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Lutheran Quarterly Books TITLES Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification by Oswald Bayer (2003). ‘A More Rizal Gospet Essays on Eschatology, Authority, Atonement, and Eeume- nism by Gerhard 0, Forde, edited by Mark Mattes and Steven Paulson (2009) The Captivation of the Will: Luther vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage by Gerhard O, Forde (2004), The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology by Mark C, Mattes Harvesting Martin Lutter’ Reflections on Theology, Ethics, and the Church, es- says from Lutheran Quarterly edited by Timothy J. Wengert, with foreword by David C. Steinmetz (2004) Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method: From Martin Lu ther to the Formula of Concord by Robert Kolb (2005). Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method From Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord Robert Kolb Wruttas B, EerDMANs Pustisuinc CoMPANY Gran Rarips, MicHiGan / Campringe, U.K. © 2005 Wi. B Eerdmans Publishing Co. All rights reserved Wim. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 255 lffeson Ave. SE. Grand Raps, Mich bs, Michigan 49508 / 0, Box 16, Cambridge CB 9PU ULK Printed inthe United Stats of America © 09 of o7 06 o§ = 7 6 5.4321 Library of Congr Catbying in ublton Data Kol Raber. se ke ond Neg so Nai ath Ind toga erm SS ssn ote a e) Tia Dever aba. >. Fe land de History — wth century, 3. Er Deside peucen {Eras Dero is De iors die 4 Free will and determinism — Reli oe ius pect —~ athan Chachi of Goctrines — 16th century. L.Title. IL Series. ene Ba sR65 ee syi7i— don wonzerdmans.com 4.44 200S BT te 172839 Lis Kes Contents 3005 Bibliographical Abbreviations Acknowledgments Introduction: “One of the Most Famous Exchanges in Western Intellectual History” Content and Method in Wittenberg Theology ‘The Reception of De servo arbitrio as a Theological fssue 1. “None of My Works Is Worth Anything, Except Perhaps De servo arbitrio..”: Luther and the Bondage of Human Choice Erasmus and Luther: A Feud Waiting to Happen ‘The Nature of De servo arbitrio “The Roots of Luther's View of Choice ‘The Theology of De servo arbitrio Let God Be God God Hidden and Revealed God Chooses His Own God Saves through the Means of Grace CONCORDIA SEMINARY LIBRARY ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI 0 5 8 2 32 3 38 8 Bound Choice investigation of how Luther's own students and their contemporaries in the quarter-century after his death used De servo arbitri, particularly in the ‘course of the “synergistic” controversy within the Wittenberg circle over the freedom of the will end, in the controversy’s later stages, over predestination ‘or God's election of his own people. The study begins by suggesting an out- line of Luther's views and Melanchthon’s positions on the topics that shaped their disciples'teaching on the human will and God's plan for the salvation of sinners. It concludes with an analysis of the solution to these controverted questions attained by the Formula of Concord, the final attempt in the six- teenth century to formulate a definitive definition or interpretation of Lu: thers theology for the churches that claimed his name. To assess its answers to the critical questions of that age regarding the human will and God's gra- cious choosing. his own people, readers need an orientation to the debates of that period as they were grounded in the thought of Luther and his col- league, Melanchthon, For students and followers synthesized what they had learned from “Doctor Luther” and “the Preceptor,”as they called the younger colleague. This study presumes that these two theologians and theie disciples struggled to make clear that God, as the ereator of all that is and the moving agent of all that happens, exercises total responsibility for everything in hi

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