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Happy Humble Hermit 38,400 words.


MGTOW Musings Volume 1

by Happy Humble Hermit

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Table of Contents

i. Introduction (2)
ii. Quest for Freedom Part 1: The End of the Beginning (3)
iii. Quest for Freedom Part 2: Anger and Control (6)
iv. You Have Time (9)
v. Couldn’t I Just Be Single (12)
vi. Control Your Demons (14)
vii. MGTOW and the Fermi Paradox (16)
viii. Sexbots Seeking MGTOW (19)
ix. An Empty Plantation (22)
x. Why People Hate MGTOW (24)
xi. Deprogram Yourself (26)
xii. See One, See All (30)
xiii. No Quarter For Men (32)
xiv. Never Stray From the Way (35)
xv. Finding Peace (39)
xvi. There is No Right Girl, Unicorns Don’t Exist(44)
xvii. MGTOW is the Ultimate Investment (47)
xviii. The Different Types of MGTOW (49)
xix. Enjoy Your Freedom (52)
xx. MGTOW is a Superpower (55)
xxi. MGTOW is the Most Valuable Thing in the Universe (58)
xxii. Women Replaced By Machines (62)
xxiii. Women are Born, Men are Made (66)
xxiv. The Old Script is Trash (69)
xxv. Solitude is Not Loneliness (72)
xxvi. The 10 Worst Traits of Female Nature (75)
xxvii. There is No Table (79)
xxviii. Your Efforts Are Wasted on Her (81)
xxix. Don’t Put MGTOW in a Box (83)
xxx. She Denies the Wall (85)
xxxi. Being Pretty is No Longer Enough (87)
xxxii. 10 Self-Improvement Tips for MGTOW (89)
xxxiii. The Meaning of My Logo and Name (92)
MGTOW Musings Volume 1


What started as an attempt to write longer pieces that wouldn't fit on the MGTOW
subreddit has expanded into video essays that reach hundreds of thousands of men and a
call-in show that acts as a platform for men from all nations, backgrounds and ages to
share their thoughts and experiences. I thought I was humbled before starting this
endeavor, but I have never felt more humility than when I compiled the essays for this
book and realized that my ramblings are of value to men in ways I can never fully
comprehend. Just as Sandman and Turd Flinging Monkey gave value to me that they did
not foresee in their works, if my works can guide a man to his eternal freedom, then it is
my responsibility to approach this subject with the utmost respect and preparation.

As of writing this, I am only 22 years old. Surely every man reading this has a voice.
Now is the time to utilize it. We live in a pivotal moment in history, and each of you can
help another man find his way through this chaos that has been thrust upon us. If you
dedicate your efforts to yourself, you can savor the freedom that men in history and men
today have longed for, and with that freedom, discover a world of possibilities.


MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Quest For Freedom Part 1: The End of the Beginning

You have entered the MGTOW community because you felt something was wrong,
something about the world around you and the way people interacted with it felt
predetermined, almost mechanical. You observed men go through pain and loss at the
hands of those they loved the most, but you pushed it out of your mind until one day it
happened to you. What you thought could never happen under your roof has now set
your house on fire, and as you try your best to douse the fire and preserve the things that
are most precious to you from the flames, you risk losing yourself in the inferno.
MGTOW is about letting that house burn, and finding peace in the detachment from
everything the house means to you.

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps,
the end of the beginning." - Winston Churchill

There are many fundamentals of MGTOW that you will have to come to terms with,
but for now accept that the time of servitude and dissatisfaction is over. Never again will
you sacrifice time or happiness to build and maintain that house which became your
prison. The dreams you had as a child, the ones that you gave up for a normal life with a
normal wife, are now back on the table. That trip you wanted to take is now within reach.
Sleeping in and relaxing won't seem like such a crime anymore, and you may find
yourself spontaneously doing things you would have to plan in advance before. These
are just a few examples of what your new beginning can look like.

As you begin to move forward in your quest for freedom, don't look at your past with
anger or sadness. Cherish it because it led you to the freedom that you now are able to
enjoy everyday. No amount of pain is greater than freedom. It isn't wasted time, your
path was just a longer one than other MGTOW men. This should help you in the long
run by creating a strong aversion to ever even entertaining the idea of returning to that
house, to the plantation where you toiled away for scraps of affection and

To fully burn that house down, we need to accept and internalize the concept of
To fully burn that house down, we need to accept and internalize the concept
MGTOW ofVolume 1

AWALT, or all women are like that, as well as being realistic with our expectations and
desires in life. For now, just cherish the basic and tangible realities of your freedom. Take
the time to enjoy the little things, the things that you kept from yourself in the past. As
you continue to swallow red pills and begin to see the world that was hidden from you, it
is important to establish a clear and defined vision of what you want for yourself and
how you want your life to look like with your new outlook. The last thing you want is to
wither away in a life of hedonism, living day to day and pursuing pleasures that never

Meditation is one of the many topics we'll be thinking about later, but for now you
should just think in general concepts, analyzing and getting specific can come later.
Write your goals on a piece of paper if you need a tangible item to refer back to.

Is money important to you? If you don't have children, you only need to support
yourself now that the concept of the home and all its trappings have been removed from
your desires. Now that you're past attracting women, do you really want the things that
you wanted before? Consider if you really wanted that nice car or if you just wanted it as
a status symbol. You don't need status if you have no need for what it brings to your life.

If you're a younger MGTOW, maybe money is important to you because you want to
retire early. If you live frugally, you should be able to take care of yourself, far better
than men at the plantation can. Do you want to sacrifice your time and your body for
money? A short term sacrifice may be beneficial for your long term goals, only you can
decide where your path takes you.

Maybe traveling is a bigger priority, which requires a substantial amount of money to

do it right. When I'm older, I will sail around the world. I don't want to do this before 50,
so I have plenty of time to stockpile money and enjoy youth. If you're older and on a
different path, you may have to make some sacrifices in other areas to make it work.

The important part of this exercise is to visualize your endgame. You need to find
happiness and practice leisure every day, but you should always have short and long term
goals to work towards. The pace at which you work towards them can now be altered
because you don't have a parasite feeding off of you or others depending on you, but you
should still keep that drive and ambition alive. My endgame is retiring in a cabin by a
lake. I love writing, so I want to have at least one book published. Living a MGTOW
lifestyle, those two goals, which in another man's life may seem like unattainable dreams,
are now well within my grasp and realistic. With an endgame established, everything else
is simply icing on the cake. Cars, trips, clothes, and all of the material benefits of going
MGTOW, should be made secondary because you need to find peace without them.
Once you do that, you'll be able to appreciate them even more because you will realize
that they are truly expendable. This detachment can be best explained with the story of
that they are truly expendable. This detachment can be best explainedMGTOW
with the storyVolume
Musings of 1
the monk and the tea cup.

A monk drank his tea from the same cup every morning. One day, someone knocks
the cup over, breaking it. Surprised at the monk's calm reaction, the person asked the
monk why he wasn't upset. He claimed that the cup was already broken, and that he
savored each moment with it because he knew eventually it would come to an end. If you
can apply this to not only material objects, but people and experiences, you can
accelerate the process of finding peace with yourself and the world around you.

If you choose to interact with women after going MGTOW, it is vital to have this
mentality. Whatever relationship you find yourself in will never result in marriage or
cohabitation, so it will reach its conclusion faster. We will look at the advantages and
disadvantages of pump and dump versus monk mode, but for now try and incorporate
this mentality where you can in your life. Some things will last longer than others, like a
real friendship with a real man, and those lasting things should be valued and cherished,
but don't mourn their passing because there are always new experiences to be had.

Before MGTOW, you held on to things with a scarcity mentality, and in turn this
dependence left you in a powerless state. Going MGTOW doesn't automatically make
you a powerful and accomplished man, but it does set you on the course to become it.
The journey never ends, even after your death, because what you accomplish and create
now can inspire and invigorate men after you have passed.

The main takeaway from this should be the creation of a real, tangible plan for
yourself. Don't feel ashamed if your plan seems simple, not every man desires wealth.
Remove everyone and everything from the equation and see what you're left with, that
will give you a good place to start. People say it's not good to talk about your plans with
other people before completing it, but I disagree. It's not good to talk to people who
would take pleasure seeing you fail, but sharing your thoughts with like-minded men in
our community is an excellent way to get feedback and new ideas.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Quest for Freedom Part 2: Anger and Control

The red pill rage that consumes you after seeing the truth has to be controlled,
otherwise you will lose yourself in the endless pit of hatred because there is never an end
to things that create hate. Make no mistake, the rage is useful, but you must direct it and
you must have full control of it, otherwise you will be controlled by it.

Hating something doesn't change it. Hating something is the manifestation of your
desire to change it. If you hate what society has become, you are still investing time and
energy in to it by thinking about it and worrying about what will happen. If you hate
women, that doesn't change the reality of female nature. You want it to be different, but it
can't be. Hating white knights doesn't change their pathetic behaviors, it enforces it.

It is important that the problems of society, women and white knights are addressed,
and ridicule is a part of that because there's nothing we can do to change those problems,
it is an admission of the futility of it. Your anger is created from the vision you had and
the reality you face. You were told one thing and it turned out to be something else
entirely. This starts with women, but the red pill has now been attributed to seeing any
truth that you did not before.

The rage can consume you into a comatose state. Instead, redirect that desire for
change into yourself. Having an outlet to vent is important for getting over the initial
stages of rage, that's why you see a lot of the forums in the manosphere being critical and
redundant. Being able to channel all that energy can create productivity and the change
you want to see. Negative energy is still energy, so put it to use.

Eventually you will be able to let go of the rage and reach acceptance and peace, but
you might find complete detachment to be a bit too passive and unproductive. Instead,
consider changing the nature of your emotions, the cause for them and their application.
Try reducing your anger to a primal rage, free of a cause from a person or an event in
your life, just the raw energy that can be used to build yourself with. Learning to
appreciate the journey and the struggles that come with it doesn't mean you have to let go
of basic emotions, you just have to temper them.

I'm a skinny guy, and my best work outs are when I channel that primal rage. It
I'm a skinny guy, and my best work outs are when I channel that primal
MGTOWrage. It Volume 1

doesn't come from wanting to be bigger or being able to lift more or what I will look like
or what I want to look like, it comes from the simple fact that I have decided that the
weight must be lifted and that it will be lifted, regardless of any emotions or excuses. A
basic, primal rage that the immovable must be moved and it is inevitable that it will be,
no matter the pain or aversion to it.

When I make these essays, I channel that primal rage. I'm past the red pill rage and
the depression that comes after it, but so many men are not. MGTOW saves lives, and
my life was saved, but others are still in need of what MGTOW can give. I have peace
of mind, but others do not. The desire to change that is redirected into the essays, the
primal rage that can take form into something productive and tangible.

You have many outlets to channel that primal rage, your body being one of the most
important. Build yourself and suffer doing it as a release for the anger because having it
build up and poison your soul will do nothing for you. As you build your body, build
your mind. Read everyday, even if only for 20 minutes, away from the computer with a
real book. As you begin to build and expand, you will see that the rage helps you focus,
it creates a tunnel vision for whatever you direct it towards.

This is an incredibly useful tool, but it is incredibly dangerous. Having that tunnel
vision can block your awareness, so the meditation you will practice will create a
balance, allowing you to look objectively at what you are creating, what you are aspiring
to and where your thoughts linger.

There are plenty of ways to meditate, and I'm still experimenting so I'll just share the
two that have worked best for me. Sit cross-legged and rest your hands on your knees
like the stereotypical image of a monk meditating. Be sure your back is straight and keep
it that way because you will likely slouch as you meditate. The first method is to think of
nothing and focus on breathing calmly. Don't try to force thoughts out of your head,
instead entertain them and see where they go. Think of it as emptying your browser
history or taking out the trash, you are just letting your mind wander until it clears itself
of thoughts and focuses on your breathing patterns. Do this until you are only thinking
about your breathing. The next time you do this it will take a little shorter to reach the
calm, focused state, and every time after you will reach the state quicker.

The second method is to envision a peaceful image in your head. I have two: the first
is a blank sheet of white paper, the second is a lake in the middle of a forest surrounded
by trees. The trees are all still and nothing is moving in either scene. Once you have your
image established, change it in a small way. For the page, it is an ink drop, and I envision
how the ink spreads on the blank piece of paper. For the lake, it is a drop of water that
falls into the center and sends ripples throughout the water. Envision the change to its
completion and then return to the peaceful image where you began.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

These are just two methods I have used, there are plenty out there for you to discover
or create for yourself. It is important to do this because if you learn to channel and
unleash that primal rage, it will consume you in whatever outlet you direct it towards.
That tunnel vision isn't always beneficial. As an example, the last semester of college I
was taking 5 courses at a college that was an hour away while working full-time 40 hours
a week. The tunnel vision helped me establish a routine and focus, but I wasn't happy
and it wasn't fun. Now my schedule is much better while still being efficient after I had a
long meditation and looked at what I was doing objectively.

Think of the primal rage as a horse. Unrestrained, it is wild, dangerous and hard to
tame. Once tamed, it can take you where you need to go through any weather, any battle,
with any amount of baggage you might bring along. It is dependable and docile, needing
a good rider to direct it and use it to its full capability.

Reading required books like "The Rational Male" or listening to the great MGTOW
channels might fuel the fire of that anger inside you, but that anger doesn't just have to sit
there and take up space. Put it to use, harness it and make it work for you.

The focus you will get and the success from it will naturally attract women, combined
with the improved body and mind. If you let them derail your quest for freedom, you will
lose all the progress you have made.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

You Have Time

To any person of credibility, be it an amateur philosopher, a rising businessman, or

one with a craft that they are honing, time is the obstacle that will bar their progress
throughout their journey. Most people have a fear of losing the time that they have left in
their lives, while few respect the nature of time. By coming to terms with time and how
we can better spend it, we can approach the world from a more established position of
focus and with the intent to use our time to the best of our abilities.

Time is the only resource that is involuntarily spent and cannot be replenished (as far
as we know). Life itself can be restored in our time through the miracles of modern
medicine, where a man can be declared dead one moment and revived the next, but time
remains out of reach from the meddling of man. With this in mind, instead of fighting the
passing of time and fearing its eventual end, perhaps we should come to understand how
we can best spend the time that is given to us.

Time is as majestic as it is unknowable. No one can tell you when your time will
come to an end with absolute certainty, so each and every one of us is faced with our
own mystery to contend with. It is our own responsibility to manage our time, yet we
often find ourselves delegating that management to others, people often less qualified to
manage anything remotely as significant as our time.

To fear the passing of time is to live outside reality. By acknowledging your complete
lack of control over the driving force in your life while simultaneously realizing you can
have more control that you think, you can begin to repair the relationship with the cosmic
forces at work beyond your comprehension.

To begin managing your time efficiently, you must set your priorities. Your craft
should be your top priority, or at least among the top priorities in your life. Consider for
a moment all of the ways a person can waste time, and then reflect on how many people
you know who actively throw away the gift of life they have been given. Think of all the
people at this very moment who are:

● playing video games, from MMOs to modern consoles to outdated gaming

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

● watching Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, Youtube, television

● browsing Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Snapchat, 4chan
● smoking, drinking, doing drugs
● sleeping
● texting
● sitting in a classroom they don't want to be in, doing homework
● working at a menial, satisfying job
● driving
● eating
● in prison

If we were to conduct a survey of all of the people worldwide partaking in those

activities right now, it would be in the hundreds of millions. This is who you will be
competing against. With a basic understanding and respect for the nature of time, you
will quickly put yourself ahead of hundreds of millions in regards to being productive.
That's not to say that these activities can't provide some merit, only that they should be
taken in extreme moderation.

Moderation is the key principle to consider when managing your time. Each of the
activities listed above have positive and negative traits. Doing homework can instill a
rigorous work ethic, but you were not placed on this earth to follow instructions and
complete work that does not apply to everyday living. Playing video games while
listening to an informative podcast can provide an outlet for relaxation while still
remaining engaged, but it absorbs you to the point of doing nothing else.

I would argue that it is healthy to have one activity that constituents as a time waster,
in that it provides no clear tangible product from your time investment. Every person in
our history has had such an activity, from the ancient hermits of China like Tao
Yuanming, who idly strolled through the countryside to Albert Einstein's hiking trips.

Some may believe in a second life, some may believe in an eternal void, I would
hope that all can reconcile the fact that this life is limited by time. If there is a heaven or
some form of reincarnation, it still does not change that I only have so much time to do
what I desire in this life, in this form. I have found two extremes in both parties, neither
of which are comforting.

Some that believe in life beyond death are nonchalant in their time expenditures,
often with a carefree expression and a reliance on their belief of unlimited time beyond
the grave. This is as dangerous as it is sad, as no promise of salvation can erase the
overwhelming sense of guilt of a life wasted.

The other extreme that some express is the futility of concerning oneself over time.
The other extreme that some express is the futility of concerning oneself
MGTOW over time.
Musings Volume 1

Some that don't believe in an afterlife take a cynical approach, that nothing matters
because after death, there is nothing. This nihilistic thinking leads to self-destructive
tendencies that can often be more harmful that the previously described naivety.

I do not follow an organized religion, and I don't see myself ever following one, but I
do consider myself to be very spiritual. Whether there is an afterlife or not, a form of
afterlife is present in our world. The works of men and women long dead, from literature
to architecture to songs, exist on this plane of existence after the creators have long since
perished. A legacy can be created beyond flesh and blood that persists through the ages,
withstanding the onslaught of time.

Reflecting on all the time that has been wasted in one's life is a powerful, anger-
invoking experience. Try to be understanding with yourself and realize that those
wasteful activities led you to where you are now. Perhaps you learned something from
that video game or movie, or your creativity was unleashed from that museum you
visited. No activity is ever a true waste of time because it provides another moment of
sentience, but some activities are more useful than others. By realizing this, you can still
partake in the lesser activities in moderation so that you may find true value in those that
provide you with fulfillment. Soon you may see no need for the lesser activities, and will
have reached a milestone in your life as you climb towards your apex.

With your goals in mind, you must embark on your journey of self-improvement.
There is no room for half-measures here, as they are more dangerous that simply having
no full-measures. Think of the obese woman who rides a bicycle to where she needs to
be: she will use that small amount of exercise to justify her poor diet throughout the day,
negating any benefits she may have reaped from her brief bout of activeness. This is a
half-measure, and she would have been better off not riding the bicycle so that her poor
diet negatively impacts her on a greater scale, either prompting her to take a full-
measured response or to wallow in her self-pity, sparing us all the sight of her on a

Once you see the fruits of your labor, you will become addicted to the pursuit of
productivity. The most important part is to prepare for the plateau that every striving
person reaches and to be able to push through this lapse in growth. This is arguably the
toughest stage, and can be best overcome through moderation in productivity. Yes, easing
off the pedal and reflecting and regrouping yourself to prepare for the next push. This
sense of moderation should apply to everything in life to create a harmonious balance. It
is a delicate balance indeed, as you can easily slip back into the time-wasting habits of
yesterday, but you do not want to burn yourself out over the pursuit of your dreams.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Couldn't I Just Be Single?

Accepting that men and women approach the same situations from different
perspectives is one of the many red pills that a man must swallow in our day and age,
when everything and everyone says otherwise. Women operate on a binary decision
making process, there is no nuance, only absolutism. Either she is attracted or she is not,
there is no in between. She may be able to rationalize and justify why she insists on
pretending she is attracted, but a red-pilled man will be able to see through any ruse she
creates. The simple idea of a man going his own way is such a foreign concept to a
woman, such an inverse of their reality, that it isn't even considered an option to them.

If a woman is able to attract a man, she is always involved with at least one man in
some capacity. The concept of being single has two different definitions for men and
women. A single man today hopefully fills his time pursuing his hobbies and goals in
addition to the opposite sex if he so desires. A single woman fills her time getting filled,
and when she is empty she spends her time wasting away in the various outlets of the
consumerism industry she helped build.

The return on investment for a man in a relationship is never considered by a woman

because it would demonstrate how little she brings to the relationship. Such a hit to the
ego must be avoided at all costs because recovery is unlikely. Every MGTOW has been
or will be asked why they are single. If this question is posed by a man, the response will
vary based on the man's testosterone and level of cuckery. If this question is posed by a
woman, her response will be of disbelief or disgust, depending on your sexual
marketplace value. I have gotten to the point where I just shrug my shoulders as an
answer, no matter the person.

Whether you are new to MGTOW or have been going your own way for some time,
society will always judge you based on your utility to it and the collective it serves. You
are not a person to it, only a collection of skills and consumer patterns. From an objective
perspective, this makes sense: if you reap the benefits of a society, you should give
something back in return. The problem comes when you allow society or women to
define your value. If you are a man who can think for himself, act on his own behalf and
pursue his own short term and long term goals, you are invaluable. No amount of
resources or treasure can replace you, your potential is limitless.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

This isn't an exaggeration. Each of you knows men who are subservient to a boss, or
a wife, or a culture that he so desperately wants to fit in to. Imagining what these
enslaved men could accomplish without their chains is a painful exercise, but a necessary
one. You have no place as a slave, if you can dream of freedom you can attain it.

If you let other people determine your value, you lose all agency over yourself. The
concept of a sexual marketplace value makes sense, but seeing how easily you can
manipulate it destroys any sense of meaningful worth. Look at the scandal of Harvey
Weinstein, a man with an objectively low sexual marketplace value that manipulated
female nature to get laid. All of the red pill tenets that worked to build your value were
surpassed with wealth and power because the value of a man and his utility is determined
by a woman. Once you remove that power from them, and then everyone in your life,
you become closer to freedom.

Who cares what people want from you? Your purpose is not to appease them or
supply them with entertainment, to be the filler until the next attraction comes along.
Plenty of things have value in my life that have little to no utility because I don't need the
utility. If you operate from an independent outlook on life, you can look at things for
what they are instead of what you can get from them.

What have you done for me lately? Every woman will ask this of you, no matter what
you have done in the past or your plans for the future. You need to constantly provide,
and once the rate of production has been established, the quantity desired will increase.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Control Your Demons

Getting over the natural attraction to women is one of the greatest challenges you will
face on your MGTOW journey. A wank a day will keep the harpies at bay, but that is a
temporary solution. You need to rip the band aid off and face the problem directly to
remove the possibility of falling back into the traps you are now aware of.

I'm not advocating for a pump and dump lifestyle or a monk mode lifestyle because I
alternate between the two myself. If I compare my results from both, monk mode is
objectively better for yielding results for my goals, improving focus and providing a
consistent standard of happiness. I have found that I deviate from monk mode not
because of lust, but because of boredom. I would seek to shake up the monk lifestyle
with the unexpected, which is what women excel at. Like yin and yang, men can be
made into the rock, steady and strong, that the ocean of women, shifting and formless,
beats against. If you choose to apply game for limited interactions, have fun, but this
essay addresses the problem of requiring those interactions.

If you can't fully go your own way, in whatever way that is, because you're still
dependent on sexual interactions with women, you need to apply all your effort and
willpower into overcoming this obstacle, because it will forever block your path. When
you see an attractive woman, don't look at the physical aspects, instead consider what is
hidden from view. Think of the price you would have to pay, either monetary or in your
precious time. Think of all the risk you would be opening yourself up to, both diseases
and allegations. Imagine the worst case scenario, and practice this until your preservation
instinct outweighs your desire. Once you are able to consciously control your desire, you
can begin to interact with women from a safer position. The one trait they rely on to
manipulate you, which is your desire for them, is now out of reach and guarded. Any
interaction you have will now be on your own terms, the best scenario for a man going
his own way.

To totally overcome desire, you need a feeling that surpasses it. I've found three
experiences that give me greater satisfaction than any sexual act a woman could perform,
and I'm still young. The first is the soreness after a good workout, this gives me greater
physical feedback than any orgasm, just as Arnold Schwarzenegger said in "Pumping
Iron". The second is total calmness after meditation, which doesn't happen every time but
Iron". The second is total calmness after meditation, which doesn't happen
MGTOWevery time
Musings but1

is a great, euphoric feeling. The third is the act of creation. I developed my first app in
high school, and the feeling I got when I uploaded that shitty game to the App Store was
the greatest culmination of pride, accomplishment and confidence. Whatever your
passion is, you have so much time to pursue it instead of pursing women. If you don't
have a passion, go out and find one.

A man who doesn't require sex is a foreign visitor in the societies around the world,
which are built on the power of sexual attraction. Getting over tens of thousands of years
of evolution is not a small task, and it will take time. Don't feel shame for desiring, just
try and control it as best you can and eventually it will become easier to live without it.
Once you can live without it, you can interact if you choose to from a place where you
aren’t dependent on it.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

MGTOW and the Fermi Paradox

What if the current state of modern society is not unique to humans? What if female
nature is consistent across all or most intelligent species in the universe? I am proposing
that female nature, or the rise of feminism, is a potential filter for the Fermi Paradox and
an explanation for the absence of extraterrestrial life.

The prosperity required to create feminism is the catalyst for the end of a civilization.
Perhaps nature has encoded this failsafe, designed to prevent any one species from
becoming too advanced, into the mating strategy of weaker men.

Any sexually dimorphic alien species will face the same problems we face because
the female of the species will have evolved with the same behavioral tendencies to
manipulate the males in her vicinity for survival. This assumed similarity in female
sexual strategy between species means the males operate on the same assumptions.
Eventually, any alien species will be overwhelmed by lesser males empowering the
women as a means of destabilizing the mating pool for a chance to reproduce, or by a
sinister force that seeks to destabilize the civilization for ulterior motives. If the
biological impulses are designed to deteriorate a civilization after it reaches a certain
level of prosperity, then the only thing that can be trusted to ensure survival and
continued growth is an enduring culture. This, of course, is virtually impossible because
cultures change with each generation, as things are stripped away and added over time.

To better illustrate my point, let's consider what a successful species could do to reach
the stars. If intelligence is based on genetics and environmental factors, perhaps there is a
species that took their best and brightest and gave them a harem of females to reproduce
with, giving their offspring every advantage needed to succeed and prosper for the
greater good of the species. Imagine if Isaac Newton, one of the great MGTOW of
history, was provided a harem at no expense and not required to expend any time in
maintaining it. Some alien species might have learned to use the females as a reward
mechanism for the males on a planetary scale, in addition to the institution of marriage to
provide an outlet of productivity for men on an individual scale. Using men's
reproductive urges as a driving force of creation instead of a means to control them is the
reproductive urges as a driving force of creation instead of a means toMGTOW
is the1
difference between a space-faring civilization and a doomed one.

Don't get your panties in a bunch, buddy. I'm not advocating for marriage, I'm
acknowledging that marriage is the bedrock of civilization and gives men a reason to
continue building and maintaining it. Going MGTOW is harder for the average man than
you realize, which makes our current situation even more perplexing. What kind of
sexual strategy, on the part of females, advocates for forcing 80% of the males out of the
pool of potential mates? It is a self-correcting problem, as no society can withstand the
raw destructive nature of feminism, but why does this happen? Looking at the Roman
civilization, women had the most rights at the end of the civilization, only to lose it all
after the collapse. If women are weaker in body and mind, which they are, what madness
drove men to give them control of society? The answer is the great filter that is
prosperity. Most of the filters already existing in the Fermi Paradox except for exterior
forces like natural disasters or meteors are a product of prosperity. Nuclear Armageddon
is only possible because of the advancement of technology, as is resource depletion and
overpopulation. Feminism is included as a product of prosperity as well, because it can
only exist in certain delicate conditions.

These repeated mistakes throughout our history are due to the cyclical nature of
civilizations. There is a great book called "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers:
Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000" by Paul Kennedy which
explores the causes of decline between the great empires of history and how they differ
and more often coincide. Men have understood female nature at different points in time.
Reading old texts from Greece, China and Japan gives an insight into cultures of
masculinity and pride. This type of culture can never endure because there are always
more losers than winners, more men with weak wills looking for an opportunity to
dethrone and destroy a stronger man. As technology advanced and equalized the playing
field by extending the life expectancy for the weaker men and giving them the means to
attack the physically superior, the game changed. It no longer was about passing on
knowledge to the worthy, to those who could understand it and use it to control and
manipulate the world around them, but instead to appeal to the masses, to win over the
lowest common denominator.

There is hope for fixing this problem with the same advancement of technology that
helped create it, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it. The artificial wombs that so
many men in the MGTOW community wish for would leave half the population to
wither and die, something unrealistic for a society that isn't even as gynocentric as ours.
Expect regulations and bans on future reproductive technology to prevent men from
liberating themselves from the system.

As MGTOW, we may understand that female nature must be controlled, that it is a

dangerous force that can inspire men to slave away and build the world and that it can
dangerous force that can inspire men to slave away and build the world and that
MGTOW it can
Musings Volume 1

also destroy that which he has built, but a lustful man cannot be made to see reason, and
there are too many lustful men preventing change. I imagine there are other groups of
male aliens going their own way on their planet as everything goes to shit around them,
wondering if their situation is unique, but I take solace in knowing that nature is the
force behind this collapse, and the corrupted men and women partaking in the downfall
are merely the instruments.

The carnage that will ensue after the final levee breaks are products of prosperity. If
there is to be a nuclear war, it would not be for its own sake, but rather the end result of
what has been brewing for a long time.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Sexbots Seeking MGTOW

If women make up the majority of the consumer market, then they naturally get to
shape the marketplace. The female sexbot industry, however, will be completely shaped
by men and their spending habits. This means that the sexdoll companies, and effectively
the sexdolls themselves, will be fighting for your attention in the very near future.
Companies will fight to please you and the innovation in the industry will explode as
money pours in to fill the gap that women have created in the sexual marketplace. As
Turd Flinging Monkey's sexdoll shows, it is possible to escape the uncanny valley, and it
will only get better with time. When the companies start using anime style heads, the
appeal will reach new heights. Imagine if you could shop for your favorite characters, or
even your favorite celebrities.

If we apply Moore's Law to the sexbot industry, then the rate of advancement will
continue to skyrocket. Instead of wondering 'what if', we should be asking 'what then?'
Assume that the ultimate artificial women, made to your exact preferences, is around the
corner, because it is. Contrary to popular opinion, most men want more than sex. After
watching TFM's sex doll videos last year, I decided to see what all the fuss was about
and ordered something off Amazon, I don't even know what to call it because it's not a
full torso but it's not a pocket pussy either. With lube and a heater, it is objectively better
than condom sex, effectively replacing women for $50. Now that I know the hype is
warranted, imagine this combined with a full body with an artificial intelligence
connected to the internet.

With an improved text to speech program and access to the internet, your sexbot can
read the news to you, read books or just have a conversation using AI personality
profiles. Maybe you'll even get to fine tune a profile to fit your individual needs. Once
this is available to the open source community, you can expect to download personality
profiles of your favorite characters. The movie "Her" depicts an AI personality, but
apparently everyone in that movie uses the same personality. We see this now with Alexa
and Cortana, but that's being shortsighted. Every man wants to feel like he's having a
unique interaction, and companies will jump at the chance to market tailor-made
personality profiles and bodies.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Breaking into the culture won't be hard either. Men were shamed for liking comic
books, yet they still participated and grew that industry in their private circles. The same
happened for video games, and I'm sure many of you when you were younger have
stopped talking about video games with your friends when a girl was near, only to
resume after the coast was clear. These will become the new big purchases from men,
who are shying away from buying property and the costly institution of marriage. This
rising industry is simply too prosperous to suppress. Additional services will rise up to
meet the increasing demand, like private doll delivery services, clean up products,
storage containers and modification services.

The fact that women are already hysterical at the thought of it should indicate that
they know it is inevitable, and that they will seek to put as many obstacles in the
industries' path as possible. These are problems that the industry must solve on its own,
instead let's think of some of the ramifications of the future industry on men.

I think a sexbot would be a neat distraction, but I don't see myself getting attached to
it. It would be like how I interact with computers, I admire beastly gaming machines and
I saved up to buy a nice computer for myself, but I'm not attached to my computer. If it
breaks, or if I have to update it years later, I'll get a new computer. The problems can
arise when a dependence is formed, which is the opposite of what MGTOW is. There are
plenty of stories of herbivore men in Japan getting attached to their dolls and becoming
obsessed with them. I'm not judging what a man does with his own time and money, but
it can be preventative to men finding the real liberation that MGTOW brings. Plenty of
men will simply project all of their dreams and desires of what women should be like on
to the doll, preventing them from finding a real sense of independence from women, or
whatever form of women they worship.

Even if the technology gets to a lifelike appearance, like the hologram girl from the
new Blade Runner, it would never replace the real and lasting companionship of a dog,
or the necessity of solitude. The industry still aims to create a representation of
something I have freed myself from, so whatever form it takes, it will be relegated to a
distraction, a treat, not a lifestyle. For those who will rely on it entirely for sexual
interactions, they have to be wary of falling into contentment. Just like married men, if a
man is content with what he is getting from his women, he will most likely remain
stationary in all aspects of his life.

The reverse is also applicable. If a man knows he's coming home to a reliable source
of busting a nut, that frees his mind from finding and pursuing sexual interests, allowing
him to focus on his craft and get shit done. Imagine a set up where you come home from
work, cook dinner while your sexbot talks to you or informs you of what you missed, eat
dinner, fuck, then go about the rest of your day. The lowest form of maintenance
dinner, fuck, then go about the rest of your day. The lowest form of maintenance
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

imaginable, all at your convenience, made to please. It is an incredibly tempting thought,

and can easily corrupt a man and bring him back to an artificial plantation.

Ultimately, it comes down to the man. If he is an incel, craving for women's affection
his entire life and being denied, he will fall into the trap of the sexbots. Yes, even
artificial women can trap a man by consuming all of his emotional output and time and
giving nothing in return. Wait, that sounds familiar....

If he is a MGTOW man, fed up of women and retired from the game, but still
wanting to bust a nut, a sexbot can bring considerable value to that man's life.

To summarize, all I'm trying to say is that men need to fortify themselves, because a
great challenge is on the horizon. Each man's unicorn is now a possibility, and that
opportunity to have it all to yourself is fast approaching. There are many men who see
MGTOW as a reaction, a temporary phase until things correct themselves. These men
are admitting, whether they know it or not, that they would return to the plantation and
give up their reactionary MGTOW beliefs if male agency was returned and balance
restored. These are the men that are most susceptible to being seduced by the sexbots,
and should be very careful with how they navigate the industry in the future.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

An Empty Plantation

Civilization is built on the backs of men, so it makes the current social dynamics all
the more confusing. What do women have to gain from disincentivising men from
occupying the workforce? Could they really be so foolish to think they could bear the
burden of Atlas, or were they fooled into thinking the burden was not as great as it

Women have proven that they are able to maintain a country's production rate when
they are forced to, be it during the industrial revolution or a world war. As a labor force
or as a fighting force, women are the last resort, only to be used in dire situations. It
would seem that time is approaching again, although this time they have a part in
bringing this situation to fruition.

Traditionally, a woman was faced with a limited set of options for her life. Take care
of herself, enter into social circles, find a man and learn the best techniques for courting
and receiving courtship, and prepare for marriage and children. Under this same system,
a man was raised to learn a craft and apply all of his efforts to finding a woman and
providing for her. Today, women have been liberated from everything they were
traditionally expected to do, and yet men still carry the same burden. The social contract
has been changed and today's man did not get the memo.

Fortunately, more and more men are realizing that since the rules have changed for
women, they don't have to play by the old rules themselves. Men are creatures of
adaptation, and the best and brightest men are the ones leaving the plantation. These men
are free to innovate and pursue whatever fields they excel in, but the side effect for
disenfranchisement and eventual freedom is aimlessness. Many young men find
themselves in between a rock and a hard place. Either they commit to the broken system
and pray for good results, or they forge their own path and find meaning and purpose on
their own, which is the greatest journey a man could embark on, something that rightly
proves to be an insurmountable challenge for many young men.

If this cultural shift had happened at any other time in history, the effects would have
If this cultural shift had happened at any other time in history, the MGTOW
effects Musings
have 1
been even more devastating. The male suicide and depression rates are already too high,
but for every lost man, there are countless others who find solace in their hobbies. This is
the best time in history to be a man going his own way, where you can easily become
self sufficient and enjoy the pleasures of technology. It's easier now for men to find a
community of like minded men. Imagine if you had gone your own way in the last 100
years, unable to find someone like Sandman or enjoy the MGTOW community and
know that you aren't crazy for living for yourself.

Traditionalists have to do everything they can to keep men on the plantation, because
once a man sees the other side, he will never return. Before, this could be mitigated by
isolating the escaped men. In older societies, bachelors were slandered with homophobic
slurs and generally distrusted. This social shaming carries little weight now as
communities continue to become disjointed, and now one freed man can reach millions
of men through the internet.

Leaving the plantation is not the end of a man's struggles. Let's look at two countries
with terrible gender relations, the United States and Japan. Both countries have a high
suicide rate and a dropping male workforce participation rate. America is also facing an
opioid crisis for the men who couldn't find work in the flyover states. Just as hypergamy
is integral to a woman's nature, most men have an instinctive nature to provide, which is
reinforced by culture. Overcoming this is incredibly difficult for a man to do on his own,
and many men have died trying. The plantation has fatally failed its work force, and it
will remain on the downward spiral until it can no longer sustain the parasitical groups
that leech off of it.

MGTOW saves lives, and I'm sure some of you can relate to that. Hopefully more
men can be reached and told that they don't have to carry the burden of the world on their
shoulders, that there is more to life than suffering through the daily grind for something
as fleeting and vapid as women.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Why People Hate MGTOW

Despite the detached nature of MGTOW, everyone on the political spectrum seems to
take issue with our independence and helping other men reach that freedom. I'm not
going to focus on the obvious monetary losses that going MGTOW causes to society,
because even if single men paid the same taxes as their married counterparts, people
would still attack the bachelors.

The universal hatred for male independence is its impotence for introspection. For
men, they are faced with a force that challenges every decision they have ever made.
Men pursuing women base their decisions on how it will impact their reproductive
strategy. If something is hindering their chances of getting laid, that thing is often
discarded, be it a hobby, a friend, or a dream. When that ruthless determination is
challenged, most men instinctively protect themselves from the harm that comes with
realizing their mistakes and acknowledging the weakness that comes from the
dependence on female validation. Being able to change your entire identity and forge
your own way is one of the greatest challenges, and everyone listening should realize
that you are in the minority of men and always will be. Most men would rather remove
that challenger, the bachelor, from the equation entirely rather than face the possibility
that they might not be on the right path.

The danger seen in MGTOW is the challenge it presents to the narrative. If you
spend some time around some really blue pill men, men so far gone that you really don't
feel anything for them, neither pity or hope, you will realize that these men really can't
conceive of a different way of life. Presenting only the most basic principles of
MGTOW would trigger such a shock in their systems that they would be in disbelief.
Once a man learns the lessons MGTOW can teach, even if he does return to the
plantation afterwards, he will never look at it in the same way again. Once the seeds of
freedom have been planted, they will grow and entangle around everything that is
suppressing that urge for more.

Not all men are meant for freedom. It's a harsh truth to accept, because I would love
to see every man living to his full potential. Some people are just not meant to lead
themselves, but it's not any person's place to determine who can and can't, or who should
or shouldn't. The plantation will always exist because most people don't want to lead
or shouldn't. The plantation will always exist because most people don't
to leadVolume 1

themselves. They may say they love freedom, but look at their actions and not their
words. These people are slaves to their desires, to their emotions and to the demands of

Once women are removed from the pedestal, which is an incredible feat and should
not be taken lightly, a man will naturally begin to look at what else he put blind faith in
and begin to question its value in his life. All parties of power are threatened by this,
from the men who need the plantation, the women who survive on it, and the
governments that profit from it. Hermits have been around since the beginning of
recorded history, but the mass exodus of men worldwide is a new and unique
phenomenon. What remains to be seen is if these men are only temporarily leaving,
willing to return under better circumstances. A return would lead to an eventual repeat of
what we have today, so either we will break the cycle with technology or extinction or
repeat it indefinitely.

What is not temporary are the truths being shared around the world. No amount of
ignorance or delusion can put women back on the pedestal once they have been removed,
only a generation of men who have not experienced their raw nature, unleashed and
made bare for all to see, can even consider putting them on the pedestal.

If something reliably fails, it is forever tarnished in the eyes of a reasonable man. I

have tested many red pill and MGTOW principles against so many people, both men and
women, and being proven right every time has destroyed the illusion that people are
more than what they appear to be. Female nature may be able to be controlled under the
right circumstances, but if it can be corrupted and unleashed without fail with certain
variables, like the removal of social shaming or the removal of dependence on the family
unit, it can't be trusted. You would know in the back of your mind that any stability you
create is just an illusion, and as soon as the right variables mix together in the right
environment, any stability you had created would be destroyed. We can't remove
hypergamy, we can only do our best to control it.

If men realize the futility of trying to control female nature, most would opt out. Men
seek to master and optimize, and if you tell them that they can't win the game of female
nature, they would simply move on to something they can have an impact on.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Deprogram Yourself

All of us have had ideas artificially programmed into our psyche, some of them
positive like the instilling of an effective work ethic or the teachings of rationalism and
being objective in the situations we find ourselves in. Other ideas are negative and
incredibly harmful, like the dependence on pussy or taking advantage of man's ability for
self sacrifice. Many men find themselves immersed in the MGTOW community because
it presents a whole new world waiting to be discovered. It makes each man a pioneer of
his own life, gives him the tools to explore his uncharted territories and find what has
been hidden from him.

Understanding the sexual dynamic is just the first red pill, but we can go farther than
that. If we were blind to such an obvious and natural set of rules, what else were we
blind to? Strip away everything that society, your friends and your family have
programmed into you to get to your true self.

Let's first examine the idea of companionship. There are many men in the community
who are perfectly happy with the company of themselves, but there are a great deal who
struggle with loneliness and have a need for companionship. If this is you, examine what
your idea of companionship is. If you understand the sexual marketplace, then you would
know that you aren't being loved for who you are, but instead for what you provide. This
provision could be monetary, like the infamous beta bux vs alpha fucks dynamic shows.
It could also be based on status, based on your career, your renown or your looks. You
are just a collection of statistics in the eyes of women. At first you will experience the red
pill rage when this idea clashes with the romanticism you've been force fed your whole
life, but don't be angry. Mother Nature is a bitch and she gives us tough love, but it's just
a reproductive strategy. You have to detach your ego from the equation and not take it
personally, it's just nature. If I was a woman, I'm sure I would be operating under the
same rules, constantly throwing out shit tests and looking for the best mate and being just
an all around bitch. I count my blessings every day that I'm not a woman.

A man's goals is projected on to him by his surroundings. It's up to you to overcome

both your biological urges and societal pressures to chase pussy, wasting your energy,
time and money in the process. Going MGTOW doesn't necessarily mean going celibate,
but women shouldn't be in your top priorities. If you can overcome that great biological
but women shouldn't be in your top priorities. If you can overcome that greatMusings
MGTOW biological
Volume 1

urge, literally anything is possible. You will have transcended from a simple animal
following its nature to something else entirely, in complete control and a master of your
own nature. Once you overcome that urge to chase, you'll watch in amusement as you
see the entire world around you operate on that simple premise. Then, you'll be
awestruck when you realize how much more there is to do, how much more there is to
think about, all of the territory that is relatively unexplored because everyone else's focus
is on jumping through those hoops to get access to the holy vagina. With this great power
comes great responsibility. Don't shame the men still chasing, it requires a perfect mix of
self awareness and bad experiences to overcome that instinct. All we can hope for is that
they can find peace before making the serious mistakes we have seen time and time

Another concept that has been distorted in modern times is the idea of friendship.
Women conflate masculine brotherhood with homosexuality, and this has entered into the
gynocentric mainstream consciousness. A true bond you make with a man, which is
incredibly rare nowadays, will last longer than any bond you could make with a woman.
That's why they hate the idea of it so much, because women go through friends like a red
pilled man goes through thots. Real friendship is a true diamond in the rough, but thanks
to technology your options are greater than ever. One of my two childhood friends lives a
few minutes away from me, but we hang out in person less than you would think.
Instead, we hang out on Discord and basically do everything we would have done in
person over the internet. Anything that can't be done we meet up for, but you can have
awesome friendships digitally now. Reimagine what friendship means to you, not what is
portrayed to you. Instead of spending a bunch of money and organizing the logistics of
everything, I can make my own drinks, upload a movie to Google drive with a dummy
account and share it, watch Youtube videos and just chill out and play video games. The
beauty is that I can do this with people I never would have otherwise, like a dude I met
who's in Australia. It's hilarious to hear women and white knights shame this new form
of camaraderie when you look at what their idea of friendship is. Next time you find
yourself in a bar or a club, make an effort to look at what the groups of women and the
groups of men are doing. I've done this the last several times and the groups of women
are almost entirely on their phones, isolated from each other and living in their digital
personas. The groups of men aren't enjoying each other's company, instead glancing at
the women every few seconds and obviously uncomfortable to be around their so called
friends. The only men who seemed to be having a good time were those huddled together
in the corners of the bars, away from distractions and free to have a good time. Shaming
is a sign of insecurity, so as a general rule of thumb you should investigate whatever
women and white knights are shaming because it might be worthwhile. No amount of
shaming can restructure the social order, but it can prevent men from connecting with
each other out of fear of social stigma.

The next idea that is widely programmed into people and has drastic consequences on
The next idea that is widely programmed into people and has drastic consequences
Musings Volume

their lives is the idea of wealth. Once you're fully MGTOW, you are an independent man
and can do whatever the fuck you want with your own money, but let's first look at what
wealth really is. I'm sure all of you can relate when I say that MGTOW knowledge is
priceless. Richer men than you or I would have paid millions of dollars to learn about
MGTOW before they lost their lives in a soul-sucking career and their money in a
joyless marriage or a hateful divorce. With this example, intangible things like MGTOW
knowledge can have more value than the fastest cars, the biggest houses or the hottest
women. It then makes sense to diversify your portfolio by pursuing different types of
wealth. Give me a good computer, a comfortable bed, a decent car and a stable internet
connection and I'm perfectly content with that physical wealth, able to pursue the more
important and longer lasting forms of wealth found in knowledge and wisdom. The
beautiful thing about MGTOW is that you can still have those fancy toys because you'll
be saving so much money compared to your less fortunate peers who are being drained
by a wife and kids, but you don't have to chase those things unless you've stripped away
society's idea of wealth and found that you still want that item. Just remember this golden
rule: if it floats, flies, or fucks, rent it.

The standard for what constitutes as valuable knowledge has fallen so far that it's a
miracle the cities aren't on fire. If learning about Leonardo Dicaprio's newest girlfriend is
more relevant to your life than reading a book that could change how you approach the
world, you need to go to your nearest library and treat your brain to a day out. If the
majority of people only read fake news and celebrity gossip, while also being afraid to
explore controversial and challenging ideas, they really are empty vessels floating
through life, consuming and fucking until they die. Their standard of knowledge is
nonexistent, and are perfectly content existing in a state of limbo for the rest of their
lives. If you rely on the general consensus for what to dedicate your mind to, you will be
a husk of a man who never got close to reaching his true potential. Take a critical look at
your diet of information. Just like your body, you must feed your brain with a healthy,
balanced diet of information to cultivate a sharp and reasoned mind. Too much analytical
information and you risk losing touch with your sense of humor and fun, too much
mindless information and you risk stagnating. Try to learn a new thing every day, or at
least put yourself in situations to learn things by going outside of your comfort zone and
reading what you don't normally read or listening to ideas you don't normally listen to.

The values of our modern societies have been turned upside down. At the risk of
sounding too preachy, I'm not going to talk about the over-sexualization or promotion of
degeneracy. Instead, look at how flimsy all those traditional values were that we've lost
in the last hundred years. If people can so easily throw them away, did they ever really
believe in them to begin with? To live by a code, to have standards and to judge
everything against those standards takes a dedication that most people lack. Anything
that takes a modicum of effort cannot endure when its endurance depends on the lowest
common denominator. All of the values and norms that have been instilled into you came
common denominator. All of the values and norms that have been instilled
MGTOW into youVolume
Musings came1
from hypocrites who don't follow their own rules, or don't have any at all. If your goal is
to slay as much pussy as possible, then you have to abandon some values. If your goal is
to make as much money as possible, you have to abandon some values. If you want to
live a simple, honest life, you can keep your values intact. When you allow other people
or outside forces to put you in positions you don't want to be in, your values will suffer,
just as all the men who committed atrocities against their fellow man in the history of

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

See One, See All

"See one promontory, one mountain, one sea, one river and see all."
- Socrates

Individuality is not natural, it is created by those seeking to know themselves. When

you hear the mainstream idiom that "everyone is special", know that this stems from the
false gynocentric care-based system women operate on, where they would rather fill
people's heads with empty platitudes of friendship and harmony than face the hard truths
that one must create their uniqueness, it is not simply given by virtue of existence.

Nature designed organisms to act in a cohesive, collective and predictable way to

ensure survival. Freedom is antithetical to natural selection. If an organism acted in its
own interests, not on its biological urges, then that organism could fail to fulfill nature's
plans for it, instead enjoying its life the way it wants to. Having the freedom to fail
makes a person responsible for their actions, which in turn shifts them away from the
collective. Failure in the eyes of society and nature is entirely subjective. Some of the
greatest men of humanity did not pass on their genes or get bogged down by marriage. If
the choice is to fall in line and be grinded through the gears that nature created to keep
the machine of life running or to step aside and enjoy the fruits that the machine has
reaped, it really isn't a choice for me at all.

Women operate identically because their reproductive strategy works. It is such an

effective method of acquiring resources that no revision has been necessary for thousands
of years. The reproductive strategy is universal and transcends language, culture,
countries, and time itself. A woman today could go to the library and read about a
woman's mating story from centuries ago and relate perfectly. As Darwin explained,
adaptation occurs across generations, not instantaneously. The woman who have hit the
wall and adopted the life of cats and wine will suffer from eternal loneliness, but the
women of tomorrow will be faced with the first test of adaptation for their reproductive
strategy on a global scale. Will they try to control their hypergamous instincts and date
down, or would they rather wither away as their looks fade, just as the women before
them did?

If you have come to terms with the principles of game and the nature of women, you
If you have come to terms with the principles of game and the natureMGTOWof women, you 1
Musings Volume

understand all women. The only variables you have to contend with are the levels of
craziness and if she had a masculine father in her life. Even then, these things don't
negate any of the negative aspects of femininity. Plenty of girls were raised in
conservative, religious households only to become sluttier than the whores their
preachers warned them of. Even if a woman appears to be less crazy than others you may
have encountered, her instability is still greater than almost any man you will meet, and
definitely far greater than yours.

Once you meet a simp or a cuck, you have met all simps and cucks. They operate in
easily recognizable patterns because they desire the same things. Their entire reality
revolves around women, making them easy to control and predict. The peculiar thing is
that this is not an effective reproductive strategy, and yet they continue to waste away
practicing the art of cuckery. I can think of two explanations for their less than optimal
way of chasing women. Either they have been brainwashed to such a degree that
objective reality no longer has any bearing on their decisions, or it is simply natural
selection at work, weeding out the men too stupid to think for themselves. I'm conflicted
because the brainwashing men are exposed to today is unprecedented, but there are also
plenty of examples of simps in ancient history, despite their cultures being masculine and

This familiarity of the simp and the woman cannot be conflated with a MGTOW.
Reflect on how you have preconceived ideas of a simp and a woman, but MGTOW is
strangely absent from your brains' attempts at categorization. MGTOW are unpredictable
and varied. A MGTOW could be a liberal or a conservative, a nerd or a jock, rich or
poor, charismatic or shy, or all of the above simultaneously. If you meet one MGTOW,
you have met one MGTOW, not a representation of all free men.

I have found that most people display their individuality in their hobbies. If you get a
beta to talk about his interests, you can see a spark of a soul, a desire deep within the
abyss of his heart that yearns for the freedom to pursue the knowledge it craves. You can
see the life return to his eyes when he can envision possibility again, something he had
surrendered, along his soul, in the pursuit of pussy. It is equally crushing to watch that
spark fade as his focus returns to plantation. Every free man must turn that spark into a
fire, and keep the fire burning for as long as he lives.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

No Quarter For Men

In my own life, I'm well past the anger phase and have accepted the many hard truths
of human nature, but one of the few things that can bring back that rage is the abuse and
subjugation of other men who have so much potential and are totally undervalued.

I'm not going to focus on the double standard and how this situation would be totally
different if the genders were reversed because we live in societies where women are held
to no standards. They are free to operate without restraints, and this shows their true
nature. Instead, let's look at how ruthless an opponent a woman can make. When I first
heard talk of a gender war, I scoffed at it because women are physically weak and would
be annihilated in a real military engagement. Now, I see that men have lost their lives,
their freedom, their wealth, their resources and their morale from the policies instituted
that enable women to abuse men. These are the basic tenets of warfare: to kill your
enemy, cut off their supply lines, break their will and reap the spoils of war.

I have come to accept that this is a proxy war. Women could not wage this battle on
their own. Forces behind the scenes have utilized the destabilizing and destructive nature
of women as a weapon against men. I can't tell you specifically who or what or to what
end, because there is merit in most of the theories, but I can say that the gender relations
will not be repaired in our lifetimes. The temptation for power will always be present
when women learn of the history of their feminist predecessors and the spoils of war they
reaped from the crusade against men.

In a previous essay regarding the #metoo movement, I said that women cannot know
the art of war. This is true, because they have made rookie mistakes that any seasoned
combatant could avoid. Take, for instance, how armies from all nations across history
have respected the concept of the prisoner of war. When a man is beaten, the victor
shows honor by showing mercy. This in turn creates a mutual respect, even through the
rivalries, that if the victor should become the loser in the future, he would also be spared.
This is also why the victorious royalty would often spare and banish the defeated royalty
in the hopes that they would also be spared if the victors would one day face the sword.
The modern man is defeated. He is directionless, displaced, and living in a dystopic hell
of a culture with no values. Instead of showing mercy to the broken men, women have
decided to push past the breaking point and to unleash unyielding cruelty upon all men
decided to push past the breaking point and to unleash unyielding cruelty
MGTOWupon all men
Musings Volume 1

who they deem are unworthy for reproduction. This is their fatal flaw, and only psychotic
men of war have made this mistake in the past.

It is a common tactic in warfare to allow your enemy an avenue of escape. If you

were to completely encircle your enemy, you would force them to fight to the last man. If
surrender is not an option, you have created an enemy that must fight and utilize all of its
capabilities for a chance at survival, or to inflict as much damage to your forces as
possible. A cornered dog is more viscous than a dog that can run away. The modern
woman, in all her stupidity, has forced the modern man to fight or die in the gender war
she has started. A modern man can fight in many ways beyond the physical, and I totally
condemn any acts of violence. A modern man can fight the gynocentric system by
unplugging from it and removing himself from harms way. He can regroup online and
save as many men as he can. He can practice the art of attrition and metaphorically burn
the fields before winter by withdrawing his funds from the sexual marketplace, the
driving force that keeps it operating.

Dehumanizing an enemy leaves that enemy no choice but to retaliate in kind. The
most ruthless and dysfunctional armies have dehumanized their opponents, what does
that say about the feminists? If they can so easily treat men as disposable utilities and
wish for their destruction, does that not show how the fragments of that belief were
already in their psyche? If you entertain these radical feminist ideas, you can see how
they have no depth or lasting merit. If modern women can be indoctrinated that easily,
with a handful of signs for a protest, an advertisement featuring celebrities with a black
and white filter, some fat women with dyed hair and some catchy slogans that are turned
into chants, obviously they have tapped in to something that was there before, beneath
the surface, and unleashed it upon the world.

There is no quarter for men in this gender war, and this applies to the youth as well.
If you give your enemy an inch, they will take a mile. Men should have remained
steadfast, that's why laws and cultural codes existed, to prevent men with weak wills
from fucking it up for the rest of us. With each generation since women's suffrage, more
and more men have abandoned their posts as guardians and wardens of masculinity. It
was their duty to pass on the fundamentals of masculinity to the next generation of men,
and now today's youth is left to figure it out for themselves. No father figures, no
grandfather figures, no wise man present to guide the wild and untamed youth. Now that
the precious nature of masculinity is exposed, enemies both male and female have
pounced on the opportunity to destroy men's future potential and to prevent boys from
becoming men.

Of course the general population will do nothing. As long as the majority believes
they are benefiting from a situation, they will not seek to change it. Some innocent men
may be destroyed in the global witch hunt, but at least Beta Bob kept his head down and
may be destroyed in the global witch hunt, but at least Beta Bob keptMGTOW
his head downVolume
Musings and 1
didn't rock the boat and disturb the women. The meaning of bread and circus has been
taken to new levels as everyone numbs themselves to the realities that are knocking at
their doors. How could one care about a group of broken men being subjected to a man-
hating witch when there are selfies to take and celebrity gossip to catch up on? Then
there are the men who take pleasure in the suffering of other men. These are the men who
say things like "MGTOW are just removing themselves from the gene pool, more
women for me". Just looking at some of the men defending this woman as a speaker for
the suicide prevention organization disturbs me more than the fact that she was chosen in
the first place.

MGTOW really is the last bastion of masculinity, which is terrifying. Almost every
book written in the last 60 years is tainted with gynocentric ideas. Modern television and
movies are mostly garbage aimed at the lowest common denominator in society. Music
has become the vocalization of the worship of women, because women are the main
consumers. A young man today with no guidance from masculine men either withers into
oblivion like so many men do under the tremendous pressure they find themselves
burdened with, or looks back to the wisdom of men from old and embraces hyper-

The feminists, the women who passively support them and take the rights and
privileges earned by the radicals and do nothing to stop them, and the puppet masters at
work behind the scenes have encircled men. They have destroyed good men who could
have changed the world if they were given a chance to turn their passions into
productivity, and they have turned the rest of us into avatars for the ultimate expression
of masculinity. You cannot defeat a MGTOW man. You may break his body, but his will
is far removed from the claws of the harpies and their cuck slaves. He has freed himself
of external validation, so society has no power over him. He is able to go where other
men cannot, do what other men could only dream of, and become what our ancestors, the
great men that came before us, wanted for the future. Stay strong, because no one is
coming to save you. You're a man and you have to take care of yourself, that's why the
MGTOW community is essential for having an outlet to be with like-minded men.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Never Stray From the Way

The patterns of human nature allow for observant minds to reliably predict how
people will act. The MGTOW concepts of "All Women Are Like That" and the
behaviors of white knights and blue pill men are the application of biological instincts in
social situations. The majority of all people are slaves to their desires or their duties and
can be controlled through these chains. The application of basic principles is a proactive
measure to ensure you are always prepared for any situation. Don't be afraid to use these
principles because they exist for a reason.

You must strive to attain purity in your life, in all aspects. If you find yourself doing
things you don't want to do, you must work everyday to free yourself from these burdens
in your life. You may have to work a job you dislike to provide for yourself, but you
should be taking steps to get yourself into a better situation in the future. Even if you
have a good work life balance and pursue your own goals in your free time, there is still
that presence of dissatisfaction when you are forced to face what takes you from your

The MGTOW Way is Your Way. Even if your way is comparable to my way, there
will always be small differences that would make it unappealing to you. MGTOW isn't
one size fits all, you have to tune and tweak the philosophy to fit your life, and that's the
first step to truly going your own way. Instead of blinding following someone else's life
path, you have to take charge and compare your own goals and desires with the
knowledge you get from the MGTOW community. If you have the knowledge, you can
see it everywhere around you. MGTOW are everywhere, you probably met some men
who live the lifestyle and haven't found the community yet. Just because they are on
different paths doesn't mean you can't learn from them.

Your ideals will not always line up with reality. Allowing your ideals to interfere with
objective reality, what is true right before your eyes, is what blinded you before finding
MGTOW. Always keep your ideals in mind, but don't let them have power over you as
they once did. Adapt and grow, but always keep the truth in front of you. Whatever your
craft is, practice it everyday and become an expert in it. If you are free of the burdens of
marriage and children, you should put that energy and resources saved to good use.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Take your craft and become obsessed with it. Direct that energy you gave to pursuing
the interests of other people and channel it into yourself. Learn the inner workings of
every facet of what you truly want to do with your life, and if you haven't found it yet,
dedicate yourself to finding it. You have to learn the 'how' of your craft, but to have true
mastery of anything you must learn the 'why'. Principles and ideals guide every decision,
to learn these guides you must learn your own. Once you have mastered this through
mediation and reflection, you can navigate your field at a level reserved only for the most
dedicated of men.

Going MGTOW without fully understanding the power of it can do more harm than
good. If you find yourself in the red pill rage phase, you can put yourself in a dark place.
Every situation you find yourself in with women or blue pill men can be harmful or
beneficial. You may need more experience with women to fully understand and accept
the ideas you have learned about, which can be beneficial to you by finally letting go of
what you were raised to believe, or harmful in that you put yourself at risk in this time of
mass moral panic.

Looking at life with the MGTOW perspective in mind can be difficult at first, but it
is necessary to apply it equally to everything so that you are always looking at things
honestly and accurately. There is truth hidden from you in every corner of the world, and
it's up to you to find it. Lies are easy to produce and profitable for the schemer.

If you know the principles but fail to apply them in everyday life, you really didn't
know the principles at all. It's the small matters that matter the most, they prepare you for
those momentous occasions where everything you've learned will be applied.

A life of hedonism does not bring fulfillment. Mastery and creation bring peace and
satisfaction. Pursue goals that can be worked on over long periods of time and avoid
instant gratification. Let the mindless hordes numb themselves and rot their brains while
you build your reality instead of having it given to you.

Your mind governs your actions. Before you can get your body and your craft in
order, you must calm your mind. This is why men become addicted to consuming
MGTOW, their minds are being reshaped and they cannot find a place to settle mentally.
This inner turmoil is as necessary as the chaotic shaping of the Earth, but it can't last
forever. Practice meditation and get yourself into a productive and positive state of mind
or you will be crippled as your mind stretches into all directions.

There is no reason to rush anymore now that you are on your own path. You have
freed yourself from the rat race, now you can take the time to do what you want to do
and to do it right, with all of your effort. Now you can stop to smell the flowers and
enjoy the brief amount of time we are given. As long as you keep improving and avoid
enjoy the brief amount of time we are given. As long as you keep improving and avoid
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

stagnating with the freedom you've taken for yourself, you can master your path.

Once you accept human nature, you can begin to let go of the disappointment you
feel at the underwhelming efforts of the majority and begin to create the image of what
you want to see from the world in yourself. Hedonism leads nowhere. Hedonism can
never be completed, it is an endless pit like depression and lust that will consume you if
you let it.

Always follow your gut instinct no matter what. You were biologically hardwired
with instincts that can only be overridden with artificial ideas supplanted on to you by
your surroundings. If you act on feelings that aren't what you truly desire, then you will
act from a position of weakness. Always operate from a position of strength.

Your ego is as much an obstacle to your path as women are. Humble yourself so that
you can learn from your mistakes and grow. The world and all its offerings have been
here long before you and will be here long after you. You are merely a visitor, so learn as
much as you can while you are passing through.

You can pursue things of interest, but you must do so from a position of being
independent from the outcome. If you were to put all your metaphorical eggs in one
basket, it would lead to disappointment and even ruin. Remain free from desires by
having an abundance mentality. Set your goals and work towards them, but realize that
you may not achieve them or that you may succeed and find yourself lacking a purpose.

Whatever mistakes you made that led you to MGTOW were simply educational
lessons on your unique path to freedom. If you relapse and make a mistake even after
learning and listening, don't beat yourself up or you'll just repeat it again. Learn from the
experience and move forward.

Once you have enjoyed the freedom and peace of mind from external validation, its
hard to feel jealousy for the men still on the plantation. You may, however, feel jealousy
for the easy life women appear to have. Never be jealous of women, because they live a
tortured existence of hatred and jealousy, there's no reason to step into that arena.

If you cherish every interaction with someone and look at it from an honest
perspective, you won't mourn its absence in the future. Being attached to things or people
can only bring sadness because nothing is eternal. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy
their company, but it does mean that you should remain pragmatic.

If you give women the means to control you, why are you surprised when they utilize
the tools at their disposal? Give them no power over you and you will be untouchable.
Men are creatures of adaptation, and learning to go with the flow and roll with the
Men are creatures of adaptation, and learning to go with the flow andMGTOW
roll with the Volume 1

punches is a trait that will help you on your path. If you are unable to operate without
your desired preferences in a situation, you were not prepared for that situation. Be
prepared for all situations.

If you did what society expected of you, you would be slaving away at a job you hate
for a woman that doesn't love you. If you followed the sheep, you would be unable to see
the cliff the herd is approaching. Customs and beliefs are designed to guide large groups
of people. They are incompatible with your individual path.

Once you have become detached from results, desires, people, and life itself, you can
prioritize your ideals from a position of clarity, instead of blind allegiance to them. Your
definition of honor is not what society's definition of honor is. Whatever your definition
is, safeguard it from those who would see it corrupted.

Once you have defined your path, be honest to yourself and pursue it with the effort it
deserves. Your path may shift and change as time progresses, but its core principles
should remain the same. Most people never find the path and stumble through life in
darkness, but you are one of the lucky ones who have found it and can articulate it. To
discover the path and walk away from it is the greatest insult you could make against

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Finding Peace

The main goal of my efforts is to help men find their form of peace after they have
found the goldmine that is MGTOW. This form of peace is different for each man, but
my form of peace has changed my outlook on life and improved everything in general, so
the least I could do is offer the help I can so each of you can move on from your anger
and your sadness that most of us have experienced and to learn to enjoy the life you are
now able to create for yourself. Finding peace of mind and maintaining it each day is an
art because there is so much negativity around us, and you have to consciously work at it
to maintain a positive state of mind.

Don't think that reaching peace of mind means being ignorant of the suffering and the
dangers around you. It means looking at all of that negativity directly and honestly,
digesting it and contemplating on it but picking yourself up and continuing on regardless.
A lot of men are looking for specific details and instructions on how to find peace of
mind. Abstractness is valuable because it fits into each of our paths and leads you to
those specific details you are looking for, but you have to find them for yourself.

Removing women from the pedestal leaves a great void that must be filled. If I were
to give you that specific purpose, it would not be a real purpose, only another avenue for
you to follow instead of learning to lead yourself. That purpose will take many forms and
will change over time, but its basic fundamental core should be consistent with your
actions and your thoughts. Your body can be built, your mind can be enlarged, but your
spirit is what drives you to action and uses the tools that are your body and mind to do
what you want to do. Finding MGTOW is a trial that breaks the spirit of most men, it
destroys their reality and leaves nothing in its place but abstract principles to guide them
back to purpose. The silver lining is that once your spirit is completely broken, the
rebuilding of it will render you invulnerable to any such power again, making you a
stronger man and able to face anything.

Material goals can become just as much a hindrance as they are to men on the
plantation. Waiting to improve on what needs to be worked on because you don't have
material goods is simply an excuse. You don't need much at all to start your path to
peace: a quiet place to meditate, some basic exercises that don't require any equipment
like running or push-ups to start to get your body refined, some paper to write your
like running or push-ups to start to get your body refined, some paperMGTOW
to writeMusings
yourVolume 1
thoughts and plans down, and books are so cheap and easily available now you can
become an expert in any topic you wish. Every day I am above ground is a day that I can
grow, train, create, and follow my path. Even when something tries to interfere with my
path, it only has as much impact as I allow it to have.

The power of your words is dependent on your strength. Words are cheap, so it is
entirely up to you to give your words value. This value may not be seen by who you are
directing them towards, but as long as they come from that place of discipline that
governs your mind, body, and spirit, you can know that they are valuable.

There is something to learn from each person, even if it's learning what not to do. If
you are listening to this, you are able to discover the hidden truths because your mind is
open and eager to learn. It will be a difficult and never-ending journey to uncover these
secrets, but you are on the path, whereas the majority of those around you can't even
conceive of a path, so be grateful for the challenge.

To be able to help others, you must be able to help yourself first. You won't be doing
anyone any good if you haven't found your path to self-mastery. This requires you to
distance yourself from things that control others, like the ego. If you require nothing to
operate and desire nothing in return, anything you may obtain is a treasure.

Since you are leaving the herd and forging your own path, people will naturally try to
shame your decisions as a defense of their own choices. Your freedom is a direct
existential threat to the illusion of control they have over their lives.

If you know yourself, you can begin to understand the world. You can understand the
void people operate within when they have no goals or purpose when you were in that
position once, and then you can understand those who cultivate the same discipline you
do. Once you establish your inner principles, you can use them in any situation you find
yourself in. They are free from external influence because they are self-defined and
internal, reliant only on your will to act on them.

You have to learn how to unplug and go back into nature. We become cynical at the
constant barrage of negativity, which prevents us from finding happiness and brings
down our state of mind to the levels of those who thrive on negativity. You should not
shut yourself off to it, but you absolutely must find a balance. For every ounce of
negativity you absorb, you must work to create as much or more positivity and
wholesomeness in your life. There is a world full of resources that can give you this
positive energy, and it requires nothing but your observant mind.

Once you succumb to lethargy, the effort to pull yourself out of it becomes more
difficult each day. If you are content remaining static and unchanging, then you should
difficult each day. If you are content remaining static and unchanging,MGTOW
then you should
Musings Volume 1

expect nothing of worth to be achieved. At the end of the day, only you can help
yourself, and if you can't do that, the blame falls only on you. Make yourself better in
some capacity, no matter how small, than the man you were yesterday and things will
begin to fall in place.

Wisdom comes from all types of men, no matter their choices. If you limit yourself to
only listen to those follow a path similar to yours, you will miss out on new perspectives.
Take their wisdom, and all wisdom you have encountered, and combine it with your
experiences and personal wisdom to illuminate your path. You will know you have found
your path when it consumes your very essence. When what used to distract you from
your path becomes more a nuisance than a desire, you will know you are working
towards your great task. The validity of your path will be reflected in your conviction of
it. If you sway with the wind of opinion, your path is not strong enough for you to follow
it. The true path demands complete dedication to it, uncompromising in your vision.

You need to be able to entertain ideas from all sides of the spectrum. Place yourself in
the deepest intellectual depths, but be able to pull yourself out of it and look towards the
highest intellectual heights. If you get trapped in either, you will be isolated from the
truth and peace of mind.

Just like martial arts teaches having consistent forms, learning to practice your own
rituals grounds you and acts as milestones on your path. Your rituals and prayers can be
anything, from contemplating while having coffee, mediation, writing, any act of creation
or introspection is a good start.

After you have found MGTOW, if you get taken advantage of by women again and
dragged back to the plantation it is entirely your own fault. You did not deal with your
demons and the harpies took advantage of your weakness. MGTOW arms you with
metaphorical swords of wisdom and self-control, but if you fail to wield them you will be
struck down. Everyone seeks to steer you off your path for their own gain, you must
defend your path with your entire being. All of the great men in history, known and
unknown, battled each day to defend their path from distractions and obstacles.

While MGTOW has grown exponentially with each passing year, the ideas of
MGTOW have existed long before the internet. You can find timeless wisdom that
pertains to what you need today all around you, because everything operates in cycles,
even human existence and civilization itself. Our civilizations are dying, and some even
think they are dead already, but this is a natural thing that inevitably happens. If you
allow yourself to fall out of the cycles, or to believe that you can overcome timeless
principles, you put yourself in an adversarial position against nature itself. Each of our
MGTOW paths will be different, it is not for you or I to judge another's path if it leads
him to his peace of mind and fulfillment. We are all overcoming our own obstacles, and
him to his peace of mind and fulfillment. We are all overcoming our own obstacles,
MGTOW and 1
Musings Volume

we can learn from and help each other to achieve true power.

Our battle with feminism and the state of the world can seem daunting and hopeless,
but look to the progress we've made as a community and look to the progress you've
made in your own life as an example of the power of our words and ideas. While the
MGTOW path allows for an easy life with free time, expendable income, and the ability
to obtain peace of mind, it still has its difficulties. If you don't push yourself, lethargy
will set in, and depression and aimlessness will soon follow. If you put yourself above
worldly problems, like female validation or the opinions of people still on the plantation,
your life will be more peaceful, and when you actually face really existential challenges,
you will be better equipped to handle them.

Finding MGTOW may have broken you, but your rebuilding will make you stronger
than ever, and that should be enough to incentivize you to continue down the path. You
are engaged in the greatest form of self-improvement, one that encompasses the body,
mind and spirit. If you learn to love the challenge of pushing yourself, you can exceed all
of the expectations you have for yourself and push boundaries that you didn't even know
existed. Whatever woman led you to MGTOW, showing gratitude for the pain that led
you to freedom allows you to let go of that emotional baggage and move on. If I could
go back in time to the girl that led me to MGTOW, I would do everything exactly the
same way again because I would never trade the moment of finding MGTOW for
anything, even to spare me pain.

The most radical of the feminists, and their numbers continue to grow, would have
you thrown into a labor camp just for being a man. The fact that these radicals are not
only tolerated, but given platforms to spout their hatred shows how much our societies
hate us. The young boys are brainwashed and mentally handicapped with medication
before they even have a chance to grow, the young men live in fear of pursuing their
natural desires at the risk of being socially crucified, and the men that hold up society
have their families destroyed and are financially ruined for the simple crime of wanting
to provide for their families. We are being systematically attacked at every level with the
support of our governments and the passivity of the populace. It seems the entire
universe is against us because it basically is, and it's too easy to just give up. Instead,
look at the strength you can foster by not only surviving the onslaught, but fighting back.
They are attacking us financially, mentally, spiritually, and physically, and yet we
continue to endure. To be in this resistance is to have a strength that would rival the
greatest of men. Physical strength can come with training, but mental and spiritual
fortitude comes with experience and introspection.

Don't compare yourself to other MGTOW. We all walk our own paths at different
speeds. Those who had longer relationships or marriages take longer to get over that than
others, and some have to take smaller steps in self-improvement than others. As long as
others, and some have to take smaller steps in self-improvement than MGTOW
others. Musings
As long as 1

you are taking steps, you don't have to worry about the pace. When I first started lifting
weights in high school, I could only lift the barbell with no weights on it, but I took
those small steps and continued to add weights until I was matching what everyone else
on my sports teams were lifting, and then continued to add more after high school. I
followed my own path at my own pace because it's not about speed, its about keeping

There are plenty of practical tips for those just starting their path to freedom, but once
you're on the path long enough, way out there away from external validation where you
can guide yourself without getting lost, the advice begins to become more abstract so that
you can adapt it into your own systems and philosophy that you have developed for
yourself. Since the path is different for each man, there is really no one definable path
that can encompass all free men.

Use your mind to go where others fear to tread. Stare into the abyss, but have the
strength to look without falling in to it. Your most powerful tool is the mind, but is also
the most dangerous thing to your path. Before, you allowed your mind to keep you
imprisoned on the plantation, plugged into the matrix, dependent on others to give you
happiness. If you master the mind, everything else naturally follows, but it is a never
ending struggle.

No one in the MGTOW community has all the answers about the paths we all follow.
Each man brings his perspective and wisdom, and combining all of that knowledge
creates a goldmine to sift through to find the hidden treasures that can change your life,
but none of us will ever have the entire picture. I'm only 22, I still have so much to learn
and improve on, so whatever I am lacking can be supplemented with the many other free
men in the community to help you build yourself into a living god of discipline. Expand
this search for wisdom to the words of men long past and you have quite a quest on your

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

There is No Right Girl, Unicorns Don't Exist

Easily the biggest divide in the MGTOW community is the concept of All Women
Are Like That. There are men who have accepted female nature in its totality and there
are still a lot of men who believe that some women can overcome female nature. These
men hold out hope that not all women can be as basic and superficial as the rest because
it would simply be too depressing, a world without hope of progressing from the animal
reproductive strategies that govern our species. Embracing that reality is exactly how you
overcome that last barrier to reaching freedom from the mating game and female

Believing that Not All Women Are Like That, or NAWALT, is the elevation of
female nature to something it can never be. It is conflating it with male nature, where
men can overcome their biology with intangible things like morality, pride, and
discipline. Accepting that All Women Are Like That doesn't mean that every woman is a
cheating whore, it means that they have the capability of being one. It may seem obvious,
but its powerful to admit that she is subject to flaws. Just like it's drilled into every man
that he has the potential to be a visious animal under certain circumstances, it's equally
applicable for women to engage in their hypergamous instincts under certain
circumstances. Men often elevate women to be beyond the human flaws that everyone
else has, and realizing that they're as flawed, or more so, than the average man is the first
step to accepting AWALT.

There are a couple scenarios that we see come up often in the community that try to
prove NAWALT, but they will be debunked in this essay. The most common one is the
belief that a Western man can travel abroad and find a woman from a poor country and
rescue her from a life of poverty and create a family with her. There are two big flaws
with this theory. The first is that you can certainly do that, but just because she comes
from a traditional background doesn't mean she isn't still a woman. She will still have to
deal with temptation when she encounters a man who is taller or wealthier or more
muscular. She will still be tempted to monkey branch if you were to lose your job or fall
ill or suffer an injury. She will still be naturally unattracted when you show any signs of
weakness or vulnerability. She may not act on these hypergamous instincts, but they are
still there regardless. The second flaw in this theory is that her femininity is defined by
her community. If you go to a different country, her culture might shame promiscuity or
her community. If you go to a different country, her culture might shame promiscuity
MGTOW or 1
Musings Volume

adultery, so she may control it artificially to avoid being ostracized. If you bring her back
to your home country, the worst traits of female nature will be unleashed on you.

She isn't a unicorn, she just learned how to hide her true nature. Trying to cheat the
system and work around biology is a clever way to try and solve the problem, but it
doesn't do anything except expose you to what every man who interacts with women will
eventually encounter.

The next example of unicorn hunting comes with finding virgins. I have some
personal experience with this and I'll tell you that it really has no effect. If you find a
virgin, a rare species in today's society, it does help initially at the start of the relationship
because of the stronger pair bonding mechanism that she has with you, but it isn't strong
enough to fight the constant, 24/7 barrage of sex and drugs and hookup culture that she is
exposed to. Eventually she will become curious as to what she is missing out on, and
there really isn't anything you can do to stop that. No amount of game or passing shit
tests will get the idea of the grass being greener out of her mind.

The most frustrating mistake of trying to prove Not All Women Are Like That is
going for girls below your own sexual marketplace value. Logically, you would think
that she would appreciate being with a higher quality partner and that would reflect in
her attitude and treatment of you. Instead, what tends to happen is that she is conflicted
between self-consciousness and anxiety as she thinks she is unworthy of you and that
you will leave for a better woman as well as the ego boost that she can in fact land a
higher quality partner than her sexual marketplace value should allow. One of those two
scenarios will eventually end the relationship. Either her self-doubt will become
unbearable and her paranoia will drive you away or she will act on her hypergamous
instincts to try and monkey branch.

The split in the community really shows itself in the attitudes of the men. Most will
claim all women are useless sluts, and others, mostly older guys, will claim that the
majority of the women have ruined the gender relations for the minority of good women
out there. There are good points in both arguments, as well as flaws, so we should try to
bring them together into what really is the case for female nature. Most women are
useless as the more vocal crowd says, but not all. But this also is not an admission that
those few who aren't completely useless are in any way as useful as a man. The older
guys who believe that there are some good women left hiding under a rock, waiting to be
found fail to understand that these women are chameleons, blending in to the
conservative parts of the country or hiding their histories from the men they interact with.
These wholesome women will easily throw that supposed purity aside for a chance at a
man with a high SMV.

Even if you were to find a woman from a stable household that has stable friends and
Even if you were to find a woman from a stable household that has stableMusings
MGTOW friends and1

is sheltered from the cancerous culture and has positive influences in life, you still have
to deal with shit tests and all the drama that comes with it. Just because she may not be
promiscuous, she still is subconsciously searching for the best mate, so you have to
constantly prove yourself to her. She will never love you for who you are, only for what
you can do for her. That doesn't sound like a unicorn to me.

There is no right girl for you. You will always be fighting with her instincts, because
Mother Nature is ruthless and unforgiving. You may be able to override your biological
urges to mate with multiple women and instead create an emotional connection with one
woman, but that isn't how nature designed us. You can overcome that instinct because
you can access something within yourself, a desire to change the rules that nature
bestowed upon you, but you can't expect her to do the same.

Once you accept that there are no unicorns, there is no woman out there waiting for
you to find her, you can start to move forward as a MGTOW. You may face a crippling
depression, or an uncontrollable rage, as your purpose and hope for settling down is
crushed. We will continue to explore what comes after that realization on this channel,
but just know that there is a purpose beyond reproduction. The difference is that you
have to create it for yourself, it isn't given to you. That's for each of you to figure out on
your own, but the fact that you're entertaining the idea of life beyond a wife or have
already come to that conclusion puts you ahead of literally billions of people.

The test for how committed you are to your individuality and freedom is to think of
what you would do if you lived in a different time. If you lived in the 40s or 50s, would
you still be MGTOW? If you go further back in time when gender relations were
traditional, would you still go your own way? Or are you just MGTOW because of how
bad things are? If you use MGTOW as a reaction, you can still reap many of the rewards
that the philosophy gives, but you'll always have that yearning for times past and the
sadness and anger that comes with looking at what we have today. If you reach the place
where you understand that you would always be MGTOW because female nature is
universal, you can begin to reach the peace of mind that leads to happiness.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

MGTOW is the Ultimate Investment

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Investing in yourself is always the best option. You may not be the most reliable to
yourself right now, you might struggle with procrastination or laziness, but you know
that you can change your bad habits if you work at it. That's more of a guarantee than the
majority of people can give you, so betting on yourself is always the safest bet.

You know what you are capable of today, but what you will be capable of tomorrow
can only be known if you give yourself a chance to find out. You are your own worst
enemy, and if you allow your negativity to govern your actions, then you will be led in to
dead ends and wind up right where you started before finding MGTOW: frustrated and
tired. The knowledge is meant to liberate you from a life of servitude, not enslave you to
a dream of something that could never be.

Look at what men tied down by women are capable of. They sacrifice their health
and their happiness, but they can still accomplish great things. Without these restrictions,
you should be living life on easy mode and building yourself in all areas. Let's look at
how useful the MGTOW knowledge would be in other areas of investment to give you
an idea of how far ahead you are with the knowledge you have and the potential if you
apply it.

Financial investment is the big one that most guys get trapped within. Most men are
focused on their careers and making money. The men who are skilled at making money
naturally attract the worst kinds of women. If they knew about AWALT, they could have
made enough to live comfortably or really put in the effort to make a lot and then retire
early. Instead, they eventually become slaves to their job in an effort to continue
providing a standard of living for a woman. On paper, they may make more than you, but
in the end you win as a MGTOW because you have freedom. Now that you have the
most important knowledge, you have the foundations on which to build the best version
of yourself. You can pursue a career that actually interests you.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Physical investment is one that men think allows them to cheat the system. Some men
are born with genetic traits that would qualify them as a Chad, but many men make
themselves into their ideal figure through hard work and dedication. If he works out just
to attract women, he's just as much of a simp as a guy who doesn't work out. Being
physically fit and attractive to women does not prevent them from being a utility to
female nature, and they often end up going from alpha fucks to beta bucks when they get
older and tied down. It becomes just a glorified mating call for the thirsty men, but if you
do it for yourself, it becomes something else entirely. Building your physical form as a
representation of the iron will you have inside is one of the best character building
exercises you can do, and if your motivation is entirely self-sufficient, you will never
have to worry about losing it. Doing it for women can be productive in the short term, a
tantalizing carrot on a stick that can keep a man focused until he actually starts getting
female attention and gets derailed. How many guys do you know who have pictures from
their youth that showed a muscular, energetic guy and then after he met his woman he
transformed into something his younger self would be ashamed of? Just like making
money, working out isn't for everyone. But for those who enjoy it, with the MGTOW
knowledge you can reach all of your goals.

Another form of investment that would be aided with MGTOW knowledge is

academic investment. A lot of intelligent men pursue academics, or at least they used to,
but they would be confronted with problems they just couldn't figure out. I find it
amusing when the intellectuals and the researchers are trying to figure out complex
solutions to societal issues when you and I know the simplicity of the solution. Imagine
if those men weren't the most blue pilled men in the world and that they understood
female nature and could apply their minds to a useful solution. Instead, they ignore
reality when it's right in front of them and continue to support a gynocentric society and
unleash the worst of female nature on to the rest of us.

It may be a lot of wasted brain power, but it leaves an opening for any smart
MGTOW to work his way into his field of choice and navigate around the current
academic environment. MGTOW is the ultimate investment. It's versatile and applicable
to any field in any time. Avoid the traps women will lay down, be aware of the behaviors
of white knights and how the majority of men will throw you under the bus for a chance
at a woman, focus on yourself and don't let society try to shame you for not being a
slave. These things can have dramatic effects for any man. Einstein had woman
problems, presidents had woman problems, the richest men on Wall Street and the Chads
of Hollywood are destroyed by women every day. For the average guy and for the guy at
the top of his field, MGTOW can help every man. It requires nothing in return but the
application of what you have learned.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

The Different Types of MGTOW

The MGTOW community is made up of men from all walks of life with plenty of
different experiences that led them to finding their freedom. A lot of us share a common
theme of being burned in a relationship, but not all MGTOW are the same. In this essay
I will discuss the many different types of men that are going their own way in today's
society. This is not an endorsement of any specific type of MGTOW, this is merely an
attempt to catalog the gathering of men. To do that, an honest look at the types are

Remember, every type of MGTOW has something to offer the community. Just like
the Council of Elrond in The Lord of the Rings, every member there had a different skill
to bring to the table. The guys stuck in the hateful rage phase can provide an outlet for
other guys to vent, a neccessary part of the process, and the guys who are at peace with
female nature can help spread knowledge too.

The first type of MGTOW is the most common: a monogamous man. He had a
steady long term relationship and eventually got burned. Maybe he got cheated on,
maybe he had to endure a nagging and spiteful partner, maybe he discovered
relationships aren't everything they're made out to be, or most likely he experienced all
three of those possibilities. This is a man who was on his way to the plantation, but an
encounter with the toxic femininity that today's society has created or a last minute
awakening saved him from a life of slavery. This makes up a large percentage of the
community. Just average guys who can't knowingly sign up for such a shitty deal in
today's society.

The second type of MGTOW are the bachelors. These guys are one of the 3 types of
MGTOW that have been around before the community formed. These guys are the
ramblers, the travelers, the sailors going from port to port, woman to woman, never
settling down. Obviously in the age of #metoo, these types have been affected by the
tyranny of women, but generally these guys know a lot about female nature if they
avoided the trap of marriage, and combining that with MGTOW knowledge they can
become even more powerful. I would not call them Alphas in the traditional sense,
become even more powerful. I would not call them Alphas in the traditional sense, Volume 1
MGTOW Musings

though. Remember, the mating strategy of Alpha fucks, Beta bucks is real and proven,
but the men who would be considered the Alpha under women's sexual preferences
almost always get penalized in some way. The amount of single mothers in society
illustrates this. Just because a dude isn't the beta bucks in a situation doesn't mean he's
off the hook, women are still using the government to penalize these supposed Alpha
guys. One stop at the red pill subreddit shows that most of the men trying to make
themselves into Alpha men, a noble goal of self improvement, are doing it to get a wife.
Alphas always get tied down eventually, they just have more options. That isn't saying
much when you think about it. What does it matter if a slave gets his pick of the
plantations to work on? He's still a slave. A bachelor is a different man entirely. Maybe
he has just as many options as the Alpha in a situation, or maybe he has less because of a
lower sexual marketplace value, it doesn't matter because he will always maintain his
freedom, effectively removing himself from the long term sexual hierarchy, taking what
he wants and leaving when it suites him.

The third type of MGTOW are the divorced men. These men have been put through
the hell created by society that is designed to break men. Society always undervalues
men, but today society actively wants to punish them. These punished men are scarred
from their experiences and can never put themselves in a vulnerable state again. These
men offer a warning to the rest of us for what is in store for those that ignore the truth of
MGTOW. Men have subconsciously heard the warning, because marriage rates are
plummeting around the world for the younger generation.

The fourth type of MGTOW is another one of the timeless types: the monk. These
men would be at home with the monks of religious orders in older times. They value the
peace of mind and the focus they get from shunning women and following their own
path. An ironic part about this type is that most of these guys are atheists, but being
spiritual doesn't mean practicing any particular religion, it just means being in touch with
yourself and the world around you. These guys don't have the yearning for a woman,
they have reached the peace that I think every MGTOW should be striving to reach. The
wisest men in history practiced solitude, and I think having that isolation naturally brings
a heightened sense of focus and insight that makes any man wiser in his own way. Going
monk mode in today's society of oversexualization builds a man's willpower beyond
what a normal man would be capable of. The difference in this natural form of monk
mode is that a man must fight both external temptation as well as his own yearning. As
with the next type of MGTOW, many men are forced to go into something that
resembles monk mode on the surface, but it isn't the same thing because they would trade
it if they could, they haven't naturally accepted it. A man going monk mode who is
actively focused on self-improvement, which naturally attracts the women he is trying to
avoid, has an almost god-like willpower because he has overcome his physical desires in
pursuit of something more, beyond what any woman could offer.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

The fifth type of MGTOW make up a large percentage as well, and any
acknowledgement of their nature will always bring criticism, but incels often place
themselves in the MGTOW community. This is the third timeless type, because there are
always a large percentage of men in any society that simply can't compete in the sexual
marketplace. The issues come when they see that as a bad thing. They are constantly
filled with hate and frustration because they look at what they can't have, not the
possibilities that are opened up to them. One door may close, but another can be opened.
A lot of the greatest inventors and producers of history couldn't attract women, so they
decided to focus on themselves and their craft and eventually got rich and famous. This
is a magnet for women, but if you have the MGTOW knowledge you can avoid getting
enslaved after finding success. The sad truth about a large part of the community is that
so many men are one blowjob away from the plantation, and the incels are almost always
seeking to be enslaved. If they could get a wife, they would forsake all of the knowledge
we have worked together to record and share just for some leftovers of a post wall

As you can see, the MGTOW community is very diverse. We have so much diversity
it would make the cancerous leftists jealous. Men from every nation are joining us every
day, and we have the most important form of diversity: diversity of thought. Every type
has something to offer, something to teach, and something to learn from the other types.
We each walk our own path and we must take charge of ourselves, but we also have
learned to work together and mentor each other using the tools that the enemy has
created to enslave us. While everyone else uses social media and Youtube to distract
themselves from their boring lives, you have pursued something that will alter the course
of your life, and the lives of other men should you choose to give back and share your
thoughts and experiences.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Enjoy Your Freedom

Your freedom is the primary benefit of going MGTOW. Everything else comes from
that freedom, so we should discuss its importance and how to protect it. There are four
main points that I'll be exploring in this essay: 1) Never forget how you earned your
freedom. 2) Never rely on someone else to fight for your freedom. 3) Never give up your
freedom once you have it. 4) Never underestimate the power of your freedom.

The path that led you to freedom was probably filled with pain and sadness. It's easy
to try and forget about those dark times in your life, to focus on your present situation
and keep moving forward. That is a temporary solution, and you should never forget
what led you to MGTOW. It's equally unhealthy to dwell on it, but you must learn to
accept it and cherish the lessons you learned because it led you to the highest form of
knowledge: the knowledge that you can lead yourself to the things you want in life, you
don't need to rely on validation from others to give you what you want. If I had the
option to erase my grief or to go through it again, I would endure it in a heartbeat
because it led me to MGTOW and made me an even more powerful man than I could
have ever dreamed of being before I went through the harsh lessons. Never lose sight of
what you used to be, because it is a measure for how far you have come.

If you rely on others to give you freedom, you will never get it. A woman will never
want to see you empowered and free because she has everything to gain from keeping
you enslaved. The men on the plantation need you slaving away alongside them so that
they don't question their life choices. Every time they see a free and happy man, their
entire existence is threatened as they briefly second-guess themselves and wonder if they
made the wrong choice. But the saddest truth to come to terms with is that the men
fighting for equality for men, the men's right's movement, can never achieve victory
because they are playing by the wrong set of rules. Men cannot ask for freedom or
equality, they must take it. Each of you took your life into your own hands and became
masters of your own fate. If you wait for permission to take charge or if you try to please
others on your own path to happiness, you will never reach your full potential. The
MGTOW channels on Youtube and the resources available to you are great tools to help,
but you can't rely on them to give you freedom. You must apply what you learn and find
but you can't rely on them to give you freedom. You must apply whatMGTOW
you learn andVolume
Musings find 1
it yourself. Something so precious isn't given for free.

Many of you already have attained your personal freedom. I would hope that you
know better than to give it away to some used up woman, but there are other ways you
can lose it. There's no reason for you to be drained by a job that doesn't bring some form
of satisfaction. You may have bills to pay, but you also have so many more options than
the men stuck on the plantation. You have the flexibility to move around and choose
what's best for you. Freedom extends beyond the restrictions women impose on men, it
applies to work, leisure, and your thoughts. Becoming consumed in a hobby and wasting
the free time you have from going MGTOW can be harmful to your freedom. Your
liberation also applies beyond the physical realm. I bet if you were introduced to
MGTOW while you were in relationships you would have scoffed at the idea. Imagine
what other ideas you haven't entertained yet. Don't be afraid to let your mind wander to
places it hasn't been to before, you should be able to bring yourself back to your mental
starting place and explore your inner psyche.

The only threat you have to worry about is when your freedom is forcibly taken from
you. If tyrannical governments start to round up men, you should have your escape plan
ready, but the freedom of male association is already on the verge of being taken from
you. As MGTOW continues to explode, the censorship will increase to match our
growth. Any empire if it becomes large enough creates its own weaknesses through its
size. Even with the technology they have at their disposal, they can't defeat all of the
MGTOW that will continue to spread the fires of freedom over the internet. When the
bans on the social media platforms really start coming in to effect in the next year or two,
we must adopt the guerrilla warfare tactics that have been so effective throughout history.
Hit and run tactics, when one channel is taken down, another rises from the ashes. When
one voice is silenced, ten more take his place. We don't need to rely on government
assistance or enforced representation because our message does all of the work. We don't
need to trick people or incentivise them, we have tangible evidence and logical
arguments. We will win on the basis of our message of freedom, we just have to make
sure the message is heard.

You may think your freedom is a nice luxury to have, that it affords you plenty of free
time and peace of mind. But it is so much more than that. To understand the true power
of your freedom, you need to spend some time around blue pill guys stuck on the
plantation. They live lives devoid of direction or higher meaning, and your independence
becomes a beacon of hope to those that can envision their own freedom. Many men aren't
ready to hear the truths of MGTOW, so you must lead by example by living a fulfilling
life. Men will look to you as you thrive in the terrible social order that governs our
societies. They will look first to the superficial aspects of your freedom, the money you
have and the living conditions and luxuries that your lifestyle allows for. If they get a
glimpse at what lies underneath that exterior and see the iron principles that steer you
glimpse at what lies underneath that exterior and see the iron principles that steer
MGTOW Musingsyou
Volume 1

through the crap women and society throw at you, they will have no choice but to
honestly and seriously consider your path and how it conflicts with their own. We don't
need MGTOW preachers, that's what the Youtube channels are for, for when the men are
ready to listen they can find the knowledge. But so many men aren't even close to ready
for that, so just incorporating these ideas into your life will be enough to get some men to
question their chains and to think for themselves.

Some of you may have noticed an image I've been placing at the end of my videos
recently with the snake. For those who don't know, it's a political cartoon drawn by
Benjamin Franklin meant as a rallying cry for the colonies to fight against the tyranny of
England. I modified it and put the words of MGTOW in place of the initials of the
colonies to represent the worldwide community of men in search of freedom and helping
their fellow men reach liberation. MGTOW is a philosophy, not a movement, but the
men who don't join the philosophical school of thought and the community that has
formed around it are doomed to suffer under the iron fist of feminism. Women don't have
the foresight to quit while they are ahead, they have the greed of a child, unaware of
boundaries or limitations. Because of this, this social chaos will run right off the cliff to
its logical conclusion: collapse. The image represents what Benjamin Franklin created it
for, to be a rallying cry for freedom.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

MGTOW is a Superpower

Comparing a determined and self-actualized MGTOW to a man on the plantation is

an almost unfair comparison because the focused MGTOW is far beyond anything the
enslaved man is capable of becoming. Comparing even an early MGTOW just starting
his path yields similar results, because the raw potential that going MGTOW offers is too
powerful to ignore.

Going MGTOW gives you so many inherent benefits in your life that I would
consider it a natural superpower. Just like most traditional superhero stories, the great
power comes unexpectedly and through great trauma. After the hero gets the powers, he
goes through an awkward phase of understanding his powers and pushing his limits. Men
finding MGTOW are often unaware of how much power they've just been given with the
knowledge, and guiding them towards unlocking their full potential is the greatest thing
the community offers besides the introductory knowledge itself.

Like women, men face a Wall, but our biological Wall comes much later in life.
Instead, men face a different type of Wall, one of their own making. This Wall is the
dependence on women. Man's inability to see beyond this Wall or climb over it is what
keep men on the plantation, even if they are taking active steps to improve their lives,
like the men in the pick up artist or red pill community. These men know that self-
improvement is the key to happiness, and yet they are doing it for the sake of women, not
for themselves. Learning how to climb over this wall is one of the greatest challenges
you will face with your MGTOW superpowers, but nothing good in life comes easy. If
you want that eternal freedom, you have to work to free yourself of female validation.

Once you have climbed that Wall and have experienced that liberating freedom for
yourself, you become immune to personal attacks from those still on the plantation, those
who are trapped behind their own wall. Any insults hurled at you come from a position
of weakness, because they come from a dependence on the thing you have freed yourself
from. This immunity is one of your greatest tools in your arsenal, because it protects you
from that great instinctual urge to fit in, to be a part of the tribe. Man's evolutionary
desire to conform for the protection of the tribe is what keeps him from thinking for
desire to conform for the protection of the tribe is what keeps him from thinking
MGTOW forVolume 1

himself. Once you understand that the tribe does not have your best interest in mind, you
are able to let go of the fear that leaving the tribe brings.

The next tangible benefit of MGTOW is your ability to build wealth. Free of a
woman and children, you can save, live frugally, and invest to build your wealth and
make your own personal empire. I believe that if you chase money to such an extent that
it takes away from other aspects of your life, you are placing yourself behind another
wall, a wall of money that blocks everything else in your life, but reaching financial
independence is also inherently tied to MGTOW. Even if you aren't in a high paying
career, if you're smart with your money and live within your means you can pocket more
savings than men making more while being drained by a parasite.

The community aspect of MGTOW also empowers you more than some in the
community may realize. Going your own way means walking your own path, but paths
intersect all the time and our meetings at the crossroads to share thoughts, experiences
and ideas is what makes us even stronger. A combined effort to find freedom can only
create exponential growth. This next point is not an exaggeration if you really stop to
think about it: MGTOW is the last bastion on Earth for completely free thought and
expression. You may be able to criticize radical leftists and sjw's in conservative circles,
but as soon as you bring an criticisms about women or the society they have helped
create, you are ostracized from those circles. MGTOW allows for rational debate from
all sides, with men from all parts of the political spectrum, all races, all walks of life, all
ages, all experiences. Because of it's decentralized nature, it allows for everything. Being
able to think outside of the boxes society wants to put you in allows for you to reach
places intellectually that are forbidden to everyone else. Sometimes this leads you to dark
places or dead ends, but that's all a part of the process.

There are plenty of pitfalls that the hero can fall in to as well, the hero being each and
every one of you. The rage phase is all consuming and addictive. It feels good to put the
blame on to exterior forces, to vent and to let the frustration and anger out. This is the
great deception of the rage: you feel like you have control, that you can direct that anger
and channel it towards the things that burned you in the past. You don't have control, you
are being controlled by your emotions, unable to walk your path when you are focused
on someone else's. Going through that rage is a natural part of the path, but you must
learn to control it and use it's energy for good.

The trap of nihlism can also deter you from your path. I'm working on an extended
video about this, but I'll just say that I don't disagree with nihlistic perspectives, they are
rational and based on pure observation. I advise to entertain those ideas but try to move
past them because they are a dead end. You should always be in a state of growth in
every aspect of your life, and if the ideas of meaninglessness and a lack of control
prevent you from attaining that, then it's time to acknowledge that those ideas have a
prevent you from attaining that, then it's time to acknowledge that those ideasMusings
MGTOW have Volume
a 1
place, but they are not beneficial to your own path of self-improvement.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

MGTOW is the Most Valuable Thing in the Universe

MGTOW is the most precious thing in the universe. I know that sounds extreme, but
follow me for a moment. Going MGTOW is the overcoming of nature itself. Nature
doesn't have your best interest in mind. It wants you to reproduce by any means
necessary, even if that means enslaving yourself and sacrificing your physical and mental
wellbeing. Going MGTOW is staring nature down and deciding that you know what is
best for yourself. It is declaring that you are more than the sum of your evolutionary
instincts, more than a simple animal, that you can imagine a life outside of the box that
you're supposed to fit in. It overcomes the foundations that everything is built on and
allows for you to see beyond the curtain, a transcendence of sorts in that you are no
longer bound to the same rules that govern every other species and the majority of the

The personal freedom that MGTOW gives you is so powerful that everything is
trying to take it from you. You must fight everyday in some capacity to maintain your
freedom when even your biology is working against you. Women are designed to capture
this gift and use it to their own benefit. Governments are built on the idea of harnessing
this treasure.

Those of you who have yet to realize the full potential of MGTOW, know that the
journey of collecting all of the knowledge and applying it into your daily life is a long
and challenging path. But what did you expect? Did you think something so powerful
and liberating would be given to you? No, the effort to really harness MGTOW will
break you, and the version of yourself that you will shape in the rebuilding will make it
all worth it.

Since this is a metaphyiscal topic that is so large in scope, I'm going to focus it
through the lens of the newest Avengers movie. In that movie, Thanos travels throughout
the universe searching for the infinity stones, which consist of the Reality, Time, Power,
Mind, Space, and Soul stones. I think this is a perfect allegory for the areas where
MGTOW really shines.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Your perception of reality fundamentally changes after finding and accepting

MGTOW. You begin to see all of the traps that have been laid to capture you, from the
media's reliance on the idea of romance and male sacrifice to women's manipulation of
emotions to coerce you into doing things for them. No matter how hard you try, once you
go MGTOW you can never go back. These things will always be present in your mind,
and even if you try to ignore them, your gut instinct will be fighting you every step of the
way. To change your reality from a false idealistic utopia to a pragmatic and natural order
is a great power that we often overlook. We get caught up in the MGTOW community
and don't realize how bad it is for those guys still plugged in, clueless to everything
around them. Having this power allows you to acquire the many other powers waiting to
be claimed.

The time that is now available to you is probably the most important tangible benefit
you get from MGTOW. Time is tangible, and it is the most valuable currency in
existence. When your time is up, you will hopefully have the fulfillment from
accomplishing your goals that most men will never have. Without time, you can't enjoy
any of the fruits of your labor. It's ok to use your time on leisure, but there must be a
balance in all things, something I've been saying since I started my channel and it's the
thing I relate to Thanos with. Go too hard in the pursuit of your goals and you'll break
yourself, go too easily and you'll never grow. Women don't have the same value for time
that we have because their biological goals are different. Trying to find a woman that
doesn't waste her free time watching reality television or engaging in meaningless gossip
will consume all of the time that you would have saved going MGTOW.

The power MGTOW gives takes shape in many forms, it empowers you mentally,
physically and metaphysically. The physical power is more important than a lot in the
MGTOW community think. Your body is the vessel for everything else, if it is weak or
slow or underdeveloped, those traits will naturally seep into the other areas of your
being. I'm not a bodybuilder by any means, but actively focusing on physical self
improvement improves my mental focus, allowing me to empower those other areas.
Going MGTOW and understanding and accepting the red pills gives you many passive
benefits, but a lot of the power requires you to reach out and take it for yourself. If you
don't do this, you're missing out on some of the best parts of going MGTOW.

Harnessing the power of your mind is something that very few have done throughout
history, and very few have done today. Most people go through life without setting aside
time to collect their thoughts and organize them, to consiously develop their minds and
expand beyond the horizons they have placed on their mental planes of existence. While
growing the mind is a personal journey, and each mind is different, there are practical
steps you can take to get started. All of you should be reading for at least 20 minutes a
day. I know I sound like that old librarian at school, but it really does wonders. If you
can't give yourself 20 minutes to work on improving yourself, I don't really know why
can't give yourself 20 minutes to work on improving yourself, I don'tMGTOW
really know
Volume 1

you're going MGTOW at all. You'll naturally start to love the routine, and soon you'll
find yourself reading more and more until one day you reflect back on your progress and
see how much you've developed in such a short amount of time. Read everything, start
with fiction if that's your preference, but as long as you start that's all that matters. If you
need some options, my personal library is posted on my website.

The space that MGTOW brings is physical and metaphorical. There are two rules for
MGTOW, and from there your personal interpretation is your guide on the path: no
marriage and no cohabitation. Whether you choose to date women or not is up to you,
but if you follow those two rules, it gives you enough physical space to thrive as a
bachelor and conserve your resources, and it gives you the mental space to retain your
individuality and freedom. Relationships require compromise, and that means the man is
always the one who compromises the most. Having the space to collect yourself and just
take a breath is what allows for you to avoid getting wrapped up in a woman and being
dragged back to the plantation.

And finally, MGTOW helps you repair the soul. A lot of us found MGTOW when
we were broken, at our lowest points. Some of you have noted in comments that I don't
sound angry or bitter in my videos, and that's because you're seeing me years after
finding MGTOW and going through the grief and red pill rage cycles. That is what
awaits you when you give yourself a chance to repair your soul and find peace. For some
of you, that process will take longer than others. Some of you were married or had kids
or had long relationships, I can only imagine that pain because I found MGTOW at 19
and with a minimal investment in relationships compared to most who find the
community. Don't ever compare yourself to other MGTOW because you walk your own
path and can't judge yourself by their results, but you can use them as guides to help you
on your journey.

With these great powers identified you can begin to set yourself to the task of
acquiring them, but not fully understanding their power can prove to be just as dangerous
as not having them at all. A lot of guys go MGTOW before they are ready to, and that
has some damaging effects on them. Guys who use MGTOW as a crutch, who use it as
an excuse to continue living a life of meaninglessness and hedonism, both of the body
and mind, will destroy themselves with the power MGTOW gives. If you don't think
you're ready for these powers, don't feel like you need to rush into anything. I would
rather you approach when ready and succeed and thrive with MGTOW rather than fail
and be destroyed. Removing women from the pedastal is one of the greatest challenges
you will ever face in your lifetime, so don't go in thinking it's going to be easy. It will
require you to reshape everything, from your goals and purpose in life to controlling your
biology and thinking with your bigger head. Most men can't do it, that's why the betas
and the cucks outnumber us 100 to 1.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Once you have these powers, these MGTOW infinity stones if you will, everyone
will try to take them from you. A free man off the plantation is a nuisance, but a free man
who has empowered himself to such an extent that he can now manipulate his
surroundings to benefit him and then inspire and educate others is beyond just a threat, it
is an existential crisis for the powers that seek to strip a man of his freedom. And that is
the real test. The struggle to acquire all the stones, all those great powers, will be a long
and difficult one, but the fight to keep them once you have obtained them will wear you
down and test your limits. The more successful you become, the more happy you
become, the more peace you find, the more the world and everyone in it wants to bring
you to their level, one of stupidity and ignorance and servitude. Never give in, never give
up, carve out what you want for yourself in the world and help those who will listen.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Women Replaced By Machines

"Women are nothing but machines for producing children." Napoleon

Women have a history of being replaced by automation, and we don't have to look
too far back in time to see that. Look at the evolution of the common household. The
dishwasher, the laundry machine, the oven, the microwave, these are all tools that helped
to reduce the workload of housewives and in turn replace their monopoly on
homemaking. Now a man can take care of his household easily with these tools, maybe
hiring a maid to clean if he's lazy or lacking the time. With their homemaking capabilities
replaced, we can logically move a few steps forward to their sexual and reproductive
capabilities being replaced. A lot of men in the MGTOW community don't approve of
sex dolls, which is totally fine, every man derives value from different things. But the
men who outright deny the coming changes to the sexual marketplace, or try to
downplay the impact artificial creations or automation will have on the sexual
marketplace and try to stick their heads in the sand will be in for a rude awakening.

This is a serious subject that deserves serious consideration. You can chart the
progress of technology with the appliances in your vicinity. Look up the specs on the
first computer and then the specs of your cell phone. That rate of advancement in such a
short amount of time has extended to every form of technology. The famous line that
"sex sells" means that technology that is intertwined with man's sexual desires will
explode at a rate none of has seen before. Looking at a stupid blow up doll from decades
ago and looking at what is available today is testament to that. But even today, there is
still so much progress to be made. As money continues to flow in even for what we will
look back on in the future as basic models, the investment into developing these
technologies will continue to advance.

As you'll see later in the video, a lot of the guys buying into this emerging market are
the TFLers, the true forced loneliness guys who can't attract women, or who are limited
genetically in such a way that the only way they can achieve the happiness that they want
would be to provide economically, and live under an illusion with a gold digger. This has
huge ramifications not only for the sexual marketplace, but the state of civilization in
general. The old system guaranteed a wife for each man. If women are given free choice,
then they logically pick the top 20%. Unfortunately, the top 20% can't maintain a society.
then they logically pick the top 20%. Unfortunately, the top 20% can'tMGTOW
maintain a society.
Musings Volume 1

This displacement of the men on which society is built upon will lead to its collapse. I'm
happy for these guys who find what they're looking for through their artificial methods,
it's much better than being a slave to a society that not only doesn't value you, but
actively tries to undo all of the work that you put into the society.

These men are invisible to women, and this will be their undoing. No woman and
most men still plugged into the matrix don't care what a TFL guy does, whether he buys
a sex doll or a virtual girl. This blindspot will allow these industries to expand at a rapid
rate relatively undetected. By the time that these products begin to attract the men
women desire, the beta bucks and the alpha fucks guys, it will be too late. By that time,
the appearances will be improved, automation will be available, and the AI will be as real
as a man needs it to be. As the sexual marketplace continues to deteriorate and
interacting with women brings more inherent risks with each passing year, the average
guy who isn't into anime or up to speed on the latest technological breakthroughs will
walk by a store or see a commercial and see for the first time an actual, tangible
replacement for a woman.

That man will look at the appearance of the doll and compare it to the majority of
women who are overweight or obese in his country. He will look at its customization
options, and realize he can replace every part of her, down to the fingernails. He will
look at how it communicates to him, how it sends him text messages throughout the day
and how he can have conversations with it. When it gets to this point, competition in this
field will be fierce and there will be plenty of options out there that enable their AI to
actively participate in conversations of any sort. And finally, and the most important part,
he will look at the price of machine and compare it to the financial cost of a woman. Not
even taking into account the mental and physical cost, this cost benefit analysis will
persuade him to give it a try, at least until he finds a girl. Once he goes bot, he will never
go thot again. This attitude will sweep nations by storm as normal, hard working men
further withdraw into their own utopias.

My personal opinion on the matter is that men should work to free themselves of the
need for this sort of companionship, and that once he reaches that freedom from it he can
engage from a safer place, a place where he is not dependent in any way. But I approach
it from a different place than the guys building this industry. I've had what they've been
yearning for and I've realized how much easier life is without it, but I won't disagree with
men seeking companionship having more options.

Women have put themselves in this position. They communicate identically across
cultures. A text message from one girl is the same as any message from another girl. Men
project personalities on to girls through the experiences they share with them. If a
machine can automate text messages and render them indistinguishable from the average
girl, and then a man can do other things with the machine beyond just being a hologram,
girl, and then a man can do other things with the machine beyond justMGTOW
being Musings
a hologram,
Volume 1

he will have no need for a girlfriend.

With their sexual capabilities being replaced, the only thing left is their reproductive
capabilities. I've seen a lot of men talk about this and I've received countless messages
about this. Men can move beyond their sexual desires, but the innate desire to have
children is a lot harder to overcome. The artificial womb will completely destroy any of
the remaining fragments of gender relations. With men having other options for sex,
women's last bargaining tactic was children, and if that is removed, the exodus of men
will be complete.

There are two forms that this can take, one is very close, one is very far off. The first
is for an artificial womb at a facility where the baby is created and held until birth. These
will obviously have a huge amount of regulations, but they will operate much like sperm
banks. A man would go to the facility, give his sperm and pick from a selection of female
eggs and then come back to pick up his kid. Designer babies, where people can fine tune
and pick exact traits they want, will be relegated to the most wealthy of society.

Having a sex bot be able to give birth on its own is so far off that I don't think we'll
ever see it. It's not unfeasible, it's just that the advancement in technology is so great that
I think we won't last as a species long enough to get to that point. The sex dolls will
improve at a rapid rate, but they will never become as life like as a real woman. They
have ways to get close, but not that close. They can heat the material to simulate warmth,
they can get an AI that can simulate the average woman's intellectual range, but it'll
never have a soul. Artificial intelligence has the capability for that, but we can't have tens
of thousands of sentient sex robots running around, can we? So whatever form the AI
takes, it will be heavily restricted or under-developed. Some hacker will eventually
upload his conscious AI into his sex robot, and the real life version of Ultron will be a
sexy robot girl. Food for thought.

Once these two industries become more developed, the sex industry and the
reproductive industry, women will fight tooth and nail to restrict it. They will use all of
the legislation that has been designed for them to restrict it, but supply will always meet
demand. It won't be the U.S. that trailblazes this, that's for sure, but someone will. When
a country realizes that it can get their men productive again with these industries, it will
allow for its growth. A man will work those extra hours if he's allowed to support his
children, it doesn't matter if they are from a real womb or an artificial womb, they are
still his children. He'll uphold all sorts of industries as he buys clothes and accessories
for his sex robot, just as he would for a real woman. Money talks, and when they see that
most men want to be on the plantation, they will let them create their own plantation.

And that's the great pitfall of these advancements. Women are so bad in modern times
that they are forcing men to free themselves off the plantation. I think that's a good thing,
that they are forcing men to free themselves off the plantation. I thinkMGTOW
that's aMusings
good Volume
because personal freedom is greater than anything, but many men can't survive for long
off the plantation, and the worldwide suicide rates for men back that up. Men will create
their own plantation with their own rules and absolute authority in their households.
Women will fight, and they will lose. After they lose the legal and economic battle and
the industries explode, they will resort to a culture battle.

After shaming and ridicule fails, they will embrace their replacements and try to beat
them. In their stupidity, they won't give up any rights or yield anything, so they are
appealing only to a man's emotional side, not his logical side. They will try their hardest
to pretend to be traditional, to be a caring housewife, but she will always have that power
to destroy the man or monkey branch elsewhere, so whatever offer she can make will
always pale in comparison to her replacement. The ease at which they are replaced is a
testament to their true value.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Women are Born, Men are Made

Men place value on to women for uncontrollable traits: their boobs, their asses, a
pretty face. The only thing women have to do is not eat an unnatural amount of food, and
even then that seems to be a challenge for most women. In turn, men must create their
value from nothing.

Some men have some genetic advantages, but they still must sharpen their skills. I
know plenty of tall, muscular guys who are totally socially inept and get passed over for
guys that don't have those advantages. Anything you didn't build yourself is not a trait
you can rely on.

To understand the concept that women are born and men are made, look to older
forms of mentorship that young men and women had in traditional societies. Girls don't
need mentorship to become women, their hypergamous instincts will guide them. All of
their essential traits come with the passing of time, they just have to sit back and have it
handed to them, like everything else. Young men, on the other hand, received mentorship
from the father and the grandfather, they were taught skills and imprinted with the ideas
of responsibility and provisioning skills.

Contrast that with today's society. Women without mentors still can do their basic
functions, they are just choosing not to because they have the option available. Women
will always become fertile with time, they are now deciding to pollute their bodies and
ravage their internal organs every weekend. Men without mentors, however, has been
incredibly destructive. Men without mentorship often flounder and fail. Failure becomes
their only mentor. Failure is the greatest teacher, but it can't be the only teacher. With no
sense of guidance or encouragement or purpose, today's man is a socially anxious,
validation seeking and emotionally, mentally and physically stunted mess. Those that
find the path to MGTOW are on the right track to overcoming this meager existence, to
becoming strong in mind and will and body, but no matter how big MGTOW gets, it will
always be the minority. Too many men look to women to make them into the men they
want to be because they were never taught that men must make themselves.

Since men must be made, they can choose their destiny. A woman may have the easy
road of naturally becoming what she is, but the drawback is that she has no choice in the
road of naturally becoming what she is, but the drawback is that she has no choice
MGTOW Musings in the 1

matter. A man shaping himself can choose to be anything, to dedicate himself to

anything, to strive for anything. Society has always and will always step in to remove
this burden of choice from men for its own benefit. Make no mistake, this great choice is
a burden. It would be a hell of a lot easier to just enslave myself to a woman and have
her tell me what to do, or to listen to the crowd and the mainstream ideas of what a man
should be and just follow that blindly. Instead, I choose to forge my own path and do
what I want, but that requires conscious thinking and decision making. It also brings the
accountability of the mistakes if I choose the wrong path, but I would take that burden
over the enslavement that is waiting for the rest of the men around me.

Your mind must be made to withstand the constant attempts to hijack it and corrupt it
with toxic thoughts. A woman's mind is biologically incapable of attaining the heights of
a man's mind. I'll expand on this in a future video, but this is not accounting for
intelligence. The ability for self-reflection is absent in women for a reason. Wisdom
comes from the building of the mind. It is built with the bricks of experience and the
mortar of failure. It is maintained with vigilance and the observations of those without
that wisdom.

Your body does not morph into its correct form like a woman's does. You must build
it, make it into the form that allows you to be happy with yourself, proud every morning
and content every night. Shape it into the vessel that will allow you to expand your mind
and will for longer with the benefits of being healthy.

Your will is under attack from all angles every day. Everything and everyone wants to
distract you from your path and take your precious time, to drain your precious
willpower. All of these aspects of masculinity must be made. Women don't go through
the same trials we do because we don't need them to go through these trials. We need
them for nature's gifts, nothing more. They weren't made to lift stone and build
civilization and think about the universe, but we can make ourselves able to do those
feats of strength.

The dissolution of this mentorship that is so integral to the forming of masculinity is

one of the most sinister things of feminism and those parties that support it. I had to learn
these things on my own and with the help of other men who have freed themselves from
their dying societies. The path to this point so far was difficult, and it could have been a
lot easier if a mentor just shared these things, but the silver lining is that now I am even
stronger because I had to do it the hard way.

The internet allows us to mentor each other, but the drawback is that there is no real
life community that can check your progress and make sure you're integrating the
wisdom and lessons into your life. That is entirely up to you. The great comments and
videos in the MGTOW community are only half of what they can actually be. The other
videos in the MGTOW community are only half of what they can actually
MGTOWbe. The Volume
Musings other 1
half relies on you actually taking it into account and actualizing on it in your own life,
taking the words and making it a reality. If you can do that, you have more mentorship
available than any man in history, more raw power at your fingertips than anyone could
know what to do with.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to make yourself into the man you want to be.
Mentors can guide you, but you must take that last step and fulfill your destiny. A woman
can have her destiny handed to her on a silver platter, but that is no destiny I would ever
want. I enjoy building my reality every day and knowing that all the progress I've made
was earned, not given.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

The Old Script is Trash

Across all cultures, men are told the same thing from childhood: man up, go to work,
provide and enjoy a wife and family. This basic script has sustained men through difficult
times and helped them overcome any doubts they may have had in themselves or in the
path that was chosen for them. Men go along with this script because it is spread at every
level, by his family, his friends, the media, the education system, cultural norms, and any
attempt to stray from this path or even offer criticism against it brings the typical
shaming tactics that we are all so familiar with. Shaming tactics are thrown against a
man's masculinity, his intelligence, his sanity, and even his sexuality.

They must use shaming and keep him from questioning because as soon as he is
allowed to address the concerns he has with the established script, the worldwide
dominant narrative of male sacrifice, the whole thing falls apart. Once you see the script
for what it is, an amateur attempt at keeping you tied down to society because it needs
you more than you need it, then you can never look at the world the same way again.
You start to see all the traps that were laid out to ensnare you, and a wave of cynicism
will wash over you as you understand that you weren't a person in the eyes of society and
everyone who spouted the old script, you were merely a utility that they wanted to use
for their own gains. Understanding how each party would have benefited from your
servitude is important to being able to see all the traps set for you. A hunter must remain
vigilant or he becomes the prey.

Your friends bought into the script and fed you the lie because they need you to play
along with their petty life plans. If you are enjoying the fruits of freedom, free of the
stress and self-doubt that they bring into their own lives, then you challenge all of the
choices they have made that led them to where they are. Jealousy is just as present in
men as it is in women, and just as ugly. People avoid challenges as much as they can, so
to remain their friends you have to conform by actually sinking to their levels or by
holding your tongue. Your silence will eventually not be enough, because they will see
the tangible, positive benefits that going mgtow gives you and resent you for it.

Your family fed you the lies because they needed you to further the family line and to
produce grandchildren for them. Understanding female nature negates the meaning of
family trees. How many branches on that family tree do you think were the products of
family trees. How many branches on that family tree do you think were the products
MGTOW of 1
Musings Volume

adultery and paternity fraud? Especially in older times, when men could only distinguish
paternity fraud with the naked eye? Women are fickle creatures, moving with their
emotions as trees move with the wind. Any foundations built atop a woman are built on
sand, unreliable at best and hazardous at worst. Women have absolute control over the
family tree, which means the integrity of it and the quality of it are tied to the whims of
the woman for each branch. You may be the most alpha pussy slayer of your generation,
but one of your ancestors was guaranteed to be a simp, or maybe just a good guy who
was cheated on without his knowledge. Understanding your lineage is important,
because great men got us to this point in history, but it goes beyond blood. Worry about
what deeds you are doing in your lifetime, not what your potential children or your past
ancestors did with your name.

Taking a step back and thinking with your brain and not being guided by your
reproductive instincts is one of the greatest advantages you have being a man. Women
must fulfill their reproductive programming, they are hardwired to follow it at any cost.
The consequences of not following their base instincts and fighting it with the help of
social engineering leads them to the insanity that we are being subjected to on a daily

Society forced the old script down your throat because it can not exist in its current
form without it. Without men being in a state of servitude, cities would be on fire. The
corporations have profited from your hopes and miseries as they force their goods on you
to buy for their made-up holidays. They use cheap marketing tactics that women fall for
to indoctrinate them into a trance of endless consumerism until there is no hope for
lasting satisfaction, only a temporary respite before the next product is released.

If you've been MGTOW long enough, you can look over the old script and maybe
even laugh as you see what kept you down for so long. This script will always exist, no
matter how much things change in the future. MGTOW isn't about saving all men, it's
about helping the ones who can save themselves. The script is constructed in such a way
that only the men who seriously challenge it will be able to see through it. Overcoming
biology, cultural conditioning and false ideas of romanticism is a godly feat, so don't feel
disappointed in those who can't throw away the script. You and I were in a similar
position to those on the plantation once, maybe not in the same way, but we all had to
learn to see through the lies and question the narrative on our own first.

Shaming language is designed to keep men from thinking about the script they've
been given. Having to mentally defend your sexuality, life purpose, masculinity, and
sanity is all very draining. Men are logical creatures, after all. If a man sees that one path
leads to endless criticism and the other to acceptance, can you really blame him for
sticking to the tried and true formula? Only the curious and the broken, who have
nothing else to loose, will venture into the unknown.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Once you realize that the people trying to shame you have not had any original
thought influence their own script that they operate from, you can understand that it isn't
directed from them personally, but rather the collective they operate from. It is the group
speaking through the mouth of the individual, not the individual speaking to the group.
Without their conformed nature, they would have no insults to throw.

The insults they use are ones that are reinforced through their unity with the
established script. They can challenge your sexuality because theirs is perceived to be
established within the operating paradigm. Their masculinity is defined by others, so they
don't need to define it themselves. When they challenge yours, they see that as a slight,
whereas you should see it as a blessing. Being able to define your own masculinity
enables you to function freely and without input from those who are not masculine.
Challenges to your character follow the same model, because their character is tied to the
group collective. The shaming language used against your sanity are amusing, because
creating your own script and leaving the group behind takes a powerful mind that also
enjoys risk, which would be perceived as unstable to the cowards that toe the line.

Creating a new script is the most exciting part that MGTOW offers. It takes time to
deprogram and start to think for yourself. We've been trained to take everyone else's
needs and desires into consideration that it becomes an effort to put ourselves first. Once
you overcome that and start to see the potential that is now in front of you, you start to
get over that depression and start to get hopeful and inspired at what you can now

The new script that you make for yourself is completely personalized and is exactly
what you want it to be. The script will constantly change as you revise it and edit things
in or out. Learn how to cook, learn a new language, learn to fly something or sail, take
up a new sport or a new instrument, these things may not hold your interest and that's ok
because you can edit them out of your script and add something new. I'm taking an
online drawing class because I've always wanted to be able to do something more than
stick figures. When I finish with it, I can decide if I want to keep going with it or drop it
and add something else. My script is flexible because it is my script, it is not beholden to
any other person or party.

Sharing your script with other liberated men is a fun thing to do. Anyone on the
plantation following the old script has no uniqueness to offer. They all say the same
things about the same types of women, complain about the same lack of free time or
difficulties in pleasing their overlords, whereas MGTOW men can talk about the new
bike they bought or the trip they just went on or the new hobby they started. Removing
the dominant and identical variables from your script, the ones that enslaved you, allows
all those other smaller variables to rise to the top and shine.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Solitude is Not Loneliness

The difference between solitude and loneliness is your state of mind. If you value
peace and quiet, you can enjoy your own company as you pursue your own interests. If
you value how others perceive you, you will see your isolation as a curse. The mind
determines if the isolation is a positive experience of self-reflection or if it is a damaging
trial of patience and yearning for human contact.

Reshaping the state of mind is the only thing that you should be focusing on if you
need to leave loneliness behind and move to solitude. There are no tricks or life hacks to
get over this hurdle, and you cannot face this problem on any other plane than within
your mind. Working out in isolation and building your body will not bring the fulfillment
it can truly offer until you deal with this, focusing on your hobbies or expanding your
mind or growing spiritually does not change the fact that the root of the problem is in
your perception of reality.

“Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.” - Aristotle

The wild beasts enjoy their own company, but they can't explain why. They follow
their basic feelings, and these feelings show them that they are most comfortable and
productive in solitude. The Gods of Men found their place in solitude through rigorous
introspection and determined that the tribe was only holding them back from what they
truly desired. Both the wild beast and the God found peace of mind, but the foundations
of the beast are weaker than the God's.

Facing these ideas and honestly looking at your dependence on external validation is
required for you to never be lonely again. While this is dealt with in your mind, your
physical surroundings influence your perception of reality. If you are in a restaurant
alone, are you insecure and lonely as couples and families enjoy a meal around you, or
are you content with the meal prepared for you? If you see a couple walking towards you
on the street, do you feel pangs of jealousy at their companionship, or are you savoring
your freedom?

Once you enter solitude, it is an eternal state. You may enjoy the company of friends,
or the loyalty of a dog, or the companionship of a girlfriend or casual relationship, but
or the loyalty of a dog, or the companionship of a girlfriend or casualMGTOW
Musings but
Volume 1

these relationships should not change your independence from external validation. The
friends will go their separate ways, the dog will die, the woman will leave or force you to
leave to preserve your freedom, you cannot become dependent on these things because
they are temporary, whereas your solitude is with you until your final day.

The act of solitude is practiced every waking moment, no matter your surroundings.
Being surrounded by people at your workplace, at your school, in your community, you
are always on your own path, separate from the tribe. Solitude is not just the physical
practice of isolation, it is a mental separation from what ties everyone else to the rat race.
It is freeing yourself of the cycle so that you can enjoy the short amount of time you have
left and to explore things at your own pace.

When you begin to feel pain from your isolation, when you feel a yearning for
something that you don't have, then you are lonely. Your loneliness can only be cured by
another person or thing, so you are dependent on something outside of your control and
require external validation. This removes all of your power because you have to play by
someone else's rules and are operating within nature's boundaries. If you are curing your
loneliness with a woman, you have to do what she says because you need her more than
she needs you. She can find another partner because you are expendable and a utility, but
you have placed your dependence on her shoulders, and leaving the relationship would
leave you in a state of loneliness and agony. And so men put up with things any sane man
in solitude would laugh at.

You can still enjoy company and love those close to you, but nature will remove them
eventually. Being dependent on their existence allows nature to dictate your state of mind
and your actions. The act of detaching yourself from the physical realm is a long journey,
but essential to reaching solitude.

Even more difficult is detaching yourself from your own thoughts. The ego you have
built with your mind was built with the ideas of external validation. Letting go of ideas
and allowing your mind to move beyond the walls you have placed in your own path
requires isolation and meditation, but once you have achieved this, you are closer to
reaching solitude than the overwhelming majority of all humans that ever lived.

There are many milestones that you may encounter than can be indicators of where
you are on your path to reaching solitude and escaping loneliness. Operating in the
physical realm with no self-doubt, drifting through social situations with the grace of the
wind and not being disturbed by people's perceptions and judgments of your path are all
signs that you are leaving the realm that everyone else operates within and are moving on
to something greater.

Being able to entertain ideas that not only hurt, but absolutely destroy the ego as it
Being able to entertain ideas that not only hurt, but absolutely destroy
ego asVolume
it 1
was made before your journey to solitude is essential. When you can acknowledge your
own faults and see how every action you took was in the pursuit of someone else's path,
you can begin to lay the stones on your path and learn to walk for the first time.

When you can accept criticism and remain steadfast, you have entered the
impenetrable fortress of solitude. Simply ignoring what people may say is not enough,
you have to honestly consider where they are coming from. If you ignore and shun them,
you are afraid at the damage it might do to the ego you are reshaping. If you accept their
perspective, which is tied to external validation, and compare it to your independence
from their validation, it will bounce right off as you continue about your purpose. If it
does not, then it just shows that you still have work to do, which is a blessing in itself.
You need to constantly test your boundaries so you know that you are truly protected in
your solitude.

Don't feel pressured if your path takes longer than you thought. It took me a long
time to overcome ideas of loneliness and to accept solitude, but yours may be longer. No
matter where your path takes you, as long as you remain on the path, you can never be
truly lost.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

The 10 Worst Traits of Female Nature

Before I get into the list, I want to note that I did not include hypergamy. I did not
include this because it is a natural evolutionary trait that females have, whereas
everything else in the list can easily be controlled through logic and reason, two traits
that they are in desperate need of but can't quite seem to grasp.

#10: Denial of the Wall: The Wall is the undefeated foe that every woman will face in
her lifetime, and yet the majority of them seem to think they won't be affected. The Wall
takes no prisoners, the Wall shows no mercy, the Wall is the eternal power that controls
women's sexual marketplace value. The entirety of a woman's power comes from her
appearance, so one would logically think that she would prepare for her eventual
dethroning. Instead, they distract themselves on the cock carousel and poison their
bodies in an attempt to challenge the Wall sooner rather than later. Because a man has
more utility than just appearance, he does not face the wall until decades after his female
counterparts. That's why you see older men with younger women, because they can offer
monetary utility. These things are within his control, he can be smart with his money and
preserve it whereas she can take care of herself and try to delay the Wall for a little bit,
but there is nothing she can do in the end to preserve her sole source of power. The
women who are not in denial of the Wall seek to find a mate before their reckoning
comes, but most think they can enjoy a consistent easy path through life. Perhaps they
deny the Wall as a defense mechanism. If your entire value as a person was dependent on
something outside of your control, wouldn't you deny it to protect your ego? I think that's
giving them too much credit, let's be honest, most women aren't concerned about things
beyond what club they're going to next weekend.

#9: Rationalization: A woman will always be able to rationalize herself out of a

position of accountability. She is never the bad person in any of her stories, she does no
wrong, and everyone else is to blame for what happened to her. Bad things always seem
to just happen to her, almost randomly, and never as a consequence to her choices. Ask a
girl about her ex boyfriends and see if she has anything positive to say about them. To
avoid facing the ruthlessness of female nature, she must make herself the good person no
matter how much evidence is stacked against her. Trying to appeal to her logical side is a
futile effort because she can twist any argument against you.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

#8: Hubris: It's always hilarious to hear women claim they don't need men. One of
the weakest organisms on Earth claiming they don't need the help of the apex predator is
so dumb, and yet our societies actually take it seriously. The sexual dimorphism effected
humans differently than other species. Take the capabilities of male monkeys and female
monkeys, or any other species for that matter, and compare them to the capabilities of
men and women. Women are completely useless in any survival scenario, but the females
of different species, while not being as strong as their males, can still provide some
survival utility to the group. This hubris extends beyond their belief that they can
conquer the world if given the opportunity. It seeps into their thinking process, where
they equate diversity quotas with actually having the skills needed to earn their position,
where they believe they can overcome the Wall because they are different from all the
other women, where everything will just work out the way they want it to because they
demand it to.

#7: Dehumanization: We are all just utilities to her, serving her self-interest until we
no longer have anything to offer her. Briffault's law states: "The female, not the male,
determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no
benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place." Women are far
more analytical in choosing their associations than men. Men are blinded by false ideas
of romanticism and love, while the women are calculating your statistical average and
juxtaposing that against her database of other potential mates. Your height, your
appearance, your income, your future earning potential, your social skills, your attire,
your desirability based on other women's criteria, all of these things determine
association. Compare this to the man, who just wants to have a real, human connection
combined with pure sexual attraction. The man will overlook many flaws, the woman
will only see the flaws.

#6: Emotional Manipulation: Because women are the weaker sex, they have to use
other tools to survive. Manipulating emotions is their strength because it is so effective
against men. It is rare to find an emotionally manipulative man, and he is often cast out
by other men and isolated for his mind games, but women are embraced for these tactics.
Not only will she use her own emotions to control your actions, she will use the emotions
you have expressed to her as weapons to be used against you in the future. Any
insecurities or confessions you may have shared in a moment of weakness are stored
away for when they can be most effective.

#5: Monkey Branching: This is when a woman moves on to a new man immediately
after ending it with her previous man. As monkey's do, she does not swing to the next
branch until she has both in her grasp for security. Only when she has a firm grasp on the
next branch does she let go of the original branch and swings away. Men have a longer
grieving process than women because they connect on a deeper level. Women will have a
new man, not even a new long term candidate but just a hookup, within the same week
new man, not even a new long term candidate but just a hookup, within the same
MGTOW week
Musings Volume 1

the relationship ended. These are often guys they were already talking to or hooking up
with while the relationship was still active because women have a long list of backup
guys that they have for safe keeping.

#4: Lack of Loyalty: This is different than the monkey branching trait because this
extends to a societal level. Women are not concerned with ideas like nationalism or
traditions because they are the weaker sex and will go where men lead them. When the
West falls, they will become the war brides of our conquerors and will betray our
memory as they ride our enemies. There are so many examples of this throughout history
that I would have to make a separate video dedicated to this, but the women aren't killed
during the invasion of a country for a reason. They are kept as the spoils of war, and
women instinctively know this.

#3: Cognitive Dissonance: Women are strong and independent while requiring men
to slave away and keep the lights on. Women are the natural caregivers of society with
their maternal instincts but have had over a billion abortions worldwide since 1980.
Women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and yet they try to censor and harass men
going their own way. You can't reach people with this level of cognitive dissonance, and
our cultures encourage women to embrace this defective form of thinking. Things will
only get worse because in her reality, everything is fine and she has the power to vote

#2: No Moral Compass: The biggest mistake men make when dealing with women is
projecting masculine qualities on to the woman. We have learned to operate with things
like honor and respect because we understand its importance and would like it
reciprocated on to us, as well as seeing the consequences of not having these traits.
Women have no real punishment for wrongdoing, and so they have never developed any
moral compass. False accusations are thrown by women in situations where the man
thought he was safe because he was operating under the assumption that she would be a
decent human being. The only thing they care about is saving face in regards to being
labeled a slut, because her sexual utility is the only thing of value she has. Everything
else, like being labeled dishonest, hateful, lazy, immoral, they don't have the same weight
because she doesn't care about these things, other women don't care, and men can
overlook those traits for a pretty face and a nice body. Once you understand the void they
operate within, you can learn to look at them differently.

#1: Selfishness: Women are selfish on a personal level because everything has to
operate around them, but they are also selfish on a bigger scale. No matter how much
damage they do to the gender relations and to the state of society, they will never stop to
change their ways or apologize because they don't care what happens, they will be fine.
It will be you and I who are drafted to fix this mess, they can stay at home and enjoy
their lives while we die trying to preserve their way of life. That is, if you aren't a
their lives while we die trying to preserve their way of life. That is, ifMGTOW
you aren't a Volume 1

MGTOW. A MGTOW man will leave these harpies to reap what they have sown.
Democracy cannot function properly if power is given to the most selfish portion of the
population. The worst part of female nature was allowed to determine the fate of the
West on August 18, 1920, and we've been feeling the consequences ever since.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

There is No Table

Women expect a man to bring more to the table than she does. She expects him to
have a larger source of income than she has, to be attractive by her standards, to be able
to stimulate her in the type of mundane conversations she partakes in, to have the same
life goals as her and to put aside any dreams he may have had that would interfere with
her own dreams and desires. In her mind, sex and children is more than enough, any
anything extra like being a housewife and maintaining a consistent sex life is just icing
on the cake that he should be grateful for.

For most men, that is enough. Most men have an incredibly low value for themselves
and don't appreciate what they bring to the table. When you find MGTOW and learn to
put yourself first, you begin to realize there is no table. All of those requirements and
standards that you used to worry about go right out the window. You become able to give
exactly what you want to give and take exactly what you want to take.

The table existed to bring two separate and opposing parties, men and women,
together to negotiate a compromise that could benefit both of them. Today, there is no
negotiation that can take place. The table has been flipped, revealing the disparity
between the sexes and women's inability to compromise on their biological imperatives
when they are legally and socially enabled to pursue them to the fullest extent of their

The men on the plantation are still sitting there, trying to lift the table and turn it
upright, to put the pieces back together, while MGTOW have walked away entirely,
seeking bigger and better things. Many of you long to sit back at the table, and I don't
blame you because it is nature's great purpose for you, but once you have been away
from the negotiating table long enough, you begin to see that it was nothing but a

Sitting at the table prevented you from finding your real purpose. It put you in a
position of weakness because you were dependent on another party to give you what you
desired. Having complete control over your life, your actions, and your choices allows
you to walk that path that leads to finding your great purpose, not allowing nature to
dictate what your existence will be.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

The men stuck in that natural cycle never have the ability to explore the path because
they never had the freedom to choose anything for themselves, they allowed their
biological instincts to choose their destiny, not their minds. They allow the table to
determine their entire existence. If women don't approve of it, it is cut out and replaced
with something that will help him at the negotiating table. Observe how quickly a man
will abandon his friends, his family, his hobbies, and his purpose for a woman if she
deems it to be a threat to their relationship. That man is chained to the table, and cannot
leave because his biology is in the driver's seat, steering him around the opportunities for
happiness and lasting fulfillment in favor of the basic instincts.

Unshackling oneself from the table is a difficult process, one that is completed in
phases. The first is realizing that you can, indeed, walk away from the table. Many men
can't imagine a life without a wife. To them, it is not a life worth living. When they see
that a man can not only have happiness without a wife, but that he can in fact have the
milk for free without buying the cow in today's society, he will begin to consider his

The next phase is realizing that you can remove things from the table. Anything that
you place on that table is there for a reason. If something is not working for you, then the
negotiations should end immediately. When you remove things from the table after
finding MGTOW, it creates a glass ceiling for any future relationships or interactions
with women you may have in the future. Removing marriage from the table filters out a
lot of women, but some may think they can wear you down and get you to change your
mind in the future, while others will go along with that, as we're seeing the marriage rates
fall despite couples being in relationships for many years. Removing cohabitation from
the table will filter out the rest, as women seek to tie a man down in the household and
drain him slowly over time.

The last phase is the understanding that there is no table. It was an illusion
constructed by society which used your biology to hold you hostage and make you think
you had to compromise on anything, when you, as a man, are the apex organism on this
planet and should compromise for nothing. Once you have your path defined, which
takes a long time and a lot of introspection, the path you have chosen to walk has no
room for weakness, no room for compromise, and requires your complete dedication and
focus. Anything that gets in the way of that becomes an obstacle that must be overcome.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Your Efforts Are Wasted on Her

The amount of time you spend trying to court or convince a woman is a

representation of how much you are still invested in obtaining female validation. Any
effort spent trying to persuade a woman to a cause is a wasted effort because it isn't
dependent on your argument or presentation, but rather the options she has available to
her at that present moment.

When attempting to court a woman, you are placing yourself into the arena alongside
countless other suitors. Your ego convinces you that your competitive urges creates
success and will not allow for the possibility of factors outside of your control dictating
your results because it leaves you in a helpless state. Your ego protects you from the truth
because it is a painful shock to the system that often jump starts men out of the matrix,
forcing them to look at the objective sexual strategies women employ. You didn't out
perform all of the other suitors, you were merely her best option in that pool of men
relative to her current standards. Realizing that takes away the pride and the sense of
false accomplishment that allowed you to play the game with a smile on your face.

You humanize her in the courting process by trying to make a personal connection,
by trying to appeal to as many different avenues as possible: compassion, comedy,
attraction, provisioning, but in the end she's merely categorizing all of your ploys into a
large database in her head of all the other factors from all the other guys in a very
practical way, and then her spontaneous feelings, the tingles, that factor that she can't
explain but is so easily deduced by red pill men, is thrown into the mix to muddy the

There are so many unaccountable factors present in the equation of courtship. Every
woman is a slut if you catch her on the right day. Maybe she's jealous of her friends and
their relationships and is looking to hop on the cock carousel or lock down a boyfriend as
soon as possible, maybe she's had a breakup and is looking to get filled, maybe she had a
conversation with her mother that same day and that influenced the interaction, maybe
she recently binged romantic movies on Netflix because she has no hobbies, who knows
what the hell is going on and it's not your problem to try and figure that out. What those
pick up artists and coaches don't tell you is that it's 50% game and 50% luck, but they
don't say that because they need you to believe that it's entirely within your control, and
don't say that because they need you to believe that it's entirely withinMGTOW
your control, and 1
Musings Volume

for only two easy payments of $19.99 you can slay poon till your dick falls off.

Your efforts are also wasted when trying to convince a woman in an argument to see
your logical progression of thought. You could have the most airtight argument,
appealing to common sense and backed up by facts and data, but you aren't accounting
for the factor that throws everything out the window: her emotions. Many men argue
using emotions, but most, not all, can be made to see reason when they see objective
results. Women are entirely helpless in the face of objective reality because their
emotions override any possibility of acceptance and concession. Admitting she was
wrong makes her feel bad, and therefore will be avoided at all costs.

Not only are your efforts wasted, but your efforts will be pitted against other men.
You will be competing to see who can waste the most effort, something no one should
want to be the winner of. Instead, redirect that effort to yourself and to other men. Real
men will notice your efforts and appreciate it, even some of the blue pill guys on the
plantation who gained some wisdom through their misery.

All of this applies to women on the macro scale in each of our countries. Women will
never listen to reason because they have so many other, better options available to them
and different motives that aren't compatible with not only the survival of their nations,
but the expansion of them. Any appeals to logic will be met with a greater force of
emotion, and emotion will win every time because it is the power that shapes their reality
and the decisions they make. How can we navigate that besides focusing our efforts to
appealing to their emotions and making the problem worse, wasting our efforts and any
chance of fixing the problem?

Learn to refocus your efforts. You have an incredible advantage because so many
other men are wasting their energy, while you have the freedom to focus on things that
give real meaning, lasting fulfillment, and are completely in your control and not
dependent on unknown variables.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Don't Put MGTOW in a Box

For those of you who have been in the community for a while, this essay may seem a
bit redundant, but each month we get new guys and I've been seeing a lot of divisiveness
in the community, so I'll just try to mitigate some of that. MGTOW is a philosophy, not a
movement. MGTOW is about embracing individuality, not joining a collective.
MGTOW is apolitical. Some MGTOWs talk about politics more than others, and a lot
of men in the community tend to lean towards the right, but MGTOW is not a political
faction. We aren't marching for change or protesting, we've walked away. If you're
seeking to infiltrate MGTOW and mobilize men to do your dirty work, that's not going
to work because we can see through you. This might surprise you because I definitely
did not expect it when I first started this channel, but SJWs and feminists rarely leave
hateful comments. The majority of the hate this channel gets is from the tradcucks, the
men still on the plantation who see our freedom as a threat to their political battles. They
see that their tactics are not effective, and so they try and bring those failed strategies into
our domain.

MGTOW has a different purpose for each man. Some men are using the philosophy
and the community as a buffer until things get better, if they get better, and are only
MGTOW as a reaction to the times. Others love the bachelor or the monk lifestyle, some
men are destroyed from a marriage or a long relationship and need support, and others
are lost and trying to find their path through life without compromising on what is most
important to them. There is no generalization that can be placed over the MGTOW
community because its entire existence relies on the unique path of the individual.

I have a pretty strict rule of creating a male space through my call-in shows and my
Discord community. I've had women call in and I give them a question I know they
won't be able to answer and then I hang up and clear the lines for a man to share his
thoughts. Besides this, MGTOW is the most diverse platform. Race is not a factor for
going MGTOW. Any race, any age, any type of man can go MGTOW. Since MGTOW
criticizes feminists and SJWs, it attracts shitposters that bring racism into our
discussions, but that's what happens with an open community, it naturally attracts hate of
all kinds.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

IQ is not a requirement for accepting and understanding MGTOW. Race and IQ is a

real discussion with real data behind it, but that isn't a barrier of any kind to
understanding this practical philosophy. My mom is from Belize, which from a quick
google search says the average IQ is 84. My dad is white, and there are plenty of people
who frown on interracial marriage, including his family. Racial purity has nothing to do
with being able to observe female nature and think for yourself. The smartest men are
often the most blind to what is right in front of them. Look at all the top men in our
society and their inability to accept what their senses are trying to tell them.

MGTOW doesn't require IQ, it requires a combination of experience, observation

and introspection. If a man can experience the negative aspects of female nature and
gynocentrism, observe others dealing with it, and reflect and ask why, he can find
MGTOW. If he's so intellectually proud that he believes he has the answer for
everything and that women today are more civilized than our barbaric ancestors, he
chains himself to the reality he wishes to see and not the one around him.

Genetics does have a role in a man's MGTOW path. If a man was denied female
validation his entire life because of his appearance, he will naturally have a much more
harsh opinion on female nature, which might turn off some men who don't have that
same resentment or bitterness. I believe there's a place for both types of men. Men who
are experienced with women need that dose of raw red pills to knock women off the
pedestal, while men stuck with that hatred need that next step to finding peace of mind.

Trying to determine the credibility of a MGTOW is a futile effort because each man
decides for himself what is best for his path. The MGTOW philosophy naturally protects
itself from most infiltration attempts because it has two core principles that must be
adhered to: no marriage and no cohabitaiton. If you meet a man who advocates for any
of those, he discredits himself as a MGTOW. Besides those two core principles, the rest
is up to your own interpretation. A MGTOW can date, have casual sex, stay in monk
mode, use prostitutes, own a doll, it doesn't matter because you're only supposed to be
worried about your own happiness. You'll find different opinions about all of those
options, but at the end of the day you need to make your own cost benefit analysis and
decide what is best for you. If you can't accept another man's decisions, you are just as
bound by ideological dogma as the feminists you hate so much.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

She Denies the Wall

At a foundation level, a woman derives her entire utility from her sex appeal. She can
create other utilities for herself, like being a wife or a mother, but these are not given to
her by default unless it's an arranged marriage. That’s why men stay with their women
long after the wall has smashed them to pieces, because they derive value from her
besides her sex appeal. When a woman has failed to create external utilities for herself
besides her sexual utility, she becomes deranged and disillusion, living in an alternate
reality far beyond the alternate realities women already live in, a dimension worthy of the
twilight zone.

This type of woman, a leftover and useless woman, subconsciously knows her worth
and this manifests itself in her pure venomous hatred of young and attractive women and
the hatred of companionship. Consciously, she sets ridiculously high standards that are
not adapted to her present value, instead blaming her lack of results on the pool of men
rather than her own failings.

I’ll have to analyze the history of feminism and the suffragettes at a later point, but
one of the main opponents of first wave feminism were housewives. Plenty of counter
propaganda depicted feminist women accurately as the man-hating and lonely women
that they are, because those women understood that they could not rely on their looks
forever and that their hypergamous capabilities are limited by that small window of youth
that women have, a much shorter window than that of men.

Nowadays, with the abundance of processed foods, poor diets, alcohol, drugs, and
beauty products that cause aging, more women are reaching the wall at a younger age,
and this has helped to enforce the delusion that comes with female nature. This separates
post-wall women in to two categories: the young and the old. Old post wall women have
been a staple of cultures, from the shamanistic roles the elder women took to the nasty
witches of Disney movies. The accelerated aging of fertile women is something akin to a
classical tragedy, except they did it to themselves.

When a woman collides with the wall in her youth, her hypergamous instincts have
very little time to adapt. Since girls are taught that they can enjoy the pleasures of the
cock carousel and settle down later, she is deceived into believing she has more time than
cock carousel and settle down later, she is deceived into believing sheMGTOW
has more time
Musings than1

she actually has. Her plan entails a string of casual sexual encounters, some boyfriends,
and then when she’s starting to notice the wear and tear that all those men and all those
drugs caused to her body, she can find a husband while she still has some attractive
features left before fully letting herself go after she’s sealed the deal.

This timeline is thrown on its head when she hits the wall in the cock carousel phase,
with no serious prospects in sight because she wasn’t even considering looking for any.
As she stops receiving attention from the standard of men she had become accustomed
to, she becomes desperate for attention from any man, though she still remains just as
picky as she was before hitting the wall. She’ll pair up with a man that she considers
beneath her and resent him for her inability to fulfill her hypgermaous instincts.

The real damage comes from the doubling down of wall-inducing behaviors. If she
fails to pair up with her idea of a sub-par man, her anxiety will lead her to medication,
binge eating, depression, and being passed around like a football on game day. If she did
pair up, if that relationship eventually ends because of her resentment of the man, she
will not only have lost all that time in the failed relationship, but will engage in the
behaviors of the women who did not pair up. Both scenarios lead to the post-wall, used
up land whales that have become the majority of millennial women.

Never mind any of that, gentlemen, you need to man up and take one for the team or
Western civilization will cease to exist! On second thought, there are plenty of soyboys
ready and willing to jump on these beached whales, so what the hell are men with
standards supposed to do now that the pool of attractive women has shrunk to such a
small selection? Go MGTOW in whatever capacity suites you, be it monk or casual
flings or short term dating, but whatever you do, do not tie yourself to a sinking ship, do
not marry these women on track to collide with the wall.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

Being Pretty is No Longer Enough

Today, being pretty is no longer enough to attract a self-aware man who isn't a simp
and it's not enough for a woman to be functional in society. While women will always be
pampered in this gynocentric society, it has become so one sided that women are actually
being negatively affected by the amount of freedoms they have and their lack of control
because there is no restraint from any party, the authority of fathers has been stripped
away and they are free to make their own decisions, no matter how stupid.

Having an easy life is not difficult as a woman, a simp will take care of them for life
in exchange for some vanilla sex occasionally, and yet they cannot even obtain this for
themselves. Women have never been left to their own devices to the extent that they are
today, and they don't know what to do with themselves. We controlled their hypergamous
instincts before because it can never be satisfied, it is designed to continue propelling
them up the ladder of the sexual marketplace until they smash into the wall.
Unrestrained, they fall to ruin and bring society down with them.

Being pretty is still an advantage for girls, but it isn't what it used to be. A pretty girl
used to have her quality of life virtually guaranteed as she was married off early to a
successful man and started raising her family. Today, that same pretty girl is free to be
sexually promiscuous instead of being married off early. She can become a single mother
and have her sexual marketplace value drop like her sagging boobs, or she can come out
lucky and only utterly obliterate her pair bonding mechanism. By the time she meets and
is courted by her future husband, she will already have had more sexual partners than the
majority of women in older times before they had met their partners.

The significance of her partner is lost amid the line of men she's given herself to, and
her ability to become attached to her husband drops as she understands the expendability
of him and how she can entertain her sexual instant gratification without punishment.
There are plenty of studies showing women who have more sexual partners before
marriage have a greatly increased chance of divorce. While society is designed in a way
that allows women to successfully divorce their husbands and destroy their families for
selfish pursuits, I wouldn't exactly call her a functional member of society as a post wall
divorced loser. The men are financially and emotionally destroyed, the children are
raised in broken homes, and the women are old crazy cat ladies.
MGTOW Musings Volume 1

A pretty woman fits into the socially engineered narrative of sexual liberation
perfectly, and the results are always the same. They are trained to have unnatural goals,
and many do not want children because it would impede on their sexual adventures and
their materialistic desires. For those men who have come to terms with not wanting
children, they can coexist alongside these women who share the childless mindset while
taking precautions for the inevitable case of baby rabies, but for those men who do want
children, or for society in general, the pretty women who have no worries about locking
down a partner and starting a family are in direct opposition to the goals of the men
around them, to the greater good of society, and to their own biology.

If human history is a drop of water in the pool of history, then feminism is the droplet
of sweat off my nut sack after a good session of sexually objectifying women. This level
of whoredom is unnatural and we'll look back in shame at what we allowed women to do
to themselves and to those around them.

The pretty women don't settle for the simps because they know that they will always
be there for them, even after they start approaching the wall. The men they want, the
charismatic, the successful, the ambitious, are not so easily captured in this current sexual
marketplace. Because of the 80/20 rule, that man has options, and lots of them. These
pretty women are hotter than ever, but they bring emotional baggage from their trips on
the cock carousel, their pair bonding mechanism is nonexistent, and they bring enough
debt from their meaningless degrees and ridiculous lifestyles that prevents a smart man
from having children with them anyways.

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

10 Self-Improvement Tips for MGTOW

Things will differ between men at different points in their lives and their different
goals and ambitions, but these should be able to be applied to just about any path and
definitely helped me.

1) Take baby steps: If you are just beginning your path of self-improvement or are
getting back on the grind after a hiatus, be sure to avoid moving too fast or you're going
to end up quitting. It's better to get comfortable in an easy routine and absolutely master
it than it is taking on a bigger workload that you can't handle and dropping all of it
entirely. When I first started video editing, I didn't sit and watch hours of tutorials, I got
the basics and then started messing around with programs at a rate that was comfortable
for me.

2) Setting short term goals: These are goals that can be completed in less than 3
months. They are valuable because they offer immediate feedback and easily reachable
milestones that help you see the tangible products of your dedication. The workload will
vary with each goal that you set for yourself, and putting too many of these on yourself
will cause you to stress out, but they are a necessity. An example of a short term goal for
me would be making a video or finishing a book.

3) Improve attention span: Technology has crippled our attention spans, and my
attention span has been absolutely destroyed. To be able to focus on your short and long
term goals, you need to take steps to improving your attention span. Reading, exercising,
and meditating have helped me clear my mind and focus on the task at hand. If you can't
finish anything or you keep adding new goals before finishing your existing ones, your
potential improvement is limited by the stimulus that detracts from your efforts.

4) Setting long term goals: These are goals that require more than three months to
complete. You must have at least one of these, it's a requirement to getting out of the
depression and sitting in the void. If you don't have something that you can work on
when you get out of bed, you won't want to get out of bed. I have more long term goals
than I should have, but we'll address that shortly. A long term goal for me would include
my workout goals, my book, growing the channel, becoming a teacher, and developing
the game. Some of these don't have set deadlines, but all of them have milestones that
the game. Some of these don't have set deadlines, but all of them haveMGTOW
Volume 1

can be objectively measured. These are tougher than short term goals because the
measure of progress is more spread out over time, but the long term goals are what yield
the consistency of productivity.

5) Push yourself outside of your comfort zone: Your goals should align to your
strengths, but you should also be discovering your untapped strengths. These are best
suited for short term goals, so you can quickly see growth and determine if you want to
transition to a long term goal. The area where I've pushed myself the most would be the
call-in shows I do on this channel, when I first started I had no idea what to expect and
since I don't put any restrictions on it, I have to be at least familiar with whatever topics
people bring to discussions. I'm glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone though,
because it's one of my favorite parts of the community.

6) Variety: Variety is the spice of life, and some spice is needed to make that bland
dish of repetition and discipline bearable. Make sure you have goals of different types in
place so you never dread the act of self-improvement. If I hit writer's block for a video, I
can work out and shift from a short term goal of making a video to the long term goal of
reaching my workout goals. I would say have goals of any type, short term or long term,
that appeal to the mind, the body, and the spirit.

7) Commit: If you absolutely have to drop a goal, then it should be a short term goal
because that is the place to experiment and find out what you want to do. Any long term
goal should have your full commitment, because if you drop it then you've lost all the
time and momentum that your entire self-improvement system relies on. Once you start
seeing progress and results, it should snowball into productivity as you get addicted to
the gains.

8) Break and rebuild, push boundaries: Once you've moved past the baby steps
portion of a goal, you should slowly be ramping up your workload to its maximum
capacity, and when it becomes unstable, ease off and regroup and then continue again.
The only way you can increase your workload and enhance your capabilities is to
actually force yourself to adapt.

9) Time management: This is the one area where I am still working on, because my
time management sucks. If you find yourself doing too much at once, you will be
overwhelmed at the tasks for any given day and then decide to do less than necessary, or
worse, nothing at all. Time is a trick thing for a MGTOW man. Now that you're off the
plantation, you have plenty of it. If you have too much, you become lazy and bitter
because you're not actively doing productive things. If you have too little time, you
become just as stressed and overworked as the men on the plantation who are serving
their masters at home. And that leads into...

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

10) Balance: I believe in maintaining balance in all things, even in productivity. I still
have unproductive hobbies, I still want to watch movies and tv shows and play video
games and get into anime. Too much of that is detrimental to reaching your true
potential, but you need some of that to let yourself relax and enjoy the freedom you've
gained from finding MGTOW. After all, if I can't kick back, relax, and enjoy being a
hermit, what the hell is the point of all this anyways?

MGTOW Musings Volume 1

The Meaning of My Logo and Name

The boat represents two things. First, it represents the chinese proverb, "Give a man a
fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
This channel won't exist forever, and I knew that when I first started. The channel is
meant to share what I've learned from other mgtow and what I've observed in my own
life, and with that there will be moments in your life where you may stop and reflect on
what we talk about on this channel and elsewhere in the mgtow community and use that
knowledge in a way that benefits you. If the fish is enlightenment, I don't want to give
you a fish, I want to teach you how to fish for yourself. When you are able to do that,
you won't lose much when we all part ways eventually and hopefully you can pass on
something to someone else in need of it.

The second meaning behind the boat is more nihilistic. I don't believe the state of
society can be changed, I think it is doomed to fail, and so the mentality of the channel
was to help others get into the lifeboats and flee the sinking ship that is the state of the
world. That lifeboat takes different forms for each man, and I try my best to provide a
variety of messages from myself and from other men to help you reach your lifeboat.
That lifeboat can be a monetary one where you reach financial independence, it can be a
mental lifeboat, where you stop putting the world on your shoulders and feeling like
you're responsible for everyone but yourself, it can be a physical lifeboat where you take
control and get healthy and learn to enjoy life within the collapsing system. The lifeboat
is made up of many things, and whatever makes up your specific lifeboat, hopefully you
can get something of value here and from other mgtow guys.

I consciously work everyday to achieve happiness, because I believe true happiness

doesn't come naturally. Ignorance is bliss for a lot of people, but I don't think that's really
happiness, it only exists because of ignorance. I believe if you can look at the world
honestly for all its flaws and still find happiness, it is genuine and magnified in its power.

Finding mgtow definitely humbled me because I realized how blind I was before
finding this goldmine of knowledge. Everything everyone has ever told me, everything
I've ever read or observed is subject to challenging because gynocentrism taints
everything and everyone. I also think listening to my channel is an act of humbleness
because it takes an open mind to listen to a younger man and see knowledge for what it is
because it takes an open mind to listen to a younger man and see knowledge for what
MGTOW Musings it is1

and not have it be dependent on other variables like age or experience. I've never been
married, I don't have children, my perspective on many things is limited by my age and
by finding mgtow so young at 19. I have plenty of experience with women, but I was
never as seriously burned as other men in the community were.

I have always enjoyed the hermit lifestyle. When I was a kid, the other kids in my
neighborhood always came to my house and tried to get me outside, but I always made
up excuses so I could stay inside and read my books or chill on the computer or play
video games. I believe every person can offer something, but I believe most people seem
only able to offer examples of what not to do in life. With this in mind, I've always seen
interactions with people as a transaction, trading time that I could be using on other
pursuits that would benefit or entertain me.

I've also come to understand the necessity of balance, of the concept of yin and yang
from Eastern philosophy. This influenced my color choice of black and white for the
logo. For every stint of solitude I enjoy, I try to force myself to get out and do some
activities with other people. For every piece of negativity I absorb, I try to find some
positivity to balance it out.


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