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Effect Of Process Variables On Scale Formation

In Steel Reheating

‘p2Centrefor Advanced Gas Combustion Technology, ‘Department of Chemical Engineering


2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Queen ’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada

Variables affecting the high temperature oxidation of steel were investigated using an experimental design strategy.
The experimental methods included continuous mass-gain measurement to characterize the oxidation kinetics in terms
of parabolic rate constants. A Morris and Mitchell (1983) eleven-run experimental design was used to identify main
effects and interactions among seven independent variables (oxidation temperature, steel grade, steel surface condition,
sample history and gas composition: H,O, O2 and CO,). The levels of these variables were chosen to reflect industrial
steel reheat operations. The use of this type of strategy in assessing the effect of variables at an intermediate stage in an
experimental program is also demonstrated.
On a etudie les variables qui influent sur I’oxydation de I’acier a des temperatures elevees au moyen d’une strategie
de conception experimentale. Les methodes experimentales incluent la mesure continu du gain de masse afin de carac-
teriser la cinetique d’oxydation en termes de constantes de vitesse paraboliques. On a eu recours a une conception expiri-
mentale a onze essais de Morris et Mitchell (1983) afin de determiner les principaux effets et interactions parmi les sept
variables independantes(temperature d’oxydation, qualite de I’acier, condition de surface de I’acier, histoire de I’echan-
tillon et composition du gaz: H 2 0 , 0, et CO,). Les niveaux de ces variables ont ete choisis afin de refleter les operations
de rechauffement d’acier industrielles. On demontre egalement I’utilisation de ce type de strategie pour evaluer I’effet
de variables a un stade intermediaire dans un programme experimental.
Keywords: experimental design, steel oxidation. reheat furnaces.

identify the presence of interactions at an early stage of

R eheat furnaces are used to heat steel slabs prior to
olling and subsequent processing. These furnaces uti-
lize natural gas, coke-oven gas or oil as fuels in continuous
experimentation. The use of this experimental design as a
tool in assessing the effect of variables at intermediate
batch heating operations of 4 hours or more to raise slabs to stages of the experimental program is also demonstrated.
temperatures of 1215- 1300°C. Associated with the heating The kinetics of scale formation was described in terms of
is the growth of scale (iron oxides) on the surface of the the mass gain and a corresponding parabolic oxidation rate.
slabs. This scale typically amounts to 1 to 3% of the total The effect of the process variables and interactions between
steel throughput; it requires removal prior to further pro- variables on the parabolic oxidation rate were assessed from
cessing of the slab and constitutes a direct product loss. the experiments.
Control of scale formation is complicated by the fact that the
oxidation reaction is exothermic, with the oxide products Background
acting as a thermally insulating barrier. Hence, a knowledge
of the scaling rates is also necessary for accurate energy bal- The oxidation of metals is of great interest in the nietal-
ances on reheat furnaces. Without the introduction of a per- lurgical, electrochemical and process industries. Research
meation barrier for the oxidation reactants, scale formation over the past 5 M O years ranges from fundamental studies
is inevitable but the kinetics of the oxidation process can be to ascertain/confirm reaction mechanisms through to
affected by operating variables in the reheating process methodology for corrosion control. Review articles (Cabrera
(Sachs and Tuck, 1968). and Mott, 1949; Smeltzer and Young, 1975; Rapp, 1984)
The objective of the present work was to investigate the and textbooks by Evans (1960), Kubascgewski and Hopkins
effect of process variables on the oxidation rate of low-car- (1962), Hauffe (1965) and Kofstad (1965) have resulted.
bon steel. The steel samples were supplied by the Ferrous The peculiar problems of high temperature oxidation are
lndustry Energy Research Association (FERA) and repre- addressed in recent texts by Birks and Meier (1 983) and
sent grades and compositions of current industrial interest. Kofstad (1 988).
The methodology involved the use of an experimental The oxidation reaction starts with an initial adsorption of
design strategy to reduce the number of runs required for a oxygen gas on the metal surface, possibly with some disso-
screening study of the type here undertaken. Seven variables lution in the metal, to form a thin oxide film. If this film is
were examined, including the oxidation temperature, the gas continuous, it physically separates the reactants and subse-
and steel compositions, and the surface texture of the steel quent oxidation occurs by solid-state diffusion through the
samples. A Morris and Mitchell (1983) experimental design oxide film. Porosity, cracks and poor adhesion at the
was chosen for this screening study as it has the ability to scale/metal interface may also lead to phase-boundary con-
trol mechanisms as the oxidation proceeds. Models for the
oxidation rate of metals and alloys have been developed and
*Author to w h o m correspondence should be addressed. E-mail address: validated for many test conditions. These include (Kofstad,
grandmai@qucdn.queensu.ca 1988) logarithmic, linear and parabolic forms, normally


describing the mass gain or scale thickness developed on the (Birks and Meier, 1983). The theory gives for the coefficient
metal surface. Investigations of the low-temperature oxida- of the parabolic oxidation rate
tion of iron have included studies of oxide nucleation by
Ronnquist and Thomas (1965) and of oxidation rates; Gilroy
and Mayne (1965), for example, observed an inverse loga- (3)
rithmic rate. The initial oxidation stages of iron have also P' P"
been investigated at higher temperatures by means of SEM
by Castle and Hunt (1976) and HSESEM by Matson et al. where D is the diffusion coefficient for transport through the
(1 984) and Jungling and Rapp ( 1984). The linear rate equa- scale and p is the chemical potential. The single and double
tion is used to describe phase-boundary rate controlling prime superscripts denote the values at the metal-scale and
steps, while a parabolic form is applicable to cases of solid- scale-gas interfaces respectively. The subscripts "c" (for
state diffusion in scale growth. At temperatures above cation) and "a" (for anion) refer to metal and nonmetal
57OoC, iron oxidizes to form a multilayer scale of FeO properties, respectively.
(wustite), Fe30, (magnetite) and Fe203(haematite) with the Experimental confirmation of Wagner's theory has been
wustite layer next to the metal surface, magnetite as an inter- found by Himmel et al. (1953) and Engell (1958).
mediate layer, and haematite at the gas-solid interface. The Experimental investigations have also demonstrated applic-
mass ratio of these oxide phases is around 95:4: 1 (Paidassi, ability of the parabolic rate law for oxidation of iron in oxy-
1958). At intermediate temperatures, up to 570°C, only the gen (Paidassi, 1958; Davies et al., 195 1; Caplan and Cohen,
haematite and magnetite layers form on iron and steel. 1963; Schmahl et al., 1958). Goursat and Smeltzer
Wustite is a p-type semiconductor with a metal deficit; typ- (1973a,b) have shown that the reaction rate is independent
ically the stoichiometry approximates Fe,,9,0, but locally of the oxygen pressure in the range 0.04- 100 kPa.
the Fe/O atomic ratio may range from 0.95 to 0.88 with the Deviations from the parabolic law occur, for example,
largest iron deficit occurring at the wustite-magnetite inter- when the rate controlling step is a phase boundary reaction
face (Engell, 1958). This level of cation vacancy promotes (Smeltzer, 1960; Pettit et al., 1960; Surman, 1973), a porous
high mobility of cations and electrons in wustite and the scale is formed (Birchenall, 1956), or when adhesion of the
overall mechanism for the oxidation is generally modelled scale to the metal substrate fails (Engell and Wever, 1957;
as a cation diffusion through the three scale layers, although Peters and Engell, 1959; Hussey and Cohen, 1971a,b). The
some early results suggested that anion diffusion occurs in problems of discriminating between different kinetic models
the haematite layer (several examples of these results are are discussed by Smeltzer and Simnard (1957) and Kofstad
noted in the text of Birks and Meier, 1983). In high-temper- (1988). From their observations it may be concluded that con-
ature systems, the oxidation to wustite is dominant and the tinuous monitoring of scaling rates is the best route for correct
rate is commonly described by a parabolic law relating the data interpretation.
cation flux to the metal vacancy concentration in the scale. Scale formation in steel reheat furnaces poses a situation
This approach was first proposed by Tammann ( 1 920) and where many process variables may have synergistic influ-
applied in early studies of iron oxidation by Davies, Simnad ences. Sachs and Tuck (1968) review the potential impact
and Birchenall (195 1) and Paidassi (1 958) in the form based on previous research in the field of high temperature
oxidation. Methods of reducing scale formation through
d h -. k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . favourable control strategies are described by Cook and
(1) Rasmussen (1 970). The oxidizing gases in reheat furnaces
dt h
include oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide, presenting
where h is a measure of the scale thickness and t is time. At a gas composition depending on the fuel type, excess air
constant rate coefficient, k, integration gives level and other operating factors such as air infiltration. The
effects of gas composition on scaling rates are reported by
h2 = k,,t + C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Rahmel and Tobolski ( 1 965); the presence of water vapour
and carbon dioxide was found to increase the rate, with water
where k,, = 2k is the parabolic rate constant and C i s the inte- vapour having a larger effect at higher temperatures. Sachs
gration constant. In experimental studies, h is normally and Tuck (1970) studied the effect of oxidizing gases on the
expressed in terms either of a measured scale thickness or of high-temperature oxidation of iron and steel in an integrated
the mass gain of the test specimen per unit of its surface. It heating strategy for application to reheat furnaces. Kuhn and
is implied in these formulations that the scale thickness is Oeters (1975) and Selenz and Oeters ( 1 984) examined the
typically small compared to the local radius of curvature of effect of several oxidizing species, providing data on coeffi-
the surface. It should also be noted that, because it predicts cients of the linear rate behaviour that occurs in the initial
an infinite rate at t = 0, the parabolic law cannot apply at stage of oxidation. Minaev et al. ( 1983) studied the effect of
t + 0. Typical oxidation curves and parabolic rate laws are fuel type and temperature on scale formation for five grades
discussed by Logani and Smeltzer (1971) (e.g., see their of steel. The fuel with the lowest oxidizing potential (as mea-
Figure 9). sured by the sum of oxygen, water vapour and carbon diox-
The parabolic rate law is also developed in the quantita- ide partial pressure) gave the least scale at the higher tem-
tive theory of Wagner (1933). Assumptions in the theory peratures, but this effect was less marked at the lower tem-
require that the oxide layer be compact and perfectly adher- peratures. Importance of surface preparation on the oxida-
ent to the metal surface, migration of ions or electrons is rate tion rate of metals has been documented in the literature. The
controlling, the scale is thick compared with distances over effect of cold working on the oxidation of iron was studied
which space charge effects occur, thermodynamic equilibri- by Caplan and Cohen (1966) and Caplan et al. (1970). At
um exists locally in the scale at both boundaries, there are temperatures up to 55OoC, cold worked iron exhibits higher
only small deviations from stoichiometric composition in oxidation rates than annealed samples; this was partly attrib-
the scale, and oxygen solubility in the metal is negligible uted to poor scale contact for the annealed specimens.

As noted above, the problem of oxidation of metals, and TABLE1
of iron in particular, has been well researched with mecha- Seven-variable Morris and Mitchell (1983) design
nisms documented for different experimental and process Variables
conditions. The bulk of the previous measurements of scal- Run 1 2 3 4 5 h 7
ing rates on iron and steel have been obtained by one-factor
at-a-time assessment of the effect of independent variables. I -1 -1 -1 -I -1 -I -1
2 +I +I +I +I +I +I +I
While this background serves to suggest useful guidelines 3 -1 -1 -1 -I +I +I +I
for scale control and methodologies to be employed for lab- 4 +I +I +I +I -1 -I I
oratory and plant investigations, measurements with well 5 -1 -1 +I +I -I -1 +I
planned experimental strategies can also provide useful 6 +I +I -1 -1 +I +I -1
information for improving scale control for particular steel 7 +I -1 -1 +I +I -I -I
grades in the process industries. 8 -1 +I -1 +I -1 +I -1
The main objective of the present work was to perform a 9 +I +I -I -1 -I -1 +I
series of screening experiments to assess the effects of inde- 10 +I -1 +I -1 -1 +I -1
pendent variables on the parabolic scale growth coefficient I1 -1 +1 +I -1 +I -1 ~~I
in the high temperature oxidation of steel:
log,o(k,,) =f(independent variables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) First four runs of Morris and Mitchell (1983) design showing
alias structure denoted as A and B arouDings
where kp is assessed in a consistent manner for all experi-
mental runs. The logarithm of k,, is employed as the depen- Variables
dent variable in anticipation of Arrhenius temperature A B
dependence. The steel samples were prepared from slab Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
material supplied by Dofasco Inc. (Hamilton, ON), and the 1 -1 -1 -1 -I -I -I -1
independent variables of interest were chosen to include 2 +I +I +I +I +I +I +I
those most commonly associated with industrial reheat fir- 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 +I +I +I
naces, namely steel grade/finish, oxidation atmosphere and 4 +I +I +I +I -I -1 -1
temperature. The simplest model form for the effects of the
independent variables is the linear model
required to assess interaction effects, for example, additional
runs up to and including a complete fold-over fractional fac-
torial design can be employed (Myers and Montgomery,
1995). The effects of response surface curvature or higher
order terms also require additional experimentation, typically
with x, = 1, or, in standard vector notation, at the mid-point level for continuous or quantitative vari-
ables. In all the cases mentioned above, it is assumed that
Y = X P + E............................... (6) additional runs are also performed to obtain an estimate of
the system variance; mid-point experiments or replicate runs
where Y is an (n x 1) vector of observations, X is the ( n x p ) at design levels are frequently preferred if the variance is a
matrix of independent variables, p is a 0, x 1 ) vector of function of the level of the independent variables.
coefficients to be estimated and E is the 0, x 1) vector of Morris and Mitchell (1983) have proposed another
random errors (each having a zero mean and a variance a2). method of constructing experimental designs suitable for
The least squares estimate of p then is screening experiments. A feature of these is that they are
suitable for detecting the effect of interactions at an early
p= (XT X)-1 XT Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) stage of experimentation. If we write the model for Y to
include interactions, then
One criteria for constructing experimental designs, the D-
optimality criterion, involves choosing the X matrix such Y = x , p , + X , p , + &. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
that the determinant of (XTX) is maximized (Smith, 1918).
The benefits of this are described by Box and Draper ( 1 97 1). with a corresponding lack-of-fit matrix
In screening designs, the main objective is often the esti-
mation of the relative importance of independent variables L = x,T(I - x l ( x ; XI)-, XT)X,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
with the assumption that interactions and higher order terms
are negligible or can best be explored in later experimenta- where pzis a vector consisting of thep@ - 1)/2 interactions
tion. Suitable forms of such experimental designs, including and I is the identity matrix. Morris and Mitchell (1983) note
those proposed by Plackett and Burman (1946) and fraction- that the proposed designs maximize the trace of L and satisfy
al factorial designs (Box and Hunter, 1961) have been the D-optimality criterion.
described in the statistics literature. Applications to industri- In the present study, seven variables were chosen for
al problems have been described, for example, by Williams investigation, as described in detail later. The seven-variable
(1963), Stowe and Mayer (1966), Hunter and Hoff (1967), design of Morris and Mitchell (1983, from their Table 6) is
Grandmaison et al. (1984) and Hamada and Wu (1992). shown in Table 1. This type of design permits intermediate
These designs require careful analysis to yield information analysis of some of the effects under study. In particular, the
regarding interactions between variables, for example, first four runs can be placed in two groups, A and B, as
Hamada and Wu (1992) discuss use of Plackett and Burman shown in Table 2. The structure of the first four runs is a 2 ,
designs in this regard. In other cases, additional runs may be factorial design with variables 1-4 assigned to a set of lev-

First six runs of Morris and Mitchell (1983) design showing Chemical composition (mass%) of steel samples; low CI and low
decoupling of alias structure from Table 2 C2 refer to low carbon content, high C I and high C2 refer to high
carbon content samples
Al A2 BI B2 LowCI LowC2 HighCI HighC2
Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Carbon 0.002 0.003 0.203 0.2 14
~~ ~
Sulphur 0.008 0.005 0.007 0.007
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Nickel 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.005
2 +I +1 +I +1 +I +I +I Aluminum 0.028 0.056 0.036 0.035
3 -1 -1 -1 -1 +I +I +1 Cobalt 0.022 0.027 0.00 1 0.000
4 +I +1 +I +1 -1 -1 -1 Titanium 0.026 0.041 0.003 0.002
5 -1 -1 +1 +I -1 -1 +1 Manganese 0.139 0.157 0.356 0.352
6 +I +I -1 -I +I +I -1 Silicon 0.008 0.015 0.008 0.007
Chromium 0.018 0.022 0.024 0.026
Molybdenum 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.003
els A and variables >7 assigned to levels B. This subset of Zirconium 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000
experiments provides an estimate of the sum of the main Phosphorus 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.007
effects due to variables 1, 2, 3 and 4, estimated from PA,and Copper 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.005
variables 5, 6 and-7, estimated from &. The interaction Tin 0.002 0.005 0.003 0.002
between A and B, pAB,provides an estimate of the sum of Vanadium 0.000 0.00 1 0.000 0.000
interactions b e p e e n any variable in groups A and B, i.e., Nitrogen 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004
p15,p16, . . . . , p47.The interactions betweep va*riableswjth-
in a group A or B, i.e. R2,R3,.. . ,h4and p45,& . . . , k7,
are biased with the overall mean for the model, Several properties or attribute variables associated with the
Runs 5 and 6 in Table 1 provide an additiona decoupling 4
of the alias structure as shown in Table 3. This set of runs
steel samples were of interest. These included surface condi-
tion, pre-oxidation history and carbon content of the steel.
provides an estimate of main effects confounded only with The steel as received was in the form of bars cut from cast
one other main effect, plus fractional amounts of all other slabs, preserving on one face the original cast surface. Two
main effects, except for variable 7. The variables in group types of samples for study were prepared from these bars. The
A are decoupled into the groups A1 and A2, while those first were 22.2 x 22.2 x 44.4mm blocks milled and polished
from group B decouple as groups B1 and B2. The estimates on all sides, weighing 160 g. The second type were similar
of the interactions are biased in three groups of six interac- except that one 22.2 mm square face was in the original cast
tions plus another group consisting of the overall mean surface, unaltered. It was expected that this contrast would
aliased with three interactions. The interactions are not allow a significant gauging of the effects of surface condition,
biased by any main effect but these groups of interactions comparing natural cast surfaces with highly machined sur-
are also biased by fractional amounts of all other two-fac- faces. The sample shape and size were chosen to promote
tor interactions. Moms and Mitchell note that this design good metal/oxide contact (poor contact would tend to occur
has an 80% chance of detecting interactions at a 90% con- in cylindrical samples, for example) and to provide a rela-
fidence level. tively high specific area of 0.031 m2/kg (to reduce the effect
The full 1 1-run design shown in Table 1 provides esti- of sample superheating due to reaction exothermicity).
mates of the main effects of each variable biased only by The elemental analysis of the steel samples is shown in
small amounts of other main effects and interactions. This Table 4. The primary component of interest for this work is
type of design thus offers a compromise with other alterna- the carbon content. Those samples with a low carbon con-
tive designs (e.g. a 12-run Plackett and Burman (1946) design tent (0.003 mass%) are designated as low C1 and low C2
or a 2’“ fractional factorial design) with the advantage of and those with a high content (0.2 1 mass%) as high C 1 and
indicating the presence of interactions and an intermediate high C2, where the designation “Cl” and “C2” denote the
analysis during the course of the experimental programme. variations in other components at each carbon level as noted
Additional runs are required to estimate experimental error; in Table 4.
in the present study a total of 20 runs was performed for the The effect, if any, of pre-oxidation history was gauged by
complete programme. One of the main objectives in the pre- storing the steel samples at either dry or ambient room con-
sent work was to demonstrate an experimental design strate- ditions prior to oxidation tests. For this purpose, samples
gy which would permit assessment of the effects of variables/ were stored at room temperature either in a vacuum desic-
interactions at an intermediate stage in the experimental pro- cator as one experimental level or under atmospheric condi-
gram. Such information would be of interest, for example, to tions (nominally 50% R.H.) as the other level. This variable
industrial users of such statistical methods where progress was intended to demonstrate any effects like those of sub-
reports on experimental programs are important. stantial time delays between casting and reheating steel in
normal plant operation as well as providing guidance for
Experimental procedures future preparation techniques in our laboratory.
The furnace used to oxidize the samples was a Sola Basic
The variables chosen for investigation were set at two lev- Lindberg electrical resistance tube furnace. A schematic
els according to the experimental design discussed above. diagram of the heating, gas preparation and data acquisition
The primary dependent variable was the kinetic behaviour systems is shown in Figure 1. Additional details are given
of the steel samples undergoing oxidation in a laboratory by Ormerod (1991). The firnace housing was 0.6 m x 0.6 m
furnace. From mass-gain data for the samples, the parabolic x 0.8 m in outside dimensions. The heating cavity was
rate constant, kp, was estimated and the logarithm of kp was cylindrical in shape, 80 mm in diameter, 0.7 m long and
used as a dependent variable for statistical analysis. open at both ends. The temperature within the furnace could

and 254 mm in length, with a capacity of 400 mL of distilled
i Digital Storage
water. The chamber was heated within f 0.4"C with an
on/off controller to maintain the desired dew point tempera-

71 ture. The gas stream leaving was heated with a 400 W heat-
ing tape to prevent condensation. The temperature in the


Heater n
humidification system was continuously monitored during
runs and recorded for later analysis. The average value of
the dew point (the total amount of water evaporated during
each run was recorded for this purpose) was used for the
water vapour content in each run. The dew-point data also
allowed estimation of the variation in the water vapour con-
tent during each run; the maximum of the standard deviation
of this variation about the low level for the water vapour
content (a target value of 16 mol% H 2 0 ) was 0.20%, while
Gas Supply supply the worst case for the high level for water vapour (a target
value of 26 mol% H 2 0 ) was 0.52%. The steel samples were
mounted in the furnace at room temperature with a nitrogen
purge and then heated to the desired temperature over a
period of 2-3 hours. During the experimental programme,
be controlled at temperatures up to 1200°C (f 2"C), with the 1 I-run experimental design discussed above was used
three separate heating zones located along the 700 mm heat- with replicates of runs 1 to 7 along with additional replicates
ing section. Each heating section was normally set at the of runs 1 and 3, yielding a total of 20 runs. The experimen-
desired design temperature for a run, at the low level of tal run conditions are shown in Table 5 with the independent
800°C or the high level of 1 150°C. A 57 mm i.d. quartz tube variables shown in natural units and Table 6 with these vari-
was inserted into the furnace cavity to provide a reaction ables shown in coded units. The coded levels for the quanti-
containment for the oxidizing gas and the steel sample. The tative variables (gas compositions and temperature) were
gas-feed end of the tube had a contraction terminating in a calculated from the average low (-1 level) and high ( + I
ground-glass joint through which it was connected to the level) values used in each experiment. The independent
feed system. The gas discharge end of the tube was open to variables are also denoted with the symbols x , , . . . , x7 cor-
the atmosphere. The steel sample was introduced through responding to the seven variables from oxygen level to sur-
the discharge end, suspended from a quartz rod rigidly face condition in Table 6. The parameter estimates dis-
attached to the platform of a Mettler PM6100 electronic bal- cussed later are denoted by the symbols fi,for the main
ance (6 kg range, 10 mg resolution). The gas flow-rate was effects of variable i and for interactions between vari-
adjusted to provide a linear velocity of 0.13 m/s at the sam- ables i andj.
ple position at 1150°C. A study by Tomlinson and
Catchpole (1968) showed no effect of gas velocity on oxi- Experimental results
dation between 0.002 and 0.9 m/s at temperatures ranging
from 600 - 1000°C. The serial output of the balance was The gas compositions could not always be set at the pre-
connected to a microcomputer for data logging (normal cise target levels noted above. This was primarily due to the
sampling rate of 1 datum per minute). The furnace and bal- problem of controlling the water vapour content and to small
ance system were located in a shielded fume hood to mini- variations in the original bottled gas supplies. The largest
mize external drafts and exhaust the gas discharged from the deviations from the design levels occurred for the water
oxidation process. A thermocouple was placed adjacent to vapour content but these errors were not considered large
the sample within the furnace to provide an estimate of the enough to affect the benefits gained from the overall experi-
sample temperature. This thermocouple did indeed indicate mental strategy. The furnace temperature was preset to the
a temperature rise at the onset of the sample oxidation (an desired level by a control system which gave consistent tem-
exothermic reaction), but these readings could not be used to peratures within the furnace to *2"C. Compensation for sam-
provide accurate estimates of this phenomena. ple overheating due to reaction exothermicity was not
An additional set of independent variables of interest in employed (the effect of this phenomena is discussed later).
this work was defined upon the oxidizing gas atmosphere. The variable for sample history was set at fixed levels o f f 1
In order to simulate conditions present in reheat furnaces, as discussed above and sample grade levels were set to * I
gas mixtures consisting of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide based on the carbon content and the steel composition noted
and water vapour were prepared to simulate combustion in Table 4. For the purposes of statistical analysis, the vari-
products of both natural gas and coke oven gas. Oxygen lev- able levels were range-scaled and centred with the range
els were chosen to simulate relatively low excess air condi- being the average upper bound and average lower bound in
tions as a low level (nominally 2 mol%) and possible air each variable as shown in Table 5.
infiltration situations as a high level (nominally 12 mol%). Runs 1 to 1 1 (original experimental design) and IX to 7X
The corresponding low and high target concentrations for (replicates of runs 1 to 7) were initially performed in a ran-
carbon dioxide were 4 and 12 mol%, respectively. The gas domized fashion. Additional replicate runs, IXX and 3XX,
streams were prepared from dry oxygen, carbon dioxide and were performed later to check the previous observations.
nitrogen mixtures humidified in a gas preparation system. A The mass gain data, expressed in terms of the square of the
similar procedure has been described by Miner and mass gain per average unit area, are shown in Figure 2.
Nagarajan ( 1 98 I). The bubbling-gas humidification cham- These results were obtained at a sampling rate of one datum
ber consisted of a standard pipe tee, 76.2 mm in diameter per 60 s. To distinguish between the different curves in these


Experimental run conditions expressed in natural units.
Independent Variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
co,, Temperature,
mol% "C History Grade Surface
Run 1 2.16 17.2 4.03 800 Laboratory Low c2 Smooth
Run 2 12.0 25.7 11.9 1150 Dessiccator High CI Cast
Run 3 2.20 15.8 4.09 800 Dessiccator High C I Cast
Run 4 11.9 26.3 11.8 I I50 Laboratory Low C I Smooth
Run 5 2.06 15.4 11.9 1 I50 Laboratory Low c2 Cast
Run 6 12.0 25.6 4.05 800 Dessiccator High C2 Smooth
Run 7 12.1 15.7 4.04 1 I50 Dessiccator Low C I Smooth
Run 8 1.79 25.7 4.17 1150 Laboratory High CI Smooth
Run 9 12.0 25.4 4.06 800 Laboratory Low c 2 Cast
Run 10 12.4 16.5 12.4 800 Laboratory High C I Smooth
Run 1 1 1.97 25.3 12.2 800 Dessiccator Low CI Smooth
Run I X 2.2 I 15.3 4.12 800 Laboratory Low CI Smooth
Run 2X 12.1 25.2 12.0 1150 Dessiccator High CI Cast
Run 3X 2.20 15.9 4.09 800 Dessiccator High C I Cast
Run 4X 12.0 25.8 11.9 1150 Laboratory Low C I Smooth
Run 5X 2.05 15.8 11.9 1 I50 Laboratory Low c2 Cast
Run 6X 12.0 25.5 4.05 800 Dessiccator High C2 Smooth
Run 7X 12.1 15.4 4.05 1 I50 Dessiccator Low c 2 Smooth
Run IXX 2.19 16.0 4.08 800 Laboratory Low CI Smooth
Run 3XX 2.19 16.2 4.07 800 Dessiccator High C2 Cast
Aver age 2.10 15.9 4.08 800 Laboratory Low c 1lC2 Smooth
Low Level
Aver age 12.1 25.6 12.0 1 I50 Dessiccator High C 1lC2 Cast
High Level

Experimental runs conditions expressed in coded units
XI x2 x3 x4 X5 X6 .r7
0, H2O co2 Temperature History Grade Surface
Run 1 4.988 4.737 -1.01 -1 -1 -1 -I
Run 2 +0.988 +1.02 +0.975 +I +I +I +I
Run 3 4.980 -1.03 -1 .oo -1 +I +I +I
Run 4 +0.968 +1.14 +0.950 +I -I -1 -1
Run 5 -1.01 -1.11 +0.975 +I -1 -1 +I
Run 6 +0.988 +0.998 -1.01 -1 +I +I -I
Run 7 +1.01 -1.05 -1.01 +I +I -I -I
Run 8 -1.06 +1.02 4.976 +I -1 +I -1
Run 9 +0.988 +0.956 -1 .oo -1 -1 -I +I
Run 10 +1.07 4.882 +1.10 -I -1 +I -1
Run I 1 -I .03 +0.936 +1.05 -1 +I -1 -1
Run IX 4.978 -1.13 4.989 -1 -I -I -I
Run 2X +1.01 +0.9 15 + I .oo +I +I +I +I
Run 3X 4.980 -1 .o I -0.996 -1 +I +I +I
Run 4X +0.988 + I .04 +0.975 +I -1 -I -I
Run 5X -1.01 -1.03 +0.975 +I -1 -1 +I
Run 6X +0.988 +0.977 -1.01 -1 +I +I -1
Run 7X +1.01 -1.11 -1.01 +I +I -I -I
Run IXX 4.982 -0.985 -0.999 -1 -1 -1 -1
Run 3XX 4.982 4.944 -1 .oo -1 +I +I +I

graphs, appropriate graphical symbols are shown at every run 1, run IX,shows better parabolic behaviour with sam-
600 s with a continuous line for the intermediate points. ple grade low CI as compared to the low C2 grade used in
Hence the data for the high mass-gain runs (bottom graph in run I . The observed differences between these two runs
Figure 2) display smoother curves than those from the low prompted an additional replicate, run IXX, using sample
gain tests (top graph in Figure 2), due to the mass resolution grade low CI (there was insufficient sample material to per-
of the data acquisition system and balance employed. The form an additional test with the low C2 grade). In general,
results in Figures 2 generally exhibit a parabolic behaviour the results in Figures 2 and 3 give a linear relationship, par-
except for the initial stage of run 1. Similar data for the ticularly at longer times. The slopes of these curves for the
replicate tests are shown in Figure 3. The first replicate of final 6000 s of each run were used for estimates of the par-

Experimental results for the parabolic rate constant
Run Parabolic rate constant,
number kp, g2/m4 s log I " kJJ
I , IX, IXX 2.83,4.25, 6.17 0.452,0.628,0.790
2,2x 507,488 2.70, 2.69
3,3x, 3 x x 4.20, 4.63, 3.98 0.623,0.665,0.600
4,4x 615,453 2.79, 2.66
5,5x 248, 198 2.40, 2.30
6, 6X 4.88, 6.28 0.689. 0.798
7, 7 x 543,465 2.74, 2.67
8 423 2.63
9 2.22 0.346
10 2.93 0.467
11 4.55 0.658


N !
.-c TABLE8
tu Ranking of factors in descending order after 4 runs
cn Factor Effect on log,, k,,
bo + PI2 ' k 4 + 656 'bI.4 + + I .64
6 7 + & 3 + & 4 +&7

Pl+&+&+b4 +1.10
0 5 10 15
Time, ks bL7 + k h + P45 + 617 + &5 + P46 +

Figure 2 - Square of the mass gain as a function of time for the 615 +&6 ' k 7 'pi6 +bZS +b47
low temperature runs (800°C. top graph) and high temperature runs &+p6+& +0.02 I7
( 1 1 5OoC,bottom graph).

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Figure 3 - Square of the mass gain as a

function of time for the replicate runs (run
Time, ks 1 -run 7).

abolic rate constant. The oxidation rates at longer times, typ- matical model (Ormerod, 199 1). The observed temperature
ically up to 15000 s, are of particular interest in applications rise is typically 10 - 40°C for the high temperature runs and
for reheat furnaces. The estimates of the parabolic rate con- 2 - 8°C for the low temperature runs. The peak temperature
stants k and log,o are shown in Table 7. values lasted for about 10 minutes before decreasing to the
As aieady mentioned, a thermocouple was used to moni- target values for each run. No compensation was made for
tor the temperature adjacent to the steel samples (thermocou- this exothermic effect and hence in the present work (and
ples inserted in the samples were usually destroyed during many other experiments reported in the literature) the
runs and hence the procedure of placing a thermocouple out- reported temperature represents an under-estimate of the
side but near the sample was adopted). While this tempera- true reaction temperature.
ture reading is only indicative of the sample temperature, the The phased approach to estimating the parameters or the
results show good agreement with estimates from a mathe- influence of variables and interactions can be applied to the

Ranking of factors in descending order after 6 runs
Factor Effect on log,, k ,




10 ----X7

A+& 4.203 0- x5
Ranking of factors in descending order after eleven runs 0 5 10 15
Factor Effect on log,, k, Normalized effect
Figure 4 - Normal probability plot of the normalized effects.
Po + 1.569 Interaction effects are identified by one term from biased groups of
+a734 three terms noted in Table 10.

p15 + 6 2 h + 6 3 7 +0.3 12
the overall average biased with a group of interactions and
616 + 625 +647 -0.217 the main effects associated with the gas compositions and
temperature. On the other hand, the effect of steel history,
63 +0.204
grade and surface condition along with the group of two-fac-
614+&3+667 +O. 107 tor interactions in (3) above are relatively small. The signs
associated with the effects in these results indicate whether
612 + 6 3 4 + A 6
4.104 an increase in a variablehnteraction increases (positive
effect) or decreases (negative effect) the dependent variable.
62 +0.088
The results after the first six runs are shown in Table 9
627 + (336 + 645 -0.084 with the relative ranking of the factors affecting the depen-
dent variables. These effects were estimated by applying a
61 +0.078 singular value decomposition (SVD) to Equation ( 7 ) to
4.074 solve for eight factors in the vector p shown in Table 9. At
817 + 6 3 5 +b46
this point the influence of temperature and interactions
813 + 6 2 4 + A 7 +0.070 between variables are more evident. After eleven runs the
results, Table 10. obtained by SVD for fifteen factors, show
67 +0.052
that the highest-ranking main effect is temperature with
66 -0.034 other main effects and groups of interactions interspersed
through the remaining rankings. An interaction effect is
ps +0.004 strongly indicated.
The data for the full twenty experiments were analyzed
using unweighted, weighted and stepwise regression proce-
experiments involving 4, 6 and 11 runs. For this intermedi- dures. Model adequacy was checked by comparing the ratio,
ate analysis, it was necessary to employ the target values for F,, of the mean square lack of fit and the mean square pure
the levels of the quantitative variables to maintain the error to the appropriate Fa. ,,2 value with a significance
required number of degrees of freedom for such an analysis. level of a = 0.05. The mean square pure error, estimated
The results after four runs are summarized in Table 8 as esti- from the replicate runs, was 0.00902 with 9 degrees of free-
mates of four pieces of information: dom. Additional tools in this analysis included assessment
(I) 6,+~2+A4+A6+P]4+b23+P57+~3+8?4+PS7.
of normal probability plots of the residuals, 0,- j ) , and plots
of the residuals as a function of? and the independent vari-
(2) PI + b2 + + 64’ ables and interactions.
A normal probability plot of the normalized effects is
(3) b 2 7 + ~ 6 + b 4 ~ + ~ 7 + ~ ~ + 8 4 6 + 8 ] 5 + ~ 6 + ~ 7 8 ~ 6 in Figure 4. These effects are the average of the
k5+ b47,and
“low” and “high” values of each effect divided by their
respective standard deviations. Those effects that are negli-
(4) ps +& +I$ gible fall along a straight line while significant factors or
interactions (or groups of interactions in this case) will devi-
as shown in the “factor” column in Table 8. These results ate from the straight line. The results shown in Figure 4
show that the factors in ( I ) and (2) have the largest effect; i.e., include the fourteen main effects and interactions (shown in

Table 10) with the latter denoted by one interaction member
103 I I I
from an aliased group, for example, x I 5denotes an effect
from the group x , +~ x2, + x37. These results, as expected, h
Temperature = 115OoC
clearly indicate the importance of temperature (x,) and the
relatively minor influence of other factors. In many experi-
mental design studies, it is assumed that only a small num-
ber of effects are important; this has been called effect spur-
sity by Hamada and Wu ( 1 992). These authors have also
noted that when a two-factor interaction is significant, it is
highly likely that at least one of the corresponding main - - -C- - - -1 Grade
effects is also significant; Hamada and Wu (1992) refer to 1 I I
this as effect heredity. 102
A model based only on temperature as a main effect gives
6 = 1.62 and p4= 1.OO.This model exhibits lack of fit with L I I I
F, = 3.98 compared with F,,,, 9, = 3.18. Stepwise regres-
sion procedures indicate that the significant effects include
temperature (x4), a positive interaction from the group (x,,
Temperature = 8OO0C
+ x2, + x ~ ~grade
) , (x,) and surface condition (x7). It is like-
ly that only one term from the interaction group (xI4+ x2, +
x67) is important in this analysis. The interaction between
water vapour (x2) and carbon dioxide (x,) concentrations is
an unlikely candidate because neither main effect is signifi-
cant. A positive interaction between oxygen concentration I--+-- -1 Grade I
(xI)and temperature (x,) would imply that (i) at the low I 1 1 I
temperature, the oxidation rate is higher at the low oxygen -1 0 1
concentration and (ii) at high temperatures the oxidation rate
is higher at high oxygen concentrations. Both of these con- Surface condition
ditions make this interaction term unlikely on physical Figure 5 - Scatter plots showing the effect of the interaction
grounds. This leaves the interaction term between grade (x6) between grade and surface condition; top graph is for 1 150°C and
and surface condition (x7) as the most plausible candidate bottom graph is for 800°C.
among these interaction terms. This conclusion is also sup-
ported by the significant main effect of each variable in this behaviour with only modest changes in the parameter-esti-
interaction term. A positive interaction between grade and mates noted in Equation (lo), p0 = + I .58, f3, = + I .02, ph7 =
surface condition implies that at the +I grade level, surface
condition has little effect on the oxidation rate but at the -1
+0.0838, pS = +0.0757 and = 4 . 0 8 2 4 .
The parabolic rate constants obtained here can be com-
grade level, the cast surface has a lower oxidation rate. This pared to values found by others. For example, Davies et al.
conclusion leads to the model, (1951) and Schmahl et al. (1958) studied the oxidation of
iron in pure oxygen over a wide temperature range. Rahmel
j = 1.58 + 1.03x4 + 0 . 0 8 3 8 + ~ 0~ .~0 ~7 6 3 ~ ~ and Engell (1959) studied the oxidation rate of iron in
- 0 . 0 8 2 8 ~ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) atmospheres with oxygen concentrations in the range 1 to
100% for three temperatures that overlap the results
and this model is statistically adequate with F, = 1.1 1 com- obtained in the present work. Sachs and Tuck ( 1 970) also
pared with Fo,05,, ? = 3.37. The effect of grade and surface report parabolic oxidation rates for iron in pure oxygen, air
condition on the oxidation rate at low and high temperature and synthetic gases simulating combustion products. Data
conditions is shown in Figure 5. from these investigations and the present data are shown in
There are other variables and interactions that might the left graph of Figure 6 in an Arrhenius plot in the tem-
appear more important or rank higher than the interaction perature range of 600 to 1200°C. Sachs and Tuck ( 1 970)
term x6x7 in Table 10 and Figure 4. For example, the vari- also studied the high-temperature oxidation of mild steel in
ables x,, x2 and x3 and interactions x,xs and x,x7 are the next oxygen, air and synthetic combustion product gases. These
higher ranking effects in Figure 4 following the inclusion of results and data from the present study are shown in the right
temperature (x,) in the model. However, each of these vari- graph of Figure 6.
ables had a small to moderate correlation with the large
effect of temperature in the regression analysis. Interactions Discussion
from the group (xIx4+ xp3 + x,x7), on the other hand, had
a very low correlation with temperature and from this group, The present work demonstrates an experimental screen-
the interaction x,x7 appears to offer the most plausible ing study of a problem with important industrial applica-
explanation. tions. The variables chosen for investigation are consistent
The residuals from the model in Equation (10) exhibited with those of interest for industrial control of scale, namely
a larger dispersion at the low surface condition and hence a the oxidizing gas composition, temperature, and steel com-
weighted least squares procedure was also examined. position. The oxidation tests were performed with an expo-
Pooled estimates of the pure error variance at the two sur- sure time of 4 hours, a time scale typical of that employed in
face conditions for the replicate runs were obtained and used steel reheat furnaces for the batch heating of steel slabs. The
in estimating weights for all the experimental test condi- phased approach suggested in this work, based on the exper-
tions. The results of this analysis gave improved residual imental design strategy of Moms and Mitchell (1983), func-

Schmahl et al (1958) A
10.3 Rahmel and Engell(l959) C

'? i0-4
0 10-5


Figure 6 - Arrhenius graphs of the para-
' I


1.o 1.2 0.6 0.8 1.o 1.2

bolic rate constant for scale formation on
mild steel (present work) and iron (other
references) on the left graph and for scale
in,K - ~ X I O - ~ in,K - ~ X I O - ~ formation on mild steel on the right graph.

tions well in providing significant intermediate information of other variables (for example, the oxygen or gas concen-
about possible effects of interactions during the study. This tration for the work of Rahmel and Engell(l959) and Sachs
approach thus has merit in allowing for an interim reporting and Tuck (1 970) and the significant variables found in the
and/or assessment of project objectives at an intermediate present work) and experimental error.
stage. It should also be noted that the effects of the qualita- The fact that other variables/interactions appeared to rank
tive variables (steel history, grade and surface condition) higher than the interaction between grade and surface con-
were small in the initial stage of experimentation and the dition was due to the biased nature of the results from this
potential significance of some of these variables only Morris and Mitchell design (1983). Traditional alternatives
became apparent after the completion of the full pro- for the investigation of seven variables include the 27-3 frac-
gramme. Hence, one should also be aware of the potential tional factorial design involving 16 runs (plus replicates).
need for changes in conclusions drawn from early stages of This design will provide unbiased estimates of main effects
experimentation. While a significant temperature effect (an improvement over the present case) plus interactions in
might have been anticipated in this work, based on the lev- seven groups of three (similar to the present case). Hence,
els chosen for this variable, the fact that interactions could there is a penalty incurred in our implementation of the
also be ranked high in relative importance demonstrates the Morris and Mitchell design ( 1 983). but in the present work,
utility of the experimental strategy. The parabolic oxidation plausible results have been obtained and hrther tests could be
mechanism here employed is consistent with the observa- performed to confirm or reject these hypotheses. Computer
tions for all runs except the early stages of the low-temper- generated experimental designs (Myers and Montgomery,
ature runs. The results for run 1, in particular, did not indi- 1995) could be used for this task and with better hindsight
cate a parabolic behaviour for the first 6000 s. However, the might have been used at the outset in the present work, but
parabolic rate constants were estimated from the present it was felt that the Morris and Mitchell design (1983) would
data based on results for the last 6000 s where a distinct par- indicate the presence of significant effects at an early stage
abolic form was evident. This also corresponds to the time in the experimental program. The present results do indicate
when a larger scale growth develops on steel slabs in the these benefits and also point out some of the problems that
soak zone of reheat furnaces. Within this region a parabol- can arise in the final analysis of the results.
ic model provides an adequate description of the data for all Conclusion
test conditions, including those for run 1.
The effect of temperature is shown to be of greatest impor- Variables affecting the high temperature oxidation of low
tance in the present study while a two-factor interaction carbon steel samples have been examined in a laboratory-
between surface condition and grade is also important at a scale apparatus using a Morris and Mitchell ( 1 983) experi-
5% significance level. The effect of temperature is an expect- mental screening design. The experimental program includ-
ed result. The interaction term between surface condition and ed eleven runs for the basic design and nine replicate runs to
grade coupled with the main effects of these variables indi- obtain an estimate of the pure error variance. This type of
cates that for the low carbon grade, the cast surface has a design allows for an assessment of the effect of variables
lower oxidation rate or a more protective coating against oxi- and interactions between variables at an intermediate stage
dation than the machined surface condition. This observation of the experimental program. The independent variables
is important for experimental tests and indicates the impor- investigated included those commonly encountered in
tance of surface preparation in studies of oxidation kinetics. reheat furnace operation: gas composition, temperature,
The parabolic rate constants in the present work are sim- steel grade and surface preparation. The dependent variable
ilar in magnitude to those observed in previous studies of was the parabolic rate constant estimated from the mass
high temperature oxidation of iron and steel. A comparison gained by the steel samples during the oxidation process.
between the present data and previous results for the oxida- From the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
tion of iron indicates that the parabolic rate constant is typi- I . The phased approach using the Morris and Mitchell
cally lower for mild steel, as shown in Figure 6. The scatter (1983) screening design performed well in this study.
in the data sets shown in Figure 6 is attributable to the effect The intermediate results after four and six runs indicated


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