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Lahela Black

Professor Echols

English 1101

20 November 2018

Why is College Not Lower?

Have you ever wondered, how in the world am I going to pay for all of my college? Why

is college so expensive? Or thought; well I'm not going to college, it's way too expensive. The

average college tuition for private school cost 34,740 thousand a year. Public college tuition is

about 10,000 thousand a year. This is a lot of money, that most people don't have lying around.

College should be lower or it should run like any other school. There are many reasons the cost

should be lower: people can't afford it, it puts people in a lot of debt, and money keeps them

from doing what they want to be in life.

One reason college should be lower is because people who would love to go to college

can't because of the amount of money it cost. Their are a lot of smart people who would do very

well in college but just can't go due to the money. College should definitely lower so more

people can pay for it, or college should run like a high school. Lowering the cost could also open

the door to do what you want and not have to choose a career because of your finances. Eighty-

three percent of Americans say that the reason they didn't attend college is that they didn't have

the finances for it. That's eighty-three percent more Americans that could have gone to college

and been successful but just couldn't due to finances. If the cost of college tuition went down

many of people could go to school, and we wouldn't have to worry about having a shortage of

doctor, nurses, or teachers, like many people worry about.


People who do go to college have debt for many of years. The average person who has a

bachelor's degree, has debt for 21 years. A lot of people have kids and families after college and

to be paying off debt for that long can be really difficult . Each paycheck, the average person

pays 300 hundred dollars to go towards loans. Many of people have to find two jobs because

their college debt is so high. Also, over half a million college students go bankrupt after college

due to students debt. So, if we make collage lower it can be easier on people to have more time

with friends and family, and not have to work so hard to live on their own. If the cost of college

was lower students would not have to worry about, how much debt am I going to have? Or, Is

this going to make me go bankrupt, once I buy my house? Students could do what they love to

do, and not have to worry about debt or what is going to happen to their finances in the future.

Many people have to chose a different career due to the amount of time they would have

to go to college to do it. The more time you go to college the more money you pay, which

eventually leads to more debt. We have a shortage in a lot of different places such as doctors

because it takes so long to become one, which means more money they have to pay. We also

have shortages in different places such as social work because it takes so long to get the degree,

then when they get their job, they have to pay off all their debt. If we were to lower the cost of

college it would help people be who they want to be, and not have to work around money. It

would cause people to be able to be focus and decide what they want to be in life, and not have

to choose a field, that they may not want to do, due to money.

Some people may argue that collage needs to be expensive so that students know what

they are getting into, or college is worth all the money because it is providing you a career. These

are very good arguments, but if you look at the evidence I have above, it may not be worth all the

money if it is putting you in so much debt that it takes you 21 years to pay off, or more. So some

people may choose to not even go to college because of the expense, they just chose instead to

work in factories or retail stores. People understand that college is harder than high school, so

they will have to try harder, this is why students choose to not go to college due to the difficulty

of it. If the price goes lower this could help the kids that are really smart and know what they are

getting into go to college and not worry about the expensive.

People assume they can't go to college because it's too expensive. If the cost of college

tuition was lower, we don't have to make it free, but if we lower it that would make a difference.

A lot of people would love to go to college and would do very well but can not due to the cost, if

we lower it it could help people that may want to go but can not due to finances. College is

where many people want to go in life to be who they have want to be. It could help so many

people's dreams some true if college was lower, they could decide to go in any field they would

like, and do what they love to do. If colleges lowered the price it could help the people who

would love to go to college go, it can prevent debt, and it can help save money.

Works cited

Budgeting for Student Loan Repayments. Department of Higher Education, March, 2012,


Accessed 29 November, 2018.


Hess, Abigail. Half of College Students will be Bankrupt. Consumer News and Business

Channel, 30 Aug, 2018, https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/30/hbs-prof-says-half-of-us-

colleges-will-be-bankrupt-in-10-to-15-years.html Accessed 26 November, 2018.

Levaux, Janet. 83% of Americans Say They Can Not Afford College. Thinkadvisor, 13 May,

2015, https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2015/05/13/83-of-americans-say-they-cant-afford-

college-edwar/?slreturn=20181030215958 Accessed 28 November, 2018.

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