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Spring 2017 – Dr. Davis

Locomotor Lab Two

Name: Diego Alvarez Date: March 27th, 2017 Lab Group Day and #: Wednesday

A. To observe the interaction between Cortland students and CHAMP students.
B. Locomotor Skills Assessment – TGMD 2 Worksheet.


Observe the interaction between CHAMP students and Cortland students.

1. Observe the CHAMP student(s) as they participate in the activities. Describe the variability of the movement patterns you observed. Be
sure to note differences in age, gender, or ability as it pertains to their ability to demonstrate the motor skills. Please focus on locomotor
skills (Run, Gallop, Hop) from rudimentary to specialized (initial to mature) movement patterns. Explain WHY you think some students
move better than others.
A great game the students of CHAMP played that showed how developed their locomotor skills was capture the flag. In this game the
students were constantly moving in different directions and different ways. This game made the kids do different locomotor movements like run,
walk, speed up/slow down, jump and others. It was interesting to see how the different kids did these movements all differently. I don’t believe any
kid had the same movement pattern while running or walking. Some of the kids that participated in the game looked to be more developed with their
locomotor skills while running. These kids were moving their arms in sync with their feet and also had good balance while running. Other kids
lacked that and look less developed. Some of the less developed kids would run with their arms moving side to side instead of up and down. The less
developed kids were also not able to run and change speeds as well as the more developed kids. I believe that there are a couple of reasons why some
of the students were more advanced/developed. One of the reasons was that some of the kids are athletes on teams and have had coaching to help
them get better with certain locomotor skills such as running. Another reason is that some of the students are more active than others and are
practicing more. A third thing that could contribute to the development of their locomotor skills could be that it has to do with confidence. If the
student doesn’t believe they will be able to do a certain movement then that mindset will hold them back. Those are three reasons why I belive some
of the students were better with their locomotor skills than others.

2. Describe the effective “teaching strategies” that you observed. What were they? How were they used? What was the effect? Were there
any strategies that were more effective than others? If so, why?
At the CHAMP program, I have noticed many different effective teaching strategies that have made learning for the students easier. One
teaching strategy that I think is extremely effective is to have the activity/game set up before explaining it. This helps not only the students but also
the instructor. It helps the students because they are able to visualize what you are talking about. It helps the instructor because if you can see it the
odds are greater that you will be able to explain it better. Another good teaching strategy that I have observed is to let a student demonstrate the
activity/game. This helps the students in two ways. It helps them see how it must be done and not only hear it. It also helps when a student does it
because the other kids can compare themselves to the student demonstrating it. When a teacher shows the skill they might forget that these younger
children aren’t as developed as them and do things the child might not be able to. A third teaching strategy I liked was that after explaining
everything they asked the students if they have any questions. Not only does this help clarify things for these kids but it will help you know if there is
another way to say something to make it easier for students to understand next time you explain a game. One last teaching strategy that I noticed was
effective sometimes but not all times was to not talk until all the students are focused on you and not talking themselves. It didn’t always work and
kind of wasted more time at points but was also effective at other times. Those are four teaching strategies that I noticed while at the CHAMP

Pledge: “On my honor, I have not given or received aid on this assignment.” X __________________________________
Student Signature
TGMD-2: Test for Gross Motor Development- Second Edition- Revised:
Observe minimum of 2 students doing the following locomotor skills. Assess their abilities using the TGMD 2 performance criteria as outlined
below. Be sure to only check off the criteria if it was observed.

Name of Students (first names only):___________________/___________________ Grades: 4th/4th Ages: 9/9 Genders: Male/Female

Skill Materials Directions Performance Criteria Child 1 Child 2

1. Run Use a clear During a game or activity, watch 1. Brief period where both feet are off the ground.
space a student run. They may not run
as fast as they can or for a long 2. Arms in opposition to legs, elbow bent.
period of time due to space but
do your best. 3. Foot placement near or on a line (not flat footed).

4. Nonsupport leg bent approximately 90 degrees (close to

2. Gallop Use a clear During a game or activity, watch 1. A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step with the
space a student gallop. Tell the student trailing foot to a position adjacent to or behind the lead foot.
to gallop leading with one foot 2. Brief period where both feet are off the ground.
and then the other.
3. Arms bent and lifted to waist level.

4. Able to lead with the right and left foot.

3. Hop Use a clear During a game or activity, watch 1. Foot for nonsupport leg is bent and carried in back of the
space a student hop. Ask the student to body.
hop first on one foot and then on 2. Nonsupport leg swings in pendular fashion to produce force.
the other foot.
3. Arms bent at elbows and swing forward on take off.

4. Able to hop on the right and left foot.

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