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Made by and be tween

intarned inovatif Medika) ve E nerji Urilnleri i~ ve D1~ Ticaret Limited ~irketi, with its
registered oflice at Yildtzevler Mahallesi 7 14 . Sokak Vizyon Plaza No: 5/7 06550 <;ankaya,
Ankara, Turkey, represented by: Mr. Cahit Kalm, General Director
Identification number: 383 164
Legal Form: Private L imited Company
(hereinafter: "lntamed'")

Slovenská pol'nohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, with its registered office at T r. A. Hlinku
2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia , represented by: Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD.
Identification number: 00397482
Legal Form : public university
(hereinafter: " SUA'')
together hereinafter. parties, on the below mentioned date and place, agree with the following
Pursuant to which above mentioned Parties agree to join forces for the implementation of the
Project defined in Point l. , to submit a joint proposal for this purpose and to establish a
consortium for the execution of the contract in case of a successful Bid. This Pre-Bid
Agreement contains the following conditions:

l. Preparation and submission of a proposal for the tender " Technical assistance for the
establishment of a farm advisory system(FAS) in Tur key'\ Publication Ref. No.
2. Providing any further information which may be required by the Client or negotiating
with the C lient on any matters requiring negotiation in connection with the Proposal ;
3. Under the following terms and conditions ascertaining their related intentions,
obligations, and responsibilities. -
here by;
1. The Parties agree that they intend to associate to prepare and submit a Proposal for the

Ydd tzcvkr Mahallcsi 714. Soka!-: Vi/:on Plaza ~o: 5/7 06550 <;:ankaya. Ankara. Turkey
2. The Parties agree that in the event that their Proposal is successful and the contract is
awarded to the Consortium tbey intend to perform all the Services to be undertaken for
the Project by the Consortium.
3. The Parties declare that they do not participate in any other Consortium for the same
contract, whatever the form of the participation is.
4. The Parties agree to establish a Consortium for the sole purpose of this tender
consisting of Intamed, SUA and Herman Ottó Intézet. The seat of Herman Ottó lntézet
is David Mezôszentgyôrgyi. legal form : Govermental lnstitution
The Consortium is led by lntamed.
5. In case the Consortium led by Intamed receives award of contract, SUA authorizes
[ntamed to sign the main contract (hereinafter: Main Contract) with the Central
Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), Ankara,Turkey.
6. Each Party declares that this agreement is in its best interest and will work toward the
winning of and iť won toward the successful completion of the Tender.
7. The parties confirm that they participate in the proposal preparation and in searching
for the best possible Key Experts and Short Term experts for the successful
implementation of the project according to the requirements defined in the Terms of
Reference, and upon winning of the tender during the lnception Phase. The Inception
Phase of the project implementation contains the staring activities to achieve
concurrence among all stakeholders on the lifecycle obj ectives for the project
8. The parties agree that SUA wi ll have the possibility to provide International Senior or
Junior Non-Key or Key Experts according to the project needs and demands of
Intamed , for the smooth and successful impl.e mentation of the Project.
9. The parties agree that Intamcd shall provide the Loca! Senior and Junior Non-Key
Experts and Key Experts according to the project needs for the smooth and successful
implementation of the Project.
l O. The sclection of the Experts shall be transparent. and shall be based on pre-defined
criteria, including professíonal qualifications, language skills and work experience as
well as the duration of work.
11. The Parties agree that Intamed will manage the in-country project administration
costs, and will allocate the necessary financial and human resources for the smooth
and successful implementation of the project according to the details of the
Consortium Agreement and the Main Contract.
12. Intamed, as the consortium leader shall be responsible for the financial admini stration
of the project and shall maintain separate accounting for the project.
13. This agreement comes into force the day it is s igned by the Parties and is terminated
only in one of the fo llowing cases:

YJidt/.evlcr Mahullesi 7 14. Sokak Vit.von Plaza No: 517 06550 <;ankaya, Ankara. l urkcy
a. If this consortium is successfully se lected for the S hort Li st (list of
candidates) this Pre Bid Agreement shall be replaced by a mutually agreed
Consortium Agreement which will define the terms of cooperation
(including professionaL operational and financial details) based on the
principles ofthis Pre-Bid Agreement;

b. lf this tender is not successful and no contract is awarded to the

Consortium this agreement is terminated on the day of a delivery of
Announcement on the unsuccessful proposal for Tender.

14. The parties declare that they will try to settle any disputes and damages ari sing from
this Pre-B id Agreement in a peaceful way uti lizing alternative dispute resolution
m ethods such as mediation and arbitration. In case of failure of such dispute resolution
methods and/or !aek of a settlement the parties agreed that they subject themselves to
the Iaws of Belgium as the Project has been funded by the European Commission
situating in Brussels, if not otherwi se agreed by the conflicting Parties. T his
Agreement represents and consti tutes the entire agreement between the Parties and
shall not be explained, modified or contradicted by any prior or contemporaneous
negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. Any ame ndments to
this Agreement must be agreed in writing.

15. The Parties shall not be entitled to make any legally binding declarations on behalf of
the o ther Party and nothi ng in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a joint
venture, agency, partne rship, interest grouping or any other kind of formal business
grouping or entity between the Parties except the establi shment of consortium for the
tender defined in Article l .
16. This agreement is read. fully agreed by and signed by Parties on the day stated below.

Date: Nitre, 20 J uly 201 6 Date: Ankara, 20 Ju ly 20 16

Slovenská pol'nohospodárska univerzita INTAMEO

v Nitre
inovatif Medika l ve Ene rji Uriioleri i~
ve D1~ T icarct Limited ~irketi


Dr. Peter Bielik, PhD.

General Director

Y1ldt:tt.:vler \-1 ahalk~i 714. Sokak VizYon Plaza t'\o: 517 06.550 <;ankaya, Ankara. Turkcy

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