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CHAPTER I Commented [A1]:

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INTRODUCTION Commented [A2]:

In the Philippines, the teachers’ localized and contextualized materials are the Formatted: Font: Not Bold

remedy on strengthening the learning process by becoming it interactive and meaningful.

The Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) is continuously accepting the challenge of

having bringing quality education through K-12 programcurriculum. It features new

curriculumhas features to fit the ever changing demands of the 21st century learners. The

localization of the curriculum can allow learning to become more meaningful and relevant. It

supports policy formulation and standard setting for reform of the curriculum and the impact of

this on teacher skills and knowledge. Localization will involve the use of local materials both as

the subject and object of instruction. Localization will also involve making the local culture an

integral part of the curriculum (UNESCO 2018).

However, there are a number of constraints in the devolution of responsibility for

curriculum to local levels, including lack of local technical expertise and material resources and

resistance to change among teachers and local educators. When embarking on a process of

localization, educators at all levels in an education system are required to adopt additional

responsibilities, new roles and to perform familiar tasks in different ways.The teachers are

provided with the curriculum guide to meet the competencies and standards of every grade level

must have. The learning we should give to the millennial pupils should equip with the right

standard of teachings and materials in accordance to their needs and ability. It is believe by the

reformation made by the education department, Filipinos can be globally competitive.


In the Philippines, localizing and contextualizing materials are the remedies to strengthen

the learning process, thus, making the learning activities more interactive and meaningful

(Delgado, 2018). One of the standards and principles of DepEd in developing the enhanced basic

education curriculum is the contextualization and localization of learning materials.

InBased on Republic Act No. 10533, the curriculum shall be flexible enough to allow

schools to undergo localizationed, indigenized indigenization and enhanced enhancement the

same basedof the learning materials based on their respective educational and social context.

Furthermore, regarding the production and development of produced of teaching and learning

materials shall beare also encouraged. The approval of these materials shall be developed will be

undertaken by the regional and division education unit in accordance with national policies and

standards. One of the standards and principles of Department of Education in developing the

enhanced basic education curriculum is the curriculum must be contextualized and global. In the

Philippines, the teachers’ localized and contextualized materials are the remedy on strengthening

the learning process by becoming it interactive and meaningful.

Localization, being one of the degrees of contextualization, is the process of relating

learning content specified in the curriculum to local information and materials from the learner’s

community. LWe localizatione and contextualization of e the curriculum and the use of learning

materials in terms of geography, cultural diversity and individuality y. It helps teachers and

students comprehend concepts by relating and presenting lesson on the context of prevailing

local environment, culture, and resources, (Egcas, et, al.2017). By linking new content to the

local experiences that are familiar to students, learning will be more efficient for and relevant to

them. The localization of curriculum is an essential feature of the K to 12 Curriculum. The

teacher’s guide and learners’ materials may be modified to accommodate the unique contexts of

a particular locality (Deped Order no. 35 series of 2016.)

. With these processes, teachers can present the lesson in a more meaningful and relevant

context based on the learner’s previous experiences and real-life situations. Both of which adhere

in making the lesson flexible, fit, creative, relevant, meaningful, and adoptive to students’ level

of understanding and instructional needs (Torres 2015).

In Division of Tayabas, teachers considered grade three third graders’ level of education

nowadays asa very crucial part of teaching and learning English. The h. In heterogeneous group

of pupilsthird , teacher of grade three may experience pupils that comprehending Filipino reading

materials is a problem, and teaching English subject with the competency standard and making

them interested about the topic is a new challenge. graders experienced difficulties in

comprehending reading materials in English. Teaching English subject along with the

competency standards and making pupils interested about the topic and making them connected

to subject being discussed is also are big challenge for the teachers. Based upon the principles,

teachers may able to present the lesson in a more meaningful and relevant context based on the

learner’s previous experiences and real-life situations. Both of which adhere in making the lesson

flexible, fit, creative, relevant, meaningful, and adoptive to students’ level of understanding and

instructional needs (Torres 2015).Thus, localization of reading materials intended for third

graders will enable their understanding on concepts in English subject. Likewise ,to maximize

their reading skills in understanding English language learning material.Making them related and

somewhat connected to the subject being discussed is the answer to the challenges meet by the

teachers. Localized literature is a reading materials intended for grade three which aim to

enhance their skills understanding the concept in English subject and also to maximize their

skills in understanding English language.

Background of the Study

English has always been one of the official languages of the Philippines and is spoken by Formatted: Font: Not Bold

more than 14 million Filipinos. It is the language of primary medium of instruction in education.

Proficiency in the language is also one of the country’s strengths that has helped drive the

economy and even made the Philippines the top voice outsourcing destination in the world. Even

if the Philippines is doing fine in terms of English competency, concerns on how much of a

competitive advantage it still is for the country were raised. The stakeholders agreed that the

country needs to step up its efforts in improving the teaching and learning of English, developing

it as a vital skill of the workforce. This is an initiative that could potentially strengthen the

Philippines' distinct advantage in this part of the world. To maintain the Philippines’ strength as

“English Second Language destination”, we need to address the gap in qualified ESL teachers

and the issues around ensuring the quality of ESL schools (Cabigon 2018) Formatted: Font: Not Bold

Grade threeThird graders pupils in Division of Tayabas faced difficulties in

studying English subject. Pupils’ laziness is a challenge for every teacher and they carry on the

difficulty of teaching. One of which is understanding the learning material used in English class.

According to one of the teachers of grade threein third graders in the division, the mean

percentage score ( MPS) in English only ranges from 50% to 60% t. Thishat clearly implies that

the subject did not meet at least its 86% of targetMPS, the target percentage score categorized as

high performing schools as set by the Department of Education.

The integration of the local literature in the lesson guide of the teachers is an innovation

that will benefit the learners and attaining the primary objective of the curriculum, (Florentino,

2014)Before studying cultures and literature of other provinces, it is better to use first our very

own literature in teaching English to make learning more meaningful because the content will be

more developmentally appropriate to the learners. In addition to their learning material in

English, the researcher believes that the third graders The researcher also believes that the pupils

should learn more about Tayabas culture, work and tradition. With this topic, pupils can easily

relate and caught their interest and attention have to learn more about Tayabas literature about

culture, work and tradition.

The researcher wants aims to improve the learning competency skills of pupils third

graders in English with the help of the localized literaturein English Language with the help of

localized literature. Since the grade three pupils are lack of interest in studying the English

subject, the developed localized literature clearly aims to improve the pupils’ competency level

based on the content and performance standards set by the Department of EducationTo achieve

more active participation of third graders in English, the developed localized literature will be

developed based on the content and performance set by the DepEd. Likewise, it may help the

third graders to develop learning English subject using a material that is already familiar to

them.The researcher personally experience that if the characters of the story is being changed

into someone they know they easily get interested and they want to listened very eagerly then the

result of their quizzes improved, thus, she concluded if the topic in the English subject is familiar

to them , they will also develop the habit of studying English subject.

In the light of the above reasoncircumstances, the researcher chose wants to conduct her a

study about on “Localized Literature in Teaching English to for Third Graders under K to -12


Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to develop instructional materials that will be used as

localized literature and served as a English learning materials for the third graders in the Division

of Tayabas City.

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Specifically, this study aims focuses to achieve the following:

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1. Assess the least learned-competencies of the pupils as to the following dimensions:in English

1.1. Noting details

1.2. Sequencing events

1.3 Cause and Effect

1.4. Picture Clues

1.5. Context Clues

1.6 Capitalization

1.7 Degrees of Adjectives

1.8 Spelling

2. Develop a localized literature (Tayabense) that can be used in teaching English to third graders

to improve their least learned competencies.

3. Find any significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of the pupils after using the

localized literature.

34. Evaluate the level of acceptabilityquality of the developed localized material as to:

34.1 Content,Suitability of the objectives

34.2 Clarity of LocalizationRelevance of the materials, text and graphics,

34.3 Relevance,Language Appropriateness

3.4 Level of Difficulty

34.54 Authenticity, andAccuracy of the Content and information

34.65 AUp-to-datedness

3.7 Suitability of Methodologies to experiences and maturation level of


3.8 Presentation

ppeals to the Target Users.


Ho= There is no significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of the pupils after using

the localized literature.

Significance of the Study


Localized literature in teaching English is one of the curriculum innovations made by

teachers to make learning more meaningful and culturally oriented. It makes learners more

literate and competent in learning English and its different domain. The following persons are

assumed to be the beneficiaries of this study.

Pupils. The use of localized literature will helps the pupils to enhance their skills in

English competencies in English once it is validated and accepted. It will inculcates their skill in

thinking and develops their learning process. Because the literature is locally made, it will helps

the pupils understand more of the concepts written in English language. It will helps them to

become aware of their culture as well as studying English. The interest of the pupils will

develop because they are already to the material they are using and the transfer of knowledge

will become easier.

Teachers. The developed localized material will help the teacher to enhance their

teaching using different strategies in teaching. Localized literature materials can will help

develop expertise among teachers, giving them a greater understanding of the characteristics of

effective materials. It will helps the teacher make their teaching more interesting that is to arouse

the learning interest, sustain their attention for effective learning.

School Heads. The study can be the basis to improve the curriculum program about the

localized materials. Moreover, they can include the use of localized literature in designing the

program in English subject to all grade levels. It may guide them leading school based LAC

session to motivate the teachers to make localized materials even when teaching English subject.

Future ResearchersFuture Researchers. The findings and conclusionsconclusions of

the study will be the basis of the future researchers in making further studies and making similar

localized materials in improving the pupils skills in learning English.

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Scope and Limitations

This study will focus es on developing localized literature in teaching third graders under

K to 12 Curriculum. The following domains: were, reading comprehension phonics and word

recognition, spelling grammar, vocabulary development. It is limited on assessing English

competency skills of grade three pupils. A total of one hundred forty (140) third graders pupils

from the Division of Tayabas were the respondents to be assessedwill be the respondents of the

study. They will be chosen purposively. The material will serve as guide in understanding

English competencies and a

means to show how localized literature works and be applied in teaching English among third


The instruments to be used by the researcher will be developed localized literature and a

questionnaire to reveal the students’ achievement needs after after using the materialsthe

diagnostic test. Twenty Twenty (20) teachers were given a checklist questionnaire to test the

acceptability quality of the material. The developed localized literature will be assessed for the

evaluation of the competency level of grade three pupilsthird graders. Likewise, localized

material’s s’ acceptability quality will be assesseded via its suitability of the objectives

,relevance of the materials, text and graphics, language appropriateness, level of difficulty,

accuracy of the content and information,up-to-datedness,suitability of methodologies to

experiences and maturation level of learners , presentation, and overall

content, clarity of localization, relevance, authenticity and appeal to the target users.

The study will be conducted from September January 2018 to May 2019.

Definition of Terms

For clarity of the study to guide and enlighten the readers, the following terms were

hereby defined both conceptually and operationally:

Accuracy of the Content and Information is the condition or quality of being true,

correct, or exact; precision; exactness (Farlex 2018). Operationally it is one of the

parameter to evaluate the quality of the localized literarture. Formatted: Font: Bold

Acceptability is the quality or state of meeting one's needs (Cranor, 2013). In this study, it is a

measure of the validity of the developed materials.

Appeal to Target Users refers to an earnest call for attraction of the materials. (Regencia, 2014)

Operationally, it refers to the quality of how pleasant or desirable a localized reading

assessment tool as an output.

Authenticity refers to the quality of how a task is presented genuinely and as natural as possible

(Regencia, 2014). It is a parameter of the study which evaluates if the respondents can

relate on the tasks and if they perceive these tasks as likely to be enacted in the real


Clarity refers to the quality of the assessment tool which is done accurately to create situation

relevant to the students (Regencia, 2014). Relating to this study, it is another parameter

to test acceptability of a developed assessment tool.

Capitalization refers to an act of using capital or upper case letters in a sentence. In this study it

is one of the competencies used in assessing the pupils.

Cause and Effect is a relationship in which one event (the cause) makes another event happen

(the effect) (Yolanda Williams 2015). Operationally, It is usedit is one of the

bases in assessing the pupils.pupils based on this study.

Context Clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to

understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words. Operationally, it is one of the

competencies used incompetencies that will assess the pupils.

Language Appropriateness means the extent to which an utterance is perceived as

suitable for a particular purpose and a particular audience in a particular social context

(Nordquist 2017). Operationally, it measures the suitability of the language of the

materials to the target user.

Level of Difficulty is defined as the relative difficulty of completing a task or objective. Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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Operationally it also use for the evaluation of the quality of the developed localized

literature. assessing the pupils.

Degrees of Adjectives refers to the way adjectives can incrementally increase or decrease in

intensity (Karl Sherlock 2015). In this study it is one of the competencies used in

assessing the pupils.


Localization refers to the freedom for schools or local authorities to adapt the curriculum

and the process of teaching and learning to local environment (Taylor,

2007).FunctionallyOperationally , it iis the process incorporated for developing the

English literature in teaching third graders.

Localized Literature an expression of the culture of the human being and appears in

different times and places (Nazzir Haffar 2018).In this study, it is the

material that will be used in teaching English.

Noting Details is a brief record of something that one has written down on paper. Noting of

details may be used later in a speech, an essay or any other type of future reference of

written or oral form (Matt Pacarat 2013). In connection to this study, it is one of the

competencies used in assessing the pupilsIt is one the competency to be used in

assessing the pupils.

Picture Clues refers to decoding strategies use in sounding out and blending and also

compensate for weak decoding skills in struggling readers. (Brandi Jordan 2015).

Operationally ,This is one of the competency thatit is one of the competencies used in

will be used in assessing the pupils.

Relevance of the materials, text and graphics refers to facilitate the teaching learning process

to predict out production on research finding how individuals learn and how the

materials contribute to the efficiency and variety of learning (Samuel 2009).

Operationally, it is the quality of how important the text and graphics of the materials

to the learning of the third graders.


Sequencing Events means being able to identify the components of an event in order, such as

beginning, middle, and end of a story or the steps in a science experiment.

Sequencing events in a story is a comprehension strategy for reading. Important reading skills

such as comprehension and connecting depend on the readers' ability to understand how

major events unfold. Understanding Signal words like 'first,' 'next,' 'then,' and 'after' help

readers make sense of time in reading. (Sharon Linde 2016).Operationally, iIt is

one of thealso the competencies competency used to assess the to be used in

pupilspupils’ assessment in relevance to this study.

Spelling is the choice and arrangement of letters that form words. (Richard Nordquist 2017).It is

the forming of words from letters according to accepted usage or sequence of letters

composing a word.(Merriam Webster Dictionary 2018) .As used study, it is one of the

competencies used in assessing the pupils.

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Suitability means that materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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the learner’s capacity or levels of learning .Operationally, it is use to measure the quality Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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of the developed localized materials. Formatted: Font: Not Bold
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Up-to-datedness refers to extending to the present time; current; including the latest
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information or facts (Thesaurus .com 2018). Operationally it is the parameter of the (White)
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study which evaluates the information if the presented as localized materials is

according to the present times.



This chapter deals with the review of related literature and studies that are closely related

with the researchers work, several concepts and theories which are excerpt from books, journal

and internet as well as finding of previous studies that have connections of this research work

briefly discussed.

Localized Literature in Teaching English

Mahardika (2018) concluded that the incorporation of local culture material helps the

students in learning English, the use of cultural material has decreased the foreign nuance of the

material, it reduces the stress level of the students due to the familiarity of the material. The

result of this study confirms the notion that a culturally familiar material will help students in

learning a foreign language. It is recommended for other researcher to also inquire the

effectiveness of culturally familiar material compared to less culturally familiar material in

teaching English in different level or learning.

Fernandez (2018) concluded that the use of indigenous teaching materials help lead Formatted: Normal

students become more participative in class. This is due to opportunity to integrate their culture

and tradition. There is a need to find ways n how indigenous knowledge may be integrated into

education that will bring the benefits of helping the society to sustains indigenous knowledge and

to gain respect to local culture.

In addition, tThe use of literature in language teaching was largely limited to translating

texts for grammar practice. With the advent of audio‐lingual and communicative approaches,

literature faded from ESL classrooms in favour of oral skills until a resurgence of interest in

literature led to its use for teaching grammar, vocabulary, rhetorical modes, and self‐awareness.

More recently, the additional use of literature to promote cross‐cultural sensitivity has required

teachers to make decisions about which aspects of which cultures to focus on, which literary

works to expose students to, and how best to lead instruction. This entry reviews variables for

instructor consideration when deciding text and cultural themes, and provides examples of texts

and instructional methods. Despite inherent complexities, using literature in the ESL classroom

to teach culture can engage and motivate ESL learners, as well as challenge their beliefs and

worldviews, (Bede McCormack ,2018)

Furthermore, stories have been of central importance to the human race ever since it

began, as far as we can tell. Cultures are built on stories—histories, myths and legends, fables,

religions, and so on. If students are to understand and participate in the culture to which they

belong, they must first learn about the stories that culture has been built around. And while books

aren’t the only kinds of stories out there, they are one of the most important, (Drucker 2018)

Findings reveal in the study of Lasaten and Visconde (2018) that the students respond to

English classroom tasks by participating actively in class, accomplishing tasks responsibly,

engaging socially in class, relating tasks to home and community and confidently asking and

answering questions. Further, results show that the students strongly agree of their perceptions

about contextualized and localized English classroom tasks. Also, the students have very high

level of performance in terms of participation and summative test scores when exposed to

contextualized and localized English classroom tasks.

Santos (2017) concluded in his research that all Philippine literature should have

regional literatures as their core and as their primary focus. Care should be taken to ensure

adequate attention to literacy texts and authors outside the National Capital Region , In no case

Philippine Literature be identified exclusively with the either Philippine Literature in Tagalog

or Philippine literature in English.

Thousands of teachers teach literature but many do not know how to teach it. The

literature teachers themselves have to develop more critical appreciation and understanding of

the Philippine literary works before they could impart this knowledge and appreciation to their

students.. . The Philippine Center of International PEN (Poets, Playwrights, Essayists ,

Novelist),through its workshops and projects, hopes to provides modest assistance to the

renovation in the Philippine Basic Education , particularly in the areas of reading wrting, and

literature. PEN passed a resolution to work closely with the education sector, its lwaders,

planners and administrators, and teachers and students, and education publishing industry , to

improve literature education in the country. The Philippine Center of International PEN (Poets,

Playwrights, Essayists , Novelist),The Philippine PEN recognizes that literary taste is shaped in

the schools , especially the public school system ; it is where generations must be taught to

appreciate the outstanding works of our very own writers , works that constitute the soul of our

nation (Tolentino ,2017).


However,in the study of Florentino (2014), in his study entitled “Integrating “Local

Literature in Teaching English to First Graders under K-12 Curriculum”, it is important to

develop a material that will address the specific needs of these pupils. As presented by the

sample task, the integration of a local literature (Cordilleran) in the prototype plan or lesson

guide issued to teachers is seen as a welcome innovation that will benefit the learners, especially

in the Cordilleras, to make them rooted to their cultural heritage thus attaining the primary

objective of the curriculum currently in place.

Sahr (2015) stated that literature is important because reading about history,

anthropology, or religious studies provides a method of learning about cultures and beliefs of our

own. It allows you to understand and experience these other systems of living. We get a view of

the inside looking out, a personal view and insight into the minds and reasoning of someone else.

We can learn, understand, and appreciate it.

In the study of Fien (2010)),it was stressed that formal education systems have disrupted

the practical everyday life aspects of indigenous knowledge and ways of learning, replacing them

with abstract knowledge and academic ways of learning. At present, there is a grave risk that

much indigenous knowledge is being lost and, along with it, valuable knowledge about ways of

living sustainably, (Fernandez 2018).

Lemlech (2010), stated that to develop student’s appreciation and enjoyment of a variety

of literature. Through literature, students learn about cultures and societal values. Thus, it is

important that students experience the literature of all cultural groups. She also stated that

literature approach is appropriate for all grade levels, but time allotments for skills will vary.

Teaching of English Language Arts in the K-12 CurriculumArts

Lucas, Strom, Bratkovich and Wnuk (2018) cited in his article “In-service Preparation for

Mainstream Teachers of English Language Learners: A Review of the Empirical Literature”, the

empirical literature regarding the nature and outcomes of in-service learning opportunities for

mainstream teachers of ELLs reveals that such opportunities give primary emphasis to

developing teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and skills but also give attention to encouraging

teachers to learn about their students, curriculum, and school context; engage in inquiry about

their own practice; deepen their subject knowledge for teaching ELLs; analyze and change

beliefs; and develop identities as teachers of ELLs.

Tupas (2018) concluded in his study that there are at least three theoretical routes in

reconceptualizing English language education in the world today and, more specifically, in

multilingual Philippines. The first – change what English to teach – is to describe, acknowledge,

and endorse the multilinguality of English in the country. The second – change how to teach

English – is to locate English language education within the broader educational landscape of the

country which in recent years has, to some extent, reconfigured the languages of instruction in

favor of the “mother tongues,” especially in the elementary level. The third theoretical route –

change how to think about English (and other languages, for that matter) – is to describe,

evaluate, and critique the broad ideologies and ideological structures of English language

education in the country. This assumes that the teaching of English is intricately linked with

discourses, ideologies, and unequal relations between languages beyond the formal confines of

the classroom. Thus, reconceptualizing English language education puts the spotlight on the role

of teacher ideology in the process. We cannot change the way we teach English if we do not

change the way we think about English and its role in the Philippines and the world. Here,

English language education is not only about the form(s) of English but, more importantly, about

the content of education itself, and this thus has implications for the content of English language

teacher training, textbooks and other teaching and learning materials, and everyday classroom


English language teaching in the K to 12 Curriculum is anchored on various theories. At

the base of the framework are theories of language teaching, theories of language learning and

acquisition and theories of language. A learning area Standard specifies the intended outcomes of

the English subject from K to Grade 12. For the English subject the Learning Area Standard is:

“The learner demonstrates mastery of basic skills in the English Language Arts, communicates

appropriately, fluently and orally and writes for a variety of purposes in different social and

academic context as his/her level while carrying out real life tasks necessary to cope with the

demands of a functionally literate and competent,local, national and global citizen”. The learner

listens critically to get information from text heard, demonstrates independence in using the basic

language structure in oral and written communication, and reads with comprehension are the key

standards of K to 12 Education for grade three, (Verdeflor 2017).

In this age of globalization, English is now being perceived by many as a language of

empowerment and barometer for success. Teaching English language at the earliest possible age

opens up a whole new aspect for children. It provides significantly better benefit to the

development of child intelligence. And with fluency to this language, children are given

advantages. Moreover, the reality is that English is the official legal language of the Philippines.

And it is a given fact that schools that mold future leaders demand fluency in English

(Anonymous 2017)

Educators and researchers tussle with enduring tension of what our field -may consider

English ,Breaks poem viewed 8.6 million times to date on Youtube, prompts a consideration in

English teaching and learning building upon the already present. This purposeful situation

envisions English teaching and learning as all around us, (Watson and Bruno ,2017) .

In the books of Wong and Hyland (2017), Shahida stated that English language is an

international language spoken all over the world and it is the language of science . Therefore to

promote their education and awareness with modern technologies , it is important to teach

English .

In addition, tThe English language is the most universal of all languages in the entire

world . It is being spoken in almost all parts of the world . It is the language considered to be of

great use to many of the people in many offices, banks, schools, hospitals, airports to mention a

few. It is the language that makes “the east meets the west and north to south” so to speak. Much

to the desire of the teachers as well as administrators to strengthen the learning of English , it is

lamentable to note that learners’ found difficulty in mastering the four macro skills such as

listening, speaking, reading and writing. There has been a movement to make learners rather than

teacher center of the language learning. According to this approach to teaching, learners are

more important than teachers, materials, curriculum, methods and evaluation should all design

for learners and their needs. Based on her study “Best practices in Teaching English for Grade 2:

Basis for Intervention”, there was significant relationship between the performance of the pupils

and the different practices used by the teachers. This denotes that the different practices are

effective in improving the reading ability and skills of the pupils, (Gequillana, ,2016).

Gomez (2016) revealed in the finding in her study that innovative teachers in English for

holistic learning do not just share the objective with children but may involve them in

formulating it for holistic learning because innovative strategies for holistic learning involve

creative thinking and inventive behavior . However ,However, the most common problem

encountered by the teachers is using innovative English strategies in English for holistic learning

was the integration of skills for digital age to help the pupils face new challenegeschallenges in

learning. The teacher must be creative enough to modify the teaching and learning process.

Teacher must combine different methods for innovative teaching strategies.

However, aAccording to the study of Jumantoc (2015), parents should try to provide

children on choosing proper environment and materials that will reinforce learning of English

language. Parents as well as teachers must mould the children both males and females to be

attentive and focused in studying and learning the English language.

According to Bolivar (2015), teaching English in the elementary grades plays a vital role

for employment not only within the Philippines but also abroad. Thus, before teachers go back to

the field, trainings and seminars are provided to arm them with the necessary skills and teaching

strategies to be applied on K to 12 learners. At the onset teachers, find a little difficulty, knowing

that wide use of the native language/mother tongue in most of the subjects. Not to mention the

exposure of children to traditional media, social media, TV series and cartoons dubbed in

Filipino. When English words are introduced to them, they get confused, thus they opt to read in

Filipino or in native language. This problem can be remediated through constant and correct

practice and exposure to the printed materials and oral reading.

However,understanding the relationship between language proficiency and teaching

ability has recently re-emerged as a focus in second language teacher education, particularly

through work on teacher cognition and teaching knowledge (Freeman et al., 2015). As Freeman

has observed, the ability to teach English through English requires consideration of a number of

related issues, since in language teaching, language is both the content of teaching as well as the

means by which it is taught

The teacher of English who wishes to perform the role of an educator should be

interested in helping students develop their competencies . Also in the case of foreign language

education, the teacher might affect more than purely students’ linguistic skills but he/she shapes

their minds too, (Aleksandrowska ,2015).

Bacat (2014) concluded that the respondents perceived that English teacher should follow

the set of guides of English learning competencies to tap the language skills of the learners .

Teachers should motivate their students and give comments which encourage students to do

better in class and gain confidence in speaking the English Language. They use the varied

teaching methods and techniques to enable students to develop and enhance their proficiency in


In today’s world, English is taught in orthodox manner . The basic teaching is needed.

Teaching the alphabets and formation of words is a must . But there is something that is even

more important, (Anburaj ,2014). Children must able to speak the words and understand their

meaning before writing them down. Although that there is no way other than the traditional one

to teach the basics of the language, these methods must be the students tweaked a bit as to

appeal. This has already proven by implemented like the use of stories, poems, movies, books,

newspaper tec. These methods help the students learn the language better without them actually

realizing it and it also keeps their interest.

Early and Norton (2014) also stated that depending on which the teacher instruct a given

class , language learners may consider themselves either inadequate or highly competent or

vacillate from one teacher to the next.

In the research paper of Motha (2014), there is a need for innovative approaches to

classroom pedagogy, teacher education and language policy. How should the English teacher,

whether native or non native ,native, develop a classroom practices that promote investment by

language learners ,learners, and enhance the range of identities available to them? In posing this

questions, teachers of English encourage to design learning activities that recognize the rich

diversity of the learners and affirms the knowledge ,knowledge, the language ,language, and

identities that they bring to the classroom.

Gibert (2014) ,an English teacher explains that teaching in today’s classroom “involves

negotiation with and pointed interrogation of those policies that do not serve the best interests of

teachers and students . Rather than either a blatant disregard of standards or an unwavering

devotion to them, many teachers in this decade are learning to balance federal mandates with a

dedication to authentic and meaningful learning experiences

Balancing act (Common Core State Standards)by explaining that 21st century literacy is

set of complex skills that students need to master to fully understand sophisticated literacy texts

and that English teachers responsibility is to guide students to “access , comprehend and create

literature by establishing a benchmark for the reading and writing skills and ensuring that

those skills will expand, (Cronin ,2014) .

Furthermore, the teaching of English Language is anchored on the reason of developing

communicative competence, i.e.; the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to

communicate effectively. The most wanted result of the language learning process is the ability

to communicate competently, not necessarily the ability to use the language exactly as the native

speakers of the language, (Ecarish 2014)

Norton (2013) concluded that recognizing the language learning as a social practice is

implicated in the operation of power , the construct of investment signals the socially and

historically constructed relationship of learners to the target language and their sometimes

ambivalent desire to learn and practice it. He concluded that if the learners “invest” in the target

language, they do so with the understanding that they will acquire a wider symbolic resources.

which will increase the cultural capital and social power.

Trismiyati (2013) cited in the study of Jacinto 2018, conducted for the fifth and sixth

graders of elementary school students at Panti Asuhan Aisyiyah Yogyakarta The needs analysis

was conducted to identify the learners needs as well as the components to be included in the

English materials . The result of the needs analysis was used to design the components based on

the components. He suggested the following : First, the effective materials should cover these

components : title of unit, warming up learning activities , playing games activities , reading

activities, writing activities as additional activities and self assessments . In addition there were

some properties of effective material that can proposed as follows. First grammar and language

expressions are introduce in the context . Second the materials attempt to develop the four skills

namely , listening, speaking, reading and writing skills , Third , the character building is taught

by internalized in the activities on the materials. Fourth, the materials should be made in

colourful interesting activities . The last, the inpitsinputs and material should be colourful and

related to the children’s world.

Bloomsberry International (2013) stated that the world is an increasingly globalized place

where individuals are communicating among and between multiple cultures each day. Today, an

individual has access to a vast array of information from a variety of world cultures at the touch

of a button. English is the gateway to a world of knowledge, commerce, and culture, a lingua

franca that gives a student access to the world in a way that other languages do not. English is

today the key to participating in the global conversation. The importance of learning a second

language is emphasized every day when we see the diversity of earth’s cultures and the amazing

array of people that make up our global community.

However,Based on the article published by Copland, Sue, and Burns (2013) , a number of

challenges emerged as affecting large numbers of teachers in different educational contexts,

namely, teaching speaking, motivation, differentiating learning, teaching large classes,

discipline, teaching writing, and teaching grammar. Importantly, some of these challenges have

not been highlighted in the literature on young learner teaching to date. Other challenges are

more localised, such as developing teachers' English competence. The article argues that teacher

education should focus less on introducing teachers to general approaches to English language

teaching and more on supporting teachers to meet the challenges that they have identified.

Magid and Chan (2012) claimed that helping students create and strengthen their L2 Self

through targeted visualization training is a motivational strategy that all language teachers can

use. Magid and Chan also describe two such programmes used in Hongkong and England and

provide methods to help learners visualize their future L2 Self and develop plausible action

plans. These activities can be adapted for different age groups and proficiency.

Duchene and Heller (2012) stated that language ideologies that privilege English , for Formatted: Normal

instance , are reproduce through language policies constructed by government , the acquiescence

to such policies and the use of English in different discourse with limited forms of resistance.

It is clear that the teachers’ knowledge of English as a both linguistic system and a social

practice was implicated in their perceived legitimacy as English teachers , and in their students

investment in the language practices of the English classroom, (Sayer ,2012). Hedmark

(2010,)stated that EFL teaching is focused on the development of linguistic competence, which

is basically awareness of grammar and the ability to use English according to the grammar rules

in various situations. This competence is developed by learning grammar and being exposed to

English in the form of various texts. On the other hand, reading literary texts may contribute to

the development of literary competence.

Olson (2010) in the study of Genzuk (2011), conclude that when limited - English

proficient have intermediate proficiency , They should provided full access to the entire

curriculum through the careful application of the comprehensible language strategies in specially

designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE). The focus of the instruction in the early

stages need to be on enhancing comprehension through the pacing of teacher input and through

the extensive use of non-verbal language , props, illustration and realia , etc. Long term English

learners need rigor.. They need challenging, rigorous, relevant curricula along with the

instructional strategies and targeted support based on individualized assessment .


In the study of Anggraini, Thety , and Lainasari (2011), the success of teaching English

as a second language comes from many factors .This could be from the teacher, students or

outside both of them like facilities ,and approaches ,which are commonly used by the teacher in

the teachings of lessons .One of the big factors that influence the teaching and learning of

English to students is an approach .Approaches or method is the teachers way to transfer

knowledge to the students and the way to transfer largely depends on the needs of the students

and the teachers creativity .Teacher should use an appropriate approach in order to achieve

learning goal.


In the study of Delgado (2018) about the “Localization and Contextualization and its

Influence” to the Learning Skills and Performance of the SHS TVL Students at Patnanungan

District , Patnanungan Quezon, it indicates that localization and contextualization is a very

influential teaching and learning strategy in enhancing the learning skills and performance of the

learners . Additionally, the study recommends related seminars and training promoting localized

and contextualized teaching and learning processes that can possibly improve the skills and

performance of the learners as well as the teaching abilities of the teachers.

Egcas , Tabotabo , Geroso (2017) stated that the localized curriculum is, thus, helpful to

the learners because they can easily make connections to the reading texts and easily

comprehend what they read. Hence, this present study entitled “Localized Curriculum on the

Reading Achievement of Grade 8 Students” supports the previous claim that reading in English

utilizing localized materials such as selections about one's place will enable learners to develop

their reading skills while connecting to their heritage and culture .This result strengthens the

UNESCO‟s assertion that a vital dimension of relevance of curricular content; the diversity of

local, cultural, and socio-economic realities Further, the result of the experimental study proves

that a prime factor driving the localization of school curricula and the localization of schooling

content is the ethnic and linguistic diversity of many places. This diversity must be considered

when innovating school lessons, both in terms of local relevance and in terms of linguistic

delivery, to create the vital links betweenlearner and materials .

According to DepEd Order no. 35 series of 2016, by linking new content to the local

experiences that are familiar to students, learning will be more efficient for and relevant to them.

The localization of curriculum is an essential feature of the K to 12 Curriculum. The teacher’s

guide and learners’ materials may be modified to accommodate the unique contexts of a

particular locality.

It had been learnt and found that learning in school through localized curriculum was

relevant and meaningful to the children's everyday lives and needs, the interaction between child

and school will become a more active and enriching experience, rather than a passive, tiring, or

alienating experience for the child, (Ng'onomo ,2016).

Bringas, H.A (2014), stated that to localized or contextualized curriculum is based on the

local needs and relevance learners where there are flexibility and creativity of the lessons .

Localization maximizes the materials , activities , events , and issues that are readily available in

the local government.

It can be said that localized materials can function as bridges to learning foreign

languages with the aid of elements taken from their own native language, Sara Mahabadi (2012).

Thus, it is believed that local educators should be responsible for developing a pedagogy that is

appropriate to the local context and can best help students learn a foreign language. It could be

inferred from the research that localization of materials would be beneficial to learners as it

would make the materials more familiar and thus more enjoyable for them.

DeBry (2011) proposed that localization can lead to successful change in educational

sector as cited in the study of Ranillo (2018). Relevance is important in the curriculum and

localization promotes relevance in curricula. It allows learning to become more meaningful and

can lead to quality education. The lack of it weakens the bond in community.

Moreover, Pecson (2014) cited the importance of implementing localization as it had

always been part of the educational sector of the Philippines.

One of the key terms to become successful is localization. According to Law (2013),

localization refers to the empowerment of the local forces and the emergence of the local

cultures and endogenous identity; and democratization allows not only the participation of as

many local people as possible in ruling themselves, but also the accommodation of transnational

influences and global actors to local ones. The success of one country in implementing

localization does not mean that all countries will enjoy the same success but localization has

been one of the foundation of the Philippines. The principle of localization and contextualization

is not new to Deped teachers for it is already embedded in our mission which states “To protect

and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture based and complete basic

education…” also the concept of localization and contextualization is being stipulated in the

provisions of the 1987 Constitution particularly on Article XIV, Section 14 states that “The State

shall take into account regional and sectoral needs and conditions and shall encourage local

planning in the development of educational policies and programs. “Technically speaking,

localization is the process of adapting and relating the content of the curriculum and the process

of teaching and learning to local condition, environment, and resources (Pecson, 2014)

Pecson (2014) in the study of Ranillo (2017) opined that localization and

contextualization adhere in making the lesson flexible, fit, creative, relevant, meaningful and

adaptive to the students’ understanding and instructional needs level. The concept of localization

and contextualization fall on idea that students learned best when experiences in the classroom

have meanings and relevance in their lives. Things students do and associated with them are the

learning that last forever. Applying the rule for learning by doing, applied learning and

manipulative learning is also a must in executing localization in teaching. If the students were

put in an actual learning environment letting them to manipulate, relate, and adapt to various

learning opportunities and resources available within the locality or community, profound

learning will be assured and realized. It helps teachers and students comprehend concepts by

relating and presenting lesson on the context of prevailing local environment, culture and

resources. Hence, lessons are becoming more real-life,

customized and appropriate.

Pecson (2014) cited the importance of implementing localization as it had always been

part of the educational sector of the Philippines. The excellent reading comprehension skill are a

crucial skills. It increases enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only

academically, but also professionally, and in a person's personal life.



Janovsky, (2018) stated that there are many rules you must follow when writing in the

English language. These rules generally fall under the category of grammar. One of the most

important concepts in grammar deals with capitalization.When you first learn the alphabet, you

learn the lowercase form of each letter, as well as the capital form. Capitalization, then, is using

the capital form of the first letter in a word, while all the other letters in the word remain

lowercase. Capitalization's purpose is to help show the reader the importance of different words.

Cause and Effect

Shawna (2013) cited in his article “The Importance of Cause and Effect” that it is

important for students to know and understand what cause and effect situations are. They should

be able to identify an event that is responsible for the cause that resulted in an effect. Identifying

these three things can help create analytical thinkers and minds that can work through complex

problems. It will also help students socially; they will understand and be more willing to accept

the consequences for their actions –whether good or bad.

Bermida (2011) stated that one often uses cause and effect to understand natural

phenomena or human behavior. Authors, too, rely on structure of cause and effect to enlighten,

show order, and create the plot. As they study what happened and why in history, this lesson set

will help introduce fourth graders to this important text structure that is often found in science

and social studies texts.

The author shows how information, events, or concepts (effects) happen or come into

being because of facts, events, or concepts (causes). The author may signal this pattern through

the following words: because, reason, since, therefore, accordingly, as a result, this led to so that,

nevertheless, accordingly, if....then, and thus (Zhou, 2011).

Context Clues

When attempting to decipher the meaning of a new word, it is often useful to look at what

comes before and after that word. The surrounding words can give readers helpful context clues

about the meaning and structure of the new word, as well as how it is used, (Zorfass Judy, Tracy

Gray, and PowerUp What Works ,2018).

Elleseff (2013) stated that context clues are hints of information that help us figure out

the meaning of unfamiliar words. Context clues are the words and sentences that surround a

word and help explain the word’s meaning. Context clues are hugely important because their

comprehension and effective usage leads to academic success. They can increase the child’s

vocabulary, reading comprehension, and make children better readers.

Degrees of Adjectives

Sherlock (2015) degrees of adjectives refers to the way adjectives can incrementally

increase or decrease in intensity. Just as verbs conjugate by time in the past, present, and future,

adjectives that can be conjugated in degrees in the positive, comparative, or superlative form.

The positive degree is the base form of the adjective; the comparative degree is used for

comparisons between two, phrased with "than," "as," "as…as" or "like"; and the superlative

degree assumes a "winner" in a contests among three or more nouns.

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Noting Details Formatted: Font color: Auto

Idul (2016) stated that noting details is a reading comprehension skill that involves

picking out, from a piece of text, the particular piece or pieces of information to achieve a given

purpose. These details are the ones that good readers notice and authors use to emphasize the

events and the characters in the story. Details are divided into two: 1. Implicit Details- These

details are used to describe or to define a general state. These are the details that we can't really

see. These are details that are implied but not plainly expressed. 2. Explicit Details- These are the

specific details, the details that we can see and are measurable.

Noting details are small pieces of information that support the main idea, speak about

people, events things, time, objects, circumstances, situations and manner. There are six

categories of details. They are examples, facts, statistics, reason, definition, description

(Yabbiram, 2016).

KEM (2013) in his paper “Reading Comprehension Skill” concluded that when you are

reading a text, be aware of the clues or important details that help you understand what you are

reading. This will help you answer any questions about the selection when you are done.

Picture Clues

Pictures can be valuable resources for new readers. They provide important clues about

what is happening in the story, (Pancare , 2017) . Teachers should encourage students to use the

illustrations in books to help them decode tough words, make predictions about what might

happen next, understand the sequence of events in a story and make connections between the

book and their own lives or other books they've read. Instruction should be explicit: Explain why

and how children should use pictures for each of these purposes, and model these methods

frequently. Eventually, students will learn how to use comprehension strategies without relying

on illustrations.

According to Jordan (2015) in his article “From Picture Clues to Textual Evidence”,

using picture clues or detecting, is a key strategy for beginning readers. Pictorial clues can serve

as a bridge to decoding strategies such as sounding out and blending and also compensate for

weak decoding skills in struggling readers. Pictures can also increase comprehension by

providing elaboration for a text explanation and improve recollection and retention. Teaching

students to use the detecting strategy will help support other reading strategies as they learn how

to read fluently and accurately.

Astute Hoot Tools for a Wise Teacher (2015) emphasized that detecting, or using picture

clues, is a key strategy for beginning readers. Pictorial clues can serve as a bridge to decoding

strategies such as sounding out and blending and also compensate for weak decoding skills in

struggling readers. Pictures can also increase comprehension by providing elaboration for a text

explanation and improve recollection and retention. Teaching students to use the detecting

strategy will help support other reading strategies as they learn how to read fluently and


Albano (2013) cited in her article “How English Language Teachers can use Pictures in

Class”. Students can write or tell a story by using a sequence of pictures, or, if the teacher wants

to really fire their imagination, the students can create a story based on just a single picture. This

exercise can be particularly interesting and productive if the teacher encourages students to use

specific tenses (such as past simple vs past continuous), vocabulary or functional language in

their story - for example, describing a conversation at the train station.

Sequencing Events

Sequencing refers to the identification of the components of a story, such as the

beginning, middle, and end. Included is how to apply the concept of sequencing to reading and

literature when teaching, teaching strategies such as thinking out loud or writing in a journal.

Lesson plans are also included. Practicing sequencing helps remedy both of these issues and

makes this aspect of reading comprehension second nature. If students are encouraged to identify

the parts of a story, for instance, they will be better able to retell it to someone else, as it is a

more manageable task to think of a story in pieces—the beginning, middle, and end—rather than

try to recall it as one large chunk. Sequencing activities also provide an opportunity for students

to examine text and story structure, which, in turn, strengthens their writing skills. (teacher.com


Chen (2016), sequencing is a fundamental skill that we use all day long. Whether it is

going to the bathroom or reading a story, we need to use sequencing in a variety of daily

activities. When a child has to go to the bathroom, the process is actually a complex series of

tasks. First, the child has to get up, walk to the bathroom, open the door, go into the bathroom,

and then close the door.


Gordon (2010 )as cited in the article of Taboh (2018), the greatest force that impedes the

learning of spelling is a lack of interest or presence of undesirable attitude towards instruction.

Such force may afflict the learning of spelling once there are no rules that can alleviate the yoke

of memorization.

As cited by Gagen (2013)stated that effective spelling instruction is a process of

developing and expanding of skills , begins by building strong foundation , adds the complexities

and eventually advances to higher level skills and linked to a strong direct systematic phonics

program . It begins by teaching to “write the sounds of simple decodable”words to establish the

strong phonologic processing base for recording words

In addition , he stated that effective programs systematically expand the child’s

knowledge of the phonemic code , teach expected patterns and allow practices of these spelled

pattern . The spelling instruction explicitly teaches helpful spelling guidelines . In addition,

student continually practices correct spelling , acquires knowledge of expected patterns and

begin to memorize some of the tricky and irregular words

To read words and comprehend the plot of a story, a child must first perceive a letter,

associate a sound with the letter, be able to do the same for surrounding letters, and then put the

letters together into meaningful words. To understand the plot of a story, it is important to follow

what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. When we stop to think about it,

sequencing is a crucial piece of almost everything we do. Helping children sequence can help

them learn routines and develop key academic skills like reading comprehension and scientific


Conceptual Framework

The use of local literature will beneficial to the pupils because they will become

familiarize with their culture as well as learning foreign language. Studies in other countries

found that using local literature is a success because pupils can relate to it and the material is

already familiar to them. Since using local literature rooted from their own culture bringing the

pupils into activities will be interesting to them. It also reduces the pupils’ confusion about the

topics in English because of their relativity to the material. As cited by Mahardika (2018),the

incorporation of local culture in learn9ng English reduces the stress level of the students because

they become familiar in the material presented by the teacher.In addition, literature helps in the

pupils to learn the basics of second language which are the reading, writing, speaking and

listening. Literature inculcates the knowledge of the pupils about learning English subject.

Nowadays, English language is a crucial part of teaching –learning process. Teachers

should learn new teaching approaches and method in needs of the new K-12 curriculum. In the

journal of Aleksandrowska (2015), educators should be interested in helping students develop

their competencies. In Foreign language education, they might affect more than purely students

linguistic skills. Teaching English languages has many branches of competencies to achieve or at

least pupils have to develop so the teachers have to encourage learners to study English language

reconstructing the curriculum, using new ways of teaching strategies. It will be challenging task

to teachers but it may achieve learning goals of teachers and pupils. In the study of Jumantoc

(2015), teachers and parents should reinforce and choose proper environment to learn English


Localization plays an important role in teaching. Pupils will have a broader knowledge

about what they read and discussed inside the classroom. The diversity of the pupils is

emphasized innovating new materials that make pupils more enjoy while learning today’s

curriculum. According to Sarah Mahabadi (2012), localized materials can function as bridges to

learning foreign languages with the aid of elements taken from their own native language. It is a

powerful tool in the teaching – learning process of pupils. Local context in learning will make

learners understand the cultures that happened within environment. Localization is about

appreciating the things that we already have.

Research Paradigm

PROCESS Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

INPUT Construction of questionnaire Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Reading of books , Validation of questionnaire OUTPUT Formatted: Centered
journals and browsing Administration of try out Test Acceptable Quality Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
electronic sources Conducting of Pre- Test Instructional Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
about Local Literature Analysis of Data Materials with
in Teaching English Conducting of Diagnostic Test Localized Literature
under K-12 Analysis of Data Gathered
curriculum Making of Materials with Localized
Literature Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Acceptability Evaluation of the Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Instructional Materials using
Localized Literature
Conducting of Pre- Test

Figure 1: A modified Input –Process-Output (IPO) Model in the Development of Localized

Literature as an Instructional Materials

Figure I showsshows the research paradigm which illustrates that the first stage Formatted: Justified

which involves reading books, journals, and electronic sources. The second stage involves the

construction, validation, and administration of try –out questionnaire. It also involves conducting

the diagnostic test, acceptability of the materials, and the, analysis of data gathered from the

respondents , making of materials with localized literature and evaluation of the quality of

materials. The third and final stage of the paradigm is the conformation of the output of the

research which shows instructional materials with localized literature as an effective teaching


Formatted: Justified


Formatted: Justified

Chapter III


This chapter provides presents the research design and statistical treatment that will be

used inuse in this conducting study. It will also identifiesidentify the respondents and the

sampling techniques employed. Validation techniques for instrument and data gathering will

complete the procedure being utilized.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at the in the schools in the Division of Tayabas City because

third graders in this school find difficulties in studying English language but they can easily

engage to the lesson if they are already familiar in the topic being discussed. The researcher will

localize the literature and used it in teaching third graders based on grade three

. The researcher chose clusters schools in the Division of Tayabas due to the proximity and

accessibility of the researcher. K-12 curriculum guide. In relation to this, the researcher is

an elementary teacher who is interested to help the third graders in improving the performance in

English language through the development localized literature.

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

Population and Sampling

The respondents of the study will be the thirty twenty(230) grade three teachers out of

from fifty nine (59) teachers from in different the public elementary schools in Tayabas City

and one hundred forty (140) pupils from different schools in Division of Tayabas

Through purposive sampling, the researcher will choose and the Dapdap Integrated

School, Tayabas West Central School I, Tayabas West Central School II, Tayabas West Central

School III, Tayabas West Central School IV and Tayabas East Central School for pre-test and

postdiagnostic test. It also means that the pupilsThe pupils will also be selected knowing that the

pupils haddue to the low performance in English subject.

Twenty (20) grade three teachers in Tayabas City will validate the localized literature.

The researcher will employ random sampling particularly convenience sampling wherein the

participating teachers are selected based on the proximity and accessibility of the researcher.

The scheduled time for easy execution of diagnostic test in English was will be

donefollowed based on the schedule made by the researcher as well asand the adviser of the


Research Design

The study will use single group quasi-experimental design with somewhat more structure,

there is a single selected group under observation, with a careful measurement being done before

applying the experimental treatment and then measuring after. This design has minimal internal

validity, controlling for selection of subject and experimental mortality. According to Scott

(2008), experimental design is a way to carefully plan experiments in advance so that results are

both objective and valid. It was also dealt with revealing teachers’ perception in the acceptability

of the localized literature in terms of its content, clarity, relevance, authenticity and appeal to the

target users. The study will used mixed methods research design particularly sequential

exploratory design that involves collecting, analysing and integrating quantitative and qualitative

research. In this design, qualitative data collection and analysis is followed by quantitative data

collection and analysis. The priority is given to the qualitative aspect of the study, and the

findings are integrated during the interpretation phase of the study.

The researcher will give a test to third graders from different schools in Tayabas to

diagnose their knowledge about the instructional materials to be used. The researcher will

develop localized materials for the exploratory group. It was also dealt withIn this study, the

validation of developed localized literature will reveal theing teachers’ perception in the

acceptability quality of the localized literature in terms of its suitability of the objectives

,relevance of the materials, text and graphics, language appropriateness, level of difficulty,

accuracy of the content and information, up-to-datedness, suitability of methodologies to

experiences and maturation level of learners , presentation, and overall quality of materials.

content, clarity, relevance, authenticity and appeal to the target users.The result will be

interpreted using appropriate tools


There were are three two instruments to be used in gathering the data of the study . They

were are as follows:.

I. Pre – Test /PostDiagnostic Ttest

The respondents’ rresult in the pre test and post testdiagnostic test given by the researcher

wereresearcher will be included in the profile. This test will be composeding of forty thirty (340)

items. This pre-testdiagnostic test will be given to know the will be based on fourth grading least

learned competencies of K-12 curriculum guide of the third graders in the fourth grading period

and will be validated by the English critic.the pupils based on curriculum guide .

1. Least Learned Competencies: The learner is expected to listen attentively to get

information from text heard; demonstrate independence in using the basic language structure in

oral and written communication; and read with comprehension (Nobleza 2012). In this study

,study, the researcher will make developed localized literature based from result of the pupils’

third graders’ the least learned competencies. .

Formatted: Font: Not Bold


II. Development of Localized Literature

1. Identification of Topics. The researcher will develop her own selections and stories focused

focusing on historical stories about in Tayabas . The researcher will seek guide torefer some of

the localized literature found at the library of Tayabas City. Some of them it includes books and


2. Planning. .for Ththe framework, organization, content and authentic strategies/ activities of

the material will be needed. The researcher will make the outline and listed possible strategies in

teaching literature based from the gathered information.

3. Construction of Table of Specification

The Tatable of S specifications based on Anderson Taxonomy (2000) will be constructed

based on the content of the material that willto be used by the researcher. The total number of

items for each competency ies will be taken by dividing the numberthe number of days

allotteddays toallotted on a that particular topic divided by the total teaching days times the

total number of items. In this specificationthe Table of Specification, seven (7) items will prepare

to measure remembering, nine (9)items will bw included to assess their understanding , while

thirty wenty- four (3024) items divided equally for remembering, understanding ,applying,

analyzing and understandingevaluating.

The test will be based on English competencies of third graders in the fourth grading

period. It includes noting details, sequencing of events, cause and effect, picture clues , context

clues, capitalization and degreess of adjectives.


4. Design and Development of Localized Literature. The researcher will design a localized

literature suited to the third graders curriculum guide. The develop materials will be carefully

studied and improve to have an effective and enjoyable materials.

III. Validation of the Quality of Material

1. Validation of the Localized Literature. After the production of the localized literature, the

researcher will present it to research adviser for validation.

2. Construction of the Initial Draft. The researcher will construct the initial draft of the

localized literature.

3. Face and Content Validation of the Localized Literature. Checked by the research adviser,

the researcher presented the face and content validation to grade threwill ask help from three (3)

grade three(3) teachers for their comments and suggestions. The researcher will mamakde the

final revision of the localized literature based from their suggestions.

4. English Grammar Critic of Localized Reading Material. The researcher askedwill ask

English language teacher to check the grammar of the localized literature reading material.

Revision. The researcher will present the instrument to her the research adviser for herim to

check the changes in the localized literature reading material based from the comments and

suggestions of the teachers who validated it.

IIIIV. Production of Acceptability of Localized Reading MaterialEvaluation of the Quality

of the Developed Localized Materials. The researcher used different parameters tTo

developdevelop the instrument for the evaluation of the quality of the developed localized Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Font: Not Bold

materialsacceptability, the researcher will adopt and modify suitable questionnaire. . It will be Formatted: Font: Not Bold

composed of five nine (85) categories; content of materials, clarity of the materials, and

relevance of the material, authenticity and appeal to the target userssuitability of the objectives ,

relevance of the material text and graphics, language appropriateness, level of difficulty,

accuracy of the content and information, up-to-datedness, suitability of the methodologies to

experiences and maturation of the learners, and presentation . Each category haves questions

respectively and was given corresponding choices such aswith choices ranging from Very

Satisfactory(VS), Satisfactory (MS), Unsatisfactory (U), Very Unsatisfactory (VU)Very Much

Acceptable (VMA), Moderately Acceptable (MA), Fairly Acceptable (FA), and Not Acceptable


Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will give a letter of permission to validate the diagnostic test to English

critic. After the face to face validation of the diagnostic test , a try out test will be conducted to

20 pupils who non –respondents in the study to check the difficulty index of the questionnaire

and its appropriateness to the respondents of the study . A letter of permission will be given to

the Division Superintendent and principals of schools in Tayabas in to allow the researcher to

conduct the diagnostic test. The researcher will conduct diagnostic test to one hundred forty

(140) third graders pupils. Also, the researcher will get the least learned competency of the

pupils based on the result of the diagnostic test. It will be the basis of the researcher developing

localized materials. AThe necessary permits to conduct the research will be secured from the

Division of Tayabas office and schools by the researcher. A letter of approval will be sought

fromgiven to the principals of the twenty (selected 20) teachers in public elementary schools in

Tayabas City to validate the developed localized materials .and to the principal of Dapdap

Integrated School to allow the researcher to conduct her study. Pretest will be given on February Commented [A3]:
Commented [A4]:
to the pupils from Dapdap Integrated School. After the pretest, the researcher will get the least Commented [A5]:
Commented [A6]:
learned competencies of the test items. The researcher will develop localized literature in English Commented [A7]:

to be used by the pupils. The questionnaire about the material will be validated by the English

teachers in Tayabas to test its validity. After three weeks, the administration of the post test will

be done. The results will be sorted, tallied, tabulated and , subjecteded to statistical treatment and


Statistical Treatment

To determine the level of English competency skills of the pupils based from K-12

curriculum, the formula will be used:

X= ∑


∑ = sum of scores

N = number of students

P = x 100%


P= percentage

f = frequency

n= number of respondents

To describe the performance of the pupils, their scores were transmuted and the following

descriptors were adapted from DepEd Memo Number 8, series 2015.

Descriptors Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed

Very satisfactory 85-89 Passed

Satisfactory 80-84 Passed

Fairly Satisfactory 75-79 Passed

Did Not Meet Expectations Below 75 Failed

To determine the acceptability level of the localized assessment tool, the weighted mean

will be used by the researcher:

WM = 4f + 3f + 2f + 1f


WM = weighted mean

f = frequency distribution

n = total number of respondents

To determine the rating of the quality level of the localized assessment tool, the scale

below will be used adapted from Veniegas (2018).

Point Scale Range Interval Descriptive Formatted: Font: Bold

Formatted: Font: Bold
Rating Formatted: Font: Bold

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly

AcceptableVery Satisfactory (VMAVS)

3 2.50- 3.24

Acceptable Satisfactory(SMA)

2 1.75-2.49 Fairly

AcceptableUnsatisfactory (UFA)

1 1.00-1.74 Not

AcceptableVery Unsatisfactory (VUNA)

In determining the significant difference in the scores before and after using the localized

assessment tool, the t-test formula for dependent samples will be used.

t= 2
√𝑛 ∑ 𝐷2 −(∑ 𝐷) /𝑁−1

The following symbols stand for:


D= difference

N= number of pupils

D²= required difference

1= constant

t= Test value



This chapter presents the result of the study revealed through descriptive analysis and

interpretation of the gathered data. Tabulated data are analyzed statistically and are discussed to

answer the specific problems stated in the study.


Making connections in reading by making authentic material and relatable content to the

learners may increases the possibility of learning. By using localized literature in teaching

English subject, pupils develop love for reading through innovation of materials they will use.

Low skilled pupils become more active learners through the engaging and meaningful activities

offered by the localized material. DepEd Order no. 35 series of 2016 stated that by linking new

content to the local experiences that are familiar to students, learning will be more efficient for

and relevant to them. The localization of curriculum is an essential feature of the K to 12

Curriculum. The teacher’s guide and learners’ materials may be modified to accommodate the

unique contexts of a particular locality. According to Ng'onomo 2016), it had been learnt and

found that learning in school through localized curriculum was relevant and meaningful to the

children's everyday lives and needs, the interaction between child and school will become a more

active and enriching experience, rather than a passive, tiring, or alienating experience for the


Table 1
Summary of Diagnostic Test Percentage Score and Qualitative Interpretation

COMPETENCIES Percentage Qualitative Interpretation

Noting Details 74% Fairly Satisfactory

Sequencing Events 53% Did not meet expectation

Cause and Effect 51% Did not meet expectation

Picture Clues 69% Did not meet expectation

Context Clues 51% Did not meet expectation

Average Percentage 60% Did not meet expectation

Table 1 shows the summary of the diagnostic test percentage score and qualitative

interpretation indicates that the third graders in schools in Tayabas City has low performance in

competencies in noting details, sequencing events, cause and effect , picture clues and context

clues. The pupils got 74% or fairly satisfactory in noting details, 53% in sequencing events, 51%

in cause and effect and picture clues and 69% in picture clues which has the qualitative

interpretation of “Did not meet expectation”. It also indicates that the pupils are not aware to

what they read and have difficulty in understanding the idea in the story presented in the

diagnostic test.

From the study of Bolivar (2015), teaching English in the elementary grades plays a vital

role in the community. Teachers go back to the field, trainings and seminars are provided to arm

them with the necessary skills and teaching strategies to be applied on K to 12 learners.

However, Pupils find a little difficulty in English subject knowing that wide use of the native

language/mother tongue in most of the subjects. The exposure of children to traditional media,

social media, TV series and cartoons dubbed in Filipino is one of the factors. When English

words are introduced to the K-12 learners, they get confused, thus they opt to read in Filipino or

in native language. This problem can be remediated through constant and correct practice and

exposure to the printed materials and oral reading.

Therefore, Freeman (2015) observed that the ability to teach English requires

consideration of a number of related issues, since in language teaching, language is both the

content of teaching as well as the means by which it is taught. For this reason, the researcher

arrived to this study.

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