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It has become common today in our world to dismiss the truth about Climate change.


dismissing this topic we are ignoring some of the major contributors to climate change, which

are factories, electricity and transportation. Some of those websites which communicate about

these contributors are by field.org, powerscorecard.org and brookings.edu these are some of the

websites which talk about the contributors of climate change.

Factories are unfortunately one of the biggest contributors to climate change today, and

the effects of factories can be bigger than we expected. Field.org states in paragraph 8 ¨Industrial

factories have played a big part in the amount of air pollution that we as people have to endure.

The toxic gases that factories release into the air, combined with those added by automobiles on

the road, mean that we have an increased risk of developing chronic respiratory disease¨ In other

words this is significant because factories are one of the biggest contributors to climate change,

and unfortunately factories released harmful glasses, like CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. These

gases are not only harmful to wildlife and to humans, but these gases also​ ​contribute to global

warming/climate change, additionally leading to extinction in certain species that cannot be

risked. These gases that are released​ ​pose health risks for many people, who suffer medical

issues, with their breathing. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this from occurring. To

prevent it we can remove unnecessary factories, and swap out the fossil fuels which are used in

factories to resources which are renewable. Some examples of renewable energy which factories

can use are solar energy, wind power, hydro power, and biofuel energy

Electricity runs on fossil fuels, and surprisingly that is affecting our environment, in ways

we did not expect. According to Pace University ¨combustion of fossil fuels such as coal in the

primary source of emissions. Coal supplies 57 percent of the total energy harnessed to generate
electricity. Burning coal produces far more CO2 than oil or natural gas¨ In making this comment,

readers can see this is significant due to its impact because having more CO2 in the air causes

changes in the environment. For example, with more CO2 in the air this increases the greenhouse

effect. That causes the environment to be hotter than it would normally be, which adds to the

greenhouse effect. Which has differences with carbon dioxide when compared to natural gases,

those natural gasses contain less carbon dioxide. However, carbon dioxide that is released from

fossil fuels and is used by electricity companies. Increases the global temperature, which causes

ice to melt, and makes sea level rise, endangering the lives of small islands, even the lives of

residents of Florida. Having electricity companies rely on those fossil fuels which that are

released into the air become into carbon dioxide, hurts our planet more than consumers are aware

of. Luckily, there is ways to prevent factories from using fossil fuels for energy is to encourage

electricity companies to switch to batteries for energy instead of fossil fuels. Making it it overall

more safer for the environment, and protects the homes of many.

To fight against climate change, tackling one of the third contributors being

transportation is a necessity, if we want to avoid health issues. Union of Concerned Scientists

states ¨Endangers our health, jeopardizes our national security, and threatens other basic human

needs. Some impacts—such as record high temperatures, rising seas, and severe flooding and

droughts—are already increasingly common.¨ This is significant due to its impact because,

transportation is how many people make their way around, to continue with their days. However,

many are not aware what transportation actually does to our environment. The emissions which

are released from transportation like busses, cars, and trucks, affects the air quality for many

countries, cities or states. The emissions that many cars release, hurt humans health, since those
emissions which are released are a combination of different fossil fuels, that are harmful. The

effects that car emissions have on human health are long term. Unfortunately because of the bad

air quality due to transportation, people have already died from strokes, heart disease and even

lung cancer. To prevent this from occurring we all can encourage transportation

makers/companies to switch to electric car, electric busses. This is what we can do to prevent this

from occurring

Overall, factories, electricity and transpiration are big contributors to climate change, and

the effects that are being done to our environment, wildlife, and humans will have bigger cons

than we may have ever expected. Climate change is an important topic to study because once

you truly understand climate change, you will be aware how your own actions and others are

contributing to this epidemic. As well, when you learn about climate change, you can find other

ways to keep the world safe, and help climate change decrease or stay steady

Sources Organizer (3 sources are required)

(Wikipedia or “Google” do not count as a source)
Source #1
● Author- Field.org
● Title- How Can Factories Affect The Environment?
● Web address/URL- ​http://www.field.org.uk/how-can-factories-affect-the-environment/
● Date accessed- April 1, 2019

Source #2
● Author- Pace University
● Title- How does electric power production affect the global climate?
● Web address/URL- ​http://www.powerscorecard.org/issue_detail.cfm?issue_id=1
● Date accessed- April 3, 2019
Source #3
● Author- Union of Concerned Scientists
● Title- Cars and global warming
● Web
● Date accessed- April 3, 2019

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