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-born on February 3, 1992

- 2002 - our family met all my family at my grandmother's house
-2008 - I travel to different places in Peru (Lima, Iquitos, ICA)
-2011 my grandmother dies
-June 11, 2017 I suffer a car accident with a friend he dies.
-2018 - I keep making lots of friends
what I have in my refrigerator

a piece of meat
1 bottle of yogurt
3 apples
an egg box
a piece of cake
1 jar of orange
a portion of butter
5 lemons
10 tomatoes
1 bag of pea
2 cucumbers

Miss por motivos de que no puedo entrar al Richmond , no se porque tengo libro , pongo lo
dado en clase y no me abre el Richmond aqui adjunto mi trabajo hecho con un compañero

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