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Apor, Rea Eliza M.

Carandang, Howard Jerome

Carpio, Leanne Alyssa B.
MWF 6-7 pm

Advantages Disadvantages

 It is highly responsive. There is a fast  It is essentially a oligarchy. An ordinary

response from the government person has very little say when it comes
whenever it is needed. It is quick to take to their society. Even if they try to come
action like building infrastructures in to politicians for suggestions or
Unitary Government specific places and sending help to its concerns, at the end of the day the
people when disasters happen. politicians are the ones who will make
 Laws are regularized consistently. The the decision.
 It is a system of governing where laws and regulations are followed based  Most common form of government to
virtually all of the power is located on a person's location. Also, people are transition into a dictatorship. Because it
within a centralized government aware of what to do and not to do. gave more power to few people or
structure. The government itself rules Everyone knows the law and what is individual, they can use it to manipulate
as a single entity. legal and illegal. the system and use it for their personal
 Cost can be limited or expanded. This gain.
form of government can limit its  It can become ignorant of the country's
expenses so that the contribution of the local concerns. This form of government
taxpayers in the form of tax will be is all about the larger view or
spent without causing shortage in perspective of the nation. However, a
budget. Cost can also be expanded if functional government needs to look at
needed especially by its people if there both micro and macro view to address
are natural disasters. all the concerns and to make sure no
one is being neglected.
Advantages Disadvantages

 As a Protection against Tyranny, in  It allows for Inequalities between

Federal Government federalism the division of power is different states. When a particular
 The term federal, in federal important between national and state economy of a state was flourished, it's
government refers to two definitions, government, to spread the national possible that the other states will be left
the national level of government and government's power and avoid the behind.
the federal government itself. It is a centralization of government's power to  The blockage of nationalist policies by
form of government in which power a one person. states. States can fight against the
is divided between a central  State governments can be more existence of certain national laws by
government and individual states, responsive to citizen needs, The closer a challenging them in court, or going out
provinces, etc. (local government entity is to its citizens, the of their way to not enforce those
governments).The division of power more likely it is the respond to the national laws, or even deliberately
is given to both local and national needs of citizens. States are better by obstructing enforcement of national
level so that any changes or actions listening from its citizen's needs, and laws.
by one level is not valid. Both levels respond to them, than the national  The states will compete with each other
of government has own officials and government would be. in an oppositional way, by reducing the
agencies that will implement set of  Innovation in Law and Policy is amount of benefits they give to welfare
laws that should obey by the people encouraged by permitting different recipients compared to, say, a
in a certain area. state governments to set different neighboring state, motivating the
policies and the ones found most undesirables to go to the neighboring
effective at solving its problems can state, thereby reducing their welfare
then be implemented in other states, or costs even more. This reduction of state
on the national level. benefits to needy has been deemed the
‘race to the bottom’.
Advantages Disadvantages

 It yields a strong and clear executive,  Tendencies towards

since the president is the head of authoritarianism. Since the power is
state and government he /she is the completely vested to the president
Chief of the Armed Forces attend he/she may abuse his/her authority.
Presidential Government political functions, exercising political
powers, and legitimizing the state,  The President and the Congress could
 The executive power is leader of the ruling party and is the sometimes not agree and may
constitutionally vested in a single chief of the executive branch and represent different standpoints. This
individual which is the President who lastly presides over a cabinet. may result in a slow passing of
is directly voted upon by the people. legislations since the President may
 It brings stability as presidents are veto the legislation passed by the
usually elected to fixed terms since Congress.
his/her term is fixed he/she cannot
just step down from his/her position  It can be more difficult to remove an
anytime within his/her term. unsuitable president from office
because the term is already
 The president is free to make major concluded. Unlike parliamentary
policy decision without public system where the executive can be
support. Since he/she has the highest replaced anytime, in presidential
position in the government given by system, the term is fixed for the
the people, he/she has independent president.
power and does not need support
from others.
Advantages Disadvantages

 It’s faster and easier to pass  Often result in a fragile or even

legislation. This is because the absent executive because there were
executive branch is part of the many parties and no majority could
legislature. Since its government is agree. Unlike presidential system
unified, it can pass laws more where there is a single person who
Parliamentary Government efficiently and no one will oppose or has the most power, parliamentary
stop it. The Prime Minister and the system may have difficulty in arriving
 Executive power is vested in the legislative branch can agree more at a particular decision because there
legislature which chooses a prime easily. are many parties who may impose
minister or chancellor to head the their opinions.
executive.  Ensures responsible governance.
Since the parliament is the  There is instability. The prime
representative of the people, and the minister’s government can fall
people choose who will hold the anytime. If the Prime Minister is
position in the cabinet, the proven undeserving of position, the
representative could be driven out of legislative branch can elect another
their position in case of Prime Minister.
unsatisfactory performance.
Therefore, they don't have a choice  There is no independent body to
but to ensure that the people are oppose the legislation approved by
satisfied and their needs are met. parliament. Since this form of
government is a unified body, the
 Power is more evenly diverged. legislation's decisions are one and
Power is more evenly spread out in decided at the same time by
the power structure of everybody in the position that is why
parliamentarianism and the Prime there are rarely opposition from
Minister rarely have high importance. independent parties.
Members of the parliamentary and
the Prime Minister both have the
power to make decisions.

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