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- Wish is granted

- wish comes true

- At the front of the line
- Monkey see, monkey do!
- Do it my way, or go the highway!
- Some times it is relationship & sometimes it is relation shit!
- The best solution of pollution is dilution!
- March Madness
- Madison Square Garden.
- Before Christ
- How are youse ? (means how are the two of you)
- sooner or later
- on the contrary ‫على العكس تماما‬
- Democrats and Republicans
- just to be contrary
- He says one thing and then does the contrary
- alligator tears
- tractor-trailer truck.
- come into effect ‫يصبح ساري المفعول‬
- even though ‫رغم أن‬
- trial and error ‫التجربه و الخطأ‬
- House of Commons ‫مجلس العموم‬
- myself included
- Another day, another dollar
- Justice requires that the good be rewarded and the evil be punished.
- The dog ate my homework
- “A stitch in time saves nine”
- AM radio is amplitude modulated, while FM is frequency modulated
- ROM is read-only memory, while RAM is random-access memory
- foreign office ‫وزارة الخارجيه‬
- Pessimism makes one see the half-full glass as half empty
- There’s always a u following the q—as long as it’s an English word
- Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
- hit-and-run driver
- attorney general ‫النائب العام‬
- Sacred Month ‫الشهر الحرام‬
- Dome of the Rock ‫قبة الصخره‬
- Take the veil ‫ تصبح راهبه‬-‫تترهب‬
- In grammar, a phrase is much like a sentence, except that a phrase does not convey a complete
- Pie-in-the-sky ‫سمك في ميه‬
- Soluble means capable of being solved or dissolved !
- Similar in appearance, but not in structure
- wall calendar ‫نتيجة حائط‬
- rushing water ‫ماء جاري‬
- Self destruction ‫إنتحار‬
- To the best of my knowledge
-maiden name ‫إسم أسرة المرأه قبل الزواج‬
- Bulk buy ‫الشراء بالجمله‬
- Protagonists and antagonists ‫مؤيدون و معارضون‬
- Pestle and Mortar ‫الهون و المدق أو اليد الخاصه به‬
- Drive sober or get pulled over!
- Lessons have been learnt
- There is no point
- Flights of fantasy
- next of kin
- History does not sit still
- per annum
- Look beyond the obvious
- All of our actions should have a purpose
- position of attention
- “Better late than never”
- First and foremost
- for instance = for example ‫على سبيل المثال‬
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
- Western European Standard Time (WET) is the same time as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
- It should be emphasised
- Without doubt
- pros and cons ‫مميزات و عيوب‬
- Birth control ‫تحديد النسل‬
- crash helmet ‫خوذة الصدمات‬
- beyond compare ‫ال يقارن‬
- as a rule ‫ كمبدأ‬-‫عادة‬
- fishing rod ‫سناره‬
- lightning rod ‫مانع الصواعق‬
- ill treat ‫يسيئ معامله‬
- freedom of information
- In essence ‫في األساس‬
- Of note
- double-edged sword
- ill usage ‫معامله قاسيه أو جائره‬
- So far so good
- Necessity is the mother of invention
- Once upon a time there was this …………..
- The foundation stone was laid in 2015
- Sit the test
- That’s definitely the case
- At your finger tips
- Morning peak time ‫وقت الذروه الصباحيه‬
- Aggressively marketed
- The keeper god
- installment plan ‫دفع بالتقسيط‬
- It is a matter of life and death
- at the beginning, in the middle, at the end
- father, mother and brothers are called immediate or nuclear family, wider family is called
extended family
- Step father ‫زوج األم‬
- Step mother ‫زوجة األب‬
- Step brother and sister ‫أبناء زوج األم من زواج آخر غير أمي أو أبناء زوجة األب من زواج آخر غير أبي‬
- Half brother and sister ‫أبناء أمي من زواجها بشخص غير أبي أو أبناء أبي من الزواج بإمرأه غير أمي‬
- Apartment block ‫مجمع سكني‬
- catch up on rest
- provide data on/ information on
- another + singular (another city)
- other + plural (other cities)
- I like living by the sea
- Prevention is better than cure
- double-edged sword
- At a time ‫ في نفس الوقت‬-‫في مره واحده‬
- The day before last ‫أول أمس‬
- once-and-for-all
- piece of advice
- hand in hand
- in light of
- in broad terms
-Wish me luck ‫إدعيلى‬
- Let George do it ‫فى المشمش‬
- Consider it done ‫اعتبره حصل‬
- I have connections ‫ليا اتصاالتى‬
- He's got a spine ‫اللى ليه ضهر‬
- My treat ‫على حسابي‬
- Come what may ‫تيجى زى ماتيجى‬
- It's in now ‫دى ع الموضة‬
- You have my word ‫كالم رجالة‬,‫وعد‬
- Still in the pink ‫لسه فى عز شبابه‬
- I feel guilt ‫أنا حاسس بالذنب‬
- drop by later = Stop by later ‫ إبقي عدى علينا‬, ‫إبقي فوت علينا‬
- I fell asleep ‫كبس عليا النوم أو نمت غصب عنى‬
- Even Steven = call it even ‫يبقي خالصين‬
- Adjectives describe things while adverbs describe actions
- first name = Christian name = given name
- Last name = surname = family name
- the prefix “im” is used with words starting with M or P only
- If = when = provided that = on condition that
- First syllable stress for nouns and second syllable stress for verbs.
- Zero = oh = nought
- Be patient and you will be rewarded.
- MOT testing system: is an annual test of vehicle safety, roadworthiness aspects and exhaust
emissions required in Great Britain for most vehicles over three years old used on any way defined
as a road in the Road Traffic Act 1988
- pave the way to
- In the day time & at the night time
- Common collocations: tall buildings, high prices, black & white, salt & pepper, hot & cold, north-
south-east & west, short film, long walk, small house, large family
- foreground & background
- For IELTS reading: skimming and scanning
- Yes, I agree with some of this, but disagree with other part of it.

- chance favours only the prepared mind


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