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Activity Prep #3 - How Will You Help?

(Type your responses to the requests on this page, save this file as
YOUR_NAME-Activity 3.doc, and upload the file to the assignment in Webcourses)

Consider a problem and related customer/user (don’t worry if they are not your buyer, let’s just focus on user
experiences for now). This might something you considered in our previous classes, but you may consider a different
problem-solving challenge if you prefer. Write your responses to the questions below in the space provided.

1. Learn: Reflect on what you know about the problem you are addressing and the people you are helping. What
are people trying to accomplish in this situation (jobs), and what frustrations do they experience with respect to
unrealized gains or experienced pains.

Users are tying to get the best music experience with upmost quality and features from all their favorite music apps all in
one place. Currently they are experiencing the frustration of dealing with the cons of their selected music app or dealing
with having to go back and forth between the apps.

2. Summarize: Write your findings into two lists:

• Positive experiences they’d like to experience

They would like to have one place for all the pros of each music app and something new they didn’t know existed (party
mode). With the Party Mode users will have the cherry on top that sets Party Music app apart from all other music apps.

• Negative experiences they’d like to avoid

Dealing with the clutter and having to use different apps for different music features. Low quality low budget music

3. Imagine: Imagine 5-7 novel solutions that might help your customer solve their problem.
• Do get extreme
• Do NOT judge your ideas (yet)
4. Create: Choose your favorite idea, and prototype it using the storyboard outline provided on the following
pages. Your prototype will illustrate the needs you are addressing, the solution you are offering, and the value it
will deliver (like the example below):

1. Once upon a time … (persona and scenario – exposition, #1 below)

2. this happened … (current customer journey – inciting incident, #2 below)
3. … and this was the result (empathy map – rising action, #2 below)
4. Then along came our hero … (solution, features, benefits – climax, #3-6 below)
5. … who helped by … (your offering’s journey/experiences – falling action, #7 below)
6. and they lived happily ever after (success scenario – resolution, #8 below)

Your drawings don’t need to display any artistic talent, but they DO need to illustrate your story. XKCD (below) became a
popular comic, with geeks at least, using stick figures to tell their story.
Low Fidelity Prototype Storyboard – Draw and Print Neatly
(scan these pages or take CLEAR pictures, and upload files to our Webcourses assignment)

1. Once upon a time … (persona and scenario - exposition)

2. this happened … (customer journey – inciting incident)

3. … and this was the result (empathy map – rising action)

4. Then along came our hero … (solution, features, benefits)

5. … who helped by … (your offering’s journey/experiences)

6. … and they lived happily ever after (success scenario)

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