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Attic Salt 
Leader: michaelhuynh235 
Head Co-Leader: MrBobadooter-_- 
Welcome to Attic Salt. Expect to​ ​be active and loyal to our clan. 
Rules will be outlined in this packet, and must be followed. You must 
speak English. 
Table of Contents 
Section l: Rules 
I: General Rules 
II: Warnings 
III: Suspension 
IV: Ban 
Section 2: Promotions & Chain of Command 
I: Chain of Command 
II: Promotions 
Section 1: Rules 
I: General Rules 
Breaking these Rules can affect in a warning, suspension, or ban. 
According to the leader or head co-leader’s discretion. These 
actions are decided on the number and type of rules broken. 
- No Being Biased for any reason to another individual. 
- No Cursing or Harassing another Individual. 
- No Insults or any form of Cyber Bullying. 
- Treat all individuals with respect. 
- Don’t lie. Integrity is part of our clan. 
- Refer to leading officers by rank. 
- Treat other clans with respect. 
- Do what you are told. 
- If you request cards you have to donate too 
II: Warnings 
Warning level one examples:  
1. Not donating, but requesting cards 
2. Insulting someone 
3. Disrespecting another person regardless of rank 
4. Cursed in chat 
5. Not helping out in clan 
6. Lying to other people 
7. Not being active without good reason 
Warning level two examples: 
1. Cursing in chat multiple times 
2. Cyber-bullying 
3. Carried out insults 
4. Continuing an action that one has been given a warning for 
5. Any form of racial judgment even if it is a joke 
6. Being super inactive even after a higher ranked member has 
talked to you and you have no reason 
Warning level three examples: 
1. Cursing in chat very often, while ignoring others telling you to 
2. Cyber-bullying that has been going on for awhile and has 
been asked to stop 
3. Showing any form of racial offense or biased behavior for 
multiple times 
4. Continuing an action that has been given a warning two for 
If you reach warning three and continue the violations of the rules, 
then you will be given a warning 4 and will be kicked from the clan 
NOTE: Warnings reset every 3 months 
III: Suspension 
Suspensions can last depending on the rule or rules broken and the 
leader or head co-leader’s discretion. Suspension lasts an average 
of 2-3 days but the maximum is 10 days. If you are suspended, at 
any point you are free to leave the clan. But, keep in mind, you may 
not get promoted if you come back. At any point in your 
suspension you can choose to play the game, but, you cannot 
participate in clan activities that include but are not limited to: Clan 
War, and requesting cards. 
IV: Ban 
This is used as a last resort, and we do not like to use it often. You 
have broken one of the rules that we hold dear to us, or you have 
had many warnings. The ban can last for some time or indefinitely.  
Section 2: 
Promotions & Chain 
of Command 
I: Chain of Command 
Leader: Can address all issues, deals with promotions and 
Head Co-Leader: Can address all issues, deals with promotions and 
Co-Leaders: Has a say in promotions and demotions but cannot 
promote or demote anyone. Main task of addressing Clan Wars. 
Checks the Head Elder: Keep them on track 
Head Elder: Can demote elders if they have broken one of the rules. 
Checks the Co-Leaders: Keep them on track 
Elder: Cannot do anything. Symbol that you are a member in a clan 
that we have trust in. 
Member: Participate! 
II: Promotions 
The promotion process is complicated as you have to take a 
survey in order to go on to another rank. You can only move up 
one rank at a time. Answer the questions thoughtfully and the 
Leader and Head Co-Leader will decide if you get promoted or not. 
We have a document to document what happens such as warnings, 
suspension, and bans. This will be looked at during the final 
Promotions Link:  

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