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Tenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp.

1129-1137, The Combustion Institute, 1965


Department of Aircraft Propulsion, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, Bedford, England

In recent years the accumulation of reliable experimental data confirming the previously
derived relationships between combustion-chamber dimensions; specific pressure loss; and the
operating conditions of pressure, temperature, and velocity, has led to the formulation of
design rules and to a much clearer appreciation of the most promising lines of research.
At the present time, it is difficult to envisage areas in which fundamental research can
make an effective contribution to combustion=chamber development, at least in the foreseeable
future, but there is ample scope for applied research on ignition, fuel-injection methods,
fluid-dynamic and heat-transfer processes, and modeling technics. Although research on these
topics is unlikely to produce significant reductions in chamber size and pressure loss, it should
lead to worthwhile improvements in terms of reduced size and weight of ignition equipment,
elimination of exhaust smoke, longer flametube life, and to an outlet-temperature profile that
is less sensitive to variations in engine operating conditions.

Introduction at the same time, incurring penalties in others.

For example, it is now well known t h a t any im-
I t is now almost ten years since the problems of provement in primary zone mixing will increase
turbojet combustion were reviewed by Lloyd. I the rate of heat release, but at the expense of a
Since, then, an intense effort has been expended reduction in the range of fuel/air ratios over
in development and research on all aspects of which stable operation can be maintained.
combustion performance. Most of this effort Fortunately, in spite of the comparatively slow
has been concerned with overcoming develop- progress in elucidating the fundamentals of the
ment and operational problems, and in applied processes involved, useful advances have been
research aimed at improving the performance of made in our understanding of the "rates of ex-
individual chamber components. In contrast the change" between combustor dimensions, pres-
time and energy devoted to fundamental re- sure-loss factor, and the operating conditions of
search on such basic processes as droplet evapo- temperature, pressure, and velocity. These im-
ration, jet entrainment, and mixing with simul- portant relationships have been incorporated
taneous chemical reaction, has been compara- into design rules for both combustion and dilu-
tively small. I t is, of course, very tempting to tion zones which can be easily and confidently
condemn this maldistribution of effort as repre- applied. Such design rules do not normally find
hensible and short sighted, but before doing so their way into the open literature, but it would
it is pertinent to ask the following question: If be erroneous on t h a t account to conclude that
we had a complete understanding of these proc- they did not exist.
esses, instead of knowing practically nothing as The fact that current designs of chamber
at present, what order of improvement in com- closely resemble their predecessors in size, shape,
bustor design and performance would result? and general appearance, is sometimes interpreted
The answer is that any such improvements would as evidence that little progress in combustor
only be very marginal. This view is based on the design has been made. Such misunderstandings
knowledge that over the years so many methods of the true situation arise from the circumstance
and combinations of methods of injecting fuel that the basic geometry of a combustion chamber
and air into the combustion zone have been tried is dictated largely by the need for its length and
that it is difficult to conceive the emergence of frontal area to remain within the envelope set
some new configuration that is markedly su- by other engine components, by the necessity for
perior in performance to anything so far achieved. a diffuser to minimize pressure loss, and by the
Experience has shown that it is very rare for any requirement of a flametube to provide stable
new design feature to show an unequivocal im- operation over a wide range of fuel/air ratios.
provement in one facet of performance without, What is really worthy of note is that, in spite of

the more arduous operating conditions of higher ditions is of necessity very slow and, until a
throughput velocity and higher compressor outlet more detailed understanding is available, a
velocity, present-day chambers continue to ex- numerical description of combustion performance
hibit 100% combustion efficiency over their in terms of combustor dimensions and operating
normal working range, with substantial increases conditions can only be achieved by the use of
in relighting altitude, reductions in pressure simplified models to represent the combustion
loss, and a flametube life which is significmltly zone.
longer than tb at of many other engine components. One such model, proposed by Greenhough and
In spite of all these advances, the challenge Lefebvre, 2 envisages the combustion zone as
to ingemlity in design is greater than ever before. being similar in structure to the flame brush
The gradual accumulation of more basic data produced on a Bunsen burner under turbulent
will help t~ encourage tiffs, but much more could flow conditions. Combustion performance is then
be done by the intelligent deployment of knowl- described as a function of the ratio of turbulent
edge which already exists. Examples of processes burning velocity to the velocity of the fresh gas
in which worthwhile gains should soon be forth- entering the combustion zone.
coming are ignition and fuel injection. Studies We have
on the mechanism of spark ignition and its
special requircments in regard to fuel distribu- ~c --- f ( S T / V ) = fE(SL'Re~')/V], (1)
tion should lead to a more efficient utilization of
the available electrical energy. New methods of where SL = laminar flame speed, ft/scc; ST =
fuel injection must be devised which can facilitate turbulent flame speed, ft/scc; V = gas velocity,
ignition and eliminate exhaust smoke without ft/sec; Re = Reynolds number based on flow
impairing normal combustion. Ways must be through air injection holes. For a second-order
found of achieving the high-potential heat-release reaction, tile above expression leads to 3
rates of uniform mixtures while retaining the ~c = { E A P ( P D ) ~ ( A P / q ) '~l' cxp (T/b)-]/Q},
wide stability limits associated with spray in-
jection. Another urgent need is for more efficient (2)
methods of flametube cooling to cope with the
increasing heat-transfer rates arising from the where P = air inlet static pressure, psia; T = air
trend towards higher combustion pressures and inlet temperature, ~ Q -- air mass flow, lb/sec;
temperatures. A = cross sectional flow area, ft"; D = diameter
In this review, no attempt has been made to or width of combustion chamber, ft; A p / q =
encompass all the problems of turbojet combus- flametube pressure loss factor; b = constant;
tion, but rather to focus attention on a few topics m = constant = a/(1 -- a). Originally a value
of current interest. Even with this restriction it of 0.75 was attributed to m. This resulted in a
has proved quite impossible to do justice to pressure exponent of 1.75 in Eq. (2), which then
more than a very small fraction of the total gave a very satisfactory correlation of all the
volume of published work. In discussing various available experimental data. 2 If, however, m is
problems, and the progress made towards their given the value of 0.8, the pressure exponent in
solution, the author has not unnaturally tendcd Eq. (3) then becomes 1.8. For all practical pur-
to draw from his own experience which has been poses, this is equivalent to the previously de-
gained almost entirely within the U.K. In- rived value of 1.75, and has the added advantage
evitably this has meant that work carried out of consistency with the value of 1.8 observed by
in other countries, notably the U.S.A., has not Longwell and Weiss3
received its due share of attention. However, it Equation (2) now becomes,
is hoped that since combustion chamber de-
velopment in Britain and the U.S.A. has to a 7o = f{[P1"SAl~'s(AP/q)~ exp ( T/b ) ~/Q}.
large extent proceeded in parallel, this account (a)
will be of general rather than parochial interest.
Due to the relatively small variation in inlet
Heat Release temperature experienced by most practical bom-
bustion systems, Eq. (3) is not very sensitive to
Combustion in the gas turbine is a complex the value attributed to "b". Suggested "ideal"
operation involving fuel atomization and evapo- values are 300 and 150 for over-all air/fuel
ration, and subsequent mixing with air and com- ratios of 60 and 100, respectively.
bustion products, all occurring simultaneously For many practical purposes, it is convenient
with chemical reaction and heat transfer. Progress and satisfactory to assume that m is constant,
in isolating and evaluating the component proc- but there is evidence to suggest that it actually
esses under representative environmental con- varies with pressure. It is believed that at high

pressures m tends towards zero, so that neglect- formance2 The situation is further complicated b y
ing temperature terms, Eq. (2) then becomes the knowledge that flametube pressure-loss factor
not only influences the turbulence level of the
,c = f ( P A / Q ) = I ( P D 2 / Q ) = f(V-1). (4) injected-air jets and their rate of mixing with
burned products, but also controls the actual
At low pressures the significance of Reynolds quantity of burned products entrained in the
number increases, m tends towards unity and, primary zone. Thus although experimental d a t a
neglecting temperature terms, Eq. (2) becomes on the effect of pressure-loss factor on perform-
~c = f ( P 2 A D / Q ) (AP/q) ~ ance are of considerable importance to the design
of practical combustors, they have only limited
= f(P2D3/Q)(AP/q) ~ (5) value when applied to more fundamental analyses
of combustion mechanism and flame structure.
On the basis of Eqs. (4) and (5), the per-
formance of two different designs of chamber Ignition
cannot be compared if the relevant experimental
d a t a were obtained at low pressures in one case A conceptual understanding of the basic ig-
and at high pressures in the other. Strictly, the nition process has been provided in the simplified
heat-release rates of various combustors should theories of Lewis and yon Elbe I~ and Spalding, ll
be compared on the basis of Chu/hr/ft2/atm at while the problems of ignition in practical com-
high pressures, and C h u / h r / f t 3 a t m 2 / ( A P / q ) ~ bustion systems have been reviewed in detail
at low pressures. Fortunately, however, most by Wigg. 12 Most of the experimental data on
practical combustor systems do not operate at ignition in combustion chambers can be explained
very low pressures, while at high pressures meas- qualitatively on a heat-balance basis. Thus,
ured values of combustion efficiency are so close general experience confirms that ignition per-
to 100% as to make correlation of data impos- formance is improved by increases in pressure,
sible. Thus, over the range of pressures of prac- temperature, and spark energy, and ~s impaired
tical interest the value of m may be assumed con- by an increase in velocity. Ignition performance
stant at 0.8 and Eq. (3) may be used with con- is also markedly affected by fuel characteristics
fidence for the correlation of experimental data through the way in which they influence the
on combustion efficiency and in performance com- fuel/air ratio in the immediate vicinity of the
parisons of various designs of chamber. igniter plug. These influences arise mainly
The application of simple reaction-rate theory through the effect of volatility on evaporation
to practical combustion systems has been pro- rates, but also through the effect of viscosity on
posed by Avery and Hart, 5 Bragg, 6 and Childs droplet size.13 The amount of energy required
and Graves. 7 This consideration leads naturally for ignition is necessarily very much greater than
to the concept of a combustion zone into which the values normally associated with gaseous
fuel and air are fed at a constant rate and are fuels at stoichiometric fuel/air ratio. Much of
instantaneously mixed with all the other ma- this extra energy is absorbed in the evaporation
terial within the zone. Burned material leaves of fuel droplets, the actual amount depending
the zone at a constant rate with a temperature on the distribution of fuel throughout the primary
and composition identical to that within the zone.
zone. Under these conditions, second-order re- It now seems fairly clear that the ignition
action-rate theory gives the result that, for con- process in a gas-turbine combustion chamber
stant inlet temperature and fuel/air ratio, com- occurs in three distinct phases. 14 Phase 1 is the
bustion performance can be expressed in terms formation of a kernel of flame of sufficient size
of a parameter of the form p2D3/Q. This is iden- and temperature to be capable of propagation.
tical to the burning-velocity parameter of Eq. (5) The success or failure of this phase is governed
without the pressure-loss term. largely by the energy and duration of the spark,
Experimental data on the influence of flame- and by the turbulence level and effective fuel/air
tube pressure-loss factor on combustion perform- ratio of the mixture adjacent to the plug. Phase
ance clearly could be of considerable importance 2 is the subsequent propagation of flame from
in assessing the relative merits of burning velocity this kernel to all parts of the primary zone. The
and "stirred reactor" concepts. Unfortunately, success of this phase is determined mainly by
what few data exist are conflicting. Thus, whereas air velocity and fuel distribution, but the loca-
Lefebvre and Murray s were able to correlate com- tion of the spark plug can also be important.
bustion-efficiency data obtained on an aircraft Phase 3, which applies only to tubular and can-
combustion chamber against ( A p / q ) ~ Lucas nular designs of chamber, consists of the propaga-
work on a Longwell-type spherical reactor has re- tion of flame from a lighted flametube to ad-
vealed little or no effect of pressure drop on per- jacent unlighted flametubes, a process normally

referred to as "interconnection" or "light round". Thus although it is now generally accepted that
This process is aided by the use of interconnectors a satisfactory temperature profile is dependent
in which the flow area is made large in order to upon adequate penetration of the dilution jets,
facilitate the passage of flame, and whose length coupled with the correct number of jets to form
is kept short in order to minimize heat losses. sufficient localized mixing regions, the manner
Failure of any single phase is, of course, tanta- in which the total dilution-hole area is utilized
mount to failure to ignite. It is quite possible for in terms of number and size of holes is still largely
the ignition performance of a chamber to be a matter of experience. Unfortunately, more
limited by one phase at certain operating condi- basic studies of jet mixing do not usually yield
tions and by another phase at different condi- results that can readily be expressed in param-
tions. Recognition of the three-phase nature of eters which are most familiar to those concerned
the ignition process helps to shed light on various with combustion-chamber design. However, some
anomMies in ignition behavior and can usefully of these investigations can provide a useful guide
assist combustion-chamber development. It also to the relationships involved.
helps in delineating separate areas for research. One such investigation 16 resulted in the ac-
Some reference to igniter-plug life should be cumulation of a large amount of data on the
made in view of the more arduous and environ- mixing of cold lets when injected into hot streams
mental conditions which are likely to be en- under conditions where the temperature and
countered as a result of the continuing trend velocity of the hot and cold streams, the injection-
toward engines of higher compression ratio. hole diameter, the angle of injection, and the
Igniters with recessed gaps usually exhibit a mixing length could be accurately controlled and
longer life than those with flush faces. Presumably varied over a wide range. These data have been
this is due partly to the fact that a recessed plug analyzed by Lefebvre and Norster 17 and have
has a lower spark energy than a flush plug yielded quantitative information of the "rate
of the same external diameter and gap width of exchange" between temperature-traverse qual-
when subjected to the same energy input, 15 ity and the relevant design parameters such as
and hence suffers less erosion, and also be- dilution-zone length, dilution-hole diameter, and
cause the volume of central electrode material flametube pressure-loss factor. The effects of
available for erosion is much larger. It is, of chamber inlet velocity and inlet-velocity profile
course, quite practicable to ease the erosion were also examined. Typically, it was found that,
problem simply by increasing the plug diameter, for a reference velocity of 80 ft/sec, an increase
but unfortunately this also increases the aero- in chamber inlet velocity from 400 to 500 ft/sec
dynamic disturbance to the annulus air flow. would produce no deterioration in traverse
In spite of our improved understanding of the quality provided that (a) the over-all pressure
ignition process, the needs and incentives for loss was increased by 3 factors, or (b) the dilu-
continued research still remain. More informa- tion zone was lengthened by 0.5 to 2.0 dilution-
tion is required on the influence of turbulence hole diameters, depending on the initial pressure
and fuel distribution, while a detailed and system- loss factor. Similar data were also obtained to
atic study of the distribution of the total spark show the amounts by which the pressure-loss fac-
energy might well prove rewarding. More data tor or dilution-zone length must be increased to
are also needed on the factors affecting plug compensate for a peakier inlet-velocity profile.
oxidation and erosion. This analysis also provided further confirma-
tion of the effectiveness of a parameter/3 which,
Aerodynamics for any given chamber, may be defined as the
ratio of flametube pressure-loss to over-all pres-
Achieving a uniform and stable temperature sure loss, as a yardstick for aerodynamic per-
distribution at the chamber outlet is undoubtedly formance. It is believed that /3 values are of
the most important aspect of aerodynamic per- real significance when comparing the aero-
formance. In the past, experience has played a dynamic merits of different designs of chamber,
major role in the determination of dilution-zone or any given design of chamber subjected to
geometry, and trial and error methods have of variations in inlet velocity or inlet-velocity pro-
necessity been employed in developing the tem- file. In this context it is interesting to note that
perature-traverse quality of individual combustor no matter how the over-all pressure loss of a
designs to a satisfactory standard. Experimental chamber is reduced, whether it be done crudely
investigations into dilution-zone performance by making the chamber fatter or, more scientifi-
carried out on actual chambers have led to useful cally, by carefully designing a low pressure-loss
empirical-design data, but very often it has flametube of adequate combustion performance,
proved difficult or impossible to distinguish the the net result is always to reduce the value of/3.
separate influences of all the variables involved. Thus, the trend toward low-loss combustion

chambers, which for many years has been a pri- compression ratios or higher flight speeds, will
mary research objective, must inevitably result tend to increase flametube temperatures and
in chambers whose dilution-zone performance thereby aggravate the problem of wall cooling.
and general aerodynamic stability are more Under these conditions, where metal temper-
sensitive to increases in inlet velocity and changes atures are high, the life of the flametube may be-
in velocity profile. come very sensitive to the type of fuel employed.
This problem, which is particularly important on
Heat Transfer many United States designs, has been discussed
by Droegemueller and Nelson, 19 Randall and
The amount of available literature on the Ritcheske, 2~ and Schirmer, McReynolds, and
heat-transfer process in aircraft combustion Daley.21
chambers is relatively small. Much of this is In spite of the considerable amount of work
devoted to one heat-transfer component only-- that has been done, the fact remains that the sum
namely, flame radiation--and often more con- total of knowledge on heat-transfer processes
sideration is given to the various technics in combustion chambers is lamentably slight,
employed in measuring radiation than to the and is quite inadequate to enable the designer to
actual results obtained. deal effectively with the types of problem that
The number of positive conclusions that can be seem likely to arise in the fairly near future.
drawn is relatively few, largely because much of Analysis is difficult because it involves gases
the experimental evidence is confusing and some- which are at high temperature and undergoing
times contradictory. Most of the apparent anom- rapid physical and chemical change. Further
aries, however, cannot be attributed to experi- difficulty is introduced by the existence of very
mental errors but are due almost entirely to the marked radial temperature and velocity gradi-
circumstance that flame radiation is dependent ents within conventional spray-injection primary
on a large number of variables, whose individual zones. The formulation of a suitable research
effects cannot be isolated. These include the program is not easy, but it should certainly
size and geometry of the combustion system, embrace in its early stages a detailed investiga-
its operating conditions of pressure, tempera- tion of the structure of the combustion zone, and
ture, velocity, and fuel/air ratio, and also should also include a systematic study of the
various fuel factors such as chemical com- effects on flame radiation of fuel-spray charac-
position, droplet size, and distribution. Never- teristics and flow turbulence. Progress in some
theless, some facts have emerged which may be areas of research is limited by the need for im-
summarized as follows. Flame radiation forms a proved experimental technics. Most of the
significant proportion of the total heat trans- methods currently employed in determining
ferred to the flametube wall. It is comprised of heat fluxes and flametube-wall temperatures are
nonluminons radiation, mainly from carbon described in a recent review by Reeves. ~2
dioxide and water vapor, plus a luminous com-
ponent which is dependent on the fuel employed ~uel Injection
and the degree to which it is atomized. Flame
radiation increases with pressure. The development of the so-called "Duple"
Lefebvre and Herbert have is analyzed all the atomizer which, for the first time, gave good
relevant heat-transfer processes in some detail atomization over a wide range of fuel flows, along
and have attempted to formulate an equation with parallel advances in the performance of
for predicting mean values of wall temperature vaporizing systems, has provided a period of
in various regions of the flametube. They have many years in which the fuel-injection process
also applied this equation to demonstrate quan- has been one of the most satisfactory and
titatively the separate effects on flametube tem- trouble-free aspects of combustion chamber
perature of changes in the inlet variables of pres- operation. If, however, the problem of fuel in-
sure, temperature, and air velocity. The follow- jection is examined in relation to the next gen-
ing conclusions were drawn: eration of engines, it soon becomes apparent
Flametube temperatures increase with that both of these two established methods are
(a) increase in pressure; likely to pose formidable problems.
(b) increase in inlet temperature; With spray atomizers, the distribution of the
(c) decrease in air velocity; and fuel throughout the combustion zone varies with
(d) increase in flametube size the amount of fuel supplied. Thus, the pattern
of burning changes with variations in fuel flow,
It is apparent, therefore, that any trend toward and this may be reflected as variations in the
higher pressures and inlet temperatures, regard- temperature traverse at the combustion-chamber
less of whether such increases derive from higher outlet. Another disadvantage of the spray system

is that when the gas pressure is high, the injected at some length because of its controlling influence
fuel can only penetrate a short distance from on many aspects of combustion performance. In
the atomizer, and this gives rise to a fuel-rich this context, it must be stated that none of the
region in the center of the flametube adjacent to conventional methods of fuel injection inspire
the atomizer. Combustion of this over-rich mix- complete confidence when viewed in the light of
ture produces smoke and a luminous flame that probable future requirements. Here is a fruitful
radiates considerable heat to the flametube walls. field for ingenuity and research.
Vaporizing systems have the following ad-
vantages over spray atomizers: Carbon Formation and S m o k e
1. Because the vaporizing tubes contain both
Smoke is formed only in fuel-rich regions of the
fuel and air, very rich mixtures are avoided from
combustion zone. It follows, therefore, that one
the outset. Hence, a bluer flame is produced, and
of the primary objects of combustor design is to
the problems of excessive smoke and flame
radiation are diminished. ensure that the fuel is sufficiently well distributed
throughout the primary zone to prevent the
2. The dispersal of fuel throughout the com-
existence of local pockets of fuel-rich mixture.
bustion zone is dictated largely by the air-flow
Recognition of the primary cause of carbon
pattern. This pattern remains sensibly constant
formation, combined with a more widespread use
and independent of fuel flow, and hence the out-
of airflow visualization technics, gradually led to
let-temperature traverse is less sensitive to
change in fuel flow. the virtual elimination of this problem, at least
as far as combustion chambers featuring stoichi-
However, there are certain disadvantages to ometric primary zones were concerned. This was
the use of vaporizing systems. One is that the the situation some years ago, but now the prob-
critical design parameters are not yet fully es- lem of smoke is again becoming important, partly
tablished. This is particularly unfortunate since because of increases in engine size and thrust,
vaporizer tubes are difficult to modify in the but mainly as a result of the trend towards higher
course of chamber development. Another dis- compression ratios. Its nuisance value, which
advantage is their inability to operate at such has increased with the growth of commercial jet
weak mixture strengths as spray systems. operations, is most apparent when water is in-
An interesting method of fuel injection which jected into engines as a means of augmenting
has been given serious consideration is "air-blast" thrust at take off.
atomization. This is a very simple system in Although there is very little evidence in the
which the fuel is atomized by high-velocity air, literature on the relationship between combustion
which then enters the combustion zone carrying pressure and smoke, the following factors appear
the atomized fuel along with it. This method of to be significant. Any increase in gas pressure re-
fuel injection shares many advantages with the sults in an increased resistance to the movement
vaporizing system. For example, the fuel dis- of individual fuel droplets and, at the same time,
tribution is dictated mainly by the airflow pat- to a reduction in mean droplet diameter. These
tern, and the ensuing combustion is characterized two effects are cumulative in reducing the pene-
by a blue flame of low luminosity, resulting in tration of the spray. Thus, instead of the fuel
relatively cool flametube walls and a minimum distributing itself evenly across the primary zone,
of exhaust smoke. However, whereas vaporizing at high pressures it tends to concentrate at the
tubes are immersed in flame and are, therefore, center of the flametube in the vicinity of the
very susceptible to overheating, the air-blast spray nozzle. This local fuel-rich zone surrounded
atomizer is continuously cooled by the high- by flame, constitutes ideal conditions for the
velocity air flowing over it which is at the com- production of smoke. This situation does not
pressor-outlet temperature. arise, of course, with the vaporizer system in
In view of the important potential advantages which the distribution of fuel does not depend on
of the air-blast atomizer over both spray and its kinetic energy, but is governed instead by the
vaporizing systems, it is perhaps surprising that airflow pattern.
it has not found more widespread application. The influence of fuel type on smoke formation
Unfortunately, however, it suffers from a very has been extensively studied. The results ob-
poor "weak extinction", even worse than that of tained from numerous investigations are largely
the vaporizing system. Moreover, at conditions dependent on the particular apparatus employed.
where the chamber velocity is low, such as at Neverbheless, for the pure hydrocarbon com-
start-up for example, the atomization quality is pounds the results are consistent in showing that
poor and, in consequence, combustion perform- aromatics are the worst offenders, reported vari-
ante is unsatisfactory. ations in smoking tendency between aromatics
The fuel-injection process has been discussed and paraffins being as large as 30 to 1.23-25 As

far as turbojet fuels are concerned, this means while areas for research can be more readily
that minimum smoke is produced by the lighter identified.
and more volatile kerosines of low carbon/hydro- At the present time the most fruitful fields
gen ratio and low density. Such fuels are usually for research appear to be the following:
characterized by high Smoke Points and high
Luminometer Numbers, 19 and minimum values (a) Fuel Injection. New methods are needed to
for one or both of these properties are now quoted facilitate ignition and reduce exhaust smoke.
in all fuel specifications dealing with kerosine- More progress must be made toward achieving
type jet fuels. the high release rates obtainable with uniform
Other workers 26 have asserted that although mixtures while retaining the wide burning range
excessive smoke may be alleviated by the use of associated with spray injection.
lighter kerosines, it is basically a problem of
(b) Heat Transfer. More data are needed on the
combustion-chamber design. In support of this influence of fuel-spray characteristics and flow
view, data have been presented to show that when turbulence on the rate of heat transfer from the
fuel and air are uniformly distributed throughout flame. Another urgent requirement is for more
the combustion zone in stoichiometric propor- efficient methods of flametube cooling.
tions, the level of smoke is so small that the in-
fluence of fuel type is no longer significant. As (c) Ignition. The effect of fuel distribution on
regards "wet" smoke, it has been demonstrated ignition performance warrants detailed investi-
that this can be drastically reduced, and for all gation. More data are also needed on the factors
practical purposes eliminated, by the use of a suit- governing plug oxidation and erosion.
able design of water-injection system.
The present position, therefore, is that the Applied research on the above lines is not likely
problem of exhaust smoke is being kept in check to significantly affect chamber size and pressure
by attention to combustor design and by re- loss. However, it could lead to reductions in
strictions imposed in turbojet-fuel specifications. size and weight of high-energy ignition equip-
Its importance in the future will depend on ment, longer flametube life, elimination of ex-
whether or not the present trend towards engines haust smoke, and an outlet-temperature traverse
of higher pressure is continued, and also upon that is less sensitive to variations in engine
whether, through economic or other circum- operating conditions.
stances, jet engines will be called upon to make
use of heavier fuels. REFERENCES
1. LLOYD,P.: Fifth Symposium (International) on
Conclusions Combustion, p. 40, Reinhold, 1955.
The large variety of engines now being pro- Sixth Symposium (International) on Combustion,
duced imposes widely varying requirements on p. 858, Reinhold, 1957.
the combustion system. In lift engines the main 3. LEFEBVRE, A. H. : College of Aeronautics Note
emphasis is on size and weight. In large engines No. 163, 1964.
for long-range aircraft, fuel consumption and 4. LONGWELL, J. P. AND WEISS, M. A.: Ind. Eng.
specific pressure loss are at a premium. For each Chem. 4i7, 1634 (1955).
type of engine the combustion chamber has to be 5. AVERY, W. H. AND HART, R. W.: Ind. Eng.
'%ailor-made" to meet the stipulated require- Chem. 45, 1634 (1953).
ments. Fortunately, as a result of the advances 6. BRAGG, S. L.: Rolls Royce Internal Report,
made in our knowledge of the quantitative re- July 1953.
lationship between combustor dimensions, pres- 7. CHILDS, J. H. ANn GRAVES, C. G.: Sixth Sym-
sure-loss factor, and the operating conditions of posium (International) on Combustion, p. 869,
temperature, pressure, and velocity, this is now Reinhold, 1957.
practicable. In fact, in recent years the design 8. LEFEBVRE, A. H. AND MURRAY, F. R.: Rolls
of conventional combustion chambers has become Royce Internal Report, May 1957.
almost a routine procedure. However, it should 9. CLARKE,A. E. : Private communication (Joseph
not be assumed that little more remains to be Lucas Ltd., Burnley), April 1964.
done. On the contrary, with the amount of knowl- 10. LEWIS, B. AND VON ELBE, G.: Combustion,
edge and experience now accumulated, the op- Flames and Explosions of Gases, 2nd Ed.,
portunities for greater ingenuity in design are Academic Press, 1961.
more challenging than ever before. Moreover, 11. SPALDING, D. B.: Some Fundamentals of
since most of the apparent anomalies in combus- Combustion, Vol. 2, Gas Turbine Series, Butter-
tion behavior have now been disposed of, worth- worths, 1955.

12. Wine, L. D.: Selected Combustion Problems. II. Flames in a Turbojet Combustor. Paper presented
(M. W. TI=IRING,J. DUCARME,J. F ~ I , P. H., at the SAE Annual Meeting, Detroit, January
P~ICE, Eds.), Butterworth, 1956. 1959.
13. SHARP, J. G.: Aircraft Engr. 23, (1951). 21. SCamPER, R. M., McREYNOLDS, L. A., AND
14. LEFEBVRE, A. H. ANn HALLS, G. A.: Unpub- DALSr, J. A. : Radiation from Flames in Gas
lished Rolls Royce Report, 1958. Turbine Combustors. Paper presented at SAE
15. WATSON, E. A.: Unpublished work at Joseph Annual Meeting, Detroit, January 1960.
Lucas Ltd., 1952. 22. REEVES, D.: Experimental Methods in Com-
16. NORSTER,E. R.: College of Aeronautics Report. bustion Research, Sec. 3.2, p. 5, Pergamon,
To be published. 1964.
23. SCHALLA, R. L. AND McDoNALD, G. E.: Ind.
17. LEFEBVRE, A. H. AND NORSTER, E. a . : Un-
Eng. Chem. 45, 1953.
published work at College of Aeronautics,
24. SCH~.LI~, R. L. ANn HIBB.~D, R. R.: Basic
Cranfield, 1964.
Considerations in the Combustion of Hydrocarbon
18. LEFEBVRE, A. H. AND t:[EI~BERT, M. V.: Proc.
Fuels with Air, Chapter IX, Report 1300.
Inst. Mech. Engrs. (London) 174, (1960). Forty-Third Annual Report of NACA, 1957.
19. DROEGMUELLER, ~]. A. AN]) NELSON, R. K.i 25. RAGOZIN, N. A.: Jet Propulsion Fuels, Perga-
Relation of Fuels to Aircraft Turbine Engines. mon, 1961.
Paper presented at the SAE National Aero- 26. LEFEBVRE,A. H. AND DURRANT, T.: Design
nautical Meeting, New York, April 1958. Characteristics Affecting Gas Turbine Per-
20. RANDALL, N. P. AND RITCHESKE, W. F.: The formance. Paper presented at the SAE National
Influence of Fuel Variables on Radiation from Aeronautic Meeting, Los Angeles, October 1960.

Miss E. J. Macnair (Ministry of Defence): I is too simple. For a compact chamber, a more
should like to comment on Lefebvre's statement proper representation is a series-parallel arrange-
that the luminous component of flame radiation ment of the flow paths and, here, one can write
"is dependent on the fuel employed and the degree
to which it is atomized." I think Be~r and the AP (over-all)
IJmuiden team would agree that fuel-air mixing
AP(diffuser) ~- AP(dilution) = aP(primary);
is the most important factor governing luminous
flame emissivity. Lefebvre says that "where a AP(primary) is, in the limit, the pressure loss which
residual o i l . . , is concerned.., the over-all emissiv- is adequate to ensure stable primary-zone processes
ity approaches unity"; I would refer him to Broeze's at the required heat release. I suggest that the true
comment where he pointed out that, with well- lower limit of AP(primary) is not yet approached,
mixed, stoichiometric combustion of heavy oil, the and that, here, aerodynamics has much to contribute.
flame can be blue and essentially nonluminous. Whether AP(dilution) or AP(primary) will be the
ultimate controlling loss cannot be stated, but I
Prof. A. H. Lefebvre: I suspect that the experi- would hazard a guess, in agreement with Lefebvre,
ments, referred to by Miss Macnair, were carried that AP(dilution), with its important effect on the
out at atmospheric pressure and are, therefore, outlet-temperature distribution, will be the limiting
irrelevant to the problem of flame radiation in gas loss.
turbines. Flame radiation in aircraft combustion Lefebvre states that the combustion-chamber
chambers is important only at high pressures, and designer can do more than apply the accepted rules
there is now ample evidence to confirm that, under of diffuser design. I submit that, in this context,
these conditions, it is very dependent on the car- there are no accepted rules of diffuser design. The
bon/hydrogen ratio of the fuel employed. special considerations of entry-velocity profile, and
turbulence structure and their interaction, are only
just becoming appreciated, and these effects modify
considerably the classical description of diffuser
Dr. J. L. Livesey (Manchester University): The Aerodynamic investigation of all the sources of
author's aerodynamic analysis and introduction of pressure loss is ~ustified, and should find a prominent
a ~ factor, which is made to appear all important, place in any list of fruitful research areas.
is a tempting oversimplification.
Surely, the view taken, that the flow paths con- Prof. A. H. Lefebvre: The most important factor
tributing to the over-all pressure loss are in series, currently limiting the development of combustion

chamber aerodynamics is the total absence of any extension to the method of Chang ['CHANG,H. C.:
form of quantitative description for aerodynamic Aufrollung eines Zylindrischen Strahles durch
performance. I agree with Livesey that the proposed Querwind, Dissertation, University of GSttingen,
f~ factor represents a considerable oversimplification. 1942], the distortion of a nonmixing jet can be
However, until a more comprehensive solution is described in terms of vorticity placed in the jet
obtained, the f~ factor will be found useful in pro- surface. If it proves possible to estimate the mean
viding a yardstick for assessing the aerodynamic diffusion of this vorticity from the surface, due to
capabilities of a combustion chamber. the turbulent shear, it would be possible to compute
the mean velocity profiles in the jet. The Cranfield
data (Ref. 27 of the paper) on the jet centerline
Mr. P. E. Hubble (Bristol Siddeley Engines, Ltd.) : trajectory will provide a check on such calculations.
I do not agree with the author, that a program of One must expect, however, to need more detailed
fundamental research is unnecessary. It is because measurements of the sort of turbulent mixing process
we have failed to give enough attention to compo- to be found around the jet periphery. One investiga-
nent processes that progress has been so slow. tion to this end is being done by the National
The aerodynamic processes in a combustion sys- Physical Laboratory.
tem are of particular importance, and it must be An advantage of the vortex d~cription of the
possible to analyze these in some detail, if we are jet is that, in principle, it is possible to calculate
to make satisfactory predictions of flame-tube tem- the interaction between the jets. In this way, a
peratures, outlet temperatures, distribution, com- comprehensive calculation of the flow inside the
bustion efficiency, or pressure loss. The requirements, combustion chamber should be possible
regarding these quantities, vary so vastly from one
engine project to another that in reliance on global Prof. A. H. Lefebvre: I respect these views on the
empirical quantities (such as "combustion intensity" importance of fundamental research; in fact, I
in any form) must be a poor substitute for a proper share them. Nevertheless, I feel they are far too
analysis of the problem. idealistic in estimating the role of fundamental
An instance where calculation seems possible is research to the development of practical combus-
in the deflection of an air jet in a cross-flow. By an tion systems.

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