a holy and perfect place.
Jesus died to keep us out of hell. People have a choice. Their sin is either on Jesus or on themselves. When people do not love
and trust Jesus, they are separated in death from God in hell.
Is there really a hell?
Yes, there is a real hell. Jesus often warned about hell and we can trust His Word (Luke 16:23-26; Matthew 13:42). When sin
entered the human race through Adam, God said the punishment was death. This death involves more than the body dying.
Death for sin involves a separation from God and everything beautiful He has created. Hell is a horrible real place of sinful
eternal existence and continued hatred of God. The only way to avoid going to hell is to trust in Christ.
Is it fair for God to punish people forever?
God cannot leave sin unpunished, because He is just and holy. God created all people with an eternal soul so they could live
with Him forever. The body dies, but the soul continues to exist for eternity. The person who refuses Christ will therefore live
eternally apart from Him and His grace. God is also loving and punished sin through Jesus. Jesus suffered the pains of hell
when He bore the infinite weight of punishment for the sins of mankind. The fury of God’s wrath against sin was poured out on
Jesus instead of on His children. In hell, God’s righteous fury will be poured out on everyone who does not trust Jesus.
To learn more Basic Truths of the Christian Faith, visit www.mybsf.org.

The Daily Dive (07.2018) www.mybsf.org | People of the Promised Land I Lesson 11

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