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Chapter 4
Pre-Tertiary stratigraphy

In the early days of mineral exploration on behalf of the It has proved very difficult to establish with certainty the strati-
Netherlands East Indies Bureau of Mines and of petroleum graphic relationships between the various rock units which
exploration by the oil companies it was recognized that Pre- make up the exposed Pre-Tertiary basement of Sumatra. This is
Tertiary rocks were extensively exposed in the Barisan Mountains due to the generally fault-bounded contacts between rock units
in the western part of Sumatra (Fig. 1.4). These rocks are variably and the poor biostratigraphic control on their ages; over large
metamorphosed and were termed the 'Barisan-Schiefer' and the areas the rocks are apparently devoid of fossils. The varying
'Old-Slates Formation' (Veerbeek 1883) in Central Sumatra, and metamorphic grade of the basement units makes even lithological
the 'Crystalline Schists' in the Lampung area (Westerveld correlations difficult. As a result, formations have generally been
1941). Locally these rocks contain fossils, and it was recognized defined locally. When these local units have been extrapolated
that Carboniferous and Permian rocks occur within this Pre- over broader areas they are found to include a wide variety of
Tertiary basement. Some basement units were defined during the lithological types, so that correlation with the original units
mapping of Sumatra by the Netherlands Indies Geological becomes more and more uncertain.
Survey between 1927 and 1931, but the definition of units accord- The spate of new data on the geology of Sumatra generated
ing to modern stratigraphic principles began in the early 1970s, by the systematic geological survey of the whole island has stimu-
with the commencement of systematic mapping by the Indonesian lated attempts at regional synthesis, e.g. Cameron et al. (1980) and
Geological Survey in collaboration with the United States Pulunggono & Cameron (1984) in northern Sumatra and McCourt
Geological Survey, in the Padang area of West Sumatra et al. (1993) in southern Sumatra. These authors proposed a
(Kastowo & Leo 1973--Padang; Silitonga & Kastowo 1975-- stratigraphic scheme which distinguished a Carboniferous-
Solok; Rosidi et al. 1976--Painan and Muarasiberut). Permian Tapanuli Group, a Permo-Triassic Peusangan Group
Mapping and the definition of further units was continued in and a Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla Group (Fig. 4.1 ). This terminol-
northern Sumatra by the Indonesian Directorate of Mineral ogy is used in the present account, although it is strictly applicable
Resources/British Geological Survey (DMR/BGS) between only to northern Sumatra where the units were defined.
1975 and 1980 as part of the Northern Sumatra Project and In this account the basement rocks of Sumatra are described
was extended into southern Sumatra in the 1980s and 1990s by from northern, central and southern Sumatra, as far as possible
the Indonesian Geological Research and Development Centre in terms of their stratigraphic age, although difficulties in
(GRDC), DMR amd BGS. The results of these surveys, which establishing these ages will be fully discussed. Five age units
established the distribution of the basement units, are published are recognized: Pre-Carboniferous basement, Carboniferous-
by GRDC as 1:250000 Geological Map Sheets coveting the ?Early Permian, M i d - L a t e Permian, Mid-Late Triassic and
whole of Sumatra and adjacent islands (Fig.l.5). The lithologies Jurassic -Mid-Cretaceous.
of each stratigraphic unit are briefly described in the keys to the
maps, and the units are described more fully in the accompanying
Explanatory Notes.
During these surveys the faunas from known fossil localities Pre-Carboniferous basement
were re-examined and new localities were found. Following the
survey the palaeontological evidence for the ages of stratigraphic Eubank & Makki (1981 ) record shales interbedded with quartzites
units in Sumatra has been reviewed by Fontaine & Gafoer (1989). from the boreholes, Pusaka-l, 85 km NE of Pekanbaru, and
It has now been established that fossiliferous rock units in the Pre- Rupat Island, in the Malacca Strait, which yielded palynomorphs
Tertiary basement of Sumatra range in age from Early Carbonifer- lu the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, and used this
ous through to mid-Cretaceous. evidence to define an Upper Palaeozoic 'Quartzite Terrain' in
From the occurrence of tin granites in the eastern part of eastern Sumatra (Fig. 4.2). Some of these borehole records may
Sumatra, extending into the 'Tin Islands' of Bangka and Billiton, relate to quartz sandstones in the Triassic Kualu Formation and
it is supposed that the whole of Sumatra is underlain by a highly its correlative Tembeling Sandstone of Bangka (Ko 1986).
differentiated Pre-Carboniferous crystalline continental crust However, Eubank & Makki (1981) also obtained R b - S r ages of
with ages extending back into the Precambrian. Direct evidence 426 + 41.5 Ma (Silurian) and 335 + 43 Ma (Early Carboniferous)
for a Pre-Carboniferous basement has been obtained by isotopic from granites from boreholes put down into the basement beneath
dating of Silurian and Lower Carboniferous granitic rocks the Central Sumatra Basin. Turner (1983) reports gneissose
encountered in boreholes beneath the Tertiary Basins towards rocks included as xenoliths in dykes intruding Carboniferous
the northeastern side of the island (Eubank & Makki 1981). slates near Rao, Central Sumatra. These xenoliths were presum-
The oldest rocks identified by their fossil content were also ably derived from an underlying crystalline basement. A granitic
encountered in boreholes in eastern Sumatra. These rocks clast from pebbly mudstone encountered in a borehole, Cucut
contain palynomorphs from near the Devonian-Carboniferous No.l, gave an R b - S r age of 348 ___ 10 Ma, of Vis~an, Early
boundary (Eubank & Makki 1981). Older rocks, possibly Carboniferous age (Koning & Darmono 1984).
ranging down into the Devonian, were reported by Adinegoro & The occurrence of intrusive granites, possibly as old as Silurian,
Hartoyo (1974) from a borehole in the Malacca Strait, but no indicates that an older basement into which these granites were
details are given in their report and a Devonian age for sediments intruded underlies eastern Sumatra. This is highly probable, as
elsewhere in Sumatra has not been confirmed during subsequent Proterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic rocks occur in the Malaysian
drilling or by field studies, although rocks of this age, and older Langkawi Islands only some 300 km to the NE of Sumatra
ages back to the Proterozoic, occur in the Langkawi Island off along the strike (Jones 1961). Indeed, Hutchison (1994) has
NW Malaya, 300 km to the NE of Sumatra (Jones 1961). asserted that the buried Kluang Limestone south of Palembang,

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B o h o r o k F o r m a t i o n . The Bohorok Formation is defined from its

CENOZOIC type locality in the Bohorok River on the GRDC 1:250 000
Medan Sheet, about 65 km to the west of Medan (Cameron
CRETACEOUS et al. 1982a) (Fig. 4.3). Good exposures of this formation occur
for a distance of 100 m in the river section at Bukit Lawang,
near the Orang Utan Sanctuary and over 50 m in the Bekail
JURASSIC River, some 7 km to the south. No base is seen to the formation
and downstream the mudstones are faulted either against the
Permo-Triassic Batumilmil Limestone Formation, or the Tertiary
TRIASSIC Bruksah and Bampo Formations. The Bohorok Formation has
been mapped along the eastern side of the Barisan Mountains
from near Langsa in the north to Lake Toba in the south
(Fig. 4.3). Even further south, comparable lithologies correlated
with the Bohorok Formation, are found in the Tigapuluh
Mountains, between Rengat and Jambi and are described below
as the Tigapuluh Group, and similar rocks also occur in the
CARBONIFEROUS Toboali District in the southern part of Bangka Island (Fig. 4.2).
The typical lithology of the Bohorok Formation is an unbedded
DEVONIAN 'pebbly mudstone'; a poorly sorted breccia or conglomerate
composed of angular to subangular rock fragments, generally
PALAEOZOIC 0.1-2.0 cm in size, but ranging up to 10cm and even 7 5 -
80 cm in east Aceh, and in the northeastern part of the Padangsi-
PRECAMBRIAN dempuan Sheet (Aspden et al. 1982b). The rock fragments
are enclosed in a fine-grained matrix of dark grey or dark brown
siltstone or mudstone. Pebbles include vein quartz, slate, chlorite
schist, phyllite, greenish calcsilicate rocks, limestone, marble,
Fig. 4.1. Pre-Tertiary stratigraphic units in Sumatra as proposed by the DMR/ quartzose arenites, quartzite, more rarely mica-schist and grani-
BGS Northern SumatraProject (Cameronet al. 1980) and used on the geological toid, sometimes with tourmaline, rare chert and rhyolite. Single
maps of northern Sumatra publishedby GRDC. These units were extended to crystals of fresh microcline, forming small angular clasts, are
cover southern Sumatra by McCourt et al. (1993). conspicuous in thin sections (Cameron et al. 1982a). The clasts
in the pebbly mudstones clearly indicate a continental provenance.
In the Berkail River, pebbly mudstone near the upper part of
the outcrop is interbedded with a few metres of light brown
for which a Cretaceous age had been suggested (De Coster 1974) weathering, coarse to very coarse sandstone (Tiltman 1985).
resembles the Silurian Kuala Lumpur Limestone in Malaya and Cameron et al. (1982a) report that sandstone blocks found as
may therefore be of Silurian age. It has also been supposed that float within the Bohorok outcrop show graded beds and slump
high grade metamorphic rocks in the western part of northern structures.
Sumatra within the Alas and Kluet Formations, and the Ngaol For- Towards the west the poorly sorted pebbly mudstone units
mation of Central Sumatra, which do not appear to be directly become less common, the proportion and size of the clasts
related to contact metamorphic aureoles around intrusions, may decreases, and the Bohorok Formation is represented by conglom-
represent outcrops of this Pre-Carboniferous crystalline basement, erates, sandstones, slates and rare limestone units, becoming
but nowhere has this supposition been confirmed by fossil finds or indistinguishable from the adjacent Kluet Formation or similar
by isotopic dating. Alternatively it has also been suggested that lithologies within the Alas Formation, so that the distinction
these high grade gneisses are due to intrusion and synkinematic between the units is arbitrary (Cameron et al. 1980).
deformation of granites and associated sedimentary rocks in The Bohorok Formation has generally been affected by low,
shear zones during the formation of active magmatic arcs during slate-grade, metamorphism. In the neighbourhood of igneous
Permian to Late Cretaceous times. This explanation has also intrusions argillaceous rocks, including the matrix of the pebbly
been suggested for the Gunungkasih Metamorphic Complex in mudstones, are converted to schists or hornfels, often containing
the Bandarlampung area of southern Sumatra (Barber 2000). cordierite and tourmaline.
The high grade metamorphic rocks of Sumatra require systematic Sediments within the Bohorok Formation are apparently devoid
investigation with these alternative possibilities in mind. of fossils. The only direct evidence of age comes from the Cucut
No. 1 well (Fig. 4.4) where Koning & Darmono (1984) report an
Early to Mid-Carboniferous microflora from the mud matrix of a
T a p a n u l i Group (Carboniferous- ? E a r l y Permian) 'pebbly mudstone'. However, a granite clast in the mudstone
from the same well yielded a K - A r age of 348 + 10Ma
Rocks in northern Sumatra considered to be of Carboniferous- (Vis6an, Early Carboniferous) (Koning & Darmono 1984). This
?Early Permian age have been classified as the Tapanuli Group juxtaposition is highly improbable. It may be that both the palyno-
(Cameron et al. 1980; Pulunggono & Cameron 1984). Three morphs and the pebble were eroded from older units and derived
formations are recognized: the Bohorok Formation, the Kluet into the Triassic Kualu Formation which occurs in the same
Formation and the Alas Formation (Figs 4.1-4.3). The Early area, or that the K - A r age is unreliable.
Permian was included in the original definition of the Tapanuli The pebbly mudstones of the Bohorok Formation have been inter-
Group on the supposition that the Alas Formation contained an preted as diamictites formed in a glacio-marine environment
Early Permian fauna (Cameron et al. 1980). Subsequently this (Cameron et al. 1980). Pebbly mudstones similar to those of the
fauna was shown to be of Early Carboniferous (Vis~an) age Bohorok Formation have been described form the Langkawi
(Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). However, the Pangururan Bryozoan Islands and the adjacent parts of the NW Malay Peninsula,
Bed which was mapped as part of the Kluet Formation also Peninsular Thailand, Burma and southwest China. The occurrence
contains a probable Early Permian fauna (Aldiss et al. 1983), so of pebbly mudstones has been used to identify the Sibumasu
that in this account the Tapanuli Group is considered to extend (Siam, B___uurma,Malaya, Sumatra) Terrane, a crustal block which
into the Early Permian. extends all the way from Sumatra to southern China (Metcalfe 1984).
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96 ~ 102 ~ 104 ~ 106 ~

_8 ~
Tapanuli Group
Bohorok Formation
/ Alas Formation
_6 ~ ;inaa Formation ubang ~, Formation
~3 =asu "k,,
BANDA ACEH ,rmation-~"~7/._ [ 5:~ 61 'Quartzite Terrain'

_4 ~
a %
Kreung Klue
( ~ SIDIK/

_2 ~

x0 \ Member

_0 o

_2 ~
q; m M U A R A B- ~U: ,N. ~G, ~O#
9 .

D u a b e l a s ~:~

Q T a r a n t a m Form;


_4 ~
iG a r b a M o u n t a i n s
T ra0 Forma,ion)
LZ~,',, ~ Complex
0 100 200 300 400 500km KO AGUNG ~... ~ARANG
_6 ~ ",,3 " ' ~ ~ 6 L z
96 ~ 98 ~ 100 ~ 102 ~ ~o4o 11o6o
I I I I I I/

Fig. 4.2. Distribution of Carboniferous to ?Early Permian rocks in Sumatra from GRDC geological maps. Dense tones indicate outcrops, the filled circles indicate
Carboniferous rocks encountered in boreholes, paler tones indicate subcrop beneath Late Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and volcanics.
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96 ~ 97 ~ 98 ~ 99~
Major Faults

Recent Volcanoes

Unit @ Permo-Triassic Intrusions


Tawar " ~ 9 LANGSA
(Peusangan Group)
Simpang Kiri
Uneun Unit, Tawar Lst Fro,
Situtup Lst Fm, Sembuang Lst Fm,
Ujeuen Lst Fm, Kaloi Lst Fm,
Batumilmil Lst Fm (mainly limestones) Gnei
Kualu Formation (cherts & clastics) Formation


(Tapanuli Group) ~.
Bohorok Formation
(pebbly mudstones)
Atas Formation (Vis6an) Bohorok
limestone member
,:-,,C.e-.-.<- N alvvampu Toba
Alas Formation - clastic sediments \ tumilmil Tufts
('m'- metamorphosed) TA P A K T U A N
Kluet Formation --.. (._~Kualu
(turbidites with limestone %') Formation
Ktuet Formation o lOOk~ Toba
=_ i i lU... =.
(metamorphosed) Tufts ~ - ~ I~j
9 6 <, 97 ~
1 I

Fig. 4.3. The distribution of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic stratigraphic units in northern Sumatra, showing rock types and critical fossil localities, together with
Late Permian to Early Triassic intrusions (after Stephenson & Aspden 1982, with additions from GRDC map sheets, Cameron et al. 1982a, b, 1983). Areas left blank are
occupied by Late Mesozoic to Quaternary sediments and volcanics.

Alas Formation. The Alas Formation was defined by Cameron areas of metamorphic rocks are closely associated with igneous
et al. (1982a) in the valley of the lower Alas River on the intrusions and some, particularly where the rocks are garneti-
Medan Sheet (Fig. 4.3). It is distinguished by its geographical ferous, may be of regional metamorphic origin and may even
location, occupying a graben within the Sumatran Fault System, represent an earlier, Pre-Carboniferous, basement. The occurrence
between the outcrops of the Bohorok and Kluet formations, of mylonites and cataclasites suggests that some of the rocks
and by a preponderance of limestones and meta-limestones. included in the Alas Formation have undergone major shearing.
Otherwise, in the remainder of the outcrop, shales, siltstones, sand- A fossiliferous limestone locality within the Alas Formation at
stones, sometimes calcareous, quartz wackes and conglomerates, the junction of the Lau Pakam and the Sungai Alas north of
are identical to those of the Bohorok Formation, without the Laubaleng has yielded a rich fauna (Fig. 4.4). Cameron et al.
pebbly mudstones, and to the Kluet Formation as well. Cameron (11980) reported the coral Allotriophyllum chinense, known from
et al. (1982a) also report the occurrence of possible green tufts. the Lower Permian Chiksa Limestone of southern China, but
The outcrop is much dissected by faults and the rocks are intensely this coral has been re-identified by Fontaine (1989) as the solitary
folded locally, intruded by granites and migmatised. horn-shaped rugose coral Zaphrentites, indicative of a Carboniferous
Limestones in the Alas Formation are sometimes oolitic, may age. Brachiopods, which include Cleiothyridina (?) and Margina-
show cross-bedding and are locally fossiliferous with abundant tia, indicate a Vis6an age and Metcalfe (1983) obtained a conodont
productid and spiriferid brachiopods and some corals. However, fauna from this same locality which included Gnathodus girtyi
the limestone is frequently metamorphosed to massive, coarsely rhodesi Higgins, Gnathodus sp., Hindeodella sp., Spathognathodus
crystalline and sometimes graphitic marble with phlogopite, campbelli Rexroad and Spathognathodus scitulus (Hinde), con-
and deformed to form calcareous schist. The marbles and calc- firming the Vis6an age of the limestones. The form Gnathodus
schists are associated with slate, phyllite, mica schist, locally girtyi rhodesi, in particular, is restricted to the Bollandian Stage
containing garnets, biotite hornfels with cordierite and/or chiasto- of the Late Vis6an, defining the age of this outcrop of the Alas
lite, quartzite and more rarely gneiss, migmatites, mylonites and Formation even more precisely (Metcalfe 1983).
cataclasites (Cameron et al. 1980). Much of this metamorphism
may be attributable to the contact effects of intrusive granites, Kluet Formation. The Kluet Formation was defined by Cameron
affected synchronously or subsequently by shearing, but not all et al. (1982b) from outcrops along the Krueng Kluet in the
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\ I o L %.~.' :' ~ \ A I as..~-

98 ~ ~ % , 1 ,
LAk-,e,- 9 9 I- ~.....T. .o. b. .a. .T. u f f s . . . . . . . . (
Formation Toba,~: : : u9
L\-'.b.b,~.'~'-,_"IP"S l O / K A L ~ N G - ' ~ ' ~ } 4 ~ . " . ~ L . . . " . " . ". ". ". ? lc-~ '~ ~ Ma'or Faults
9 .'.'.'. ". ozoaBed. . ".'." '.'.',"
9 ~ Recent Volcanoes

/..,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ " 9 9~ Pangunjungan ~N, (".,~ Permo-Triassic

-,,-',,...z ~ ",'~\'N~N"~E.~%8. i" i'-".N~ki~,Sibagandidg ~ " " "~--dq:~.~li~_Member - k,~ ~ Imrusions
- t " Pal~ka ." ".'-LimestoneMemlSer'.
"~~"~%~aF~ir'.'.\:.'.'.-.#/~i!~~IRANTAUPRAPAT ~ 4
~ue~-.'."~"A \ \ ' . ' . " % % " - ' . " - ~ ~ ~ ; ? " Z~ - ~'~'~ ~ ' ~
- 2'>N ~ -Formation_C~"~ \%-v--:7 "~k 9 9 .'~i~q./'-,~./~/ ~Y.?N. N\~ " ~
e~aru 9." . . , .'. 9 ". ". ". 2~

0 50 100km "~ ~'k~--~?~-~\ ~ Bohorok Fm

........ ...'"':", _ encountered in
~'k ~'~%'L~,~DANG S[ DEN P UA a borehole


(Peusangan Group) \ ~'~Mbr ~ ........
. . r-m,
. . bllungKang
. . . ~-m, \ 'i ~,~'#~.~'~a-'~ PAffARSIBUHAN
~ I'%Ui::lltli:l.ll _ ~. .

Telukkido Fro, Cubadak Fm ~, kFg~,~t~_,~..n.~:~L s t ~ . 1~

Zuhur Formation \ ~ ~ ' ~ N ~ . LS~r~"-,~_ I PASIRPENGARAYAN
CARBONIFEROUS-?EARLY PERMIAN L, \ ~',~.'~'Q"~ "~,~,"'~ _
(Tapanuli Group) ......... "% ~ "~,,."~~ Pawan
, , [ ~4"2\\ ~ . ~ \ \ ~ . "% Member
L~.~:~;~:;~I BohorokFormation ~ ' ~ a s i l ~ o n g i ~ " ~ \
[~i:~,~:~1 (Pebblymudstones) a ~ - o ~ . ~ ' - ~~ ",,>,..%,.x,,~,
~7,~.~ Alas Formation
Kluet/Kuantan Formati
Limestone Member (L Formation

_ 98o uhur
Equator I I ~ - - - ~ ~t~-~ . . ~\~.~.'~'~'~/'~0rma!!..~ r

Fig. 4.4. Distribution of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic stratigraphic units in north central Sumatra from GRDC map sheets, showing rock types and critical fossil
localities, as well as Late Permian to Triassic intrusives. Areas left blank are covered by Late Mesozoic to Quaternary sediments and volcanics.

Barisan Mountains to the north of Tapaktuan. Outcrops of the the central part of northern Sumatra metamorphic rocks include
Kluet Formation on the 1:250 000 map sheets are shown lying biotite-garnet-sillimanite schists, staurolite schists and biotite-
to the southwest of the outcrops of the Bohorok and Alas andalusite hornfels, chiastolite slate, quartzite, scapolite-bearing
formations and extend from Lake Tawar near Takengon in the calc-silicates, marbles and amphibolites. Some of these rocks,
north to Sibolga in the south (Figs 4.2 & 4.3). where they are associated with meta-limestones, are shown on
The formation consists predominantly of black slates, with the Takengon Quadrangle Sheet as part of the Alas Formation
phyllites, quartzose arenites and conglomeratic metagreywackes, (Cameron et al. 1983a) (Fig. 4.3).
the latter containing lithic clasts up to 40 cm in diameter. Poorly The surveyors attribute the metamorphism in the Kluet For-
sorted volcaniclastic wackes occur along the Sibolga to Tarutung mation to contact metamorphic effects (Cameron et al. 1982a).
road. The size and proportion of clasts in the conglomerates This is clearly the case for the hornfelses and chiastolite slates,
decreases across the outcrop from NE to SW. Locally there are but is less certain for garnet- and staurolite-bearing schists. An
calcareous horizons and detrital limestones. More massive obvious metamorphic aureole is developed around the Serbajadi
meta-limestones occur at Rerebe, south of Takengon (Fig. 4.3). Granite on the Langsa Sheet (Bennett et al. 1981c) where the
The sandstones are generally massive and commonly devoid of rocks are altered to musovite-biotite hornfels and wollastonite,
sedimentary structures, although in the type area of the Krueng diopside and phlogopite marbles and skarns. As the metamorphic
Kluet (Cameron et al. 1982b) and on the Sidikalang Sheet rocks in the Krueng Kluet are closely associated with concordant
(Aldiss et al. 1983), graded beds, mud clasts, slumped units, granitoids, and at Blangkejeren enclose concordant bodies of
load casts and dewatering structures, typical of deposition as garnetiferous gneiss, interpreted as intrusions, these were also
turbidites are reported. Rocks of the Kluet Formation have yet attributed to contact metamorphism.
to yield age-diagnostic fossils.
The rocks are metamorphosed, predominantly in the slate grade, Pangururan Bryozoan Bed. On the western shore of Lake Toba
but show varying degrees of metamorphism. An extensive area of at Pangururan in the Sidikalang Quadrangle, fossiliferous, calcar-
highly metamorphosed rocks of the Kluet Formation is shown eous, silty mudstones and limestones, with a rich shallow water
occupying the southwestern side of the outcrop on the Tapaktuan fauna are distinguished as the Pangururan Bryozoan Bed (Aldiss
Sheet, including the type area of Krueng Kluet (Cameron et al. et al. 1983) (Fig. 4.4). The limestones contain abundant shelly
1982b) (Fig. 4.3). The rocks are described as coarse muscovite- debris, including brachiopods, fenestellid bryozoa and crinoid frag-
biotite schists, sometimes garnetiferous, quartzo-feldspathic ments and some pelecypods. Decalcified, fan-shaped fenestellids up
gneisses and calc-silicate schists. In the Blangkejeren area in to 10 cm long are conspicuous on weathered bedding surfaces. The
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limestones have undergone deformation with the development of which the argillaceous red brown shale and phyllite component
alternating zones of high and low strain and the formation of press- is dominant, with intercalations of quartzite, siltstone, dark grey
ure-solution cleavage, as illustrated by distortion of the bryozoan chert and andesitic to basaltic lava flows.
networks. The limestones are interbedded with sandstones and No systematic sedimentological study has been carried out on
associated with slates of the Kluet Formation. Unfortunately, the Kuantan Formation and outcrop details are not given in the
when they were examined at the Natural History Museum the Explanatory Notes for the GRDC Quadrangle sheets. Descriptions
bryozoa were found to be too decalcified, and the other fossils too of the lithological features of the Kuantan Formation by Peter
fragmentary, to provide a precise age determination for this unit. Turner (Turner 1983) from three outcrops near Rao (Fig. 4.4)
The age range suggested for the fossil assemblage is from Late Car- are therefore particularly valuable. The first is on the Auk
boniferous to Early Permian with the balance of opinion favouring Mangkais to the west of the Batang Sumpur, where massive
an Early Permian age (Aldiss et al. 1983). The collection of further grey quartzite beds, 1-6 m are interbedded with blue-grey and
fossil and limestone samples from this unit are required for a more black phyllites and fine siltstones 10-80 cm thick. The quartzites
precise age determination. show both sharp tops and bases and the siltstones may show
cross-lamination. Tight folds of the slaty cleavage are seen in
Kuantan Formation. As the Kluet Formation was mapped south- loose blocks in the stream bed.
wards towards the equator it became obvious that it was the Steeply dipping (100~176 black slates outcrop in the
same unit as the Kuantan Formation, previously defined on the Sungai Nior to the east of the Batang Sumpur, showing isoclinal
Solok Quadrangle Sheet in West Sumatra, from outcrops along folds to which the cleavage has an axial plane relationship
the Batang Kuantan by Silitonga & Kastowo (1975) (Fig. 4.5). (Turner 1983). The slates are interbedded with rippled, laminated
On the Padangsidempuan Quadrangle Sheet to the north, the siltstones containing ribbed plant stems of C a l a m i t e s type. The silt-
change from Kluet to Kuantan Formation was set arbitrarily stones are sometimes deformed by slump folds. A section in the
where there is a break in the outcrop at 99~ longitude (Aldiss fiver bank shows several lenses of matrix-supported conglomerate,
et al. 1983) (Fig. 4.4). up to 1 m thick, with bases eroded into the underlying slate. Angular
The outcrop of the Kuantan Formation extends along the core to rounded clasts in the conglomerate include vein quartz, microgra-
of the Barisan Mountains from Padangsidempuan to the latitude nite, phyllite, greywacke, quartzite and chert. Siltstone clasts show
of Padang (Figs 4.4 & 4.5). Silitonga & Kastowo (1975) distin- both cleavage and crenulation cleavage, indicating two earlier
guished a Lower Member dominated by quartzites and quartz phases of deformation These conglomerates are interpreted as
sandstones, rarely conglomeratic, with interbedded shales, debris flows (Turner 1983). Further upstream, greywacke sandstone
usually metamorphosed to slates or phyllites. Finer-grained sand- beds 30 cm thick are folded into upright folds, 2 - 3 m in amplitude.
stone units may show graded beds, small-scale cross lamination, These rocks have been identified as distal turbidites and are distin-
ripples and slump structures. Subordinate components include guished by Turner (1983) as the Nior Member.
brown chert, chloritized tufts and volcanic rocks. The lower unit Black, micaceous mudstones and slates in a small tributary
was distinguished from an upper Phyllite and Shale Member in of the Auk Lajang to the NE of Ciranting contain ellipsoidal

EquatorJ ' ~"

100{~Ex_,r~ ~, - i - ~ ~~ ~ ~ "<1~t .':<-"-~Tuh ur
Formation 1[~2~

O RENGAT ~~~--~~



Tabir Formation
-- " ~ '"*" ~ ii Major Faults
PERMO-TRIASSIC \ %~ "'-~::!i!::ii!i::: 9 MUARABUNGO ~ Recent
Triassic Patepat Permo-Triassic
P e r m i a n with \ )_~k ~
Formation Intrusions
,. ~ volcanics ~
k Duabelas S Serpentinite
Formation Mountains 2,"
2o C A R B O N I F E R O U S -

Mentulu Fm etc.with pebbly m u d s t

J 2
Kuantan Formation
0 50 100km
LimestoneUnits L t ' III . . . .

100~'E 101~ (~ 103~


Fig. 4.5. Distribution of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic stratigraphic units in central Sumatra from GRDC map sheets, showing lithologies and critical localities as
well as Late Permian to Early Triassic intrusives. Areas left blank are covered by Late Mesozoic to Quaternary sediments and volcanics.
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


calcareous nodules up to 40 cm in size, around which the slaty Tigapuluh Group

cleavage diverges as the result of compaction. Indeterminate
foraminifers were recognized in one nodule, and an insoluble Pre-Tertiary rocks form the Tigapuluh Mountains, isolated as
residue from another yielded abundant sponge spicules. an inlier 70 km long and 40 km wide among the surrounding
The associated mudstones contain leaf and fungal fragments. Tertiary sediments, east of the Barisan Mountains to the south
These outcrops were distinguished by Turner (1983) as the Tua of Rengat (Fig. 4.5). Three formations have been identified: the
Member. These records of plant fragments, foraminifers and Mentulu, Pengabuhan and the Gangsal formations, interpreted as
siliceous spicules indicate that the less deformed sediments different facies of the Tigapuluh Group. The distribution of
in the Kuantan Formation are very likely to yield age-diagnostic these units are shown on the Rengat and Muarabungo Quadrangle
fossils to a systematic search. Sheets (Suwarna et al. 1991; Simandjuntak et al. 1991) (Fig. 4.6).
On the Pakanbaru Quadrangle Sheet, to the north of Solok, Deformation increases in intensity from NE to SW and in the
Clarke et al. (1982b) distinguish the Pawan and Tanjung Puah aureoles of Triassic-Jurassic granitic intrusions the sediments
members of the Kuantan Formation (Figs 4.2 & 4.4). The are converted to spotted slates or hornfels.
Pawan Member cropping out to the east of Lubuksikaping is
composed of intensely folded muscovite, tremolite, chlorite Mentulu Formation. The Mentulu Formation, defined from out-
and carbonate schist. The very similar Tanjung Puah Member to crops in the upper part of the Mentulu River, occupies large
the SW, also includes quartz schist. Both units show an early areas in the northern and eastern parts of the Tigapuluh Mountains
phase of tight isoclinal folding on vertical or steep SW-dipping (Fig. 4.6). The formation is characterized by pebbly mudstones,
axial planes and east-west or N W - S E axes, and are refolded similar to those of the Bohorok Formation of northern Sumatra.
by later upright folds on N W - S E axes. The latter are probably The mudstones are interbedded with greywacke sandstones
represented by the large-scale folds seen on aerial photographs and shales, the latter generally occurring as slates, or as hornfels
and indicated on the Pakanbaru Quandrangle Sheet (Clarke et al. adjacent to granite contacts. The mudstone matrix contains irregu-
1982b). Again, these more highly metamorphosed rocks may larly distributed angular to rounded clasts of granite, silicified
represent fragments of an earlier metamorphic basement, or, basalt, vein quartz, slate, quartzite and feldspar. The clasts are
where rock types include tremolite and chlorite schists, may generally of pebble size, up to a few centimetres, but may reach
represent a hitherto unrecognized suture zone. 30 cm in diameter. The pebbly mudstone is usually deformed,
On the Solok Sheet Silitonga & Kastowo (1975) recognized with the matrix altered to slate, and the clasts flattened and
a Limestone Member within the Kuantan Formation (Fig. 4.5), elongated within the cleavage planes. Cordierite is commonly
composed of massive, black, white, grey or reddish limestone, developed where the pebbly mudstones have been converted to
locally containing irregularly-shaped chert nodules, with interbeds spotted slates or hornfels within metamorphic aureoles.
of quartzite and siliceous shale. Detailed petrographic studies The interbedded greywacke sandstones are massive, dense, grey
of samples of limestone have been made by Vachard (1989a, b). sandstones, sometimes conglomeratic, containing folded quartz
He recognized algal structures, including algal mats, oolites and veins. The sandstones are poorly sorted and also contain irregu-
possible pisolites, and concluded that the limestones were depos- larly distributed clasts, of the same rock types as those found in
ited in an intratidal to supratidal environment. From the fossils the mudstones. The conglomerates are polymict and are composed
collected during the mapping survey Silitonga & Kastowo of sub-angular to rounded clasts. Finer sandstone units show
(1975) established that the limestones in the Kuantan Formation parallel lamination and may be poorly graded. Shale or claystone
range in age from Lower Carboniferous to Mid-Permian, although units are well bedded and parallel laminated and contain scattered
the younger limestones are better considered as a separate matrix-supported fragments of quartz and feldspar. Some of
formation. the sandstone units are tuffaceous and andesitic and basaltic
Subsequently the fossiliferous localities were re-examined tuf~ distinguish the Condong Member in Bukit Condong and
by Fontaine & Gafoer (1989). New collections were made and Gunung Endalang (Fig. 4.6).
macro- and microfossils studied to establish the ages of these The pebbly mudstones of the Mentulu Formation, like those
limestone occurrences more precisely. Important localities in the Bohorok Formation in northern Sumatra are considered to
containing Carboniferous fossils occur in the Again River and be of glacio-marine origin, and the lithology of the clasts indicates
the Batang Kuantan Gorge (Fig. 4.5). The limestone outcrops a continental provenance.
to the east of Lake Singkarak (Guguk Bulat) which yielded
Permian fossils are considered by Fontaine & Gafoer (1989)
to be best classified with the Mid-Permian Silungkang Pengabuhan Formation. The Pengabuhan Formation occurs in the
Formation, rather than, as shown on the map of the Solok central part of the Tigapuluh Mountains where it is defined from
Quadrangle, with the Kuantan Formation (Silitonga & Kastowo outcrops in the upper part of the Pengabuhan River (Simandjuntak
1975). et al. 1991) (Fig. 4.6). The formation is composed principally
Limestone outcrops in the Again River near the bridge on the of lithic greywackes or sandstones, quartzites and siltstones.
road from Bukit Tinggi to Pakanbaru yielded the alga Konincko- These lithologies contain irregularly distributed clasts of granite,
pora and the foraminifers Palaeotextularia, Eoendothyranopsis vein quartz and quartzite, similar to those seen in the Mentulu
and Archaediscus, indicating a Mid-Vis6an age. With additional Formation. The quartzites are often feldspathic and are well-
samples the age range was extended from the late Early or sorted, being composed of well rounded grains of quartz and
early Mid-Vis6an to Late Vis6an (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). A feldspar. The siltstones also contain clasts of feldspar, quartz
Mid-Late Vis6an age was confirmed by the discovery of cono- and lithic fragments. The outcrop patterns in the northern part of
donts, including Gnathodus girO, i rhodesi Higgins, from the Tigapuluh Mountains, as delineated by Suwarna et al.
this locality (cf. the Alas Formation above) (Metcalfe 1983). (1991) (Fig. 4.6), show the Mentulu and Pengabuhan formations
Limestones exposed in a scenic gorge along the Kuantan River interdigitating, suggesting that they are facies variants, distin-
contain large colonies of the tabulate coral Syringopora, the fasci- guished only by the presence or absence of pebbly mudstone.
culate Tetracorallia Siphenodendron and the alga Koninckopora Alternatively the two units may have been imbricated by thrusting.
inflata, indicating a Late Vis~an age (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989;
Vachard 1989a, b). These limestones containing the colonial Gangsal Formation. The Gangsal Formation crops out in the
coral Syringopora and intratidal algal mats, were evidently western part of the Tigapuluh Mountains, and was defined from
deposited in a sub-tropical to tropical, shallow, warm water the upper part of the Gangsal River. The formation is also
environment. shown occupying a small area between the Mentulu and
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


102~ 30' 45' 103*00'

Formation; TIGAPULUH
--I ,"Ut/l l 1
Inliers of
Gangsal Triassic-Jurassic
Formation Granites
Condong (volcanic) Member
~'~ Mentulu Formation
ld~:':~?:4 (pebbly mudstones)
[:~i::i::iiiii::i!t Pengabuhan Formation
[~}x...'..s ] Gangsal Formation

1ooo's : Gangsal

~,'-.'.:,~[ "15engabuhan
.~.N[," .... ~ _.,-,
~ %;

~\... :. : . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 . - - - .

0 5 10 15 20kin
15' L to Jambi

15' 30' lO3~OO'

Fig. 4.6. Distributionof stratigraphic units in the TigapuluhHills(alter Suwama et al. 1991"Simandjuntaket al. 1991). Areas left blank are covered by Tertiaryto Recent

Pengabuhan formations in the southern part of the mountains schist, slate, minor quartzite and marble metamorphosed in
(Fig. 4.6). It is distinguished from the other Pre-Tertiary units in the greenshist facies, are interpreted as the metamorphosed
this area by the predominance of argillacous material, usually as Palaeozoic basement of Sumatra, and are correlated lithologically
dark grey or black slate, grey, white or green phyllite, by a with the Tarantam and Kuantan formations of Central Sumatra
higher degree of deformation, and in the neighbourhood of intru- (Gafoer et al. 1994) and with the Gunungkasih Complex to the
sions, dark hornfels. The argillacous rocks are interbedded with south near Bandarlampung (Amin et al. 1994b).
grey-green sandstones, composed of subangular to rounded Metamorphic rocks of the Gunungkasih Complex, named
grains of quartz with lithic fragments, dark grey quartzites and from a hill to the SE of Tanjungkarang, form scattered outcrops
massive grey argillaceous limestones. All lithologies are exten- among Cretaceous granites and Quaternary volcanics in South
sively veined by quartz. Sumatra (Fig. 4.8). Rock types include graphitic, micaceous,
sericitic, chloritic, quartzose and calcareous schist, sericitic quart-
zite and marble of low- to medium-grade greenschist facies,
C o r r e l a t e d f o r m a t i o n s in s o u t h e r n S u m a t r a associated with migmatites, amphibolites and granitic gneisses
and intruded by granites. Amin et al. (1994b) and Andi Mangga
An isolated outcrop of low-grade metamorphic rocks in the et al. (1994a) suggest that these metamorphic rocks may be
Duabelas Mountains to the SE of Muarabungo (Figs 4.2 & 4.5) correlated with the Kuantan and Kluet formations of central and
consisting of quartzite, siltstone, claystone, marble and rare mica northern Sumatra. The boundaries of lithological units and the
schist, distinguished as the Tarantam Formation, has been foliation strike in a N W - S E direction, parallel to the Sumatran
correlated with the Kuantan Formation (Simandjuntak et al. 1991). trend. Schistosity strikes in the same direction, is folded about
The Garba Mountains form an inlier of Pre-Tertiary rocks to east-west axes and is refolded by N W - S E trending upright
the south of Baturaja (Fig. 4.7). Here the oldest unit, composed folds and by variably oriented kink bands. K - A r ages of
of low grade metamorphic rocks, is distinguished as the Tarap 125 + 5 and 115 __ 6 Ma (mid-Cretaceous) obtained from rocks
Formation from a type locality in the Tarap River (Gafoer et al. of the complex are taken to indicate the age of granite intrusion
1994). These metamorphic rocks crop out on both the eastern and metamorphism of the metasediments. In outcrops to the NE of
and western sides of the inlier where they are in thrust contact Kotaagung, and SW of Tanjungkarang, rocks of the Gunungkasih
and imbricated with the unmetamorphosed Lower Cretaceous Complex are thrust southwestwards over unmetamorphosed
Garba Formation. The metamorphic rocks, which include phyllite, sediments of the Early Cretaceous Menanga Formation.
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


104'~00 '
Quaternary Sediments
Qs QuaternaryVolcanics
Qv Ptiocene
Late Miocene
Middle Miocene
Qs Eocene
,9 ...F ., MARTAPURA~/-

o., ,,,.

,J-'-: ~ ...............

% % %, % %` %, % % % %, % % "-" .~ .., ..~ ,,,, ,,.. ,,.,. .,

% % "% % % % % % '% % "%"-."'%"'%~" " t'~ . . . . . . F

,/,'...'Garba Pluton,",",,'%.'~ ,, ~,, ~ ~x@~. Qs
% % % % % "% % "% "% % % % ~. -,,,,,..w, '~ "." "-" ~ ."-"
.Y ." ,' ," ,' ." ,' ,' ,' ,' -" ,' .rdununq A ,_~ F Faults

Late Cretaceous Granites

i : ~ }~";"-"-"-"-"-~','.~-"::: :: ~ " - "'," -'," -',",,.'~ Mesozoic Units
4o30 , (correlated with the Woyla Group)
.... Mm 9 ~ Melange
Qs Situlanglang (chert) Member
Garba (volcanic) Formation
0 5 10 t5 20km QS ~ - " " - - - - _ _ ~ J ~ E v ' / Tarap Formation
' ~ (metamorphosed ?Palaeozoics)

Fig. 4.7. The distribution of the Pre-Tertiary units in the Garba Mountains, South Sumatra, after GRDC geological map of Baturaja (Gafoer et al. 1994). The
Metamorphosed Palaeozoics are correlated with the Tapanuli Group and the Garba and Situlanglang Formations are correlated with the Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla Group
of northern Sumatra (see below).

Pemali Group, Bangka Island not yet proved possible to determine the stratigraphic relationships
of the units which make up the Tapanuli Group. The Vis~an
Carboniferous-Permian rocks of the Pemali Group occur Alas Formation and Limestone Member of the Kuantan Formation
on Bangka Island where they are imbricated with the Triassic are the only units for which there is direct palaeontological
Tempilang Sandstones (Ko 1986) (Fig. 4.2). The Pemali Group evidence of age. The Bohorok and Kluet/Kuantan formations
occurs in east-west trending, fault-bounded outcrops throughout have also been regarded as of Carboniferous age because of their
the island. Rock types include isoclinally folded pyritic shales close association with the Alas and Kuantan limestones in the
and limestones, the latter containing Permian fusulinids field, and because all three formations contain similar lithologies,
(De Roever 1951), volcanics and bedded cherts, with radiolaria, and in general show the same degree of deformation. The presence
laminated mudstones and pebbly mudstones. According to the of fossils indicating an age near the Devonian-Carboniferous
description by Ko (1986) the pebbly mudstones from the boundary in a borehole in the Malacca Strait (Eubank & Makki
Toboali District in the southern part of the island resemble very 1981), the identification of Late Carboniferous-Early Permian
closely those already described from the Bohorok and Mentulu fossils in the Pangururan Bryozoan Bed (AIdiss et al. 1983)
formations, above, and contain clasts with a similar range of suggests that the Tapanuli Group may cover an age range from
sizes and lithologies, although previously these same outcrops Late Devonian to Early Permian.
were described by De Roever (1951) as arkosic conglomerate. The BGS/DMR surveyors, who mapped the Tapanuli Group
as part of the North Sumatra Project, considered that all three
units were broadly contemporaneous. They observed that pebbly
Persing Complex, Singkep and the 'Quartzite Terrain' mudstones, characteristic of the Bohorok Formation, are inter-
bedded with quartz sandstones and pelitic sediments of turbidite
The Persing Complex of the island of Singkep consists of facies. These turbiditic sediments, with variations in the pro-
phyllite, slate, graphitic schists with quartz veins and bands of quart- portions of the components, are the dominant lithoiogies in the
zite (Sutisna et al. 1994). The quartzites are compared lithologically Kluet and Kuantan formations and also in the Tigapuluh Group
with those of the Tarantam Formation in the Duablas Mountains. The of Central Sumatra. Cameron et al. (1982a) report that, apart
Persing Complex lies along strike from the 'Quartzite Terrain' ident- from the presence or absence of pebbly mudstones, the lithologies
ified in oil company boreholes in the Pekanbaru area (Fig. 4.2). of the Bohorok and Kluet formations are so similar that the bound-
ary between them on the Medan Sheet was drawn arbitrarily
because of the difficulty in distinguishing between the two units.
Interpretation The outcrop of the Alas Formation is interposed between the
Bohorok and Kluet formations (Figs 4.2 & 4.3). As reported
Stratigraphy. Because of poor exposure, scattered outcrops and above a Vis6an (Lower Carboniferous) age has been established
the large numbers of faults which disrupt the sequence, it has for the Alas Formation (Fontaine 1989; Metcalfe 1983). A
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


~45' 105~ ~ Recent'Volcanoes

Late Cretaceous Granites

Menanga Formation
. ~ ". ~. .-.~" . ~ % , - - ~ . ~'<-'~ R i v e rm
p u n g ~ - ,,~ ~ (mid-Cretaceous)

- 5o15 ,
" <z;~ ~ ~ Gunungkasih Complex_
"\\ ~o /~'~.-"--~, BANDARLAMPUNG

\ %,~%

atk Fig. 4.8. The distribution of the Pre-

Tertiary units of the Bandar Lampung area,
southern Sumatra after GRDC geological
map sheets of Kotaagung and
- 5~ '\ 5~45 ' -
Tanjungkarang (Amin et al. 1994b; Andi
Mangga et al. 1994a). The Gunungkasih
Complex is correlated with the Palaeozoic
Tapanuli Group and the Menanga
"~'~. Strike-slip Faults Formation with the Jurassic-Cretaceous
"~ Thrust Faults 0 ................... ...................... 50km Woyla Group of northern Sumatra (see
below). In areas left blank the older rocks
104~ ' 104~ ' 105~ ' are covered by Tertiary and Quaternary
I ........................ l ................................ l ....................... I
sediments and volcanics.

Vis~an age has also been established for the Limestone Member of interdigitates with, and passes into the Kluet Formation; they
the Kuantan Formation (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989; Metcalfe 1983; regarded the latter as the lateral equivalent of the Bohorok
Vachard 1989a, b). The record by Turner (1983) of plant remains Formation, representing a more distal turbidite facies. Similar
in the Nior member of the Kuantan Formation is compatible with relationships are described from Central Sumatra between the for-
this age attribution. Turbiditic sandstones and pelites, similar to mations in the Tigapuluh Group (Fig. 4.6). Cameron et al. (1980)
those of the Kluet and Bohorok formations, occur interbedded also observed a systematic reduction in the size and proportion of
with limestones characteristic of the Alas Formation, suggesting clasts towards the SW in the pebbly mudstones and in conglomer-
to the surveyors that the Alas is part of the same sedimentary ates throughout the Bohorok and Kluet formations. The inference
sequence as the other units (Cameron et al. 1980). They therefore from these observations is that the sedimentary provenance of
considered that the Bohorok, Alas and Kluet/Kuantan formations the Tapanuli/Tigapuluh Group lay to the NE of Sumatra
are lateral facies variants of a coherent sedimentary assemblage. and that deposition occurred on a continental margin extending
Clasts in the pebbly mudstones of the Bohorok, and conglomer- out into an ocean lying to the SW, in present day coordinates.
ates in the Bohorok, Kluet and Kuantan formations and also in As reported above, Cameron et al. (1980) suggested that the
the Tigapuluh Group of Central Sumatra, include the same range Kluet and the Bohorok formations were related facies of
of lithologies. Analysis of the composition of the clasts shows the same age. The erroneous identification of a fossil coral
that all these units were derived from a low-grade metamorphic from the Alas Formation led Cameron et al. (1980) to suppose
terrane composed of slates, phyllites, calc-silicate schists, that the Alas Formation was of Early Permian age and was there-
marbles and quartzites which were intruded by granitic rocks. A fore preserved in a syncline, overlying the older Kluet and
K / A r age of 1029 Ma from a trondjemite clast from pebbly Bohorok formations. Cameron et al. (1980) proposed a strati-
mudstones in the Langkawi Islands (Hutchison 1989, p. 16) indi- graphic scheme for the Tapanuli Group of northern Sumatra
cates that the source area included rocks of Proterozoic age. Some based on an analogy with stratigraphic relationships seen near
argillaceous clasts show evidence from slaty cleavage and crenu- Phuket in Peninsular Thailand (Garson et al. 1975) (Fig. 4.2). At
lation cleavages that they had already undergone multiple defor- Phuket, pebbly mudstones of the Phuket Group, similar to those
mation. Locally the metamorphic grade in the source region was of the Bohorok Formation of Sumatra, are underlain and inter-
higher, indicated by clasts of mica schist and granitic gneiss. bedded with a thick and extensive series of turbiditic sediments.
The granitic gneisses may have been formed by synkinematic Fossils in the turbidites include the trilobite C y r t o s y m b o l e (wari-
deformation of granites intruded into an active shear zones. Rare bole) p e r l i s e n s i s Kobayashi and Hamada (Mitchell et al. 1970)
chert clasts, may indicate the presence of oceanic rocks incorpor- of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous age. The same fossil
ated in a collisional suture and rhyolite clasts indicate acid volcan- occurs near the base of the pebbly mudstones and sandstones
ism. In fact, the palaeogeology of the area from which the forming the Sings Group, in Langkawi, a group of islands offshore
sediments of the Tapanuli and Tigapuluh groups were derived Peninsular Malaysia (Jones et al. 1966) (Fig. 4.2). In Phuket, the
resembles very closely the present-day geology of northern pebbly mudstones are overlain by thin-bedded sandstones contain-
Sumatra. ing a fauna of bryozoa and brachiopods and then by a 'Bryozoan
Cameron et al. (1980) report that, within the Bohorok Bed' considered to be of Early Permian age (Mitchell et al. 1970;
Formation, pebbly mudstones die out in a southwesterly direction. Garson et al. 1975). Cameron et al. (1980) drew an analogy
With the loss of pebbly mudstones the Bohorok Formation between the Pangururan Bryozoan Bed of northern Sumatra and
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


the Early Permian Bryozoan Bed of Phuket. In Thailand the submarine mass wasting on a continental slope (e.g. Mitchell
Phuket Group is overlain by the M i d - L a t e Permian Ratburi et al. 1970).
Limestone, which Cameron et al. (1980) correlated with the In Peninsular Thailand, NW Malaysia and Baoshan in SW
Alas Formation of Sumatra. Now that the age of the Alas China (Wang et al. 2001) pebbly mudstones are interbedded
Formation is firmly established as Early Carboniferous, the latter with sediments containing Early Permian fossils. In Australia
correlation is no longer valid. the occurrence of glacial deposits indicates that glaciation com-
The present situation is, that although it is possible that Tapanuli menced in the Namurian, reached its peak in the Stephanian and
Group and its correlatives, the Kuantan Formation and Tigapuluh Sakmarian and had ceased by the Artinskian (Quilty 1984). it is
Group of Central Sumatra extend down into the Devonian, the therefore possible that the Bohorok Formation with the diamictites
only age diagnostic fossils so far identified in Sumatra are of ranges in age from the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian.
Lower Carboniferous, Vis6an age. No Toumaisian or Upper
Carboniferous rocks have so far been recognized. The only rock Palaeogeography. Cameron et al. (1980) suggest that the Tapanuli
unit which could possibly be of Late Carboniferous age is the Group represents a continental margin sequence deposited on a
Pangururan Bryozoan Bed from Lake Toba (Fig. 4.4). As already rifted passive margin. The reduction in clast sizes in the mudstones
reported above, fossils collected from this locality have been ident- and conglomerates of the Bohorok and Kluet formations, with a
ified as of Late Carboniferous to Early Permian age, with the decrease in the frequency and grain size of sandstone units in a
balance of opinion in favour of the later age (Aldiss et al. 1983). southwesterly direction, suggest that in Carboniferous times an
This age determination confirms the correlation with the Early open ocean lay in this direction. In this model turbiditic sandstones
Permian Bryozoan Bed of Phuket proposed by Cameron et al. and shales were deposited in rift basins, while limestones of the
(1980). The Pangururan Bryozoan Bed is interbedded with, and is Alas and Kuantan formations formed carbonate banks on horst
deformed, to the same extent as the associated sandstones and blocks of uplifted basement, perhaps represented by the high
slates of the Kluet (Bohorok?) Formation, which must also therefore grade metamorphic rocks associated with the Alas Formation in
be partly of Early Permian age. No unconformities have so far been the field.
recognized within the Tapanuli Group so that it is probable that the Following Cameron et al. 1980, Fontaine & Gafoer (1989)
group also includes rocks of Upper Carboniferous age. interpreted the Carboniferous rocks in the northern part of
As has been reported above interbedded quartzites and shales Sumatra as a series of contemporaneous sedimentary facies
were encountered beneath Tertiary sediments in boreholes to formed on a continental margin (Fig. 4.9). They suggest that the
the NE of Pekanbaru, in the Malacca Strait and in the Persing Kubang Pasu and Kenny Hill formations in the western part of
Complex of Singkep Island. These occurrences were used by the Malay Peninsula, and quartzites and quartz sandstones
Eubank & Makki (1981) to define a 'Quartzite Terrain' encountered in oil company boreholes along the Malacca Straits
(Fig. 4.2). Palynomorphs from the shales indicated an age near represent littoral and shelf facies sands in the east. The pebbly
the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. Similar rock units
composed of quartz-rich sandstones with shales and mudstones
described as the Kubang Pasu and Kenny Hill formations occur
on the eastern side of the Malacca Strait (Fig. 4.2). The Kubang
Pasu Formation outcrops in eastern Perlis and NW Kedah
where it is dated by Devonian trilobite pygidia at the base and
Carboniferous goniatites and brachiopods higher in the sequence,
and passes upwards conformably into the Lower Permian Chuping
Limestone Formation. The Kenny Hill Formation which outcrops
near Kuala Lumpur contains only trace fossils and poorly
preserved body fossils which do not provide a reliable indication
of age. However, it is considered to be of Carboniferous age
because it is younger than the adjacent Silurian Kuala Lumpur
Limestone Formation, but is cut by Mesozoic granites and ore
bodies (Stauffer, in Gobbett & Hutchison 1973). These quartz-
rich units appear to have been derived from the east and are
considered to be stratigraphically equivalent to the Bohorok,
Kluet and Alas formations.

Pebbly mudstones. As noted above, pebbly mudstones similar to

those of the Bohorok Formation occur in the Langkawi Islands
and in Perlis in Peninsular Malaysia and at Phuket in Peninsular
Thailand. Similar deposits occur in the Mergui Series of the
Shah States of Myanmar and in the Salt Ranges of Pakistan.
Wherever they occur, there has been much discussion concerning
the origin of these pebbly mudstones.
Stauffer & Lee (1986), as part of their studies of the Singa
Formation in the Langkawi islands, described 'dropstone' struc-
tures beneath clasts in laminated mudstones, which they attribute
to the deposition of pebbles and boulders carried by floating ice.
They conclude that the pebbly mudstones were deposited in a 0 250 500km
glacio-marine environment. Similar detailed sedimentological I I I

studies of the pebbly mudstones and their associated deposits

are required in Sumatra. Following the studies of Stauffer & Lee
(1986) a glacial origin for pebbly mudstones throughout the
region has generally been accepted, although dissenting opinion Fig. 4.9. Carboniferous palaeogeography of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula
has interpreted the pebbly mudstones, fi-om their association (from Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). The description of the facies and the
with turbidite deposits, as the product of debris flows, due to palaeogeographic interpretation are given in the text.
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


mudstones of the Bohorok Formation represent deposits from a epidotized basaltic breccia and agglomerate, schistose locally
melting floating ice-shelf or icebergs, which are interbedded where they have been involved in thrust zones. From this descrip-
with turbiditic sands and shales, passing into distal turbidites tion it is possible that these volcanics belong to the Woyla Group
and deep water shales further offshore in the Kluet Formation. and have been intercalated with the limestones by thrusting.
The limestones of the Alas Formation, with oolites and current Fossils have been recovered from the limestones of the
bedding, as described in the foregoing account, represent Situtup Formation. They include the foraminifers, Agathammina/
shallow water carbonates deposited on a 'high' in the continental Agathaminoides sp., Planinvolutina cf. mesotriassica, Involutina
shelf environment. sp. ?sinuosa, Parafusulina sp., Pseudodoliolina sp., Neoschwa-
Fontaine & Gafoer (1989) relate the fauna and algal flora of gerina sp. and a coral Thecosmilia sp. (Cameron et al. 1983).
the Visdan Alas limestones to those found elsewhere in the Some of these fossils are of mid-Permian age (Parafusulina, Pseu-
Sibumasu Block, in western Peninsular Malaya, Thailand and dodoliolina and Neoschwagerina), while others are of M i d - L a t e
Burma. On the other hand, they relate the fauna and algal flora Triassic age (lnvolutina, Planinvolutina cf. mesotriassica and
of the limestones in the Visdan Kuantan Formation to those Thecosmilia) (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). From this fossil evidence
of the eastern Peninsular Malaya and the Indochina Block in it is possible that the limestone constitutes a continuous deposi-
Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. tional sequence extending from the mid-Permian to Late Triassic,
While the Alas limestones could have been deposited in a and that the absence of Late Permian and Early Triassic fossils
cool environment, the fauna and flora of the Kuantan limestones is due to the accident of collection. More probably, as elsewhere
clearly indicate a tropical environment of deposition. Since the in Sumatra, there is an important unconformity within the
Alas and Kuantan formations are contemporaneous, they must outcrop, in which Upper Permian and Lower Triassic rocks
have been deposited in different environments on separate are absent. Unfortunately the relationship between Permian and
plates, and were only been brought together in Sumatra by post- Triassic components of these outcrop are unknown. These
Carboniferous movements. This relationship is indicated on the relationships should be the subject of future investigation.
Fontaine & Gafoer's (1989) Carboniferous palaeogeographic
reconstruction of Sumatra (Fig. 4.9) by an arbitrary W N W - E S E Ujeuen Limestone Formation (Fig. 4.3). The Ujeuen Limestone
boundary, separating the Kuantan Formation from the outcrops Formation outcrops as massive limestones to the south of
of the Kluet, Alas and Bohorok formations to the north. This Lhokseumawe where they are relatively innaccessible and
line has no present structural expression. poorly known. No fossils have been reported from these outcrops
(Cameron et al. 1983).

Tawar Formation (Fig. 4.3). Bedded to massive limestones with

Peusangan Group (Permo-Triassic) minor phyllites cropping out on either side of Lake Tawar near
Takengon are designated the Tawar Formation (Cameron et al.
During the North Sumatra Survey, Pre-Tertiary rock units lying to
1983). Massive limestones, identified on the Takengon Quadran-
the NW of the Sumatran Fault System, which were apparently
gle Sheet as a Reefal Member, occur along the northern side of
less deformed than the Tapanuli Group, were classified in the
the lake. Phyllites and massive volcanics to the south of the lake
Peusangan Group, named from the Peusangan River which flows
are identified as the Toweren Member. No fossils have been
northwards from Lake Tawar to the Andaman Sea. Fossil evidence
found in any of these units. On the map they occur as thrust
showed that some of these units are of Permian and Triassic age
slices imbricated with the slates and phyllites of the Carbonifer-
(Cameron et al. 1980). This terminology was subsequently
ous-Permian Kluet Formation, the Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla
extended to all Permo-Triassic units throughout Sumatra
Group and Tertiary sediments. Again, it is possible that the
(McCourt et al. 1993). Because the outcrops of the Permo-Triassic
phyllites and volcanies of the Toweren Member belong to the
units are so scattered and correlations uncertain, each occurrence
Woyla Group.
has been given a separate formation name (Fig. 4.10). Many of
the units include limestones, some of which are fossiliferous
Sembuang Formation (Fig. 4.3). Fifty kilometres to the east of Lake
so that the age may be precisely determined, but others are so
Tawar is the outcrop of the Sembuang Formation composed of
recrystallized that fossils are unrecognizable. These units, with
massive recrystallized limestones overlying metamorphosed
discussion of the evidence for their ages, will be described in
quartz sandstones (Cameron et al. 1983). No fossils have been
order from north to south.

Uneun Unit (Fig. 4.3). The Uneun Unit composed of slates, Kaloi Limestone Formation (Fig. 4.3). The Kaloi Limestone
metamorphosed limestones and epidotized basic volcanics is Formation crops out 40 km to the SSW of Langsa, where it is
named from the Kreung Uneun in the Takengon Quadrangle described as massive reddish tuffaceous limestone and dolomite,
(Cameron et al. 1983), and extends northwards onto the adjacent pock-marked by sink holes and flanked by fossiliferous shales,
Lhokseumawe Quadrangle (Keats et al. 1981). No fossils have limestones and sandstones (Bennett et al. 1981c). The massive
been found in this unit. The Unuen Unit probably incorporates limestones have yielded the trilobite Phillipsia aft. sumatraensis
rock units which should more appropriately have been included of Permian age (Tesch 1916). Forltaine (in Fontaine & Gafoer
in the Carboniferous Kluet Formation (slates) or the Jurassic- 1989) reports Halobia, and the shales have yielded Neoproetus
Cretaceous Woyla Group (epidotized basalts). indicus and Fenestella retiformis indicating a Late Triassic age.
in confirmation of the age, Metcalfe (1989a) obtained a specimen
Situtup Limestone Formation (Fig. 4.3). Bedded or massive fossili- of a Triassic conodont, Epigondondolella postera Kozer and
ferous limestones and intermediate volcanics cropping out in Mostler, from limestones and mudstones of the Kaloi Formation
Gle Situtup, a mountain 40 km to the NW of Takengon, have in the Sungai Kaloi, 5 km upstream from Kaloi. The relationship
been designated the Situtup Limestone Formation ('Sitotop between the Permian and Triassic components of this unit is
Limestone Formation' on the Takengon Quadrangle Sheet) unknown.
(Cameron et al. 1983). Other limestone outcrops are shown
resting on thrust planes above Tertiary sediments, or on units of Batumilmil Limestone Formation (Fig. 4.3). Fossiliferous 'reefal'
the Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla Group, which crops out exten- limestones and grey calcilutites with chert lenses of the
sively to the west. On the map the volcanic rocks are shown Batumilmil Limestone Formation outcrop in the eastern foothills
cropping out within the main limestone, and are described as of the Barisan Mountains to the SW of Medan. Fossils include
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


t0 9~o 918~ 1~)0~ 14 Ch.uping. 1~2o ~ 1~)4o 1~6o 1~)8o

;,I['BAN DA ACEH _^~o.-, g~ Limestone
l'~ ~Uneuen LHOKSUMAWE PENANGF,_)[~~ ~ l~l--l")l~,/llAIkl ,,.,.,-,,.,I - r ' D I A O O I f "~
~. ~ L[nit(NF) .'O~.. ~)~.~ r~-nlvll~l,~ etuu/n~t-~oo~u
... " e ~ Ujeuen (Lst) .~k..~i
Situtup(Lst) ~ 9 Formation (NF) (~rj~~176
Formation Sembuan{,st P e u s a n g an G r o u p
(MP,M=LT)~,Tawa~rst)~ Formation (NF)
Formation e Kaloi Formation(Lst)(P LT) 9 9
-4~ ' ~ ~'~ ~O LANGSA , r)~-" I~:....:....:iii::lTr,asslc chert & sandstone (Ch,CI)_
"k~" ~N~" Bat~umilmil(Lst) ~ Kodiang 1"~..~ Permian and T r i a s s i c
"Nk ~ ~ ~Formation (MP,T) k,,Llmestone ~ llm,-,efnntae / / e { ~
"~ ~ \ k ~ ~ Kualu(Cl)Formation (M-L~ ~ - , .... ~ , ~ , ~ , , ~ ~L--,a,/
' Permian (Volc)volcanic units
~ , Pangururan~\'h '~ - K~al~(Ch.Ssl
" ' o Bryo~nBed'~ ~.~Form~on~_LT~_ r ~ ~ P e r m i a n sedimentary units (CI)
_ 2~ v - ',~..~ \ ~ .......... ~.:.:.:....:.:.= 2 o_
~ \ ,~-%~ c-----. ~ , ~ (Ch= chert; CI= clastics)

~ [ Silungk.ang.(C~.~D\ Telukkido " ~ 1 ~ KUNDUR "

t-ormat on (M~')
__Cubadak(Ci)~%Formahon . (LT-J) ,~Lrp~apan Formation
(M-LT) ,-
Format o6 9 LUBUK~IKAPING ] %~% LINGGA 0~
- 0~ o ~ (M-LTI " \ %Tuhur Formation(CI) j . f )\,~
,~ " '~, \ (M-LT) ~ . , / q ~ " ~ (M-LT)
s Silungkang(CI,Lst) Palepat(Volc). '~/
Formation (M~St)~,Palr~natlon (EP) - ~
P A D A N G ~ ,~\"~:.~,~. Barisan(CI)
(' \ Tuhur(CI)""~..'r Formation
~. ~ F~ ~B~inOMUAR.ABUNG~JAMBI~. ~BtmNGKA~sandstone
-,,..,_r ' ' ~ \ /~'%-.~a~epa~(vo~c) - ) ~-:.:.:.:-:-.~ p u
_ 2~ ,.~ ~ N,.,aoltCl~']~Formati0n (EP) ~ C::~r---::::::::::~ (M-LT) 2~_
~ ~ Pemali Group(Ch Ss)
I:,~ s ~ Mengkarang(cI) J,.u....~v'"~:---:.i~ (MP~ ~',,,, TnN
" ~,~ ' ~ML LP) ~ , Formation
" (EP) -Ir !~ ' . . .~. .?. M
"~ ~'~'~k Buklt . PALEMBANG "":.Q ) o 'O
(LT-J) Late Triassic to Jurassic nendo~o(Lst) /)
(M-LT) Middle to Late Triassic BENGKULU'~'~~ . (MP) )L
- 4~ ( M P ) Middle Permian ~ ~. { 4~

(EP) Early Permian ~.~

(NF) No age-diagnostic fossils found "-~~

_60o 100 6 20o 300

~ 4oo OOOkm
98~ 100~ 102~

Fig. 4.10. Distribution of Permo-Triassic rocks in Sumatra.

fenestellids, echinoids, ?cephelapods and corals (Cameron et al. Kualu Formation (Figs 4.3 & 4.4). The Kualu Formation crops out
1982a). Fontaine & Vachard (1984) report a fauna collected as small isolated exposures among Toba Tufts to the south of
from the Batumilmil Limestone at Laubuluh, a village 13 km to Medan (Cameron et al. 1982a) (Fig. 4.3) and over a much larger
the north of Tigabinanda with crinoids, bryozoa, productid area to the NW of Rantauprapat and to the south of Lake Toba
bracbiopods and rare foraminifers Nodasaria(?), Pachiploia (Clarke et al. 1982a; Aldiss et al. 1983) (Fig. 4.4). Lithologies
cukurkoyi and Multidiscus padangensis. This fauna indicates a typical of the Kualu Formation have also been encountered in
Murghabian to Dzhulfian (mid-Late Permian) age for the oil company boreholes to the SE of Rantauprapat, below Tertiary
Batumilmil Formation (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). Triassic cono- sediments, and have been described under the name of the 'Mutus
donts (Hindeodella triassica Muller) were found by Metcalfe Assemblage' (Eubank & Makki 1981). Similar rocks also occur in
(1986) in limestones of the Batumilmil Limestone Formation at the island of Kundur off the coast of east Sumatra where they are
Sungai Wampu (Fig 4.3). This form ranges throughout the Triassic. called the Papan Formation (Cameron et al. 1982c) (Fig. 4.10).
At the type locality in the Sungai Kualu, the lithologies are thin-
bedded sandstones, wackes, siltstones and mudstones. The
Pangururan Bryozoan Bed (Fig. 4.4). The Pangururan Bryozoan mudstones are often carbonaceous and contain wood and plant
Bed on Lake Toba has already been discussed in the review of fragments. The upper part of the succession is more arenaceous,
the Carboniferous formations in Sumatra. The fauna was con- with cross-beds, load and flute casts and slump structures in the
sidered to range from Late Carboniferous to Early Permian, with sandstone units. The Papan Formation on Kundur is more
the balance of opinion favouring an Early Permian age (Aldiss conglomeratic.
et al. 1983). No other occurrences of rocks of either of these The characteristic M i d - L a t e Triassic bivalve Halobia sp.
ages have yet been found elsewhere in Sumatra. Unfortunately, occurs at many localities, including H. tobensis and H. kwaluana.
this fauna was not re-examined during the review of fossil of Mid-late Carnian and H. simaimaiensis of Norian age
localities in Sumatra by Fontaine & Gafoer (1989). (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989).
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


A Pangunjungan Member is distinguished in the river section of to Early Jurassic age, most probably Jurassic. Although this unit is
the same name and is traced along the southwestern side of the included in the Permo-Triassic Peusangan Group by Rock et al.
main outcrop (Fig. 4.4). This unit shows the same lithological (1983) they suggest that it might better be classified with the
assemblage as described above, but the rocks are finer grained Jurassic Rawas Formation of Central Sumatra which will be
and include thin bedded limestones and grey to pale brown discussed later.
radiolarian cherts. The radiolaria from these rocks have not been
identified. Irregular disharmonic folds are interpreted as sedimen- Tuhur Formation (Figs 4.4 & 4.5). Silitonga & Kastowo (1975)
tary slumps (Clarke et al. 1982a). defined the Tuhur Formation forming extensive outcrops to the
To the east and south of Lake Toba a Sibaganding Limestone SE of Lake Singkarak in the Solok Quadrangle. This outcrop
Member has been distinguished (Fig. 4.4). The limestones are was later extended southwards into the Painan-Timurlaut
pale to dark grey biocalcilutites and have yielded an ammonite Muarasiberut Quadrangle to the east of Lakes Dibawah and
Alloclionites aft. timorensis (Early Norian--Ishibashi 1975), Diatas (Rosidi et al. 1976). A further outcrop was mapped to the
corals, brachiopods, gastropods and conodonts; the latter include NE of Payakumbuh and this outcrop was traced northwards,
the zonal form Metapolygnathus polygnatoformis (Late using aerial photographic interpretation, across the equator into
Carnian). At the type locality in the road section along the the Pekanbaru Quadrangle (Clarke et al. 1982b). Silitonga &
eastern side of Lake Toba 3 km to the north of Prapat, limestones Kastowo (1975) distinguished a Slate and Shale Member,
of the Sibaganding Member with Daonella and Halobia overlie forming the greater part of the outcrop, composed of grey to
shales of the Kualu Formation (Metcalfe et al. 1979; Fontaine & dark grey slate, black shales, and brown cherts with thin grey-
Gafoer, 1989, Fig. 22). The microfauna and flora from the wacke sandstones, and a Limestone Member composed of
limestone outcrop has been identified and illustrated by Vachard poorly bedded sandy limestone and massive fossiliferous
(1989c) and the microfacies have described by Beauvais et al. conglomeratic limestone, with thin intercalated shale and slate.
(1989). Although the fossils include corals, calcisponges and Limestone pebbles in the conglomerates contain fusulinid forami-
encrusting bryozoa, and other reef-building organisms, these are nifera of Permian age. Musper (1930) suggested that this
scattered in a micritic matrix and do not form reef structures. formation is of Triassic age. The Tuhur Formation may be
The environment of deposition is interpreted as a mud mound. correlated with the Kualu Formation, described above.
The rocks are moderately to tightly folded about N W - S E trending
sub-horizontal axes with easterly dipping axial planes (Aldiss Silungkang Formation (Figs 4.4 & 4.5). The type locality for the
et al. 1983). Silungkang Formation (Klomp6 et al. 1961) is the road and river
sections around the village of Silungkang, between Solok and
Cubadak Formation (Fig. 4.4). The Cubadak Formation is named Sawahlunto to the SE of Lake Singkarak. The formation also
from the Air Cubadak on the western side of the Rao Graben to crops out discontinuously along Lake Singkarak and northwest-
the north of Lubuksikaping (Rock et al. 1983). It is composed of wards across the equator towards Muarasipongi. A lower Volcanic
dark grey, well-bedded mudstones with interbedded siltstone Member is composed of hornblende and augite andesites with
laminae and volcaniclastic sandstones, frequently yielding the intercalated tufts, limestones, shale and sandstone. An upper
pelecypod Halobia flattened on bedding surfaces. A section of Limestone Member is also recognized, composed of massive
the Cubadak Formation in the Aek (Air) Cubadak to the south grey limestone interbedded with shales, sandstones and tufts
of Limau Manis was described by Turner (1983). This section (Silitonga & Kastowo 1975). The rocks are commonly highly
contains limestones which were not mentioned in the description fossiliferous with large foraminifers: Doliolina lepida Schwager,
of the formation given by Rock et al. (1983). About 100 m of Pseudofusulina padangensis, Neoschwagerina multiseptata
blue-grey calcareous mudstones are interbedded with cm thick Deprat and Fusulinella lantenoisi Deprat, at Silungkang (Katili
tuffaceous limestones, sometimes containing ooliths nucleated 1969). Large fusulinacean foraminifers, Nankinella, Parafusulina
around mineral grains. The oolitic limestones show cross lami- and Pseudodoliolina and the porcellaneous foraminifer Hemogor-
nation. The sequence yielded Halobia sp. and several ammonites: dius were also collected from an outcrop in the Aek Cubadak
Trachyceras sp. ind. and ?Ceratites sp. This faunal assemblage near Rao (Rock et al. 1983); these fossils indicate an Artinskian
indicates that the sequence is of Ladinian age (Late Triassic). to Kazanian age for this outcrop. Waagenophyllid corals
(Pavastehphyllum sp.) occur in limestones intercalated with volca-
Limau Manis Formation. Turner (1983) also defined the Limau nics and shales at Silungkang and in limestones at Guguk Bulat
Manis Formation from outcrops in the Air Cubadak to the north (Ipciphyllum and Wentzzelloides) where the Ombilin River flows
of Limau Manis. These outcrops were mapped as part of the out of Lake Singkarak; the latter indicating a Murghabian age
(Permian) Silungkang Formation by Rock et al. (1983). The lithol- (Fontaine 1982). The Guguk Bulat locality was classified with
ogies include breccio-conglomerates with clasts of limestone and the Kuantan Formation by Silitonga & Kastowo (1975) but
acid and basic igneous material, followed by tuffaceous mud- is more reasonably correlated with the Silungkang Formation
stones, cross-bedded volcaniclastic sandstones, the cross beds (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989).
indicating derivation from the NW, and bioclastic turbidites.
These calciturbidites are rich in reworked fusulinids and corals Barisan Formation (Fig. 4.5). Rosidi et al. (1976) defined the
of m i d - L a t e Permian age. The mudstones contain abundant Barisan Formation from outcrops of phyllite, slate, arkosic sand-
ammonites Acanthinites sp., Helictites sp., ?Tibetites sp. ind. indi- stone, limestone and cherts south of Solok and NE of the Sumatran
cating a Ladinian, Carnian to Norian age (Mid-Late Triassic) Fault. The foliation in the phyllites and slates trends N N W - S S E ,
(Turner 1983). parallel to the fault. Rosidi et al. (1976) also defined a Limestone
Member which forms linear outcrops trending in the same
Telukkido Formation (Fig. 4.4). Rock et al. (1983) defined the direction. The limestones cropping out at Bukit Cermin have
Telukkido Formation cropping out between Pasirpengarayan and yielded fusulinid foraminifers including Schwagerina sp. of
Lubuksikaping from a stream of the same name. The rocks are Early Permian age. In the eastern part of its outcrop the Barisan
dark grey quartzose sandstones and shales with minor limestones Formation is equivalent to the Silungkang Formation, and
and thin coals. A Limestone Member composed of recrystallized Fontaine & Gafoer (1989) recommend that its designation as a
or argillaceous limestones is also recognized. In the type locality separate formation should be discontinued.
these rocks yielded plant remains from pyritic quartzite, with
leaf impressions identified as Otozamites sp. (possibly Pterophyl- Palepat Formation (Fig. 4.5). Rosidi et al. (1976) defined the
lum) and Ptilophyllum sp. The flora is identified as of Late Triassic Palepat Formation composed of andesitic, basaltic and rhyolitic
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


lavas and tufts interbedded with siltstones and crystalline (Vachard 1989a, b). The fauna has affinities with the fauna of
limestones, which they considered to be a volcanic member of the Lower Permian of China and Central Europe (Fontaine &
the Barisan Formation. It is also equivalent to the volcanic unit Gafoer 1989). Fusulinids indicate that the plant beds are of
forming lower part of the Silungkang Formation, described Upper Asselian age, possibly extending into the Sakmarian (Fon-
above. The interbedded limestones are sometimes fossiliferous, taine & Gafoer 1989, footnote on p. 55).
and fragmental brachiopods and crinoids occur in the tufts. The
foraminifer Fusulina sp. was identified from limestones in Bukit Pendopo (Fig. 4.10). Limestone cropping out in Bukit
the Sungai Tabir. A rich brachiopod fauna and the fusulinids Pendopo in the core of a faulted anticline on the Lahat Quadrangle
Veerbeekina and Sumatrina described by Meyer (1920) and Sheet (Gafoer et al. 1986b) has yielded abundant Permian fossils
Tobler (1923) from the Sugai Selajau indicates a Lower Permian including fusulinids, small foraminifera and algae. The fusulinids
age (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). include Arminina asiatica, Cancellina praeneoschwagerinoides
and Neoschwagerina simplex. These fossils indicate an Early
Ngaol Formation (Fig. 4.5). The Ngaol Formation, defined Murghabian age for this limestone outcrop (Tien 1989).
by Rosidi et al. (1976) in the southeastern part of the Painan
Quadrangle Sheet, includes a Limestone Member with Fusuli-
nella, Sumatrina and Siphoneae (Tobler 1922). High-grade meta- Pemali Group (?Carboniferous-Early Permian) (Fig. 4.10)
morphic gneiss, schist and marble cropping out in the same area
were also inappropriately included in this unit (Rosidi et al. As mentioned above, rocks of Carboniferous-Permian age on the
1976). Fontaine & Gafoer (1989) report that limestones in the islands of Bangka and Billiton have been termed the Pemali
Sungai Tabir downstream of Ngaol village are rich in Middle Group. The Pemali Group in the Taboali District on the southern
Permian fossils, while upstream the rocks are of Jurassic age, tip of Billiton includes 'pebbly mudstones', identical to those of
and recommend that the recognition of the Ngaol Formation as a the Bohorok and Mentulu formations of mainland Sumatra.
separate unit should be abandoned. Again, the Permian rocks in Permian fusulinids were found at Air Durin on the island of
this unit may be regarded as part of the Silungkang Formation. Bangka by De Roever, in limestones forming part of the Pemali
Group (De Neve & De Roever 1947; De Roever 1951; Ko
Mengkarang Formation (Fig. 4.5). The Mengkarang Formation, 1986). Early Permian fusulinids have also been found offshore
famous internationally for its 'Jambi Flora', was defined by the north coast of the adjacent island of Billiton (Belitung)
Suwarna et al. (1994) from outcrops in the Mengkarang River (van Overeem 1960; Strimple & Yancey 1976). Other Permian
and adjacent river sections to the SW of Bangko. In earlier descrip- fossils recorded from Billiton include the ammonoid Agathiceras
tions this formation was divided into the Air Kuning, Salamuku sundaicum of latest Artinskian or earliest Kungurian age, found as
and Karing Beds (Zwierzijcki 1935), but these terms are now float in a tin placer (Archbold 1983). Archbold (1983) relates
considered to be obsolete (Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). Rock types this form, and also a Permian nautiloid Neorthoceras to the
in the Mengkarang Formation include conglomerate, sandstone, Permian Bitauni fauna of Timor (Charlton et al. 2002). Strimple
siltstone, claystone, sometimes carbonaceous, limestone and thin & Yancey (1976) report the occurrence of the crinoid Moscovi-
coals. The sandstones are poorly sorted and clasts in conglomer- crinus from Selumar of probable Early Permian, Sakmarian age
ates and sandstones include volcanics, quartzite and vein quartz (Archbold 1983), and undescribed plant fragments of general
(Simandjuntak et al. 1991). Outcrops in the banks of the Batang Permian age have been ascribed to the Cathaysian floral province
Tembesi at Pulau Bayer are composed of sandstone and polymict (van Overeem 1960).
conglomerates with wood fragments and with a siliceous cement.
The sandstones are folded into an anticline on an east-west axis,
overturned towards the north. Thin intervening shales have not
developed a slaty cleavage. These outcrops show imbrication of Tempilang Sandstone (Mid-Late Triassic) (Fig. 4.10)
thin sandstone beds, indicating westward-directed thrust move-
ments, prior to the folding. On the opposite side of the river, The Middle to Upper Triassic Tempilang Sandstone crops out
vertically bedded grey limestones show algae, bryozoa and gaster- extensively in Bangka Island (Ko 1986). A limestone intercalated
opods weathering out on the surface. Numerous fossil localities in with sandstones and shales in the Lumut Tin Mine yielded
the Mengkarang Formation which have yielded algae, fusulinid Entrochus, Encrinus, Montlivaltia molukkana and Perodinella
foraminifera, brachiopods, gastropods, crinoids and corals are which were attributed a Norian age (De Neve & De Roever
indicated on maps by Fontaine & Gafoer (1989, Figs. 13 & 14). 1947). The characteristic Late Triassic thin-shelled bivalve
The 'Jambi Flora' was originally described by Zwierzijcki Daonella has been reported from the island of Lingga to the
(1935), Jongmans (1937) and Marks (1956). The flora and fauna north of Bangka (Bothe 1925b).
have more recently been reviewed by Asama et al. (1975),
Vozenin-Serra (1989) and Fontaine & Gafoer (1989). Asama
et al. (1975) concluded that the flora, which is rich in lycophytes, Conclusions
pteridophytes, pteridosperms, cordaites, and gymnosperms, is
composed entirely of Euramerican and north Cathaysian species As presently defined (Cameron et al. 1980; McCourt et al. 1993),
and includes no Gondwanan species. It is older than the typical the Peusangan Group includes units of both Permian and Triassic
Cathaysian Gigantopteris flora and may represent an earlier age. Permian rocks occur throughout the island of Sumatra from
stage in its development (Asama 1976, 1984). Vozenin-Serra Aceh in the north to Bukit Pendopo in the south as well as in
(1989) reported the occurrence of Cordaites and coniferous Bangka and Billiton. Triassic rocks are known only from the
wood fragments collected by Fontaine. These wood fragments northern part of the main island of Sumatra, to the north of the
do not show annual rings, which is taken to indicate that they equator, but also occur extensively in Bangka and Billiton
grew in a tropical or semi-tropical environment. After reviewing (Fig. 4.10). The palaeontological evidence for the age of the
the flora, Vozenin-Serra (1989) concluded that it corresponds Permo-Triassic units in Sumatra as determined by Fontaine &
with the oldest horizon of the Cathaysian flora of northern China Gafoer (1989) is illustrated in Figure 4.11.
and represents the southernmost record of this flora. The only possible representative of the Lower Permian in north-
The plant-bearing horizons containing the Jambi Flora are inter- ern Sumatra is the Pangururan Bryozoan Bed whose age, on
bedded with limestones containing fusulinids, tabulate and the basis of its fauna, has not been definitively established. In
rugose corals, brachiopods and a rich tropical algal microflora southern Sumatra on the other hand Lower Permian rocks
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Fig. 4.11. Palaeontological evidencc for the ages of Permo-Triassic stratigraphic units in Sumatra (data from Fontaine & Gafoer 1989).

outcrop extensively in the Barisan Mountains southwards from Carboniferous-Permian Tapanuli Group, which is invariably
Muarasipongi and are also found in Bangka and Billiton. affected by greenschist metamorphism, with the development of
Lower Permian formations in southern Sumatra include the slates and phyllites, and the Permo-Triassic Peusangan Group,
andesitic, basaltic and rhyolitic volcanics of the Palepat Formation which is relatively undeformed and unmetamorphosed, except
and the lower part of the Silungkang Formation. These volcanics where it occurs in metamorphic aureoles (Cameron et al. 1980;
are frequently interbedded with limestones and clastic sediments, Pulunggono & Cameron 1984). It was therefore proposed that
and the limestones in particular, frequently contain large fusulinid the major phase of deformation occurred between the deposition
foraminifera and other fossils which have allowed precise age of these two units. In order to establish the age of deformation
determinations. Early Permian, Asselian to Kungurian ages, and metamorphism affecting the older unit, it is essential to deter-
have been established for the Barisan and Palepat formations, mine the ages of the units in the Tapanuli and Peusangan groups
and also for the Mengkarang Formation with its 'Jambi Flora' more precisely. The age of the Pangururan Bryozoan Bed is
(Fontaine & Gafoer 1989). Cameron et al. (1980) interpreted critical in this respect. The Bryozoan Bed is interbedded with tur-
these Lower Permian volcanics and the associated rocks as pro- biditic rocks identified as part of the Kluet (Bohorok?) Formation
ducts of a Permian volcanic arc with its volcaniclastic sedimentary and is deformed with a slaty cleavage in exactly the same way as
apron and carbonate reefs. the surrounding rocks (Aldiss et al. 1983). Deformation of the
Pulunggono & Cameron (1984) extended this interpretation into Kluet/Kuantan, Alas and Bohorok formations therefore occurred
northern Sumatra on the basis of the occurrence of volcanic rocks after the deposition of this unit. As has been reported above, the
in the Situtup Formation and volcanics of the Toweren Member fragmentary fauna obtained from the Pangururan Bryozoan Bed
of the Tawar Formation. However, no fossils have yet been indicates a Late Carboniferous to Early Permian age, although
found in the Tawar Formation so that its age is unknown, and fusu- the palaeontologists from the British Museum who made the deter-
linids in the Situtup Formation have not been dated more precisely minations favoured the later age. If this age determination is
than mid-Permian. As noted above, it is possible that the accepted, the major deformation of the Tapanuli Group occurred
epidotized basaltic rocks of the Situtup Formation and the after the deposition of the Bryozoan Bed, while the mid-Permian
Toweren Member of the Tawar Formation, should more properly Situtup Limestone and Batumilmil Limestone formations of the
be classified with the Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla Group, cropping Peusangan Group are undeformed. The main deformation in north-
out in the same area, which includes similar lithologies. On the ern Sumatra therefore occurred in the late Early Permian or Early
basis of the available evidence the case for the extension of the Middle Permian as Cameron et al. (1980) proposed. Certainly the
Early Permian volcanic arc into northern Sumatra is unproven. main deformation of the Tapanuli Group in northern Sumatra
Geochemical studies and isotopic dating of the volcanic rocks occurred before the Triassic, as the Sibaganding Member of the
are required to resolve this problem. M i d - L a t e Triassic Kualu Formation, cropping out along the
shores of Lake Toba near the outcrop of the Bryozoan Bed,
Ages of deformation and metamorphism. During the Northern shows open folding, but the associated argillaceous units do not
Sumatra Survey a distinction was made between the show a penetrative slaty cleavage.
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This conclusion can be extended throughout eastern Sumatra an abundant necktonic-planktonic fauna, was deposited in a
where the Tapanuli Group, the Malarco or Malang Formation on basin of restricted circulation with anaerobic bottom conditions.
Kundur Island, the Persing Complex of Singkep Island and He suggests that the chert beds may have resulted from the
the Pemali Group of northern Bangka were all deformed prior to dissolution of volcanic glass in ash falls from volcanic activity
the mid-Triassic. However, it cannot be extended to central at some distance from the site of deposition, as no beds of ash
Sumatra. Although the Kuantan Formation in central Sumatra or pyroclastic deposits have been recognized in Malaya.
shows the same slaty cleavage with multiple deformation as the However, volcaniclastic sediments and tuffs are recorded in the
Kluet Formation in the same area, the Permian Barisan, the Cubadak and Tuhur formations of west central Sumatra (Rock
Triassic Tuhur and the Jurassic Rawas and Asai formations also et al. 1983; Turner 1983).
show slaty cleavage and multiple deformation. Evidently in In Malaya and in Bangka Island the increase in grain size and
central Sumatra the major deformation event occurred after the frequency of the sandstone units towards the east, suggest that
deposition of the Jurassic sediments. the source area for the Semanggol sediments lay in this direction.
Late Upper Permian and the earliest Lower Triassic deposits However, there are also indications in current directions within the
have not yet been recognized anywhere in Sumatra (Fig. 4.11). sandstones for derivation of sediments from local sources within
However, Mid-Late Triassic rocks are extensively developed in the basin. The pebbles in the Conglomerate Member are composed
the northern part of Sumatra, from Aceh to West Sumatra and in mainly of vein quartz, quartzite and dark-coloured chert, which
the islands of Bangka and Billiton. The period between Late could have been derived from Palaeozoic rocks in the central
Permian and Middle Triassic was a period of regression and part of the Malay Peninsula, which was evidently being uplifted
erosion, as reworked mid-Late Permian fusulinids are found in latest Triassic times. The Conglomerate Member may pass
abundantly in clasts in the mid-Late Triassic sediments of the upwards into the Tembeling Formation of presumed Jurassic age
Tuhur and Limau Manis formations (Silitonga & Kastowo 1975; (Burton 1973), which corresponds in age with the Tabir, Asai,
Turner 1983). Therefore, the concept that the scattered outcrops Peneta and Rawas formations of central Sumatra (Rosidi et al.
of Permo-Triassic formations throughout Sumatra constitute a 1976; Kusnama et al. 1993b; Suwarna et al. 1994) to be described
stratigraphic 'Group' is not valid. In future studies it would be sen- later.
sible to divide these formations into Permian and Triassic groups. Mid-Late Triassic sediments in the western Malay Peninsula
and northern Sumatra represent deposition on a broad continental
Triassic Correlation with West Peninsular Malaysia. A close corre- shelf which was undergoing extension, with the formation of
lation can be made between the Triassic rocks of northern localized deep rift basins in which black shales and chert were
Sumatra and those of Peninsular Malaysia. The Mid-Late deposited and into which, from time to time, turbidity cun'ents
Triassic age of part of the limestones of the Situtup Formation carried coarse clastic sediments. Carbonate was deposited on shal-
has been established by foraminifers (Cameron et al. 1983); the lower parts of the shelf to form the massive limestone units in both
age of the Kaloi Formation, part of the Batumilmil Formation, northern Sumatra and western Malaya. In the basin, sandstone
the Sibaganding Limestone Member of the Kualu Formation by units increase in thickness upwards through the sequence and
conodonts, and the Kualu Formation, the Cubadak and Limau are replaced in Malaya by conglomerates, indicating uplift of
Manis formations by ammonites and the presence of abundant the eastern source area. According to Metcalfe (2000) this uplift
Halobia. This whole assemblage of Triassic rocks in northern resulted from the collision between the Sibumasu (Sumatra) and
Sumatra can be correlated directly with the Upper Triassic Indochina blocks (East Malaya) which was taking place at this
Semanggol and Kodiang Limestone formations which crop out time. In his recent publications Metcalfe (2000) interprets the
in Kedah and Perak in NW Malaya, some 200-250 km to the tectonic environment in which the Semanggol Formation was
east across the Malacca Strait (Metcalfe 2000). deposited as a foredeep basin, related to the collision.
The Semanggol Formation of Malaya has been divided into
three members: a lower Chert Member, a Rhythmite Member
and an upper Conglomerate Member (Burton 1973). The Chert
Member, as its name implies, contains chert beds interbedded Woyla Group (Jurassic-Cretaceous)
with shales and sandstones, the sandstones commonly showing
disharmonic folding as convolutions and slumps. The Chert Woyla G r o u p in A c e h
Member may be correlated directly with the Pangunjungan
Member of the Kualu Formation of northern Sumatra. The The Woyla Group was defined in Aceh, northern Sumatra, where
Rhythmite Member, interpreted as a turbidite sequence with the rocks are extensively exposed, but Jurassic-Cretaceous units
graded bedding, cross lamination slump folds and sole marks correlated with the Woyla Group have been identified in the
in the sandstones, and its fauna of thin-shelled bivalves, may be Barisan Mountains throughout western Sumatra (Fig. 4.12).
correlated with the thin-bedded sandstones, siltstones and mud- In Aceh, areas of outcrop of the Woyla Group are shown on
stones of the type section of the Kualu Formation in the Sungai the GRDC Banda Aceh, Calang, Tapaktuan and Takengon
Kualu. The Conglomerate Member of the Semanggol Formation 1:250 000 Quadrangle Sheets (Bennett et al. 1981a, b; Cameron
has not been recognized in northern Sumatra, although sandstone et al. 1982b, 1983). The Woyla River, from which the Woyla
units become more common in the upper part of the Kualu Group was named, is on the Takengon Sheet (Fig. 4.13).
Formation. The Conglomerate Member may be represented by The descriptions given below, except where specified, are taken
the conglomeratic sandstones of the Papan Formation on Kudur largely from the reports which accompany these maps. An
Island to the south of Singapore and the Tempilang Sandstone account of the lithological units which make up the Woyla
of Bangka Island (Cameron et al. 1982c; Ko 1986). Group and a detailed discussion of their interpretation is given
The massive Kodiang Limestone in northern Kedah, Malaya, by Barber (2000).
has been identified as of M i d - L a t e Triassic age from the presence During the DMR/BGS survey 13 lithostratigraphic units were
of conodonts (Ishii & Nogami 1966), and may be correlated distinguished in the Woyla Group in Aceh, as well as a unit of
directly with the massive limestone units in northern Sumatra 'undifferentiated Woyla'. Many of the mapping units distin-
described as Situtup, Kaloi, Batumilmil formations and the guished in the Woyla Group of Aceh during the DMR/BGS
Sibaganding Limestone Member of the Kualu formation, which survey are made up of the same rock types, but in varying
have all yielded Mid-Late Triassic conodonts (Metcalfe 1989a). proportions. It is clear that they represent geographical, rather
Burton (1973) suggested that the lower part of the Semanggol than genuine lithostratigraphical units. A different name was
Formation, with black carbonaceous shales and mudstones and given to each distinguishable unit on each map sheet. The outcrops
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, !

9;~ . 9;~ 1'00o

A Active Volcanoes

~ ; .~k~,: >, Quaternary-Recent Volcanics

Tertiary sediments and volcanics
W o y l a Group and correlatives
Palaeozoic B a s e m e n t

22~ ~ '7:. 9 9 v v .... "",--... j__~ 2~

k '\.~ NataI]~I~)~i i i i i i . O 2 ."~-3" (7.

- " o ~ , i ~,.,,~X ; ~ . Rawas- 9 . . . . . . . 7)

" ~ ~ . ":..:'\,; ~'~,~'~l~,A~a~: : : : : : : : : .--. 7":.-,.

n U N A NI~
~,,~,_.L,t"~• Oo X k %.,.
.,o., \;~~ \~.[-"._~
~A,~ ." . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .)
,~5 \ .~',,~ -~.~\:jv,~ ...........
~ ~ ~ -X~.
'~,~.'~'.~.>: ............ /:~

/ / -"X "'~%...... Garba ..... ',

7cm/yr / X " >%~O~n!ma;ung

"~.~ ~.:~ 6~
Fig. 4.12. Simplified geological map of
Sumatra, showing the distribution of the
o?o o?~ ,oo0 ,o,,0 ,ooo Woyla Group and correlated units, with
localities mentioned in the text.

of the actual lithologies within each formation are, on the whole, Serpentinite units occur as lenses along the Sumatran Fault and
too small to be represented on the scale of the map. along the Geumpang Line (Fig. 4.13). Several serpentinite bodies
The stratigraphic units can be classified into three lithological are shown on the Takengon Sheet (Cameron et al. 1983), including
assemblages: an oceanic assemblage; a basaltic-andesitic arc the largest of these lenses, the Tangse Serpentinite, which extends
assemblage; and a limestone assemblage (Cameron et al. discontinuously for 27 km to the NW of Tangse, the Cahop
1980). All of the units generally occur as fault-bounded lenses, Serpentinite and the Beatang Ultramafic Complex. These units
distributed on both the northeastern and southwestern sides of are composed of massive serpentinite, representing altered
the Sumatran Fault, and are elongated in a N W - S E direction, harzburgite. Here and elsewhere, serpentinite is locally sheared,
parallel to the Sumatran trend. The oceanic assemblage in par- schistose, twisted and contorted. Sheared serpentinite may also
ticular is broken by a large number of minor faults and thrusts form the matrix to m61ange, i.e. the Indrapuri Complex on the
and has been interpreted as imbricated in an accretionary Banda Aceh Sheet (Bennett et al. 1981a). The m61ange encloses
complex formed above a subduction zone (Barber 2000). The blocks of cumulate gabbro, basalt, red chert and limestones,
arc assemblage and the associated limestones are interpreted as derived from other units in the Woyla Group. Fossils collected
a volcanic arc with fringing reefs (Cameron et al. 1980). The from limestone blocks within the m61ange include: corals--
Woyla Group is affected by several large scale thrusts; Latoceandra ramosa, Stylina girodi; f o r a m i n i f e r s - - P s e u d o c y c l a -
the Geumpang, Takengon and Kla lines, which also affect the m m i n a sp.; s t r o m a t o p o r o i d - - S t r o m a t o p o r a japonica, indicating a
Miocene rocks in the area and are attributed to movements on Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age. In the Takengon
the Sumatran Fault System. The distribution of these units and Quadrangle large blocks of limestone enclosed in sheared serpen-
their relationships to the faults and thrusts are shown on tinite along the Geumpang Line, contain Late Miocene fossils
Figure 4.13. (Cameron et al. 1983).
Other units of the oceanic assemblage include the Penarum
Formation, which outcrops to the northeast of the Sumatran
Oceanic assemblage. The oceanic assemblage includes serpenti- Fault south of Takengon (Cameron et al. 1983) (Fig. 4.13), and
nites, gabbros, either massive or layered, and often altered consists of serpentinites, basalts, red cherts with radiolaria and
to amphibolite, basalts, often as pillows, hyaloclastic breccias, slates. Volcanic rocks in this unit are commonly altered to greens-
volcaniclastic sandstones and siltstones, bedded cherts, black or chists. The Geumpang Formation (Banda Aceh Sheet--Bennett
purple shales and minor bedded or massive limestones. et al. 1981a; Tapaktuan Sheet--Cameron et al. 1982c) crops out
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


Cretaceous granites
~ Oceanic assemblage
Arc assemblage
Meukuk Gneiss
Bentaro ~ . Larn M i n e t Undifferentiated
5~ N Peridotite/serpentinite 5~

, Batholith


r undifferentiated

4~ N

SFZ Sumatran Fault System
KL Kla Line
GL Geumpang Line
Fig. 4.13. The distribution of the Woyla
0 50 100km '~ Group in Aceh. Modified from Stephenson
9 TAPAKTUAN & Aspden (1982), with data from Bennett
96 ~ 97 ~ et al. (1981a, b) and Cameron el aI.
I I (1982, 1983).

to the SE of Banda Aceh on both sides of the Sumatran Fault. Rock Bale Formation, composed of coloured slates, with minor wackes
types include massive or schistose basic volcanics, pillow basalts, and cherts, limestones and limestone breccias, is shown outcropping
volcaniclastic sandstones and tufts, commonly epidotized and to the NW of the Sumatran Fault, and SE of Takengon.
altered to greenschists or phyllites, and thin grey or black lime-
stones. The phyllites are usually lineated and crenulated, Arc assemblage. The basaltic-andesitic volcanics are interpreted
indicating multiple delbrmation. The rocks of the Geumpang as an island arc assemblage (Cameron et al. 1980) (Fig. 4.27),
Formation are considered to constitute the typical lithological which is represented on the Banda Aceh Sheet (Bennett et al.
and structural assemblage of the Woyla Group. The Geumpang 1981a) by the Bentaro Volcanic Formation, and on the Tapaktuan
Formation also includes a massive limestone member, frequently Sheet (Cameron et al. 1982b) by the Tapaktuan Volcanic
occurring as marble. The very similar Babahrot Formation Formation. The Bentaro Volcanic Formation is composed of
cropping out to the NW of the Anu-Batee Fault towards porphyritic basalts and andesitic basalts with agglomerates,
Tapaktuan (Cameron et al. 1982c) (Fig. 4.13)includes serpenti- which are intruded by basic dykes. Basaltic vents, surrounded by
nites and talc schists, as well as metagabbroic bodies metamor- breccias, tufts and volcaniclastic sediments, have been identified
phosed in the greenschist facies and highly disrupted and near Lain No and north of the Bentaro River on the Banda Aceh
sheared into lenses. Sheet. A chemical analysis of a xenolithic, porphyritic basalt
The Lain Minet Formation (Banda Aceh Sheet--Bennett et al. with pyroxene phenocrysts from this formation is given in Rock
1981a) and the similar Gume Formation (Takengon Sheet-- et al. (1982). The Tapaktuan Volcanic Formation occurs in
Cameron et al. 1983) are composed of basaltic lavas, commonly fault-bounded lenses, within strands of the Anu-Batee Fault
epidotized, basaltic conglomerates and breccias, with volcanic Zone, parallel to the west coast of Aceh north of Tapaktuan
and limestone clasts, but only rarely chert, graded volcaniclastic (Fig. 4.13). It consists of massive epidotized andesites and
wackes, radiolarian cherts with manganese oxide veining, rhodo- basalts, commonly porphyritic, and intrusive dykes of a similar
nite, and calcareous, manganiferous and carbonaceous slates. A composition. An analysis of hornblende microdiorite from this
clast of radiolarian chert, embedded in a volcanic conglomerate formation is given in Rock et al. (1982). The formation also
with flattened clasts, was collected by Nick Cameron (pers. includes agglomerates, breccias, tufts, red and purple volcaniclas-
comm. 1999) in the Kreung Baro, Aceh, from a landslip within tic sandstones and shales, the latter often as slates, and a limestone
the outcrop of this formation. This occurrence indicates that volca- member, composed of sparite and calcilutite, all as lenses and
nic rocks were erupted through ocean floor sediments, perhaps much disrupted by faults.
during the formation of a seamount. The formation also includes Scattered outcrops of gneiss (Meukek Gneiss Complex) occur
a recrystallized limestone member. The Jaleuem Formation crop- within the Tapaktuan Volcanic Formation in the Barisan
ping out 100 km to the SE of Banda Aceh on both sides of the Mountains to the north of Tapaktuan, between strands of the
Sumatran Fault, is composed largely of slates, but red cherts Anu-Batee Fault (Fig. 4.13). They consist of concordant leuco-
occur in float and the unit also includes a limestone member. The granodioritic gneiss, with garnet-biotite amphibolite containing
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


garnets up to 8 cm in diameter, and biotite-hornblende-andesine the Teunom Formation and 'undifferentiated Woyla Group rocks
schist (Cameron et al. 1982b). The occurrence of high-grade are altered by contact metamorphism. Lithologies resembling
metamorphic rocks with garnets suggests that some of the units those of the Lhoong Formation occur as roof pendants within
of the Woyla Group were deeply buried and were subsequently the batholith.
exhumed. These rocks warrant investigation to determine the The Sikuleh Batholith is a complex intrusion composed of an
origin of the protolith and the environment of metamorphism. 'older complex' of migmatised gabbros and diorites locally gneis-
Units containing a high proportion of volcaniclastic material are sose and sheared and intensely veined. A 'younger complex' is
associated with the island arc assemblage. These include the more homogeneous coarser grained and unfoliated biotite-
Lho'nga Formation, which outcrops to the west of Banda Aceh, hornblende granodiorite. The younger complex has been dated,
composed of grey and coloured slates and phyllites, with inter- from the mean of K - A r analyses of two biotites and one horn-
bedded volcaniclastic sandstones, thin limestones and (?)radio- blende, as 97.7 _+ 0.7 Ma (early Late Cretaceous).
larian-bearing siltstones and the Lhoong Formation, which forms
a large outcrop to the SW of the Sumatran Fault, and also occurs Age of theWoyla Group in Aceh. Fossils from the Lamno Limestone
as roof pendants in the Sikuleh Batholith (Bennett et al. 1981b). and Sise Formations indicate that the fringing reefs around the
The formation consists of basaltic lavas with cherts in the lower volcanic arc were being formed during Late Jurassic to Early
part of the sequence, followed by conglomeratic wackes with Cretaceous times. The K - A r ages of c. 97 Ma from the Sikuleh
volcanic and limestone clasts, and subordinate sandstones, Batholith which intrudes the limestones and the oceanic assem-
siltstones and limestones. blage show that the lithological units which make up the Woyla
Group were in their present positions and had their present
Limestone units. Massive limestones, o/ten recrystallized, are also structural relationships by the early Late Cretaceous.
associated with the island arc assemblage and are interpreted
as fringing reefs to volcanic islands. These units include the
Lho'nga and Raba Limestone formations which crop out along
the coast and in the Barisan Mountains to the south and west of Woyla Group in Natal
Banda Aceh (Bennett et al. 1981a) (Fig. 4.13) and consist of
massive calcarenite and calcilutite and dark thin-bedded cherty Lithological units correlated with the Woyla Group of Aceh
limestones and shales. The massive limestone is designated a were mapped over an extensive area inland from Natal in North
'Reef Member' which is closely associated in the field with the Sumatra during the Integrated Geological Survey of Northern
Bentaro Volcanic Formation. The Lamno Limestone Formation Sumatra as part of the Lubuksikaping 1:250 000 Quadrangle
also crops out along the west coast of Aceh, south of Banda Sheet (Rock et al. 1983) (Fig. 4.14). The outcrop is limited to
Aceh, and is also associated with outcrops of the Bentaro Volcanic the NE by the Sumatran Fault System and is much dissected
Formation. It consists of dark limestone, with a reef-like facies, internally by faults with a similar trend. The Woyla Group is
and contains volcanic clasts near the base. The limestone is com- intruded by Late Cretaceous granites and overlain unconformably
monly fossiliferous, with: corals--Actiastraea minima, S(vlosmi- by the Miocene Barus Group, by Miocene volcanic rocks, and by
lia corallina; algae--Clypeina sp., Permocalculus ampullacea, the products of Quaternary volcanism from the volcanoes of Sorik
Lithocodium, Bacinella sp., Boueina sp., Thaumatoporella porvo- Merapi, Malintang and Talamau, as well as by recent alluvium.
siculifera; foraminifers--Pseudocyclammina lituus, indicating a Units within the Woyla Group strike N W - S E and are very well
Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age (Bennett et al. 1981a). exposed in the valley of the Batang Natal, both in the river
The Teunom Limestone Formation crops out along the southwes- section and in the parallel road section, which both cut across
tern margin of the Sikuleh Batholith. It is composed of massive the strike (Fig. 4.15). The main outcrop of the Woyla Group is
dark limestones, which are metamorphosed and recrystallized separated from a smaller outcrop in the Pasaman inlier to the
along the contact with the granite. The Sise Limestone Formation south by Malintang Volcano (Fig. 4.14).
(Fig. 4.13) resembles the limestone units to the south of Banda In the D M R / B G S report of the Lubuksikaping Quadrangle
Aceh, but anomalously crops out to the NE of the Sumatran (Rock et al. 1983) lithological units in the Batang Natal
Fault. Its present position may be due to some 200 km of dextral section were classified, from N E - S W , into three formations: the
displacement along the fault. The unit consists of massive or Muarasoma, Belok Gadang and the Sikubu formations (Fig. 4.14).
bedded limestones, biocalcarenites and calcilutites with fossils:
corals--Montlivaltia sp., Myriopora sp.; foraminifers--Pseudocy- Muarasoma Formation. The Muarasoma Formation outcrops in the
clammina sp. indicating a Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age upstream part of the Batang Natal section and in its tributary, the
(Cameron et al. 1983). Aik Soma. Thicknesses of the rock units in this section were
measured perpendicular to the strike for a distance of 5.5 km
'Undifferentiated' Woyla (Fig. 4.13). On the geological map of the (Rock et al. 1983). The rock types in the measured section
Takengon Quadrangle a large area of 'Undifferentiated' Woyla include cleaved argillaceous units, shale or slate, which may
Group rocks is shown between the main strand of the Sumatran include calcareous concretions, laminated siltstones, and gritty
Fault and the Anu Batee Fault. This area is poorly known, but sandstones showing sedimentary structures, indicating younging
these rocks are described in the Explanatory Note as intermediate in a downstream direction, massive limestones, sometimes
to mafic metavolcanics, slates and chert. 'Undifferentiated' Woyla forming karstic limestone pinnacles, epidotic volcanic breccias
is also shown in the Calang Quadrangle in the area to the south of and volcaniclastic sandstones, chloritic greenschists and musco-
the Sikuleh Batholith in Gunung Paling and as roof pendants vite-chlorite quartz schists. A 10 m 'conglomerate' (?m61ange)
within the outcrop of the batholith (Bennett et al. 1981b). These at the upstream end of the section, with elongated clasts of greens-
rocks are said to resemble the Kluet Formation, which crops out chist in a chloritic matrix, is probably of tectonic origin, formed in
extensively to the NE of the Sumatran Fault, and should not be a fault or a shear zone (Rock et al. 1983).
considered as part of the Woyla Group.
Belok Gadang Formation. The Belok Gadang Formation crops out
Sikuleh Batholith. The Woyla Group in Aceh is intruded by grani- in the central part of the Batang Natal section and is composed of
toids. The largest of these is the Sikuleh Batholith shown on the sandstones, sometimes calcareous, and argillaceous rocks, often
Banda Aceh and Calang sheets (Bennett et al. 1981a, b). It is an cleaved and containing bands and lenses of chert. The chert is
elliptical body (c. 55 x 35 kin) elongated in a N W - S E direction radiolarian, but no identifiable radiolaria have so far been recov-
(Fig. 4.13). Around the margins of the batholith limestones of ered which could be used to date the sequence. Outcrops in the
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


00oe \
Recent Volcanoes
Langsat Volcanics I~
, 0\
-,- 9 -..
Palaeogene granites
- . . . - . - . -

Late Cretaceous granites

Batholith 'Sorik WOYLA GROUP
BatangNatal 9Merapi
RiverSection, ~ Limestones
QKOTANOPAN I~ ~' ~ M~langes
NATAL i ii!ii MuarasomaFormation
Belok Gadang Formatior
~ SikubuFormation
Kanaikan Peridotite/serpentinite

Pasaman Ultramafic
9 V L.~'~_ Complex
Air Bangi,~ ~--~" ~ )~~ ~l ( . T~a l a' m~ au ~ O X LUBUKSIKAPING

- O~ uator 0 50km ~176

99~ 100~

Fig. 4.14. The distributionof the WoylaGroup in the Natalarea, North Sumatra. ModifiedfromRock et al. (1983). KFZ,KanaikanFaultZone; SGF, SimpangGambirFault.

type locality of Belok Gadang, a tributary of the Batang Natal, Intrusions and volcanics in the Natal area. Several large granite
show basaltic pillow lavas, with white clay interbeds and manga- bodies are intruded into the rocks of the Woyla Group in the
nese-rich horizons with braunite, resembling the 'umbers', Natal area. The largest of these is the Manunggal Batholith at
described from the Troodos Ophiolite of Cyprus (Robertson the northeastern end of the Batang Natal Section (Rock et al.
1975). Analysis shows that the pillow basalts are spilites (Rock 1983) (Fig. 4.14). This batholith is a composite body, some
et al. 1982, 1983). In the type locality basalts are overlain by 2 3 0 k m 2 in extent, composed of leocogranite, granodiorite,
red, bedded cherts, but again no identifiable radiolaria have been granite and pyroxene-quartz diorite, with contaminated syenitic
recovered. and monzonitic varieties, and appinites. The granitoid rocks are
intruded by vogesite lamprophyre dykes. The granitoid rocks
Sikubu Formation. The Sikubu Formation, cropping out in the have been dated by the K - A r method at 87 Ma (Late Cretaceous)
lower part of the Batang Natal section, is composed of massive (Kanao et al. 1971, reported in Rock et al. 1983). In the Aik Soma,
volcaniclastic metagreywackes, with thin shale interbeds. The near Muarasoma, large granitic boulders in the river bed enclose
sandstones show very well-developed sedimentary structures, serpentinite xenoliths, surrounded by reaction zones of amphibo-
including graded bedding, flame structures and convolutions, lite. Limestones in the same area are converted to skarns near
typical of turbidites. Massive porphyritic andesitic dykes and the contact with the granite.
lava flows, with distinctive pyroxene phenocrysts, are intruded A second granitoid, the Kanaikan is intrude into the Woyla
into, or interbedded with, the sediments in the lower part of the Group in the Pasaman area (Fig. 4.14). This body is composed
section. Fragments of porphyritic andesite, identical in compo- of coarse granodiorite and leucogranite cut by microgranitic and
sition to the dykes and lavas, occur as clasts in the sandstones9 granophyric dykes. This intrusion lies within the Kanaikan Fault
Woyla Group rocks in the Pasaman area include m~langes and Zone, a strand of the main Sumatran Fault, and is much dissected
massive and foliated peridotites (Rock et al. 1983) (Fig. 4.14). by faults and deformed to form cataclasites along shear zones.
Peridotites are well exposed in the Pasaman River where they Granitic rocks outcrop in headlands near Air Bangis along the
are composed mainly of harzburgite with minor dunite pods, coast to the south of Natal (Fig. 4.14). Rock et al. (1983)
pyroxenite dykes, disseminated chromite and rare chromite speculated that these rocks might be of Late Cretaceous age and
pods. Some of the peridotite is foliated, containing orthopyroxenes analogous to the Sikuleh Batholith which intrudes the Woyla
enclosed in augen. Coarse plagioclase-hornblende rocks, found as Group in Aceh. Later age dating showed that these granites
boulders in the float, represent metasomatised gabbro pegmatite were of Eocene-Oligocene age (Wajzer et al. 1991).
which formed dykes in the peridotite. The peridotite is variably
serpentinized, and in shear zones may be completely altered to Age constraints f o r the Woyla Group in the Natal area are provided
serpentine and talc. Smaller bodies of serpentinite, with chromite by a limestone sample from the Batang Kanaikan in the Pasaman
pods, outcrop at the upper end of the Batang Natal section near inlier which yielded a colonial organism, closely resembling the
Muarasoma (Figs 4.14 & 4.15) where they form spectacular samples of L o v f e n i p o r a described and illustrated by Yancey &
serpentinite breccias faulted against slates and limestones of the Arif (1977) from the Indarung area, near Padang, and considered
Muarasoma Formation. Serpentinite also occurs as xenoliths in to be of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age (IGS/British
granite in the Aik Soma. Museum Sample No. T C / J 1 / R l l 0 1 B - - R o c k et al. 1983).
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015



Jambor Baru :.~ • " ' " ' • -Batu
- - Nabontar
RIVER SECTION Formation ...
~, Limestone (BNL)
0 1 2 3km ..,~: : :'.
I I l ........ I

Rantobi . . : \ ....
Si Gala Gala ... :. :. :. ::: 9. : . : . . ..:.:.:.:..
Schists ,~,~::: : :: : : :: : ::~ PV Muarasoma Turbidite "" :" :" :" :
"'" !;fi~: i :~ ~""~~'m
:i: ; ~ :.N." Batang
Natal Formation (MTF)
Volcanics (PV) ~.'...... .~:.~ Megabreccia
.:::::::::: . (BNM)
,'5"iiiiiiiii:: ~ : STF
' 'i:i:i:i:!: ",,',~',, 87.0Ma, z ,
~q:iiii ! Simarobu
~ ~ i Formation MUARASOMA"
Panglong 9 (STF) 44.8
Nabana Volcanics .~ ~ Ranto Sore
~,, BNL .,<,,^,, Formation
9 . .

~!! Betok Gadang NATAL v v v v ,r "r -, ".:::~ -... -,,~

.:::::::GAMBIR~ %,* %~ %g %g %', %g %~- %,'%,, ~ ~ ' "

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lfi
Tambak Baru
~ vvvv,~,vvvv"H""
%a %', ",~ o~*%p %e %'* %', %,, %', V

}~Langjsat Volcanic' "~ ~


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
%*~ ",P ".P %" -r ,.,~^r . . .%,". .",d'. . V. . %"
-r ~o %" %P V
t o " "o,r %." "v" %" "v" v "-,," ",~ %" %" %'* ~ %'. %'.

"~' "o,P %" %," %" ~g' ",/ %~ ",d' %," %-" Nr ",r

%,- -,,e %g %,- %,- v ;4::::::~!:i:Turbidites::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SIMPANG GAMBIR ~& Locationof limestoneblock ~ }'~ %" ~ " %" ",-" %" 'Ne %*" V %" %" ~'r %"
v , Langsat , # , - withLateTriassicforaminifera %" %" %" %," %" ",e" %r %4 %y %p %r %r

v , Volcanics v v _,~,O Locationsfor K/Ardates %'29.7Ma-" v v v v ",r v v v v

"e" %'* %" %" -,,e '~.#" %," %,,

0 10 20km

v. . . .v. . .v.+ : "S"vv

: , ,:, , viiii!i!i!i
, , .i

Fig. 4.15. Geological map of the Batang Natal river section, North Sumatra. Inset shows isotopic dates, from Wajzer et al. (1991). S is serpentinite.

A minimum age for the Woyla Group is provided by the feature of the clastic units in the Woyla Group of the Natal
Manunggal Batholith, dated at 8 7 . 0 M a (Late Cretaceous) area is that they are ahnost completely devoid of quartz,
(Kanao et al. 1971, quoted in Rock et al. 1983), which intrudes suggesting that they have an entirely oceanic, rather than a conti-
limestones and serpentinites at the NW end of the Batang Natal nental origin (Wajzer et al. 1991).
section. The study established several additional age constraints for the
Woyla Group, using fossil evidence and radiometric dating. A
Study by Wajzer et al. (1991). The Batang Natal section was further specimen of L o v f e n i p o r a was obtained from a limestone
mapped in detail by Marek Wajzer from the University of block in the Simpang Gambir Megabreccia near the southwestern
London, in a follow-up study to the Northern Sumatra Survey, end of the Batang Natal section, and a Late Triassic foraminifer
in collaboration with BGS and with the assistance of Syarif was found in a limestone clast in the Batang Natal Megabreccia
Hidayat and Suharsono of GRDC (Wajzer et al. 1991). The in the central part of the section. Diorite intruded into the
mapping was supported by petrographic, geochemical and radio- Jambor Baru and Batang Natal Megabreccia Formations at Batu
metric studies. Wajzer et al. (1991) found that each of the units Madingding gave a K - A t age of 84.7 4- 3.6 Ma and an andesite
recognized by Rock et al. (1983) in the Woyla Group, was com- in the Tambak Baru Volcanic unit, interpreted as a fragment of
posite, with the same lithologies repeated many times throughout a volcanic arc, gave 78.4 4-2.5 Ma. Both these lavas and the
the section, apparently in a random fashion (Fig. 4.15). Wajzer intrusions are of Late Cretaceous age. Andesite dykes intruded
et al. (1991) distinguished 16 lithostratigraphical units in the into the Si Kumbu Turbidite Formation (i.e. Sikubu Formation
Natal section. Correlation of these units with the mapping with of Rock et al. 1983), and regarded as contemporaneous with sedi-
those recognized by Rock et al. (1983) is shown in Table 4.1. mentation of this unit, gave K - A r ages of 40.1 4- 4.6 Ma and
Detailed accounts of these lithological units are given in 37.6 _+ 1.3 Ma (Late Eocene) (Wajzer et al. 1991). Samples
Table 4.2. Many of the lithologies are similar to rock types collected from the Air Bangis granites and analysed by
described from the Woyla Group in Aceh, and by Rock et al. Wajzer gave K - A r ages of 2 9 . 7 _ 1.6 and 28.2 4 - 1 . 2 M a
(1983), with the addition of several outcrops of m61ange, (Late Oligocene) (Wajzer et al. 1991) showing that the Cretaceous
composed of blocks in a fine grained matrix, decribed as age for these granites suggested by Rock et al. (1983) was
'megabreccia' in Table 4.2 and Figure 4.15. One important incorrect.
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


Table 4.1. Correlation of formations in the Woyla Group in the Natal area from thicker bedded and more massive limestones, some oolitic. Near
Rock et al. (1983) with the lithotectonic units defined by Wajzer et al. (1991) the top of the section a limestone conglomerate, eroded into the
underlying limestone with basal scours, provides clear evidence
Rocket et al. (1983) Wajer et al. (1991)*
of way-up. Above the limestone there is a break in outcrop, until
1. Langsat VolcanicFormation 1. Langsat VolcanicFormation further downstream and in the road section above, the Golok
2. Sikubu Formation 2. Si Kumbu Turbidite Formation Tuff, a calcareous vitreous crystal tuff is exposed. Although
3. Tambak Baru Volcanic Unit the contact between the breccia and the tuff is not seen, this
4. Simpang Gambir Megabreccia Formation section is regarded as a n essentially continuous stratigraphic
3. Belok Gadang Formation 5. Nabana VolcanicUnit sequence McCarthy et al, (2001).
6. BelokGadang SiltstoneFormation In the Ngalau Quarry, near Indarung, McCarthy et al. (2001)
7. Panglong M61angeFormation collected samples from a 15 m section of bedded chert for radi-
8. Ranto Sore Formation olarian determination. In the Karang Putih Quarry, one kilometre
Volcanics in both the Belok 9. ParlampunganVolcanic Unit to the south of lndarung, lenses of chert are associated with
Gadang and Maurasoma massive limestone. McCarthy et al. (2001) report that the lime-
Formations stone in this quarry is completely recrystallized, possibly due to
4. Maurasoma Formation 10. Si Gala Gala Schist Formation the effects of a granitic intrusion which occurs a short distance
Schistose Member to the south (Fig. 4.16). An interpretative cross section shows
11. Simarobu Turbidite Formation the cherts and limestones imbricated together along low angle
12. Batang Natal Megabreccia Unit thrusts (McCarthy et al. 2001).
13. Rantobi Sandstone Formation
Rock units in the Indarung area are well dated from fossil
14. Jambor Baru Formation
and radiometric age determinations. Radiolaria from chert in the
15. Maurasoma Turbidite Formation
Ngalau Quarry belong to the Transhsuum hisuikoyense Zone,
Massive limestonesin both the 16. Batu Nabontar Limestone Unit
Belok Gadang and of Aalenian, early Mid-Jurassic age (McCarthy et al. 2001).
Maurasoma Formations Lithologies and fbssil content of the limestones in the Lubuk
Peraku section and in the Ngalau and Karang Putih quarries
*units are listed in approximate order upstream from Langsat with no age were described by Yancey & Alif (1977). The limestones are
relationship implied. biosparites, with abundant bioclasts, oolitic calcarenites and
micrites. Molluscan shell fragments, pellets, calcareous algae,
stromatoporoids and scleractinian corals are common components
Units in central S u m a t r a c o r r e l a t e d with the W o y l a G r o u p of the limestones. Among the fossils identified were the (?)
stromatoporoids A c t o s t r o m a and L o v f e n i p o r a . The former is
Outcrops of rock units with similar lithologies to those of the considered to be restricted to the Late Jurassic, while the latter
Woyla Group or which were formed within the same Jurassic- is diagnostic of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. A K - A r
Cretaceous age range have been mapped throughout western age date of 105 _+ 3 Ma (Albian, mid-Cretaceous) is reported
Sumatra (Fig. 4. ! 2). Many of these outcrops have been correlated from the Golok Tuff in the Lubuk Peraku by Koning & Aulia
by previous authors with units of the Woyla Group described from (1985) from a Caltex Pacific Indonesia internal report.
northern Sumatra. Pillow lavas and cherts of the Indarung Formation have been
equated with the oceanic assemblage of the Woyla Group of
lndarung Formation. Small outcrops of the Mesozoic Indarung Aceh and with the Belok Gadang Formation of the Natal area
Formation occur near Padang in West Sumatra. These rocks were (Cameron et al. 1980; Rock et al. 1983). Where these rocks are
mapped and described by Yancey & Alif (1977) and were corre- imbricated, deformed and altered to greenschists they may be
lated with the Woyla Group of Aceh by Cameron et al. (1980). interpreted, as is the case in Aceh and Natal, as materials accreted
Outcrops occur 15 km east of Padang in road, river and quarry from a subducted ocean floor. The recent recognition of Middle
sections near Indarung, where they are surrounded and overlain Jurassic radiolaria in the cherts (McCarthy et al. 2001) shows
by Neogene and Quaternary volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks that part of this ocean floor was of Jurassic age. The volcanic brec-
(Fig. 4.16). The area of outcrop is included on the Padang, cias tufts and volcaniclastic sandstones of the Indarung Formation
Solok and Painan Quadrangle Sheets (Kastowo & Leo 1973; are interpreted as the products of seamount volcanism, and the
Silitonga & Kastowo 1975; Rosidi et al. 1976). These rocks massive limestone with its Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous fossil
have been mapped more recently by McCarthy et al. (2001). fauna is interpreted as part of a fringing reef formed around
Yancey & Alif (1977) described rocks exposed in the Lubuk the seamount (McCarthy et al. 2001). During subduction the
Peraku River, the Ngalau Quarry, the Karang Putib Quarry and seamount with its carbonate cap collided with already accreted
adjacent river sections near lndarung. Rock types in these outcrops ocean floor materials, and the whole assemblage was imbricated
are basic volcanics, which may include pillow lavas, volcanic to form the present complex.
breccia, tuff, volcaniclastic sediments, radiolarian chert and
massive or bedded limestones. The basic rocks are sometimes Siguntur Formation. Mesozoic rocks of the Siguntur Formation are
deformed and metamorphosed to form greenschists. On the exposed in the Sungai Siguntur, 15 km to the south of Indarung
other hand, the limestones and cherts are essentially undeformed, (Fig. 4.16). The area of outcrop is shown on the Painan
although disharmonic folding and small-scale thrusts in the chert Quadrangle Sheet and the lithology is described in the Explanatory
and gentle folds in the limestone are seen in the quarries, and Note (Rosidi et al. 1976). Rock types are quartzites, siltstones
the limestones may be recrystallized (McCarthy et al. 2001). and shales, the latter sometimes altered to slates, and compact
A well-exposed section of limestone and tuff occurs in the limestones. The map shows that the strike of the beds is east-
river section of the Lubuk Peraku and in the road above the west, transverse to the general Sumatran trend. In the report
river (Yancey & Alif 1977; McCarthy et al. 2001). A measured the rocks are described as not intensely deformed or folded, but
columnar section of these outcrops from McCarthy et al. (2001) quartzites interbedded with slates showing bedding-parallel clea-
is given as Figure 4.17. The lower part of the section, described vage, suggest that the rocks are more highly deformed than at
as the Lubuk Peraku Limestone, is a limestone breccia, which first appears. The limestones are reported to contain L o v f e n i p o r a ,
includes volcanic clasts near the base and is interbedded with and are therefore of a similar age to the limestones at Indarung.
thin tuff bands near the top. The breccia is overlain by a few The 'quartzites' reported from Siguntur were taken to indicate
metres of thin-bedded limestones and shelly marls and then by that these rocks had a continental origin (Barber 2000) but it
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


Table 4.2. Lithology, environmental setting, structure, metamorphic grade and age constraints for units in the Batang Natal section (in order upstream from west to east,
see Fig. 4.4), from Wajzer et al. (1991

Unit* Lithology Environment Structure Metamorphism Age constraints

Langsat Volcanic Porphyritic basic Arc volcanics No ductile deformation Prehnite- Possibly intruded by Air
Unit volcanics pumpellyite Bangis Granites. K - A r
28.2 Ma, 29.7 Ma
Si Kumbu Volcaniclastic debris Submarine fan--apron D2 large scale folds ( F 2 ) Prehnite- Intruded by andesite dykes
Turbidite flows, proximal and to volcanic arc on WNW-ESE axes pumpellyite K - A r 40.1 • 4.6 Ma
Formation distal turbidites (NR45), 37.6 • 1.3 Ma
Tambak Baru Andesitic volcanics Fragments of volcanic Di weak foliation (Si); D, Prehnite- Andesitic lava. K - A r
Volcanic Unit arc and proximal pumpellyite/ 78.4 _+ 2.5 Ma (BN 133)
volcaniclastics greenschist
Simpang Gambit Volcanic breccia with Proximal sediments D i strong foliations ( $ 1 ) ; Prehnite- ?Lovfenipora sp. In limestone
Megabreccia limestone megaclasts and derived from volcanic D? open folds and pumpellyite/ block (Late Jurassic-Early
Formation greywacke sandstones arc, with olistostromes crenulations (F:) greenschist Cretaceous)
Nabana Volcanic Basic volcanics (sometimes Ocean-floor basalts, No ductile deformation Prehnite-
Unit pillowed) amygdaloidal seamount pumpellyite/
to east keratophyres, greenschist
dolerite dykes
Panglong Breccias with chert, Mn M61ange D~ tight to isoclinal folds (F~); Slate grade Older than Belok Gadang
M61ange sedim, limestones and (olistostrome) D2 open to close folds (F2) siltstone
Formation volcanic clasts in chert of ocean-floor fold F~ on N W - S E axes
siltstone matrix materials and
pelagic sediments
Belok Gadang Volcaniclastic siltstones Unconformable on Dipping beds with no ductile Prehnite- Younger than Panglong
Siltstone with few fine sandstones Panglong M61ange; deformation pumpellyite M~lange Formation
Formation and rare conglomerates ?lower trench slope
basin fill
Ranto Sore Volcaniclastic Fluviatile intra-arc D2 open to close folds Unmetamorphosed ?Younger than adjacent units
Formation cross-bedded and deposits (F2) on NNW-SSE
channelled sandstones axes
and unsorted
conglomerates (lahars)
Parlumpangan Porphyritic andesites Fragments of No ductile deformation Prehnite-
Volcanic volcanic arc pumpellyite/
Unit greenschist
Si Gala Gala Banded quartz, Metasediments D~ schistosity (S~) and Greenschist
Schist Unit muscovite, derived from rodding (LI); D2 open
chlorite schists acid-intermediate to close folds (F2) on
volcanic arc N W - S E axes
Simarobu Volcaniclastic turbidites Ocean-floor or Foliation (S~); D2 open to Greenschist Cut by undeformed
Turbidite with minor calcareous trench deposit closed folds (F2); D I tight microdiorite dyke. K - A t
Formation siltstones to isoclinal folds (F]) axial 49.5 +_ 2 Ma (NR 7)
plane on NNE-SSE axes
Batang Natal Large clasts of limestone, Melange formed as D~ tight to isoclinal folds (Fl); Slate grade Included limestone clasts
Megabreccia rare clastic sediments olistostrome or as D 2 open to closed folds contain Late Triassic
Formation and igneous rocks in mud diapirs in deform S i about foraminifer. Intruded by
slaty matrix accretionary NNE-SSW axes; D~ Batu Madingding Diorite.
complex tight to isoclinal folds (Fi) K - A r 84.7 ___ 3.6 Ma
with axial plane foliation
(S j); D2 open to closed
folds (F2) detbrm Si on
NNW-SSE axes
Rantobi Thin bedded volcaniclastic Forearc basin Axial plane cleavage (S~); D~ Slate grade
Sandstone sandstones and deposits isoclinal folds (F~) with D2
Formation siltstone closed asymmetric folds
(F2) N W - S E axes
Jambor Baru Volcaniclastic conglomerate, Shallow marine and D I foliation (S~); Prehnite- Intruded by Batu
Formation sandstone, siltstone, deeper water D2 closed folds (F2) on pumpellyite/ Mandingding Diorite.
limestone and tuff forearc basin deposits N W - S E axes greenschist K - A r 84.7 + 3.6 Ma
Muarasoma Thin bedded volcaniclastic Upper trench slope Di foliation (S0; D2 folds Prehnite-
Turbidite turbidites with a basin sediments (F2) on N W - S E axes pumpellyite/
Formation coarser-grained member greenschist
Batu Nabontar Massive recrystallized Open marine shelf Dl tight folds in Recrystallized Intruded by Batu Manunggal
Limestone limestone, rare fossils limestone interbedded tufts (F1), Batholith. K - A r 87.0 Ma
Unit fossils show strain

*All units are cut by numerous faults and thrusts. Vertical faults often show horizontal slickensides indicating wrench fault movements. * K - A t age of Manunggal
Batholith from Kanao et al. (1971). All other K - A r ages from Wajzer et al. (1991).
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


~.i .~q~-~ 100~

J ~ ~ . ~ ~ f ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 9 ~ .


~A, 2579~
l~ Dibawah

C? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ Volcano

. . . . . . . . . :. :. : : :.:: Tertiar~ i~st~cs

4 ~l _(("! i F 1U " ~ .~. "~~~/ ~ . ~ " " " ~" Indarung Formation
Fig. 4.16. Distribution of outcrops of the
Indarung and Siguntur Formations in the
--lO15 ' ~~nn/~'/~/'-'~'~.,~,~ ~ ~ SigunturFormation - Padang area, West Sumatra. Based on GRDC
o 5 ~ ~ / D '~ 1'oJ3o'0~,,,-,.~ ~ ~ ~ Permo-Carboniferous maps (Kastowo & Leo 1973; Silitonga &
Kastowo 1975; Rosidi et al. 1976).

may be that they are recrystallized cherts, analogous to those at from the local Palaeozoic basement. Sandstone units show turbi-
Indarung. ditic characteristics. Argillaceous units have a slaty cleavage
striking N W - S E . Fossils, including corals and ammonites,
Siulak Formation. Further outcrops of Mesozoic sedimentary and especially from the limestone members, show that these sediments
volcanic rocks occur at Siulak 150 km to the SE of Padang range in age from Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Suwarna
(Fig. 4.12), in a fault block caught between strands of the Suma- et al. 1994).
tran Fault (Rosidi et al. 1976). These sediments are calcareous silt- From the presence of locally-derived clasts all these sediments,
stones, calcareous shales and limestones. The shales and siltstones although subject to later deformation, were evidently deposited
are carbonaceous and contain angular quartz clasts. The limestones in situ on the Sundaland continental basement. Pulunggono &
contain Loftulisa and Hydrocorallinae of Cretaceous age (Tobler Cameron (1984) suggested that these units were deposited in a
1922, reported in Rosidi et al. 1976). The volcanic rocks are foreland basin, but a forearc basin, related to an Andean volcanic
altered andesites, dacites and bedded tufts with clasts of augite, arc represented by the volcanics lava flows and tufts in the Rawas
hornblende, chlorite and glass. These rocks are the product of and Tabir Formation, is a more probable environment of depo-
Andean arc volcanism on the margin of Sundaland. sition. The presence of basaits, dolerites and sepentinites in the
Rawas and southern parts of the Peneta Formation suggests that
Tabir Formation. Sixty kilometres to the east of Siulak and to the these sediments extended out onto oceanic crust.
NE of the Sumatran Fault Zone, in the Batang Tabir, are
outcrops of red conglomerates, sandstones and tufts of the Tabir
Formation (Fig. 4.5). Clasts in the conglomerates include
quartzite, and andesitic fragments derived from the adjacent Units in southern Sumatra correlated with the Woyla Group
Palaeozoic rocks. The presence of Ostrea is taken to indicate a
Mesozoic, possibly Jurassic age (Tobler 1922, reported in Rosidi The Pre-Tertiary basement rocks are very poorly exposed
et al. 1976). in southern Sumatra, as the greater part of the area is covered by
Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and volcanics. The distribution
Asai, Peneta and Rawas Formations. Continuous with the outcrop of Pre-Tertiary units correlated with the Woyla Group of northern
of the Tabir Formation and extending southeastwards to the Sumatra has been determined from the occurrence of a few scat-
south of Bangko, and also lying to the NE of the Sumatran Fault tered inliers in the Gumai Mountains, the Garba Mountains
shown on the GRDC Sungaipenuh and Sarolangan map sheets, and the Gunungkasih Complex and associated sedimentary units
are large outcrops of Mesozoic rocks of the Asai, Peneta and around Bandar Lampung and from boreholes put down in the
Rawas formations (Kusnama et al. 1993b; Suwarna et al. 1994), search for oil in the Central and South Sumatra Basins
(Fig. 4.12). Rock types include quartz sandstones, siltstones, (Fig. 4.18). In the Gumai Mountains they are described as the
shales and limestones tufts. The Rawas Formation also includes Saling, Lingsing and Sepingtiang formations (Fig. 4.19), in
andesite-basalt lava flows, tufts and volcaniclastic sandstones. the Garba Mountains as the Garba Formation (Fig. 4.7) and in
Clasts in conglomeratic units in these sediments are derived the Bandar Lampung area as the Menanga Formation (Fig. 4.8).
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


Golok Tuff
C~slal luffs with sedimentary structures
Formation (water lain) and occasional fine to medium
(schematic) interbeds

Massive limestone (biosparite) with shell

III I ~ I ~ I ~ I
I i i i I i i and algae
Pc+~r162 + ~+';
iul i i i i I I Pale coloured volcanics overlain by massive
+++~:+:C~++:~+o<)+:++~:+,+ Conglomerate with I(X)% carbonate clasts in
sandy shelly carbonate matrix
No exposure
Limestone conglomerate with basal scours
Massive limestone
I i i i i i i i i i,,, I I l l
Thinly-bedded limestone with dykes
i i i i i i'
i I i i I ! i
i I i i i i i Shelly oolite -heavily veined
Thinly interbedded with limestones and shelly
marls - boudinage~ marl flowage, veining
Thin pale tuff band in limestone conglomerate
Lubuk Peraku
Formation g Dark marls containing blocks of dark volcanics
and limestone conglomerate (?tectonic)
Nearly t00% carbonate clasts

Conglomerate ? breccia. Poorly sorted, sub-

rounded to sub-angular clasts fi'om mm to
several m in size. Carbonate clasts include
bedded sandy limestone with bivalves, algal
fragments and solotary scleractinian corals

Minor, but significant volcanic clast component Fig. 4.17. Colunmar section through the Lubuk Peraku
Limestone and the Golok Tuff, measured in the Lubuk Peraku
river section, from McCarthy et al. (2001).

Saling Formation. The Saling Formation, which forms the northern sequence of ocean floor origin, together with fragments of a
part of the Gumai inlier, is composed of amygdaloidal and volcanic arc. Although the rocks are highly deformed and
porphyritic andesitic and basaltic lavas, breccias and tufts, associ- folded it is not clear from the descriptions whether they are imbri-
ated in the field with serpentinites and cherts. On the basis of cated to form an accretionary complex (Gafoer et al. 1992c). The
chemical analyses and discriminant plots the lavas have been strike of bedding and cleavage in the sediments is said to be
interpreted as tholeiites of oceanic affinity and have therefore north-south. The mapped east-west contact between the Saling
been interpreted as ocean floor basalts (Gafoer et al. 1992c). and the Lingsing formations is therefore presumably tectonic
However, the presence of andesites, the amygdaloidal and (Fig. 4.19).
porphyritic textures, suggests that the Saling Formation includes The Lingsing Formation has been interpreted as deposited in a
fragments of a volcanic arc. The lavas are cut by diorite bathyal environment (van Bemmelen 1949; Gafoer et al. 1992c).
dykes, regarded as contemporaneous with the lavas, and dated The presence of lavas interbedded with clastic deposits, suggests
by K - A r analysis at 116 + 3 Ma (Early Cretaceous) (Gafoer that the Lingsing Formation represents more distal flows, volcani-
et al. 1992c). The description of the Saling Formation closely clastic sediments and clastic carbonates derived from a volcanic
resembles that of the Bentaro Volcanic Formation of Aceh arc, extending out into the ocean floor environment, represented
(Bennett et al. 198 la) and the Nabana Volcanic and Parlumpangan by the bedded cherts. These rocks resemble clastic units in
units of the Batang Natal (Wajzer et al. 1991). The Early the Lho'nga Formation of Aceh (Bennett et al. 1981a) and the
Cretaceous age shows that the Saling Volcanic Arc was active Belok Gadang Siltstone and Rantobi Sandstone formations of
contemporaneously with the Bentaro Arc of Aceh. Natal (Wajzer et al. 1991).

Lingsing Formation. The Lingsing Formation in the southern part Sepintiang Limestone Formation. In the Gumai inlier the Saling and
of the Gumai inlier (Fig. 4.19), contains igneous rocks similar Lingsing formations are overlain discordantly by the Sepingtiang
to those of the Saling Formation, interbedded with claystone, silt- Limestone Formation (Fig. 4.19). This is composed of massive,
stone, sandstone, calcilutite and chert. The Saling and Lingsing brecciated and bedded limestones, containing the coral Calamo-
formations are therefore considered to be contemporaneous. phylliopsis crassa (Late Jurassic), the foraminifers Pseudotextur-
Since tholeiitic basalts are associated with serpentinized ultrabasic ariella, small Cuneolina (Early Cretaceous) and Orbitolina sp.
pyroxenites and cherts, this assemblage is regarded as an ophiolitic (mid-Cretaceous). The contact between the Sepingtiang
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


"o " '" , ~ ~ , ~ I

. . . . . . .
104 105 106~
PADANG Mountainsl i i i i...~L~
-1~ ,i,i-i-i-i-i,i..--> .
0 50 100km

9 ........_ .o.7.2\
9 ...........#1.o.

! B] (,bj,
i ::@:;i:~,~ . :". . :". . .:.". ;,Oe?g/'}'rio0
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

.Mountain ~ i~'':':''';:-:':'i'~ ~ :::'~

Formation ~%'--"".,_'",_'\"N ~.."..~. ',:":':'i:":'i'::'s O:'''...j

,o \ au,ts
NIKN Thrusts


~ Sepintiang, kingsing, Saling, Situlangang, i
Garba and Menanga Formations q
~ Tabir, Rawas and Peneta Formations
Pemali, Tempilang, Papan, Kualu,
Tuhur and Silungkang Formations
[ ~ Palepat and Mengkarang Formations
Kuantan Formation

Mentulu (Bohorok) Formation

Squares, circles and triangles indicate units encountered in boreholes 104~ ~i~ 105~ ~ 106~
I -v\ I I

Fig. 4.18. Distribution of the subcrop of the Pre-Tertiary stratigraphic units in southern Sumatra, including the Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla Group. Borehole data is from
De Coster (1974). Boreholes marked 'L' bottomed in the 'Kluang Limestone' regarded as Cretaceous by De Coster (1974), but considered more likely to be part of the
Kuantan Formation in this account. The distribution of Permian (P) and Triassic (Tr) units on Bangka is from Ko (1986).

Limestone and the underlying units is considered to be tectonic Garba Formation. The Garba Formation in the Garba Mountains is
(Gafoer et al. 1992c). The Sepingtiang Limestone may be inter- associated with metamorphic rocks of the Tarap Formation
preted in the same way as the limestones in Aceh, as a fringing (Fig. 4.7). The Garba Formation is composed of (?)amygdaloidal
reef surrounding a volcanic arc. Fossil evidence of the Late and porphyritic basaltic and andesitic lavas. The volcanic rocks
Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous age of the Sepintiang Limestone are associated with sheared serpentinite and lenses and intercala-
Formation means that it can be correlated directly with the tions of radiolarian chert. A fault-bounded sliver on the eastern
Lamno, Teunom and Sise Limestone formations of Aceh side of the inlier, and a few other scattered outcrops where chert
(Bennett et al. 1981a; Cameron et al. 1983), the Batu Nabontar is abundant, are mapped as the Situlanglang Member (Fig. 4.7).
limestones in the Batang Natal section (Wajzer et al. 1991) An Insu Member is distinguished on the map, with a similar
and the Lubuk Peraku limestones at Indarung (Yancey & Alif lithological assemblage, but also containing interlayered lenticular
1977). bodies of m~lange ('m' in Fig. 4.7), with boulders of basalt, ande-
site, radiolarian chert, claystone, siltstone, schist and massive
limestone in a scaly clay matrix (Gafoer et al. 1994). The lime-
Intrusions in the Gumai Inlier. The Jurassic-Cretaceous units in stones found as blocks do not crop out elsewhere in the inlier,
the Gumai Mountains are cut by granitic intrusions, which by but are presumed to be derived from an unexposed component
analogy with similar dated granites further south in the Garba of the Garba Formation. Notably, metamorphic rocks of the
Mountains, described below, are regarded as of Late Cretaceous Tarap Formation have not been found as blocks in the melange.
age (Gafoer et al. 1992c). The rocks of the inlier and the surround- The foliation in the scaly matrix and the elongation of the enclosed
ing Tertiary rocks are also cut by N W - S E - t r e n d i n g faults, some blocks, which are cut by tension fractures normal to their long
showing strike-slip displacements (Fig. 4.19), and are evidently axes, trends in a N W - S E direction (Gafoer et al. 1994). Two
related to the Sumatran Fault System, the main strands of which fold phases are recognized in the Garba Formation, an earlier
lie some 25 km to the SW. phase of e a s t - w e s t folds and a later phase of N E - S W folds
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


103o00' 103~ '

Qv Qv


to Bengkulu 60km


, , Qv
-- 3o45'

9 , 9 . . . . . . .

._.,_____-.- F . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

Q v Quaternary Volcanics
PI Pliocene
Lm Late M i o c e n e 9, , .,, .,, ,., ,,.

9 , ,

Middle Miocene
-..,, ::
Tom Oligo-Miocene
Eocene - ' - F ~ ~ ............ .%<..:..

Late C r e t a c e o u s G r a n i t e s
. . . . .
Sepingtiang Limestone Formation
Lingsing ( s e d i m e n t a r y ) F o r m a t i o n Qv ~ .J
Saling (volcanic) F o r m a t i o n = ------- Faults 0 5 10 15 20km

Pyroxenite I

103o00' 103o15'
Fig. 4.19. The distribution of the Saling, Lingsing and Sepintiang Formations, correlatives of the Woyla Group, in the Gumai Mountains, South Sumatra, after GRDC
map of Bengkulu (Gafoer et al. 1992c).

(Gafoer et al. 1994). Neither the cherts nor the limestones have so Intrusions in the Garba lnlier. Both the metamorphic Tarap and the
far yielded age-diagnostic fossils. Garba formations are intruded by the Garba Pluton (Fig. 4.7), a
The Garba Formation has been compared to the Woyla Group composite body in which an older component has been dated
of Natal (Gafoer et al. 1994) and certainly lithological descrip- by the K - A t method at 115 • and 1 0 2 _ 3 M a (mid-
tions of this formation and its Insu and Situlanglang members, Cretaceous) and a younger component at 79 • 1.3 Ma and
correspond very well with those from Aceh and the Batang 89.3 + 1.7 Ma (Late Cretaceous) (Gafoer et al. 1994). Since the
Natal section. The basaltic and andesitic lavas of the Garba Garba Pluton (115-79 Ma) intrudes both the Tarap and the
Formation correspond with those of the Bentaro Arc, and may Garba formations, the accretion of the Garba Formation to
similarly be interpreted as part of a volcanic arc sequence. the margin of Sundaland took place before the mid-Cretaceous.
Limestone blocks within the m61ange may represent fragments The age of the younger component of the Garba Pluton is com-
of fringing reefs or the collapsed carbonate cappings of seamounts, parable to that of the Sikuleh Batholith in Aceh (98 Ma) and the
the latter now represented by volcanics in the Garba Formation, as Manunggal Batholith (87 Ma) in Natal.
has been suggested for the Natal and Indarung areas (Wajzer et al.
1991; McCarthy et al. 2001).
Descriptions of the m61anges of the Insu Member of the Garba Menanga Formation. The Menanga Formation occurs in scattered
Formation (Gafoer et al. 1994) are identical to those from Natal outcrops between Bandar Lampung and Kotaagung to the SW of
(Wajzer et al. 1991). The interlayering of the Insu Member with the schists and gneisses of the Gunungkasih Complex (Fig. 4.8).
lavas, chert and m61ange (Gafoer et al. 1994) suggests that these The Menanga Formation consists of tuffaceous and calcareous
rocks are deformed and imbricated in the same way as the claystones, sandstones and shales with intercalated radiolarian-
Woyla Group in the Batang Natal section, and similarly represent bearing cherts, manganese nodules and coral limestones and rare
an accretionary complex formed by subduction of an ocean floor. porphyritic basalt. The sandstones contain clasts of glassy andesite
It may be that some of the low-grade metamorphic schists mapped and lithic fragments of andesite, quartz-diorite and quartzite. The
within the Insu Member as Tarap Formation, are part of this accre- cherts have not so far yielded diagnostic radiolaria, but Zwierzijcki
tionary complex, as metamorphic rocks, up to greenschist facies, (1932, confirmed in Andi Mangga et al. 1994a), reports the occur-
are incorporated in the accretionary complex at Natal9 Rock rence of O r b i t o l i n a sp. of Aptian-Albian (mid-Cretaceous) age
units within the Garba inlier are cut and bounded by N W - S E - fi'om limestones in the Menanga river section. The bedding
trending faults. Although these faults are parallel to the Sumatran strikes N W - S E with dips of 35o-60 ~ to the NE. The rocks
Fault System they do not appear to affect significantly the Tertiary are folded and cut by faults, with slickensides indicating reverse
rocks and must be largely of Pre-Tertiary age. movement.
Downloaded from http://mem.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on June 18, 2015


The contact between the Gunungkasih Complex and the dioritic rocks into gneisses and deformed the basic dykes. The
Menanga Formation in Gunung Kasih itself is obscured, due to alternation of acid and basic intrusion, with contemporaneous
rice cultivation, and in Teluk Ratai is at present inaccessible deformation, are characteristic features of the basal parts of a
as it lies within a Naval Base (Fig. 4.8). However, the latter magmatic arc, where acid and basic magmas are intruded into
contact in the Menanga River was described by Zwierzijcki an active strike-slip fault zone. This situation is similar to that
(1932) as occupied by a 'friction breccia'. On the GRDC maps which exists beneath Sumatra at the present day where the
Amin et al. (1994b) and Andi Mangga et al. (1994a) show both modern volcanic arc is built on the active Sumatran Fault Zone.
these contacts as thrusts (Fig. 4.8). However, the sense of movement along the present arc is
The Menanga Formation is interpreted by Amin et al. (1994b) dextral, in the opposite sense to the sinistral movement along
as a deep-water marine sequence with interbedded basalt lavas the Cretaceous arc.
and andesitic clastic fragments, derived from a volcanic arc, and
deposited in a trench or forearc environment. These sediments
were deformed during accretion to the Sumatran margin, Interpretations o f the W o y l a G r o u p
represented by the Gunungkasih Complex. K - A r radiometric
ages, ranging from 125 to 108 Ma (mid-Cretaceous) from horn- On completion of the Integrated Geological Survey of Northern
blende in an amphibolitic schist in the Menanga Formation, is Sumatra the DMR/BGS mapping team published an interpretion
taken as the age of accretion (Andi Mangga et al. 1994a). of the Woyla Group in Aceh (Cameron et al. 1980). It was
However, the presence of quartzite and quartz-diorite clasts suggested than the oceanic assemblage represented an ocean
suggests that the Menanga Formation was, like the Rawas and floor and its overlying pelagic sediments. The arc assemblage
associated formations in central Sumatra, derived from an was interpreted as a volcanic arc, and the associated limestones
Andean arc built on a continental basement, and was deposited as the surrounding carbonate reefs. It was suggested that the
in a forearc environment. The Menanga Formation was overthrust volcanic arc had developed on a fragment of continental crust
by the basement at a later stage. which had separated from the margin of the Sundaland continent
along a transtensional transcurrent fault, similar to the present
Intrusions in the Bandarlampung area. Near Bandarlampung Sumatran Fault System. Extension led to the formation of a
the Gunungkasih Complex is intruded by the Sulan Pluton narrow short-lived marginal basin in a process similar to that
(Fig. 4.8). The pluton is a composite body which includes which is forming the Andaman Sea or the Gulf of California at
gabbro, dated by K - A r radiometric analysis at 151 + 4 M a the present time (Cameron et al. 1980, Fig. 4a).
(Late Jurassic), hornblende and biotite granites and granodiorite There is no direct evidence to support the suggestion that the arc
intruded by late aplogranite dykes. Granite from the Sulan assemblage was constructed on continental crust, but a number
Pluton gave an age of 113 ___ 3 Ma (mid-Cretaceous) (McCourt of circumstantial arguments have been put forward in support of
et al. 1996). this interpretation: the arc assemblage is intruded by the Sikuleh
To the north of Bandarlampung, spectacular exposures below Batholith, which it is suggested was derived from the underlying
an irrigation dam on the Sekampung River show extensive continental crust; quartz-rich rocks associated with the batholith
outcrops of granodioritic and dioritic gneiss, containing basic and shown as 'undifferentiated Woyla Group' rocks on the
xenoliths, and cut by concordant and discordant granitic and Calang map sheet (Bennett et al. 1981a) are interpreted as roof
pegmatitic veins. The granitic and granodioritic gneisses are cut pendants, uplifted from the underlying basement; and tin, recorded
by basaltic dykes, several metres thick, which contain xenoliths in stream sediment samples along the northern margin of the
of gneiss. The gneiss xenoliths show evidence of melting, and batholith, is normally restricted to continental crust (Stephenson
towards the margins of the dykes are drawn out into streaks, et al. 1982). All of these arguments are open to objection and to
which are sometimes isoclinally folded, parallel to the dyke alternative explanation.
margins. The dykes and the foliation in the gneisses both trend Unfortunately no detailed chemical analyses of the Sikuleh
in a N W - S E direction. Fold structures in the dykes and the Batholith are available. However, it is a composite body, compris-
curvature of foliation in the gneisses indicate that the dyke ing an 'Older Complex' of variably deformed and contaminated
margins have acted as strike-slip shear zones, with a sinistral gabbroic and dioritic rocks, into which is intruded a 'Younger
sense of movement. Sub-horizontal slickensides on foliation Complex' of homogeneous, largely unfoliated, biotite-hornblende
surfaces within the gneiss indicate the same sense of movement. granodiorite, with a K - A r age of 97.7 _+ 7 Ma (Bennett et al.
Diorite from the Sekumpang exposure has been dated by the 1981b). The low values of stream sediment tin are associated
K - A r method at 89 _+ 3 Ma (late mid-Cretaceous) (McCourt with the outcrop of the Younger Complex, which is likely to be
et al. 1996). a mantle-derived I-type granitoid body. There is no detailed
In the same area, in the Wai Triplek, greenschist facies white field or geochemical evidence in favour of the suggestion that
mica-quartz schists are intruded by metadolerite dykes. The roof pendants have been uplifted from an underlying basement;
margins of the dykes show compositional banding which is iso- they could equally well have subsided from an overlying thrust
clinally folded, in a similar fashion to the dykes in the Sekampung sheet. It is possible that the tin in stream sediments in Aceh
River. Further upstream the bed of the Wai Triplek exposes were derived directly by erosion and transport from the area to
streaky acid and basic gneisses cut by more homogeneous basic the east of the Sumatran Fault, or secondarily through Tertiary
dykes. Acid gneiss shows evidence of having been melted and sediments.
recrystallized along the dyke contacts, and quartz-feldspar veins Although there is no direct palaeontological or isotopic
fill fractures in brecciated basic dyke material, in a process of evidence for the age of the Woyla oceanic crust, and the age of
back injection. the volcanic arc is inferred only from the palaeontological
Relics of dyke rocks occurring as basic xenoliths in gneiss, and age of the fringing reefs, in the model proposed by Cameron
gneiss xenoliths enclosed in basalt dykes, indicate that et al. (1980), the marginal sea is considered to have formed by
the intrusion of basaltic dykes and granitic bodies alternated extension and rifting in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.
during the development of the gneiss complex at Sekampung. In the Late Cretaceous, compression, related to subduction on
Exposures in the Wai Triplek form part of the same gneiss the outboard side of the Sikuleh microcontinental sliver, led to
complex, but also contain fragments of the schistose continental the collapse of the marginal sea to form the imbricated oceanic
basement into which the igneous rocks were intruded. During assemblage and the accretion of the microcontinental fragment,
or shortly after intrusion, both granitic and basic rocks were with its overlying volcanic arc, against the continental margin of
affected by sinistral shearing, which converted the granitic and Sundaland.
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As the D M R / B G S Survey extended southwards, the model Muarasoma Formation are evidently of oceanic rather than of
developed in Aceh was used to interpret the Jurassic-Cretaceous continental margin origin. The bedded cherts and manganiferous
rocks correlated with the Woyla Group in the Natal area (Rock sediments in the Belok Gadang Formation were interpreted as
et al. 1983). The Muarasoma Formation at the northeastern representing the floor of an extensive ocean, rather than the floor
end of the Batang Natal section, with its turbidites and massive of a restricted marginal sea. A limestone block in m61ange, inter-
limestones was interpreted as shelf sediments formed on the preted as a collapsed carbonate capping to a sea mount, was found
continental margin of Sundaland. The Belok Gadang Formation, to contain a foraminifer of late Triassic age. Evidently the ocean
with pillow lavas manganiferous sediments and cherts, was inter- floor accreted into the Woyla accretionary complex was already
preted as the imbricated floor of the marginal basin, and the in existence in the early Mesozoic. An earlier date for the origin
Langsat Volcanics at the southwestern end of the section were of the Woyla ocean floor has been confirmed by the discovery
interpreted as the volcanic arc overlying a continental basement. of early Middle Jurassic radiolaria from cherts in the Indarung
The underlying basement was inferred from the Air Bangis Formation (correlated with the Woyla Group) near Padang
granites which intrude the volcanics, analogous to the situation (McCarthy et al. 2001). At the southwestern end of the Batang
at Sikuleh (Rock et al. 1983, Fig. 8). In the 'Tectonic Map o f Natal section the Langsat Volcanics and the associated
Northern Sumatra' prepared by Aspden et al. (1982a) the conti- volcanoclastics were dated isotopically as of Late Eocene to
nental fragments in Aceh and Natal were identified as the Early Oligocene age (Wajzer et al. 1991). They are not, therefore,
Sikuleh and Natal Microcontinental Blocks. A further block, the a Late Jurassic-mid-Cretaceous arc analogous to the Bentaro
Bengkulu Microcontinental Block was subsequently proposed in Volcanic arc of Aceh.
southern Sumatra. The concept of microcontinents was taken up The concept of microcontinental blocks accreted to the margin
by Metcalfe (1996, Fig. 15) who suggested that these microconti- of Sundaland in the m i d - L a t e Cretaceous has not been proven.
nental fragments separated from the northern margin of Gondwana The arc volcanics of the Bentaro Formation and the granitoids
in the Late Jurassic and were accreted to the Sumatran margin in of the Sikuleh Batholith require detailed geochemical study to
the mid-Late Cretaceous. determine whether they represent arc volcanics extruded through
The study by Wajzer et al. (1991) necessitated the re-interpret- a continental basement. There is no evidence either at Natal or
ation of the Batang Natal section and the reassessment of the mar- Bengkulu for a microcontinental block, the Langsat Volcanics
ginal sea model. It was found that the turbidites of the Muarasoma and the Air Bangis granites have been shown to be part of an
Formation were volcaniclastics, with no significant proportion Eocene to Early Oligocene volcanic arc emplaced against the
of quartz, and that the massive limestones did not contain Natal section by late (Neogene or Quaternary?) strike-slip faulting
any material of continental derivation. The sediments of the (Barber 2000).

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