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Introduction to C# Programming with
Microsoft® .NET
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Product Number: 2609A

Released: 05/2002
Introducing the .NET Platform 1-1

Module 1
Introducing the .NET Platform
Questions and Answers 2
Multimedia 4
1-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

Practice: Defining the Elements of .NET
Term Definition

XML Web services A. Component that periodically checks for objects that are ready to be
released from a computer's memory.

Devices B. CPU-independent set of instructions than can be efficiently turned into

CPU-specific code.

.NET experiences C. Programmable entity that provides a particular element of functionality,

such as application logic and is accessible to any number of potentially
disparate systems.

.NET Framework D. Component that contains a collection of reusable types that you can use
to develop applications.

.NET Framework class library E. Programming model of the .NET platform for building, deploying, and
running XML Web services and all types of applications-both desktop and

Common language runtime F. Refers to a hand held computer or mobile telephone that can use .NET-
based applications.

Garbage collection G. Component that manages the execution of code and provides services
to make the development process easier.

MSIL H. Services, .NET-based applications, and Web sites that rely on XML Web
services to enhance the user experience.

Answer: XML Web services = C, Devices = F, .NET experiences = H, .NET Framework = E, .NET
Framework class library = D, Common language runtime = G, Garbage collection = A, MSIL = B

1. Complete the following statement:
When you create a project in Visual Studio .NET, files are organized in a larger container called a .

Answer: When you create a project in Visual Studio .NET, project files are organized in a
larger container called a solution.
2. Draw a line to match the following file extensions with the correct description.

Extension Description

.cs A. Organizes projects, project items, and solution items in the solution.

.sln B. Records all of the options that you may associate with your solution.

.aspx C. Represents forms, user controls, classes, and module files that belong to a
single-project solution.
Introducing the .NET Platform 1-3

.suo D. Represents forms, user controls, classes, and module files that belong to a
multiple-project solution.

.csproj E. Represents a Web project item.

Answer: .cs = C, .sln = A, .aspx = E, .suo = B, .csproj = D

3. Complete the following statement:
An provides starter files and a project structure and contains the basic project objects
and the environment settings that you need to create the type of application that you want to

Answer: An application template provides starter files and a project structure and contains
the basic project objects and the environment settings that you need to create the type of
application that you want to build.
4. What must be installed on a client computer to run .NET-based applications?
Answer: The .NET runtime must be installed on a client computer to run .NET-based
5. What is one advantage of programming by using the .NET Framework versus using a traditional
development environment?
Answer: The .NET Framework allows the developer to write code in one operating system
and then to deploy the application on other computers running other operating systems.
1-4 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Media Type Title

Animation Introduction to Microsoft .NET

Animation Introduction to the .NET Framework

Understanding C# Language Fundamentals 2-1

Module 2
Understanding C# Language Fundamentals
Questions and Answers 2
2-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

Practice: Using Operators
Tasks Detailed steps

1. Read the code in the right column, and a. Read the following code:
then answer the following question.
int x = 10;

int y = x++;

b. Answer the following question.

What is the value of y? Why?

Answer: y == 10, because x was incremented after the assignment.

2. Read the code in the right column, and a. Read the following code, which is continued from
then answer the following question. the preceding step:
x += 10;

b. Answer the following question.

What is the value of x? Why?

Answer: x == 21. x was incremented to 11 after being assigned to y in step 1 and has 10
added to it in step 2.

3. Read the code in the right column, and a. Read the following code, which is continued from
then answer the following question. the preceding step:
int z = 30;

int a = x + y * z;

b. Answer the following question.

What is the value of a? Why? Write this in a more readable form.

Answer: a == 321 because the multiplication takes precedence, 10 * 30 is calculated first,

resulting in 300, and then the addition takes place giving 300 + 21.
int a = x + ( y * z );

4. Read the code in the right column, and a. Read the following code, which is continued from
then answer the following question. the preceding step:
int a = 10;

int b = a++;

bool myBool = ( a == b );

b. Answer the following question.

Understanding C# Language Fundamentals 2-3

What does this code do? What is the value of myBool?

Answer: This code declares and initializes a to 10. Then b is initialized to 10 (because a
post-increments). It then compares a and b for equality. Because they are not equal, the
expression is false, and myBool is assigned the value false.

5. Start Visual Studio .NET, and then open a. Start a new instance of Visual Studio .NET.
install_folder\Practices \Mod02\Operators b. On the Start Page, click Open Project.
c. In the Open Project dialog box, browse to
install_folder\Practices\Mod02\Operators, click
Operators.sln, and then click Open.
d. In Solution Explorer, click Form1.cs, and then press
F7 to open the Code Editor.

6. Check your answers by stepping through a. Locate the line int x = 10; and set a breakpoint at
the code. that line.
b. Press F5 to compile and run the application.
c. If the Locals window is not visible, in Visual Studio
.NET, on the Debug menu, point to Windows, and
then click Locals.
d. In your application window, click Run.
e. Step through your code, a line at a time, by clicking
the Step Over button, or by pressing F10.
f. Examine the Locals and Autos windows to check
that your application assigns values correctly.

7. Quit Visual Studio .NET.  Quit Visual Studio .NET.

1. What symbol indicates a single-line comment in your code?
Answer: Two forward slashes (//).
2. True or false: You end a statement with a closing brace and a semicolon.
Answer: False. You do not need to include a semicolon after braces because the braces
themselves indicate a complete block of code.
3. What is the largest value that can fit in a byte?
Answer: 255
4. In the following expression, what is the value of y?

int x = 50;
int y =

Answer: y==51 because x is incremented before the value is assigned to y.

5. Fill in the blank: A ____________ statement allows you to control the flow of your application by
selecting the statement that is executed, based on the value of a Boolean expression.

Answer: Conditional
6. True or False: The while loop is a pre-test loop.
2-4 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Answer: True
Creating Objects in C# 3-1

Module 3
Creating Objects in C#
Questions and Answers 2
Multimedia 3
3-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

1. What is the default accessibility level of a class member?
a. Public
b. Private
c. Internal

Answer: b. (Private) By default, a class member is accessible from within the containing class
2. What is the keyword that is used to inform the compiler that a variable is initialized within a
Answer: out
3. What is the purpose of overloading a constructor?

Answer: To allow instances to be created in more than one way.

4. When and how often does a static constructor execute?
Answer: At most once, before the first instance of the class is created or before any static
methods are used.
5. Can you invoke a static method without instantiating an object? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes; because static methods belong to the class.
Creating Objects in C# 3-3

Media Type Title

Animation What Are Objects and Classes?

Implementing Object-Oriented Programming Techniques in C# 4-1

Module 4
Implementing Object-Oriented Programming Techniques in
Questions and Answers 2
4-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

1. What keyword do you add to your class definition if you do not want other classes to inherit from
Answer: Sealed
2. Should a derived class be more specialized or more generalized than its base class?

Answer: A derived class should be more specialized than its base class. A base class should
provide generalized properties and actions.
3. What are some of the benefits of object-oriented programming?
• Programs are easier to design because objects reflect real-world items.
• Applications are easier for users because data that they do not need is hidden.

• Objects are self-contained units.

• Productivity increases because you can reuse code.
• Systems are easier to maintain and adapt to changing business needs.
Programming with C# 5-1

Module 5
Programming with C#
Questions and Answers 2
5-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

1. In the array int[] number = {1, 2, 3, 4 } how do you access the value 3?


2. Create an array that contains the integers 1, 2, and 3. Then use the foreach statement to iterate
over the array and output the numbers to the console.

int [] numbers = {1, 2, 3};

foreach (int i in numbers) {
System.Console.WriteLine("number: {0}", i);

3. Name two collection objects in System.Collections namespace, and describe how these classes
track objects.
Answer: The Queue class tracks objects on a first-in, first-out basis.
The Stack class tracks object on a first-in, last-out basis.
4. What is a delegate, what is the benefit of using a delegate, and when should you use it?
Answer: A delegate is a reference to a method. If a delegate is invoked, the method referred
to by the delegate is executed.
Delegates allow you to build scalability in your classes. You use a delegate when you want to
call a method, but you will not know what method until run time.
Building .NET-based Applications with C# 6-1

Module 6
Building .NET-based Applications with C#
Questions and Answers 2
6-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

Practice: Using the Object Browser
Tasks Detailed steps

1. Start Visual Studio .NET, and then create a a. Start a new instance of Visual Studio .NET.
new project. Project Type: Visual C# b. On the Start Page, click New Project.
Template: Windows Application Name:
c. In the New Project dialog box, under Project
Types, click Visual C# Projects.
d. Under Templates, click Windows Application.
e. In the Name box, type ObjectBrowserPractice
f. In the Location box, browse to
install_folder\Practices\Mod06 and then click OK.

2. Display the Object Browser.  On the View menu, point to Other Windows, and
then click Object Browser.

Using the Object Browser, document the Equals method of the Object object. Include the access
modifiers in your documentation.

Answer: The Equals method has two forms, public static Equals(object,object) and public
virtual Equals(object).

Using the Object Browser, document how many implementations of the method Compare are
supported by the String object.

Answer: 6.

Using the Object Browser, find the Convert class and document the class modifiers that are listed
for the class. In your document, include what effect the modifier has on the class.

Answer: The class modifiers for the Convert class are public and sealed. Because the class is
sealed, it is not possible to derive a class from this class.

Using the Object Browser, find the ReadUInt16 method. What does this method do?

Answer: Reads a 2-byte unsigned integer from the current stream using little endian
encoding and advances the position of the stream by two bytes.

Using the Object Browser, find the ArrayList class. Can you set the IsReadOnly property to true
or false?

Answer: No, the Object Browser shows this property as being a GET property as opposed
to a SET GET property. You can read the value (GET) but not update the value (SET).

Using the Object Browser, find the FileStream class. What namespace contains this class?

Answer: System.IO.
Building .NET-based Applications with C# 6-3

Using the Object Browser, find the ReadUInt32 method. What does this method do?

Answer: Reads a 4-byte unsigned integer from the current stream and advances the
position of the stream by four bytes.

1. The following table lists namespace contents and namespaces. Draw a line to match the namespace
to its contents.

Namespace Namespace contents

System A. Types that allow you to read and write files.

System.Collections B. Most of the classes that constitute the ADO.NET


System.Data C. Fundamental classes and base classes that define

commonly-used value and reference data types, events and
event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing

System.Diagnostics D. Interfaces and classes that define various collections of


System.IO E. Classes that allow you to interact with system processes,

event logs, and performance counters.

Answer: System = C, System.Collections = D, System.Data = B, System.Diagnostics = E,

System.IO = A

2. What methods are inherited from the System.Object base class when you create a new class?
Answer: The ToString, GetHashCode, Equals and GetType methods are inherited from the
System.Object class.
3. The Append, AppendFormat, Insert, and Replace methods belong to which class?
Answer: The StringBuilder class.
4. What type of object do you create to open an existing file or to create a new file?

Answer: Create a FileStream object to create a new file, or to open an existing file.
5. Which two classes are used for writing and reading binary data?
Answer: The BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes are used for writing and reading binary
Using ADO.NET to Access Data 7-1

Module 7
Using ADO.NET to Access Data
Questions and Answers 2
Multimedia 3
Lab: Question and Answers 4
7-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

1. Name two major parts of the ADO.NET object model.
Answer: .NET data provider classes and the DataSet class.
2. What is the difference between a connected and disconnected environment.
Answer: A connected environment is one in which a user or an application is continuously
connected to a data source.
A disconnected environment is one in which a user or an application is not constantly
connected to data source. Users can take a subset of data with them on a disconnected
device, and then merge change back into the central data base later.
3. What is the purpose of the DataAdapter object?
Answer: A DataAdapter object is a tool that is used to create and initialize various tables. It
allows for the retrieval and saving of data between a DataSet object and the data source. It
is responsible for pulling out data from the physical store and pushing it into data tables
and relations.
4. What is the name of the Windows Forms control that you can use to display multiple records that
are retrieved from a data source?
Answer: The DataGrid control.

5. Which method is used to populate a DataSet with results of a query?

Answer: The method that is used to populate the DataSet with results of a query is the Fill
Using ADO.NET to Access Data 7-3

Media Type Title

Animation Using ADO.NET to Access Data

Animation The ADO.NET Architecture

7-4 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Lab: Question and Answers

Exercise 1: Creating a Simple Database Table Viewer
Tasks Detailed steps

1. Create a new Windows application and a. Create a new Windows application.

use Server Explorer to add a b. Use Server Explorer to locate the 2609 database
SqlDataAdapter object to your and the BankCustomers table on your computer.
application. The data adapter should read
c. Use Server Explorer to add the BankCustomers
all information from the BankCustomers
table to your application.
table in the 2609 database on your
computer. By default, the SqlDataAdapter object created by
Server Explorer reads all of the data in the table. This
object is named sqlDataAdapter1 by default; this is the
name that we will use to refer to the object throughout
this lab.

What ADO.NET objects are created when you use Server Explorer to add the BankCustomers
table to your application?

Answer: A SqlDataAdapter object, a SqlConnection object, and four SqlCommand objects

(to perform SelectCommand, InsertCommand, UpdateCommand and DeleteCommand).
Only the SqlConnection and SqlDataAdapter objects are shown on the design window. You
can see the SqlCommand objects in the code window.

2. Create a DataSet object and fill it with the a. In the Designer window, select sqlDataAdapter1
data from the BankCustomers table. and on the Data menu, click Generate Dataset.
b. Use the dialog box to add the DataSet object to
your application.
c. Write code to fill the DataSet object with the data
that is read by sqlDataAdapter1 by using
sqlDataAdapter1.Fill. You can place this line of
code in the Form1 constructor, after the call to

3. Add a DataGrid to your form, and bind its a. Use the Toolbox to add a DataGrid to your form.
DataSource to the BankCustomers table b. Use the Properties window to set the DataGrid
in the DataSet object. DataSource property to the BankCustomers table
in the DataSet object.

4. Add a button to your form, label it a. Add a button to the form, changing its Text
Update, and then add a Click event property to Update.
handler that will call the data adapter b. Double-click the Update button and note that a
Update method. new method is added.
By default, this method is called button1_Click, and it is
called when the Update button is clicked.
c. In button1_Click, call the Update method of the
SqlDataAdapter object. For example:
sqlDataAdapter1.Update( dataSet11 );

5. Compile, run, and test your application. a. Press F5 to compile and run your application.
b. You can edit existing database entries and then
click Update to commit these changes to the
Using ADO.NET to Access Data 7-5

c. Use Server Explorer to verify that your changes
have been made to the database.
d. You can also add new records if you specify a
unique CustomerID.

6. Save your application and quit Visual a. Save your application.

Studio .NET. b. Quit Visual Studio .NET.
Creating Windows-based Applications 8-1

Module 8
Creating Windows-based Applications
Questions and Answers 2
8-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

1. What namespace contains menus, dialog boxes, status bars, and toolbars?
Answer: System.Windows.Forms
2. What is the difference between a form and a dialog box?
Answer: A dialog box is a form that has its FormBorderStyle set to FixedDialog, and its
ControlBox, MinimizeBox, MaximizeBox, and ShowInTaskbar properties set to false.
3. Which of the following statements are true?
Images for a toolbar's buttons are:
a. Assigned an index number in the Image Collection Editor.
b. Automatically attached to the toolbar button based on function.
c. Maintained in the ToolBarButton Image Collection Editor.

d. Maintained in a separate ImageList control.

Answer: Both a and d are true.
4. Name two methods by which you can add items to a combo box.
Answer: The simplest way to add items to a combo box is to add strings to the Items
collection by using the Add or the AddRange method.
Using XML Web Services in a C# Application 9-1

Module 9
Using XML Web Services in a C# Application
Questions and Answers 2
9-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

1. How do you declare a method as a Web method?
Answer: A Web method is declared by adding the [WebMethod] attribute above the method
2. How do you define a class as an XML Web service?

Answer: A Class is defined as an XML Web service by adding the [WebService...] attribute to
the class definition.
3. When would you use an XML Web service?
Answer: An XML Web service is appropriate for applications that may need to send XML-
based messages over the Internet that provide specific functionality for a customer,
applications that require integration where the XML Web service exposes the functionality
and data of each application as an XML Web service, or workflow applications where the
XML Web service allows end-to-end workflow solutions to be created.
4. Why would you use an XML Web service in an internal network?
Answer: An XML Web service can be used in an internal network to support earlier
applications by exposing the functionality of the applications to programmers in an
Creating a Web Application with Web Forms 10-1

Module 10
Creating a Web Application with Web Forms
Questions and Answers 2
Multimedia 3
10-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

Practice: Configuring a Web Application Using Web.Config
1. What kind of authentication mechanism is specified by this Web.Config file?
Answer: Windows.
2. Are un-authenticated users allowed access to this Web application?
Answer: No. This is specified by the <deny users="?" />.

3. What is the default language of this Web application?

Answer: C#.

1. How can you view all of the files that Visual Studio .NET creates for a new ASP.NET Web
Answer: Click Show All Files in the toolbar of Solution Explorer.
2. What are the extensions for the two files that make up a Web Forms page?
Answer: The WebForm1.aspx file and the WebForm1.aspx.cs file.
3. What are the three components, not visible on a Web page, that are required to display the
contents of a SQL Server table in a DataGrid control?
Answer: SqlConnection object, SqlDataAdapter object, and DataSet object.
4. Name the five basic stages of a Web Forms page life cycle.
Answer: Page_Init, Page_Load, Validation, other event handling, and Page_Unload.
5. Name the five steps that are necessary to display data on a Web Forms page.
Answer: Create a Web application and Web Forms page, create the data connection and
data adapter, create the DataSet, add a DataGrid to display data, and fill the DataSet and
display data in the DataGrid control.
6. What browsers are supported by ASP.NET?
Answer: All browsers.
7. Can you have more than one Web.Config applications settings?
Answer: Yes, in different cascading folders.
Creating a Web Application with Web Forms 10-3

Media Type Title

Animation ASP.NET Execution Model

Application Settings and Deployment 11-1

Module 11
Application Settings and Deployment
Questions and Answers 2
11-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Questions and Answers

Practice: Using the Windows Registry
Tasks Detailed steps

1. Start Visual Studio and create a new project. a. Start Visual Studio.NET.
Name: Registry Project Type: Visual C# projects b. On the File menu, point to New, and then
Template: Windows Application Location: click Project.
install_folder\Practices\ Mod11
c. In the New Project window, under Project
Types, click Visual C# Projects.
d. Under Templates, click Windows
e. In the Name box, type Registry
f. In the Location box, type
install_folder\Practices\Mod11 and then
click OK.

2. Add a button to the form. Set the Text property a. Hover over the toolbox, drag a button
of the button to Add Info to the Registry. control from the toolbox and drop it onto
the form.
b. In the Properties window, click Text and
then type Add Info to the Registry.

3. Add the code below into the button click event. a. Double-click the button.
b. In the button1_Click event procedure, add
the code below.

Add the following code into the button1_Click event procedure.

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.




4. Run the application and click the button. Close a. Click Start on the standard toolbar.
the window. b. Click the button on the form.
c. Close the window.

5. Open RegEdit and verify that the key a. Click Start, and then click Run.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MSDNTraini b. In the Run dialog box, in the Open box, type
ng contains a value for TestData of ABCDEF. RegEdit and then click OK.
Close the Registry Editor window, close Visual
c. In the Registry Editor window, expand
SOFTWARE, and then click MSDNTraining.
d. Verify that the string value TestData
contains ABCDEF.
e. Close the Registry Editor window.
f. Close Visual Studio.
Application Settings and Deployment 11-3

The first line of the code added into the button click event could be shortened. How would you
accomplish this?

Answer: By including a using Microsoft.Win32 statement at the top of the Form1.cs file.
The occurrences of Microsoft.Win32 in the code statement could then be removed.

1. What are some benefits of storing user preferences in a database?
Central location
Global preferences
Regular backups
2. What are the four deployment templates that are available in Visual Studio .NET?

Merge Module Project
Setup Project
Web Setup Project
Cab Project
Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET R-1

Internet Links 2
R-2 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET

Internet Links
The Web sites listed below provide additional resources.

Web Site URL

Microsoft Corporation http://www.microsoft.com

Microsoft® Developer Network http://msdn.microsoft.com

Microsoft Visual Studio® http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/

GotDotNet: .NET Framework Community http://www.gotdotnet.com/

Microsoft Windows® http://www.microsoft.com/windows

Microsoft Internet Explorer http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie

Microsoft Product Support Services http://support.microsoft.com

Microsoft Knowledge Base http://search.support.microsoft.com/kb

Microsoft Training and Certification http://www.microsoft.com/traincert

Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft® .NET R-3

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