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ÁREA DE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD __________________________________________

PROGRAMA DE MEDICINA C.I:_______________________________________
DR.JOSÉ FRANCISCO TORREALBA SECCIÓN:__________________________________

ACTIVIDAD PRÁCTICA PARA EL PORTAFOLIO. Interprete en español las siguientes frases

sustantivas deconstruyendo cada uno de los elementos y aplicando la técnica semántico-
morfológico-sintáctico. Valor 100 pts (6,6 c/u).

1. An increased risk of adverse cardiovascular and renal events

2. The risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patient with type 2 diabetes at high
risk for cardiovascular events
3. A significant relative risk reduction of 44%
4. The adverse-event profile of empagliflozin in patients with impaired kidney function at
5. A person’s probable long-term risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
6. Multiple demographic and health characteristics
7. 790 men 65 years of age or older with a serum testosterone concentration of less than
275 ng per deciliter and symptoms suggesting hypoandrogenism
8. An increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes
9. The efficacy of fusion surgery in addition to decompression surgery in patients
10. The incidence of side effects
11. Few prospective adolescent-specific studies examining the efficacy and safety of
weight-loss surgery
12. In this multicenter, prospective study of bariatric in adolescent
13. Weight-related quality of life and postoperative complications
14. No significant association between changes in observation-unit stays and readmission
after implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
15. The feasibility, safety, and efficacy of prolonged use of an artificial beta cell (closed-
loop insulin-delivery system) in the home setting

(Nota: Debe imprimir en una hoja tamaño carta por ambos lados, resolver los ejercicios cada
uno en bolígrafo y entregarlo al profesor para su revisión y evaluación)

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